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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.60 MB, 1465x1080, Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World (USA)-230316-214747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9746639 No.9746639 [Reply] [Original]

If you did any of the following while playing Super Mario World:
>use the cape
>use Yoshi
>activate any of the Switch palaces
>take any alternate paths that result in a shortcut
>take the Star Road to get to Bowser's Castle early
You didn't beat the game.

>> No.9746642

They sure did play the game.

>> No.9746667
File: 161 KB, 2000x1533, icsw7sevmdovcths80ol_10f32f7d-399d-42af-a978-7a0ebf375518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold my MASTERY of children's toys

>> No.9746671

if you did any of the following:
>post this thread
then you're a faggot

>> No.9746684

>You didn't beat the game.
>Posts incomplete world 7 map

Neither did you.

>> No.9746704
File: 19 KB, 320x224, Image18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to flex by playing a Mario game is laughable. Play a real man's platformer.

>> No.9746713

They did beat the game. I did it both ways, including unlocking the secret paths that you seem to not have unlocked in that screen shot.

>> No.9746718

World is a babby gaem. At least brag with SMB3

>> No.9746720

what game

>> No.9746725

tired meme

>> No.9746736


>> No.9746823

Looks like sega genesis kid chameleon. Maybe I'm wrong.

sega genesis games were usually more difficult than snes

>> No.9746846

You made me kek, Satan

>> No.9746852

Yeah, it's Kid Chameleon. Has a well deserved reputation of being balls hard.

>> No.9746858

Also if you played the US/international version then you didn't beat the game as it was made easier in a few places.

>> No.9746910

Got to the ending and it doesn't matter how so I did beat it

>> No.9746925

>He thinks he beat the game if he saved
How embarrassing

>> No.9746929

I used arbitrary code execution to warp to credits from the first stage. I figured it out by chance as a kid and thought everyone could do it.

>> No.9747170

They were only more difficult because they controlled like shit and had bad level design

>> No.9747214

Wow OP, you're so cool for not using all the features in a children's game.

Get a life

>> No.9747220
File: 1.12 MB, 4032x3024, zwty0pg662e41[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP didn't
>activate any of the Switch palaces
>take any alternate paths that result in a shortcut
OP didn't beat the game.

>> No.9747227

Based SMW, always good to see it in the catalog.

>> No.9747235

>didn't get all the exits
Get out of here, you casual.

>> No.9747263
File: 8 KB, 610x610, Kid-Chameleon-Sega-Genesis-Mega-Drive-Xtreme-Retro-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>controlled like shit
>had bad level design
Sorry you were filtered by a game that provides actual challenge, unlike Mario shit. Kid Chameleon has more levels, more paths, and more powerups than either Mario World or Mario 3. It's the better game.

>> No.9747271 [DELETED] 

You're replying to a falseflag shitposter who probably isn't even a Sega fan.

>> No.9747354 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 2352x672, SuperMarioBros3-World6-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falseflag shitposter
Or, maybe you're precious Mario games aren't immune to fair critique or criticism, like every other game? OP correctly pointed out that Mario World is completely lacking in challenge, and has to be played with artificial constraints to even approach being remotely difficult, and this is a problem that have plagued Mario games and other Nintendo IP's from the very beginning.

>> No.9747360 [DELETED] 

>dont show any enemies at all
bro where's the challenge!

>> No.9747367

>use the cape
>activate any of the Switch palaces
Is it even possible to beat the game without doing one of these two or some autistic speedrunning glitch shit?

>> No.9747369
File: 329 KB, 980x700, 1679064095486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beat the game didn't do any of those things, it's piss easy especially with save states

>> No.9747370

>If I came in your mom
>And you are my spawn
I still won't be your father

>> No.9747648
File: 82 KB, 438x242, 1542001396943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't 100% without a bunch of those faggot

>> No.9747653

>if you used a feature that the game lets you do without use of a cheat code, you didn't beat the game

>> No.9747723

Not everyone is a tryhard speedrunner, chump.

>> No.9747746
File: 68 KB, 750x920, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boot up Super Mario World for ZSNES with Super Eagle filter
>use the cape
>use Yoshi
>activate every switch
>use constant save states and rewinds
>still collect 99 lives and load state if I lose one

>> No.9747754
File: 10 KB, 908x216, SMW-FOIFortress-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yall cowards don't take the secret boss door in the forest fortress

>> No.9747756 [DELETED] 

>fair critique
That's the thing, falseflag shitposter, you're just shitposting and not making real criticism, just coming to a falseflag thread (that maybe you yourself started, wouldn't be surprised) to stir shit by posting a Sega game and trying to instigate the old console wars.
You don't even like video games, go back to your speccy and amiger demo scenes, watch these tech demos.
>but noooo I'm here to make real criticism on challenge! I'm a hardcore gamer!
if you were a skilled player you wouldn't be wasting time making console war shitposting.

