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File: 337 KB, 1284x1883, 2E94617B-E312-471E-AD1A-05E472286FC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9754302 No.9754302 [Reply] [Original]

Wtf why are they so expensive now

>> No.9754313

The X7 is the version with extra features that only supports one extra game.

>> No.9754318

I saw new versions of the clone ones (ED64+ and Super64) that are still cheap, though no idea if they're actually using new firmware or it's just a paintjob (probably the later).

>> No.9754321

And the one that allows save without reset

>> No.9754323

>mister users are idiots spending $250
>just get an everdrive

>> No.9754324
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apparently its called ED64/Super64 Pro

>> No.9754336


>> No.9754367

Looks like bait to get people to buy it over the competition
Guaranteed it functions the same or worse

>> No.9754372

>pay $200 to play 5 games

>> No.9754380

Yeah my 64 clone one was 60 dollars works great no issues, but original ones shouldn't be so much, they should be the same.

>> No.9754385

Yeah, extra features that aren't worth paying for.

>> No.9754386

2021, $140.
I think I got my X7 used for $120 around the same time. I refused to get a reset saving one.

>> No.9754390

It's worth if you're not poor. Honestly I get not wanting to if it's a lot of money to you, but nobody likes pressing the reset button before powering down. Suddenly you forget to and your day/week is ruined.

>> No.9754393

Still pays off better than buying 2 games from some resellers

>> No.9754397

I think he means just use emulator, but he's just jealous we can put our N64 in a bag and play with friends anywhere we want with no tinkering.

>> No.9754509

That's an anti-feature. I like be able to save-scum by not resetting so I can have infinite continues in Pokemon Stadium.

>> No.9754514

can you emulate nes and gb with the super64/ed64 plus?

>> No.9754550


>> No.9754572

Skill issue. I got an X3 for my Genesis for $45 last year. Get a real console and not a baby toy for overgrown millennial manchildren

>> No.9754616


>> No.9754663

>buying from the ukri jew

>> No.9754905

Nintendo sent Putin to deliver a cease and desist.

>> No.9754946

You got that all backwards.

>> No.9754969

Genesis is the cheapest console for a reason. Not just the everdrive, but the console itself. It's tied for cheapest console with the PS1.

>> No.9754973

Mega Everdrive pro is the most expensive one though

>> No.9754990

That's because it pulls a MiSTer and emulates the SegaCD on a FPGA

>> No.9755027

then by that same sentiment there are cheap versions of every everdrive flash cart and your original point is incorrect

>> No.9755028

It's 200 bucks. That isn't expensive. You can do physical, get a cart with a ton of ROMs like the ever drives, or emulate. They aren't asking 10k for it.

>> No.9755029

It's really not that hard to get up off your fat arse and hit the reset button. Are you really that lazy? You gotta get to the console to switch it off when you are done anyway

>> No.9755035

I dunno what point you're trying to make here
you still turn off the console when you're done, the difference is you don't have to reset first, which I'm sure many people have forgotten to do that

>> No.9755043

My point is that it's quite a jump in price to have the convenience of not having to press a button before flipping the off switch. All you need is half a brain to remember, and once you forget once you learn not to do it again (talking from nes experience)

>> No.9755049

It's not something I even have to worry or think about
>(talking from nes experience)
If you were talking from experience you'd realise that resetting the NES is bogus

>> No.9755059

what's the difference between an X7 and a V3? I bought the V3 back when that was the best one

>> No.9755062

Well good for you for wanting to pay more for the convenience, I just didn't think the extra price jump was worth it when I have two hands and a brain.

The resetting on a nes was more of a precautionary measure to help prevent potential surges and data being accidentally written to your save data, but it happened to me once

>> No.9755076

I didn't make any points, you are replying to the wrong anon. I was just explaining why it's so expensive

>> No.9755346

It was 2021 black friday with -20% rebate available during a week not regular price.

2022 black friday saw only a -10% rebate.
Factor that FPGA were in high demand because Covid + Shipping cost exploding.

Of course Krikzz may have raised price not only to cover increased costs but also to support his employees stayed in Ukraine.

>> No.9755361

Been using a chinese clone for 7 years now and it's great.

