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File: 1.10 MB, 2656x1494, xStation_20230320_131955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9756071 No.9756071 [Reply] [Original]

Awww fuck time to blow some shit up today. Installing xStation.

Let's have a mod / hardware thread. What have you done / had done to your consoles? Was it a good result?

>> No.9756082
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I threw a spare fenrir I had into a saturn last night.

>> No.9756083


I didn't have the balls or the patience to do this one myself, paid an EE friend to do it for me. Good luck to you sir. Most recent thing I did was install a Darksoft CPS2 multikit

>> No.9756094
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> I didn't have the balls or the patience to do this one myself
this is a little beyond my paygrade, i did a expansion chip sound mod and a composite video mod on my NES toploader to practice for this, both of which were much easier. we'll see how it goes... i'll keep you guys updated

>> No.9756097

People just get the AliExpress ones right? I know the official ones can be hard to get if they make a difference.

>> No.9756102

Haven't seen any aliexpress clones of fenrir, I bought this from ced's website some time last year.

>> No.9756108

Oh I was thinking of gdemu

>> No.9756146
File: 144 KB, 1800x1200, GC Loader PNP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can find a GC Loader PNP at a reasonable price? The Black Dog site is sold out and the only one on eBay is $500.

Gonna buy a Swiss on a Memory Card + SD2SP2 otherwise.

>> No.9756192

ummm an sd card with a wii will be good anon

>> No.9756196

I don't have a Wii. Looks like they are pretty cheap on eBay though...

>> No.9756202
File: 1.67 MB, 2248x3104, xstation_20230320_153357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pins are up, step 1 complete. i used a fine soldering tip and guitar string to pry each one up initially, and a jewelery flathead and a razor blade to pry them the rest of the way up. didn't burn down the house yet.

>> No.9756225
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aaaand i forgot one lol. all good now

>> No.9756280

i'm 99% sure that new picoboot method is about to open up a new method of romloading without the need for the GC Loader, look into it. Im giving up on the gamecube for the time being.

>> No.9756291
File: 1.52 MB, 2984x2952, xstation_20230320_160909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scratched some holes, board is ready to go on

>> No.9756414
File: 1.71 MB, 2248x3016, xstation_20230320_165014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have never soldered anything that small in my life jesus fuck. it's on ...hopefully

>> No.9756426

That reminds me, I’ve been wanting to make some sort of PS1 ODE for a while ever since I found out that my console wasn’t compatible with it (and I’m a turd worlder so just buying a PSIO isn’t an option either). The issue is that I don’t know much about electronics and my programming skills are rudimentary. Where would you recommend me to start with console modding?

>> No.9756513
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>I’ve been wanting to make some sort of PS1 ODE
bruh that's not something you can just "make" lol. the later models aren't supported because xStation hijacks the signals between chips and emulates the responses they are supposed to receive, very specific control signals mind you that request and confirm data transmission between the processor and CDROM. if xStation doesn't work on your model, it's probably not for lack of trying.
but i mean, have some specs:

>> No.9756523

Yeah, I know I am very optimistic. And I see why there would be small details making implementations of things change a lot. After all, the closest I’ve gotten to modifying hardware has been pretty much installing FreeMCBoot on a slim PS2 which I still play games off disks because I am too lazy to attempt setting up SMB if I even can because my ISP router is completely locked down.

And thanks for the specs.

>> No.9756527
File: 515 KB, 1248x1624, xstation_20230320_172701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pried up a resistie-boi, soldered a wire, all right, time to put this shit back together

>> No.9756545
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SMB was a pain to set up, but i have it running with OPL on an old XP box and a USB ethernet dongle and it works flawlessly. popstarter is a piece of shit though for PS1 games which is why i'm installing xStation in the first place, which brings us to now...

>> No.9756564

I noped the fuck out on these mods when they say to cut traces/bend processor pins. I don't do any mods I can't reverse fairly simply/easily.
I pray for some savant to make a proper ODE that just werks. The ramapcsx2 announcement on twatter for development on something like that was a good enough dose of hopium for me

>> No.9756648
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yeah it kind of sucks to destroy disc capability with this mod, but in this case i bought a PS1 (SCPH-5501) specifically for this and i already have both a spare PS1 and a PS2 hooked up if i want to use discs.

>> No.9756684

Oh thank god I thought I was the only one who had to do a weirdo bend on the 21-pin cable.

A lot of people who can solder definitely aren't comfortable doing pin lifting for the X-Station. You could of course clip the pins off entirely but people get mad when you do.

They've fucked from the shortages. If you want one add yourself to the email list and wait for it to come back in-stock.

