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File: 131 KB, 800x800, ffx-art-1640032077055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9777226 No.9777226 [Reply] [Original]

when does this thing get interesting

>> No.9777232

>This is my story

>> No.9777239


>> No.9777243

It doesn't, Tidus is the worst crybaby in RPG history. He's almost as retarded as Snow.

>> No.9777247

when you get Auron

>> No.9777269

I've turned around on this game completely since I first played it. Come to appreciate its finer points. Are there any other JRPGs with a bog cast where you have all of your characters in every battle? Swapping them in and out was a great idea.
Do any other FFs do that?
I guess XI and XIV do if you want to kick people out halfway.

>> No.9777284

Auron is literally me, he's a boomer but he's also an anime edgelord. The badass grumpy all-American one liners with the angst of 2000's youth, me perpetually

>> No.9777292


>> No.9777297

This. The game is good from cover to cover.
I named my dog Auron.

>> No.9777347
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It doesn't, sadly. It's the most overrated mainline FF game. The combat and progression is particularly awful.
>be me
>enter new zone
>wow a flyer got to use wakka or lulu
>wow an armor guy got to use auron or kimharhi
>o look a normal guy got to get a hit from tidus in
>o need to use rikku for a steal
>better get some yuna in for gud measure
Then you go to the next zone and you are fighting ACTUAL LITERAL RESKINS from the last zone
Then you got the spheregrid, which people hail as the greatest progression system in jarpigs, but really it's just a gui on top of a 100% linear progression system which creates the illusion of choice. Even if you play the international version you just pick a direction and it's linear from there on out. I don't hate X, it's just too overrated. X is the normie game journalists FF of choice.

>> No.9777409
File: 108 KB, 1200x675, wakka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It picks up once you meet Wakka.

>> No.9777441

Battles really suck because you don't share XP with party members who didn't fight, so you gotta cycle everybody through to get at least one turn

>> No.9777501

Based beyond belief. 98% of people that claim to dislike it haven't played, they've seen the lolquirkysorandomnocontext laughing scene and regurgitate "muh linear" because they've read other people say that before.

>> No.9777513

The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age is the exact same combat system.

>> No.9777584

When you turn the console on, anon. Please try that before you start complaining.

>> No.9777586

based racist Wakka

>> No.9777590

>Tidus is the worst crybaby in RPG history
He's positive and optimistic, and his outside perspective/dissatisfaction with the status quo is instrumental in encouraging the party to find a better way
And he cries once or twice over significant family issues because he was written to have a believable personality and a personal stake in the story

>> No.9777607

you are correct
>bad laughing
>in a scene where bad laughing is the whole point
>it works, cheering both characters up as the laughter becomes genuine

>> No.9777634

Oh shit, nice! Thanks for the heads up, anon.

>> No.9777658

I have never played this game at all.....Beyond the hotswapping of characters, is it decent? Going to pull up a video review right now, but interested in some opinions here too.

>> No.9777673

Noah Antwiler and his consequences have been a disaster for final fantasy

>> No.9777674

FFX is great and in many ways it's the game FF8 was supposed to be, in both narrative and gameplay. The Sphere Grid is cool as hell, hotswapping is long overdue and finally here, the music is amazing, and they finally made an FF where the entire party is important to the story instead of 2-4 of them. It also has a sexy goth lady. Skip the video review and play it today

>> No.9777676

I meant the LOR game the other anon posted. FFX is one of my favorite games in history, and I'd kill someone to be able to play it for the first time again.
This is me. He's 10 years old now.

>> No.9777689

Spoony was always a faggot with shit taste.

>> No.9777705
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Here he comes anon

>> No.9777774
File: 18 KB, 474x267, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not his story. He's about as believable as this guy.

>> No.9777792

as a kid i played up until they revealed the final summoning would kill yuna and seeing all the characters agonize over something that was so blatantly obvious combined with the braindead combat system made me drop it

khimari sucks lulu sucks rikku sucks. the only good characters are tidus auron and wakka

>> No.9777804

Every character in FFX is stupid beyond belief. They seem to just stumble into the obvious and ar all like.

