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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9771087 No.9771087 [Reply] [Original]

>Previous thread

What handhelds are you using, anons? Emulators or truly retro?

>> No.9771110

rg35xx with garlic, been enjoying a lot of CPS and neogeo games but desperately need to do the battery mod

>> No.9771181
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PSVita, playing some Front Mission 3

>> No.9771189

unironically i enjoy handhelds a lot now because my cats can sit with me easier. Handheld + pc games on an old thinkpad w everyone in bed is pure kino

>> No.9771190
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I want to buy (preorder) the retroid pocket flip. Is goretroid a reliable site? Does the system come with the emulators pre-loaded on there? I've never bought anything other than a PSP and have no idea how these things work and i feel like a tard.

>> No.9771194

reliable, I got my rp3+ from there. keep in mind the DHL shipping is like a few days, I don't remember the other chinkshit shipping company but it can be fucking *months* in the bad cases to get your shit. I live in houston, not the middle of nowhere too.

>> No.9771204

Thanks anon. Do they have the games stuck on there already or am I on my own with those?

>> No.9771207

Anon with meaty claws here, how comfortable is the 35XX? Would I be better off with a 351V which I hear is bigger?
Has to be vertaslop because I'm vain and want it to look like my old gameboy.

>> No.9771220

rp3+ did not have roms, anbernig usually does, advice is always trash the SD cards and delete any preloaded roms and load your own, the quality of both the physical SD cards and the roms is beyond abysmal.

>> No.9771242

Thanks for the heads up

>> No.9771246

I use a Miyoo Mini but I'm thinking of getting a Gameboy just so I can play with my team on Pokémon stadium n64

>> No.9771254

follow this

>> No.9771261

No worries, I cant stress using your own SD card with your own ROMs enough for these. A lot of performance issues are caused by bizarre chink roms or SD cards on the verge of failure after a week, on systems that can otherwise breeze through the game.

Also be aware of what roms you're using with what version of, for example, MAME or Final Burn, that absolutely matters, especially for some of the more underpowered handhelds.

>> No.9771265

>rp3+ did not have roms
[sobs in Taki]

>> No.9771291

Yeah, either that faggot made that story up completely or Retroid is shipping people used handhelds back, both are honestly believable kek

>> No.9771297

Thanks a ton, I'll give that a good read over.

>> No.9771303

Stock v1 sp, great for quick tetris during lunch. I was playing dragon quest 2 but I'm having commitment issues. Rather use a ds for gba. Psp is cool but mines getting battery issues and it's not a great library for vr.

>> No.9771324
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Bit of Pokemon Red on the GO

>> No.9771331
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>> No.9771347

if theres a single device that cant replicate its SOUL with emulation its the Wonderswan. Fucking beautiful piece of tech

>> No.9771367

So very true anon. Did you know the screen has a 75hz refresh rate and an aspect ratio just over halfway between 3:2 and 16:10? I thought that was interesting.

>> No.9771428
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>been enjoying a lot of CPS and neogeo games

>> No.9771436

Yeah it's reliable. I've ordered three devices from there now without any issues. Expect to wait a month between ordering and the device actually shipping tho. I know anon already gave you a guide and it's a good one, but just fyi the setup is easy peasy.

4x I think? That's the one I always use, and every time it's been 9 - 11 days for shipping. I live in the Dallas area fwiw.

>> No.9771447

if only it had good games

>> No.9771601

Just got a Nomad, shit is so cool bros

>> No.9771604

Those look like cheese graters on the side

>> No.9771608

That is cool, but damn I read that thing chews through 6 batteries in 4ish hours? What were they thinking lmao. At least it’s comfy at home with the AC adapter (or rechargeable batteries).

>> No.9771618

>4ish hours
Isn't that the Game Gear?
pretty sure the nomad is half that

>> No.9771901

90s devices had ridiculous battery consumption
I had a hot wheels motorized track set that took 4 *D* batteries and mowed through them
I don't know how 90s parents afforded toys

>> No.9772130
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Have owned this game since around the time it came out, but never completed it. Going to give it a shot now, I know virtually nothing about the rules of the card game.

>> No.9772136

>I know virtually nothing about the rules of the card game.
you don't have to know much about the actual game because the rules in sacred cards are simplified immensely you'll pick it up quickly
it's a fun but also fairly short game

>> No.9772143
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70 USD, EZ Flash Omega Definitive Edition. Good or bad deal? I still use my SP a lot, and I'm considering getting this as pretty much the last thing I'll ever need to get GBA related.

>> No.9772170

The guide I was watching on YouTube about setting up a Retroid device said you need to format your SD card with the Retroid before you could use it but surely not? Can't I just buy a MicroSD card and load my roms onto it the now while I wait for the flip to ship?

>> No.9772224

he already admitted he fucked up and the rp3+ was actually from a third party store

>> No.9772269

I hope it's nothing like the forbidden memories game they had.
>Cies in 200 hours of grinding and still not beating the game

>> No.9772416

I got my EZ flash omega new for £20 what happened to prices?

>> No.9772431

>plays meteor black dragon or equivalent monsters from hand 7 times in a row with zero summons

Heh, nothing personnel kid

>> No.9772435

Nigga are you playing in a skinwalker camp this picture is uncanny

>> No.9772459

It's a good deal. You can't really get it for cheaper, and it's the cheapest GBA flashcart which is worth your time.

>> No.9772463

It's way, way easier. The sequel is complete bullshit though, way worse than FM.

>> No.9772515

RG351p or 35xx?

Primarily for GBC and GBA but also maybe for some SNES and PS1 stuff.
351p is more expensive used than the 35XX is new but it also gets here faster

>> No.9772516
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Resident Evil: Deadly Silence

>> No.9772523

I never played this but the Box was rad as FUCK and occupied the spot of maximum visibility in my local extra vision for about 5 years

Is it actually a good port?

Also how are the screens on the DS for playing GBA games? Its been years since I had one so I can't remember

>> No.9772541
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I haven't played the original on PS1, so I can't quite comment on the comparison, though there are articles out there that go over the differences.

I'm about 3-4 hours into the game, and I can't say I really have many complaints other than I just don't think the tank-y survival horror is my kind of genre.

Also can't comment on how the DS is for GBA games. I'm not one who really pays much mind to that stuff since I have the original hardware for a lot of stuff.


I vote for the 35XX

>> No.9772561

DS is a great poverty GBA. You get backlit screens and native play on a console which is dirt cheap.
There is one frame extra latency and a slight stutter relating to framerate differences. Most people can't notice it, but it needs to be mentioned for completeness's sake.

>> No.9772576
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>> No.9772597
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>> No.9772625
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What are some good Game Boy games? Almost all Game Boy and Game Boy Color games I’ve played have been boring as shit and haven’t aged well at all. I feel as though Nintendo handheld games didn’t start getting good until GBA, but perhaps I’m just ignorant. Pic related: bought this yesterday and it’s boring as SHIT

>> No.9772641

gargoyles quest

>> No.9772643

Currently rocking a 2DSXL with a grip from Amazon for most retro stuff, and Steamdeck for the rest. It’s been a really comfy and fun experience.

>> No.9772660

>Revenge of the Gator
>Hamtaro: Ham Hams Unite
>Metroid II
>Legend of the River King 2
>Amazing Tater
>Dragon Warrior III
>Wario Land 3
I don’t have a huge list, but there’s some highlights that don’t have Mario, Zelda, or Pokémon in the title.

>> No.9772759
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ive been playing castlevania aria of sorrow on the rg35xx

>> No.9772767
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I finally got my RK2023 yesterday and played around with it all evening/night and some this morning. Gonna post impressions for the one sole anon who wanted them before I lose the will to do so like I did with my A12. Also sorry for apparently writing a fucking book about this, I can't believe I ended up typing so much shit so I'm gonna have to break this into 4 posts.

>first thing that struck me was that's it's bigger than I was expecting?? obviously it's still still small and will slide in a pocket easily if you're one of those muh pocketable guys, but for some reason I thought it was going to be close to tiny. You can see in the comparison with the 353m that it's nearly the same size, so I guess the 353m is bigger than I thought.
>I'm going to sound like a total shill but fuck it this is the truth: this is by far, hands down, the most comfortable chinkheld I've ever used. I normally get at least a LITTLE handcramp when playing handhelds in bed (on back holding up), but honest to god I get nothing with this. It's truly fucking bizarre. The curved sides are a miracle, the way my pointer finger gets to slide around the top half of the side seems to solve all the ergonomic issues I've had with other handhelds
>Face buttons and d-pad are actually great?? I didn't expect to have any issue with the buttons, but they're better than I expected. Big and fat and generally feel like Anbernic buttons, but with a flat top rather than slightly domed which I actually really like. The d-pad is what really pleasantly surprised me, though. It's closer to soft than firm, but not quite as soft as an Anbernic d-pad. It's got a good amount of springiness to it without feeling taxing, and is weirdly good at hitting both diagonals and cardinals when you want to without hitting either by accident. Good pivot and I've been able to non-stop consecutive DPs in Street Fighter without issue.

>> No.9772769

Playing GBA on a vertical handheld feels cursed to me.

>> No.9772770
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Posted the wrong picture. Anyways:
>The little lines on the d-pad are just a graphic if you were wondering like I was, there's no physical dip-in there. I was also also initially worried about the ends of the d-pad being rounded rather than traditionally rectangular, but it turns out that made zero difference.
>the screen is unexpectedly vibrant and CRISP, the color saturation is very high without causing any bluring, bleeding, or loss of detail/depth. I don't mean to oversell it because it's not going to blow your dick off or anything, but it was a pleasant surpise and I can't find anything to complain about. For reference, it's definitely better than the screen on my RP2+ with the same size/resolution, which I already thought was a good screen. Brightness ranges from a very good dimness for playing in bed to very bright without destroying the image. The top brightness doesn't sear my eyeballs tho, so I imagine something like the RP3+ would hold up better if for some reason you wanted to play at the beach where the bright sun is being reflected into your eyes from every angle by the bright yellow sand. Just walking outside on my patio during a sunny day I didn't have any issues seeing everything at least.
>The speakers are better than I expected and get loud as FUCK. The bass is good but not great, an RP3+ edges it out in that regard for reference. The RK feels like it's better at the throwing the audio in your face though, which is strange because they both have downfiring speakers.
>Someone mentioned being worried about cheap flimsy plastic from Powkiddy, so while I'm not an expert on the subject by any means, I tried to pay more attention to that aspect than I usually would. It certainly doesn't feel "premium" the way the plastic on a transparent Odin or RP3+ do, but I don't think it feels cheap or flimsy either. Maybe the black bit on the bottom does a little?

