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9749924 No.9749924 [Reply] [Original]


just read the YouTube comments and laugh at this shitshow

>> No.9749937

>the community harassed, threatend and treated me poorly
How is this even a thing? If I was in possession of such a game I would just dump the ROM anonymously in several places. Done. It's not hard to not let yourself get doxxed. I feel like this only happens to people who crave recogniztion or some semblance of e-fame for this type of work. But I and 99.99% of users don't give a flying FUCK where a ROM came from.

>> No.9750105

Check comments, it's because "muh trademarks". Basically another dumbass
On top of that he eventually sold the game, looks like to someone else that won't dumb it either
He tries to act all high and mighty because "muh tradesmark" about a fucking unfinished game that will never ever see the light of day because of multiple factors (IT ISN'T EVEN FINISHED, for one) and that he's done "preservation work", but private rom dumps are anything but preservation. Dude could die tomorrow and we'll be shit out of the luck if no one else has access to all this garbage. The EPROM could be rotting currently with this new collector with no actual dumps available. Fun!

>> No.9750220

>How is this even a thing?
You'd be amazed how retarded entitled children can be. I stopped releasing shit years ago because of that shit. I won't even talk about what I have with someone unless they have something I want to trade for. Always nice to see another collector come to the realization that dealing with this shit is just a waste of time.

>> No.9750240

>just read the YouTube comments and laugh at this shitshow
Implying that /vr/ isn't already /v/-tier shitshow

>> No.9750252

>Collector gets harassed over an unreleased retro game
It's Sonic Xtreme all over again

>> No.9750265

>you’d be amazed how retarded entitled children can be
>Proceeds to demonstrate how much of a retarded child he is
So…. You have stolen property and you won’t dump it for preservation reasons because you feel entitled to hoard said stolen property? That’s pretty gross dude, ngl

>> No.9750274

Why people do that shit?

>> No.9750275

Hoarders deserve all the scorn they can get.
Only the original devs are entitled to release something or not. Paying a shitload of money for a rare video game or finding something in an attic does not make you a better person than the annoying beggars. If you don't want to deal with dumping, find another hobby for everyone's sake.

>> No.9750283

>Threatening people over a rare game is the same thing with buying rare games!
Are you retarded?

>> No.9750298

Can you provide a single argument against threatening hoarders that doesn't fall under "muh bad bellyfeel"?

>> No.9750338

hoarders deserves all the hate they get. There is practically no reasons to be an hoarder except attempt to get as much cash as possible for a proto, and that's not a respectable position either. Even there, you're going to get what, 300$ max in most cases? That's fucking peanuts
Imagine posting online that you have something rare for clout, imagine wasting all this fucking time taunting people, being annoyed left and right for the possibility to get an absolute pittance in money
All of this is pretty much nothing but feeding your ego, and that's also not an a respectable position either
And let's apply it to the dumbass in the video. "Muh tradesmark". So what does the dumbass in chief expects? Someone to get the Akira license, to then possibly also get the movie license, to then have to go beg the publisher/get the license to then freely release an old ass broken unfinished game? Ridiculous

>> No.9750345

That doesn’t make sense. Nobody Is going to buy these games except people who plan on artificially raising the price through manipulation. Yeah fuck them

>> No.9750404

Holy strawman.
People acting like spergs over prototypes they'll probably never even bother to play doesn't absolve you from the shit you pull.
There are no reason to hoard old video games stuck on degradable supports unless you're a narcissist asshole or in for the money. You're basically a burden on the retro community and no one likes you.
If you don't want to deal with the "responsabilities" of collecting rare video games, like restoring and dumping them, just find another hobby.

>> No.9750510

For curiosity I checked more of the video dude comments and it looked like he was trying to have a "legal release"??? Is he fucking retarded? None of these people has the license anymore, a "legal release" is not possible in the slightest

>> No.9750574
File: 122 KB, 1106x766, 2023-03-18_13-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I've seen this level of delusional in a long ass time
Dude was going to attempt to crowdfund licensing to this proto and then sell copies? Holy fuck

>> No.9750604

itt: children who know nothing about law throw a tantrum about it

Threatening hoarders is a great idea. The more of us you get to go galt the more it hurts you. Feel free to stomp your feet and smash your toys as well.