>> No.9747757
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, op missed a level.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol op btfo

>> No.9747837 [DELETED] 

>any critique of Mario is a false flag
>any claim that Sega made a better game than Nintendo is a false flag
Who is the real console warrior?

>> No.9747863 [DELETED] 

>any critique of Mario is a false flag
Not "any", just a very obvious falseflag posts by some mentally ill shitposter specifically trying to bring console wars
>>any claim that Sega made a better game than Nintendo is a false flag
Well, claiming that depends on many, many things. If we're talking Sega of Japan, yeah I think they're on par with Nintendo. If we're talking Mike Cerny stuff like Kid Chameleon, not really. I don't hate KC, but I don't think it's a really great game. Quantity of powerups or levels don't make for substantial design.

>> No.9748361

its actually really easy if you do the spin flight

>> No.9748367

wow, it's nice to know you left out 1-up farming, LOL.

>> No.9748372

Guys I'm trying to beat SMB1, and I want to know what you guys consider cheating. Is the warp-pipe cheating? Is farming 1-ups with the koopa cheating? Right now, I've forced myself to only earn 1-ups by collecting coins, but I'm getting filtered at around 5-3.

>> No.9748375

>use the cape
>the thing that's required to 96* the game
El oh lel

>> No.9748376

moving left is cheating

>> No.9748381

That should be added indeed, but honestly, the game just showers you with lives, so it's not uncommon to end up with 20 or more lives in a single session.
There's also hidden 1-ups that appear in the first level of each world, but only if you get a certain amount of coins in the third level of the previous world IIRC. Some of them are pretty well hidden, though.

>> No.9748383 [DELETED] 


>> No.9748432

i found all of the secret exits so yeah i beat the game

>> No.9748435

I rush Special and get the palette swap. It's pointless to save it for the end and not be able to see it. Then I play the game normally and 100%(*96) it. Yoshi and switches are necessary to do this.

>> No.9748437

I had sex instead.

>> No.9748946

God what I would give to go back and play this the day of release. I’ve been playing it recently forcing myself NOT to find any hidden levels/palaces and I still found green and red switch by complete accident. I wonder if it’s possible to finish on your first playthrough without finding and alternate exits

>> No.9748959

Can’t use the cape or a yoshi? How tf are you supposed to finish star road?

>> No.9748965

Show me in an official source where it says any of those things and i will agree with you.

>> No.9748968

>not Mr.Bones
You disappoint me

>> No.9748976

What is the standard way to get out of th elost woods without taking Star Road, I hate World because I feel like I can't find the "normal" rout.

Or is the game just completely shorter than SMB3?

>> No.9748987

At least two alternate exits are required to progress in a normal romp through the game: the one in Forest of Illusion 3 and the one in Chocolate Island 3. The normal exit in these (and a couple others in the Forest of Illusion) take you in circles.
I assume you mean the Forest of Illusion? The fastest way through is to beat Forest of Illusion 1 and 2 through the regular exit, and find the secret exit in Forest of Illusion 3.

>> No.9749206
File: 23 KB, 300x309, 1319750841385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't 100% the game you didn't beat it
JFC. Beating the game is about getting to Bowser's Castle through the INTENDED pathway through the game i.e. going through all of the game's areas, beating all of the Koopalings' castles, and ONLY going through the normal exits necessary to reach Bowser's Castle, with the ONLY exceptions being the couple of levels that require getting the secret exit to advance. Anything else is a detour at best or, at worst, a shortcut that lets you skip whole chunks you're normally supposed to traverse (which is why getting to Bowser through the Star Road doesn't count). Furthermore, the Switch Palaces, the Cape, and Yoshi all trivialize the fuck out of the game and are tremendous crutches. If you used them, you're barely better than a save state-scummer.

>> No.9749208

if a game is packed with shortcuts and you don't take any of them, then you are the one who didn't beat the game. you didn't play the game the way the designers intended.

>> No.9749210

>taking the koopaling detour

>> No.9749218

Well, I sure as hell didn't feel like I beet the game when zipping past 95% of the levels by alternating left and right. And it didn't make me want to. Honestly, I don't see what people see in Super Mario World.