>> No.9772771

never had a GBA SP?

>> No.9772774

>The white on most of the surface feels good, again I'm not an expert on the subject my description here is going to be shit, but it feels like an ultra-matte matte. It's not grainy, and it's not slick, it just feels super fucking matte-y and seems completely resistant to any smudges or fingerprints. I don't know if that will be the case with the black one, since at least two of their previous black products were fingerprint and smudge magnets much like the black RP2+. The texture of the buttons and d-pad are a little different but similary very matte feeling.
>Start and select buttons are really clickly and stick out a bit more than I'd like. I kinda like the shoulder buttons now, but I wasn't super sold on them at first. I had a hard time hitting L2/R2 comfortably at first in particular, but after using the device for a but longer I've been able to use R2 as fierce punch and R1 as roundhouse kick in Street Fighter pretty reliably as a reference. Not as good as 6 facebuttons, but what is? They have a pleasant clickiness to them, exactly like you probably expect. As far as using L2/R2 in conjunction with the analog sticks? Fucking forget about it. I mean, you can do it, but at least for me it feels awkward as hell. Overall I like the should buttons more than I did the ones on the RG505. Nothing super exciting, but they're fine and get the job done without discomfort aside from the L2/R2+analog combo.
>thankfully it is indeed light, lighter than the 235g RP3+ for sure. It's not quite like holding air, though, there is some weight there. I think it's more or less around the weight of the 199g RP2+? It's hard to say for certain since I just sold the thing, but I think that's a fairly accurate approximation.

>> No.9772778

>circling back around to the concern about about the plastic feeling cheap or w/e... it doesn't imo, but there's an annoying creak whenever I twist the device. I don't know why you'd do that, but I sometimes find myself doing it because I don't know I'm fucking autistic I guess, but it gives a disturbing feeling back, like I could snap the thing or pop the screen out if I kept going. Again, I don't know why the fuck you would twist it in the first place, but there you go. I'm pretty sure it's because of Powkiddy opting for the top and bottom panels to be seperate panels from the main body instead of just having front and back halves of a shell like a sane company.

Overall if you couldn't tell, I really like the device. I wish it had more juice so it could handle Saturn and Dreamcast well, but like half of this general is good with the chips in the RG35XX, Miyoo Minis, and 353 line, so I guess you guys wouldn't mind.

>> No.9772779

I guess clamshells are technically closer to vertical than horizontal but they still feel different compared to a single Gameboy-like brick.

>> No.9772780

looks like a fine device but there's something off about it for me, maybe I'm just too vertical pilled

>> No.9772808

How do you get around not having a function button?

>> No.9772814
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Good review, thanks. We need more reviews by anons. Now review this.

>> No.9772818

Toxoplasmosis typed this message.

>> No.9772820
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toxowhat? bro just breathe deeply while you scoop my litter and quit being a schizo

>> No.9772842
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>> No.9772848

Thanks for beta testing, RG35XX owners.

>> No.9772858

They struck gold with that design.

>> No.9772862

I get it m8, formfactor is king for me too.

I don't have any of the 353 devices so I don't actually know what all the function button does, but by default Select is the hotkey button. Hold down Select and tap Start twice to exit a game, hold select and press X to open the Retroarch menu, hold Select and press R2 to fast-forward, etc. What's annoying is I don't see anyway to adjust brightness outside of going into settings, but the ArkOS guy said he requested a dev unit from Powkiddy and they replied they're sending him one, so hopefully he'll be able to sort that out. Currently the RK2023 can boot with the image of ArkOS meant for the 353 devices since it shares the same chip, but obviously it lacks the function button those have, so he'll have to remap some of those hotkeys to Select or something.

Thanks anon.
>Now review this.
Looks kino af, I give it an IGN 10/10. I always wanted one of these but couldn't get over paying $115 for a RK3326 device.

>> No.9772865

>implying you arent beta testing for version 3

>> No.9772878

>Anon with meaty claws here, how comfortable is the 35XX?
I'm thinking about printing a holder likes this:

Begs the question, what other devices can do Gameboy link?

>RG351p or 35XX
Same display, can do what you want, if you prefer the format, get the cheaper device.



Ok, kitty master, ruler of all that is true and holy.

The design isn't very special. It's the price.

>> No.9772881

>Same display
umm no sweaty, 351p has a 3:2 480x320 screen while the 35XX has a 4:3 640x480.

>> No.9772884

I stand corrected then. More reason to go for the 35XX.

>> No.9772895

just got a 3500mah battery off ali to change out the rg35xx, battery life is god awful on this fucker even with garlic.

>> No.9772908
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OTA updates for OnionOS! I love being up to date everything needs to be up to date 24/7

>> No.9772935

>hear about new update and get excited
>read notes and realize I don't care about any of that shit
>feel like a faggot.

>> No.9772953

this is literally me

>> No.9772957

I’m just waiting for the update to fix my bugged life.

>> No.9772994

That looks slick as heck anon, is that yours? I'm playing Dark Arms right now.

>> No.9773062

Nil has given an update on when preview KTR1s are going out: gonna be another week. I look forward to seeing the same update next week.
I just can't see how he can ship the finished units on April 10th.

>> No.9773074
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Yup it's mine. I bought the blue one a few years ago since my original one from my childhood needs a bit of fixing.

Dark Arms is some good fun

>> No.9773076


>> No.9773085
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I always thought the carbon looked so fucking cool. I had the slim in colorless transparent like this.

>> No.9773150

I've never had a neo geo pocket but these look genuinely beautiful. I've also heard the directional pad is really satisfying to use.

>> No.9773168

Girlfriend brought these home from her mom’s house. The black game boy isn’t working but I’m hoping my local retro store can repair it.

>> No.9773170
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Forgot pic

>> No.9773274

update is called 32. install straight to the fleshy cpu

>> No.9773342
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Why do I enjoy watching and reading reviews of retro handhelds when I don't plan to buy any more of them?

>> No.9773369

Its nice to know about other devices and what they do, anon. Plus if its a great reviewer you can just listen while doing other shit.

I swear i started that RGC video about those glasses but ended edging to megaman exe porn while listening to Russ's voice about playing the Steam Deck with those huge glasses

>> No.9773424 [DELETED] 
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>That stupid nigger who made a thread just to show his shitty rg35xx
Tell your faggot /hht/ friends this isnt plebbit and stay in your circlejerk thread.

>> No.9773432

You mean this

>> No.9773521

hey, whatever helps bringing people into the fold.
Better than the retarded eshop thread. Fucking retarded people there

>> No.9773554 [DELETED] 

What? Get off this board faggot

>> No.9773643

Nah this is fine. Some fag early made one /vr/ just to show his new cringe vertical.

>> No.9773663

Honestly? Probably just pokemon. Pretty sure that;s the only game series that kept the gameboy alive, and more than likely nintendo as well.

>> No.9773709

>what is advance wars.
>what is Kirby
>What is Super Mario Land 1 & 2
>What is GB Megaman series
>what is Megaman Xtreme
Nice try.

>> No.9773713

you forgot the wario land games

>> No.9773714

>>what is advance wars.
>>what is Kirby
A shit series
>>What is Super Mario Land 1 & 2
>>What is GB Megaman series
The only good GB games.
>>what is Megaman Xtreme
Pains me to say it but they were shit.

>> No.9773804
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>> No.9773821

>Kirby is a shit series
speak for yourself
I disagree, especially on the second one.
>Megaman Xtreme was ultimately shit in both cases.
I can understand the name being registered as being too over the top, but you shouldn't expect an SNES nor PS1 type experience in either an OG Gameboy or GBC game. Also, how about Gradius.

>> No.9773846

The games just aren't good anon, what you really like is the cute little ball character. Trust me, I've already been in that stage of denial.
>playing a console port of an arcade game
>playing a monochrome GAMEBOY port of an arcade game
anonymous, I...

>> No.9773896

>Trust me, I can turn my opinions into fact!
There more to Kirby than just him jumping around and eating enemy NPCs. I get it, you hate it.

>> No.9773910

i just beat castlevania dawn of sorrow 100% on my 3ds xl moving on to portrait of ruin

>> No.9773926

i agree the games are not that good but they are fun, anything past amazing mirror is pure shite though

>> No.9773961

>umm no sweaty, 351p has a 3:2 480x320 screen
I love to see when people type the 351p screen resolution wrongly. The real screen resolution is 320x480.

>> No.9774003

What handheld should I get from amazon?

>> No.9774102
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Is the Retroid Pocket 2+ worth it for $99?

>> No.9774206

Yes, at least when it released. It's pretty powerful, not enough for GameCube but certainly anything below that. The big problem is the ergonomics - it's just a slab of plastic and it's not all that comfortable, especially with the trans stick layout. It's also missing L3 and R3, which can be a problem in some games. The touch screen can also be a little dodgy on the lower half. Sound is just ok. The right slider isn't all that bad once lubed, but it's still a slider. Dpad and buttons all feel nice, although there's a fair bit of travel.
Now? You've got more options. The RG353 line have better ergonomics, but are less powerful and more expensive. The RP3 has the same power and better ergonomics, and a better screen (albeit wide-screen). The RP3+ is better in every regard, although more expensive. The RP2+ still holds its own, though, providing you can get over its eccentricities.
Can you even buy them anymore?

>> No.9774343

where are you finding it for that price?

>The touch screen can also be a little dodgy on the lower half.
if you're getting this from the RGC review, that ended up being a problem with DraStic emulator, not the device. He had the same problem with another device with that emulator. If you're talking instead from personal experience, carry on.

>> No.9774346

Hell yeah if you can find one for cheap and its battery isnt fucked.

The Rg300 is 30 bucks RIGHT NOW

>> No.9774442

I've been enjoying my deck, but Rogue Squadron 2 doesn't load the first mission after the initial level 1 cutscene.