>> No.9750617

Imagine how just how broke one must be and how completely fucking empty you life had to be for you to even consider doing that? Must've been planning on scamming some backers out of their money. Otherwise that IQ is room temp territory and we're talking Celsius here.

>> No.9750618

Stop being a jackass, you get nothing out of defending hoarders and they're taking advantage of a legal vaccuum

>> No.9750619

>itt: children who know nothing about law throw a tantrum about it
Pretty funny thing to say considering so many of those prototypes were stolen goods to begin with.

>> No.9750621

I don’t understand the salt over the non-release. Did you guys even watch the video? He plays every stage, The game is completely unfinished (and looks like jank.) He’s retarded for trying to sell it but at the same time nothing of value was lost.

>> No.9750636

Just imagine. You have to license the manga. Possibly the movie, I don't know how it works. Then he'd have to go and get anyone at THQ to give a fuck, all over a broken ass unfinished gameboy game
This is insane on so many levels. Anyone could've told him his plans were fucking retarded from the get go

>> No.9750640
File: 483 KB, 400x218, 6C3B444F-C7F9-40AB-9857-2A18A976637B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calling people children who question your ethics as you whine about hoarding stole goods
You’re fucking pathetic dude

>> No.9750642

jesus what an obvious grift even I can see that shti a mile away and I own crypto

>> No.9750648

It's for preservation. Also "playing" the game doesn't tell the full story. There could be way more hidden in the code. There could be interesting stuff hidden in the code, there could be hints that this was build over another unreleased game, etc
Yes, the game is hot garbage, which in a way makes all this shit more frustrating. It's an historical item of value only because of its history, otherwise, yes, it's all junk. Which ultimately makes the whole thing more frustrating, it's supposed to be junk, just share it already

>> No.9750649

Dumbass with entrepeneurship brain cancer.

>> No.9750656

Fuck you.

>> No.9750665

eat shit hoarder

>> No.9750667

it's ok because you're going to die alone

>> No.9750676

It's the reality, most protos sounds absolutely amazing in your mind but they're mostly terrible to play and extremely unpolished and even unfinished as hell, so you end up with like 30 mins of really bad content, if there's even content in some levels. I recall one of the Genesis Akira levels were so incredibly unfinished to such a degree they had no gameplay
Don't get me wrong, I really love protos, but just about the vast majority of the "major" protos don't have much game to play with. It's all software archeology

>> No.9750683

Yeah, it's mostly for video game historians or for people with ultra niche interests (in that case I bet a lot of Akira superfans would like to play it themselves even if it's obviously broken).
So people who typically hang out on place like /vr/.

>> No.9750689

This is the issue with protos and betas in general in terms of monetary value. People get confused and think being a one of a kind automatically makes something mega valuable. But the value is more in the data it contains, not the actual object. So there's wide interest but comparatively few people who will actually want to buy it off of you. Your average game collector who might be willing to drop thousands on a boxed Earthbound isn't interested in buying prototypes. So people who find these things end up getting mad because the consensus is that yeah, we think the thing you have has value but that value is not monetary. That's not to say it's worthless. Sure, you can sell it for a decent price. But I think people expect life changing money.

>> No.9750693


>> No.9750707

I like to point to the Nintendo PlayStation prototype that sold at auction a little while back. The hype was crazy. People thought that shit was going to break records. Predictions were in the multi-millions. And this is a thing that not only is famous in it's own right for historical relevance, it crosses TWO major industry players and obviously their fanbases. It's probably the highest level of prototype that could exist. And it sold for $300,000 if I remember. That's still a lot of money in absolute terms but if that's the upper limit it says a lot about the prototype market.

>> No.9750728

Hoarders like you and the owner of that Akira rom are so fucking dumb. You "people" remind me of those retards that thought they owned the rights to Dune because they bought one of Jodorowsky's storyboards.

>Oh, we'll just go Galt
Nobody thinks you're interesting or innovative. Hoarders are fucking deluded. You NEED continued interest in the plastic shit rotting in your shoebox to survive.

>> No.9750762

Our hoarders in here sure looks stupid after the revelation that the video guy was a low IQ delusional dumbass

>> No.9750798

They have nothing else going for them. They lack the abundance mentality.