>> No.9749231

So let me get this straight, you're telling me I should play super mario world with no cape, no yoshi, and no switch palaces? Hell no. You have a point regarding shortcuts but the rest is crap.

>> No.9749251

wasnt this game designed for ten year old nips?

>> No.9749253

God forbid you actually have to traverse the levels as intended, jump with care and precision instead of being able to effortlessly float down or get an extra jump to save your careless ass when you fuck up, and not be able to kill or get rid of damn near every enemy.

>> No.9749258

God forbid you just enjoy the game as intended without autistically avoiding some of its most enjoyable features

>> No.9749261

Wasn't Super Mario 2 (jp)?

>> No.9749269

Well it's not bleedin Arabic anon

>> No.9749313

Well some of the hardest levels in the game require detours to get to Special World (namely that P Balloon level), so yeah, the basic route is skipping some of the challenge.
I don't think I've ever played it and skipped switch houses, but my first playthrough as a kid was probably a pretty basic route without shortcuts. Granted that was nearly thirty years ago now so who the fuck know what I did

>> No.9749341

The Special world is essentially post-game content. Even though it's possible to go there very quickly, it's unlikely that new players unfamiliar with the game are going to do so before going through the rest of the game first. It's intended precisely as an extra challenge for those who have mastered the game.

>> No.9749397

>playing the game with MY arbitrary set of rules is the way the devs intended it

>> No.9749492
File: 72 KB, 960x466, w74ts6v560u31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did beat the game.

I first open the 96 doors and beat every single level. After that and only after that do I take on Bowser.

If you didn't clear the game 100% did you really played it??

>> No.9749554

The devs gave you options, all of them are valid to beat the game, it is up to you to choose your options for your own reasons, as long as you do not externally tamper with the game.

>> No.9749647
File: 37 KB, 550x368, You lost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>press the Y button at any point in the game
You didn't beat the game.
>press the B button at any point in the game
You didn't beat the game.
>pick up the controller and hold it in your hands
You didn't beat the game.
>so much as glanced at a Super Mario World cartridge
You didn't beat the game.

>> No.9749664
File: 51 KB, 355x539, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I replay Super Mario World many times in different playthroughs.

>> No.9750019

You're absolutely right. I did all of that so i 100%'d the game

>> No.9750875

>this game sucks, I played it with a P wing and flew over most of the level, why is it so loved?

>> No.9750879

We are going home now, we’re going home now!

>> No.9750913

I very much doubt you have any knowledge of how the designers intended people to play the game.
All you've done is create an elaborate series of copes to try and paint yourself as better than other people.
It's quite pathetic.

>> No.9750918


>> No.9751294

i got all exits which requires doing all of those things. i beat it harder than your dad did your mom.

>> No.9751454

If you beat it in 16:9 did you really beat it?

>> No.9751461

you didn't beat it you clueless nigger

>> No.9751485

One of the hardest secret exits requires mastery of the cape. I'm talking about the one to Soda Lake where you have to fly under the goal and back up to get to the "true" one.

>> No.9751585
File: 156 KB, 640x640, 1635203368626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe it took 80 posts before someone mentioned the meme shader

>> No.9751612

What shader is that? Honestly, does SMW even need a shader or real CRT to begin with?

>> No.9751731


>> No.9752221

If you haven't tried doing the Special World levels without using Yoshi or the cape, they actually are pretty fucking tough. Most people point out Tubular for being the toughest level in the game, but in reality almost all of the Special World levels (save for the first one) are similarly tough, the difference being that Tubular doesn't let you use the overpowered shit. This just highlights how imbalanced Yoshi and the cape are.

>> No.9752224

Most just use the cape hover and a Yoshi-suicide jump to get to it instead.

>> No.9752563


>> No.9753054

Great, another one of those threads

>> No.9753295

Most of the people that complain that SMW has Star Road and you can finish the game in just a few levels using these shortcuts never played the game blind. In fact, most of them never even played the original game, just watched youtubers. In the rare case these shitposters actually played the game, you can be 100% sure they checked on youtube on how to get to all the secrets before even starting the game.

>> No.9753925

I do remember fucking around a lot when I was a kid. I knew some levels had secret exits, but I wasn't aware it was the red levels that had them, so I looked for secret exits everywhere. Playing it blind was fucking awesome back in the day. I imagine that's how it felt like to play ALttP blind back then, too. Shame I missed out on it until I was much older.

