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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 40 KB, 590x350, Resident-Evil-PS1-trilogy-2855741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9763434 No.9763434 [Reply] [Original]

Objectively speaking what are the best versions of the Resident Evil games?

>> No.9763445


>> No.9763461 [DELETED] 

Don't know about best, but the worst is objectively le spooky Disney haunted mansion DEmake that's for sure

>> No.9763464

Remake, Remake 2, Remake 3, Remake 4.

>> No.9763468

Ranking goes like this

>> No.9763470

This but backwards

>> No.9763472

RE1: no objective best version, they all have their pros & cons; but the closest to "best version" as far as the OG content is concerned is the PC version with the fan Rebirth patch applied

RE2: same as the above

RE3: same as the above. The PSX version actually has pros compared to the later versions which use higher res backgrounds, because later versions actually use unfinished prototype backgrounds for some cases.

Don't fall for the N64/GC versions meme. It's just Nintendo fanboys lying to themselves and everyone else as usual.

>> No.9763478

The Classic REbirth fans patch for the PC versions.

>> No.9763589

The originals, in order of their release. How is this even a question? If you cant play the original on PS1, you dont really like the game.

Zoomie detected,....

>> No.9763635

Note that whenever I bring up CRT's, a CRT shader in an emulator is also applicable if you wish.
PS1 Director's Cut (non-DualShock), and I especially recommend a CRT. Has an extra arrange mode, but more importantly, it brings back the aim assist that was cut from the original western version (trust me, you will need it). REmake is good, but shouldn't be played first. On that note...
The remaster changed the contrast/gamma for the worse, and the widescreen mode just stretches the game. If you insist on playing on an LCD, play the Steam version with the AI upscaled backgrounds mod (still looks weird in some scenes); otherwise, GameCube version on a CRT
PS1 on a CRT. Dreamcast and Cube versions run at 480 but still has 240p backgrounds, so it looks weird
Can't go wrong with any version. What I like about the PS1 version is the resolution is low enough to mask the nonexistent facial animation (which makes dialogue more convincing), but if you don't care about that, the Dreamcast and GameCube versions have high resolution backgrounds. The GameCube version also runs at 60fps, but it might look a little weird since the backgrounds don't animate at so high a framerate. The GameCube version is the only uncensored version, but there is a patch for the PS1 version to remove the censorship.
>Code Veronica
PS2 version is on a single disc, but has a weird ghosting effect that's noticeable even on a CRT over composite. If that's bothersome, play the Dreamcast Code Veronica X with an English patch; otherwise PS2. The remaster looks like garbage and the GameCube version has some weird contrast.
Can't go wrong with any version desu, CRT or not. The remaster sourced the original 2D assets so it looks great on LCD's.
Steam version (2005) with the re4hd mod. Whether you're playing on a flatscreen or hooking your PC up to a CRT with a HDMI>RCA converter, the mod looks amazing. Yes, it's worth using the HD mod on a CRT
>Everything else

>> No.9763723

REmake 2
REmake 3
REmaster 0
REmake 4
>Code Veronica
Never ever

>> No.9763763

>REmake 3
I know it’s the new epic meme to say all the remakes are better than all of the originals, but this is going to far. That’s like saying the Game.com RE2 is the best version of that game. It breaks my suspension of disbelief in your shitposting.

>> No.9763767

stop giving (you)s to horrible bait retard

>> No.9763784

>implying it's bait
The remakes revitalized the series and updated most of the RE games that were worth playing to be actually playable. Honestly they should have made all the games have RE4 gameplay right from the start but you know the 90s and such

>> No.9763786

RE3 was a RE2 "DLC" sold as a full game, the remake is 100% faithful

>> No.9763789

Long box if you're a Chad, non dual shock directors cut otherwise. Avoid the remake which changes more than any other remake of the series but retards say is "faithful" because the camera angle is the same
All good except the N64 version. Literally doesn't matter what you play. REmake is also excellent
Both the original and remake suck. Play whatever you want
Dreamcast version of CVX with an English translation of the files. All non Dreamcast versions fuck with the lighting of the game, and make it impossible to see anything
Original GC release is still the best version. all re-releases edit enemy drops, weapon stats, and spawns to make the game easier. It's not a huge deal though just play it
Shit game, but PC version with a friend or a mod or unlocked gun to give the AI infinite ammo
Play Leon's campaign and drop it
>7 and 8
Don't care about the first person games, never played them
>Revelations, and other side story trash
All shit. Ignore them

>> No.9763790

the psx ones due to being the originals

>> No.9763805

>No re survivor

I'm I the only cunt that liked it. I thought the atmosphere was cool but the writing and the characters sucked and had no substance. The only part I remember was some guy who kept laughing and screaming "DIE VINCENT"

>> No.9763808

if you play RE2 on PS1 be sure its the dualshock version,dont wanna miss extreme battle.

>> No.9763813



>> No.9763817

RE3 has more content than RE2, it's just spread out differently. In RE2 only about 15% of content differ between any given scenario, it's the equivalent of "oh you gotta replay the game on Hard mode to get the last level and the true ending!". and RE2 is almost a 1:1 copy of RE1 in its structure.

>> No.9763832
File: 862 KB, 744x469, leon[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming we're limiting ourselves to consoles only, than

> Re1
The Saturn release has the original difficulty, sharper backgrounds, Battle Mode, and a couple new enemies. The only downside is the door loadtimes are longer than any other version.

