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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9744587 No.9744587 [Reply] [Original]

Emulation bros I'm fully on your side now. I don't want to associate with people who don't play their games. I mean, yeah it's your money at the end of the day but for Christ's sake you're just burning money at that point.

>> No.9744595

You don't need to be like that guy. You can collect games, play physical games and emulate games. Thats what I do

>> No.9744604

My comfortable medium is owning original hardware, but then using only flashcarts/burned discs/usb hard drive/etc. All of the convenience of having systems readily display on my CRT with minimal physicalfaggotry. I do still emulate systems like SNES/NES/Genesis on my Wii.

>> No.9744612 [DELETED] 

It was fun back in the day when you could get a bunch of cool and interesting shit for like $20. But that era is gone and it's likely never coming back within our lifetime. It's not really like Atari games, baseball cards or antique model trains where the previously high value absolutely crashed because the generation who treasured those things all grew up and stopped caring. As long as YouTubers and Nintendies hang onto their childhood passions, all that stuff will be expensive.

The only "old" stuff I could see being almost totally worthless going forward is seventh gen games which have since seen objectively superior remasters and PC ports. Like why the fuck would anyone want the PS3 version of Batman Arkham Asylum or Far Cry 3 which barely holds 30fps, runs at 600p, has screen tearing out the ass and requires the player to dig out their old system, when they could just play the modern remaster or PC version? Why would someone buy the PS3 version of The Last of Us when they could play the PS4 remaster or the PS5 remake?

I think shit like that will be in landfills and have no appeal going forward whatsoever.

I think if you absolutely must coomlect right now, start buying interesting seventh gen games that never got a remaster or port. Ratchet & Clank Future series, MGS4, 50 Cent Blood on the Sand, HD collections, Nier Gestalt, The Darkness, Dead or Alive Xtreme 2, Folklore, Demon's Souls PS3, MadWorld, Ridge Racer 7, 3D Dot Game Heroes etc. All fun and interesting stuff that you can get for relatively cheap.

>> No.9744623

>Emulation bros I'm fully on your side now.
>t. Emulation faggot

>> No.9744625

You can just own whatever games you really like, or stuff you want to play. Just don't overpay.
Want to play on original hardware and you don't want to waste money buying games? Just get a flashcart or ODE.
You don't care about any of that? Just emulate then.

>> No.9744632

You can still get the vast majority of every game that’s ever been made for less than the cost of a new game. Coomlecting like the faggot in that picture is expensive, sure, but if you just buy games you want to play, it’s not bad.

>> No.9744638
File: 27 KB, 463x349, F036B444-81A3-4483-B836-E69D731BD6EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But if I did this w books it’s all part of the plan. Nobody freaks out!

>> No.9744646

>never got a remaster or port
>Daemon's Souls

>> No.9744661

My collection is probably less than 200 games and I feel bad about how many I've barely ever touched, I can't imagine just buying every fucking game and letting it sit there. I haven't played my SNES in like four years.

It could be the timing of it. The youngest gen-xers and most millennials are of the age where some of us are making more money and at the age where we're feeling nostalgic for games from when we were kids.

Not in our lifetime maybe, but a hundred years from now I bet most of it will indeed be lost to time and landfills, and no one will care, like libraries full of old novels that have been long forgotten. There'll be video game history museums, but few working consoles from that time. Emulation will be the means of playing old games of historical interest.

Fuck YouTubers and hoarders.

>> No.9744668

I've gradually settled into this as well. I have a bunch of real games, and if it's cheap and I really like it i might buy it, but at this point I don't really care much anymore and just use the damn flash carts. original hardware is GOAT though.

>> No.9744678 [DELETED] 

>seventh gen games which have since seen objectively superior remasters and PC ports
There's autists like me that are very picky about minor details. Like for example the PS2 version of Bully has different weather effects than the 'updated' Xbox 360 and PC version, and the color grading is completely different as well -both of those things seem like minor changes to the average shmuck, but to an autist like me they completely change the feel of the game and make the newer version borderline unplayable. I'm not really a 7th generation guy, so I can't think of an example of this happening for that gen of the top of my head, but I'm sure there's people out there that feel this way about certain PS3 games that made it to PC for example.

>> No.9744679 [DELETED] 

>The only "old" stuff I could see being almost totally worthless going forward is seventh gen games which have since seen objectively superior remasters and PC ports. Like why the fuck would anyone want the PS3 version of Batman Arkham Asylum or Far Cry 3 which barely holds 30fps, runs at 600p, has screen tearing out the ass and requires the player to dig out their old system, when they could just play the modern remaster or PC version
because you can get them for peanuts and thats the entire appeal of coomlecting games, getting them for cheap.
technically not /vr/ but I saw a tonne of wii U games selling for sub $10 because all the major titles got enhanced switch ports.
if you've never played any of those games thats a hell of a good deal.
I'm not even talking about non-nintendo games, I saw mario kart 8, mario bro's U, donkey Kong tropical freeze, etc all for $8 - 10.
if you're poor and you want to play video games then it makes sense why you'd buy PS3 or Xbox 360 games provided you don't have a pc powerful enough to emulate them.

>> No.9744684
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I genuinely do not understand people who collect games and don't play them.

>> No.9744685

I get collecting games.
I don't get collecting every game.
Look at that NES collection. The vast majority of those games are complete shit. Even if we be generous and say that there's 100 good games on the NES, that's way more than 100 games right there. Why would you purposely own crap? Especially if it's uninteresting crap? I can understand having a fuck awful Wisdomtree game because of the novelty of it. Having a library of Wisdomtree games is abnormal.

>> No.9744690

I genuinely do not understand people who collect games that they have zero interest in, that's even worse and so vain.

I only collect things I have nostalgia for, enjoyed playing or have a genuine interest in. I'm
not going to buy all PS2 games just because "I'm a collectooor must collect all the things". These types of people are all mentally ill.

>> No.9744697

>people who collect games that they have zero interest in
>people who collect games but don't play them
They're the same person. If you're interested in a game, obviously you're going to play it.
>I only collect things I have nostalgia for, enjoyed playing or have a genuine interest in
When I started collecting I just wanted to get all of the games I enjoyed as a kid. I did and I had fun, so then I moved on to games I never got to play as a kid (and therefore have no nostalgia for). And honestly, the games I don't have nostalgia for have turned out to be my favorites. But I'll never buy something that I'm not interested in playing. That means no complete sets, because there's no way I could ever be interested in every single game on a console unless it has a stupidly small library like Virtual Boy or something.

>> No.9744698

Welcome to the next level, fren.

>> No.9744706

Books can be referenced for favorite passages, they can be quickly and easily taken off a shelf, flipped through, and replaced. A single book can be read in a few hours, compared to a single game that might take in excess of 40-50 hours for one playthrough.

The books on my shelves are favorites that I re-read regularly or books that I want to have on hand for easy reference. If I really wanted, I could read every book on my shelves within a month or two. They're not just decoration; they're objects that I interact with regularly. The shit in OP's pic, on the other hand, is pure decoration. No one is interacting with them, no one is playing them, and even if you did decide that you were going to play them all, a full playthrough of all the games on that shelf would take literal years. As an added bonus, shelves full of games are ugly to look at, on the same soulless tier as rows of funko pops.

>> No.9744710

PS2 and Dreamcast ports are infamous for the developers of ports not bothering to recreate hardware specific effects.

>> No.9744720

99 percent of books on shelves are decoration and everything you just described applies to gaming. I can pull it off the shelf, I can instantly start enjoying it (retro games). A lot of retro games take an hour or two to beat. Maybe countless hours to master but just for a run through, def not longer than pretty much any novel. I took english lit in college so I had to learn to speed read but an overwhelmingly vast majority buy books and have a book shelf for nothing more than decoration. Such is the case here, and maybe he’s getting money from a dumb YouTube channel for showing it off. People would do the same damn thing for a book shelf if they could monetize it the same way.

>> No.9744724

well, 95% of people either got late to the coomlector party or never embraced the hobby/lifestyle of going OUT to find them. What zoomers and late millennials came to know as collecting is an ossified version of it

I started very late, around 2008, and had little money, but boy did I do some serious damage. Up to this day I still go out (for other reasons) and I still find stuff. PS3 and PS4 are cheap and constant, but also here and there PSP, PS2, GC, GB, SNES, NES, DC...

>> No.9744731 [DELETED] 

You know what I mean, dickhead. Bluepoint's Demons Souls is a REMAKE

>> No.9744732 [DELETED] 

>if you're poor and you want to play video games then it makes sense why you'd buy PS3 or Xbox 360 games provided you don't have a pc powerful enough to emulate them
True for 360, but a PS3 can be modded to play downloaded games

>> No.9744738

>I took english lit in college so I had to learn to speed read but an overwhelmingly vast majority buy books and have a book shelf for nothing more than decoration.
Yeah, so you don't enjoy reading and don't know what you're talking about, got it. I'm sorry that your procrastination during college led to you learning to read in a way that killed the fun for you but intelligent people don't read this way.

