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9770182 No.9770182 [Reply] [Original]

Biggest fuckup ever?

>> No.9770214

That’s not daikatana

>> No.9770236


>> No.9770246

I wouldn't say that, there was definitely a clear direction behind the game, it was mostly hampered by the whole "programming the game for the Xbox first" issue. Mechanically I get why they made some of the decisions they did, I just disagree with the design philosophy behind it.
The story is whatever, people barely ever actually talk about it when criticizing the game, probably because most people never got past the first main hub. It gets interesting after the halfway mark at least.

>> No.9770247

Lots of games were ported to the Xbox, so what?

>> No.9770373

I played this to completion twice which is more than I can say for the newer Deus Ex titles

>> No.9770385

He looks pretty visible to me.

>> No.9770386

this one is comfy even tho it's a bad sequel

>> No.9770454

>probably because most people never got past the first main hub
No, because it stems from "lol all of the original's endigs are simultaneously canon lololol". Shit can only beget shit.

>> No.9770472

If I could wipe a game for existence, that crap would be my first option without second toughs.

>> No.9770674

If the original Deus Ex didn’t exist, this would be the cult classic. It’s a great game, just inferior to the legendary game that came before it.
Invisible War is a masterpiece compared to square Deus Ex.

>> No.9771086

That doesn't look like Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness.

>> No.9771109 [DELETED] 

>More "Invisible War is... LE BAD" Low IQ takes.


>> No.9771273
File: 48 KB, 639x417, ng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone loves the big pink advert girl from BR2049 which is copied directly from the game. same colors, same rotating dance, same kind of conversations with joes

>> No.9771275

lol i noticed this too. thankfully cyberpunk and cuckprojektblue got btfo'd with their trash game.
she's also the lead singer of a band iirc.
the whole plot where you feed her information was very clever. invisible war is the most unfairly hated game, a shame.

>> No.9771293

My first Deus Ex game, replayed it recently, kind of buggy but still very fun. Actually felt the story was a decent follow up to the first, I like the Omar ending.

>> No.9771298

Definitely overhated.
Definitely dumbed down way too fucking hard for consoles. This shit released on the same system that got a straight port of Morrowind and it was a fucking best seller, Xbots could have handled inventory management and skill ups.

>> No.9771306

Following the original deus ex is a tough act to follow, it did some interesting things and isn't as bad as its reputation but it isn't that good either.

Its ok which is the problem

>> No.9771327
File: 83 KB, 948x504, DXIW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You understand why, though it immediately hits you with numerous off-siding things that make you lose any trust this game's makers know what they're doing. Like the bizarre art downgrade. Style is one thing but nobody not nobody said 'stop - eyes should face the same direction'?
Weird sped-up voice acting that means you have to listen three times to catch what was said etc

>> No.9771357

it's judged based on the first one which is an interactive masterpiece.
i absolutely agree the original Deus Ex has the superior aesthetic and really was a love letter to 90's cyberpunk (and honestly pretty close to what the world is going to actually look like), but I understand why they "y2k'd" it for Invisible War. I still like the overall presentation of the world in IW but it loses a bit of "realism", whereas in the original I could more easily see that is being the future.

Warren Spector needs to be retard wrangled by his superior team, much like George Lucas, for a project of his to truly reach it's apex.

All this being said, we can at least agree that IW's aesthetic is miles beyond Deus Ex HM/MD

>> No.9771462

I doubt most people even got far enough into the game for that to affect the story.

>> No.9771463

I heard when it loads new zones, what the loading screen is actually hiding is it's crashing the game and restarting it but for that zone.

>> No.9771468

I don't know what it says about IW that all the best writing happens when JC is there

>> No.9771494

>Following the original deus ex is a tough act to follow,

I think instead of making an in-canon sequel they take a book from X-Files and make each game a look at another mystery.

>Deus Ex sequel is UNATCO investigating Aliens
>new "JC", no connection to past games
>play as a new rookie

>> No.9771627

The previous game gave you a choice between 3 different endings but the sequel bases its story on combination of all 3?

Suck my motherfucking dick

Good thing they released a demo, it was so bad and ran so bad regardless of hardware that I never bought this POS

>> No.9771709

It's great, but only with the mod to cover up the dead fish eyes.

>> No.9771764

I can't find anything about that

>> No.9771807

Soon as I heard this game was targeting consolefags, stripping out depth, making it so less accuracy was needed, stuff like that, it soured me to it completely. What a fucking dumb idea.

But since release, the world sure has changed. Now playing shooters with a controller is somehow considered normal.

So maybe I should give it a try and see if it's as bad as everyone says? Can't be worse than modern console shooters.

>> No.9771832

Kill yourselves
Daikatana was fun and innovative even if on release it had issues
I've played and beaten v1.2 on Samurai and v1.3 on Shogun.