>> No.9750819

Watch his videos this dude has a Guinness record for playing Madden 09 on Wii and winning over an npc team with like 120 points margin. Literally was on the news for it describing how his family pretends to be proud of it

>> No.9750928

>taking advantage of a legal vaccuum
How do you know my vacuum isn't also stolen? According to a number of children itt anything I have that they want must be stolen.
Crying about laws you don't understand isn't going to get you free toys
Yes, clearly the people who have the toys you want are the dumb ones. lol

>> No.9751009

Who is the bigger douchebag: the person haughtily threatening to "go galt" by hoarding extra-quietly, or the person contemptuously defending the insane idea that damaging a hoarder's "bellyfeel" via threats of real-world harm cannot possibly be bad?

>> No.9751106

Apparently this piece of shit had lots of prototypes donated to him by people he misled by claiming he was a video game preservationist. Then sold them, suffered backlash and has basically wiped his hands of the whole ordeal.

>> No.9751120

>Yes, clearly the people who have the toys you want are the dumb ones. lol
If they tell people they're game historians/preservationists, knowing full well what those words mean in the community, then no, they're lying pieces of shit and deserve all the hate they get.

If you have no undumped games, and yet you're defending scummy behaviour like taking other peoples' shit then selling it for a profit, then you are the dumb one.

>> No.9751146

Because threatening has quite literally never worked. Harassing somebody with e-threats has never made somebody suddenly decide to share their ROMs. What has worked is offering to help the owner cover their cost of obtaining the prototype, but of course that requires actual sacrifice by the person wanting the ROM, so it happens far less often than people throwing an impotent fit. Most prototypes that people care about range from the hundreds into the thousands of dollars, so of course people who put up their own money to buy them don't necessarily feel inclined to just give away shit to people who didn't help.

You'd be surprised how much better things go when you have conversations offering financial compensation as opposed to threatening

>> No.9751153

the vast majority of proto hoarders are ego chasing assholes and people who believe they're gonna struck gold with the few hundos it's worth, so good luck with that

>> No.9751171

People have crowdfunded releases and bulk buys before, so yes, it has worked, certainly more often than "fuck you you stupid hoarder faggot" has.

>> No.9751190

These faggots knows damn well what they're doing. Once again, dude in the OP was absolutely delusional thinking he could get the fucking Akira license and sell repros

>> No.9751203


>> No.9751210

>threatening has quite literally never worked
Asking nicely is met with an unjustifiable price tag and gets no closer to a dump than threats.
The difference is that threats are far closer to what these clout-chasing sub-humans deserve.
>offering financial compensation
Rewarding this kind of behavior with positive reinforcement is the absolute last thing anyone should do.

>> No.9751218

>Rewarding this kind of behavior with positive reinforcement is the absolute last thing anyone should do.
Exactly. Don't reward this kind of faggotry

>> No.9751229

>people should give me what I want for free, because they just should OK???
Bernie lost.

>> No.9751230

No one, and I mean no one owes you anything. You should be thankful piracy is as easy and plentiful as it is. All the subhumans that screech about not getting unreleased games never, ever play them once it gets leaked. It's simply about the principle.
If I could, I would buy all the one of a kind unreleased builds and games and never release 'em to spit these "people".

>> No.9751241

The reality is that the community has long dealt with absolute human refuse like this. I've met some of these types and the absolute ego on these people. They'll do everything wrong and expect to be treated like royalty because they have a rare item people want. Absolute refuses like the people who swoops in at the last minute and steals it from the community, people who taunts the community, delusional idiots who thinks they've struck gold and will stretch this shit for years for a few hundos at best (imagine being this poor) and other crazy people like in the OP video who knows they can crowdfund the fucking Akira license
Being harassed is basically all these people deserves because the vast majority of them won't give it up anyways

>> No.9751245

*who thinks
There has been a long history of these assholes and the assembler forum was especially known for being a hive of them

>> No.9751249

reminder this is the type of person you're bullying

is it still worth it?

>> No.9751256

Not just this, but a lot of these assholes has been swindling the community for years. I remember a small crowdfunding for a specific proto hoarded by a known hoarder, there wasn't any infos about because the hoarder didn't bother checking it and refused to. What did we get? A title screen change with otherwise nothing else, no other changes
The disappointment was massive and some drama happened, obviously. This is what these human refuse constantly do to the community

>> No.9751367

Can you please show us proof of it? also how many games got sacrificed to this person?

>> No.9751391

Looks extremely generic and low-effort, like the majority of gameboy games.

Some fat retard on youtube got himself doxed over this piece of shit? How fucking utterly pathetic.