> Re2
The Dreamcast version has the sharpest graphics and the VMU showing your health is a neat use of the hardware. Claire A/Leon B is canon, by the way.

> Re3
The Dreamcast or Gamecube versions are the best looking. The Dreamcast version has some exclusive costumes while the Gamecube version has better loading times so its kind of a wash.

Now, the objectively worst versions:

> Re1
The PS1 Director's Cut. The soundtrack is stupid and the fart symphony is a fucking disgrace. Arrange Mode is cool if you've played the original game a million times, and easy/double ammo mode is good if you're a babby I guess though.

> Re2
The Game.com version is objectively the worst, but if we're limiting it to versions that more than three people have actually played than its the N64 version. The visuals are blurry as fuck, some FMVs were trimmed or removed entirely (and the ones that are in are downsampled to hell and back and had their framerates cut in half), and the controller is awful. The only upside is the EX Files, but that is literally just 12 text documents you can read online. It's a technical marvel that they were able to stuff the entire game onto a single 32mb cart, but they really shouldn't have.

Probably the original PS1 version. It's not bad by any means (none of the versions of Resident Evil 3 that were released were bad, really), its just the worst looking.

>> No.9763849

Cope, REtard

>> No.9763856

you're worse than him. stop replying to faggots.

>> No.9764024

They made Jill look like Michelle rodriguez in the re3 remake. Not saying I don't like it, it's just unnecessary race swapping and even more importantly they denied us sexy Irish Jill. What a fuckin travesty

>> No.9764045

original 2 > original 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the rest

>> No.9764052


>> No.9764060

She's slavix, retard

>> No.9764162

1: PC version with mods and/or remake
2: PC SourceNext with mods or GC with HD textures
3: PC SourceNext with mods or GC with HD textures

>> No.9764250

1 - REbirth patch
2 - REbirth patch
3 - REbirth patch
4 - HD mod
>RE2 is almost a 1:1 copy of RE1 in its structure.
truly sad when the happens because it implies that the artist has no idea what made the original so potent so they just stick to the safe route of hitting every note again instead of enhancing the most important ones.
>The Saturn release
>sharper backgrounds
pure mythology. Saturn version has way too many downsides that outweigh its meager perks. thats like recommending the N64 version of RE2, it's a novelty release.

>> No.9764254

oh yea, and
CV - PS3

>> No.9764276

>the remake is 100% faithful
bad bait

>> No.9764282

the truly based reply.

>> No.9764289

It's called a "joke"
I hate them equally though

>> No.9764304


As for versions. For the more Cinematic experience, stick to the Original Console Releases.
If you just want to play. For the Classics pick up any of the Chinese/SourceNext Ports, they play fast, skip door animations and the graphics are crisp.

>> No.9764359

5, 6, 7, and 8 all suck.

>> No.9764364

There's censorship for RE3 on Playstation?

>> No.9764373

8 is surprisingly fun & gorgeous aesthetically.

>> No.9764374

>a HDMI>RCA converter
I wonder how much GPU power / Memory is needed to run this so older cards could be used with better analog outputs. I can't stand using cheap HDMI to RCA converters like that.

>> No.9764396

The originals, now kill yourself demake faggot or just go back to /v/

>> No.9764624

>>The Saturn release
>>sharper backgrounds
>pure mythology

Wrong newfriend. It's been confirmed by multiple reviewers, the team that handled the port for Capcom, and anyone who has actually played both versions (and none of those groups include you apparently).

The team that ported that game was given full uncompressed 3d level data, they used this to make the backgrounds a little sharper as well as tweaking the camera placement and signage in a few rooms when they created the backgrounds. As for "downsides", outside of slightly longer door loading and mesh transparencies (which only come up in a couple of areas, although they make one of them look like complete shit) there aren't any. All of the other differences are subjective (character models has slightly worse textures but slightly better polygon seams compared to the PS1, unlockable costumes are different).

You sound like the snoy who always gets butthurt whenever Resident Evil gets mentioned. The last time I saw you in a thread you got btfo by like three different people with staff quotes and screenshots. What a weird thing for you to sperg out over.

What's Code Veronica like on the PS3? Is it based on the PS2 version? I've never played that port, but I remember the Dreamcast version being solid, and the PS2 version looking like ass but otherwise being fine.

Code Veronica is the true RE3, the only reason the sidestory that was released on the PS1 was named RE3 was because Capcom had a two sequel temporary exclusivity contract with Sony for mainline/numbered Resident Evil games.

>> No.9764665

Yes. But every single version of the game has censorship. Some versions have thing A censored, other versions don't have thing A but have thing B censored, etc

There isn't a single version of the game that's fully encensored. In any region.

I checked.

>> No.9764669

The "1st Person" control scheme on the N64 was awful by the way, I never had a problem with tank controls with these games but gave it a go regardless and it simply doesn't feel like it was coded correctly.

>> No.9764685

I can't find the infographic but there was a study done that essentially proved that people who can't handle tank controls have an underdeveloped section of the brain that normally handles spatial reasoning. They can't handle anything that deviates from cardinal directions from their own personal reference point. The study utilized a number of tests, but the biggest one was remote controlled cars.

You see it a lot with new drone owners, they'll be looking at a drone in the sky and they'll push left on the stick and become confused as to why the drone did not move left relative to their point of view.

>> No.9764691

I'd never really thought about that but I suppose it makes sense.
I'd let someone off if they were younger and had never played a game with tank controls but only if they did go on to grasp them within 30 seconds.