>> No.9755451

You.... are totally lost and confused

>> No.9755473

That son of a gun is trying to become a trillionaire by selling flashcarts for Nintendo consoles... and nintendofags eat it up.

Meanwhile a chinese clone does the same thing for half the money.

>> No.9755490

Cause consumers will buy them anyway and then get on threads on 4 channel trying to convince themselves it was a good ideal.

>> No.9755494

Do games on the everdrive display properly on CRT?

>> No.9755507

$200 is next to nothing in the grand scheme of hobby costs. Especially for what an Everdrive provides.

>> No.9755509


>> No.9755534

The N64 one is the only one that's too rich for my blood. I went with the ED64 instead and have had no complaints. I've got EverDrives for my SNES, Genesis, GBA, Game Boy and PC Engine, though.

There's no reason why they wouldn't. Flash carts generally don't change anything about the video signal coming from your console unless you specifically make them do so. What you really have to worry about with flash carts is compatibility with games.
The one in the OP is noteworthy for having an internal clock which makes it compatible with more games.

>> No.9755549

Not sure what you mean by this, it's data going to the system

>> No.9755653
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Thankful I got mine a month ago. I felt like things were bubbling up too much over there to rely on them simply existing forever. Shits sketchy. I caught one of the last boys home.

>> No.9755673

Why not get a chink Super 64? It runs every game and is much cheaper. The only Krikzz product I have is an Everdrive X5 and just becase it can act as a backup ram cartridge for my Mega CD.

>> No.9755682

How do you force the X7 to not save if you don't want to? Yank the cartage out of the system? Learn to read esl.

>> No.9755683

>Wtf why are they so expensive now
gotta support the american war against russia somehow.

>> No.9755691

what do emulators have to do with flashcarts?

>> No.9755703
File: 343 KB, 1000x1000, China-version-700-in-1-DIY-EDGB-gameboy-game-cassette-suitable-for-everdrive-series-GB-GBC[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say thank you to Chang.

>> No.9755708

The chinese one does not support USB Debugging, and if i think so, they are also compatible with some of the n64 arcade or 64DD games - that I could be wrong

>> No.9755712

who are you quoting?
not that i disagree with you, just i think this is the wrong thread

>> No.9755714

I'm more upset about Analogue not producing the Super Nt and Mega Sg anymore. For a company supposedly committed to video game preservation, you'd think that they would continue to make these FPGA consoles, especially since they were their bread and butter. I'd gladly pay top dollar for a good product.

>> No.9755721

>wej irku eht morf gniyub
there you go anon, fixed it.

>> No.9755745

Who fucking cares about that?
Why would you nitpick about those options?
It runs every retail game, it runs romhacks, you don't need more than that if you just want to play games.

>> No.9755749

Is there a reason to get this if I have an EZ Flash Jr?

>> No.9755765

I find the EZ Flash Jr to be very buggy and a power hog. If you have not experienced any bugs and are happy with battery life, stick to what you have already.

>> No.9755794

I got my everdrive right befone ukraine was obliterated.
By what kind of wizardry is it able to play NTSC games on PAL? I wouldn't have expected it to but it is indeed able to do that

>> No.9755796

What console?

>> No.9755798

nintendo 64, I assumed the thread was specifically about that

>> No.9755807

The old Power Pak flash carts had a noisier signal compared to real carts. Also had a light colored transparent line running down the middle of the screen.

>> No.9755820

Cool let me just buy a mister to replace my Everdrive 64

>> No.9755846

N64 allows the game to set the video mode. PS1 can do this too, as can the Dreamcast and everything since. The only oddball of 5th gen that doesn't is the Saturn where the video mode is hardwired.

There is basically a lockout chip on every N64 cartridge that will only allow it to run on a PAL or NTSC console. If you work around that restriction the game can do whatever it wants. Everdrive has a special chip that lets it run on either one.

>> No.9755852

I can only vouch for the ED64, but it has no such issues.

>> No.9755871

jokes on you, mister will never support n64

>> No.9755907


>> No.9755934

>buy one where you have to reset because it was the newest one at the time
>forgot to hit reset
>damn that sucks but at least I wasn't playing long
>next time play for hours
>make absolutely sure to hit reset this time, wait until I see yellow menu, turn it off
>turn on and start game again just to make sure
>figure it's busted, start new game, save and reset
>NOW it fucking saved the shitty new game
I'm selling this piece of shit and buying the new one
wish I would have got it on video

>> No.9756267

>want the GBX7 model so I can play Crystal
Shit sucks, I'll just stick to playing GB games on my New 3DS. I do want the Turbo Pro everdrive.

