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977752 No.977752 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck this game is so fun, Zero controls so great and the saber is a shitton of fun to use.


>> No.977758

I love that the english dialog is so cheesy that it's good.

>> No.977757

They're really some of the easiest in the series. General is tedious as fuck, though.

Also X6 Zero is best Zero. X5 Zero can go suck a dick.

>> No.977761


I beat this game when I was 7. Git good, son.

Also, personal favourite out of all MM series(ie original, X, Battle Network etc)

>> No.977782


I hate it, Mega Man VA's are just so much different from how I'd imagine the voices. Playing with friends makes it better but I haven't done that in awhile.


That Final boss was fucking something, though.

>> No.977783

>watching cutscenes in a megaman game
Suck a dick :)

>> No.977792

At first, yeah, but he's extremely exploitable, especially with Zero. If you line Zero's foot with the cable on the floor right in front of his "gun" form, you can just jump and slash at him within ever getting hit. And the other form is only dangerous when he blows out debris, but as long as you destroy the block in front of him right before he does that, you can slash dash cancel the majority of his health away with minimal risk.

>> No.977824

I used to think Sigma was saying "ARE YOU WAITING AROUND TOO?"


>> No.977895

Up + Square

Otherwise, I'd agree with you.

>> No.977915

That and having to go to the menu to select guard shell are the only real problems. Up+square only really makes itself particularly annoying on ziplines, but the remainder of his moveset makes up for that, I think. There wasn't anything wrong with X4's moveset, but it just doesn't make you feel like quite as much of a badass as X6's.

>> No.977936

All the bosses have weaknesses which make them fairly easy. The only one I can get into trouble with, if I'm not careful, is Magma Dragoon. That last form of Sigma is a bitch, too, but it should be, seeing as how it's the last fight of the entire game.

>> No.977948

Zero vs Magma Dragoon is possibly one of the most fun boss fights in the entire series. Slash Beast is kinda close, but he's a little too predictable.

>> No.977962
File: 231 KB, 422x531, DoubleJelloMan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.977971


>hop in power armor, bring it MD's fight
>slap his shit

When I first figured that little piece of info out I nearly shit myself. Otherwise he's a cruel, unforgiving bastard of a fight. I can see why Zero and he were once bros.

>> No.978254


I did that on my first play-through, pleasantly surprised while also angry I eased out of a good boss fight.

>> No.981094

>Zero is forced to kill the love of his life
>X fights some dumb fuck that no one possibly liked

This was most definitely Zero's game.

>> No.982006

You have to watch hideofbeast's run on youtube. He flawlessly runs through all of the X games (1-6) with intelligent commentary.


>> No.982010

>Love of his life

He knew her for like five minutes.

>> No.982305

The last good Megaman game

>> No.982359

Yeah, it's bad writing. You can't just introduce a new character, have them die half an hour later, then expect the player to feel sympathetic. There wasn't enough time to grow attached to Iris, there was no build-up, PLUS her death wasn't even unexpected, because previous X games have taught us that new characters always die.

Megaman X has always been terrible about these no-buildup "twists."

Like, remember that guy in the first level? The guy whose name is a random animal and a random element? Who is a maverick hunter and totally not a bad guy? That guy who says he didn't see who blew up the city? GUYS, YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHO THE CULPRIT WAS.

>> No.982378


Can't we hack that out of the game or something?

Just remap the buttons or something like that

>> No.982380

Anyone playing Mega Man for the story is doing it wrong anyway

>> No.982450


I like the story in the Megaman games, as plot-holed as it can be during the X series the rest is not as mismanaged

Also X4 will forever remain my favourite

>Soul Body
>Aiming Laser
>Rising Fire
>Ground Hunter
>Frost Tower
>Double Cyclone

Confirmed for most awesome powers

>> No.982467

Indeed. X4 was one of the most well-rounded and enjoyable X games. It seems like every 4th game in every series has the best weapons.

>> No.982742

Agreed. The only thing I didn't really enjoy using was Lightning Web. For some reason I didn't feel safe at all when I had to walljump off this thing to get over a wall of spikes. It freaked me out.

>> No.982773

They disappear too quickly

>> No.982835

My friend pissed me so off playing the X Collection. He had 100% on every X game except for 3.

Why not 3 you ask? He couldn't get past the fucking BLIZZARD BUFFALO.

He saved all of those ridiculously difficult civilians/soldiers/whatever the fuck they were, and yet the Blizzard Buffalo was out of his reach. I was so mad. This was like, 5 years ago, and I'm still giving him shit for it when the conversation comes up to this day. I think I actually berated him for it earlier this day at Carl's Jr.

>> No.982838

That wasn't really my problem with these. It's just one of these things where you're so afraid to fuck up you actually die half the time, even though you would be fine if you just kept breezing through the level without paying attention.

Either that or I suck at this game.

>> No.982843

My fucking sides. It's not exactly chill penguin tier, but it's not as hard as rescuing all reploids in X6 either.

>> No.982874

We even watched him collect all those asspie reploids, without using the secret black armor, or whatever that super armor you can get at the beginning of the game.

Then we asked about X3, he proceeded to play and...just the worst possible timing on jumping, inexplicable with what we just watched him do in the other games.

We proceeded to tell him to stop fucking with us ect, but he just couldn't do it. He RECENTLY said he figured out what he was doing wrong.

I don't think I'll ever understand this anomaly.