>> No.9751423

>>9751229If he actually cared about archiving anything, he'd upload it to http://archive.org, or MyAbandonWare, or literally any number of online, public, preservation websites, but he doesn't, because he's a faggot who wants to milk old media by holding them hostage in his shitty little storage unit he pretends is a historic preservationist archive.

>> No.9751426

>How is this even a thing?
did you never encounter that kid in school? the one that constantly brags about all the cool stuff they have, but no you can't play with any of it, if you come over and make them feel popular then you can watch them play with it?
some people never grew past that

>> No.9751717

A gaming bull

>> No.9751737

You know why Simon Wai is well know in the Sonic hacking community? Because he wasn't a faggot. He dumped the prototype ROM he found and contributed to researching it. Meanwhile...
... there's faggots like this who intentionally impede the development of the species. Take a guess why Anon predicts he would be treated differently to Simon Wai.

>> No.9751739

>who know nothing about law throw a tantrum about it
Do it anonymously, retard. Are you even behind 7 proxies?

>> No.9751758

He called himself a video game preservationist and historian on his own youtube channel. I don't exactly know how he gets his hands on old prototype games, but I would assume that since he was a bit of a local celebrity plus "historian/preservationist", people were sending him rare shit left and right thinking they were doing something good for the community.

>> No.9751775

Simon Wai is well known AND well regarded. There's never been any controversies, nobody has ever tried to staunch on him, nothing, it's just 100% respect. Respect is earnt.

>> No.9752008

>Simon Wai
Didn't this guy just happen to find a ROM that somebody else uploaded to Chingchong internet? As far as I know he never dumped anything.

>> No.9752153

every time a hoarder gets something leaked an angel gets it's wings

>> No.9752258

All my games are dumped. I haven't released a dump in roughly 10 years.
Things that have already happened isn't predicting.
Why would I lift a finger to provide free stuff to vile spoiled brats? I'd rather spend that time reminding everyone that those little shits are the reason they can't have nice things. If "the community" wants to play with my toys then "the community" needs to police itself.

>> No.9752281

This faggot probably never had any protos and he's just playing contrarian for the sake of it. Hell, even if he was, he's clearly playing the faggot contrarian for the sake of it from his own admission, he has nothing to release
If anon is worth a shit, he knows damn well that people who releases shit are well respected and faggot hoarders gets what they deserves: The attention they asked for but not in the form they wanted it

>> No.9752283

This reads like "I require a sufficient amount of ass kissing before I deliver." If people are going to start picking fights with someone in possession of a proto then, sure, they've basically chosen the fight over the release. But attitudes like yours encourage that value judgment. At some point people would rather you keep the damn thing just out of spite because it's more therapeutic to tell you to go fuck yourself. It's just human nature that people hate smug and will self-immolate if there's a chance it will make the other person feel bad in the process.

>> No.9752304

>This reads like "I require a sufficient amount of ass kissing before I deliver." If people are going to start picking fights with someone in possession of a proto then, sure, they've basically chosen the fight over the release. But attitudes like yours encourage that value judgment.
Yes, this
People have completely forgotten this, but not everything has to be about your dick. And unsurprisingly, the most respected people usually are the ones who are able to leave their ego out of it and just deliver

>> No.9752309

If he didn't have negative attention, he wouldn't be making videos about it.

>> No.9752321

Okay, prediction or not, why would you be treated any differently from Simon Wai? Do tell.

>> No.9752335

> thought they owned the rights to Dune because they bought one of Jodorowsky's storyboards.
Oh it was even worse, it was an NFT of the storyboard.

>> No.9752337

You can buy a Guinness record for a couple grand.

>> No.9752425

>spend big money big prizes on a rare, undumped prototype version of a popular game
>or a game that never came out
>hold it in your hands
>pop it in and play some of that
>realize that your the first person in years to play that version of the game, or even any version of that game if unreleased
>know that right now you are the ONLY person in the world playing with these obscure children's toys
>lift the fupa and gently massage your genitals as you indulge in these forbidden fruits of gaming
It's like heroin bros

>> No.9752481

why would anyone want that shit game

>> No.9752483

Because they can't have it, that's why.

