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File: 664 KB, 640x724, label swap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9751961 No.9751961 [Reply] [Original]

Should I replace bad OEM labels with reproductions?

>> No.9751981


>> No.9751983

Why not?

>> No.9751993

waste of time

>> No.9752003

You're supposed to look at the TV not the cartridge.

>> No.9752018

It's your own fucking cartridge, do what you want. If you really care about it looking good you should probably give the whole a good clean before replacing the label, it's dirty as shit.

>> No.9752026

Looks like an okay label to me, don't be a retard peer pressured not to do it by 4chan anons.

>> No.9752027

Sell it, and then emulate.

>> No.9752039

No. The shittiness adds soul.

>> No.9752050

this. dont clean it either.

>> No.9752132
File: 17 KB, 282x282, 1672469003043852 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just replace the goddamn sticker.

>> No.9752138

Forget the sticker. Write “Tony’s poop smells good” around the edge instead.

>> No.9752179

Yes. Fuck what Pat The NES thinks. It's your cartridge, not his!

>> No.9752189

>Sell it,and then get a flashcart.

>> No.9752203

Yeah, I have only twice though because I bought those games without looking at them good enough so my fault but I don't buy bad label games in first place. Get some goo be gone and go to town.

>> No.9752210

Take a picture when you're done, it's always nice to see something get cleaned up.

>> No.9752289

kill yourself

>> No.9752324

I would still have something on the label saying reproduction or put a black marker mark on it afterwards like the letter r. However, I do agree with you. It's his Cart. Not anybody else's.

>> No.9752332

im going to say no for 2 reasons...

1) the worn or damaged label tells a story
2) replaced labels may as well be repro carts when collecting. if you ever try to sell it, you are going to get way less than market price since it looks like a generic chinese repro

>> No.9752405

Bullshit, you get good repro sticker with nothing on it telling you it is, no one can tell the goddamn difference.

>> No.9752416

>>if the sticker is TOO new, RED FLAG
>>if its lacking the imprint, RED FLAG
>>no wear and tear AT ALL, RED FLAG
>>non casuals can spot an original sticker vs repro, RED FLAG

its like you have copious amounts of cum in your eyes that you cant see these things

>> No.9752427
File: 35 KB, 236x189, yosh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Fuck sake what a useless thread.

>> No.9752438

I think it depends on how bad it is. I agree if it’s mild to moderate wear I would just leave it because it adds a charm. When it’s super super fucked up, in most cases I’d say replace the label. That threshold is open to interpretation though.

>> No.9752442

i wouldn't.
this anon gets it.

>> No.9752463

>if you ever try to sell it, you are going to get way less than market price since it looks like a generic chinese repro
damaged or no label at all is not gonna sell at all or at very low price, unless its some extremely rare game, and even if someone buys it the buyer is mostly likely going to replace the label anyway or use it for repro or parts.

But either way its your game OP, shove it up your ass if you want to.

>> No.9752480

yeah, but damaged or no label original is going to get a lot more than a cheap chinese repro (depending on game ofcourse). if you make every attempt to make it appear fake, the buyer is going to assume its fake.... he isnt going to know or trust your long winded backstory of how the label was damaged over time and you replaced it with a "100% convincing" sticker and to "trust me bro, its legit"

>> No.9752489

Fuck off Nintendo

>> No.9752491

No, but you should replace these DUBS

>> No.9752556

What part of buying a repro sticker that high quality don't you understand, retard, only back ones cuz no stamp are an issue.

>> No.9752559
File: 1.05 MB, 4608x3456, stolen from reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9752570

being mad about a repro label is like being mad because someone replaced a broken dvd case with a new one or someone fixed an old comic cover or some shit, it's ridiculous.

>> No.9752603


>> No.9752673

No. Spend the money on assburgers meds. Kill two birds with one stone.

>> No.9753142

This, but without sarcasm.

>> No.9753157

I remember getting into an argument with a dumbass on here about replacing cracked original Playstation/Dreamcast jewel cases. Some people are just fucking stupid.