>> No.9744748 [DELETED] 
File: 801 KB, 2000x1333, diogenes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enter your room carrying a CRT TV you just found next to a container
>trip over your semen-stained Sailor Moon figure you couldn't see because of the TV reducing your field of view
>while falling, you prefer to protect your TV's integrity instead of your own
>result: TV gets destroyed anyway and you get injured, bleeding due to the cuts caused by the broken screen

This is the life of the coomlector. If you're young, you can still save your life. If you're old, you're sadly hopeless, but at least you will serve as an example to the younger generation about what not to do.

>> No.9744765

If all of your books on your shelf can be read in a few hours at an ordinary pace, I don't think you're as intellectual as you think you are.

>> No.9744769 [DELETED] 

So it's even better than a remaster or port.

>> No.9744770

Books can be reproduced easily. Companies can issue a reprinting of a book with minimal difficulties. But game cartridges can't just be reprinted. Even if a company wanted to recreate NES cartridges to reprint games for a system, the manufacturing architecture just isn't there anymore. Nobody cares if you have all the Legend of Zelda manga sitting on your shelf, since it's been reprinted three or four times and anybody can go buy their own copy if they want it. But if you have a NES Legend of Zelda sitting on your shelf, then it's preventing somebody from playing or just driving up the cost for anybody to get a copy themselves. Nobody is manufacturing new copies of NES Zelda for people who want them.

>> No.9744780

So your parents just now stopped buying your toys for you?

>> No.9744781

I buy the games I loved in my childhood for nostalgia reasons. But yeah, I don't see the point of buying a game I don't give a shit about just to leave it on a shelf.

>> No.9744783

>What are repros
The technology certainly still exists and is regularly used, mongrel.

>> No.9744794

I have plenty of longer books, sure, but the average length of a book on my shelf is probably 200-300 pages. And that has nothing do to with my point, which is that even an 800 page book can be read in a single day while there are tons of SNES games that would take multiple days to complete even if you were trying to speed run them.

As a bonus, reading a physical copy of a book is distinctly different than reading one on an e-reader. Playing an emulated version of a game, however, is exactly the same as playing it on the original hardware. Not only are retro game collections pointless and ugly; they're impractical as well. Buy a usb snes controller and you are now having the exact same experience you would have playing the game on the original hardware.

>> No.9744797

Dog the legend of Zelda has been “reprinted” over and over. Og NES, gameboy, virtual consoles, I think ever single Zelda game prior to Wii U has at least one remake or cover. Not to mention one anon a while back described making his own carts. I can’t put together a book as easily as this anon put together a working cart, plus there are repos, roms w emulators…. Same w books, reprints digital, or straight up just steal it digitally.

>> No.9744804

Playing it on an emulator isn’t 1:1 lol. Am everything in that second paragraph is just flat out wrong. My analogy was dead on. Ur wrong.

>> No.9744807

This is nonsense, the only retro games that come close to 50 hours are JRPGs and even then most of them still arent that long. The majority of games from 5th gen and earlier that arent jrpgs can be beaten in 2 hours or less.

>> No.9744808

cartridges can easily be reproduced, much more easily than discs
still to this day there are no repro discs that work in unmodded consoles

>> No.9744813

another emufag /vr/gin cope thread
>t.owns games and play them

>> No.9744823

>no ur wrong
Low effort. The vast majority of people aren't autists who are going to notice or care if an emulator isn't giving them a pixel perfect recreation of the game.

>y-yeah but if you don't count the entire genre of games that take longer to finish then games can be beaten quickly!
A huge amount of the most popular and beloved retro games are jrpgs so I'm gonna have to ask you to try again.

>> No.9744842 [DELETED] 

>Brett Martin (USA)
Yep checks out.

>> No.9744848

Suck my dick you retarded faggot

>> No.9744853

That’s not the point. U just changed the goal posts. The point is it’s exactly like books, u can take them off the shelf pop them right in. There are repos reprints digital stores and piracy for each. Books take way more effort and time to finish unless, again, u actually had to learn to speed read for some reason (like myself). No one is finishing Moby fucking Dick before a run through of Link to the past or even ocarina of time.

Also the other posters put in the effort, ur just flat out wrong but hey die on that hill if you want to.

>> No.9744894

>As a bonus, reading a physical copy of a book is distinctly different than reading one on an e-reader.
>Playing an emulated version of a game, however, is exactly the same as playing it on the original hardware.

These opinions are diametrically opposed; utterly ridiculous.

>> No.9744898

Except most people don't read 800 page books in a day? The longest novel I read was like 1100 pages and that took me probably 30-40 hours, much like a longer JRPG. Maybe you're speedy but it's hard to enjoy and digest what you're reading if you're going so fast.

>playing an emulated version is exactly the same

It's really not, unless you are playing on a flash cart on original hardware, which you aren't in your example.

>> No.9744941 [DELETED] 

>demons souls remake
>he doesn't know

>> No.9744947

This. I just buy the games I care about and have full intentions of playing. Most people exaggerate about the prices of retro games. Not every game is as expensive as earthbound or most jrpgs. Set limits, raise some awareness and don't go overboard. Use flash carts or modded consoles for games you're not willing to buy. Emulation IS great, but I just prefer to use original hardware while we still can before it is annoyingly impractical in the future.

>> No.9744948

>much more easily than discs
uhh its like one cent per game?
even dvdr are comically cheap now
mcboot, tonyhax, psuedosaturn, etc
sega cd, pc engine, 3do, dreamcast, cdi, all have zero copy protection anonkun


>> No.9744952

I've only ever bought games I'm interested in, but in that window 10 to 20 years ago when I bought most of them I could afford more games than I had time to beat. Now that I've got 90% of the games I'm interested in and the last 10% are categorically out of my price range I'm getting around to games I've had for over a decade.

>> No.9745000
File: 1.17 MB, 1948x1464, cave_story_megasis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flashcart + real hardware is a great solution. it's fucking awesome to play romhacks and homebrew on a CRT.
i still go garage sailing and will pick up a cart or two here and there. it is nice to have the real thing.

>> No.9745020 [DELETED] 

>demons souls remake

fucking lol anon. Log off faggot.

>> No.9745039

to be fair video games are shit

>> No.9745162

>on /vr/
>shitting on people who own original retro games because you can't afford them

the mental gymnastics and seething are in plain sight.

having a library of fantastic games does nothing but enrich someone's life. sorry you don't have one.

>> No.9745210

I started around 2009 and prices were awesome but I think it started to really become shit around 2012/2013. It was like there was just influx of reseller faggots and ever since then the markets been fucked. Youtubers don't exactly help either, anything that exposes anything to normies always drives the prices up and now everyone thinks their piss yellow dusty and crusty SNES is worth 3 trillion dollars simply because it's old.

>> No.9745231

I bought a ps3 with a broken Blu-ray drive for cheap then just soft modded it. I have like 190 games. About less than half I’d say are ps3 exclusive that never got compatibility for other systems. Others are psn, ps1, ps2 games and a handful of multiplats that I prefer on ps3.

>> No.9745273

You honestly have the mentality of a woman. Why do you associate yourself with others you've seen online? Why do you care what other people spend their money on? Why do you need to be on one "side" or the other?

>> No.9745276

Plenty of good reasons to pick emulation over a physical collection. Not being associated with some faggot on Twitter isn't one.

>> No.9745279

collecting is antithetical to playing with in any circumstance. the whole point is to keep whatever it is clean and preserved.

>> No.9745282

I like having physical media but this shit is so uncomfy, where people have rooms that look like the inside of a gamestop with different shelf units for different consoles, complete with display logos. Why on earth would someone want to pretend to live in a retail store?

>> No.9745291

No it isn't. There can be varying degrees of collecting. In a catch all net collecting is just obtaining things and holding onto them.

>> No.9745308

I used to think this would be correct, that games with ports/remasters that are better elsewhere won't balloon in value. But there are so many instances where that has simply not panned out.
There are so many older games that are available via emulators or official digital storefronts now that are still coveted.
Or plenty of games with better versions but are still expensive (eg: PS1 resident evil games)

I can see 7th gen console games still going up in price even if PC version is always superior and there might be 8th gen remasters. Simply because people might still want a physical copy of the game in some form, which is something you really can't get from PC anymore, and 8th gen onward consoles often don't have the full game on disc anymore anyway and may be unplayable in the future

>> No.9745315 [DELETED] 
File: 2.47 MB, 720x896, Nindies would be like.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people just want to look cool i guess

>> No.9745317

This is why these conversations are so shit, because nobody can decide what a "collector" even is. I've seen the definition range from somebody who buys physical media every once in a while to a full on WATA money launderer.