>> No.9774452

Is that just a black gameboy or a black gameboy pocket? I remember the christmas I got my pocket and donkey kong land 2 and pokemans red, what a great year that was. Next year I got a SNES.

>> No.9774454

Should I get a RG353VS?

>> No.9774463
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Any other superior specimen had this thing growing up?
Or for my next image, the most superior handheld ever made (in kids pov).

>> No.9774464
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Nintendo GBA SP Gamester

>> No.9774471

Personal experience. The bottom half can be a bit unresponsive in general.

>> No.9774479

$90 Amazon right now

>> No.9774489
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I hacked my N3DSXL and loaded all the must have/play games from Gameboy to PS1. I dont feel like playing anything. What do?

>> No.9774491

Go on a vacation. Bring your DS.

>> No.9774507

Buy another handheld and then don't play games on that too. That's what we all do, right?

>> No.9774508

now these are great, it's a shame people suggest the WS over this thing, at least it has games

>> No.9774520

Force yourself to play something that's already very close to what you're familiar with, and then when you complete that, it'll be much easier to force yourself to pick up another game. It's all about momentum. I played Link's Awakening, then A Link Between Worlds, and now I'm playing Pokemon Emerald. If I had started with Emerald then I probably would have given up, because the pace is much slower.

>> No.9774536

Think of a game you've always wanted to play and commit

>> No.9774543

Delete this.

>> No.9774604

And Fire Emblems, Golden Sun and Metroid.

>> No.9774757

To add to what others have said, there were a lot of QA issues with the screen, at least at first. They tightened the screws too much and it put pressure on the screen, making it washed out and have weird colours. I had to open mine up and loosen the screws when I got it. Decent handheld otherwise, though.

>> No.9775094

Spend a bit more and go for the regular V version. Extra ram is worth it.
If price is the issue then just get a RG35XX, you really won't use the sticks if you're underpowered

>> No.9775105

>Extra ram is worth it.
Does that actually make a difference if you only want to use Linux? Maybe I'm just fucking retarded but it doesn't seem like any of the emulators the rk3566 can run well use anywhere near the remainder of the 1gb.

>> No.9775112

Depends, innit?
What RAM doe the RG353VS have, what does the RG353V have?
If it's more than 1GB, it's meaningless for everything these small things can emulate. If you want native Android games, maybe some of them use more. Maybe.

>> No.9775117

For me it's the extra ram when using portmaster.

>> No.9775118

It's 1gb for the VS which can't even boot into Android and 2gb for the V. That's kinda the impression I got, that the extra gb is just for Android being a bit of a memory hog + native Android games.

Ahh, that's true.

>> No.9775126

In that case, if there aren't any other differences, and there aren't any native Android games you want to run, the VS sounds fine.

Didn't know that was a thing. What exactly needs more than 1GB of ram?

>> No.9775136
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>powkiddy includes two BoR games on the rom card shipped with rk2023
>they're both widescreen only
Pretty sure they were selected solely for the coomer charcters kek, but they're actually both pretty fun. Might wanna try these on my RP3+.

>> No.9775157

>What exactly needs more than 1GB of ram?
Half life?

>> No.9775163

>>>>What exactly needs more than 1GB of ram?
>>>Half life?
>>Are you asking me?
>I don't know?
That makes two of us?

>> No.9775168

RG351P seems to run it fine with 1gb so I guess not.

>> No.9775232


>> No.9775280
File: 178 KB, 1080x1907, miniplus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening.
I still don't know if I should just bought a rg351v instead.

>> No.9775296

Beats of Rage, it's an open source beat em up engine that was created way back on the Dreamcast that's now been ported everywhere with a bunch of bmup games made on it.

>> No.9775314

front mission? i played thee nes version and the nds remake and even with the QoL features of the remake it's a hard pass for me for a second playthrough

>> No.9775317

what color? I went purple and it's delayed

>> No.9775319

Shantae is fucking goat, sadly it's HARD as shit at the begginning but once you unlock some moves it gets fucken' WILD on some situations, it's aso a pretty solid metroidvania and it has
[T E C H N O L O G Y]
Because Shantae and the enemies' sprites get dark once they are near a shadow and the game haas a day and night cycle in which enemies become harder at night, pretty rad

>> No.9775325

>rg35xx in transit in a state 5 hours away since 6 am EST and still no update on parcelsapp.
give it to me now!

>> No.9775329

I bought the gray one. Honestly I contacted them to ask for a refund and the dude asked me if I would like the white one instead, so he would ship my unit right away.
I guess I get a white one now.

>> No.9775361

I’m trying to play Bangai-O and Mars Matrix on my 353M and they run like garbage. What settings should I use to get them to run properly? Using flycast RA

>> No.9775376

every one of these things is a beta test, we're all essentially crowd funding zany experiments inside a chinese warehouse

>> No.9775380

I personally felt like it was a waste of money. Buttons are too tall with too much travel, d-pad is in a shitty position if you also want to grip the shoulder buttons

>> No.9775445

>Mars Matrix

Is DC even expected to run on the 353M?

>> No.9775513

It came preloaded with Crazy Taxi 2 so I thought it might be possible to play the 2D DC games at full speed but I suppose not

>> No.9775525

I've tried Border Down, Under Defeat, Giga Wing 2, Project Justice, Capcom vs SNK, and Sonic Adventure 2 and they all ran like complete ass on both ArkOS and JELOS even when using Retroarch 32. I haven't tried Mars Matrix so that particular one might be okay since it's basically a CPS2 port, but generally DC does not run on 353M. Or at least the linux side, maybe things are better on Android.

>> No.9775532

Buy the 405m if you want DC emulation.

>> No.9775578

I’ve been thinking about this quite a bit, and I’ve had a realisation. This industry is fascinating not just because retro handhelds are cool devices for playing old games, but because the industry itself is something we haven’t seen in decades. Think about computers and consoles in the 80s and 90s (if you’re old enough). Every few months there would be a new product on the market, cheaper or faster or easier to use, but the general direction of travel was just better. But, there were lots of similar devices, none perfect, and the decision was always difficult. ‘Yes, well the Amiga has great graphics for the price but it can’t run Lotus 1-2-3.’ ‘The 3DO has a great version of Street Fighter II but it’s nearly a grand, and the SNES comes with five Mario games.’ ‘I know Windows 98 doesn’t run all that well, but I really need that USB support and apparently there’s an update soon.’ All trade-offs, interesting choices, always advancing.
Well, that’s just like this handheld industry. ‘The Powkiddy is cheap but it might explode.’ ‘I’d get the Retroid Flip but you just know the Flip+ is coming.’ ‘The KTR1 is going to blow everything away but it’s been delayed again.’ Nothing perfect, but always getting better and lots of interesting choices. Just think, only a few years ago it was all rumours of weird Korean handhelds that can emulate the NES, now we’re complaining our handheld PC that can emulate PS3 is a little too big. This is how all tech used to be. Nowadays it’s just incremental stagnation and sideways progress. PCs have only had incremental improvements for nearly 20 years. Mobile phones are an exercise in who can put the biggest hole in the screen in some weird social experiment. The two main consoles are 99.9% the same. TVs have three more pixels this year but they’re beaten in motion by tech from the 1930s.
It’s an interesting time to be a retro gamer. Savour it. These times may never come again.

>> No.9775605

This is a good take, actually every three months or so we see notable improvements.

>> No.9775780

You do understand that retro handhelds was an industry that grew out of cheap Chinese Android TV boxes and tablets right and happened to explode in popularity because China will hop on successes when GPD and then Retroid managed to tap into the market demand for these devices? It's interesting from a cost optimization perspective and where they are relative to flagship phones on computing power CPU and GPU wise and what a certain price like $50, $100 or $150 can get you and that is all well and good because it echoes of the same path other things like PC, phones and etc. went through during their growth stage.
The fun will end for most of this board once you can cram in computing power that can emulate most of 6th generation consoles well into a smaller device that has great battery for $100. For all intents and purposes, that would be the endgame for "retro" uses and the producers will see demand drop off like a cliff after that point because that pricepoint is the sweet spot where it's enough to be a impulse purchase. People purchase speakers or headphones cheaper than that. You'll just see optimization afterwards for battery life and screen and cost and possibly extension into being able to play 7th generation consoles if there is demand for it but for the most part, there won't be really this kind of cadence now we see after that point. I mean, if you savor that environment, go ahead but the "endgame" is technically already here if you are willing to spend $200. Right now, the main thing really is more about price reduction which will happen in 2-3 years and that isn't really that exciting for me. The main issue for me is really software and what needs to happen to take advantage of getting things running optimally for emulation on ARM which is still behind x86 in a lot of respects.

>> No.9775820

does it flair up anyone else's autism when ecelebs say "an-BERR-nic"?

>> No.9775823

just you friend

>> No.9775827
File: 341 KB, 922x692, 4b1e8c3b44a38c81d13c7625c4bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, my first handheld.

>> No.9775832

>the "endgame" is technically already here if you are willing to spend $200
What device are you talking about? The Odin? Because the Odin still can't run 6th gen perfectly. And there's other problems like availability and being above pocket size that keep it from being the true winner.

>> No.9775869
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It is $89 on Amazon right now. It was $99 when I initially posted my question.

>> No.9775872

I only sort of follow emulation past PS1. What is the state of the art with shader compilation? My Steam Deck stutters the first time a shader is introduced during Wind Waker, which is otherwise a piece of cake for the Deck. Do people just tolerate this? My standard for "runs 100%" is if my attention is not drawn to the emulation whatsoever. Everything below GC/PS2 has been here for a while, but I see these ecelebs and people in threads like this saying that systems run "perfectly" on whatever hardware and it just isn't true.

>> No.9775881
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>> No.9775883

Sorry, fatfingered and didn't realize, $400, aka Steam Deck performance. For ARM, I guess the Razer Edge is comparable and probably in the same ballpark. But yeah, the main issue is all about price and slimming down form factor and maximizing battery.

>> No.9775914

I wonder if there’ll be a point where there’s a lot of people who consider 7th gen retro and demand emulators that can run PS3/Xbox 360.