>> No.9755013

I will never beat this game legit, outside of the boss warp. I have beaten every level, but had to use save states to get to all the levels.

>> No.9755019

Bunch of fucking noobs ITT. If you ran, paused, died or grabbed a coin then you didn't beat the game.

>> No.9755993

Based SMW, my favorite Mario game.

>> No.9756764
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>> No.9757089
File: 660 KB, 1900x466, 1679364080453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9757125


>> No.9757236


>> No.9757281

The jankiest jank game SOA released.

>> No.9757372


>> No.9757593

Mario world was just too easy to be a masterpiece (just like symphony of the night) Are there any rom hacks that are just slightly harder with good level design and not kaizo shit?

>> No.9757750
File: 160 KB, 301x312, 1470149896511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me?

>> No.9757840

What if you were playing the first time ever without any previous knowledge and accidentally found an alternate path?

Sure, in most areas you really need to use the key item, so it's obvious it's not the "official" route, but with the haunted houses you may get to the alternate route without even trying.

>> No.9757845
File: 411 KB, 1600x1200, Chornobyl Red Forest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather leave SMW at 99%. Finishing the special stages and getting stuck with the green replaced with salmon was the worst.

>> No.9757865

the game has several save slots. you can have both.

>> No.9757876

Beat? I fucking OWNED the game.
>all warps warped
>all Yoshis yoshed
>all powerups perused
>all extra men amassed

>> No.9758485

>goes outside in the fall
>recoils in disgust and screams that everything is salmon

>> No.9758835

Thanks OP. I haven't beaten it that way before. I've done it with no switch palaces, *96, but used yoshi.

>> No.9759162
File: 23 KB, 320x180, 6990AE56-E1A9-48B1-A31F-16D275C04A7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better debate, /vr/

Snes original or advanced 2(GBA) with the yoshi coin tracker?

>> No.9759179 [DELETED] 

The tranny SMW modding server is two blocks down and to the left ma'am.

>> No.9759182

For me? The SNES. I'm usually looking to play my SNES when I'm in the mood to play that game anyways. I hadn't actually tried the GBA version until recently and was impressed with it.

>> No.9759261

You're nuts.

>> No.9759291
File: 6 KB, 158x153, 1362378505366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9759309
File: 10 KB, 232x317, 1676468764202760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play mario world rom hack
>hack dev was clearly one of these faggots and considered any powerups at all cheating so you never even find a mushroom

>> No.9760505


>> No.9760527

I only 100%'ed SMW twice in my life. Every time I want a SMW fix I take the star road, because if I don't I end up getting really bored by the time I get to the bridge levels and stop playing. SMB3 is much more fun to play all the way through, the levels are short and sweet with more interesting variety.

>> No.9760576

>If you did any of the following while playing Su
*thread hidden*

>> No.9760750 [DELETED] 




>> No.9762787

You're a bitch.

>> No.9762794
File: 549 KB, 1465x1080, Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World (USA)-230316-220521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Easily the most (You)s I've ever gotten on this board. Have a nice day.

>> No.9763185
File: 78 KB, 961x635, BB8360D5-C559-4EAD-B658-A3E4E0B318CF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: this is the worst experience I have had in recent memory playing a game and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone

>> No.9763204

Yeah, playing with that screen crunch, washed out colors, shittier music and JUST WHAT I NEEDED sounds like a bad time

>> No.9763609
File: 61 KB, 512x743, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome my friend, you have a nice day too!

>> No.9763726

I love the yoshi coin tracker. I think this is why Mario Bros DX on the GBC Is so great. I fucking love collecting shit and finding those red coins was so satisfying.

>> No.9763850
File: 5 KB, 431x400, 1649426630887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never have a crt

>> No.9763865

Ludwig's Castle is easy, it was Larry's Castle that I was pulling my hair out as a kid.

>> No.9763964

I literally have my NES plugged into a fat CRT on my floor

>> No.9764061

This is a castle, but it's not Roy's

>> No.9764075

>I wonder if it’s possible to finish on your first playthrough without finding and alternate exits
It’s possible but it’s so unlikely as to be ridiculous

>> No.9764091
File: 152 KB, 1334x750, 1085C15B-9876-4D77-AFE1-245A1CE60926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9764329
File: 7 KB, 240x160, 4B4B6E52-128E-4F6E-9C07-C7C24DF76654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went with a “if it’s in plain sight, it’s acceptable” rule.