>> No.9745330 [DELETED] 

If I walked in to a grown man's house and saw that I would assume he militantly defends trannies being real women on twitter and reddit.

>> No.9745356 [DELETED] 

You gotta be rich to have that done.

>> No.9745463 [DELETED] 

Stop being so sensitive. Anything who posts their coomlection on social media deserves to be mocked.

>> No.9745478 [DELETED] 
File: 595 KB, 2000x3000, 1578456573915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or plenty of games with better versions but are still expensive (eg: PS1 resident evil games)
Resident Evil PSOne games have a lot of things going for them, even if they have ports, remasters or remakes. I would rather play them on PSOne or PS2 hardware myself. The GameCube ports are leagues more expensive and the DS version is a great alternative for the first game. Like you said though, it's just going to keep going up in price. I wish Capcom would re release them once again like they did in the PS3 era in Japan.

>> No.9745482
File: 595 KB, 2000x3000, 1578456573915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or plenty of games with better versions but are still expensive (eg: PS1 resident evil games)
Resident Evil PSOne games have a lot of things going for them, even if they have ports, remasters or remakes. I would rather play them on PSOne or PS2 hardware myself. The GameCube ports are leagues more expensive and the DS version is a great alternative for the first game. Like you said though, it's just going to keep going up in price. I wish Capcom would re release them once again like they did in the PS3 era in Japan.

>> No.9745501 [DELETED] 

>walkman table
surely he does that stuff by trade and is advertising it
surely it's not a bunch of comissions he did

>> No.9745507 [DELETED] 

this is not a YCYL thread

>> No.9745510 [DELETED] 

What emufags say
>I'm much better than those collectors, I actually play my games
What emufags actually do
>download full ROM sets
>whine about "duplicate" ROMs despite having downloaded a FULL ROM set, don't know which are the "good" ones, get mad that somebody else didn't curate it
>bitch about collectors when most of their ROMs come from people who buy/collect physical games
>autistically fret over which shaders to use
>load up ROM for two minutes, get frustrated and quit
>RPG = 2x speed; platformer/SHMUP = 0.5 speed
>try to gloat that they're better than collectors when everything they can do a collector can do just as easily, in fact most collectors have been emulating since before emufags were even born

>> No.9745569

Why do retards and emufags act like if you don't emulate games you're a physical hoarder? flashcarts are a thing

>> No.9745578

The collector vs "actual player" dichotomy is retarded. Most players have a collection, it may be humble, it may be a decent size, but just because you don't have a display like a collector would doesn't mean you don't have a collection. It's not actually the collection you care about. It's pure "I'm not like the other girls" syndrome, you just think these guys are cringe and don't want to associate with them, even though you are them.

Secondly, I don't believe there are anywhere near as many people who collect but don't play as this board would suggest. Even if they truly didn't play them, they most likely collect because they have fond memories of actually playing those games, and there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.9745590

Just collect the games you want to play. Simple as.

>> No.9745596 [DELETED] 

this makes emufags mad

>> No.9745613

if i have a bug collection i'm probably not shoving them up my ass and if i'm collecting games i'm probably gonna be concerned about a 40 year old cart functioning at all in this bloated overpriced economy, which playing them certainly doesn't help with. just makes no sense to be buying them just for play at this point. total waste of money. makes sense if they're your own relics though.

>> No.9745838

Fucking retarded comparison. You think classic car owners aren't driving them?

>> No.9745839

Im sure the people who download entire system rom sets are definitely playing them all.

>> No.9745845

I still don't get the whole television-sized-switch phenomenon. Why would anyone want something that looks like that?

>> No.9745847

the ones I know usually do the driving equivalent of playing half the first level, taking a screenshot for twitter, and shutting it off again

>> No.9745851
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>> No.9745853

> Most players have a collection, it may be humble, it may be a decent size, but just because you don't have a display like a collector would doesn't mean you don't have a collection.
There's collectors, and then there's "Collectors".
If you have less than 200 physical games you're not really a Collector yet.
I think you need maybe 100 physical games which you have never played for more than five minutes to qualify as a Collector with a big C in the derogatory sense.

>> No.9745857


>> No.9745864

Isn't that the point of the thread?

>> No.9745867

I guess this is what poor jealous fags do to cope with it. They imagine everyone that owns the real thing as Metal Jesus and the like. My collection is huge, I play games every single day and I'm better than you at games, as well. Find another way to cope.

>> No.9745873
File: 38 KB, 640x640, Custom-Game-for-SNES-Console-16-Bit-NTSC-PAL-Format.jpg_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bootleg/repro.

Seriously, give it a try.
Make a good effort at it and make up the full case, booklet, cart/disc of a game.
Spend a little bit of money on it.
Shouldn't be over $10 for disc-based games or $20 for a cartridge*.
When you get done and you've got the finished thing in your hands I guarantee your brain will get significant hit of that sweet, sweet dopamine that comes with consooming products.
And since you "made" it yourself you'll have a personal connection to it.

*most SNES and Genesis games can be ordered for like $20 as bootlegs these days off of aliexpress. Or you could just skip the cart and make up an empty box+booklets to put on your shelf.

>> No.9745879


>> No.9745887

The only SNES games I want but don't have are chip games, and I'm guessing you can't make repros of those in a chinese poverty dungeon

>> No.9745891

While you may think this distinction is important, and I don't disagree, I will just say that you are proving my point that this is a "not like the other girls" phenomenon.

>> No.9745895

>No Tools Required!
>first ten seconds shows a required tool

>> No.9745898

>doing all this just to play N64 games in the wrong aspect ratio

>> No.9745907



You can, but you have to find a donor cart for the chips. https://nintendo.fandom.com/wiki/Super_FX
winter gold is probably your best bet if you’re going to make a repro yourself

>> No.9745917

There are certain ways to work around it.


1. Buy the cheapest cart that has the expansion chip and then change the ROM chips on the board.
Rock Man X3 is on ebay for $26 shipped right now.
Cheapest Mega Man X3 is $300.
Of course, by doing this you "destroy" the Japanese version, and some people may have a problem with that.

2. Buy a flash cart that supports that expansion chip. A brand new SD2SNES is actually cheaper than the above mentioned Mega Man X3 lmao.

3. Make a reproduction box and manual without the cart. Then just play the game via emulation.

>> No.9745919
File: 2.82 MB, 2006x1459, 1636130393704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All that just to play retro vidya stretched to widescreen on an HD display

>> No.9745930

>Of course, by doing this you "destroy" the Japanese version,
I am about 99% sure that this could be worked around via hacking. You could flash both ROMs to the board by taking advantage of modern chip sizes and then use a button combo on start-up to determine the language the game starts up in.

>> No.9745937

You'd still be removing the original Rockman X3 rom chips and thus be destroying the original game.

>> No.9745949
File: 334 KB, 947x1337, 10024501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another tip: buy a really nice high resolution computer monitor. Then just download the box and booklet scans and view them on your monitor. Make a folder with all the data you'd need to repro the game and then just... don't.
This worked well for me, but your mileage may vary.
The process of gathering all the materials and doing the research for the repro was enough for me.

>> No.9745956

Aliexpress flash carts support:
>BS-X memory map / Satellaview base unit registers (clock)
>GSU (Super FX)
For $108 shipped.
So which game do you need that isn't supported in this list?

>> No.9745959

it be like that

>> No.9745963 [DELETED] 

s o y/10

>> No.9745965 [DELETED] 

i love how this makes all the equally onions dorks on this site absolutely seethe. this is objectively cool and you're reacting negatively because off how you perceive things like the Nintendo switch

>> No.9745967 [DELETED] 

>this is objectively cool
what does it do that is cool?

>> No.9745970 [DELETED] 

it's a small thing made big (neat and fun) and it's mechanical (neat and cool)

>> No.9745974 [DELETED] 

I don't care about either of those things. It's gaudy and strictly worse than just pulling the controller out of a drawer.

>> No.9745980 [DELETED] 

it doesn't have to be something you'd personally use to make it neat or cool

>> No.9745981 [DELETED] 

the ultimate bugman

>> No.9746150

>it's likely never coming back within our lifetime
Go to goodwills shopping site and find game lots. You can get all sorts of shit for cheap. 2004-2013 stuff. Yesterday's obsolete is tomorrow's retro.
The biggest issue now is online only games with no physical release. And dlc that will forever be lost to time. And that's a fuckin shame.

>> No.9746157

In buy old PC games I've never heard of at thrift shops just to play them a few times and see what they're all about. Or physical copies of games I played to death when I was younger but lost or left at my parents house.
I don't have a huge collection though. I mostly use flash carts and hacked systems for console. Except a few games I particularly like.