Biggest fuckup should be some garbage like Halo CE with its unfun repetitive levels like the "library" and literally using arrows embedded in the floor to show you where to go.
But of course cringe normalfags would have you believe it's a masterpiece.

Daikatana > HaloCE
Deus Ex Invisible War > Halo CE

>> No.9771836

>being such a seething quakeboomer you unironically shill for big-rigs tier trash like daikatana just because it isn't halo

>> No.9771837

The first episode still isn't very good. It gets way better after that though, the Greek levels have a cool arsenal and I love the log shooting portable ballista in the medieval episode

>> No.9771859

Honestly, I still look fondly on this game BECAUSE it was my first Deus Ex game on the Xbox.

The demo disc and official xbox magazine that I got it with mesmerized me into playing this game, and I loved it. I loved the atmosphere, I loved the story and characters, to me it was a near perfect game. I loved the atmosphere in Cairo for example, it just felt so incredible. Now, looking back I understand the flaws and criticism for the game since I've played the original many times since and see what a downgrade it was. But, it's STILL a good game. The levels are tiny, but the atmosphere is still there. The soundtrack is different, but very atmospheric in its own way. I really liked the story too.

Need to replay it one of these days but apparently it doesn't run well on PC.

>> No.9771863

Also, you have to admit the intro is pretty fucking KINO


>> No.9771881

It's mindblowing to me they did the "reboot the system" thing because they were developing for Xbox but didn't bother to fix that when porting for PC. They didn't even bother to fix that for Thief 3 which came a year later. A lot of people couldn't play these games because they simply don't work on Vista and up without patches.

>> No.9771882

did you actually play deus ex 1 though?

>> No.9771886

we always talk dump on the game's technical approach but maybe once every five threads does someone actually point out that their lead programmer who hoarded control over the entire engine development fucking quit in mid development because of some mental breakdown or something, and they were left to try to fit a game to a black box of an engine that they had no idea how to use and there was no docs for it

>> No.9771887

That would be Chris Carollo? Hate to be that guy but would love a source, sounds interesting

>> No.9771889

it's part of the "visible upgrade" mod that you can find on moddb
for some reason, it doesn't show it in the screenshots
it also doesn't have it on by default, you need to enable it in the options

>> No.9771895

win 8 compatibility mode is very good for some reason

>> No.9771903

actually you know what, my source for it might seriously be a vr post which referenced a ttlg forum post for which there's no reason to assume it's not made up from thin air. I just remembered, I dug into this and the post said their version of unreal engine 2 was called the "flesh engine" but when i searched that, the only result was the post mentioning it.

>> No.9771904

That's what Morrowind did

>> No.9771907
File: 88 KB, 599x379, flesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(though I see now my 'no results' was because it was a renderer, "flesh renderer", that they meant. I'm not looking into this now but that would be the direction to look for proof)

>> No.9771910

! And actually this same page refers to theif 3s engine as the the Flesh Engine and talks about its filetypes being FleshBSP and shit so.. i dunno what i'm talking about, fuckin ignore me

>> No.9771918

here is a post with purportedly a dev recounting the story (with some differences). I can't even find the quoted post to get any verification hes a dev

>> No.9771942

should've played daikatana on the n64
makes the pc original look like a masterpiece. the n64 port doesnt even have the sword

>> No.9772138

>universal ammo

>> No.9772169

This wasn't ported to the xbox, this was made for the xbox then ported to PC, and it's painfully obvious once you have to cross 4 loading screens just to go to the next map over, which is the size of my living room. The xbox had 64MB of RAM.

>> No.9772176
File: 583 KB, 3000x1277, Fragile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IW's aesthetic is miles beyond Deus Ex HM/MD
This is the epitome of "newbad oldgud" bullshit. Jensen's games do have their share of problems, but having a distinct visual style isn't one of them.

>> No.9772183 [DELETED] 

They look like trash, newfag.
Woooooooow orange hexagons SOOOOOOO futuristic!
At least IW shared some of its visual language with the original, squareshit shares none. It’s the reddit version of cyberpunk.

>> No.9772253

>They look like trash, newfag.
Oh, it's one of those simple children.