>> No.9764739

>Resident Evil (1996)
Mediakite patched.
If you encounter the black box glitch, Director's Cut (non-DualShock) PSX.
>Resident Evil 2 (1998)
Sourcenext patched
>Resident Evil 3 (1999)
Sourcenext patched
>Code Veronica
Dreamcast vanilla or HD Remaster
>Resident Evil (2002)
>Resident Evil Zero
Any of them, HD has more costumes I guess
>Resident Evil 4
Gamecube has different balancing and is pretty well the intended experience in every way.
PC HD Patch if you want the extra bells and whistles though.
>Resident Evil 5
PS3 Gold if you want motion controls, PC is best otherwise.
>Resident Evil 6
The PS4/Xbox remaster has slight advantages, but PC has the L4D crossover.
>Resident Evil 7
PS4 for VR, PC otherwise.
>Resident Evil 2 (2019)
>Resident Evil 3 (2020)
>Resident Evil Village
PC, PS5 if you want VR
>Resident Evil 4 (2023)
PC, PS5 if you want the "VR game modes" (???)

>> No.9764896

>Code Veronica is the true RE3
true RE4 maybe.

>> No.9764920
File: 586 KB, 695x641, FraBMjeaIAA0X1r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to suggest installing these in addition to the Classic REbirth patches. The audio quality is inferior on the PC versions for some reason and these brings them back to PSX/GC quality:

>> No.9764930

post screenshots then, faggot. the angles are slightly different as a result of the recapture. that's not the same as "muh sharper backgrounds"
>y-you seem like someone else who was wrong
more limpwristed mythology
>Capcom had a two sequel temporary exclusivity contract with Sony for mainline/numbered Resident Evil games
and yet even more mythology. take the L and get fucked.

>> No.9764937

all of them. the remakes are different enough to warrant to play them on top of the originals.

>> No.9764968

Yep, you're the snoy. You can't deny it, you've got the same spergy posting style. How many times do you need to get btfo before you accept that you're wrong?

>> No.9764971


Play all of them on Gamecube. If it’s not on Gamecube, it’s not worth playing.

>> No.9764972

original ps1 releases on original hardware + crt

>> No.9764979

calm the FUCK down you mentally ill faggot

>> No.9765120

RE1 - PC version
RE2 - Gamecube Version
RE3 - Gamecube Version
RE:CV - Dreamcast Version
REmake - PC
REmake 2 - PC
REmake 3 - PC

And that's all.

>> No.9765195

>Original GC release is still the best version
When will this meme end?

>> No.9765204

when i die

>> No.9765219

>What's Code Veronica like on the PS3? Is it based on the PS2 version?
they remade the lighting system and it's more colorful. it's a new version(same as xbox360)


>> No.9765280
File: 173 KB, 320x206, Resicomp3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this obnoxious faggot again. This dipshit acts like this an established fact the Saturn version has better backgrounds because this Sega fanboy newsletter in the 90's got paid by Sega to insist that, whereas in reality you can go on Reddit and see people who've played it say the backgrounds are worse. Do you need me to assrape you with these comparisons again? I'll do it.

>> No.9765285

>the computer looks completely different for no fucking reason

>> No.9765291

>you've got the same spergy posting style
You call everybody who disagrees with you this one snoy, lol. I know you're (>>9765280) but I only just showed up to call you a retard after perusing the thread. I'm no snoy mate I love all these systems, I'm just looking at the facts, whereas you've never given ONE rebuttal nor had the generosity to afford me the same technical breakdowns I've afforded you.

Tell me what's likelier:
>the mountain of evidence suggests you are wrong and a mentally ill Gen X faggot seething at people half his age at most just for telling the truth about his 30yo toys
>you are so infallibly right that even one person disagreeing with you is improbable, therefore if multiple people disagree with you it must mean they are all the same person

>> No.9765297

I know you're referring to ()*

>> No.9765319

'Forward' as an abstract concept is impossible for retards to handle since they cannot handle abstract concepts to begin with.

>> No.9765329

lol, you're the dumbass who thinks emulator screenshots are valid comparisons. You've been btfo multiple times before, stop embarrassing yourself. You've been told you are wrong, accept it.

>> No.9765337

Why are you posting an image that shows horizontal lines caused by compression artifacting in the PS1 version while simultaneously claiming that the PS1 version is somehow better?

Did you actually look at this gif before posting it?

>> No.9765343

>they remade the lighting system and it's more colorful. it's a new version(same as xbox360)

why does it look worse?


>> No.9765363

it also introduces new bugs:
>dynamic lights turn off in some areas when you shoot because the muzzle flash goes past the limit of available sources.
>she doesn't blink during normal gameplay
>the fog is absent and ruins a few surprises
>water isn't dynamic anymore(no waves when you or objects run across it).
the only things that look better are shadows and the game is darker which makes it a bit spookier in places

>> No.9765364

Why didn't Capcom port the original Dreamcast version to PS4/Switch?

>> No.9765372
File: 151 KB, 320x240, Resicomp4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been BTFO since you haven't rebutted my technical arguments before. I'll repost again and see if you have anything to say this time:

Emulators obviously don't have decades-outdated diffusion algorithms to corrupt the tile data without any actual dithering applied like you might suggest, nor would a Saturn emulator be uniquely predisposed to such a thing. Never mind that this would increase the computational requirements of the emulator, compared to just reading and executing the game code.