>> No.9746283

I assume he crafted them himself, which I respect if he did.

>> No.9746412

>Christ's sake you're just burning money at that point.

Video games, especially sealed and CIB have gone up and held their value incredibly well. Even if you don't play them, using them as a diverse investment is an option. Better track record than the stock market since the China virus.

For me, I kept all my games from NES to PS3. I bought a lot of valuable games for cheap in the early 2000s for the NES, SNES and N64. Sculptor's Cut for $40, etc. So now I've got a serious big boy collection, and since I have so many heavy hitters and CIB stuff, I've diversified and bought some overpriced games even though I emulate them mostly, because I want a more complete collection.

I love me my hacked SNES mini on the giant 4K OLED with a nice stereo system. Best way to sit down on the couch and enjoy classic games. I do have a small 20" CRT Toshiba flatscreen with component and S-video for playing the actual hardware, which is nice sometimes, but honestly I'd rather sit on the comfy couch with the much better sound system.

>> No.9746436 [DELETED] 

>lmao every one is is seething, lmao guys its actually cool right?
no fuck off trany

>> No.9746437 [DELETED] 

you sound like a faggot, pls go back to faggit

>> No.9746472

Of course, all collectors must be either fat 50 year old investors, or brainless, hoarding, hipster posers who buy games in their quest to obtain reddit upvotes, no way could they just be gamers with disposable income who like buying games as well as playing them.

>> No.9746482

>I have opinions about things
wow, it's almost like other people do too
>I'm a playoor i must play things. These types of people are mentally ill.

>> No.9746564
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>> No.9746737

i felt extremely bummed out standing in line at the local grocer and seeing a pack of baseball cards for $12

i saved up $1.50 as a kid to get football/baseball cards. i think pokemon was about 2 something a pack a couple years later

>> No.9746739

also as a model railroad collector, it's nice to see the cancer is almost gone from the "rural" scene. lot's of treats popping up in the last few years. hoping it translates to retro gaming and pc over time

>> No.9746749

i got every free game psn put up on ps4 and never played but 4
i couldnt imagine paying 30 bucks or more a pop to just stare at plastic cuz the random internet cat said im KEWL

dude is a goof

>> No.9746752

i collect cooking, how-to and folklore
not to mention fantasy novels and spiritual/sports books. this post is foolish

>> No.9746756

sorry m8, read this as "cant be read"
my mistake

>> No.9746760

I guess if it isn't this they'd be buying furry porn. I much prefer they buy the furry porn though, someone could actually be enjoying these games. These people are just annoying.

>> No.9746768
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>garage sailing

>> No.9747189 [DELETED] 

I own a switch, I still find it pathetic

>> No.9747241 [DELETED] 
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>The only "old" stuff I could see being almost totally worthless going forward is seventh gen games which have since seen objectively superior remasters and PC ports. Like why the fuck would anyone want the PS3 version of
This is sincerely why I'm almost giving up on my PS3. Got a slim in 2011 and absolutely loved the fucker when it was current, but now that I have a PS5 and capable PC it became a pointless system. Even the hold outs like Yakuza3, 4 and 5, Valkyria Chronicles, etc. etc. eventually got ported against all odds. The only thing I'm interested in that's still PS3 only is the Metal Gear Solid legacy collection, but I already exhausted all games in it (last one I played was MGS2, got the plat in 2020 for it).
Ironically the only reason I still turn on the PS3 is to watch blu-rays since PS5 is gay and doesn't give you a full bd player remote. Guess 4chan was right about the console after all.

>> No.9747246

I buy both, and use both

>> No.9747250 [DELETED] 

reminder that not everyone is metal jesus

>> No.9747252
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oops, I made your post useless

>> No.9747332
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Reminder that it's emulation that's saving retro games.
If it didn't exist, most of you would have nothing and collectors would mock you.
Think twice before talking shit, ye who bought your physical copies online long after they stopped being made. Without emulation, those copies probably wouldn't even be up for sale when you were looking for them.

>> No.9747363

>Reminder that it's emulation that's saving retro games.
>before gaymulation vr was a niche thing
>you could buy retro games fpr 5 bucks
>came emualtion
>prices skyrocketed
>more people play emulation
>brings more retards and yutubers
>more yutubers
>higher prices

>> No.9747387
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>You'd still be removing the original Rockman X3 rom chips and thus be destroying the original game.
Yes. Acktualy no, you can keep the original ROM chips. Just because it's been desoldered from the board doesn't mean it's toast. I keep the original chips in labeled antistatic bags for if/when I'd ever sell. I also use IC chip sockets so if I do decide to go back, it's solderless.

>> No.9747410

Retro games as a fad has always existed, you fucking zoomie. People were selling and buying 4th gen games and merch under a "vintage" guise in the early 2000s, if not earlier.
Youtubers would've fucked things up even more if emulation wasn't around, because these games would be even rarer to come across and a lot more people would want them because they're hard to get.

>> No.9747412

>came emualtion
People were emulating in the 90s, what kind of retarded scenario is this

>> No.9747415 [DELETED] 

you DIDNT play the game
you emulated it anon
you pretended to
played pretend

>> No.9747420

You are trolling, right? No one could actually be that stupid, right?

>> No.9747434

He's retarded but there is also some truth to it, except he's too stupid to actually know what that truth is. There is a huge issue with reprinting some old games because they lost the source code. But other than that there isn't much of an issue, square still print ps1 games.

>> No.9747438

emulation provides greater redundancy & accessibility for retro games, which is why I'm in favor of it. any drawbacks are heavily outweighed by the benefits imo.


>> No.9747439 [DELETED] 

so are emufags the trannies of /vr/?

>> No.9747447 [DELETED] 

emulation ruined vr

>> No.9747450

Yeah I find that really off putting about these massive collections. I'm not against having a game room, or rather a room dedicated to nerdy stuff in general. But it looking like game store with the walls covered in shelves of shitty games you didn't look at twice back in the day doesn't give me a comfy feel

>> No.9747451 [DELETED] 

Unironically yes. They need to convince themselves of several things all at once to feel somewhat comfortable. And as soon and they're confronted about their delusions their whole world crumbles.

>> No.9747457

>came emulation
lmao kid
emulation is probably older than you

>> No.9747468

I've sadly got a friend who has become like this. We used to meet up every week and play retro games. One week would be Neo Geo, the next PC Engine, etc.
He doesn't even play games anymore, he just trawls through shops looking for anything retro, buys it up, then immediately puts it on a shelf. Disappointing as hell.

>> No.9747510
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Dumbest nonsense ever. People download the games they like 1 by 1 off sotes like cdromance.

Filters? Nope. Shits gay.

Widescreen hacks? Yup. I'm better than you.

Higher internal res on 3d games? Yup. Your og hardware is fucking trash.

Speed up on rpgs? I toggle it back and forth with a button when it makes sense to do so. Yes, i value my time more than you. I use save states too.
>you didn't beat it
I saw the ending. That's more than you shelf faggot.

>> No.9747518 [DELETED] 

You're a troon aren't you?

>> No.9747536

The only troon i ever met irl was a retard who liked wasting all his money on moronic shit, and that included retro games he never fucking played. Faggot just played gta 5 every fucking day after blabbering endlessly about his retro setup.

>> No.9747560

And, retard, there is a huge problem porting old books too. Some manuscripts have been lost to time and like lost roms, sometimes get found in the wild again in some attic or maybe in a cave in the Middle East. So yes, just like code gets lost, so too do original texts to time or sometimes get partially recovered. “He’s a retard but he’s right.” Sums up this board.

>> No.9747595

Okay? I'm not sure how this is relevant to what I said. Also you can't reprint a rom and get the same result as the original. It's not about lost roms.

>> No.9747625 [DELETED] 
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At the end of the day, I play games, collectorfags don't. Deal with it.

>> No.9747632
File: 1.44 MB, 528x304, we're not worthy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based leet haxor who builds each rom he plays from source

>> No.9747636

I don't see a problem with this cuz all those cartridges are destined to rot away and become useless in the future anyway, if they aren't already. Not to mention the save battery for games that rely on saves making them useless even sooner than that. ROMs are the only future for retro game preservation. Let these idiots have their shelf decorations.

>> No.9747678

Fuck you two are retarded

>> No.9747759 [DELETED] 

>be nintendie
>spend entire life-savings on old plastic
>don't even play it

The sheer absurdity of this level of faggotry is beyond believable.

>> No.9747773

Do square still print them? I've been told they're refurbished or something like the sorts

>> No.9747786 [DELETED] 

>gets called out and destroyed
>no i didn't
emuniggers live in their own make believe world

>> No.9747797

I think they're recent prints. You can be the judge

>> No.9747906

>everyone is retarded except me
Sure thing kiddo

>> No.9747910

No, but you two definitely are

>> No.9747956
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I don't do any of that shit. When I want to play a game I just google "[name of game] rom", download it from the first credible result and play it.