>> No.9756312

>It's 200 bucks. That isn't expensive. You can do physical, get a cart with a ton of ROMs like the ever drives, or emulate. They aren't asking 10k for it.

20k? Who said anything about 50k? Be glad they aren't charging $80,000 for it!

>> No.9756392

That's essentially what the highest end one has always gone for.

>> No.9756396
File: 143 KB, 306x369, 1651640977527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Open Laptop
>Connect Controllers
>Open Rom
So much tinkering

>> No.9756403

>Buys GBA Everdrive
>Puts in Gameboy Player works fine
>Shell is crack for some reason after taking it out
>Thing starts red screening
>Shell breaks
>Orders two new Shells
>Thing ends up having the red screen glitch also 2nd shell on it breaks again just after taking out, didn't do nothing to it
>Sells it to local store in 3rd shell loses like 20 bucks on it
I don't think I want an Everdrive again.

>> No.9756420

Yes, but the N64 is not exactly a good choice to do so

>> No.9756446

Should have bought EZ Flash.

>> No.9756451

I might later, shell for that Everdrive piece of shit because my regular games are completely fine.

>> No.9756465

I can play all these games on my computer for free.

>> No.9756489

This, EZ Omega DE is better than the everdrive for GBA, more functionality.
Don't buy it from ezflashomega dot com though, it's not the real site and you WILL get chinked.

>> No.9756536

Has anyone experienced a weird rainbow effect on ntsc games on a pal console on the ed64? Could be my n64 but you get red green and blue shadows of most textures in ntsc games, whereas pal games don't get that. I assume its a region signal thing

>> No.9756542

So can I, but I love plastic toys and obsolete electronics, anon.

>> No.9756571

That's just how NTSC signals look.

>> No.9756707

PS1 does not do this correctly

>> No.9756739

I’m not sure how it works on 64 but most consoles have a crystal oscillator which chooses the colour frequency when you load games, usually if you use PAL on NTSC or vice versa it comes out black and white and a little bit of incorrect speed but I think what could be happening with yours is it’s just a little bit off frequency so you’ll get slightly off colours

>> No.9756750

>x user is an idiot for spending y amount of money
Always a retarded point.

Mister is a great alternative despite the price if you want an all-in-one setup with console accuracy and don't care about using the actual console or cartridges. It's a shit ton more cost effective than buying several consoles, potentially modding them for RGB then working with switchers, power plugs, money for everdrives/cartridges.

Everdrives are great if you don't care about having specific cartridges and like using original hardware. Price of a single everdrive is easily offset by a few NTSC/PAL loose cartridges of popular games these days with how retarded the market is.

Some people just like using cartridges and either have the money or save up to buy their favorites.

If someone has a preference and the money to support their hobby then you faggots should stop whining and going full sour grapes over everything you don't have.

>> No.9756771

my ed64+ is great. the only annoying thing is having to holds the reset to save but whatever, price is worth it

>> No.9756814

I don't care if Krikkz raises the price, but I suspect at this point most people will buy a clone due to the cost being so high which would cut in profits as well. I think most people won't pay $220 when clones are 1/4th.

My GBA Everdrive is great on the GameCube GBI and my GBA. No issues for me.

>> No.9757201

$220 for a Turbo Pro seems good since all the actual parts are more expensive than the Everdrive.

>> No.9757212
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They have the monopoly, dude.

We need the Chinese to reverse engineer that shit to have a cheaper option.

>> No.9757226

As long as they keep supporting new consoles and they are available for sale, I don't mind buying them.
Fuck GDEMU guy and fuck all the older flashcarts that had a batch of like 50 then fucked off, those are the things that should've be reverse engineered, better to have 1 slightly expensive option than fucking zero (or horrifically expensive ebay auctions) for years and years

>> No.9758239

Thanks for the explanation, I figured it was probably a region mismatch. I've just never seen it on any other console, like your character has 2 or 3 different coloured shadows as well as most other objects. Not the end of the world for me as I don't really play my n64 that much anymore and I'll just get an ntsc one if there is something that bothers me too much.