>> No.9772270
File: 84 KB, 512x384, 342F7B49-FD01-4DBF-80D2-CEDC6896706E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything in Human Revolution is orange. Literally every environment is orange no matter what part of the world you are in. Every shape is a hexagon. Everything is over-designed. It looks nothing like the series it’s supposed to be a continuation of.
Mankind Divided is slightly better as far as environment and Prague looked good.
Both are shittier mechanically and visually than both Deus Ex and IW. You didn’t HAVE to play the original two like Metal Gear solid. NuDeus Ex there is only a single way to play the game: stealth. You have the illusion of freedom on those games but this is about the way they look.
Cyborgs, cityscapes, streets, pedestrians etc had a defined look in the original. Nothing was overly “futuristic” except for the elements that needed to be (gunther, robots). They had a dark, bluish hue to them. Why new Deus Ex went for fucking orange and hard angles everywhere is because their art director was apparently confident that’s what Deus Ex should look like. Even Jensen himself compared to JC is comically overdone.
I should say I don’t HATE the way the new ones look (except Human Revolution), but they do not look like Deus Ex.

>> No.9772274

Oh wow, neon lights on a grey building. Now that's visual design and art direction. So cyberpunk.

>> No.9772279

>NuDeus Ex there is only a single way to play the game: stealth.
I beat HR multiple times and I have to say that going full combatfag was the most fun, and you can definitely go for it unless your crippling autism compels you to earn every XP that exists. Stealth in that game frankly feels like shit and barely a step above the first MGS mechanically, old DX brings more to the fore in that front (light/dark mechanics, throwing items to distract enemies, basically every mechanic from Thief).

Problem with nu-DX is that they aren't immersive sims. They feel alright as shooters but that's it.

>> No.9772286
File: 778 KB, 1170x870, 383C37A4-8FC5-4CBB-9EF6-8597FA03F35D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s what Deus Ex is supposed to look like, not a gigantic neon clementine. Fucking with the established look of something beloved is a sure fire way to make people hate your game.
Ammo is scarce in nu deus ex but there is that cutscene ability where you punch the ground and shoot things out of your body or whatever to make up for it. They are really weird games that didn’t know what they wanted to be. An immersive sim it certainly is not, especially since it loves to put the camera in third person with every single action you take.

>> No.9772291

Problem being, Hong Kong actually looks like that. You keep digging deeper into your non-argument.

>> No.9772305

You think China is going to be drowned in orange lights in 4 years? HR takes place in 2027 lol.
Deus Ex and to a slightly lesser extent IW are more reasonable interpretations of the future, IE, architecture hasn’t changed much. It’s an old world peppered with surveillance technologies.
This is why old Deus Ex are immersive sims and nu Deus Ex aren’t. As fantastical as they are, they are more tangible settings.

>> No.9772309

It might have been way too long, but I remember all levels looking very sterile, devoid of little things that make the original looks so lived-in. I remember IW looking like a playpen with carefully arranged assortment of toys.

>> No.9772312

And "streamlined" augs.

>> No.9772317

>shittier mechanically
Universal ammo.

>> No.9772320

Universal ammo is bad, I agree. Warren Spector even said he regrets it.
IW is still more of an immersive sim with more variety in objective completion than HR/MD, by a fucking lot. IW is a much better game, just accept it.

>> No.9772327

>more of an immersive sim
>with more variety
True. But this is quite different from saying that one is just plain "shittier mechanically" than the other in a broad sweep.

>IW is a much better game, just accept it.
No. You've been trying to push this for the last few years, along with a laundry list of historical revisionism trying to paint IW in a better light and you were made to eat shit almost every time, others being due to anons not having the energy to go through the same boring motions once more. New is usually bad and old is usually good, but IW is an exception. HR is by no means perfect, let alone good enough to be comparable whatsoever to the original. But it's better than that casualised shitty XBAWKS port of a buggy crashfest.

>> No.9772338

This is the second time I have ever spoken about IW on this board, whoever you are referring to is not me.
If you want to get into “muh casualized” (which I absolutely agree with you IW is), then you need to reevaluate HR. HR was even further made from the ground up to reach a casual audience (vidya budgets exploded in 360 era which is why all vidya went that route to reach the largest demographic). It’s a first person stealth shooter with a gentle touch of rpg mechanics, and even more boxed in than IW was. HR has no subtlety. It plainly gives you routes and options to complete objectives, it’s extremely simplified.

>> No.9772354

>You think China is going to be drowned in orange lights in 4 years?

>> No.9772363
File: 143 KB, 1200x606, CA3507FF-8A03-4B60-8515-F3B712C54030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what’s the future going to look like? Is the entire world going to glow orange in 4 years, or is it going to look like now except with more screens and neon lights?
HR has shit art direction (for the franchise it’s working in) and IW is more “Deus Ex” than HR is. That’s the relevance.

>> No.9772372

>So what’s the future going to look like?
That's open to interpretation. I think the yellow tint was a creative decision, not really meant to be realistic. Eidos Montreal's creative direction on the sequels is consistent with itself, inventive and brings new things to the table. Far from the trash you tried to paint it as.
It's this idiotic nubad/oldgood clout that you're desperately chasing and not getting.