>> No.9775915

Thanks guys. I did miss a good deal on a 35XX for half of what I'd pay for the 353VS, but I feared it might choke on edge cases. Think I'm gonna go with it anyway, don't see anything good on the Android side besides SOR4 and it's 16:9 anyway.

>> No.9775925

the sad truth is that zoomers just have very low standards
it's like the people who used to claim that snes and gba emulate perfectly on the psp i mean those are still around even lol

>> No.9775943

Dolphin has a feature called hybrid ubershaders which you should enable. It's explcitly to help solve shader stutters.
I 100% agree with you on how the stutters shouldn't be considered acceptable though. Influencers have taken the definition of 'playable' and turned it into a green light for their viewers to blow $200+ on distracting performance issues not on original hardware.

>> No.9775945

I am not a spec nerd or pixel peeper and I still have "are you serious?" moments all the time in this scene. The sad truth is that the mini consoles that everyone dunks on are a better player experience because of Nintendo / M2 ability to spend money on testing and QA. I never once think about the emulation on the SNES classic, meanwhile my RG351MP cannot run the FF6 Advance intro full speed with default settings on AmberElec.

>> No.9775951

ty anon this is a development I had not heard of. Is this a Dolphin-only thing or is the idea generalizeable to other systems?

Dumb question but what prevents the shaders from being compiled ahead of time? I would gladly wait ten minutes on first title boot or whatever if it meant zero stuttering.

>> No.9775969

Really? Thought GBA was full speed on those. And I heard (heh) the MD Mini has bad audio, and those devices are only supposed to run a dozen games.

>> No.9775970

Dolphin was one of the first emulators that struggled heavily with shader compilation. Its an issue that goes away the more you play the game but that always means your entire playthrough would be littered with stutter. Their devs implemented ubershaders some years ago as a brute force way to deal with it, and its only somewhat feasible because GC/Wii games aren't hugely demanding.
I think in the case of emulation its impossible to get all the shaders a game uses beforehand. From what I recall, Wii U emulation also had shader stutter issues and this was 'resolved' by having a loser go through the game and find every single shader the game renders, and then uploading the cache online for others to use.

>> No.9775972

>Shaders on original hardware.

>> No.9775975

How much did you pay for your snes classic vs the anbernic handheld?

>> No.9775981

This is a Dolphin only thing. You won't find it on RPCS3 and etc but they implement similar systems like asynchronous compiling and etc.


The inherent problem is really the fact that consoles have only one configuration so all the shaders can be shipped on disk or downloaded on the console and used without hassle. But doing this on something not native like a PC or handheld means your specific GPU has to translate the shader instructions native to your own GPU to run the program without issues and that means the on disk/downloaded shaders that come with the game is useless. Without it, the game as a program will stop the world generally until the shader is generated which is why the stutter exists in the first place. This isn't just a problem in emulation, it is happening a lot in modern PC ports of multiplatform games.

>> No.9775984 [DELETED] 

Default GBA emulator on AmberElec is mGBA, which cannot run all GBA games full speed. gbSP runs everything full speed but is presumably less accurate (never noticed any issues though).

Not sure what you are getting at anon but I but the SNES Classic at launch for MSRP and spent ~$120 on this RG351MP that I constantly have to test and tweak before I settle in to play an old video game.

ty anon

>> No.9775987

Default GBA emulator on AmberElec is mGBA, which cannot run all GBA games full speed. gbSP runs everything full speed but is presumably less accurate (never noticed any issues though).

Not sure what you are getting at anon but I but the SNES Classic at launch for MSRP and spent ~$120 on this RG351MP that I constantly have to test and tweak before I settle in to play an old video game.

ty anon

>> No.9776012
File: 21 KB, 878x63, stenzek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit it's ALWAYS this guy

>> No.9776032

>can't separate the art from the artist
And this is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.9776108


>> No.9776128

let's all agree to call anbernic style inline shoulder buttons "3ds shoulder buttons" to legitimize it

>> No.9776182

I've never even played a 3DS game that made use of the ZL and ZR buttons.

>> No.9776281


>> No.9776458
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>> No.9776556

NGL, it's a cool artifact, zigger.

If you are interested in emulation of 4:3 consoles up to Playstation, then the 35XX is really the value proposition. If you want slightly more, you have to pay almost double.

>> No.9776571

Curious to see if any anons have an opinion on getting a handheld. Choosing between the Aya Odin Pro or the RGP3+. I currently have a Galaxy S22 Ultra that can run everything Aether SX2 and Dolphin has to throw at it just fine, so I'm really interested in which device is more powerful and can handle that gen. Also, portability. I need something to put in my pocket because I primarily play at work; otherwise if I'm at home I'll emulate on my laptop or otherwise. Does anyone have both devices or has used them to answer some questions?

>> No.9776658

Odin is marginally more powerful
RP3+ is marginally more portable

but rp3 Start/Sel buttons are on the top of the device, so fuck that

>> No.9776780
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Ayooo where my handhelds at?

>> No.9776934
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The rg405m releases in a few hours: https://anbernic.com/products/rg405m

I already ordered the Retroid Pocket Flip but I might order this one at the same time and compare them myself then sell the worse one on ebay. What could go wrong?

The main difference between them is 4inch 4:3 screen VS 4.7inch widescreen.

>> No.9776942

>for retro vidya
who would want this?

>> No.9776948
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Some systems benefit from widescreen over 4:3 like GBA and DS to fit both screens. That said, 3:2 or 5:3 is the best compromise.

>> No.9776949

No, a GBA will fit a 4:3 screen with minimal black bars
as for DS?
not retro and better on two screens

>> No.9776952
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PSP fans I suppose. Maybe there's widescreen hacks for various emulators too.
But I don't think playing with black bars is that big a deal, especially if you order a black console, which is what I did with the Retroid Pocket Flip. A clamshell design also means the black bars aren't inbetween your hands and the gameplay, they're more ignorable.

>> No.9776956

I prefer my GBA games being pillarboxed over letterboxed. Something about them being letterboxed always makes them look really squished. And in terms of screen real estate, you're getting more GBA screen on the RP3 compared to the 405

>> No.9776962
File: 3.57 MB, 4000x3000, PXL_20230328_094359654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have Vita, Switch, Steam Deck but I mostly take my PSP with me when I travel.

I've modded it to run off Switch Lite battery, so it gives me good 8-9 hrs of play time of PSP games. IPS screen and USB charging as well.

I've built it because during summer I do a lot of bicycle traveling and there wasn't any handheld performing better battery-wise on the market.
But don't get me wrong, I'm not delusional - PSP is subpar to most of retro handhelds on the market. It's just that for my use PSP worked better.

PSP gang still here?

>> No.9777007

I prefer my GBA on a GBA
But pillarbox on anything is utter trash

>> No.9777020 [DELETED] 

Vanilla Šky

>> No.9777039

>Switch battery hack
Holy shit that’s amazing

>> No.9777058

Yeah. This one is interesting. Sadly many battery mods/hacks struggle with keeping the sleep mode in the background.

I did some comparisons between popular options for this mod, eg. iphone 8 batteries, but switch lite proved to be working the best.

One downside? It takes ages to charge.

>> No.9777063

Is it an easy mod?

>> No.9777102

It's safer dealing with commodities.

>> No.9777114

It's not the easiest of mods. You will need
- donor PSP battery; can be fake, we need the battery motherboard not the cell
- HDH003 Switch Lite battery
- Soldering iron, philips screwdrivers
- Dremmel or something to cut the plastic out in the UMD tray

The general idea is to take off the UMD reader, fit in your battery (cut plastic where necessary). Solder in the +- to the PSP battery motherboard and fit it in.

>> No.9777225
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One of these usually.

>> No.9777274

35XX is getting it's GPU unlocked recently which opens it up to way more features and emulators in the long run

>> No.9777287

Why would you keep the old 3DSXL?

>> No.9777310

Been thinking of skipping getting a handheld and instead grabbing one of those telescopic controllers. Is the Razer Kishi any good? I've seen people complain that the d-pad is next to unusable, but also several mods just involving layers of tape. What about input lag? I know it's wired, but I do have some latency with some controllers wired over USB-C, so I'm really worried about this one. Reason I'm asking for this is because these are on sale right now.

>> No.9777325

I always wanted this thing, but it's weak and pricey. At half the current price I'd have bought one already even if it can't handle much more than my RG351P. One of the biggest reasons I don't use my handheld all that much is because it's just not comfortable to hold.

>> No.9777364
File: 808 KB, 1572x1500, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that anon but i really like the thing and play 3ds games on it that don't need n3ds power or a 2nd stick
the black edition is my favorite ds style console design in general and the matte shell feels nicer to hold (and produces less obvious fingerprints) than the n3ds one
also small bonus for having the memory card slot accessible without taking off the backplate like for the n3ds

>> No.9777457


What is the game on txhe right?

>> No.9777487

I think it's called Dark Arms

>> No.9777547

Kishi's fine for 6th gen and up with analong triggers, but the dad is add if you don't do the scotch tape mod.
> latency
Android version? I never had lag on 7.0 in pizzaboy and drastic, but I did get lag on ppsspp, but I think that emulator's just shit out of the box.

>> No.9777558

why is your game in chinese

>> No.9777559

Android 13, should be fine to be fair. I only tested an xbone controller and an 8bitdo one, the 8bitdo was input laggy through USB-C no matter what I played on it and I couldn't get the xbox gamepad to work wired no matter what. I'm not too bothered about modding it if it doesn't involve much soldering or breaks apart the first time it's opened.

>> No.9777564

it's in nihongo because i'm a retarded weeb

>> No.9777662

PSP gang still here anon. I got my white Darth Vader PSP 2000 as a birthday gift in 2008 and the damned thing still works. Replaced the stick and the screen but otherwise still kicking. I have an official Sony expanded battery in and I wanna say a 128GB card (maybe bigger lmao, all I know is it loads slow and I have way too much space free still but idc). Love the damned thing. I'm in the exact same boat as you, have a Switch, Deck, DS Lite, N2DSXL, but my PSP is my sweet spot. It can do a lot of cool shit in a very nice form factor and I find myself defaulting to it and its library sometimes even with better options available. Plus it's fun sometimes to LARP that it's still 2006-2010.