>> No.9758254

You could show a picture and we’ll know for sure

>> No.9758270

-They've always been expensive.
- America's Proxy War with Russia taking place in the Ukraine.
- In 2020 there was a breif moment in time where you could get the N64 Everdrive that was nerfed, but you could run patched roms for the games it wouldn't typically load for $130 shipped from the ukraine.
-They've always been expensive.

>> No.9758271

I dunno, but I'd buy a chinkshit knockoff if they made it. I already have every n64 game I want, and 200 plus is not worth it just to fuck around with romhacks.

>> No.9758274

Can you please f'n not. MiSTer doesn't run N64. It never will. You're only promoting trolling. You're probably a troll your self that spends hours hating MiSTer.

>> No.9758293

I hate the reset thing enough to upgrade my fake Everdrive to a legit one.

>> No.9758313

after a while you get used to it. I reset before turning off every console now since its a habit

>> No.9758316

Thanks but I think this thread will be archived by the time I get round to setting it all up again, I moved in December and had a kid so haven't quite finished off setting up the game zone. Maybe in the near future when another thread pops up I'll ask

>> No.9758317

Do these things have flash D storage?

>> No.9758323

>had a kid
fake retro fan. we dont have sex here congrats btw

>> No.9758368

I ate a baby to keep stats up. With all that getting out of the basement for the move and what not. I may be a serial killer cannibal baby eater. But even I find the mere idea of "we" having sex repulsive.

>> No.9758374

ED64+ is great for its price

>> No.9758392

Can any of the. Play doshin the giant

>> No.9758459

That’s not a good thing do do anon
The 64 only asks for because of the way it saves
No other console will do that

>> No.9758582

As far as I know, ED64+ and Super 64 are exactly the same shit. Same board, just a different shell.

>> No.9758619

The red shell makes it load games faster.

>> No.9758634

Very true. That's why they cost more to insure.

>> No.9758637

Red cart comes with UCD capability

>> No.9758676

Guys SOS urgent help needed. Which one do I get that just saves the game like normal.

>> No.9758681
File: 15 KB, 542x214, ed64-x7-vs-ed64-x5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

open up anon, here comes the plane:

>> No.9758694

Thanks daddy. Is there a Chinese version of this or is the everdrive x7 the only way to go

>> No.9758701

It doesn't hurt anything. Maybe it wears on the reset button some.

>> No.9758703

as far as Dad knows, the Chinese ones all require you to reset before turning the console off in order to save games. I own an ED64 and got used to doing that very quickly, for what it's worth. Maybe your mother knows more about Chinese clones than I do.

>> No.9758705
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You're the best, dad. Can I have an allowance. I promise to take the garbage out more often.

>> No.9758708

I got an Everdrive 3 for my birthday back in 2015 what's new with the x7? Can they save if you power off the console? Or play nes roms? I'm so out of the loop I didn't even know they made more after 3.

>> No.9758721

We'll think about it, but keep the gravure coming.
Why do none of my children know how to read? Where did I go wrong?

>> No.9758734


>> No.9758752

Which version is the best for famicom?
One that plays all of the games perfectly

>> No.9758757

Do you want flash D memory?

>> No.9758824

You have a few options, actually.

>1. Back up the save externally with the items on it, and restore the save afterward so you can duplicate Pokémon/items that way
>2. Just use GB64 and back up your GB Pokemon saves and edit them in PkHex, because you're already cheating anyway

>> No.9758923

The original N8 for Famicom.

>> No.9759396

Kek thanks anon, it's knackering but worth it so far and I hope shes into games too when she gets older. I'll start her on the snes and work from there. I promise I'll get back to retro when she sleeps more, at the mo it's mostly switch and vita (ps1 and psp) due to portability and easy to pause

>> No.9759739
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Just barely related, but I couldn't help but share this idiot.

>> No.9759886

EZflash is good, but be aware that you lose 3 hours on batteries in comparison to the ED

>> No.9760474

I've honestly only ever had issues with GB/GBA everdrives. Both of mine broke after a few years, and for both of them, it was after not using it for a few months. My N64 Everdrive 2 still works and I bought that before the 3 was announced, and my SD2SNES, N8 and Mega Everdrive all still work flawlessly and I got all of those well before the GB/GBA ones.