If an emulator were to fail to print a tile somehow, it would either print the wrong tile, or print it with the wrong palette; obviously, neither is observable as we can see the tiles are correct, and it is simply impossible for it to select an incorrect palette that somehow aligns perfectly whilst merely producing fewer unique colours (one would wonder why the hypothetical palette would have defined duplicate colours).

Tile drawing isn't an issue with Saturn emulation and doesn't affect the fairness of this test as even the Wii can accurately emulate this aspect—Saturn emulation sucks shit on Wii because it's slow. Tile data is easily read even without the use of an emulator, too.

Without dismissing any of these points, give me a whole rebuttal with evidence, or abstract conclusions based on technical reasoning.

>> No.9765376

RE1 - Director's Cut PS1 or PC version
RE2 - Dual Shock Version or PC version
RE3 - PS1 or PC version
RE:CV - Dreamcast Version
REmake - GC or PC version
REmake 2 - PC
REmake 3 - PC

And that's all.

>> No.9765378

PS4/PS5 version is the emulated PS2(using pal 50 scaled to 60hz it stutters if you buy it in pal regions)

>> No.9765383 [DELETED] 

> gets btfo multiple times over multiple days
> is redditspacing to boot

Not even reading this shit, stop posting you child

>> No.9765387

The converter looks great, I'll post some photos and webms later on

>> No.9765394

uhhh... anon, the saturn backgrounds clearly look better here. Look at the bottom of the machinery in the background, look at the splotching on the wall in the PS1 version. The only thing that looks worse on the saturn version is the blood pool looks a little blockier and the transparent stasis tube is gone. Contratulations, you played yourself.

>> No.9765396

Okay that changes everything. I thought you were a geriatric Gen X'er, but it turns out you're actually a zoomer trying really hard to fit in, hence the contrarian opinions and belief that paragraphs come from Reddit. Go look at any 4chan post from 2005 (before Reddit even existed mate) or better yet any English text written since the creation of the printing press in 1436.

>> No.9765402
File: 174 KB, 320x240, Resicomp2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah dude the banding on Saturn looks heaps better than "splotching". Lower colour depth on this background too.

>> No.9765414

Lol. Lmao even. You're posting postage stamp sized compressed gifs from a fucking emulator (!) and you somehow think this helps your argument? You're wrong. Literally anyone who has played both versions on actual hardware can tell you this. You don't own either version and have never played either version on an actual PS1 or Saturn, because if you did you wouldn't be autistically clinging to the same tired, stupid, incorrect viewpoint in thread after thread after thread, desperately reposting the same three or four animated gifs and making a complete fool of yourself.

>> No.9765432

> Emulator screenshots

Anon you need to stop

>> No.9765449

The anon who came awfully close to accusing somebody of samefagging is himself samefagging. Incredible.

>> No.9765451

Still no rebuttal: >>9765372

>> No.9765452

>everyone who disagrees with me is a samefag

Take your meds and fuck off. This was a nice thread before you came in and started shitposting, and it will be a nice thread again after you leave.

>> No.9765453

All these butthurt posts making the same lie without any evidence or rebuttal to this post (>>9765372)

>> No.9765458

The entire rebuttal is that you're posting compressed screenshots from fucking emulators, dude. They are not accurate. That's literally all that needs to be said.

There you go, there's your rebuttal, and now you've been btfo (again). Happy now?

>> No.9765472

You're wasting your time, this guy spergs out every time RE1 gets mentioned, and then he doubles down endlessly. I'm pretty sure he's the same guy that rages over N64 Quake as well, they have very similar posting styles.

>> No.9765474
File: 301 KB, 1734x1301, 20230301_203903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't own either version and have never played either version on an actual PS1 or Saturn
Funny, I actually played RE1 for the first time this year, on an actual PS1, on a CRT. I've also outlined why an emulator is a fair test for simply assessing the tiles (>>9765372) which you have not rebutted.
If you can still see the banding on Saturn, how is the compression able to obscure the test in any way? Plus the encoding is the same across the clip since it's the same webm, so the PS1 acree shit is equally affected by the same encoding and yet is palpably superior. Anyway, how about you rebut the actual comments I made about emulation.

>> No.9765478

Holy shit stop projecting, we can't even talk about what makes the Saturn port nice because you insist on coming in every time to call everybody a faggot and lie about the backgrounds, despite being given contrary evidence.

>> No.9765483

>acree shit

>> No.9765489

Screenshots sourced from here, so you can see them in their uncompressed glory. Now rebut, point by point, my explanation of why emulation makes for a fair test when simply assessing the tiles (>>9765372). If you will not, everybody will rightfully assume I know more about this and have more to say.

>> No.9765492

Shut up samefag. Oh, you played the PS1 version this year? You're admitting you've never even played the Saturn version and are just repeating what some youtuber told you? Cool, now you're halfway there to knowing how wrong you are. Come back and apologize once you go all the way. The rest of the thread will be waiting.

>> No.9765497

>repeating what some youtuber told you
I've never seen anybody on YouTube give a shit about the Saturn version lol, nobody does, and this just sounds like additional projection on your part. The first time I ever investigated the Saturn version was not due to an eceleb but an earlier thread where you insisted it has better backgrounds, which I found no evidence of. Still waiting for the rebuttal to this: >>9765372

>> No.9765501

>You're admitting you've never even played the Saturn version
I literally didn't even say that, by the way. You just love to argue in bad faith? You must be trolling

>> No.9765502

This. The PC modded versions of the games make all the other versions obsolete because they add in all the positives of the other versions

>> No.9765518

>I literally didn't even say that
>Funny, I actually played RE1 for the first time this year, on an actual PS1

You can't even remember what you posted a few minutes ago lol.