>> No.9764389

I went through playing Super Mario World the first few times as a kid not knowing any of the alternative exits, and only activating the Yellow Switch Palace. By my 4th time playing, I started to figure out that something wasn't right when I would see all the other color blocks completely transparent, and thinking that there has to be other switch palaces besides the Yellow one. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

>> No.9764409

If you play Mario games at all, you're either
>An obese basement dweller manchild
>A faggot hipster with a shitty beard who spends 2+ hours getting ready everyday and thousands of dollars on his lame ass clothes and beard balms and drinks nasty craft beers that he pretends to like because he thinks it's a personality and people will respect him for it.
No in between.

>> No.9764416

Upload your longplay vid.

>> No.9764438

Or a girl. My mom and sister still play them.

>> No.9764448

Mario games are the most vanilla, normal games there are, all kind of people play them. My zoomer girlfriend likes Mario, and my woodcutter uncle likes Mario.
I actually think only basement dweller manchilds wouldn't like it ("too normie" for them, not enough obscure g4m3r cred), and hipsters (too popular, not artsy, tryhard enough)

>> No.9764508
File: 179 KB, 792x1224, 1661411582299907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and my woodcutter uncle likes Mario.
Holy based

>> No.9764568
File: 9 KB, 768x672, smw-coins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to the whole game without the cape. It was rather uneventful but here are some highlights:

I hit Morton with two fireballs before jumping on him which caused him to die in one hit. The same is probably true for Roy. Doesn't work for Ludwig though.

In Valley of Bowser 1 you don't need the cape to get the secret exit. I don't think I knew that.

I looked up how to get the secret exit without the cape in Valley Ghost House because I knew there had to be a trick to it. You know the block that has a random trail of coins coming out of it? Turns out the path it takes corresponds to your directional inputs so you can control where it goes. I've gone 30+ years not knowing that.

In Larry's Castle I instinctively killed a Magikoopa when the opportunity presented itself. I then immediately realise I don't have a cape so I'm waiting for him to respawn to get past a block wall.

>4 switch palaces
>1 top secret area
>5 star entrances
>5 star exits
>5 star secrets
>8 special levels
>96 - 28 = 68

I had 67 until I remembered the path to Soda Lake. I put it off the first time. I usually do that one by flying the cape from mid-way so doing it the normal way with Yoshi was a new experience. I'll do star road and the special levels later.

>> No.9764584

I'm pretty sure you can get the secret exits for Star Road 4 and 5 with the use of Yoshi and a Blue Shell, or just Blue Yoshi and a shell. Special World levels can all be beaten without the cape, but holy hell some of them are tough as shit without it.

>> No.9764945

>In Valley of Bowser 1 you don't need the cape to get the secret exit
the one before the sidescroller where you gotta fly up and to the left off-screen? or is that another one

>> No.9764954

>Turns out the path it takes corresponds to your directional inputs so you can control where it goes. I've gone 30+ years not knowing that.

Yeah, that was something I didn't knew until I've maxed out the game either. It's way too complicated of a mechanic to be useful.

>> No.9764959

You can also use it to get up to the Star Road 5 secret entrance without either the cape or Yoshi, but only if you've triggered all the switch palaces, and it's a pain in the ass.

>> No.9764981

Star Road 4 only requires that you have the green and red switch palaces done, otherwise the path is unreachable without flying.

Star Road 5 requires using the P Block and that one thing that leaves a trail of coins, to get high enough on the level so you can reach all the ! blocks. However this requires having all the switch palaces.

I think it's bullshit to limit yourself to no blue yoshi on these levels given that they are the ones that INTRODUCE the coloured yoshis to start with.

>> No.9766894

Blue Yoshi does break the game more than anything else, but yeah. I'd be lying if I said I didn't go out of my way to get him all the time when I was younger.

>> No.9766965

>fart powered car won't start

>> No.9766987

So you are saying Yoshi wasn’t intended to be used, Yoshi was just kind of out there in all the eggs and there are Yoshi coins but taking Yoshi with you contradicts a meaningful experience of the game in which Yoshi makes a debut rather it is merely intended that the player pass up every Yoshi egg and never think much about the fact that there are coins with Yoshi’s face everywhere throughout the game because Yoshi isn’t intended to be there

>> No.9767115

I just hate the audio quality of the GBA versions so much.

>> No.9767247

If you did any of the following:
>self-imposed contrivances to fit in
You didn't beat the game.

>> No.9768661

Why do human garbage threads like this continue to stay up on /vr/?

Why do jannies leave this utter trash, but delete anything calling it out?