"OMG he's a bad guy?"

Fking DUH, if you paid attention in your own game you'd have seen this coming 8 hours ago.

>> No.9777809

That's the cool thing. It doesn't.

>> No.9777829

Seriously, when you get the airship, near the tail end of the story. Then it goes from borderline horrendous to the best game on the console.

The actual story is an incredibly railroaded sequences of half hour cutscenes that barely develop a narrative, instead relying on cryptically hinting at 'secrets' the other characters know but just won't tell you and dragging out their reveal for as long as possible while you walk from place to place and encounter mostly lame side characters. This is interspliced with actually basic and repetitive but convoluted seeming combat in the way these games are.

This is the case until you reach the end game, at which point the game massively opens up and gives you real reason the explore the game' world. It's at the point, and this point only, that you can really appreciate the work put into the game's environments and music, due to not being harassed by nonsense being forced down your throat. The result is a borderline masterpiece in spite of everything working against it beforehand.

>> No.9777845

you're a retard but at least your shitty take is different from the usual

>> No.9777848

>the ground level perspective of a character in the game is the same as my omniscient outsider's perspective
literal retard

>> No.9777861

FFX is not Tidus' story, but he has a personal stake in it, unless you want to pretend the whole Zanarkand/Jecht stuff should be unimportant to him for some reason
I'm not saying he's the most believable character ever written, but by JRPG standards he's pretty believable
the 'tidus is just a whiny crybaby' crowd don't seem to understand emotions

>> No.9777872

it doesn't require anything near omniscience, which is why it's a writing issue. there's an awful lot of pilgrimage time spent not thinking about very basic shit

>> No.9777873

>and seeing all the characters agonize over something that was so blatantly obvious
I'm pretty sure they already knew that part? Except the outsiders, Tidus and Rikku
There were some other revelations about final aeons and Sin and shit that they didn't know, but none of that should have been obvious to them

>> No.9777875

Every decent piece of fiction require the characters not see what is obvious to the viewer. They are not "genre-savvy", that's where you get awful ironic Joss Whedon writing that is constantly insulting its own medium and premise

>> No.9777876
File: 155 KB, 1000x1270, rikku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X is hailed for the graphical progression of the time and for its truly well-told story. It's also the first Final Fantasy with voice acting.
>He said it! "Voice acting!"
>Got 'im!!
>Now I'm going to explode with trolling!!!
desu, I don't think I know why I visit the internet to discuss things anymore. It's just a shit-bin of children screaming.

>> No.9777887

give one example

>> No.9777890

The script and overall writing of FFX is an abomination. I swear the person who wrote it has unironic autism. Every single conversation or interaction between the characters is so obnoxiously stilted and non human

>> No.9777894

Trolling outside of /b/ is a banworthy offense.

>> No.9777898

so alternative is to insult the viewer's intelligence?

>> No.9777903

more of a directing issue that is inherent to J-slop due to its inherent cringe factor that you are autistic for not being able to look past or even appreciate
also your criticism of the writing is doubly retarded, it's like saying tolkien is shit because it doesn't mirror the conversation you had at the mcdonalds drive through today, you're genuinely retarded
I'm sensing a pattern, people who criticize this game don't appear to have two brain cells to slam together

>> No.9777917

You would have a point if the game was tongue in cheek like RE4 and obviously leaning into it, but it's not. It's totally played straight. You're actually supposed to watch these robotic interactions, and weird overly drawn out and "DO YOU GET IT YET" sequences and not mock them

>> No.9777921

Also the dude comes to one day to find out his world doesn't even exist, and has to learn to deal with it. Later on he finds out his world DOES exist but only as a dream and he isn't real, he's only the answer of people's prayers to break an endless cycle. The dude has a LOT of shit to sort through and it would be overwhelming for anyone.

>> No.9777927

The story is not supposed to be fooling YOU, fucking retard. You've been poisoned by jewish hacks passing off as writers with cheap gimmicks

>> No.9777930

Most characters in the party knew already they just didn't tell Tidus because they knew he'd react badly

>> No.9777931

That's retarded. You're basically advocating for the non-existence of plot twists.