>> No.9753186

my general rule is if it doesnt have anything funny written on it, it deserves being restored. But if you're gonna resell, you're better off just cleaning whatever shit piss and cum stains are on it and selling it as is, because yes i agree with the anons in the thread that say pristine labels are often a red flag even if you post photos of the board.

>> No.9753190

what? was someone actually against replacing cracked jewel cases? you can get those in bulk for dirt cheap wtf. hell you can buy the games cheaper if the cases are cracked but everything else is fine, it's a nice cheat. I've gone out of my way to pay less for something that had a fucked up case but everything else was good and ended up with way better value for what i paid.

>> No.9753379
File: 2.69 MB, 1090x1402, FoEvuAj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I replaced my megaman x3 label. I wish I had a before image, but it was really torn up (super fucked and only small parts left) and it had several colors of permanent marker on it. Cleaned it up with rubbing alcohol and got a new sticker. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I definitely wouldn't be able to tell.

>> No.9753418

Yup. If the original one looks like what you've posted in OP? Hell yeah, don't even think twice about it. You ever want to sell it, scratch the label a bit to make it look older. No one will ever know the difference.

>> No.9753430

Also I should add: plenty of people selling labels online are autistic and add that "reproduction label" caption for no reason whatsoever other than brownie points from other autists. If you can't find a decent one online, rev up that Photoshop and get yourself a printer.

>> No.9753625

this pic proves my point. left would sell for way more than right since right looks fake as fuck

>> No.9753632

that's circular logic, because if you don't mention the label people like this fella >>9753625 will think it looks fake as fuck if its not mentioned
you're damned if you don't mention it and damned if you do mention it, it's better to be safe than sorry.

>> No.9753818

If I'd be restoring my own games, ones that I plan to keep - don't matter. Were I to sell any of them, I'd make the label look older than it is. Scratch it up a bit, apply wet sponge to the edges and that anon wouldn't be any wiser. The only way he could tell is because the label looks too "fresh" when compared to the actual cart. I guess in that particular case of EarthBound there's also the issue of the gray color on the right hand side getting lost in print, but beyond that - good luck discerning what's legit and what's not.

>> No.9753832

I look back at the days where I would care for crap like this with pity.

Do whatever you want with your stuff, OP. The more you spend time on your hobbies the way that makes sense to you personally, the better.

>> No.9753836

>snes controller icon looks a lot darker on the repro label
the more you notice.

>> No.9753891

The "Nintendo Seal of Quality" part of the label always had a slight gold flake in it. Also the SNES controller logo looks REALLY fucking bad on right. The colors are way off. If I saw that, I'd assume it was a repro. I'd leave original labels alone if I cared about resale value. If it's something you got at a fleamarket for $5 and you actively hate the collectorfags, then do what you want with your property and make those fags seethe. If you put any real money into your games and you are a serious collectorfag, then idk what the fuck you're doing. You're "devaluing" the game by 20%.

>> No.9753894

I wouldn't, but do whatever you want since they are your games.

>> No.9753907

Looks great.

>> No.9753914

Those Mega man ones the other anon posted though look basically the same as real label.

>> No.9753956


>> No.9754071
File: 418 KB, 621x522, 1674364330221921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's already an indication that it's a reproduction label on the bottom center of it.

>> No.9754074

N64 emulation isn't good enough yet

>> No.9754076

Cringe, I won't want mine to say that.

>> No.9754141

When I make repo boxes for myself I'll take out the barcode but I'm not going to indicated that its a repro because its not my fault that people overpay for 30 year old toys.

If your not selling it then it shouldn't matter.

>> No.9754154

I'd rather get a donor cart shell with a new label and keep the original as is. Just get a shitty cheap sports game or something.

>> No.9754189
File: 71 KB, 384x313, 1484936445509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine, just make sure you don't cheap out on sticker quality or print quality, like an 80dpi crusty paper sticker is gonna just be worse than a faded and worn original imo