It already does romloading, only issue is it's ever so slightly slower than the disc drive/gc loader so you'll have occasional issues in games that constantly stream data. Not as awful as reading off an SD gecko, but it can happen and once you notice it happening you'll never be able to stop seeing it.

>> No.9756686
File: 717 KB, 2192x1444, xstation_20230320_183532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all right, ...it's in, waiting for my new SD card to format and we'll see if i actually pulled it off.
as a side note the fact that 512 GB MicroSD cards exist and are less than a hundred dollars is too much for my boomer ass mind to comprehend...

>> No.9756694
File: 491 KB, 1088x786, h9wCsyL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should look into getting a 3D printed cover/mount, it's a fucking chore if you ever drop the microsd card.

>> No.9756715

i didn't bother because i don't really care about the aesthetics but
>it's a fucking chore if you ever drop the microsd card
...i didn't think of that, might be worth getting

>> No.9756746

>It already does romloading, only issue is it's ever so slightly slower than the disc drive/gc loader so you'll have occasional issues in games that constantly stream data. Not as awful as reading off an SD gecko, but it can happen and once you notice it happening you'll never be able to stop seeing it.
I only can find the pico boot mod, which is just loading games from the MC slot or the bottom slot
Besides what happened to the flashcarts made with r pico for n64 and other consoles
Those would help against the ukri jew monopoly

>> No.9756835

Don't get one of those they make it overheat, the ribbon cable can also fuck up the SD slot. How many times do you see yourself needing to remove a 512MB SD.

>> No.9756842

Meant GB

>> No.9756883

>they make it overheat
That is inherent to the X-Station itself, and it doesn't actually overheat it just gets slightly warmer. The same thing occurs with most other ODEs because there's no longer a spinning disc to help circulate airflow inside the console, and only the GDemu poses any danger to the console due to this. Everything has already been documented and there's no threat coming from this, at worse your PSU will need to be recapped if you haven't already replaced the 20+ year old capacitors on it.
If you're really that concerned by a 0.025W increase in heat dissipation then you can have the PS1 on its side so heat flows out of the side vent.

>> No.9756894


>> No.9756914

If he's really worried, he can install a water cooled ramen unit

>> No.9756923

It was my first "real" mod and I did it no problem. The tricky part is lifting the pins but if you go slow and watch a few guides on it it's a piece of cake. The QSB made it easy peasy and the few straggler wires you needed to solder weren't too bad.
It's a fun project, the hard part is sourcing the correct console revision.

>> No.9756983

I made some component cables for my xbox, used the xbox 360 original cables to make them
I have noticed some vertical line bars while playing games on my crt and lcd screen. But when I use 480p mode the bars are gone
What is going on?

>> No.9757145
File: 1.02 MB, 1494x2656, xstation_20230320_220959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, nothing blew up, so that's good, but, it's not working yet either. activity light just blinks twice, and it goes to the memory card / CD player screen. xstation did write a blank config.txt file to my SD card, so that's a good sign.
i'm gonna check and reflow my solder points and hope for the best. from what i read, that's probably the issue. it wouldn't surprise me if one of those didn't quite make good enough contact.

>> No.9757159

fix your shit here, looks like you might be bridging

>> No.9757162

Looks like the lid sensor isn't pressed.

>> No.9757167

I watch youtube videos of people modding consoles while playing on my stock GBA. It's entertaining to watch but I don't want to do it myself.

>> No.9757172

the wire well clear of that other pad in the air, that pic does look like that though fair enough
should be down i'll make for damn sure it's down this time

>> No.9757208
File: 2.77 MB, 1439x1271, Screenshot_20230321_140904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a multimeter you can use these pinouts, to check if your QSB is soldered correctly

>> No.9757319

Be careful. I installed a Xstation a while back (last autumn) and I was in a bit of a rush and didn't pay enough attention so I lifted pins from the wrong chip and fucked everything up. I had to get another psx but thankfully they're dirt cheap. I'm considering turning the broken one into a clock.

>> No.9757352

>What is going on?
A tard made a shitty cable and then asked what was wrong with it. Being a tard he provided no useful details or pics to help diagnose. Everyone ignored him until one based dude mocked him for being an assclown.

>> No.9757354
File: 1.04 MB, 2392x1476, xstation_20230321_003527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're gonna make it boys

>> No.9757359

Jailbars is a very common problem in some old consoles, you don't need pics for that

>> No.9757413

>shitty cable
If the cable were the problem the bars would show up in 480p mode too, retard

>> No.9757417
File: 1.17 MB, 1494x2656, xstation_20230321_010657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp, pin 7 right here wudn' ah ringin' or ah dingin. ironed him right up and he is now currently a happy flowie boi.