>> No.9772380

He’s probably some pretentious dickbag who “wanted to leave his mark” by making HR the most orange game in existence to invoke a certain kind of feeling of the sun setting on society or some shit. Bro, literally every single area, every city, everywhere and everything, is glowing orange. Horrible shit choice that is mostly fixed in MD.
Also no, the world isn’t going to be glowing orange in 4 years.
You are allowed to like the new games friend, but it is legally required of me to sperg out at you on /vr/.

>> No.9772540 [DELETED] 
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I think HR was a decent game but agreed that the aesthetic is shit for a Deus Ex game. Even Cyberpunk 2077 or other generic trash looks more like the OG Deus Ex than HR/MD. Piss filter still sucks a decade later and I don't understand the commitment to making a prequel while simultaneously making the game look 100-200 years ahead of Deus Ex.
HR's world feels way too clean and sterile, nothing like the griminess of the original game. Don't get me started on every surface having hexagons or polygons.
I hope they get the cyberpunk look right if they reboot Deus Ex again someday.

>> No.9772546

>He’s probably some pretentious dickbag who “wanted to leave his mark” by making HR the most orange game in existence to invoke a certain kind of feeling of the sun setting on society or some shit.
That sounds like a whole lot of speculation without any hint of truth to it.

>> No.9772764

more Daikarrhea, amirite?

>> No.9772787

For me DXIW's plot is somewhat believable, because for whatever choice Denton made, someone else would have tried to do the other options. It's only unreasonable to expect that Denton would have done them all himself.

The problem I have with IW is how they reshuffled the political perspectives of existing characters like Dumier and Tong. But that's not too bad, because they aren't actually painful to talk to. IW just needed to make the setting 1000 years in the future and make new characters for those perspectives.

You can't get past the HR racism analogy and the shitty anime characters that populate the game world aren't going to let you. It's a cool shooter with snazzy fashion that's been forcibly hybridized with an anime about social justice robots, kind of like Jensen.

>> No.9772791

>the first episode is by far the worst one
It will never not mystify me - like, that's obviously where you need to put your best foot forward. How did John not know?

>> No.9773139

>For me DXIW's plot is somewhat believable, because for whatever choice Denton made, someone else would have tried to do the other options.
Oh yeah, remember those other two cutting edge augmented dudes running around Page suspended in that egg? Must have been them doing the other two things. While creating a copy of Helios and two copies of the whole world's network, somehow.

>> No.9773210

Guy you replied to hit the nail exactly on the head and you really don’t have much to say. NuDeus Ex has weak, predictable narrative and none of the people who worked on the original Deus Ex had anything to do with NuDeus Ex.
>somehow, somehow, somehow
Somehow, HR looks like it takes place in the year 2300 despite taking place in 2027…25 years before Deus Ex 1.
Square Deus Ex is to Deus Ex as the Star Wars prequels are to the original trilogy.

>> No.9773223

>not addressing the point
>mindlessly regurgitating the same bullshit
>year after year
Take a trip already.

>> No.9773241

Schizo, I am not some fucking guy you’ve talked to before on this board years ago and there was not a point to address, I was making a statement.
Come back down to reality, breathe in, and smell the piss cloud HR is drowning in.

>> No.9773384
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>> No.9773396


>> No.9773446

I recently played it with 1.3 for the first time and I really enjoyed it, aside from the first two levels which are absolute dogshit.

>> No.9773451
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>> No.9773536

Lol that's uncanny

>> No.9773545


Lol. You're on your own m8. Golden future Renaissance baroque was an inspired design choice and they fukkin nailed the aesthete.

>> No.9773550

Why does that look like Metroid Prime?

>> No.9773562 [DELETED] 

HR not being completely grimdark makes some sense, it takes place before things truly went to shit.

>> No.9773570 [DELETED] 
File: 189 KB, 1024x1249, action packed trip to detroit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was still super futuristic, not to mention Detroit of all places. Somehow Hengsha was the most grounded locale in the game.

>> No.9773625

That's a fair point, only Denton or Page could have merged with Helios
Denton kills Page and merges with Helios. Terrorists blow up infrastructure, preventing Denton and Illuminati from using it to rule, but not killing Denton or interrupting his power supply. Illuminati use financial power to make new infrastructure to resume rule, excluding Area 51 to isolate Denton-Helios.
In the future, augmentation improves to the point that everyone can get in on the AI merger, that's invisible war.

>> No.9773671

>Terrorists blow up infrastructure, preventing Denton and Illuminati from using it to rule,
If JC didn't side with Page, he wasn't intending to oppress humanity to begin with. If he didn't side with Page, Illuminati just gets shafted, period.
Anyway, how? When? If JC merges, then it's game over everyone, Helios won. Maybe not immediately but there wasn't anyone else nearby, especially not anyone like Tong who'd be coming prepared to blow everything up.