I love your build too. Love the shell and I'm curious how the battery is versus my Sony one.

>> No.9777759

I'm happy you like it. I've also built a similar one for my friend last year. I've posted it some time ago too. Pic rel. In general - all of those PSPs I mod are bought in awful/broken state too. Quite a pleasure to have something running again : D

I used to have a PSP 2k back in high school. Funny enough I took it with me to uni, then when I moved abroad, now it's back at my pops place.

Nice score with the expanded battery. How long does it run for you? I wonder how many cycles it has.
I've been playing a lot of PS1 games nowadays with underclocked CPU so my PSP with the switch battery it usually lasts me 8-9 hrs for PSP games and about 11-12 for PS1 games.

>> No.9777773
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Sorry, missed the pic

>> No.9777786
File: 298 KB, 960x638, 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For this thing.

>> No.9777825

lol this thing fucking sucks

>> No.9777906

The 405M looks nice wish I didn’t preorder a Flip it’d be insane to get both. Hopefully the flip is good

>> No.9777912


>> No.9777914

>stick on top
>unnecessary metal weight and cost
Could've be great...

>> No.9777924

I ordered both a RP3+ and RG505 to see which one I liked more and ended up selling the RG505 for nearly the exact same amount I paid for it. If you're a fucking autist like me you could always do that. Still have no idea why that poor lad didn't just spend $13 to get one new from Anbernic but oh well it worked out for me. Maybe it's because Ebay buying protection is better than Anbernic customer support kek.

>> No.9777951


>its mainly a streaming device


>> No.9777981
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>> No.9778047

Abxylutely awful

>> No.9778052
File: 2.34 MB, 4080x3072, 1663302812214458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the guy that said he had bear claws instead of regular sized hands, this is my RG35XX with a 3D printed grip. It's comfy. This was a high speed 0.3mm print to see if it fits, but a slower and finer 0.2mm print is in production.
Playing Gauntlet on the GBA emulator on GarlicOS.

>> No.9778054

Not sure why i quoted you.

>> No.9778062

What’s the purpose of this handheld ? Why are people hyped for this?

>> No.9778067

What’s the point then?

>> No.9778074

Is there any handheld that can play Lemmings and The Incredible Machine?

>> No.9778097
File: 22 KB, 480x639, 1675156474770574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Large hands, small and thin handheld.
Grip gives you +2 FPS.

What do you mean what is the point?

>> No.9778132

Fair enough

>> No.9778161

Consider this: Some handhelds are generally good but have terrible ergonomics

>> No.9778182

Get a horizontal handheld then?

>> No.9778189

horizontal handhelds can and will often be also pretty shitty at that

>> No.9778198
File: 234 KB, 435x290, 1679493635735818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There isn't much more to hold onto there either.
The fundamental problem is that the palm of the hand has no contact with the device, this grip solves that.

>> No.9778213

Alright you have my bless.

>> No.9778214

this pic is so endearing

>> No.9778216

This is why I always wanted this >>9772814

>> No.9778260

Cheers m8s.

I feel it goes into the right direction, but it's not really there yet.

>> No.9778287
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Alright, high five!

>> No.9778296
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Sweet book btw

>> No.9778323

That's mainly a software issue, you need to setup dosbox. But maybe a touchscreen can be read as mouseinput so you'd want to go with an android device with touchscreen support.

>> No.9778341
File: 62 KB, 500x700, skeleton-sitting-in-white-chair-against-white-wall-merrimon-crawford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for the mailman to deliver my Retroid...

>> No.9778347

Which one?

>> No.9778350
File: 29 KB, 1024x553, xua1834c654a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pocket 3+

>> No.9778359

Nice, hope you have fun anon.

>> No.9778360

What do these cost these days? Can they play PS2 or Xbox1?

>> No.9778370

Thanks anon
Some games
No, because Xbox emulation is still in infant stages in general.
I'm mainly going to use it for PSP emulation and stream games off my PC.

>> No.9778372

$150 innit?
a little, but don't expect to play a lot of PS2. this community spreadsheet will give you an iodea of what it can play
kek no, I don't think an Android emulator even exists for it. Anything less than an Deck isn't going to cut it, and even there it doesn't play everything well as the emulator is still pretty jank.

>> No.9778415

That's awesome man. I always wanted to build up an armada of refurb PSPs to use through the years but just never had the time nor true interest. I'll use mine until the wheels fall off I guess then go searching. Love those transparent shells though. May do that when the time comes.

And yeah man my 2k saw me through middle and high school and beyond. Was packing it to work on the daily right up until I got my Deck, and even then I kept the PSP nearby just in case. Can't put the thing down. Better options for sure but it's a timeless device imo.

As for the battery, I've never truly measured, but mine seems to hold a pretty decent charge. I can't say I've ever sat down and played a PSP title for more than a couple hours, but I'll put the thing in sleep mode and so help me it will still be holding that charge for at least a week, probably more. I need to actually measure it sometime. You likely are getting more bang for your buck but I'm very pleased that mine is still so decent after so long.

My first retroid will be a flip and that doc was very helpful. Quite surprising to be honest with you. I intended on mainly using it as a clamshell PSP/PS1 but knowing I have some PS2 options is nice. Looking forward to receiving mine.

>> No.9778498
File: 102 KB, 236x262, 1676287978864752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I play GBA and GB games on my SP using a flashcart that works with both GBA and GB games, or emulate them on my PSP 3000? I can't really decide.

>> No.9778557

backlit, frontlit, or nolit?

>> No.9778564

where the fuck are you

>> No.9778573


>> No.9778589

all three.

>> No.9778596
File: 506 KB, 1400x1401, 1621564105417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of psp, is the psp really 100% backwards compatible with the ps1 thanks to the psp hardware? aka it's not emulation?
can you make save states and cheats work on it?

>> No.9778605

No problemo. Lemmings were released on about every platform trom 1990s (Amiga CDTV/CD32, NES, SNES, Sega Master System, Mega Drive, TurboGrafx-CD, CD-i, 3DO, Playstation... Even GameBoy, Sega Game Gear and Atari Lynx.) Get a ROM or CD image and play. (Just don't smash your handheld against the wall after five minutes.)
Now that's a problem. Only DOS, Windows and 3DO, I'm afraid.

>> No.9778616
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>> No.9778641
File: 591 KB, 1259x669, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like russ but what the FUCK is he talking about? JELOS is like 99.99% the same as ArkOS, which itself is like 99.99% the same as Batocera.

>> No.9778698

If you had a psp in the ps3 days, you could buy ps1 games over the playstation network, hook the psp and ps3 together and then download them onto the memory card for the psp. I'm still not sure if it's technically emulation or not, but i had zero issues with any ps1 games i had bought except ff8. Ff8 had issues with certain points in the game because of cutscenes and stuff and late into the game a cutscene ended but it didn't register as having ended and made it unplayable on that save file.

>> No.9778723
File: 360 KB, 583x658, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Powkiddychads... we're fucking BACK!

>> No.9778731

Cockwarmer when?

>> No.9778739
File: 220 KB, 790x1003, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is definitely a cockwarmer.

>> No.9778753

DS Lite is maximum comfy handheld

>> No.9778763

That's a bit much, but it's definitely the best of the dual screen devices.

>> No.9778793
File: 350 KB, 500x300, 1664056804594536.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw we get a stroker with a good screen

>> No.9779005
File: 44 KB, 500x344, 1678174752266416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frontlit. It's nostalgic to me, I don't mind it not being the fancy 101 model.
Yeah, I decided to stick with my SP. I took a deep dive into GBA emulation on the PSP. GB/GBC emulation seems as spot on as it gets, but there's always some kind of quirk going on with GBA emulation. It's not perfect, and in some games the screen tearing is pretty egregious and there's no universal workaround for it.

>> No.9779069

It’s not quite 100% but it’s like literally 99.9999%. I think it is actually some form of emulation, but it’s an in-house Sony thing that may as well be 100% accurate to how the games would’ve played on a PlayStation. I probably butchered that but tl;dr more or less yes. Every game I throw in it works and runs absolutely perfectly and they look very sharp on the PSP screen

>> No.9779078

It isn’t. There’s tons of games with glitches or just poor emulation or just poor speed. There’s no reason to buy a psp in 2023, it’s well emulated by many other handhelds.

>> No.9779080
File: 655 KB, 500x371, 1392741666638.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4:3 device
>d-pad on the bottom
Why is Anbernic like this?

>> No.9779113

PlayCast64chads....we won

>> No.9779120

But the Playstation had the d-pad on top...And the N64 had it on the controller's penis.

>> No.9779197
File: 60 KB, 1351x1016, 1616641126923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tried Mars Matrix on my rk3566 device since someone mentioned it on his 353m yesterday and holy kek what the FUCK was that? I haven't experienced stuttering like this since trying to run HL2 on a potato back in 2004. I was pretty sure this one would be okay, but I guess not.

>> No.9779212

Which handheld's has a removable battery in them.

>> No.9779223


>> No.9779237

Miyoo Mini i think.
But to be honest, just get a powerbank if you need more juice and open the case and replace the battery when it's degraded, these are regular parts.

>> No.9779290

All of them if you have a hammer.

>> No.9779316

Yeah when I was told that the 353M could do some dreamcast I thought it meant light stuff like SHMUPS and stuff but they really just meant Crazy Taxi I guess

>> No.9779393

It can't do Crazy Taxi for shit, at least not on JELOS or ArkOS. I just played two rounds and it was wildly fluctuating between the 20s and 40s the entire time, absolutely miserable experience.

>> No.9779396
File: 625 KB, 828x720, 1588598427755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody talks about the elephant in the room here: Do you guys take these out and use them in public? Or do you mainly use them to play in bed/around the house?

>> No.9779403

I only play at home or in hotels. When I'm outside it's because I have shit to do or because I'm socializing.

>> No.9779415

I take my RG353V to work and play Threads of Fate when we have down time or breaks.

>> No.9779425

Mostly at home. But they're great to take with me when I know I'm going to be waiting around, like giving someone a lift and picking them up, or for the downtime when visiting family. I even take them to my allotment sometimes.

