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9769156 No.9769156 [Reply] [Original]

Is Marble Zone bad as Sonic stage?

>> No.9769159

Yes. You go from spending through GHZ to slowly waiting for platforms to get across lava, being stopped every 5 seconds by crushers, waiting for spike chandeliers to drop etc.

>> No.9769160

that's it. i'm filtering sonic on this board.

>> No.9769162

It's a fun stage.

>> No.9769168

If you want to get all of the emeralds you play the entire game like it's Marble Zone. And even if you don't, I'd argue that Labyrinth Zone and Scrap Brain are even worse. But, and that's a huge but, if you don't treat Sonic as a speed game, it's a fun and unique platformer

>> No.9769169

I liked marble zone right away. And i still do. I even like labyrinth zone. S1 has no bad stages. Unlike S2.

>> No.9769427
File: 70 KB, 739x415, B8B729E7-27B6-45D4-8A23-AA586B5D8315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally my favorite zone in the game and has the best music.

>> No.9769428

>S1 has no bad stages. Unlike S2.
Neither of these has any bad stages. Actually, neither does 3K.

>> No.9769429

the filtering philistines

>> No.9769489

I always liked it, never understood the hate for it.

>> No.9769498

There are a few vids on youtube of people running it. Of course, that isn't the point but it is doable.

>> No.9769631

Never was

>> No.9769640

It's an annoying level but good game design. They wanted to establish that Sonic is a platformer with varied gameplay and not just hold right to go fast. All of the other Sonic 1 levels offer a unique play style and Marble Zone was the level that told the player what to expect from there on out.

>> No.9769651

Nope. The only thing wrong with it is including those broken centipedes. The water zone that gets more stages than the rest is the worst one.

>> No.9769659

Itinerant Italians

>> No.9769672

I simply cannot be bothered to collect the emeralds in these games. I feel like that was only worth it back when games were expensive.

>> No.9769689

It's a good stage, but it is a bad Sonic stage.

>> No.9769697

did they they just reuse altered beast assets

>> No.9769701

Sonicfags got really defensive when people called their games “hold right to win” but it seems that they actually like their “platformers” that way

>> No.9769705

Labyrinth and Scrap Brain are the best zones for their oppressive feeling. Marble is actually close to that too, even if it's a bit different.
Sonic 1 is such a moody game, it's actually fucking great.
Based as fuck.

>> No.9769747

It's more about having the option to either blast running through the level or take a slower, more deliberate approach. Marble Zone forces you to do the latter. I think it would have worked better as a later Zone in the game, but it hurts the early momentum somewhat.

>> No.9769765
File: 18 KB, 640x448, Sonic1proto_levelselect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good, but not as the second stage. Prototype stage order was better

>> No.9770005

Yes, Marble Zone should have been a random assemblage of loop de loops, bumpers and springs like every other level.

>> No.9770230

It's just not what people want Sonic to be.

Labyrinth gets too much hate. It's not as good as Tidal Tempest, Aquatic Ruin or Hydrocity, but it's way better than most water levels in platformers. It's also way better than most water levels in spinoff Sonic games, holy shit is Tidal Plant awful.

>> No.9770240

cool art

>> No.9770245

Labyrinth second would've completely shat on the momentum/difficulty curve.

>> No.9770309

Labyrinth zone being hard is a meme.
Beat it first try, only died once lol.

>> No.9770334

Not bad kid, but I didn’t even die once

>> No.9770341

That was my point, big boy, I'm not even good at Sonic and still didn't have troubles with it. It's not hard.

>> No.9770369

>what is relative difficulty
The point is that it's harder than Marble, dipshit. The final act is also just another Labyrinth level, so obviously the devs agreed.

>> No.9770383

It's easier than Marble zone

>> No.9770392

Is the final act is another Marble level? No. Kill yourself.

>> No.9770393

No. Zoomies want Sonic to be an invincible speed fest with no consequences. Yes, Sonic is fast, and this helps him sometimes, but the first game really highlights that this is also a character flaw. You have to stop and think sometimes instead of running through carelessly and getting yourself killed. There are some bad decisions though, like the forced waiting.

>> No.9770405

>muh asset reuse
not an argument

>> No.9770428

It's not a mutually exclusive thing. They ran out of time/money to make a proper level so they said "Hey, Labyrinth was a pretty dick level, insert it there."

>> No.9770440

Nah, we have a sonic 1 prototype you fucking retarded, it was already like this by design.

>> No.9770479

>the prototype is the final intended design
Incredible. There's always one of you slimy faggots lurking /vr/ and trying to create circular arguments. Final (You) so you get bored and fuck off to bunkerchan.

>> No.9770498

Marble zone is okay, but labyrinth zone is terrible. Sonic feels like shit to control underwater, the levels are too fucking long and they're ugly too.

>> No.9770532

sneed more

>> No.9770569

The music is GOATed tho;

>> No.9770631

it's weird that people are arguing for labyrinth second when the obvious fix is to put spring yard second. then going from spring yard - marble - starlight - labyrinth alternates between slower ruins levels and more modern themed loop de loop levels.

>> No.9770747

They're underaged shitposters trying to be contrarian as possible for dopamine hits. Many such cases.

>> No.9770778

Labyrinth zone was still extremely unfinished during that proto. It had no objects. With all the shit they added, of course they bumped it up
But I still don't understand Starlight zone, it's easy as fuck

>> No.9770803

No. But Genocide City is dumb as fuck and its a good thing it was cut

>walk right, jump 2 inches up, walk right

>> No.9770932

GHZ is a bait and switch. You try to GOES FAST in any other stage (like the game is marketed as) then you're fucked. Sonic is shit. It's the only game I can think of that actively punishes you for engaging with its central gimmick. Fucking Mega Man X has better movement and speed.

>> No.9770937

>But I still don't understand Starlight zone, it's easy as fuc
Greenhill and starlight are the only enjoyable zones in the game, the only ones where sonic can go fast

>> No.9770946

Marble Zone is just tedious, Labyrinth is actually difficult

>> No.9771002

You misunderstand. I'm wondering why it's so late. Then again, it might have been put after labyrinth zone for pacing issue, to give the player a break

>> No.9771163

Too hard for kids.

>> No.9771178

Only if you suck.

>> No.9771365

A fantastic stage. Only retards don't understand.....

In cinema, between bombastic moments, you have slower moments for your mind to process

In horror you don't have constant jump scares, you have build up

Pacing is important

>> No.9771398

Emigrating Estonians

>> No.9771406

No it shows you that Sonic has traditional platforming and isn’t only about holding right.

>> No.9771417
File: 2.65 MB, 640x362, marble zone.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slowly waiting for platforms to get across lava, being stopped every 5 seconds by crushers, waiting for spike chandeliers to drop etc.

lol scrub.
speed in Sonic 1 isn't the point of the game, it's the reward for being good.