>> No.9757523

>balling solder
I hope you're using flux my man
also taking the caps off the multimeter prongs helps getting contact

>> No.9757529

>cockblocking glorious gore with simple common sense advice
What were they thinking?

>> No.9757554
File: 633 KB, 1494x2656, xstation_20230321_022324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, just as i was about to give up, turns out the connection on one of the contacts i had to scratch was still a bit flaky. >>9756291
well i guess i'm staying up a bit more and playing some goddamn video games. that was a fun day lol
this mod was well beyond my experience, skill level and paygrade but somehow we soldiered though it. godspeed and godbless.
also post some good PS1 romhacks and translations. in the meantime i'm about to rock some Gradius Gaiden...

>> No.9757659

Good job, anon, I'm proud of you :). I installed one of these a couple months ago and had the same issue with not scraping enough of the solder mask from the vias.

>> No.9757705


>> No.9757990

Good job anon. Have fun. Just check CDRomance for translated games and maybe some hacks.

>> No.9758320

Wasn't the dev making some new ODE using a pico compatible with every revision?
I have a SCPH-7502, SCPH-9002 and PSOne and I really wish I could stick an ODE in one of them.

>> No.9758350

You can probably buy an sd card that someone has already loaded whatever from the wii. I know people sell ps2 memory cards with freeboot pre installed.

>> No.9758772

How does everyone on this board have this style of tv? They’re very hard to find in my area.

>> No.9758865
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i got extremely fuckin lucky ...exactly 2 years ago tomorrow heh

>> No.9758887

Congrats on the wheelbarrow, bruv

>> No.9760134
File: 2.22 MB, 4032x2268, 20230321_212336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this to my PS2: A fan mod, a SATA Network adapter mod and a RePS2 PSU mod. I plan on doin USB-C to barrel jack or USB-C to my other consoles so I don't have so many bricks and power cords to look for.

>> No.9760281
File: 1.04 MB, 2656x1494, power_20230322_014023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah man, modern power supply mods run so much cooler and take up much less energy, that's a tempting future project.
> so many bricks and power cords to look for.
...i guess you could call this "solved" hahah, the cabinet doesn't get hot, and just one flick of that yellow power strip and they all go poof, which is kinda nice

>> No.9762368

It is possible to replace the ps2 USB 1.0 for an USB 2.0? Games run like shit with usb 1.0

>> No.9762371

Why not upgrade it to USB 3? And make it Blu-ray compatible while your at it

>> No.9762380

Some tranny was working on loading PS games from usb on ps2 slims without using popstarter
Of course the tranny never released any documentation and just posted a video

>> No.9762382

I know it's pointless (ethernet and internal hdd) but I wonder if it's possible

>> No.9762390

Internal hdd is possible for some slims
But I have never seen a proper guide for it. Saw one in russian

>> No.9762409

Currently waiting for my Wii HDMI mod to get to me since it just shipped out. Other than that I ordered an OG 3ds so I can mod it, then its just a matter of waiting for Gamebox to release their 3ds consolizer kit later on in the year.

>> No.9762417
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i've looked into this a bit... the main problem is the PS1 backwards compatibility part of the system also controls the I/O: controllers, memory cards, disc drive, USB, Ethernet, coordination between chips, etc, so having the PS1 part of the PS2 running PS1 games is either impossible or extremely difficult.
the big ol' PS2s actually had some of the PS1 chipset, but the slims already emulate PS1 it to some degree...

>> No.9762423

The problem here is this faggots never share the method they use to hack this
Is like the pico mod chip for switch, the original modder got scared because some glowniggers called him out and never delivered the sauce. Luckily other modders saw that using a pico device was viable and started working on it

>> No.9762424

Take the ethernet pill. once you get past setting up the ultimate janky pain in the ass that is Windows Networking with SMB it works incredibly well. i have my PS2 ethernet linked to an ancient XP box with OPL manager running on it.

>> No.9762434

>Windows Networking with SMB
You can just play right off of the router. You don't need a computer turn on.

>> No.9762449
File: 19 KB, 211x202, alex_trebek_jeopardy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> router
yes you can do it through a router, but you still need Windows Networking / SMB configured on the machine you're sharing from
> You don't need a computer turn on.
uh, the one with the files on it? yes you absolutely do lol

>> No.9762459

>uh, the one with the files on it? yes you absolutely do lol
If your router has an USB port you can plug a pendrive with the files you need. OPL can get into the files of the pendrive.