>> No.9777935

I gave up on the game's writing with the SIN IS YOUR FATHER scene. It's a mechanically competent game, but you've got to ignore basically everything else to enjoy it.

>> No.9777936

>The story is not supposed to be fooling YOU
What kind of idiotic cope is this? The entire story hinges on the player not knowing what's going on, and intentionally trying to mislead them.

>> No.9777960

And he pretty much takes it in his stride, supports Yuna all the way despite the consequences to himself, and just cries about his dad once or twice because why wouldn't he?

>> No.9777964

what's bad about that?

>> No.9777968

He does vent, but if I met a dude in his predicament I'd make him a home cooked meal and tell him to get it all out. He had to vent because of the massive weight of what he has been through. But while he may have had those moments, he got right back up onto his feet, put a smile back on his face so his friends didn't worry, and kept right on going. Tidus looks like a scrawny butt-pirate of a kid but the dude's a literal Chad among FF Protags.

>> No.9777969

>The story is not supposed to be fooling YOU
it was a plot twist. just a very obvious one.

>> No.9777973

He's that specific type of Western nerd that loves old-school WRPGs and is hyper-critical of Japanese media.

>> No.9777978
File: 61 KB, 355x600, Yunalesca_artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To you, the player. Literally 100% of the other characters in FFX KNEW the summoner would die in their winning combat against Sin. The only thing they didn't know, which was revealed, was
>The Final Aeon, used to defeat Sin
>is corrupted by Yu Yevon
>and becomes the next Sin.
>There is no defeating Yu Yevon.
>I know this, because I am Yunalesca and Yu Yevon is my father.
>My Final Aeon technique is literally the ONLY way Sin has ever been "killed" in more than 1000 years of Spira's modern age.

Yuna knew she was sacrificing herself. Her father, Braska did it, himself.
Lulu knew Yuna was sacrificing herself. She was guardian, already, twice before.
Wakka knew Yuna was sacrificing herself. He was a guardian once before.
Kimahri knew Yuna was sacrificing herself. His village is the last stop before all summoners die.
Rikku knew Yuna was sacrificing herself. Braska was her uncle and her entire race hates Yevonites in moral principle.
Auron knew Yuna was sacrificing herself. He was one of Braska's guardians, he's seen ALL of this before.
Tidus didn't know because he was reverse Marty McFly. When he found out, it was shocking.

>> No.9777986

Noah Antwiler and his choices have been a disaster for himself

>> No.9777991

not him but
>wow look at this beautiful sprawling city. time to play some blitzball and win a game for Wakka
>oh wow the obviously not evil guy with zig zag hair who goes out of his way to introduce himself is also here
>oh wow the al behd kidnapped yuna, and now you have to save her while also watching blitzball clips intermittently
>oh wow we saved yuna from being kidnapped better go win the tourney now
>oh wow a terrible monster attack occured shockingly right after the game is over, and totally not evil guy summoned a giant demon and killed everything
>oh wow sin is my dad
>welp better get back to marching
It's so terribly paced, so stupidly clustered up, and so horribly written. It's like a TV series getting canceled and trying to jam the resolution of all plot lines in 2 episodes, but there's no fucking reason for it. Add on to it the general problem the guy has with the characters behaving like robots to begin with and it's just laughable.

>> No.9777995

yeah but it wasn't revealed to me at the same time as tidus. it was revealed when even in flashbacks every character talked about the summoner dying in vague terms, so vague so as to make it obvious to the player that they would be killed. They should have just not tried to poorly hide that information from the player with such flimsy obfuscation and solely had the reveal that Yuna would die affect Tidus, but instead they think the player is literally retarded and will have the nature of the final summoning revealed to them at the same time it's revealed to Tidus.

>> No.9777996

That's the gist of it yeah

>> No.9778006

Kinda glad that cocksucker’s life went down the shitter.