>> No.9747989

Reminder that emulation is saving retro games from you and the rest of this worthless site.

>> No.9748029

You make sure to archive your "retro vidya" so others may enjoy them after they become difficult to find, right anon?

>> No.9748049

pictures like this are what made me sell 99% of my physical games.
i have a 3DS and Deck alongside my PC and thats it, all digital now.
adults shouldn't stay kids forever and its fucking cringe, the only people who look at pictures like this and think "this person looks cool" are nerdy teenagers like I was or reddit soya's

>> No.9748058

>implying people that collect games don't play them
Granted, I don't really play the old consoles I saved from my childhood, but I do play the shit out of my NES collection. I emulate everything else. NES stuff just doesn't feel or look right if it's not on a CRT. I've messed with shaders and those can help but a lot of them are too extra.

>> No.9748082 [DELETED] 
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>(((google))) search

>> No.9748197
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I don't have a problem with collecting. I'm a collector myself.
However, it has never made sense to me to collect the games.
Why would I spend hundreds of dollars on a disc or cartridge which can be replicated with 100% bit-for-bit accuracy when I could spend that money on other aspects of my gaming experience that cannot be so easily replicated?
I would rather spend that money on things like high quality controllers, usb adapters, CRTs, speakers and headphones, chairs and sofas, and the overall decor of my gaming room.
Or just put it in the bank for peace of mind while I play my games. Don't have to deal with friends and family's disapproving glances either (don't pretend this isn't an issue or you don't care about it).

Or just spend it on other hobbies.

>> No.9748474

>Like why the fuck would anyone want the PS3 version of Batman Arkham Asylum or Far Cry 3 which barely holds 30fps, runs at 600p
The same argument can be made about most retro games because most run better in their emulated form. But people don't want better, they want the exact thing their mom didn't buy them when they were 12.

>> No.9748692

I miss the days when ROM junkies would give back to the community. Collectorfags were the ones who would fund the rare game/build dumps and the ROM investigators would go through them and document what's different. Now it seems like most all prototype dumps just get tossed into the void and nobody even bothers to document them. It's crazy to me how some of the ROMs from the Nintendo hack a few years ago have barely been documented at all. Super Castlevania IV, Street Fighter II, Yoshi's Island, some of the biggest games for the console, all had prototypes included, and so far they've barely been touched on by TCRF users. Had those dumps originated back in the 00s, they'd be full mapped out and analyzed within weeks. I guess the twentysomethings of the 2000s grew up, no longer have time, and the zoomers who took their place aren't picking up the slack.
The interest is still there given how many people still cream themselves over betas and screech about hoarders, but I guess nobody wants to put in the work.

>> No.9748693 [DELETED] 

take your meds
catcha: AAH00

>> No.9748706

>I don't want to associate with people

why do you niggers think you're associating with anybody?

>> No.9748708

>JAP NTSC versions
You didn't really collect those games.

>> No.9748713

I'm so f'n sick of trolls like you.

>> No.9748718


>> No.9748723

Yes mangled localizations or pal versions run much better.

>> No.9748739

>Don't have to deal with friends and family's disapproving glances either (don't pretend this isn't an issue or you don't care about it).
Unironically a "you" problem if you feel that way. Likely of someone who still lives with their parents or feels the need to hide their interests from their so called "friends" out of fear of ridicule.

>> No.9748756

So why do you have a 3DS and play games on your pc if you are an "adult"?

>> No.9748774

Because he's convinced himself that shallow interest in something is somehow more mature than having a passionate interest in something.

>> No.9748775

I asked not to pretend.
If you're truly oblivious that's actually worse.

>> No.9748807

Its literally only a problem if you are associating with people who dont share your interests. Parents i could understand, but you shouldn't still be living with them. Sounds like only an issue for individuals who have to wear a fake personality around people they want to like them instead of any authentic friends. Something a child or teenager would do.

>> No.9748834

Only NTSC US games are collectors' items.

>> No.9748842

I'm a nintenfag mostly, and given that there's an endless amount of nintendo shit to collect, I place a priority on consoles, particularly console variants, you can't emulate that, it's useful, and of course I just everdrive muh games anyways.

>> No.9748845

I know this guy LOL

>> No.9748849 [DELETED] 

Which console from the 1980's would be ideal for me?
>i hate nintendo
>I hate Mario bros
>I hate zelda
>console where it is impossible to play Nintendo video games
>console with anti-Nintendo design
> console with anti-nintendo controller

>> No.9748860

Speccy, though it may have an official outsourced dinkey kang port

>> No.9748863

You're describing the North American SEGA GENESIS my dude

>> No.9748864

Reasons why the Sega Genesis would be my ideal 1980's console?

>> No.9748869

I try to collect them, but I can't really play them because I barely have any free time to play them.

>> No.9748878

I only have the first three Paper Mario games CIB since they're my favorite games of all time. The rest I just emulate. I'd say go physicalfag for your favorite games and just play on the hardware while using an Everdrive to play the rest of the library. I don't get the obsession of collecting games you don't even like or plan to play, it's autism.

>> No.9748884

Its best games are arcade oriented, not drawn-out adventures like you mentioned disliking. You can't play Nintendo games on it, it's jet black, edgy, and has a fucking headphone jack for listening to beautiful, harsh, metallic FM synthesis. It literally is and does what Nintendon't. It is the anti-Nintendo.

>> No.9748886

It's copypasta, he's posted this a few times in the past, and he posted a similiar thing in the handheld emulation thread. You're being bamboozled.

>> No.9748887

thank you
What games for sega genesis would you recommend?

remember, only anti-nintendo games and games with anti-nintendo aesthetics

>> No.9748890

I'm looking for retro consoles for an emulator instead (I already have a PS1 emulator on my laptop)

and I look for other retro anti-Nintendo consoles to emulate

>> No.9748905

yup, you're oblivious

>> No.9748909

>I place a priority on consoles, particularly console variants,
Every color of Gamecube plays the exact same games.

>> No.9748916

Sounds like you have no real friends. Sad.

>> No.9748921

Inane fucking gibberish. I leave for the day and this is the (You) I get??

>> No.9748923

>all the dickswinging and shitflinging
this feels more like /v/ than /vr/, ffs

>> No.9748928

go download more roms and seethe faggotron

>> No.9748931

Can’t, I’ve downloaded all there is. Now I’m in the phase of actually playing some goddamn games.

>> No.9748935

Im sure those famicom horse betting games will be an extremely enjoyable experience.

>> No.9748940

Yes. Significantly more enjoyable than buying and not playing them.

>> No.9748948

Truxton, Grindstormer, Outrun, Hyperstone Heist, 1000 fighting games if you like those, Dragon's Fury, and while I'm not the biggest Sonic fan, they are pretty solid platformers and definitely anti-nintendo. Not to mention it's backwards compatible with Master System. That's two anti-nintendo consoles in one. Add in the Game Gear to SMS ports and a $15 flashcart and you'll been an unstoppable force of Nintendo Hatred.

>> No.9748951
File: 103 KB, 593x443, 265672B1-638D-4275-87A9-2E283CDE1B6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not spending time curating your romsets to personal preference.

Don’t download 2gigs of snes roms and complain it’s mostly mahjong, pachi slots and horse racing sims, moron. If you didn’t know what you were in for, maybe you’re a few tacos short of a combination plate.

>> No.9748954

I hate REM but I can't get their stupid songs outta my head

>> No.9748958

Im not the one claiming to have downloaded entire console libraries to "play". That sounds like collector mentality.

>> No.9749001

>did you know that some games are... le bad?!
I hate this kind of shitty mentality. You realize there is more to the SNES/SFC than the same 10 fucking first party Nintendo games right?
Yeah, you're gonna get some shit. There are also tons of games that are creative, interesting, fun, that you aren't going to see ever brought up online because NES discussion is all about the same 5 games, SNES discussion is all about the same 5 games.

>> No.9749019

So that excuses downloading every rom, every revision of said rom and every regional variation of that rom? Somehow that doesn't make you a hoarder. Somehow thats better then curating your picks.

>i can just go through every single mahjong title and see if i like it or not!
You know you wont.

>> No.9749020

Nigger I can give you a list of the last fucking 100 games I've played, enough with this coping mechanism. We get it, you don't actually play games - other people do. Live with it.

>> No.9749026

You seem extremely confused about who or what you are even talking about.

>> No.9749030

>So that excuses downloading every rom, every revision of said rom and every regional variation of that rom?
1. There doesn't need to be an excuse, these aren't some 100GB files we're talking about, it's actually harder to NOT download a full set.
2. Yes.
>curating your picks
There are more good games for the SNES than you are personally aware of. You're just willing to dismiss nearly 2,000 games because... some are bad?