>> No.9779453

Hardly play mine, but it's for when I travel. Airplanes have gotten consistently shittier over the years as far as comfort and entertainment goes. Back in the 90s/00's, they had overhead TV's where you could watch whatever movie they were playing. Now they expect you to hold your fucking phone up and watch a movie on their shitty app that hardly works half the time. Usually audio loses sync or most media just plain doesn't work.

I bring mine on long flights and do my gaymen then.

>> No.9779457

I walk to my local park often and sometimes play on a secluded bench by a river. I played through most of Thracia that way

>> No.9779483

around the house, travel, would have been a fucking game changer for the commute when I lived in NYC

>> No.9779547

The 405M is giving me that itch again to buy a handheld I don't need. I don't even like metal handhelds and the D-Pad is in the wrong spot but that screen is sexy and I am impressed with how Anbernig put the home and back button as one. It sucks not having a back button on the RP3.

>> No.9779591

How's the stock os and included roms on the rg35xx? I just wanna play on it right away.

>> No.9779626
File: 240 KB, 527x486, 1676395003147753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. PlayStation Vitas are actually incredibly cheap in my country. Is it true this is a retro game machine powerhouse? I'm going to look into this console, I wonder if it's a comfortable one to hold.

>> No.9779740

If by 'powerhouse' you mean 'takes a solid minute to load retroarch' then sure. Don't get me wrong, I love my Vita, but its utility as an emulation device is limited. Even PS1, which runs natively, isn't all that great thanks to the screen resolution and the lack of L2/R2 and L3/R3.

>> No.9779749

Oh yeah, it doesn't have those extra shoulder buttons. Hmmm. I feel like I've reached the logical conclusion in regard to portable game systems, in that I think that really only portable games should be played portably, and home console games should only be played at home. There's always some kind of compromise involved playing home console games on the go, in addition to home console games not having the pacing or brisk game design of portable titles.

>> No.9779802

It's PSP with extra steps. Vita does not have great native emulators. But it's the best PSP there is, plus it has improves on some < 16bit emulation due to increased res.

But in general, performance wise, you won't get much more out of it than from a PSP.

>> No.9779852

Absolute kino, there’s something about the DS Phat that makes it my go-to DS even though I’ve also got a DS lite. The heft and thickness make it perfect to hold, the sturdiness makes it feel like real Nintendium, the non-matte finish means it doesn’t hold fingerprints, and GBA carts don’t stick out.

Been playing Pokémon Black 2 on there, using the actual cartridge to trick myself into playing a game. I have multiple flashcarts, but if I use one of them and boot up the DS I get paralyzed by choice and end up playing nothing.

I hope this DS Phat lasts forever.

>> No.9780012

While soaking in the tub, mostly. Sometimes on the balcony, with some ice tea and shade.

It works fine and there are plenty of known games on it to play right away. Some titles are in chinese and they aren't marked, but most are english.

>> No.9780049

I travel a lot for work. So trains, airplanes, buses. Other than that I don't go out as much except for biking :D

>> No.9780078

It’s probably nostalgia

>> No.9780090

So my SD cards for my miyoo mini plus are supposed to be in tomorrow. Where do you anons get the emulators and games from? I want to get everything squared away with those ahead of time.

>> No.9780150

Emulators will be part of whatever OS you use. Games I ain't gonna tell you lol

>> No.9780179

normally the internet archive has a lot of that stuff but you better be quick, they're in hot water now and who knows, maybe all that shit will vanish soon

>> No.9780191

Check out arcade punks. Download one of their larger RPi4 images, they come with all kinds of roms and isos.

>> No.9780193

Eh I'd rather pick and choose but thanks

>> No.9780298

Yes, but you will need two flashcarts.

>> No.9780304

Is there a good drop-in battery like makho mod for PSP/Vita? Please don't tell me the only option is chink shit.

>> No.9780317

I have found that loading up all the games you will ever want to play makes choosing what to play impossible, I would say just choose a few games like 4-5 and only load those onto it.

>> No.9780348

>Yes, but you will need two flashcarts
love it when people are so confident in their stupidity

>> No.9780352

>he runs emulators on flash carts
>bitches laughing dot webp

>> No.9780361

Are you mentally retarded or something? You need one for GBA mode and GB mode. Unless you trully are a retard and would rather emulate GB on the GBA.

>> No.9780364

he's a goomba bro and is panicking right now trying to spin this
>I I was trolling haha

>> No.9780394

A GB Everdrive X3 is sufficient and is only $37. It’s not a big deal really to get it and the GBA X5

>> No.9780405 [DELETED] 

>On March 27 Mod haus submitted an application for trademark rights on 오드아이써클 (ODD EYE CIRCLE)
>Application has been submitted, is yet to be examined

>> No.9780406

So if I get this, chinese handhelds still don't do PSP and Wii well? Was interested in getting a portable console for my emulation backlog

>> No.9780423

>flashcart shilling chinks enter the thread immediately to damage control
My sides are in outer space. GB/GBC games run at nearly full accuracy and speed on the DE of the Omega card. I'm not buying another cart for a 5% performance boost. Oh, and by the way, The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運.

>> No.9780426


>> No.9780430

Neat, thanks anon.

>> No.9780443


>> No.9780454

Y-you too.

>> No.9780457

I can't help it, I like making the little chinkies squirm.
See what I mean? You poke them just a little and they go crazy.

>> No.9780459

This entire thread has been talking about emulation. Do you put your hands over your eyes and start screaming whenever someone brings up a third party handheld/PSP/3DS etc?

>> No.9780463

Don't talk to the chink shills in good faith. Just mock them and move on like the rest of us.

>> No.9780476

>Unless you trully are a retard
kek the irony as the chink can't spell a five letter word correctly

>> No.9780478

are you defending buying original hardware and flash carts just to emulate? not trying to call you out just need to see where you are before I engage on this

>> No.9780479

Whatcha doin', rabbi?

>> No.9780480

not sure where you're coming from with this argument, best would be to not buy original hardware and not buy flashcarts if you're just going to end up emulating

>> No.9780485

>buying original hardware and flash carts just to emulate
You're not. You're buying the flash cart to play the GBA library natively. The ability to play original GB and GBC games is a nice bonus, and will suffice for people with a casual interest in the more popular games for either the GB or GBC. Implying that you shouldn't be able to use that feature unless you buy more plastic is peak jewish nonsense.

>> No.9780498

>peak jewish nonsense
You're now beginning to see the similarities between the tribe and the bugmen.

>> No.9780502

friend why is emulation tolerable for one platform but not for another?

>> No.9780504

I guess so.
I never said emulation was bad or not tolerable, the chinks in this very thread are the ones REEEING whenever someone mentions not wanting to buy one of their overpriced carts and wanting to emulate instead.

>> No.9780520

why must we fight

>> No.9780527

I bought the DS phat at launch and secretly thought it was a piece of shit. I can't understand the nostalgia for it, it's fucking gross.

>> No.9780558

It’s just that if you’re gonna emulate anyway why bother with real hardware?

>> No.9780564

same, super bummed about the DS at launch in general (big GBA fan and I was like WTF are you doing) but the DS Lite is a great machine IMO and by that time the library had really blown up.

>> No.9780565

maybe because you weren't a young child when it came out boomer

>> No.9780570

every time I see this thread in my tabs I think it says /hrt/

>> No.9780640

Is there any place that still sells replacement shells for phat DS? I was looking on ali but every listing was sold out. I just need the back top cover

>> No.9780642

Book full of blank pages, costs $199

>> No.9780692


>> No.9780707
File: 182 KB, 459x611, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Powkiddy X55 is apparently going to have a 3566 in it. I guess that and d-pad in the wrong position pretty much seals the deal in favor of the Powkiddy X28 over this if you want something with a big 5.5" screen and built in grips. Shame desu because I preferred the less edgy overall appearance of this.

>> No.9780716

search no-intro and redump on internet archive

>> No.9780718


>> No.9780728

>select and vol - on the left
>start and vol + on the right
Ok seriously, are these handheld layouts just being designed by AIs now?

>> No.9780740
File: 21 KB, 284x160, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at the very least they could've put - volume on the left and + volume on the right. My rk2023 has + on the left and - on the right as well and I have no idea why when literally every other device and piece of software on the planet does the exact opposite.

>> No.9780741

Most do PSP pretty well EXCEPT for one game

>> No.9780761

>The Powkiddy X55 is apparently going to have a 3566 in it.
Am I missing something or is the rk3566 a piece of shit in comparison to what's in the latest Retroids and Anbernics?

>> No.9780772

Yes it's a piece of shit. I love my RK2023, but not being able to play literally ANY of the Dreamcast and Saturn I've tried is driving me insane. I know people are already sick of seeing the t618, but it beats the piss out of this.

>> No.9780797
File: 692 KB, 1200x675, 1669639408707716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is the rk3588 even gonna be viable in a handheld

>> No.9780798

It's a fine book for 30€. Please apologize.

>> No.9780804

What is POWKIDDY smoking?

>> No.9780805

>This entire thread has been talking about emulation. Do you put your hands over your eyes and start screaming whenever someone brings up a third party handheld/PSP/3DS etc?
Emulating a platform on a system that handles it natively is different and really, really stupid

>> No.9780815
File: 22 KB, 356x390, 1497021598146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope that's the chip in the Max 3.

>> No.9780887

>to a europoor
nah lol

>> No.9780906

Search for "Miyoo Mini Tiny Best Set" on archive. I used that for my RG35XX and add some patched games.

>> No.9780939

Try alibaba. You can order 1 sample which is cheaper.

>> No.9780952


>> No.9780997

How is he poor?

>> No.9781034
File: 270 KB, 220x212, 1677257756852101.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That fine, i didn't expect to get an apology from someone in drag that defends the shooting anyway.

>> No.9781036

Chill, it's banter m8.

>> No.9781042

The disgusting cretins that shill these chink devices consider 30fps with frequent frame skipping acceptable performance. 353m can't even do all Saturn and N64 games at full speed, no way DC is going to be any good.

>> No.9781051

>The disgusting cretins that shill these chink devices
They get paid to. It's advertisement, not reviews.