>> No.9762463

ah, i see, if that actually works that's an awesome solution

>> No.9762470

Yeah it's great because you don't need your PC turn on. Here's a tutorial of how to do it:

Every router has a different menu so you have to figure it out how to do it.

>> No.9763935
File: 1.97 MB, 3000x4000, 20230323_125019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solder newbie with a sad story

After finding soldering easy on a practice board a single time, I accidentally ruined my copy of Warioware Twisted. I've been waiting years to play this but wanted to fix the force feedback by swapping to a different vibrating component that youtube told me would work just as well.

I accidentally tinned my solder tip with too much solder, launching a chunk of solder to this chip which has something to do with the gyroscope. I had my iron set to too high a temp so I accidentally lost half of the legs of the chip when I tried to wick the extra solder away and now my copy of this game doesn't gyro and therefore can't vibrate either.

Whoops. It costs like 100 bucks now too

>> No.9763942

>I had my iron set to too high a temp so I accidentally lost half of the legs of the chip when I tried to wick the extra solder away
Holy dog shit. Good lord. Don't ever touch any retro computer anything with your soldering skills. Ever.

>> No.9763945

Wait you cant play ps1 games from the hard drive? Only ps2?

>> No.9763992

You can't stop me, I will keep trying to get better and I don't care what gets destroyed in the process

>> No.9764008

>I fucked up every single thing every step of the way.

I hope your post is some larp fantasy. Otherwise invest in a $5 copper desoldering braid or a bulb suction tool to remove excess solder. Get a lighted magnifying lens for close up work if you don't have one already.

I'd better understand messing up SMT components 1/5th the size of the part you circled.

>> No.9764023

I have a desoldering braid. I don't have a lit magnifying glass. My iron was simply set way too high, I'll never do that again.

Like I said this was my first actual soldering project. I did some practice board project before this. I will keep working to get better, no one on 4chan has the power to stop me

>> No.9764031

I have a Hakko 888D that I've never changed from the default of 750F. No issues either. You need more practice. And always remember, desoldering is harder than soldering.

>> No.9764315
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Had to replace ram U10 on my Commodore 64, I think I'll have to replace the PLA too because the one I replaced the original with is not very compatible with fast loaders.
I also have a lumafix on it

>> No.9765305
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> Wait you cant play ps1 games from the hard drive (on a) ps2?
...well you can, sort of, but not natively. there is an official(ish) PS1 emulator called POPStarter that runs on PS2, it came bundled with some japanese only release, and it was hacked to work with ...most PS1 games. compatibility is not 100%, and even if the game runs, there are visual glitches, lag, and it's not a great experience for many titles.
but at the end of the day, you're still using an emulator, even if its an official one on official sony hardware, so at that point why not just use fucking duckstation?

>> No.9765309
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harvested some gamecube sticks from wii nunchucks

>> No.9765323
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Well it finally happened to me: I've been chinked.

>want to mod og Xbox with new bigger SSD
>buy 80 wire cable and IDE to SATA adapter on Aliexpress
>3 weeks later both arrive
>cable seller sent me a black Asus cable that's too short and on which the pin connectors are reversed compared to original Xbox one
>basically impossible to connect both the DVD drive and HDD correctly
>attached a message saying "sorry this is what we had"
Two weeks later
>decide to try and clone the HDD anyway
>connect everything with the cable and the IDE adapter
>IDE adapter flashes red ONCE and dies straight away
Some time later that day
>spend another 35 dollars buying the Startech adapter and an IDE cable from Amazon

Suffice to say I lost money and still haven't been able to clone the HDD.

>> No.9765358

Don't forget that IDE cable needs to be really long, 24". This is a good one.

>> No.9765491

I have one of those pinecil solder pens and was wonder what solder would be good to practice with on a practice board? I would like to be able to eventual fix capacitors and such on consoles.

>> No.9765740

people say solder with lead in it is easier to control but fuck lead i never get that one

>> No.9765884

I cleaned my Saturn’s 3D game pad (ufo) controller.

Literally just took it apart, cleaned the plastic and rubber, and put it back together. It’s my original controller from 20+ years ago. Works great.

Also cleaned my SNES high frequency controller for fun but I don’t have a SNES anymore so this will get an adapter to usb for emulation.

And I found my Sega Genesis model 2 and Sega CD model 2 (attached to it) in the original blue Sega CD box. I don’t have a RF CRT right now so that’s the next acquisition cuz the box only has the RF video cable in it.

Cleaning your controllers is good for your soul.

>> No.9766948
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i would get a composite cable, aftermarket ones are like 10 bucks
speaking of which, i'm planning an S-video mod on my model 2 soon, as soon as i get a day to do it