>> No.9778010

anon, you do know that foreshadowing exists and sometimes writers deliberately hint at things before revealing them openly? it allows them to create a sense of expectation or unease without spelling everything out in absolute terms

>> No.9778021

This sounds way more like the game wasn't for you than a fault of a game. Some people really like the cut scenes in Tetris, but you don't play that game for it's lore. If you like exploration play those kinds of games. It's like you're complaining about Oregon Trail because they make you go to Oregon and you wanted to try to go Mexico or NY. That's not what the game is. Doesn't make it a bad game cause you didn't get what you wanted out of it.
>but convoluted seeming combat in the way these games are.
This is absolutely on you. The combat system is intricate and refined. You have to take time to figure it out, but the game is fairly easy that you can get by without going too in depth. The layers of accessibility within the combat are easily one of the best of any RPG. The entire game can be beaten, again fairly easily, without the sphere grid. People have taken that challenge further. I highly encourage people who are into puzzle like games to try and beat it with no or minimal sphere grid use.

>> No.9778031

wasn't my experience but it's been a while since I played, I'll think about this perspective when I go through it again

>> No.9778035

Am I really expected to believe that on this (in game time) months long journey Tidus never once asks what happened to Yuna's dad and why he's dead? That he's presented with his dad being Sin but never asks why or how it happened? Why isn't Auron letting people everyone knows this bullshit so they can stop it?

>> No.9778037

I have no idea, I stopped at 9, and I never felt like picking it up.

>> No.9778041
File: 17 KB, 146x287, Zuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you such a hypocrite?
>[Yuna's upcoming death] wasn't revealed to me at the same time as tidus
>it was revealed much sooner, and much more obvious
but also
>They should have just not tried to poorly hide that information from the player with such flimsy obfuscation
>I figured it out before they PLANNED it! I'm a genius!!
It's like you're praising yourself for being smarter than scripted Tidus.
And then bashing the game's plot specifically for not "fooling" you.
You fucking retard. The plot twist of the game wasn't Yuna's death. It was Tidus' death. THAT was what was "revealed" to you. When Bahamut (or the Fayth usually personified by Bahamut's astral projection) finally revealed that if they succeed, and Sin is killed LIKE IT'S SUPPOSED TO, then they'd stop dreaming and Tidus would disappear. "We know we're asking you, Tidus, to kill yourself, but SHIT we're tired of this. Please."

Might as well just end the game at random and say,
>you win! Sin's dead! Your party survived!
>THE END!!!!

>> No.9778046
File: 594 KB, 600x761, 1505611307592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noobs, i picked up foreshadowing
>im so smart
>ffx is so dumb

>> No.9778057

Dude, the "pace" was
>introduction to a Spira
>introduction to love
>it's a depressing place, but I'm loving this
>my love is going to die!??!?!?!?!
>accepting my love's death; she wants it, she needs help to do it, the world is better for it
>this accepting will take a while, because I still don't want my love to die
>I can save my love's life AND help her complete her goal
>it means that I have to die, instead
>all this fascination, all this love, all this discovery about myself and everyone around me, even learning about my dad who I hate
>i accept my death because it's everything my love wants, except that it doesn't happen to her, which is perfect (to me)
You fucking idiots thinking the twist was Yuna's death and not Tidus' death are really dumb.

>> No.9778065

>The plot twist of the game wasn't Yuna's death.
can you explain why the game did not reveal yuna's death to the player? Why were characters with full knowledge of it, even in flashbacks, not speaking plainly and instead attempting to hide it from the player?

>> No.9778078

>why the game did not reveal yuna's death to the player
You're already wrong. It did.

>> No.9778083

He can't, it's literally Anagnorisis. It is a plot twist and it's very intentional.

>> No.9778089

I think it was more than sacrificing himself to save Yuna and accomplish her goals, he wanted to free her to make her own choices rather than be bound by tradition to sacrifice herself to perpetuate a cycle of futility. He wanted to save Yuna, but he also wanted to find a better, more hopeful result overall.
Also I don't think he really hated his dad. It was complicated.