Your website says the PS1 backgrounds look better and uses emulator screenshots. This website says the Saturn backgrounds look better and uses actual hardware screenshots. I win, you lose, now fuck off.

>> No.9765521

Hard to get 240p output on the PC versions though

>> No.9765525

>You can't even remember what you posted a few minutes ago lol
Where is the contradiction? Playing RE1 for the first time on a PS1 necessarily means not playing the Saturn version since????
Still haven't rebutted this point by point: >>9765372
I'll make it easier for now by asking what you have to say about the tiledrawing capabilities of Saturn emulators compared to other systems

>> No.9765527

The website he linked doesn't even say that the PS1 backgrounds look better. Homeboy has no odea what he is talking about

>> No.9765540

That racketboy's comparisons don't look any fucking different you moron. If there are certain backgrounds that look better, he did not showcase them. From the screenshots we have both seen, it looks as good as PS1 at best, and at worst much worse

>> No.9765542

This is the part where you double down again

>> No.9765550

Double down on what? The fact you haven't rebutted this (>>9765372
) maybe
>Emulators obviously don't have decades-outdated diffusion algorithms to corrupt the tile data without any actual dithering applied like you might suggest, nor would a Saturn emulator be uniquely predisposed to such a thing. Never mind that this would increase the computational requirements of the emulator, compared to just reading and executing the game code.
You got anything to say about this?
>If an emulator were to fail to print a tile somehow, it would either print the wrong tile, or print it with the wrong palette; obviously, neither is observable as we can see the tiles are correct, and it is simply impossible for it to select an incorrect palette that somehow aligns perfectly whilst merely producing fewer unique colours (one would wonder why the hypothetical palette would have defined duplicate colours).
You got anything to say about this?
>Tile drawing isn't an issue with Saturn emulation and doesn't affect the fairness of this test as even the Wii can accurately emulate this aspect—Saturn emulation sucks shit on Wii because it's slow. Tile data is easily read even without the use of an emulator, too.
You got anything to say about this?

Furthermore, there are Saturn games that ARE better than the PS1 version, and these better graphics can be fully appreciated through emulators. What aspect of the hardware do you suspect causes RE1 to allegedly be the SOLE game to corrupt the tiledata when emulated? Do NOT ignore this if you want to be taken seriously.

>> No.9765554

I'm still waiting for a rebuttal to this >>9765518

>> No.9765561

Right here: >>9765540
In short, racketboy did not provide the evidence you seek to begin with. He made a claim, but gave no evidence.

>> No.9765564

Not a rebuttal. I'm still waiting for a rebuttal to >>9765518
Do NOT ignore this if you want to be taken seriously

>> No.9765565

And to make it slightly less short, the screenshots he provided do not demonstrate the claim.

Now comment on this: >>9765372
There is no reason for you to be so evasive if you are arguing in good faith. I have commented on EVERYTHING you've thrown at me.

>> No.9765571

>And to make it slightly less short, the screenshots he provided do not demonstrate the claim.

Yes they do. Not only do they show a difference, but they're actually valid comparisons since they are running on actual hardware, unlike your emulator shots (that don't even show what you say they do).

STILL waiting for a rebuttal to >>9765518

>> No.9765574

He already 'rebutted' your post, learn to read dingus

>> No.9765575

>rebut this
>okay, he said x, but did not provide evidence for x. the supposed evidence he provided instead demonstrates y
>wer iz da rebuttal, olso i wil not repli 2 ur argumentz lul

>> No.9765580

>Not only do they show a difference
In what way? Which details are you seeing that I'm not? In a previous thread I afforded you a mise-en-scene comparison of the Tyrant room, so now it's your turn to do the same for your allegedly superior Saturn captures.

>> No.9765587

The hardware (as in, actual hardware, not emulation) captures are in the website I linked. You obviously didn't read it, which means you're obviously trolling.

In case you are actually not trolling (which would be sad), I am stiiiiiiiil waiting for a rebuttal for >>9765518

>> No.9765598

Holy fucking shit dude, let it go. You lost an argument on 4chan, fucking deal with it and stop shitting up a perfectly good thread. Saturn RE is automatically better because it has midriff Jill.

>> No.9765605

N64 version of RE2 the best

>> No.9765614
File: 197 KB, 320x240, Fucking_Dickhead.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the captures are on the website, however they demonstrate no difference in Saturn's favour. If I really wanted to be petty, I would bully you for criticising webm encoding yet using compressed jpeg's on racketboy's website as evidence, but nevertheless here is a comparison of the TWO side-by-sides he provided:
I'm not seeing shit. Also note that the moron on that website cropped his Saturn screenshots, so excuse the negative space. If there's a tile you think is better on Saturn, let me know which one and why.

>> No.9765618
File: 203 KB, 1024x1024, resident evil 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low quality cutscenes
>tank control
>models have 5 polygons
>no pixel shader
Sorry, the PC version is the best.

>> No.9765619

Not a rebuttal. STILL waiting for a rebuttal to >>9765518

Just because a website proved you wrong doesn't mean that it's inaccurate.

