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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9758193 No.9758193 [Reply] [Original]

I just beat both games.


Very well designed, tight gameplay, but too short simple and easy. It has great mechanics like the bouncing around, the hovering, the hanging, but doesn't do much with them and the only challenge is getting all the gems.


Longer, more challenging, better graphics (the fact that Disney personel made them shows) but gameplay is a huge fucking mess. The sword fighting is a mess, the apple throwing is lame, suffers from "why can I stand on this platform but not on this similar looking platform" syndrom, backgrounds/foregrounds are unclear and even get in the way

tl;dr: neither game are very good, they're both okay at best, and the fact that people obsess over these just shows how pitiful the "console wars" mentality can get

>> No.9758215
File: 177 KB, 1000x600, chadladdin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree the SNES Aladdin's gameplay is more polished in a general sense, but the game plays like molasses and I find it somewhat unappealing for casual pick-up-and-play. I've got that problem with other Disney/Capcom stuff like The Magical Quest, even though I like both games well enough.

And though I agree Genesis Aladdin's gameplay is messier, I think you're misinterpreting how relevant that is as a categorical shortcoming instead of a simple personal preference (as it's apparently the norm when discussing Japanese vs. western platforming game design). The "Dave Perry" style is just one approach that involves pros and cons: the core trait is fast-paced gameplay and lively visuals balanced with an ample buffer for the player to fuck up to counterbalance it. If the game was designed with a 3-hit-point limit for example, or if gathering resources was more difficult and you didn't rack up extra lives like athlete's foot, THEN the big organic environments without clearly defined blocky edges would be a problem, and so would be the exuberant animations and big sprites.

I'm capable of enjoying both games; I simply enjoy them differently AND I understand that the best things about each one aren't really compatible with the best things about the other. That said, for the reasons I explained I've probably clocked way less casual playtime on SNES Aladdin over the years.

And THAT said, I do think the final boss fight in Genesis Aladdin is embarrassing compared to the SNES one.

>> No.9758237

>the core trait is fast-paced gameplay and lively visuals balanced with an ample buffer for the player to fuck up to counterbalance it.

Being given plenty of health and lives does not excuse messy and non tight gameplay, it only makes it worse in my book. It's like, oh let's not bother making the game fun, let's just throw tons of health instead.
This is like saying, it's okay if there is an unavoidable hit because you get an health item right after. No it's not, unavoidable hits are never okay, learn not to have them instead of lazily placing health to compensate.

I'd actually feel like replaying the SNES version even if short and easy if only because of how tight it is; plus I have the gems collecting to look forward to and improve my skills with. I know I'll never replay the Megadrive one.

and yeah the final boss on Megadrive is super lame, most bosses in the game are honestly. I love how, this image >>9758215
and people make a point out of "having a sword"; except the thing is mostly there to look cool. Instead, most bosses are all about throwing apples (which, in comparison with doing the same thing on SNES doesn't feel nearly as satisfying despite the apples actually damaging the enemies); and because that is a flawed concept since the player can run out, let's have apples appear out of nowhere in boss arenas.... but only if the player is not looking at where the apples will spawn because... because they didn't even want to bother adding in an "apple spawn" visual effect and because this game is a mess.

>> No.9758243

SNES is so much better it's not even funny. Too bad it's so easy, but well, it's a Disney game and even kids can beat it.

>> No.9758272
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>Being given plenty of health and lives does not excuse messy and non tight gameplay, it only makes it worse in my book

Which basically confirms you are simply talking about your preferences. What you are perceiving as inexcusably poorly designed gameplay is simply gameplay designed around the visuals and pacing they were going for. There's a difference between trying to do something and failing at it, and trying something different (that granted may, or may not, be a misguided endeavor). Do note how the 2D game that best pulled off "bombastic" visuals with precise gameplay was probably Donkey Kong Country, and people still criticize it even now for the "imprecise" platforming (not to mention the gameplay had to also be kept generally fairly slow compared to a Dave Perry template). This is just people who simply tie their perception of quality to a very specific set of traits, and conclude that whatever falls outside that checklist MUST be, by definition, "bad". It's that particular kind of consumer that simply can't tell the difference between a bad product and one that appeals to a different kind of consumer.