>> No.9760515

There is zero good reason to get the top end model. I got my v2 ED64 cart for iirc 100 bucks a few years ago. The v3 and x7 versions have always been overpriced bullshit with dumb features like a clock battery for a single game that got ported to gsmecube anyway

>> No.9760528

>dumb features like not having to press the fucking reset before shutting down
lol ure dumbz

>> No.9760879

Chink ones are V3, which is older than X3.

>> No.9760881

Is resetting really needed for the N64 flashcart? Won't it just save from the battery to sd card the next time you boot it? At least that's how my EZ Flash IV / Jr works.

>> No.9760889

The V2/X5 is a much older design that requires returning to the flash card menu in order to save, so yes, it is required.

>> No.9760895

Bro just emulate

>> No.9761006

It's not as much trouble as it sounds on-paper, and it's even beneficial for games like Majora's Mask where you can cheese the save system because it keeps your owl save if you power off the system without resetting (this made some of the sidequests significantly-less frustrating on my most recent playthrough and I got a full bomber's journal, all the masks, and every heart piece except for the few that require beating the archery minigames which are extremely difficult with that touchy, crusty old analog stick).

>> No.9762256

Dumb for having the brainpower to remember to hit reset? That's not dumb dummy

>> No.9762963

This is some huge cope

>> No.9763387
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It's honestly not as big of a deal as it seems. Would it be better if you didn't have to hit the reset button? Yes. Is it worth $80 when you're probably not going to care about the other features that the V3/x7 has over the V2/x5? Debatable. Is it worth upgrading from the V2/x5 if you already have one? Hell no.

>> No.9763426

>Would it be better if you didn't have to hit the reset button? Yes
Shows over fellas, we got him

>> No.9763518
File: 71 KB, 800x800, 1530748025996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>214 dollars to play a selection of the worst games ever made.

>> No.9763520

>jew ukri the from buying


>> No.9763523

>Meanwhile a chinese clone does the same thing for half the money.

Got mine for $30 and it still wasn't worth it, the N64 is definitely a case of rose tinted testicles

>> No.9763525

I love how much 5th gen games filtered people

>> No.9763542

Skill issue

>> No.9764090

DESU there's hardly any thing to explore like other platforms. There's a handful of Japan exclusives. And they pretty much all suck.

>> No.9764109

>pay 40 dollars for super 64
>comes with every game
>can play every console compatible romhack i want

>> No.9764372

Agreed, 80 bucks extra so you don't have to hit reset is really not worth it

>> No.9765429

>pay 40 dollars for super 64
>it dies within five days
Learned my lesson. Maybe one day you will, too.

>> No.9765861


skill issue

>> No.9765889

yea fucking right, you've clearly never dealt with configuring shitass emulators or pc games in general
not retro but t. had to restart hat in time earlier six times to rebind my controller, also crashes, also configuring it to not run like shit cuz unreal

as someone who used to be le pcmr, pc gaming is a meme outside of source engine shit mostly

>> No.9766268

do you even need to hit reset? On my ED64 I don't think I've ever actually bothered, but I never lost any progress playing mario 64 on it.
Of course, hitting reset isn't a big deal anyway. You have to physically go over to the console to turn it off ANYWAY. And when using everdrives its super common to hit rest regardless to go back to the everdrive OS menu.

>> No.9766306

Being expensive would be fine if they didn't blatantly cheap out at parts. Relying on fucking save batteries when FRAM is right there and can sometimes be found on competing flashcarts is inexcusable.

>> No.9766362

If that actually happened you could definitely get a refund.

>> No.9767191

FRAM has limited writes

>> No.9767323

Measured in billions. Maybe you're thinking of some other technology like flash?

>> No.9767360

From Amazon or another authorized seller. Not if he bought it used secondhand. And if that's the case. That's on him for taking that extra risk. And for what? Saving an extra ten dollars?

>> No.9767402

yeah had mine for 2 years still works like a champ. get some better rng bud

>> No.9767654
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So why shouldn't just use the same emulators I've been using for over a decade?