>> No.9778093

Yuna is introduced, sexily sweating her balls off, coming out of the temple. She has just become a Summoner.
In the same introduction, we find out she has zero parents, because they're both dead.
Her father, High Summoner Braska, is praised as the world's most powerful Summoner. He's dead.
She strives to be JUST LIKE HIM! A "High Summoner."
Every single High Summoner in the history of Spira IS DEAD.

>the game did not reveal yuna's death

>> No.9778098

I love that Tidus monologues the whole thing. I can't pinpoint why it is that I love that, and it feels like it I could've come really close to doing a 360 and hating it but I love it

>> No.9778101

they were hiding it from Tidus, who is the perspective character
I think Yuna in particular didn't want him to know, because he was a breath of fresh air for her, and when she was around him was happy and lighthearted and able to pretend that she wasn't heading to her death
it's also one of those things that everybody knows but nobody wants to say aloud.
not everything needs to be stated explicitly, some things can be implied

>> No.9778102

No, it hinges on Tidus not knowing what's happening.

>> No.9778103

>Also I don't think he really hated his dad. It was complicated.
it was his mum he hated if anything, he was just a dumb kid and didn't understand the dynamic
it's explicitly shown in a cutscene when he realizes his dad wanted to make the effort to be a father to him and it was his mother's obsession with Jecht that made Tidus feel unwanted
that doesn't mitigate the fact that Jecht sucked at parenting and was a stupid drunk but it shows that Tidus' perspective was skewed

>> No.9778106

>I think Yuna in particular didn't want him to know, because he was a breath of fresh air for her, and when she was around him was happy and lighthearted and able to pretend that she wasn't heading to her death
this ought to be canon basically, Yuna actually says something to this effect, that Tidus being the only one who didn't wtf is gonna happen allowed him to support her in a way no one else in the party could (through no fault of their own ofc)
>it's also one of those things that everybody knows but nobody wants to say aloud.
also people don't seem to realize this very basic thing which shows what a bunch of basement dwelling autists with no real life experience they are

>> No.9778121
File: 85 KB, 230x219, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only one really laughing that day was me

>> No.9778124


>> No.9778180

Most games with are better once you're in the lategame. With abilities and world fully unlocked, and with your knowledge of the game sharpened.
It's why MMOs make money, becase MMO players at some point go crazy and start thinking the carrot-on-a-stick they've been doing for a year is actually a masterpiece.

Especially games with a large worldbuilding, they're not made for second-time players in mind, so when these players decide to "go back and review it from an adult's perspective" are engaging in a fool's errand because there's no discovery and wonder to be made anymore. Lots of games are like that, not just FFX.

The exact opposite of that is stuff like MGS and RE4, where you can easily go back to it even after multiple playthroughs because everything is so tight, and worldbuilding amounts to a line or two.

>> No.9778251

This. And the wonderful piano music. Op is a faggot.

>> No.9778478

The shitty requirements to get some of those celestial weapons still make me seethe to this day.

>> No.9778549

So does the PC HD Remaster allow you to listen to the original ost or only the new one?

>> No.9778610


>> No.9778637

What's your issue so far? Story? Combat?

It's one of my favorite games all time. To be honest, it starts a little slow the first 3-4 hours. The story is great cover to cover IMO. The combat ramps up past tutorial levels after Luca (20% thru?), then becomes legitimately difficult for a first playthrough around the end of Ronso Mountain (60% thru?)

>> No.9778958

Final Fartasy in general has always sucked

>> No.9779002

Shining the Holy Ark lets you swap characters mid-battle

>> No.9779118

How is this different from any other FF?

>> No.9779138

It doesn't. If it was a Western RPG with the same MC and story it would have been ripped to shreds.