>> No.9765623

I used the screenshots from your own fucking link in that webm, Christ

>> No.9765626

Peak retardation. No one is going to fall for that.
PC version has nude mods so I can stare at Le... Uhhh, Claire's ass throughout the whole game, which automatically makes it better.

>> No.9765636
File: 2.10 MB, 640x480, tick.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saturn RE is automatically better because it has midriff Jill.
It also has the chad Ticks.

>> No.9765654

The spin offs were the only games worth playing. I generally loath this franchise with a passion. I wish marketers would stop trying to accumulate autistic and obsessive fanboys

>> No.9765664

Do Resident Evil fans truly believe they aren't playing a carbon copy clone of alone in the dark? Why not play those instead?

>> No.9765676

he cute desu

>> No.9765680

N64 wins against PC

>> No.9765684

Sourcenext with the rebirth patches, the install discs are all over archive.org. The Gamecube versions are also pretty good, but there's no RE1. There is on Dreamcast, though. The PS1 is the console they were made for, but you get lower background resolutions and the wobbly polygons there, and you miss some features like costumes and so on.

>> No.9765704

>Why not play those instead?
yeah gee i really wonder why Resident evil is still going while the other franchise is basically dead

>> No.9767274

>The converter looks great
I doubt that very much. However an expensive one could do a good job, but I don't want an expensive external component to do something that a cheap older video card could do even better.

>> No.9767281

I've played Alone in the Dark on PC as soon as it got a CD-Rom release. It started a genre. Resident Evil is not a AitD clone.

>> No.9767286

Marketing. And the company investing into its IP. AIND could have been a juggernaut of an IP, but its owners shit on it so much it has no mass appeal.
Imagine if they made great Survival Horror Anthology games for the H.P. Lovecraft universe.

>> No.9767494

Your brown

>> No.9768092
File: 758 KB, 2174x1191, RE4HD on CRT lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you're talking about composite video it's hard to miss the mark. Whether it's RE4 or a low contrast game like Jet Set Radio, it looks great

>> No.9768490
File: 53 KB, 999x937, 1679472536994671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not against classic PC. It's the only port along with Dreamcast with Hard mode and has the best graphics and FMV quality. Plus you can skip door animations. The only downside of the PC version is the lower audio quality but it can be modded back to PSX/GC quality to make it the definitive version.

>> No.9768504

Overrated Franchise RE was never Good

>> No.9768532

better than silent shill and alone in the fart

>> No.9768603

> Plebsident Evil
> A franchise with a massive identity crisis
> Went from horror to action to cartoonish action to stripped down horror
> Remasters were good but stripped out shitloads of content
> Outside of seeing Milla's eraser nipples and shaved clam the movies were shit

> Silent Shill
> Excellent first three games, ok fourth
> Nothing notable since then
> New game looks great, gets canceled
> Remasters of SH2 are dogshit with no fog and comic sans
> Movie was ok, pyramid head ripping that chick's skin off was hilarious

> Alone in the Shart
> Great first few couple of games, literally pioneered the genre but only the oldest of oldfags actually played them
> New Nightmare was great and a technical marvel
> Newest one was a turd
> Nothing new on the horizon and no one even knows the franchise exists anymore
> Movie was Uwe Boll tax fraud tier

Honestly man none of the "major" horror franchises are without their shitty spots.

>> No.9768619

>> A franchise with a massive identity crisis
yes a varied and rich franchise
>> Outside of seeing Milla's eraser nipples and shaved clam the movies were shit
only the cg movies are canon

didn't read the rest

>> No.9768678

I blew a varied and rich load in your sister's ass last night :^)

>> No.9768702 [DELETED] 
File: 1.07 MB, 536x706, silent hill fan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9768734

How do you feel about the longbox PS1 version of RE1 if you have played it? That was my introduction to the game, and besides the remake, the other versions have felt just kinda off to me, I don't get that with the remake cause even though it is basically the same game, its much more different than the directors cut and the DS version for example, so it doesn't feel "off" in the same way

>> No.9768740
File: 201 KB, 1443x1080, Screenshot_20230316_172039_DuckStation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RE: Ultimate Directors Cut rom hack is best RE.

>> No.9768746

does it remove censorship?
quick run down of the changes?

>> No.9768752

My first runthrough of the game was the GH version, but later on I went through and played the original release. The music in the original version is better, but the game is a lot harder without autoaim. The Saturn version is just a port of the first PS1 longbox version, so they're essentially interchangeable mechanically with just a couple exceptions (the new tick, the second Tyrant fight).

Honestly, I think there isn't really a bad home console version of the first game, they're all fully playable. The only things to consider are which soundtrack you prefer, whether you want a harder difficulty, or whether you want to try arrange mode. It's a good game and worth playing no matter which platform/version.

>> No.9768796

>Based and nemmy pilled

>> No.9768804

But 8 had a great story about a based mold man saving his mold daughter

>> No.9768886

lol. lmao even

>> No.9768889

i don't have a sister you must have fucked the carpet, as usual

>> No.9768916
File: 671 KB, 1080x1990, Screenshot_20230311_010953_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9768923

sounds good.
>deranged mode

>> No.9768925

Oh she had a carpet alright.

Let's just say I "carpet bombed" her, if you catch my drift (like she caught my load).

This sounds like the perfect version.

