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File: 54 KB, 619x597, 1663757193029379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9760668 No.9760668 [Reply] [Original]

You guys memed me with the idea of CRT filters looking great in 4k displays but I hooked my laptop to the 4k TV and they look like shit? even the famed CRT Royale with cheese.

>> No.9760670

>let me try to eat shit
>huh it tastes like shit
lmao you fucking retard

>> No.9760674

Just buy a 400 pound CRT and be done with it.

>> No.9760675

>posts disingenuous image
have you considered slitting your throat

>> No.9760676

Post image or stfu.

>> No.9760681

Post your own, faggot.
I don't give a shit how you play video games.
I'm not your mom and I'm not going to hold your hand and tell you how to make them "look good". Have a fucking spaz attack on your own time.

>> No.9760687

I don't dislike CRT filters per se and I use them when playing, but I was aghast at how bad it looked when I hooked to the TV. Is there a setting I'm missing or something? using PCSX ReArmed through RetroArch to play SOTN.

>> No.9760690

this but unironically.

>> No.9760693

Try setting Scaling to 1:1 or Core Provided.

>> No.9760701


>> No.9760702

I'll try tonight, but I think scaling was already set like that

>> No.9760948

Who ever started the whole "The filters look much better the higher your resolution!" meme was just a massive coper.

>> No.9760982

1080p/1440p is the sweet spot for shaders, perfect pixel density

i don't know who started the "you need 4k for crt shaders" psyop or why.

>> No.9761140

for snes I'm using guest-dr-venom with a 1080 monitor and is lookin' good for me

>> No.9761141

>i don't know who started the "you need 4k for crt shaders" psyop or why.
because of the shitty CRT-Royale

>> No.9762728

I saw a screenshot of a game with 4k Royale and it was the first and only time I'd seen evidence of shaders in 4k looking beautiful. Might just be something about Royale.

>> No.9762804

You have to configure the shader to your liking. How good a shader looks is subjective as fuck as it is, and CRT shaders, most of which have a lot of parameters to work with, are the most subjective of all. If you don't like how a shader looks from the get-go and you don't wanna spend the time to tweak it, then it just ain't for you.
CRT-Royale is kind of a meme these days, though. Not in the sense that it's bad, but because it's been so thoroughly surpassed by CRT-Guest-Advanced that it appears to be coasting purely on past fame.
I also agree you don't actually need 4K for CRT shaders to look good. What 4K affords you is more pixel room for more elaborate phosphor masks, especially slot masks. They also tend to be a lot brighter these days, which helps a lot with CRT shaders since they tend to darken the image at least a little bit.

>> No.9763056
File: 1.41 MB, 2928x2368, trin_20210327_032404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CRTs are super bright, you can't make LCD monitors darker or start chopping pixels away to make it look like a CRT. it's a flawed premise.
add a little bilinear filtering or enjoy your blocky ass pixels.

>> No.9763173

Actual retards kys

>> No.9763175

Modify the ini maybe

>> No.9763176

HDR goes a long way, apparently.

>> No.9763178

Shut up you absolute moron

>> No.9763563

>CRTfags seething

>> No.9763571

Is it an OLED? Did you go to a basic calibration site and make sure you can see all color and black/white gradients? To be fair I have to fuck with royale and crt geom deluxe a bit beyond defaults, but lookin' good on my machine.

>> No.9763583

Quick guide for whoever doesn't know.

1. Find a CRT screen for testing. It doesn't even need to be yours, just borrow it for a bit.
2. Test your favorite retro games in it.
3. Did you like the picture quality?
3a. Yes? Then use accurate CRT shaders like Guest Advanced or Royale. Tweaking may be needed.
3b. Kind of? Then use middle-ground CRT shaders like Easymode or ZFast. Tweaking may be needed.
3c. No? Then use interpolation shaders like Sharp-bilinear, Quilez or regular Bilinear. No tweaking needed.

tl;dr: it boils down to taste.

>> No.9764137

I wish I was a sharp-bilinear kind of person, life is so easy and not complicated. Non-integer scaling, fills the screen, no messing with settings just playing games.

>> No.9764153

I didn’t meme you into anything,
I said don’t use filters.

>> No.9764295

You have no idea what you are doing and/or you are a troll who didn't even do anything.

>> No.9764393

Middle-ground CRT shaders also dismiss integer scaling and have much less options to configure. You could try that and see if you like. I've grown quite fond of zfast-crt with a little tweaking, reminds me of a CRT I had with component input.

>> No.9764431
File: 1.46 MB, 1920x976, Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest (USA) (En,Fr) (Rev 1)-230227-123941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used Guest Advanced for almost everything, but I don't tweak it, I wouldn't know what to look for under the hood if I went there. The exception is games with pre-rendered graphics, which I use the Smooth presets in Mega Bezel for. Mega Bezel is also pretty great in general, but it comes with a lot of bells and whistles you'll need to turn off, like default screen curvature.

>> No.9764453

Guest-Advanced also works just fine without integer scaling, though IMO overscaling is superior unless you're playing handheld or arcade games which didn't take overscan into account.

>> No.9764465

Some shaders scale each pixel by 1.33 times which allows snes games to fill 1080p nicely without noticable uneven pixels. So integer scaling is not always necessary.

>> No.9764486

That looks pretty good. Although for cores that come with blargg's NTSC filter built in I just enable that and call it a day.
Also what is that overlay/background if I may ask?
On my Lakka emulation laptop I use zfast with NTSC colors (it's in the misc folders) and it looks pretty good.

>> No.9764506
File: 1.63 MB, 1920x976, Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars (USA)-230321-175653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mega Bezel simulates TV borders with reflections and other effects, which I've disabled, leaving a box around the screen. Like I said, they really gussy up the package with unnecessary details, but the actual result is great.

>> No.9764509
File: 58 KB, 879x648, Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World (USA)-230320-205625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTSC colors are pretty underrated. It makes things pop. This is with the NTSC LUT in Guest-Advanced, which is slightly more subdued but similar enough. Consider also adding TVOut-Tweaks and enabling TV Color Levels, which adds extra pop at the expense of slightly crushed blacks and whites, which may or may not be accurate but whatever.

>> No.9764514
File: 1.58 MB, 1465x1080, Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World (USA)-230319-220511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, my bad, that actually was with the regular NTSC colors. This is with Guest-Advanced.

>> No.9764518

I could be wrong, but I do believe that Smooth preset is using Guest-Advanced with an xBRZ (i.e. LOOKIN' GOOD) pass underneath. It works very well as AA with CRT shaders, though.

>> No.9764526
File: 1.56 MB, 1275x976, Donkey Kong Country (USA) (Rev 2)-220318-002454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it really is lookin' good. Pic related is a custom shader someone named Pargon made for the DKC games, using Royale as a base. I think it's fine, but the Smooth preset edges it out for me. Games like this really need accurate shaders or true CRT televisions more than any others do, I believe.

>> No.9764529

>they really gussy up the package with unnecessary details

Yep, I tried it and found it way too overwhelming with the amount of options.
IMO what RA is really lacking is some sort of default, dynamic overlay to fill in the black space around the screen. The built-in overlays look like shit and don't scale properly.

>> No.9764947

they are just pngs
you can edit them yourself

>> No.9766071
File: 1.54 MB, 1280x960, Star Fox 64 (USA) (Rev 1)-230324-020437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9766403

So where are the screenshots at 4k, guys?