>> No.9749032

You're completely deluded and probably a narcissist.
>you download full romsets and don't play them!
>I know because I don't play games so therefore you must not either!

>> No.9749037
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>So that excuses downloading every rom, every revision of said rom and every regional variation of that rom?
What's the problem with this, exactly? Especially with the myriad frontends available that let you lump them all together like so.

>> No.9749053

Nobody is claiming that glut of yearly mahjong/casino/horse racing/pachinko/sports titles are good or anywhere close to a "hidden gem nobody gave a chance!!". Not even the people who played them when they were new. You can cope and go play them all and ignore the fact no one has ever once in 40 years mentioned that these are actually super impressive amazing experiences and you would be better off dredging through old pc titles that have actual little to no documentation on. Sounds like an impressive waste of time, but go for it.

>> No.9749059

Because you are never going to play them all. Its the same exact mentality as a physical hoarder getting games they will never play.

>> No.9749063

It would be incredibly impressive if you actually play through an entire rom set for a major console. I'd give you a clap.

>> No.9749065

There we go again
>some bad games exist therefore I know the entire library and only the 10 first party games I like are worth playing :)

>> No.9749067

I don’t even know how to play mahjong, but I have been curating final burn neo and Mame. I just got done curating ps3, ds/3ds, ps vita and og Xbox. I went over dumps and full romsets like 3 times googling things that sounded odd or interesting. I don’t waste time sifting through sports games (mostly), gambling simulators or visual novels. It takes time and I it will never be perfect. I also don’t have enough time to play through the library of a whole console. You read reviews, look at gameplay and decide if you want to play that game or not. Once I have a nice preliminary list of games I install and play at least 10 minutes of the games to get a feel for them. I usually end up deleting like half of the games I’ve downloaded; which leaves me a small percentage of games that I’m actually interested in playing. Yes, I may never play all of them to completion and that’s ok. I enjoy doing it this way.

>> No.9749075
File: 6 KB, 91x122, 1669606280069132m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i know better then the millions of gamers who actually played these games when they came out before i was even born and the decades following

>> No.9749076

Imagine posting on a video games board and disliking video games so much that you consider playing games to be an accomplishment. Just find a different hobby then, what the fuck?

Some people ENJOY playing games. Some people have absolutely no problem going down a list and just playing every single thing they see.

>> No.9749084

You are doing it fine if you are actually curating down. Not saying you wont find something you personally enjoy, but there is a large glut that most sensible people would just skip based on a tiny bit of research, tastes or instinct. I'll admit, i haven't bothered with rom downloading in atleast a decade so maybe the corps have cracked down hard enough that it is just easier to grab a full rom set hosted somewhere instead of individual games you know about/researched.

>> No.9749089

Thats amazing that you love every single genre of game or even every piece of non gaming software released on a games system equally and without exception! Impeccable taste!

>> No.9749093

You jape, but that's unironically exactly how it is. I've been having a blast with puzzle games from the Atari Lynx and Neo Geo Pocket Color lately, in fact.

>> No.9749095

I feel it's generally easier to just get full sets these days, yeah. Like if I want to download a PC Engine game off of archive.org, I can click on PC Engine to look through the rom files and select only the specific one I want, or just download the whole 88 MB set.

>> No.9749110 [DELETED] 

What gamers? You mean the droves of nintoddlers who think oot and sm64 are worthy of dogmatic autism? Or the cowadoody kiddos and Fortnite faggots? What about all the bandwagon fallout “geeks” who have never played the originals because they lack “QoL” “features”, but still claim to love them? The average gamer isn’t going to play or even care about more obscure games. Most fandoms are just that, fanatical and when you adopt the bandwagon mentality; you will inherently scoff at and push aside games that threaten the success or popularity of your favorite franchise. Tribal bias and herd mentality are louder than scattered voices to the wind.

>> No.9749125

Despite digits, CRT's became illegal in the U.S. in 2006. The newest CRT you might possibly have is 7 years out of date from its next mandatory re-gaussing. Not to mention geometry calibration.

>> No.9749131

I have actually found some of my all time favorite games from doing this. I first started doing it because I had a dream of the c64 when I was a teenager. Which is weird because I don’t ever remember playing or hearing of the c64 as a kid. I just remember waking up and think “wtf is a c64” and just disregarded it. Then when I was in college I heard some people talking about a c64 and I asked what it was and it coincided with what I saw in my dream. Needless to say I found a rabbit hole that I’m still mapping out. Scouring through the c64 library actually led me to DOS games. I never had any computers growing up and only remember playing Warcraft 2 at a friends house. I got so engrossed with games like frontier elite 2, daggerfall, space rogue, mercenary 2 damocles, star control 2, it came from the desert, the colonels bequest and tons of others. It opened my eyes to the world of “hidden gems” and how the popular opinion/thing can often be shallow as to pander to the most common denominator. You usually have to dig a little to find treasure.

>> No.9749147

We used to have a lot of users who had decent collections because they kept their old games from when said games were current as well as having bought shit when it was just cheap old junk. Now we have many users whose first exposure to retrogames were as hot collector's items during the Reddit/YouTuber era (and maybe even the beginning of the WATAfag era), so they assume every collectorfag is either a rich bandwagonning faggot from the very late millennial and early Gen Z crowd, or an investor. They don't understand that the games they only know of as $1,000 pieces of upvote bait were a lot of older users' childhood keepsakes, or things they bought out of a FuncoLand bin for $5 a piece.

>> No.9749158

I traded a jawbreaker for secret of mana in 6th grade.

>> No.9749170 [DELETED] 

Ok, but what does that have to do with the oldfags who actually played this 30+ year old shovelware when it was new? The libraries for consoles are not infinite and surely someone by now would have revealed an incredible pachinko game rivaling mr. Gimmick by now if one existed. But il admit, there is certainly a possibility that there is a specific person out there that loves fishing games enough to play every single one on a platform.

>> No.9749172 [DELETED] 

You can't expect the quest marker lemmings to go back and play classic Fallout. How are they supposed to find the Wannamingo nest if there isn't a great big fuck off arrow pointing directly to it?

>> No.9749186

The thing is, computer platforms are an entire different universe then consoles when it comes to digging through a library of games. Most consoles are researched. Maybe not to the extent that everyone understands what they offer, but a true aficionado probably is aware of 90% of the library. Pc platforms are totally different and most are not even willing to do the set up to begin playing those games. They are the only platforms now you could probably still find impressive unknowns on.

>> No.9749190

Traded an orange juice container for mario land 2 during lunch and poked a turd in a toilet for tetris dx.

>> No.9749194

I know you jest, but I actually remember somebody daring a kid to flash his dick for a Pokémon card kek

>> No.9749198

this makes alot of sense. basically it went from actual retrofags (like myself) to memers and zoomers.

>> No.9749205

Wasnt a jest. Also got dared to knock over a fence for original tetris, which i did. In high-school i was dared to go streaking through the cafeteria in exchange for someones xbox. I actually considered it for a moment but declined since i already had one and the consequences would likely not be worth it.

>> No.9749216
File: 926 KB, 1612x2550, toUwrl7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$5 a piece? You could get SEVERAL games for $5 if you wanted to. Pre-GameStop era Funcoland was the closest thing to a gaming paradise than ever existed before or since. Lots of games cost literal pocket change.

>> No.9749226

Maybe for the n64. consoles with over 1000 games still have lesser known titles that barely ever get mentioned. You may think that an “aficionado” would be more versed with the library of a console, but until recent years, there was a huge barrier for actually researching videogames. It’s taken the gaming community at large multiple years of hardcore autism to get full sets of roms and meticulous documentation of systems, companies, games and their history. It’s only because of redundant and ocd excursions of gamers that you can say “most consoles are researched”. And even with all this information at our disposal, most “gamers” will never care, because the average IQ is lukewarm. this wealth of information will go on def ears or worse… become trending on gaming YouTube. That’s how we get “die hard fallout fans” who haven’t played the originals. Just because the information is Available you can’t make anon drink

>> No.9749236

Fuck mr. Gimmick and go play ninja Jajamaru Kun. Fuck pachinko, that’s your go to argument like a dipshit
>every game that’s not Mario on snes is mahjong horse pachinko simulator
ever play liero? No? yeah, I didn’t fucking think so

>> No.9749240

The dignosis of this behavior in 2023 are nothing else than hoarding disorder.
Having things you don't need or don't use.

>> No.9749242

>Only NTSC US games are collectors' items.
never were, never will be, delusional moron.

>> No.9749249

It's funny, even as somebody who lives in the US, I focused on buying Japanese releases pretty shortly after I gained access to eBay and Yahoo Japan back in the early 2000s. Those releases always just seemed so much cooler to me than the US versions.