>> No.9768934

anon, your sex life is like your favorite franchises, dead in the water

>> No.9768971

>The PS1 Director's Cut. The soundtrack is stupid and the fart symphony is a fucking disgrace.
WRONG,thats not the directors cut its the dualshock edition,i have the directors cut with the RE2 demo and it has the original soundtrack

>> No.9768974

My sex life is like Taco Bell farts. It's explosive, hilarious, and happening inside your sister's ass!

>> No.9768975
File: 348 KB, 1439x1068, Screenshot_20230316_150215_DuckStation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's great, I finished Chris and Jill, will be playing Deranged next. This hack has great replay value.

>> No.9768978

the pal dualshock version has the normal music
your waifu pillow is not my sister anon

>> No.9768982

Your sister's pillow is my waifu pillow because it's my waifu's pillow because your sister is my waifu.

Nice. If this thread still exists when you're done let us know how Deranged Mode was.

>> No.9768985

Damn. I wish this was available for the PC version. I've been spoiled by instant camera angle transitions are doorskip

>> No.9768991

anon, it's over

>> No.9768992
File: 185 KB, 999x1000, my sister's pillow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9769004

Glad someone posted this. Always surprised how people completely neglect to mention restoration hacks when discussing the best versions of games.

>> No.9769021

> first he says he doesn't have a sister
> then he says he does

kek, btfo

see above

>> No.9769034

that's Schrödinger's sister not mine

>> No.9769043

i need to write that one down

>> No.9769068

> Schrödinger's load

My cock was simultaneously inside your sister's and your mother's ass, the results of which can not be known until you open the bedroom door.

>> No.9769084

ask me how i know you're american

>> No.9769167

lol, Americans and America live rent free in your head.

>> No.9769180

as moms and sisters mr alabaman

>> No.9770290

I think the big thing that most people say, is that the autoaim makes it much harder, I played Jill first because I had always heard she was the easy mode basically, so it made sense to me to try her first, but I ended up having a much more difficult time when I played with her compared to Chris

>> No.9770361

*lack of autoaim

>> No.9770496

and yet he was right about you

>> No.9771676
File: 22 KB, 249x212, 1893804059834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(this is a copy paste of my post when I posted the link to the games a while back)

Here you go anons, here is the pc port of the original versions of Resident Evil 1-2-3 all these games uses the REbirth mod to make them work on modern windows, some quality to life improvements, xinput support and much more, opening the game's exes will show REbirth's configuration menu.
Keep in mind some FMVs shows the japanese name, except the title screens.

(What's New)
Now this time all games are patched with higher quality voices/music/fmvs along with minor fixes
RE1 has two exe's to switch between the Original and Duel Shock's Ver. OST.


>> No.9771697
File: 14 KB, 376x369, 1663555851057984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. I already have those but that should help out other Anons. Also I don't know why the Classic Rebirth site doesn't have a link to the high quality audio mod for RE1. I had to go on pcgamingwiki to find it (the music quality is especially bad in RE1). But yeah, good job on including the audio mods for all three games, I don't know why the vanilla audio is lower quality on PC.

>> No.9771865

Unlike you, I'm not ashamed of where I come from, eurofag.


>> No.9772029

Revelations 2 is good. And CV is kind of a side story though.

>> No.9772047 [DELETED] 

original ps1 releases
original dreamcast release
original gamecube release
original xbox 360 release
any platform
>Revelations 1
>Revelations 2
any platform

if you disagree you are not retro but also wrong

>> No.9772050

>>9763789 #
original ps1 releases
original dreamcast release
original gamecube release
original xbox 360 release
any platform
>Revelations 1
original 3ds release
>Revelations 2
any platform

if you disagree you are not retro and also wrong

>> No.9772053

>is a mutt who's ancestors all came from somewhere else
>doesn't have his own language, speaks a language from Europe
>a-a-t least im proud of where i c-c-come f-from
mental innit

>> No.9772057
File: 130 KB, 1035x772, a4d6c5b22488c3a23f88e7a8e7f8bf3e-1595804861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks a lot fren

>> No.9772217
File: 66 KB, 640x557, greatest_ally-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could very easily say that you don't speak your own language but the dialect of your nation's capital. Europeans have made an effort to abolish all regional languages and even dialects, sad!

Obviously Americans are Englishmen, thus they speak English. Should they not be Englishmen? Should they give up the language of their ancestors, the legal system of their ancestors, the folk songs of their ancestors, and the very culture they owe to their ancestors, just to prove to Euros "heh we did something different"? Is it not enough to be better Englishmen than the sorry sods living in apartments back in Old England? Eat shit, New Worlders are sick cunts because all the people who didn't want to live in fucking apartments migrated here for that very purpose, whereas Europe is filled with the wankers who actually like living in coffins (hence not leaving). Enjoy your 6 million/square km population density and quite LITERALLY eavesdropping on your neighbours masturbating; I'll be grilling in my patio (because unlike you, I have one).

>> No.9772635

>Unlike you, I'm not ashamed of where I come from, eurofag.
we get it,you a proud monkey,not let the humans talk.

>> No.9772645

Thats the same thing you fucking mouth breather

>> No.9773057
File: 7 KB, 320x238, barry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RE1 - Directors Cut PSX
RE2 - Dreamcast
RE3 - Dreamcast
CV - Dreamcast
4 - Gamecube

>> No.9773927

the dual shock versions except for the original resident evil since it changes the music

>> No.9773928

you are a corporate cock sucker

>> No.9774793

>american education

>> No.9774958
File: 41 KB, 500x468, resident evil deadly silence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find myself replaying Deadly Silence the most when I feel like going through RE1.