>> No.9752485

well they cant have my stinky turds either

>> No.9752519
File: 55 KB, 720x737, FkbvBQBakAE33r4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooooo ONE (1) anonymous youtube account with an anime avatar called me names, I'm taking my ball away
Why do unreleased game owners always do this childish song and dance? Do you become retarded once you have possession of one of those games? Who are they trying to fool here, kindergarteners?

>> No.9752575

I remember when I was 11 and people would demand credit for ripping Sonic sprites

>> No.9752679

The real hero is the chink that stole the proto ROMs from Yuji Naka

>> No.9752728

People still do that

>> No.9752754

the game looks like ass but just dump the game???

>> No.9752898

>All my games are dumped.
Thank you for clarifying. So you're dumb as shit AND defend scumfuck behaviour.

>> No.9752983

The sour grapes of wrath

>> No.9753193

and they're promptly laughed out of the room

>> No.9753194

you're a faggot and i hope some russian autists leaks your shit

>> No.9753239

It's always attention.

>> No.9753286

Because it isn't 1999 anymore and nobody believes the internet tough guy is going to break down their door and steal their shit.

>> No.9753361

>it's ineffective, s-so please stop doing it all the time!!
if hoarders just released the damn games, everyone would go back to not giving a fuck about them, that's why they're so scared to

>> No.9753365

>nobody believes the internet tough guy is going to break down their door and steal their shit
And yet he cries about it. Curious.

>> No.9753447

>>9750275 >>9750265 >>9750338 >>9750404 >>9750604 >>9750618 >>9750640 >>9750665 >>9750728 >>9750762 >>9751153 >>9752281
Kill yourselves, you poverty-stricken commies. Get a fucking job and buy things that you want.

>> No.9753462

Imagine missing the point this hard
Sure bro, point me to the protomart where I can buy as many copies of a proto all I want
Please clerk, give me 20 copies of Megaman X2 protos and 10 SMW protos

>> No.9753465

>placeholder music
Man, the thing I was mostly looking forward to was a gameboy version of the Akira soundtrack.

>> No.9753480

he's just grasping at straws, also larping

>> No.9753552

Enjoy your landfill, hoardie.

>> No.9753571

It's not that easy, sure, but yes, the dumped MMX2 protos were simply purchased

>> No.9753601

Reminds me of that "PlayStation Museum" faggot.

>> No.9753692

People aren't owned shit. No matter how much they cry that it belongs in a museum just because this is a v1.235869 build where the enemy have a red spot in their eye rather then a brown spot.

With that said though. Hoarders are complete faggots who are clearly stroking their epeen as they pretend to be king shit of shit mountain.

Stop playing as their prop to their ego. Just call them a faggot and move on with your life. That prototype is not nearly as important as you think it is

>> No.9753738

>Just call them a faggot and move on with your life.
That's exactly what's happening in this thread? What're you complaining about exactly?

>> No.9753821

Just ranting into the void at the faggots defending hoarders and the practice

>> No.9753849

That was definitively one of the case I was thinking of when I wrote this
"Purchased". You gotta chase them, bid war on ebay, etc. Only one person can have them, usually, that's what I'm making fun of. I can't even be bothered to hunt for normal video games anymore because it's insane now, there's scalpers everywhere. WTF do you think this is? A stroll in the park?
A bunch of these are also often found in those estate sales, and you usually have to live in very specific places to be lucky enough to encounter these
It's in the video comments "Were donated to his "Archive Alley" project", where he also gloats about being a "preservationist", yet no preservation were made here. Totally faggot

>> No.9753943

I mean that a lot of prototypes are actually obtained through fairly pedestrian means, and not just people getting lucky or scamming industry folks into donating shit to them under false pretenses. Many are obtained by regular collectors who put in the man hours and dollars to obtain the shit to dump, so people shouldn't be so quick to write off the power of money when it comes to obtaining things. Sometimes people with their r@re development relics only have them because they personally sacrificed to get them. If somebody dumps something you enjoy, consider getting in touch with them and offering to help cover their costs, because there's a good chance that money will help them track down and dump other things in the future, and is certainly more beneficial and constructive than hurling insults at random hoarders on the internet.

>> No.9753953

what kind of retard is this
like boo fucking hoo its a special build
get over it and stop shitting yourself and kissing ur mlp bodypillow lmao
and in addition why the fuck wouldnt you do a rom dump? thats the definition of preservation.