>> No.9749256

>Those releases always just seemed so much cooler to me than the US versions.
usually were. broke faggots couldn't afford imports so they rely on coping mechanisms like claiming nonsense such as american titles being "collectable" when people were literally throwing them into the trash or sold for fuck all.

>> No.9749257

the console is one of a kind, and plays games. I can't emulate a gamecube perfectly, I can however play backups perfectly. Sorry, guess that was a little too high speed for you, huh champ?

>> No.9749259 [DELETED] 

shut the fuck up, junkie.

>> No.9749275

lmao what kind of faggot response is this? You fry yourself with rage?

>> No.9749283

Those games are not in the slightest bit obscure to a jap audience of the era or retro gamers now, ass. The point is just the same as someone only playing the US available games on a system. No one is playing through every ps2 football game and touting on about an amazing must play version they discovered. That junk is unfortunately a large part of the library. After that you have mediocre licensed games and beyond that you have maybe some unknowns and i only mean that for surface level fans, the majority who are super into a platform have done the research, have looked in unknown places or titles, this isnt the pre internet era, even if you think something is obscure or le hidden gem, its likely had info on it available to make others aware of it at some point you haven't explored. To say the glut of shit isnt a high percentage of a library is to show you have never even done a cursory glance at a full list of games.

>> No.9749286

I wasnt aware humans were no longer allowed to own things they like.

>> No.9749289

Were getting to that point where cd/dvd drives to sd card adapters will be cheap and will obsolete game disc for majority of people. I will still collect these games because I can. I fucking want rare ps1 games and expensive stuff because I know if I don't now I'll never get them in my hands later.

>> No.9749291

Correct, you must stream or pirate everything and store all your data on a remote host. You will own nothing and you will be happy.

>> No.9749298

Sony produced bvms as late as 2007-2008, you smoking something?

>> No.9749310

Next time don't talk back you mindless contrarian nigger zoomie.

>> No.9749357

>still to this day there are no repro discs that work in unmodded consoles
Sega CD
PC Engine CD

None of those need a mod chip.

3do and Jaguar CD probably don't either.

>> No.9749382 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 334x386, Mario_scared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chairs and sofas, and the overall decor of my gaming room.
That makes you sound far more cringe then any coomlector with a wall of games. Very feminine energy.

>> No.9749393

Sure it's infamously unprotected, but I'm not seeing a lot of gdroms around these days. What happens when you need the other 300 megabutts, compress the audio and hope for the best?

>> No.9749419

You sound like a man-baby.

>> No.9749425

Can't believe Mods even allowed this shit thread to stay up. Dark times ahead.

>> No.9749428

I own a lot of games I haven't played but its just because I knew they'd be more expensive eventually and I wanted to get them cheap in case I ever did play them

>> No.9749498 [DELETED] 

Demons Souls PS3 is better than the remake.

>> No.9749520 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9749539 [DELETED] 

duckduckgo is for incels

>> No.9749547 [DELETED] 

Duckduckgo/Google/Bing get their results from mostly the same algorithms anyway. The only good search engine that isn't going to get you AI generated articles on /diy/ subjects and hide results is Yandex anymore. And anything news related on Yandex promotes white nationalist websites and Russian propaganda.

>> No.9749583

>Don't have to deal with friends and family's disapproving glances either (don't pretend this isn't an issue or you don't care about it).
are you literally a woman?

>> No.9749609

Its surprising how many fucks dont get this.

>> No.9749718

Hoarding old games won't fill the gaping void inside you.

>> No.9749727

if the price and size of a classic car was comparable to that of a retro game, so they could store 500 cars on an average-sized bookcase, then no they would not fucking drive them.

>> No.9749747

>if the price and size of a classic car was comparable to that of a retro game, so they could store 500 cars on an average-sized bookcase, then no they would not fucking drive them
I mean this is already a thing with rich old guys hoarding old Mopars that aren't rare so there's not as many on the market to artificially drive up the price. Why do you think dudes like Jay Leno have a few dozen of the same car with marginally different interior/engine options?

>> No.9749756

Mens cocks will however.

>> No.9749802 [DELETED] 

This is why I like to buy dirt cheap GOTY editions of 7th gen games, so I have a physical copy of the game including updates and expansions. For instance the PS3 versions of dark souls PTD edition and dark souls 2 SOTFS

>> No.9749909 [DELETED] 

And many more. Most CD systems didn't need to be modded.

lmao at that cope. You were dead wrong. Just take the L and zoom back to tiktok.

>> No.9749916

“Losing source code so they can’t properly rebuild a game and losing an original manuscript and filling in the blanks to try and complete it aren’t similar things!” Thanks for your concession.

>> No.9749943 [DELETED] 

>not retro
Also play SMT V, AC (2019) DxM, Bayo 3 and Prime remaster

>> No.9750037 [DELETED] 

Coomlectors in shambles

>> No.9750042

its the truth retard, faggots who started the retro games trend all played with emulation

>> No.9750160

I didn't mean to start collecting, it just kinda happened. Games I had since childhood, buying some now and then. Found a shop in town that sells stuff fairly reasonably and now I'm a bit overstocked. With work and the kids, I've just no time to play them as I'd like.

>> No.9750165

Why are you making up arguments in your head? Why are you even talking about ancient manuscripts you absolute mongrel?

>> No.9750217

>No one is playing through every ps2 football game.
Yeah no shit. Did you even fucking read my post? You are so fucking retarded and a nigger. Games are still hidden gems if they are known by some people. They have to be known by someone because it was developed and sold in stores. I don’t even understand How you can be this dumb? I wouldn’t be surprised if you had literal shit for brains. And btw I’m this guy

>> No.9750369

Lots of people can read faster than you can.

>> No.9750772
File: 252 KB, 992x783, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That random piece of /vr/ memorabilia you had floating around the house for 25 years but eventually sold on ebay for $20 in 2015?
It's worth $900 now.

>> No.9750782 [DELETED] 

This post is obvious retardation. I had to learn to speed read in college in order to complete assignments on time not of my choosing. But somehow u made the leap that I don’t like reading, even though I studied literature for four years at a university. Ur mind is fucked my friend. And my analogy still stands.

>> No.9751378 [DELETED] 

You don't need to be retarded to think this way. There's plenty of great reasons to just play "the original."

You want PS3/360 examples?

Neir is an obvious one, where the entire feel of the game changed from "dreamy" and the protagonist was changed to the Japanese brother version.

Less obvious is the Assassin's Creed games up to Revelations where the original versions are fine but the re-releases fuck up the crowd faces and are buggy.

Howabout Dead Space where the remake is pozzed and the original PC version was fucking broken and never fixed.

Best of all you can play all of these without screen tearing, stable framerate, and 16XAF on an Xbox One/Series X even using original discs.

>> No.9751656
File: 89 KB, 387x750, 1630916252594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9751787

This man shall forever be a representative of THE TRUTH

>> No.9751809

That pic. reminded me of some pretentious Literal Who talking about a "soon to be" collector fallout, meaning no one's buying resellers inflated prices, so they'll eventually cave, pull all their Ebay listings and sell their collection to Mom n' Pop shops who'll take their collection off their hands and since they won't be the go-to deciding factor on retro prices anymore, consumers now have chance to buy them at reasonable prices with select titles with a 25% - 40% cut in price.
Not sure how true that is, but it sound plausible enough.

>> No.9751938

>Not sure how true that is, but it sound plausible enough
It doesn't sound plausible to me at all.
>Barely any mom n pop shops exist anymore
>Those that do sell the games even more expensive than on ebay
>Games on ebay are still selling at inflated prices
>It would be easier to just cut the price on ebay than to sell it to a mom n pop store
I don't know why he even came up with the mom n pop theory. It's possible that prices go down a bit because covid bux arent a thing anymore and with a shitty economy people may be forced to sell, but that's the only plausible scenario I can think of.

>> No.9751958 [DELETED] 

Emulation Fags like me Play the Games unlike these Faggots Possers

>> No.9751972 [DELETED] 

Manchildrenlike him would've been unanimously bullied in the 2000s. What the hell happened? What sick minds consider this normal behaviour?
Jeez, a picture like this makes me want to sell the few Nintendo consoles and games I have.

>> No.9751994
File: 214 KB, 530x438, Fic0Y8SWYAAaWNW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't have to deal with friends and family's disapproving glances either (don't pretend this isn't an issue or you don't care about it).
>family actually finds my shit cool, even the moon stuff I import
Skill Issue. I love my family.

>> No.9751997 [DELETED] 

your forced meme sucks
tell your discord group to get back to the drawing board

>> No.9752184

what the fuck are you talking about nigger
where are the gdrom repros, you're the one coping with shitty downgraded bootlegs

>> No.9752213
File: 128 KB, 1078x293, lollmaoeven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. I like having physical copies but might be time to start selling

>> No.9752220

I play games however I want, I'm an adult, emulation, ports, physical, digital, etc idc just play fucking games how you want.