>> No.9779441
File: 59 KB, 457x421, Devil_Ride_FF7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, and I say this as someone who loves this game, it's very different
most if not all FFs have an abundance of reskins but it's only this bad in FFX (out of the ones I've played)
I don't even mind it and I think the enemy designs are fine and suit the game but yea, the basic pilgrimage experience is mostly encountering the same 5-6 reskins over and over with a couple unique enemies thrown in
compare that to the variety in FFVII and FFVIII and you can see how someone would be a bit put off, especially when the core gameplay of 90% of the main story comes down to "identify this reskin as a flyer/armored/elemental/machina/wolf"

>> No.9779448



>> No.9779451

Yuna and Lulu are 10s
Anyone who likes Rikku is a pedo

Tidus is fine, apart from the retard laugh scene

>> No.9779459

Youre arguing with people who 20 years later still only understand the laughing scene in the context of spoony making fun of it for bad voice acting

>> No.9779478

If Zanarkand wasn't already interesting to you then you might as well move on.

>> No.9779489

It doesn't. Just play 12.

>> No.9779491
File: 1.08 MB, 1386x1070, babbu facepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another retard that misses the point of the laughing scene

>> No.9779729

During the Two and a Half Men crossover side quest.

>> No.9779818

Wild Arms 2
Breath of Fire IV

>> No.9780030

They hated him because he was right.

>> No.9780210

So did Tidus even really exist?

>> No.9780357

wow, that seemed like it was gonna be cringe but then was was pretty good

>> No.9780360

>greatest hits copy
lol, fag

>> No.9780560

As real as a summon or a fiend.

>> No.9780614
File: 175 KB, 800x450, 1674491174079868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>xfags destroyed

>> No.9780749
File: 59 KB, 644x488, Final Fantasy XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>autism and nonissues

>> No.9780764
File: 66 KB, 500x665, D1esIBaWoAAZAyW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone who likes Rikku is a pedo
Alright, what are you hiding.
People who say this, they're always hiding SOMETHING.

>> No.9780770
File: 1.85 MB, 500x500, DaringActualAcouchi-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the exact moment when things got more interesting.

>> No.9780823

He’s a Yuffiefag

>> No.9780837

What godawful reshade is this? how do you look at that ground texture combined with the surrounding and think "yeah this is working"

>> No.9780843

Zoom zoom

>> No.9780868
File: 1.26 MB, 1592x1888, 1657710522388373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They simply can't help themselves.

>> No.9780871

damn that's prime slampig material

>> No.9780875

You can name all the Aeons you get in the game. Even Tidus.

>> No.9780882
File: 461 KB, 1700x2320, H70YZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if crying over nonissues wasn't a zoomie thing

>> No.9780921

>Was literally 7
>She was 15
No officer, it was actually the other way around
Her X-2 redesign is ugly, fight me

>> No.9780945

Problem is it leaves nothing up to the imagination. String bikini is just too slutty for a default outfit.

>> No.9780951

Started playing FF IX last night bros, seems fun so far

>> No.9781309

GG lost. Get over it.

>> No.9781341

I can’t decide if it’s the best one or not for me personally. The normie in me says FF7, BUT THE CONTRARIAN in me would say 9 or 6.

>> No.9781361

It doesn't. It killed the entire franchise for a lot of people.

>> No.9781672

wow dude could draw really well

>> No.9781686

You mean the part where they defang the primary "plot twist" so the actual one (summoners die summoning) actually takes center stage? That is legitimately great writing.

>> No.9781748

I liked the combat in Lord of the Rings: The Third Age so I should like this, right?

>> No.9781792

I pretty much rate them by waifus

>> No.9781997

Found the pedophile. You really can't help yourself.

>> No.9783145

I hate blitzball

>> No.9783154
File: 316 KB, 598x707, NewCanvas8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another image to add to the pile.
I don't intend to derail the topic further. I just sorta find the phenomenon interesting.

>> No.9783236

>This is my story
>story is actually mostly about Yuna
>Yuna calls him out on this when he keeps saying it's his story

>> No.9783245

>Sorry Yuna, I'll just wait until after you're fucking dead. It'll be my story then.

>> No.9784483

Like, that's more than fair. It's an awful minigame that has fuck all depth compared to the excessive complexity it tried to put in, and you just repeat it over and over even after 'solving' it. What's doubly funny now is that everything it tried to do is actually fully possible in Rocket League, so the most refined sports game ever made is more or less blitzball properly implemented anyway.