>> No.9753957

>WAAAHHH you better dump that thing right now!!! Give me the ROM for free, I need it!
Also ROMbeggars:
>what the fuck, this proto ROM that you released for free isn't of a game I like! And this ROM isn't an early enough version! Why are you wasting my time with these shitty ROM dumps?? Give me good things!

>> No.9754005

Reminder that the best way to stop hoarders is to ignore them. All these threads reaching 500 posts every time? It feeds them, makes them feel important. All those insults? Same thing. The best thing to do is shut the fuck up and move on.

Nothing you can do or say will make things better, it only gives the idea that these people are important enough to care about.

>> No.9754065

>shitty, unfinished prototype of a game that was deemed too worthless to get a release

Why is this worth kicking up a fuss about? He can shove the ROM right back up his ass for all I care. Preservation should only be considered necessary for things that are historically relevant; saving every last piece of trash that ever existed will only lead to an unnecessarily bloated archive.

>> No.9754101

I'm certainly for preserving as much as possible, but I do generally find unfinished versions of decent+ games to be more intriguing than the average entirely unreleased game, mostly because a lot of unreleased games wind up being mediocre titles from C-list studios that were canceled for good reason. Seeing a good game on its way to becoming the final product can be intriguing.

>> No.9754925

But then I'd have to find something else to be outraged about on the internet

>> No.9755470

You first.

>> No.9755474

How is that gonna stop hoarders? Hoarders gonna hoard regardless, hoarders gonna gloat regardless
So might as well make their life difficult

>> No.9755487
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>> No.9755696

Its impossible to ignore because they want to tease the dump that isn't coming. If someone has a thing and just keeps his mouth shut then nobody is the wiser. These people will show something and just leave it open for a "are you going to dump?" Which as a question has to be asked since at that point you don't know what their motive or ability is. So you ask. And that opens the floodgates. The alternative is to ignore from the beginning but then you risk ignoring some rando who may be fine dumping the thing but literally doesn't know how. That's what makes the hoarders attitude so galling. Its not like someone is out of the blue demanding a dump. YOU went fishing for the request just so you can smugly slap it down. You WANTED someone to tell you to dump it. If you didn't and really just wanted to keep it private you wouldn't be talking about it at all.

>> No.9755706

The only reason new hoarders are getting interested is because they see all this drama. Without it their interest would shift to something else people drama about

>> No.9755771
File: 62 KB, 680x680, 1463968093092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Downloads roms that were dumped and shared by other people for free over the course of many years who never even asked for a "thank you"
>Refuses to dump games only he owns in return
>Dares to call other people entitled when confronted about this
Hoarders should be publicly flogged.
Every single one of them.

>> No.9755784

/v/ is on another level, let's not kid ourselves

>> No.9755789

>I stopped releasing shit years ago because of that shit
nice bait, if you had anything worth a damn you would have dumped it already

>> No.9755918

>projects and shitposts while munching on quiche aux sperm
>gives an old real pirate a chuckle

nice bait

>> No.9756070

>I dumped some shovelware roms a decade ago, please validate me!


>> No.9756117

Ok, but why continuing to bother after it's clear it's not gonna be dumped? This is what feeds them

in an ideal world
>idiot shows prototype
>makes it clear it's not gonna be dumped
>at this point everyone stops feeding him (You)s

Dumpers don't get (Yous). 1 proto out of 5 someone may make a TCRF page years after the fact (I know, I made some).
It should be the contrary to encourage dumping. Most of the getting outraged wouldn't even care about the proto if it was dumped to begin with, so why don't they shut the fuck up instead of feeding the trolls.

>> No.9756123

>old real pirate
The somali kind maybe, because you're a dumb nigger.

>> No.9756246

>1 proto out of 5 someone may make a TCRF page years after the fact (I know, I made some)
I honestly think there'd be more interest in dumping things if people were still as dedicated to documenting releases like that. It shows that people actually appreciate the ROM and the owner will probably find out new things about what they have, considering a lot of prototype differences aren't always glaring or are in things not immediately accessible through normal gameplay.

>> No.9757698

I don't understand how or why prototype hoarders exist. I wish I had the capability of getting my hands on some so I could back them up, sell them on ebay for thousands of dollars, and then dump the rom anyway to screw over whatever retard hoarder bought it

>> No.9757964

The worst thing is that a bunch of them don't dump for monetary value reasons, and as far as we've seen, it doesn't really lower the price
And once again, most of the times, it's worth hundreds at best, a pittance