>but not killing Denton or interrupting his power supply.
That's very selective. If JC sides with Page they will do fuck all because JC would just mow them down. He just took on an entire top secret facility belonging to a shadow organisation, overcoming all kinds of other odds again and again.
If JC merges then see above.

>Illuminati use financial power to make new infrastructure to resume rule,
Really? Just that easy?

>excluding Area 51 to isolate Denton-Helios.
Why? Why not just drag a nuke in to wipe the slate clean? Not to mention remove the biggest threat to them even before the merge. JC rained on a lot of their parades by that point.
They already have at least two nano-augs in the freezer, right? Bide their time some more, use their apparently limitless power (why bother with all this spectacle then?) to make more AIs in a controlled environment and play Mengele with both for a while. I mean, if they can so trivially recover from such a devastating loss then why not?

>> No.9773675

I got the Omar ending in 2003 by accident. Now I go with Templars.

>> No.9773765

It's OK John Romero, not every pony is meant to do more than 1 trick!

>> No.9773832

The issue is that the three endings in Deus Ex would have resulted in radically different worlds. If they wanted to make a sequel at all, they'd have needed to make three different games. I honestly don't see how else they could've handled it.

I mean, unless you'd rather play a game that expects you to believe that a world where an AI/human demigod controls society is ~80% identical to one where the internet was completely fried a few decades ago.

>> No.9773894

Is the picture you attached supposed to show some kind of contrast to the complaints in your post text? it's absolutely hideous from either a deus ex 1 fan point of view, or from a general aesthetic point of view, or any view really. The game aside from characters doesn't generally look too bad, so why post a nauseating screenshot that looks like a screenshot you'd see in an article about "most regrettable games"

>> No.9773914

>he wasn't intending to oppress humanity to begin with.
If JC merges with the AI, I would expect the result to want to rule if only for self-preservation.
>Why not just drag a nuke in to wipe the slate clean?
In IW, Denton-Helios teleports away, which is a cop-out. Maybe that's also supposed to be the explanation for for how the centralized network is destroyed without Helios going with it. It's pretty hard to imagine that a strong entity like that would need an agent to intercede for it
>but not killing Denton or interrupting his power supply.
The connection to the rest of the world is a big cable somewhere, no? Satellites and transmitter towers. The antimatter reactors would have heavy defenses, but a worldwide network could be fragmented more easily. It makes sense to me that the two other factions would continue with their goals but would achieve them less successfully than they would with JC. The Illuminati might even have worked with Tong through proxies.
>They already have at least two nano-augs in the freezer, right?
I'd think that Page would scare them away from any merger, maybe from strong AI generally.
>Illuminati use financial power to make new infrastructure to resume rule
With Page out of the way, they would eventually.
In a world with fragmented government and downtrodden survivors, they would be the new locus of advanced technology and government, at least in the west. I'd think they would subsume Page's research and institutions, repurposing them. I don't think they'd be able to do it as fast as IW implies, for sure, but the STEM knowledge would still be around.

I'm disappointed that they didn't do more to address technology in the east, but that was probably what Project Snowblind was supposed to be.

It's definitely a problem that IW doesn't explain this stuff by itself.

>> No.9773939

John! How are you man? I hope you're doing well. It was over 20 years ago now, let it go. Everyone likes you now for your work at Id.

>> No.9773958

There are arrows in the floor in Hunted map of Plutonia, John

>> No.9773985

I liked HR. I didn't think that the orange filter was that big of a deal, that kind of aesthetic was just the norm for the era. At least it created a vibe unlike most of the brown filters of that period.

>> No.9774032 [DELETED] 
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>nooooo not the heckin piss filter!
The gold is kino af.

>> No.9774035

It was a pretty huge letdown. I didn't completely hate my time when I pirated it but oh man did it not feel like half the classic Deus Ex was. It was like a blockier, simpler Lego version of Deus Ex, I don't know how else to describe it. Everything was dummied down, chunkier, and more obnoxiously colored from the models, text/UI, lighting, levels, combat, upgrades, you name it. Also ran like shit warmed over at the time. Wasn't til Geforce 6 til it ran especially well.

>> No.9774050

>blue and fuchsia horseshit everywhere, just like the rest of the game
This is such a yuge downgrade from the dialogue and cinematography in 1's in-engine intro it's stunning. On this topic, I pity anyone who only got the PS2 version with its awful muffled and echoey CG intro with none of the soul.

>> No.9774067


>> No.9774071

I bet Deus Ex 2 could have been a lot better if they weren't so goddamn married to those suboptimal UE2 normal maps and real time shadows. The levels probably could have been a ton bigger and complex if that shit wasn't hogging memory. Even with the RAM it ran like shit on GPUs 2-3x as powerful as the Xbox's. I bet if it looked like Deus Ex, maybe a smidge better and more optimized, it probably could have been as complex.