The game IS fun; it's just not fun for you (which doesn't really say anything bad about either you or the game on its own).

>> No.9758295

>better graphics

This just isn't the case and the meme needs to end.

>> No.9758309

Megadrive version had Disney artists working on it, at the very least for characters and enemies, possibly backgrounds too. I mean Capcom had good artists but come on now.

>> No.9758312
File: 136 KB, 952x333, aladdin has shitty backgrounds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It did have better graphics. It's just that the first level, which has stone houses in the fucking desert, fails to show this. That's just the backgrounds, the animation is unquestionably much better (animated by Disney).

>> No.9758353

>Developed by Japanese weirdos
These "Japanese weirdos" made many great Disney games that are still considered classic, you fucking American imperialist pig.

>> No.9758464

>one that appeals to a different kind of consumer.

Who does it appeal to then, people who like to look at games rather than play them?

>> No.9758482
File: 52 KB, 384x364, 64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really disappointed in everyone here for not mentioning the Final Cut version that released a few years ago as a bonus to the rerelease.

it's the best one obviously.

>> No.9758556

What for a couple of enemies cut?

>> No.9758558

That's actually the version I played. So the game was actually even worse, thanks for letting me know

>> No.9758601

>This is like saying, it's okay if there is an unavoidable hit because you get an health item right after. No it's not, unavoidable hits are never okay

if there isn't an actual consequence for getting hit then why not? The psychological damage you take as a player?

>> No.9758645
File: 973 KB, 500x328, mighty-is-he.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about people who enjoy the energy of hectic arcadey gameplay, but since you mention it, what is the point of considering visuals a secondary aspect of videogames as a medium? They can make or break different kind of experiences after all, like in other visual medium.

You could understand the constraints that big expressive sprites and organic terrain cause on gameplay design as the flip side of the constraints to the visual experience derived from austere sprites and environments made of clearly defined blocks. Good design comes from a conscious balance of factors conductive of a purpose, not on a literal "good" design approach or template— a mindset that ultimately stifles ideas and variety.

>> No.9758773

Game Gear version is superior to both.

>> No.9759729

Someone make that gif but at 60fps. The Rug Ride level on Genesis is insanely fast once you get to the last half of it. Plus the music really gets the blood going.

The SNES game is just so slow and boring once you are used to the Genesis one.

>> No.9759850
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i've long since come to terms with just accepting that they're completely different games and are incomparable with eachother

i actually love playing both equally

>> No.9759865
File: 2.57 MB, 250x210, 14640D5D-3332-4C23-A51F-99C1C62F6D19.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the thing
snes is absolute technical perfection and i honestly think it has some of the better controls in a 16 bit platformer period
but sega is all heart and charm and fun

>> No.9760961

To me it's not even a contest, the Capcom game is the better one. The main challenge on the Virgin game is figuring out the sketchy collision detection so as to not fall when there's some platforming involved (like the lily pads on the palace level), or figuring out where to go on the maze-like levels, but other than that it's not hard either. The Capcom game may be easy but the tight controls just make it a joy to play.
Also, being honest, I think the game is not THAT easy either, it's short, but the challenge keeps increasing from level to level. Doesn't reach Castlevania/GnG/Ninja Gaiden levels, but it's not a cakewalk either. And yeah the gem collecting gives more incentive to challenge yourself in subsequent playthroughs.

>> No.9760984

>Longer, more challenging, better graphics (the fact that Disney personel made them shows) but gameplay is a huge fucking mess. The sword fighting is a mess, the apple throwing is lame, suffers from "why can I stand on this platform but not on this similar looking platform" syndrom, backgrounds/foregrounds are unclear and even get in the way
this. I only ever had the sega one as a kid and then playing the snes version now blew me away at how much more fun ( and less janky ) the gameplay is.