>> No.9767854

Nope, pretty sure I am thinking of FRAM. There are Sonic 3 carts that have had their FRAM die, and that's just from the writes of a SINGLE game.

>> No.9767885

Doesn't seem to be an issue for any of the other carts using FRAM like various official GBA games, or the various modders using FRAM in the Saturn or in Game Boy cartridges to remove battery reliance.

>> No.9767889

its whack power consumption makes it vastly inferior to the everdrive

>> No.9767893

In testing the Omega DE is only as much worse than the Everdrive than the Everdrive already is than legit carts.

>> No.9767898


>> No.9767902

>No control with a normal cart
worthless test.

>> No.9767907

Ok lets see a legit test, I assume you have one you can share with us

>> No.9767919

www youtube com/watch?v=HrGTzSrdCyA
docs google com/spreadsheets/d/1baIDOZlUjERhOsmc5Uexz-6v63oGIfMhQQ3zYBDSzL8/

>> No.9767934

If you really want superior battery life, buy some quality reproduction carts and use a cart flasher. Bonus: you don't suffer choice paralysis this way.

>> No.9767959

Is this a joke? He's not even using a real GBA
in what world is this a legit test

>> No.9767994

just get a game boy player and load GBI SR bro

>> No.9768117

>save batteries
Wtf are you talking about, the battery is for RTC, the saves go to your SD card

>> No.9768961

On most flashcarts including all Everdrives, the save is only copied to the SD card upon reboot. Which is why most of them have battery saving and the ones which don't (GB X3) require jumping through hoops.

>> No.9770268
File: 60 KB, 1010x1010, 51lg+k2HG0L._SL1010_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got the GB X5 and was wondering if there was any interesting homebrew or emulators the GBC could run. Only thing I could find was a NES to GB rom converter

>> No.9770274

My Everdrive 64 from 10 years ago still works to this day.

>> No.9770364

PSX and Saturn are great

>> No.9770407

N64 is too much of a nogames console to drop 200 on this, no 700 sm64 romhacks don’t change that fact

>> No.9770416

There are some really well-done colorization hacks for Super Mario Land 2 and one of the Wario Land games, I forget which one. There are also loads of Pokémon romhacks, of course. Other than that I don’t really know of any true romhacks, just translations for Japanese games.

>> No.9770420

>>9770416 (me)
… alright I completely misread your question. My bad lol. The only homebrew I’ve used on mine is LSDJ. It’s a chiptune tracker. I found a website once that has a bunch of Game Boy homebrew compiled but didn’t end up playing anything that stuck with me.

>> No.9770436

That's alright, I was looking at color hacks and fan translations too, just wondering if there's something cool I'm missing out on.

>> No.9772357
File: 1.88 MB, 2016x1512, Desperate_times_call_for_desperate_measures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have always been expensive, which was why I had settled for Chinese bootlegs in the mid 2010s. At the time, I did not know I would be funding a very disagreeable regime that is a side cause to a price spike in the real thing, but the facsimile of being able to use something similar was tempting. It is pretty much very Japanese, where the real thing is a premium and made with real quality, while the bootlegs are cheap, poorly made that will catastrophically fail.

>> No.9772550

Everyone knows you're a poorfag that attention whores here and coomlects shit instead of getting a job.

>> No.9772568

>a poorfag that coomlects shit

>> No.9772713

Probably some lonely, smelly, unhygienic 400lb acne-ridden blob. This is where it feels like a somebody.

>> No.9772864

I think it's worth it if you don't have an Everdrive already, but as an upgrade, yeah, nah, you can definitely pass up on it.

>> No.9772936

Sweet collection, though.

>> No.9774631

It is clear they are fleecing us gamers because they know as the industry becomes increasingly more shit with these garbage modern games that many of us will keep wanting to retreat to the times when games weren't so god awful. When they were actually video games. All by design.

>> No.9774634

You can just emulate if that's your motivate. Real hardware, collecting, flashcarts are a boutique thing.

>> No.9774698

Are you retarded? A Super 64 is much cheaper than the real thing.
And if he bought it from Aliexpress, he would PROBABLY get a refund if the item actually died after a week.

>> No.9774719

If you don't have the V3/x7, then yes, you do. Unless we're talking about a game that saves to a memory card.