>> No.9774075

bro, it's not even on par with Deux Ex 1 let alone HR/MD. The geometry was simplified to nothing and levels were tiny so it could have the slick lighting for the whole cubic 30ft you could load at a time, and IW was just as obsessed with blue/purple as HR was with gold.

>> No.9774090

> so goddamn married
you should read this thread >>9771918

>> No.9774092 [DELETED] 

I do agree with HR not feeling like a prequel with the tech/architecture on display, though. It and MD are still better than IW, but neither compare to the original.

>> No.9774095

>Flesh Engine
It was just UE2 if I recall. Maybe their hacked up modified version is what they called Flesh, sort of like Void/Idtech these days.

>> No.9774198

Now I feel oddly compelled to play this piece of shit again.

>> No.9774229
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 1558073191679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely love the Omar as a faction, unfortunately no one else in the game is even remotely as interesting as them. I wish more games attempted what IW did with the Omar in terms of post-humanism.The entire world can die, this solar system can die, but the Omar have the capacity to survive. the Omar are a more evolved form of life.

Omar end is the logical result even after everyone gets biomodded.

>> No.9774276 [DELETED] 

did you read any posts in the thread?

>> No.9774283

did you look at the ttlg thread?

>> No.9774298

I did, pretty much everything I presumed about it since it came out.

>> No.9774914

>I genuinely love the Omar as a faction, unfortunately no one else in the game is even remotely as interesting as them. I wish more games attempted what IW did with the Omar in terms of post-humanism.The entire world can die, this solar system can die, but the Omar have the capacity to survive. the Omar are a more evolved form of life.
>Omar end is the logical result even after everyone gets biomodded.

>> No.9774972

That's an established Cyberpunk thing anyway. This game probably took it from the Gibson novel Count Zero, where one of the characters has a hologram suite in his house where he fully immerses himself in pornographic scenarios.

>> No.9774986

Discount memes aside, they are the one faction that seems to understand that none of this ideological conflict matters if we don't survive inevitable devastation in the future. That's why in the Omar ending it's been 200 years and earth was devastated by nuclear war, but the Omar are still around because unlike all the others, they adapted.

>> No.9774998
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>earth was devastated by nuclear war, but the Omar are still around

>> No.9775090

Haha keep coping John

>> No.9775239

Sorta. Morrowind on the original XBox would at times secretly quit and restart the game when you went into a loading screen, which was a trick to free up memory. Honestly a pretty damn clever solution, kind of at odds with how finicky and janky the game is overall, I love Morrowind (on PC), but it's crashtastic, fan fixes are a godsend.

>during Oblivion's development, Bethesda were aching about the memory limitations of the XBox360 and how much they would get to work with
>after a lot of requests, they eventually convince Microsoft to double the amount of memory for the 360
>all the programmers on the team go ecstatic, completely wild
>Bethesda holds a 'Doubled The Memory Party' where everyone chugs beer and they have a cake with the old and new RAM printed on it

>> No.9775245

>Daikatana was fun and innovative
No it wasn't.
It really was bland and bad. Its mediocrity is its most outstanding feature.

>> No.9775254

He didn't make that level, also those little clue indicators (not arrows) aren't visible by default, you need to find a secret switch to activate them, and they don't strictly give you any directions, they more just serve as little landmarks to make it easier to navigate the labyrinth. Also it's a really, really good level, better than anything in Dai-Katana.

>> No.9775259

Not even John defends daikashit as much as that anon spaz, actually.

>> No.9775263

I think he recognizes that it's a flawed game, yeah, even if he has a fondness for its nicer sides.

>> No.9775580
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It's not that bad on pc.

>> No.9775682
File: 132 KB, 90x90, ImGonnaGetYoAss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not John
Good thing I never beat Plutonia. Chaingunner faggotry needs to fuck off, so do the archviles

t. hasn't played even the singleplayer
spazzes are people who don't play games or try other shit
I played and beat Halo 1 through 3 on Heroic. Halo 2 and 3 were fun but Halo 1 really sucks.

>> No.9775695

The Omar are a little more than just roaches, they have the concept of a society.

>> No.9775726

Bigs rigs tier trash?
Excuse me but it's not Daikatana with the non-existent soundtrack
Daikatana soundtrack is 2 hours long, Halo's is only 33 minutes and a lot of that is moody cringe

>> No.9775821

I actually liked it

>> No.9775825

Big rigs tier troll. Yes, we all believe you.

>> No.9775956

In a world where Mass Effect 2 and Fallout 3 exists Invisible War looks like a fucking masterpiece. Most people who hate on it are drooling Adam Jensen fanboys who think Deus Ex = sarcastic prick in a trench coat and sunglasses.