>> No.982898

>Mega Man VA's are just so much different from how I'd imagine the voices.

Mega Man (any version) is always supposed to have that Astro Boy little kid voice. Mega Man has always been a tribute/rip-off (depending on your point of view) to Astro Boy.

>> No.982905


He didn't sound like a little kid in the japanese version though.

>> No.982930

Yeah, this one got me hooked on the series, even though most are redundant as hell.. Still fun.

Dat fat character, Double.

>> No.982985

What exactly was fucking him up?

>> No.983005

He'd just get hit by the sliding ice blocks by mis-timing his jumps, and failing to jump over him when he charges. It was ridiculous, like watching someone who's never played a platformer, right after watching him breeze through every other game.

>> No.983010

It was even stupider because he got most boss patterns down in the first two tries, yet somehow this boss was just too tricky for him. His endless amount of attacks, throwing sliding ice and charging I mean.

>> No.983014

So he was actually dieing to the boss? How? The 8 beginning bosses are easy as fuck in nearly every game.

>> No.983028

I know. That's what we kept saying, yet he continued to defy logic and die. There is nothing particularly challenging about the boss, and yet he continued to die, and die, and die again. He got close after acquiring his weakness, but he STILL lost, and wasted all charge of his weapon, and proceeded to give up.

It's the strangest thing I've seen among our friend group playing video games. But he is the one out of all of us playing Smash who refused to l-cancel his aerials, and somehow he still beats our other friends who actually care to try and improve themselves at the game.

>> No.983035
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Yeah, I just say fuck logic in those types of situations.

>> No.983346


Lightning Web actually stays out for a long time, it just does next to no damage and once you touch it to preform a wall jump it does disappear almost immediately. It is one of the few truly shitty weapons in an X game, and aside from using it in a few areas for shortcuts and getting the arm parts + EX piece, it's use is limited

>> No.983365

Megaman ZX has a good story though. Especially if you play through as both characters, it paints a frank portrait of gender roles in our society. I'm not trolling.

>> No.983375


I don't know how you can come to this conclusion. I've played both the English and Japanese versions of both ZX and ZXA. Vent/Aile act almost identically in both games, there are only a few areas where they act differently, they look almost identical too (a tad darker shade of skin for Vent and breasts for Aile). They even use the same sprites in game when transformed. Even in ZXA, they both get a ponytail! In ZXA they act more individually but frankly Aile is not all that feminine there either. So I don't see how you can say such a thing seriously.

>> No.983392

>I don't know how you can come to this conclusion

That's because you're male.

>> No.983398

Eh, I can kinda see where she's coming from. Don't remember any specific examples offhand, but there's plenty of moments where Vent and Aile's dialogue is specifically "masculine" or "feminine."

>> No.983408 [DELETED] 

>chek ur privelige cis scum XD

>> No.983415

>people using "slut" and "prostitute" to describe female characters they don't like
>softcore porn thread with 161 replies on first page
>ironic shitposting

Did I click on /v/ by mistake?

>> No.983425

See now I'm curious. Does the game intentionally explore gender roles and ideals or is it just another example of Capcom generalizing and stereotyping?

>> No.983493

can someone tell me the order i should attemp stages in x2 on snes?

>> No.983495


I just played through the game two days ago. I bet you it's because Aile is more angry/emotional than Vent when talking about the Serpent Company in the very beginning of the game with Giro. There, Vent is more depressed than anything. So because Aile is angry, this poster thought something like 'wow, they're portraying Aile as being hysteric, such gender roles'. Honestly I think it's extremely naive to superimpose one's own insecurities onto something else and then justifying their insecurity by saying that this is an example of it.

Like I said, there are only a few pieces of dialogue between the two characters that is actually significantly different. If you can post these areas where "gender roles" are, I'd be happy to hear it. But all I see right now is someone who has made a mountain out of a molehill because a girl in a Megaman game said something with a girlish intonation or acted in a girly way.

>> No.983496

>Does the game intentionally explore gender roles
Not intentionally, I don't think. But there is one part where Prairie tells Aile "calm down!" and she doesn't tell Vent to calm down in the same situation.

Honestly, how many times have you ever been told to calm down when you're upset about something? If you're a man, probably not too many times. But for a woman, all the fucking time you have NO idea.

>> No.983498


X2 is a trickier game than others because if you want to save Zero it is pretty much guaranteed you will have to break the boss weakness order. I find that starting with Wire Sponge is the best option because you can get a Sub-Tank and Heart Tank very easily and the boss is very easy too. Plus, you will need Strike Chain for some secrets.

>> No.983672


I always do it like this.

Wire Sponge
Overdrive Ostrich
Wheel Gator + Violen
Bubble Crab + Agile
Overdrive Ostrich Revisited (Leg Parts)
Bubble Crab Revisted (Sub-Tank)
Flame Stag + Serges
Morph Moth
Magna Centipede
Crystal Snail
Morph Moth Revisited (Heart Tank)

>> No.983701

i found the heart tank at the left side at the beginning of the level and managed to get the e-tank through the level! lost two lifes but beat sponge! i will go to ostrich now

>> No.983751

Fuck off and kill yourself you underage piece of shite.

>> No.984092


I hate how they put items in a stage where you need the boss weapon of that very stage to access, IE: you need Bubble Splash to get Bubble Crab's Sub-Tank. That's just a speedrunner's nightmare