>> No.9781067

I’m going to drag my nuts across your face while I’m shooting a load all in your eyes, faggot ass nigger lol

>> No.9781074

I just want a vertical handheld that can do up to ps2 comfortably with support for both linux and andorid(I really wanna start a Terraria playthough on a tiny ass device)
My 35xx more than suffices right now as I have so much more to play on it but I would really like to see something that powerful in 2 years or so.

>> No.9781084
File: 63 KB, 697x463, 1648711296221684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggot ass nigger
Seem he got to you a bit there.

>> No.9781089

>ps2 comfortably
my brother in christ your sweet 3090 rig will not do this, we are a decade away from this in a handheld for both hardware and software

>> No.9781096

lolwut? we already have multiple handhelds that do PS2 fine

I think we're like 2 years away from a $150 handheld that does PS2 as well as the RP3+ does PSP

>> No.9781102

Any issues with PS2 accuracy are purely on the emulators at this point. Current hardware is more than enough to handle it.

>> No.9781120

I for one need XBOX emulation and i wonder why it's taking so god damn long.

>> No.9781121

lolwut? not even x86 handhelds will run OutRun 2006 without skips and rendering issues. What is your definition of "comfortably"? This isn't even an obscure title.

>> No.9781126

name one (1) xbox title that isn't on PC

>> No.9781127

i want a vertical handheld with a 4 inch screen
would that be too wide?

>> No.9781132

A Deck can run it with skips on the fucking xbox emulator so I really doubt that.
Panzer Dragoon Orta

>> No.9781137

nta but linked video is the pc port and there are rendering issues i.e. missing textures

>> No.9781147
File: 202 KB, 278x325, 1675030455776203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you post such a thing in the handheld general?

>> No.9781148

Fuck my massively retarded ass you're right. I specifically didn't dispute rendering issues though because most of that shit is emulator issues that will exist no matter how powerful your hardware. Even PS1 games still have rendering issues.

>> No.9781175

>lolwut? not even x86 handhelds will run OutRun 2006 without skips and rendering issues. What is your definition of "comfortably"? This isn't even an obscure title.
literally every console and emulation combination has a few titles that have issues. there are at least 5 different handhelds out there now that play 95% of the PS2 catalog at full speed

>I for one need XBOX emulation and i wonder why it's taking so god damn long.
me too. I don't buy that 'nobody cares' about emulation for it. The mod scene for this console has always been huge

>name one (1) xbox title that isn't on PC
just for racing games alone, just off the top of my head, games that were never on any platform but original Xbox:
Project Gotham Racing
Project Gotham Racing 2
Forza Motorsport 1
Rallisport Challenge 2
Sega GT 2002
Quantum Redshift
Group S Challenge

>> No.9781179
File: 54 KB, 665x556, 405m_vs_353m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the next wave of loonix-compatible ARM chipsets? 405m is cool but android is a bummer

>> No.9781190

I'm legitimately curious what handhelds out there have great PS2 coverage because I'm running a Steam Deck with cryo and it's just one thing after another on PS2. I think different people have different definitions of "playable" but even Final Fantasy X has skips. Can I play it? Yeah, for sure. Does it take me out when that happens? Yes, it's a bummer.

>> No.9781207

Mate if the occasional skip makes a game 'unplayable' to you then emulation of 3D games in general is not for you. shaders are always tripping emulators up. I experience the occasional skip in *GameCube* emulation on my desktop PC which can otherwise emulate *PS3* games.

Even the AYN Odin can emulate FFX on PS2 at 1080p at full speed and that came out a year ago so yea there's multiple handhelds that can do PS2 no problem...and for me 'no problem' does not require 'no skips at any time'

>> No.9781217

so "no problem" = "literally has problems but just ignore them"

>> No.9781224

What's wrong with Android?

>> No.9781225

I prefer Android over having to be at the whim of whether a custom firmware is going to be good, have continued support, etc. Just set up Retroarch, whatever other standalones you use, and Daijisho as your frontend, and you're good to go.

>> No.9781254

again, maybe you should just stick to emulating 2D consoles

>> No.9781268

Even 2D emulation "literally has problems". I don't know who is even telling him "no problem" to begin because that's obviously not a claim you should ever make when it comes to emulation.

>> No.9781290

I can do a full playthrough of Vagrant Story and never notice or think about the emulation even if one vert is misaligned by 1 pixel or whatever. Meanwhile Wind Waker audibly skips on the title screen on a super computer unless the shader cache is built up. Having taste and standards is not a bad thing, it is what pushes the scene forward.

I hate to bring up the FPGA boogeyman but one of the first tests of the PSX core was to run it with no input and see how many frames it gets into Ridge Racer while being bit-identical to the output of original hardware. This stuff is possible and, frankly, expected.

>> No.9781302

I honestly don't see myself wanting to play anything on the PS2 above 1x on a vertical handheld so it doesn't really have to match the RP3+ PSP performance. I feel like 1x is fine even on the KT R1 form factor.

>> No.9781308

That's cool man, but PS1 software and FPGA emulation still has problems. My only concern is that "no problems" is an impossible standard, and agree on wishing 6 and 7th gen emulation were a lot better. Dolphin emulation in particular is way better than the real thing even with its problems tho.

>> No.9781326

>Order 35xx
>Listing says shipping from Germany in 10 days
>Check tracking today
>Departing Qingdao :)

Fucking Chang, is there any point even complaining to them about it or am I just going to get the please understand?

Considering buying a steam deck anyway

>> No.9781347
File: 2.26 MB, 2481x1755, Silkroad-Projekt_EN_2020_150dpi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Belt and Road isn't done yet, please understandu :) But yeah, it's not surprising considering China has been only starting to ramp back up reopening to the outside world after they went through zero COVID, the policy ending and then getting a giant outbreak that lasted until February.

>> No.9781393

Is the 405m the largest 4:3 display in a handheld available?

>> No.9781397

There are widescreen devices that can produce a taller 4:3 image with pillarboxing, but this is (so far) the biggest 4:3 screen

>> No.9781412
File: 611 KB, 1000x1000, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had a look on banggood.com (not a porn site) and yeah like the other guy said it's mainly widescreens that are larger. However I did find a 16:10 screen (very close to 4:3) GPD WIN Max 2 which is basically a laptop

>> No.9781428

I play SNES on Steam Deck with integer scaling, just a tack sharp, perfect little square floating there in the void

>> No.9781437

What I mean is that the item was advertised as being in a warehouse in Germany, not China

>> No.9781442

To the anon who mentioned Outrun 2006 PS2 on Deck, I apologize for doubting you because it did indeed run like fucking shit by default much to my surprise. I ended up getting it running fullspeed with no dips or stuttering by changing a few settings tho:
>in PCSX2 under Emulation Settings -> System Settings set "Enable MTVU" to on
>in Graphics Settings changed Renderer to "Automatic"
This improved it a lot, but there were still dips. So then I went to Powertools, turned off SMT, and set Governor to "performance".

>> No.9781450

ty anon

>> No.9781464
File: 493 KB, 940x658, gabegear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this with Game Gear kek.

There's also the KTR1 that gives a bigger 4:3 picture with a 3:2 screen if you want something more traditionally sized for a handheld. Nil also claims he's going to launch a 4:3 KTR1 in May with the same shell and same size-size, but obviously I don't think he's making that deadline he set for himself. I also don't know what he means by the screen being the same size. Does he mean the 4:3 screen will have the same height as the 3:2 screen, and therefore give the same 4:3 picture? Or does he literally mean it's a 4.5" 4:3 screen? The latter would be a tight fit on the current shell, but I don't know if it would be completely impossible.

>> No.9781483


why can't anbernic make decent analog sticks, bros

>> No.9781487

Easier to just get cheap Switch analog sticks on the aftermarket and put them on small devices.

>> No.9781592

>dpad in the wrong position
umm no sweaty...

>> No.9781595

4:3 KT will save 4:3helds...

>> No.9781610

>gabe gear

>> No.9781613

an-BURR-nick will make a 405mp that will have the dpad in the objectively correct position

>> No.9781621


>> No.9781640
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>> No.9781663

Oh shit, thanks a ton! The download times are ass but I'll live.

>> No.9781723

Torrents are coming in hot for me.

>> No.9781809

Don't listen to this retard. I tried to play GBC games on my EZ Flash Omega DE through Jagoomba, but it's janky since it doesn't emulate timers properly and then it straight up deleted my mostly complete save of Link's Awakening despite being very careful to save and shut down properly. It sucks that there isn't a GB/GBC flashcart with RTC that isn't bonkers expensive, but hopefully that will be fixed at some point.

>> No.9781872

Well, bit the bullet anyway, somewhat working N64 and ports were enticing and can't be assed to wait for 11.11 to get a chinkheld at good value. Let's see if Zhang honors it for $70.

>> No.9782107

Shittier steamdeck with worst specs only good for ps2 and dolphin from powkiddy when?

>> No.9782124
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>> No.9782191

How do those rewritable flash carts work and where do you get them? I want to play Pokemon Polished Crystal and be able to use it with my transfer pak and Stadium 2.

Are they writable with the Everdrive 64 or do you need special hardware. I've used a program to backup and replace my Pokemon saves and it did have an option to read/write to ROM so I wasn't sure if it would be possible on a flash cart.

>> No.9782396

I had the same experience as this guy, the GBC games I tried felt fine while playing but the cart randomly lost my save files

Didn't have any issues doing GBC via an R4 card on DS lite though, DS chads stay winning

>> No.9782460

$70 for the 353VS doesn't sound too bad.

Autismobot, ASSEMBLE!

>> No.9782590

>Playing gameboy on bus
>Guy opposite me smirks at me when he sees me
>Pay no heed to him
>Glance over about 20 mins later
>See that he's watching porn on his phone from reflection in window

Coomers need to be culled

>> No.9782595

PSP with GBC, GBA, SNES, PS1 and PSP games. Best option for price, battery and portability

>> No.9782830

Anyone have an RG351MP?
Both the internal speakers and the headphone out have a ton of interference (static and buzzing). It doesn't have built in WiFi so it's not that.
Any suggestions on trying to fix it?

>> No.9782886

I have the rg351mp but I have not experienced this problem, sorry anon. Overall very pleased with it although I question some of the AmberElec defaults.