>> No.9774991

RE1 seems very glitchy. 2 and 3 seems fine.

>> No.9775001

I don't have the definitive answer. I would say the pc version of resident evil is the best one since it's the true uncut version with the uncensored intro in full color.

>> No.9775201

REmake > Original
RE2make = RE2
R3make < RE3
RE4make = RE4

This is the way

>> No.9775210

I love the DS version so much it's unreal even though the knife minigame can be a pain and looks worse. I love that they tried.

>> No.9775234

>REmake > Original
Fuck off. The Remake is very mid and lacks charm plus the color palette is a sludge.
>RE2make = RE2
Fuck off again, Botched B Scenarios and retarded changes to the story and characters ruin the legacy onwards with the retarded Remake new canon.
>R3make < RE3
Not very hard to admit on this one eh?
>RE4make = RE4
Attempting to make a silly game aware of it's sillyness more serious somehow is equal in quality to your eyes. mate you have shit taste.
>This is the way
to kys

>> No.9775326
File: 41 KB, 500x500, re_dir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re Directors cut, mutch harder and better

>> No.9775338

I have access to the raw backgrounds of the PS1 versions of the game and there is literally no difference whatsoever with an emulator screenshot (granted you're not using special settings)

5th gen emulators have gotten to the point where it's raw, that *is* the game you are looking at. if it looks different to you then you're just used to the treatment your TVs do.

Saturn version backgrounds do look a bit better overall, less blurry, less compressed, better colours; but it's a case by case basis. Some rooms are almost identical, others the difference is quite clear. And your entire argument against this besides "emulator screenshots are invalid" is "lol nope I don't see it".

Yeah. (You) don't see it.

>> No.9776228

Not a real RE/survival horror game

>> No.9776287

Just like re2

>> No.9776302

go to >>9769732 , see upper-right letter, learn objective truth from it

>> No.9776573

False. RE2 follows the same formula as RE1. Therefore RE2 is a real RE/survival horror game.

>> No.9776585

RE2's map is very linear, i never had to worry about inventory management, you get so much ammo that you run out more often in RE4, and most of the puzzles are "put item you just found onto the wall right in front of it"

>> No.9776604

Clearly you never played RE2.

>> No.9776616
File: 187 KB, 217x284, Screenshot 2023-03-28 at 03-31-29 _v_ - Video Games - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9776619
File: 643 KB, 2048x1427, suck shit cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got A ranks on Claire A and Leon B on my first try. Wasn't even going for the A ranks, I just felt comfortable not saving or using first aid sprays. Even when I played Leon A and Claire B for the first time I felt pretty comfy going long stretches between saves. RE2 is a rehash of RE1 that misses the point, it's still a good game but it fails to achieve what RE1 accomplished and ends up as something different

>> No.9776621

Resident shemale

>> No.9776624
File: 615 KB, 2297x1746, 2023_03_28 13_35 Office Lens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9776693
File: 3.62 MB, 3840x2160, RE1wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

free wallpaper

>> No.9776736
File: 330 KB, 2048x2048, 1679970653808091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many movie references are in RE games

>> No.9776748


>> No.9776754

no that's the Jill from the most recent wave of remakes

>> No.9776808

>The Remake is very mid
dumb zoomer

>> No.9776832

and for any other anon who downloaded it
if you're getting some weird graphical glitches in RE1
use this zip, extract the content to the game's directory and run the exes like normal

>> No.9776838

What is this exactly? Can you give a link to the mod page?

>> No.9776843

RE1 > RE2 = RE4 > REmake > RE3 >> RE5 > RE2make > RE3make > RE7 > RE0

>> No.9776846

Where does RE4make go?

>> No.9776847

in the trash

>> No.9776849

its something I thrown in together in case if there is any weird graphical problems

>> No.9776852


>> No.9776859

I respect most of that list except for RE5 being above RE2make

>> No.9776867

In a dumpster fire.

>> No.9776892
File: 149 KB, 1536x864, BIOHAZARD_DC_2023_03_28_08_28_06_708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks a lot once more, fren.
i was having problems but they're gone now. i only have this weird clipping of wesker's feet in his shadow but i guess that's normal

>> No.9776905

Outbreak File 1 and 2.

>> No.9776906
File: 636 KB, 1500x556, re1notld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9776991
File: 2.24 MB, 330x166, disgusting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9776995

Put RE1 just after RE3, or even before it if you want, and I agree with this ranking.

>> No.9777609

mr x = terminator
nemesis = predator
killer 7, ithaca shotgun, riot gun, re1 magnum, tmp, re2 minigun , re2 beta calico, etc etc = terminator and terminator 2
re1 rocket launcher = commando
re4 leon hair = john connor
re5 chris = schwarzenegger

>> No.9777731

nah, fuck off.

>> No.9777884
File: 496 KB, 960x1162, adanikita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I've ever seen this mentioned, but Ada's pose here is an homage to La Femme Nikita. They used that shot on most of the posters and other promo stuff.

>> No.9779271

speaking of Besson? playing REmake right now,
Barry and Jill reminded me a bit of Leon and Mathilda in their faces

>> No.9779323
File: 594 KB, 1461x1200, residentevilbong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9779369

What kind of Jill sandwich is this

>> No.9779398


>> No.9779449

I wish the author were still working on the classic rebirth mod. Last I remembered before he moved on to other games was he was working on dx9 support.