>> No.9775997
File: 3.77 MB, 500x500, a very special message.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good thing I never beat Plutonia. Chaingunner faggotry needs to fuck off, so do the archviles

>> No.9776001

>In a world where Mass Effect 2 and Fallout 3 exists Invisible War looks like a fucking masterpiece.
You're comparing a deliberately, openly casualised "cinematic" shooter to a game that pretends to be an RPG, worse yet a Deus Ex sequel. Haven't played F3 so don't know how it compares.

>> No.9776029

>they have
it has, anon

>> No.9776047

There's two concepts in 2049, the personal home hologram and the public therapist raised pink hologram girl who you tell your problems to, who seems to every guy like one 'knowing' girl. ng and pink joi are the latter

>> No.9776637

The Omar are individuals and yet a hivemind at the same time.

>> No.9776871

It was actually Epic who convinced them to double the ram after showing them Gears on 512 mb.

>> No.9776972

That's something they suggest, but should you believe it?
In the Omar ending, when the rest die, there will be no new individuals to join Omar. Does someone born into a hivemind develop an individual perspective?

>> No.9777126

>I have no enemies. Merely topographies of ignorance.

>> No.9777157

My point was that what people say about Invisible War, that it was dumbed down and casualized, is truer of games like Mass Effect 2 and Fallout 3. Same thing goes for Human Revolution btw, that's even less of an RPG than Invisible War was.

>> No.9777158

Wasn't that exactly what Leo Jankowskii (yes, THE Leo Jankowski) was afraid of?

>> No.9777356 [DELETED] 

>I do agree with HR not feeling like a prequel with the tech/architecture on display, though
That's an issue with most sci-fi prequels

>> No.9777406

Just finished this game again this week on the Deck. Quite enjoyable really, it's just a shame that the engine was hamstrung so badly on PC because of the console releases. The bit where you visit JC's memories and Liberty Island again from the first game really highlight how much the new engine sucks, because these areas look absolutely terrible. One character says "meet me in the communication van!" and you get there and it's not even a van, it's a stone building.

However, I like how they did a combination of all three endings from the original, and the ApostleCorp ending is an appropriate finish to the storyline in my opinion. It's worth playing for fans of the original just to see how the plot resolves. I also like the way the game lets you murder absolutely everyone, and the plot just tries limping along even as you massacre literally everyone you come face-to-face with. Currently doing another run where I do exactly that - kill everyone I encounter, even wiping out everyone in the hubs. It's funny how little this changes the plot.

>> No.9777427

They only replace the frontal lobe with the hivemind link when you're old enough for your brain to be able to handle it or it'd just kill you.

>> No.9778340

>However, I like how they did a combination of all three endings from the original
You like your choices being made irrelevant?

>> No.9778816

did you want the developers to make 3 different games?

>> No.9778848

That, or make one choice canon, or make a game that does not suffer from the ending of the original being an unknown. Like a prequel maybe. Or a very remote sequel. Or a contemporary game where you get the same major events over the news.

>> No.9778932

>It's funny how little this changes the plot.
The best is murdering Nicole as soon as you meet her. You'd think Chad would be furious and would refuse to work with you for doing that, but all he does is give you a slap on the wrist while sounding annoyed, and then offers you a job.

>> No.9779191

so you're crying about your choice being made irrelevant but then what you say you want is for them to make three games (absurd) or to pick on (making your choice irrelevant). Why would anybody take your criticisms seriously past this point?

>> No.9779273

>make three games (absurd)
Just as absurd as making "it totally like all happened at the same time, except it also kinda didn't".

>or to pick on (making your choice irrelevant)
Making two of my possible choices not canon. Any choice I make either leads into a possible spin-off game or into canon sequel.

>Why would anybody take your criticisms seriously past this point?
Because they are not a samefagging historical revisionist spammer.

>> No.9779318

Who's samefagging?

>> No.9779935

>You like your choices being made irrelevant?
I think a combination of all three endings is a better choice than selecting just one, yes. I also think the effect that all 3 endings had on the setting made for a better plot in IW than any one ending would've.

> samefagging
No, another anon just hopped in and pointed out the absurdity of what you want.

Haha, I even found this one out when I was doing my previous run - I couldn't believe how little he cares. I was also pleasantly surprised to see that you can murder all the children in the Tarsus Academy - this actually prompts an outraged infolink message and absolutely no consequences as always.