Does it do this with any emulator?

>> No.9782937

Looney Tunes, unironically.

>> No.9783150

>Loki dropping the Vita style D-Pad
>Flip dropping the Vita style D-Pad
Are they just too expensive or something?

>> No.9783173
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One of the many reasons the RP3+ is superior to the fl*p.

>> No.9783205
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You chaps talking about the PSP earlier made me pull mine out of cold storage. I'm a huge (original) PS freak, so the ability to play PS games on it, and very well at that, made the PSP instantly a great portable system to me. The games themselves look absurdly sharp too, thanks to the small screen. And it is very cool that you can make any kind of custom aspect ratio/screen size you want.

>> No.9783250
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Should I take the plunge?

>> No.9783254

yeah plunge into the harbor with concrete shoes

>> No.9783267


>> No.9783308
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What are we looking at?

>> No.9783325

don't care, not retro

>> No.9783327

can run emulators, and a very reflective non-backlit screen gives games a new crispness.

>> No.9783339

only a jackass would get one of those for emulation, and any other selling point is off topic

>> No.9783341

>off topic
What are you gonna do about it?

>> No.9783347

Smooch you :3

>> No.9783361
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>> No.9783364
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You can get the rk2023 for $75 free shipping bros... russ liked it... just saying bros...


pretty fucking good for a comfier, lighter plastic 353M imo. Literally less than half the price although you do give up wifi and android.

>> No.9783382

mine arrived in 3 weeks. be patient.

>> No.9783383

:^O <======8

What now, coward?

>> No.9783392
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Also if you get it directly from Powkiddy's site without the rom card, you can get it for $71 no shipping with "retrogamecorps" discount code

>> No.9783409

>earlier made me pull mine out of cold
Oh nice one. Happy that the PSP gang got another member in.

I've been playing quite a lot of Parasite Eve this week on mine. Highly recommended so far.

>> No.9783410

Why is everyone shilling this child molester handheld?

>> No.9783419

They advertised it as being in Europe, that's why I'm annoyed

>> No.9783438

You got chinked, son.

>> No.9783526
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My chinese gameboy arrived
It's a bit smaller than I thought it would be, but on the plus side it actually fits in my pocket unlike my phone. Feels a bit awkward and cramped to hold though, so I'm glad I didn't go for anything smaller.

Installed GarlicOS without problems. List of games is near unreadable with the background images added.
Couldn't get HDMI to work (which did work with the old OS, although with a big delay) but I didn't try particularly hard.

Tried a few DOS games, some ran rather well (pic related), others ran really slow. Also it's really easy to accidentally close the game and lose all your progress since the state doesn't get saved when you press the menu button.

Apparently it has a Doom port built in, the base games themselves run well (aside from me not being used to the controls). It doesn't really do modern wads well, I tried playing Ancient Aliens with it and surprisingly it worked, but the framerate dropped to 1 fps after the first room.
I'd like to try BTSX but that's divided in two wads so I don't know how to run it.

Overall I'm quite happy with it. I played through a Metroid Zero Mission randomizer and didn't really encounter any issues other than single wall walljumps being tricky with the d-pad.
Thanks for reading my blog

>> No.9783550

How do GBA and PSX games look on it?

>> No.9783609
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I wish we had a device like it with 4.5" 4:3 screen.
You can print a grip, if that is your thing. Like so >>9778052
GarlicOS still has a problem with HDMI, it's on the todo list.

>> No.9783649

You can actually get it for $69.99 on aliexpress using the $5 off coupon they have at the top of their store page https://www.aliexpress.com/store/1101366805

Oh, you mean like the 4:3 KTR1 :^))) nil is ghosting us again bros... I don't think he made that Wednesday review unit shipping goal of his...

>> No.9783659

GBA looks pretty good. Haven't tried PSX much but it looked fine aside from seeing glitchy pixels in the topmost row of the screen one time.
There's also a ton of filters you can use if you're into that, though I noticed the device is too slow for many of them.

I've noticed it helps to hold it very loosely from the sides, resting on your pinky fingers. But I'm pretty sure that's not how I used to hold my actual Gameboy

>> No.9783662
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Thinking of getting either rg351v or rg351p (maybe m) which is better? Which is more comfortable?

>> No.9783671

Not vertical, not 4.5", but it's cool.

>> No.9783680

What are you going to play mostly? Playing anything but GBA on the rg351p screen is a meme. The resolution is too small to make up for the weird aspect ratio. GBA looks amazing though.

>> No.9783689

Tbh I have no idea. Gb, gba for sure but I'd love to try out other systems and other games. I never played a lot of these when they came out, so I'd like to check them out

>> No.9783748
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Not him but in that case the v between those two for the 4:3 screen. Personally as an obnoxious shill, I'd recommend the Powkiddy rk2023. You can get it for $70 right now >>9783649 and has the stronger chip from the 353 line. It's also just absurdly comfortable.

Ahh my bad, I can't follow one post up a reply chain apparently. The KTR1 has a 4.5" screen and Nil (the creator) said he plans to offer it with 4:3 screen of the same size, but that could just as well mean a screen that matches the 4:3 max output of the 3:2 screen rather than an actual 4.5" 4:3 screen.

>> No.9783763

I just bought an rg300 on Amazon for $24, $26 after taxes. For some reason the quoted ship time is a month to a month and a half but for that kind of chump change indont think I care

>> No.9783772

Poor man's 35xx
What games are you gonna play anon?

>> No.9783786

Looking at the seller's name, I think this is like that v90 for 8 bucks scam some months back.

>> No.9783903

Despite the worse specs, it's actually more expensive than the 35xx despite being older. Anbernic made a bunch of them too, so it's not like it's a supply issue.

>> No.9783979

>The Rg300 is 30 bucks
Huh. I'm interested in this if it can play NES/SNES/GB/GBC/GBA games well. I realize SNES is a bit of a tall order.

>> No.9784002

I've never had a retro handheld before. Which ones are the go to ones for recommendations?

>> No.9784006
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Yeah it's a long time favourite of mine. Gonna get more memory for it. I think I forgot how well PS games run on the PSP, I can see myself replaying a bunch of games for funsies on this thing in the coming weeks.

>> No.9784019
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Get a 351m its really solid. Despite what the other guy says you can stretch a snes game out 3:2, slap a filter on it and its completely playable and fine, itll just be a tad soft looking but I see cocksuckers playing gba games on things other than 3:2. Even tho thats a sin againt God people do it so gams other than gba are fine to play on it. Ps1 emu is surprisingly good on it too.

>> No.9784035

I used to to think the same but wide-screen hacks on flycast are really good

You can make SA2 look like the PC port

>> No.9784064

I think it even can do some Dreamcast. But the screen is smaller than the RG35XX.

Just go through the pictures and ask if something tickles your fancy.
If you are ok with up to Playstation and like the vertical Gameboy format, get the Anbernic RG35XX (<$60), it's popular and easily available. Else get the Powkiddy RK2023(<$80), it is horizontal with the same screen and has more power, but also costs a bit more and is maybe a bit less easily available.
Reminder that many just buy a controller for their mobile phone or tablet.
This is my RG35XX playing Gameboy Advance Gauntlet with a 3d printed grip: >>9778052

>> No.9784067

Does it everywhere from both the speakers and audio out. I suspect that one smd cap is shitty.
I just used a usbc dac and changed the alsa settings to set it as master
The screen, inputs and buttons are great so I'll deal with it, but fuck anbernig

>> No.9784116

RG35XX Vs Miyoo Mini?
Why does the Miyoo seem so much more expensive despite seemingly emulating the same library.

>> No.9784145

I had an RG300 before selling it. There is no conceivable way it can do Dreamcast. It struggles with higher end SNES games. Best shoulder buttons ever on a vertical chinkheld though and even the D-Pad I thought was better than Anbernic's recent ones. If I could put in a better screen and chip in it, I would just use the RG300 all the time.

>> No.9784228

Glad you liked anon. I was using the stock card for a month and had no major issues, but recently I finally installed GarlicOS after curating the games I was going to put in the new card. I tested Princess Maker 2 on DOS and the game ran really well.
>Also it's really easy to accidentally close the game and lose all your progress since the state doesn't get saved when you press the menu button.
Yeah, I hate that Black Seraph add that option as a default hotkey because it's really easy to press the menu button when all you want is to hold the menu button + X so that the Retroarch menu shows up. At least you can change that by going to the Retroarch "Settings > Input > Hotkeys > Quit (Controller Combo)" there you can disable or change the hotkeys. After that save the settings.

>> No.9784378

dpad looks horrible though

>> No.9784443
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>> No.9784467


>> No.9784568

>Settings > Input > Hotkeys > Quit (Controller Combo)"
Ah thanks, that helps

>> No.9784583

The anon who reviewed it said it doesn’t affect the ergonomics.

>> No.9784796

damn that's slick

>> No.9785450

Holy fucking newfaggot.

>> No.9785470

Nice receding hair line faggot.

>> No.9785483

Hairbros we just can't stop winning

>> No.9785519

Yeah that was me and the dpad was my primary concern. I was planning on flipping the thing on ebay if I didn't like the d-pad, but thankfully it turned out to be awesome.

>> No.9785709
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Update: got BTSX to run on this thing by combining both its wad files into one. It runs without performance-issues, not too surprising since it was made with vanilla Doom limitations in mind.
I don't really have any way of entering cheats that I know of, so I can't check out the later levels easily.

I also can't seem to run any wads not meant for the Doom 2 iwad (except for the other iwads) since it'll pick doom2.iwad by default.

Also say hi to the little hair that managed to get stuck under my screen protector

>> No.9785735

We should try to bully Todd Howard into making one of these play skyrim.

>> No.9786340
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Dunno if someone can help me.
I have the drastic ds emulator on android, and I'm playing "Art Academy".
And everytime the game saves and tries to load again, it deletes the save because it's corrupted, and I lose my progress.
I'm using save states at the moment.

>> No.9787817

how do i stop buying handhelds

>> No.9787869

I have a deck and I wanna play FF7 and JSR. Should I play the Steam versions, or emulate them?
Buy all the handhelds you want. Repeat until everything left to buy is cheap 40000 games in 1 shit.