>> No.9761237

new areas, boss patterns, graphical effects and other shit that were made after consulting the original dev team. fucking tards.

>> No.9761885

thoughts on the gamegear/master system version? it's also a different game, also great graphics

>> No.9761895

I appreciate that the genesis games makes use of the catchy movie tracks, but I'm not sure the soundfonts they went with really do them justice. Where as the snes compositions all sound quite a bit better. I mean it's Capcom quality audio design

>> No.9762030

Both are good games in their own way.
SImply play both. people!

-Typical Capcom pastel eye candy, very beautiful but not as accurate
-More acrobatic Aladdin, like in the movie he uses mostly his acrobatic skills and agility to overcome obstacles and enemies
-Very solid implementation of platforms and hitboxes.
-Straightforward levels from left to right, broken up into acts
-Cute calm relax intermission level flying with Jasmine on the carpet
-Cool giant Jafar snek boss fight


-Stunningly beautiful accurate graphics and animations made by Disney animators themselves
-Has a sword. The sword is cool, for some reason some people complain on how enemies poof away after getting hit with the sword - What else is supposed to happen? Are the enemies supposed to fall down in a fountain of blood? Of course they simply poof away. The point is that Aladdin now actually has a melee attack aside from the age old jump-on-head which from all those other platformers you may be kinda sick of.
It's not that movie-accurate where he never uses any weapons but still cool. Even Abu gets a taste of the sword in the bonus stages.
-Western maze-like levels. Oh boy does the word "maze" fit most levels in this game. Means more optimal usage of screen space, therefore they tend to be longer so you could say more "content" but after a while they can drag on too much.
-A bit less impressive/climactic final fight

Both are different enough to be their own entries. Both are good in their own right. So play both!

>> No.9762595

>Oh boy does the word "maze" fit most levels in this game.

Those maze levels were a lot more challenging mind you, and had branching too (sometimes leading you to secrets, sometimes to death traps). A lot more engaging than the completely linear left-to-right levels on the SNES version.

To be honest, other than the tighter hitboxes, higher color count and the final boss, the SNES version isn't really engaging. If it didn't have the Aladdin license, nobody would really care.
And the hitboxes aren't a problem if you know what you are doing either, you just need to do running jumps and you'll be fine for most of the game. It's just the standing jump which is wonky.

>> No.9764095

I remember feeling the maze levels dragging on at the end tho. I distinctively remember thinking about the dungeon one "Can it end now already?" at the end.
I guess you could say that Genesis Aladdin is more of a game for several sessions because of the sometimes overlong levels whereas SNES Aladdin is for rushing through in one session and then repeating for gems.

>> No.9764140
File: 13 KB, 283x178, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The virgin Capcom Aladdin who uses whimpy acrobatics to escape or dispatch enemies and navigate the stage vs the chad Virgin games Aladdin who like in the movies murders his way across the stage slaughtering anyone who gets in his way with ruthless efficiency, killing guards, slashing street performers, chopping off arms hanging out windows, stabbing civilians hiding in pots, it brings back so many memories of the movie.

>> No.9764284

The dungeon was the only such level that was too maze-y, and only because it had a very long platforming section at the end where you had to time every jump on stones going in-and-out of the wall.

>stabbing civilians hiding in pots,
That was an apple thief. It reached out of the pot and took some of your apples. In the movie, when Jasmine takes 1 apple without paying, the market vendor almost cut off her hand on the spot.

>> No.9764382

I think both Aladdin games are just OK, but it's a shame Disney went with Virgin for the next few movie games because everything from Lion King onward sucked BALLS.

>> No.9764975

genesis gameplay is dogshit

>> No.9766135
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All it was was new side areas for extra life opportunities to give the street rat an easier time, frickin' boring.