>> No.9780409

This thread got me to reinstall the game with AI oopscaled textures and the Visible Upgrade. First time I've seriously played it in nearly 2 decades. I forgot just how... trivial this game was. It feels like you're constantly cheating even on hard mode. It doesn't take long to max out hacking, get mech invisibility, and a silenced sniper rifle that can stealthily break glass and one-shot humans. Multi-tools are all over the place. All this I haven't even gotten out of the Seattle. It's still kind of fun to fuck around with like any im-sim but this game is fundamentally *bad*, and technically speaking it's way too goddamn broken up and miniaturized. I wish someone would merge the maps into one, like how modders have done with Thief 3. It's also stupid how it has to entirely reload for quick-loads. Bro just load the fucking state of the game don't unload and reload the whole fucking map you tards.

>> No.9780413

Also, everyone speaks in stupidly broad strokes, like they're trying to fit way too complex ideologies and mission objectives into a Tweet. It feels so juvenile and boneheaded.

>> No.9780435

I think the main thing for me was the attempts at philosophy and similar things were comparatively very forced and not as well done. There is a vagueness to the endings that keep them mostly ideological and interesting. DX2 actually shows you what happens and puts the endings into clearer defined factions. The 'new' faction, those knights, was also incredibly shit and out of place and was a clear example of inserting 'modern politics' into the setting in a way the original clearly avoided. This was also a problem with HR where it was a lot less philosophical and focused more on a political/contemporary view of the themes which works less well.

That knight faction was honestly trash though, I don't know how they thought it fit in at all. It's the kind of shit I would expect to see in 40k.

>> No.9780468
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At the very least, modders have it looking mostly like the bullshots now. The nerf this game had on release was harrowing.

>> No.9780507

>get bio-electricity restored through the glass of a locked room
lol this fucking game man. Also, pcgamingwiki doesn't mention this but cap your framerate to 60 if you play it. It'll run at any framerate, but beyond 60 the Havok physics get sped up proportially. 120 will be 2x for instance.

>> No.9782262

Sounds plausible, but they got what they wanted.

>> No.9782627

tell me your hair secret, john

>> No.9782635

there is a deus ex port to ue2, why nobody tried the same with this?

>> No.9782638

Umm. What? Invisible War is on UE2... also what in the hell are you talking about? Where's this DX UE2 port?

>> No.9782650

it's a highly modified early ue2, I'm asking for a port to the ut2004 one, if there is a game that needs a "deus ex revision" is this one
oh, never mind, they dropped it again

>> No.9782651


>> No.9782656

I'm not sure that could happen while keeping all the crazy shit it added to the early UE2, regarding scripting, normal maps, and lighting. I don't know what you hope for from all that work and the sidegrade it would be. UE3 would make more sense. Also that port is unfinished and looks wack.

>> No.9782659

I don't care about bump maps and stencil shadows, I care for larger worlds and interactivity

>> No.9782660

ue3 would ask for hd models and textures, is the fastest way to kill the project

>> No.9782661

That could be done within the framework set. Thief 3 has been modded in such a way. Granted it might be modified differently/further, but afaik it's similar tech. Maybe a move to that. I dunno, the whole cake's just baked wrong. Unironically a hugely reimagined remake of IW would be the best thing for it.

>> No.9782668

Hell a demake to UE1 tech would be better than some weird UE2 engine sidegrade or UE3.

>> No.9782669

also, shadows and normal maps are not a problem, the ut2004 source code is out there, those features were cockblocked for some reason, you can see them in action in pariah and warpath

>> No.9782671

I'm sure the infamous model collisions would be handled better in ue2

>> No.9782725

Not really. You just said you don't care about any of the graphical shit yourself.
I imagine making it bigger would be easier in UE3.

>> No.9783435
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Only part I liked in the second game was the Tarsus Academy, I would use super strength to baton those rich brats and send them flying, always gassed the ones hidden in the vents lol

>> No.9783479

Two of the choices were already irrelevant. The Illuminati ending would mean a continuation of the status quo, which we got in Invisible War, and the other ending is J.C blowing up the internet. The idea that society would collapse and reform because the internet shut down is retarded. A sequel to that would be three minutes of coomers committing suicide on mass and then we're right back to the Illuminati ending.

>> No.9783545

I think he did more than once in the past, it's just genetics. He is like one quarter native or something like that.

>> No.9784220
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It's impossible to defend that. What they have done with my boy JC is unacceptable.

>> No.9786061

I bought it for PC when it released. It was literally unplayable - I recall being able to install it but beyond that the game wouldn't even start. My machine had no issue with anything else at the time, and I ended up just returning the copy and playing on xbox.

I love the series so much that I've played IW to finish several times since then. I like it, but I find it hard to recommend to anyone who isn't a diehard fan that needs more DX. Even then I would recommend DX mods like TNM before recommending this.

>> No.9786335

Jesus fuck half of you have no artist merit. How the does this look like Metroid fucking Prime?

>> No.9788119

Not a single lie detected