>> No.9752237

I have no interest in owning massive physical 100% complete game collections. I own some physical games that mean something to me. The rest I download via whatever online service like steam. Or I emulate.

>> No.9752437

Why do you continue to embarrass yourself like this? Is it the (You)s?

>> No.9752571

There is a huge "book collectors" scene on Youtube, trust me. Its mainly 6/10 20-something brunettes who show off their wall of books or do videos of their garage sale/bookstore "hauls" in tight shirts to drive views.

Its actually remarkably similar to the retro game scene, and just goes to show how susceptible the human brain is to consooming/coollecting. Both groups even have physical vs digital fights (the Kindle and other e-readers are to books what emulation handhelds are to retro games).

>> No.9752596

piracy + emulation is the best combo

>> No.9752962

What I do is I keep only in loose the games and systems I enjoyed when I was kid. I dont care about cardboxes and bullshit. everything else played on emulator, mister or flashcarts.

>> No.9753086

I'm an old head, where can I find Genesis roms?

>> No.9753208 [DELETED] 

I don't want to be associated with anyone that blows $200 bucks on a used game and posts a pic on reddit immediately.

>> No.9753263

>Higher internal res on 3d games? Yup. Your og hardware is fucking trash
Lol the emutard admits he doesn’t even like the system he is emulating.

>> No.9753440

>didn't beat the game as intended
Might as well just have watched a lets play. Saves you even more time, you can watch it at a high quality setting in wide screen and you get to see the ending.

>> No.9753731

Lol, faggot

>> No.9753734

Archive, pre-patched sites like cdromance, random sites you search engine, take your pic.

>> No.9753775
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You could say the same about modern games now that they're on DVDs and blurays, but nobody reprints games once a console isn't current anymore, outside of a few Xbox 360 games that got released with Xbox One style cases.

And apparently Capcom reprinted Gacha Force in Japan in like 2009 or something.

>> No.9753824
File: 17 KB, 105x143, 1671860908161130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you have Bugs Bunny Collection AND Crazy Castle 1+2? Do you also have Super Mario World, Super Mario All Stars and Super Mario All Stars + World?

>> No.9753870

I miss when Square used to do PS1 reprints. I got Chrono Cross/FF Origins/FF Anthology/FF Chronicles that way.

>> No.9753884

Yeah, those were cool as hell. As someone who didn't have a Playstation growing up and only got one in ~2012 or so, I didn't even realize that the fact that they had silver bottoms was unusual until I got Final Fantasy VII, and it had a black bottom. I'm pretty sure VII is the only one of the Final Fantasy/Chrono PSX games that never got a silver bottom reprint.

>> No.9753901

People need to fill their void, loneliness or lifeless existence somehow.
I don't condemned them.

>> No.9753905

I don't think he's playing the games, just saying he does

>> No.9753910

I'm pretty sure you're right. I had to find that one used. Not only were they worth it for the novelty of them having silver backs, but it was just really cool to be able to buy brand new copies of PSX games. I started getting into PS1 around the same time you did when I got a PS3.

>> No.9753938

It doesn't sound like jealousy, I have a room full of games, if I were to post pics online then I'd expect to be called a faggot for showing off that I can buy things. I'd probably also get a triforce tattoo while I was at it

>> No.9754069

If there's enough interest sometimes PS2 games will get a reprint. Happened pretty recently with the Fatal Frames and Yakuza 2. Pretty sure Square has reprinted Nier and Drak 3 a few times as well.

>> No.9754126


>download full romsets
>play the games that are your favorites
>keep the rest for once in a blue moon

>> No.9754158

full romsets having v1.0, v1.1, v1.2 etc. is annoying as shit. if you're going to have more than one, you only ever need the very first and the very last. the inbetweens are irrelevant.

there's like five different versions of the original tomb raider, nobody wants all of them except autismos because the only differences between the variations is what extra demos are on the disc.

>> No.9754210
File: 420 KB, 1228x1409, c64jumpman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to get old pc stuff and c64 tapes for the boxes but also its hard to know what abandonware version you are getting or if its been messed with. I saw nice old Epyx games in a store but they wanted $20 each, nice but I don't want to encourage that sort of thing.

If you don't play the cart then there is not much point collecting them apart from the manual and boxart. Once I got my flashcarts I didn't care about getting new carts which was bad in a way as it was really exciting.

If you were into games in the 90's and didn't get them super cheap in 2003 then thats your fault.

get raspberri pi
laggy as shit
on the worst lcd covered in dust above a fireplace
who cares, its plays all the games
holes cut in case with soldering iron
play pacman and then never play system again


I got a few sealed games, I just like them. To have something 40 years old but brand new, I just like to look at it. To think what circumstances this thing went through to be safe for 40 years, like what was it doing during the gulf war and 9/11, the stories it could tell.

>> No.9754558

>Late 30s, have kept my sizeable game collection since childhood in storage, every game is in a mint condition box with manual, along with mint condition consoles.
>Don't touch my originals, too cumbersome and valuable. Just sitting on them, might sell them one day but I don't need the money. Probably worth $10k+.
>Downloaded complete ROM sets for casual play, so I can conveniently try out an obscure game I saw on a "hidden gems" post.
>It's simple and easy to just have a complete ROM set so I can try out games with 95% accuracy without going to "Goku420's wazez site" to download every time I want to try a game. Emulation really is close enough for most purposes.
>Just got a MiSTer so I can play games with 99.9% accuracy (when I'm in the mood to actually care about that), while keeping modern conveniences like HDMI compatibility, ability to use complete ROM sets, and having all retro consoles in one easy unit.
>I will never spend $$$$ to buy original carts.

I win, this is objectively the right approach.

>> No.9754601

Who the fuck is still using Goku420's? Even if you're too much of a retard to just download the full set, it's still faster to go to the site that has those full sets and download the individual game out of the archive than it is to fuck around on Goku's

>> No.9754685

>Late 30s
wow, you're so ancient lol but I'm the same age

>> No.9754702

Yeah I love to sail on my garage

>> No.9754891

>I don't know why he even came up with the mom n pop theory.
The current inflation happening in the US will push some resellers to sell their games when they're desperate for cash, similar to what happened in '08 - '09 (the recession, I think) is what his thinks might happen. It's not just Mom n Pop shops, but local vidya stores, Gamestop -- any store that'll take the games off their hands.
Also side note, why the FUCK is Legend of Dragoon of all games so high in price now? It's one of my favorite JRPGs, but good god it's not that good of a game by any metric to justify being $40 to $70 + tip.

>> No.9755287

The problem I have is emulator fags being snobs and asking why you waste space in your house with physical hardware and unwieldy CRTs when you just need a PC with adequate storage and could make a shitload of money selling off your "useless plastic."

Fuck you, it's my house.

>> No.9755376


>> No.9755514

Your post makes no sense because emulation fags use CRTs.

>> No.9755516

If you own a physical copy play it. If you dont, flashcart it. If you dont have one, emulate it. If you want to buy a retro game, buy it.

>> No.9755612

I always thought the modern emulation fag was all about "just make it work on the most convenient platform possible".

>> No.9755619

No, the modern emulation fag uses RetroArch for lowest lag possible on a powerful desktop PC for high accuracy emulation connected to a CRT + good speakers. With a controller like a Hori Fighting Commander or a Saturn repro.

Some do use a PC CRT + shaders or a "zero"-lag LCD/OLED + shaders but they don't go for the most convenient solution. They go out of their way to get the best monitor possible for their needs.

>> No.9755637

Some time back, someone here or on /ck/ said it was weird that i have hundreds of books (and that doesn't include my son's kiddie books or his mother's stuff) but somehow, i believe that if i had that many cartridges (which i did as a child, actually), no one would bat an eye. I don't even think have hundreds of books is strange. It's literally just a couple of full bookshelves. That's it.
In any case, I'm pretty sure people just find most collections or hobbies they lack interest in odd. My best friend collects vintage BMWs and i think that's weird just as he thinks my collection of of various coffee brewing methods is bizarre.

>> No.9755641

I saw someone selling that game for 300 dollars once. The Xbox version of Outrun 2006 goes for over 100 dollars while the PS2 version can be had for like 30.

>> No.9755657

Aaaargh Madden 96 is missing

>> No.9755725

I'm for preservation in any case, be it original carts and hardware, FPGA, emulation, etc., it all works towards the same goal at the end of the day.

>> No.9755832

Sweet. I'd want to get a hold of Final Fantasy IX, but with the original SquareSoft logo, but if I can't find that, I'll settle for this. I let a friend borrow my IX and the fucker never gave it back and eventually lost it. I do have Origins with the original SquareSoft logo, got it the day it came out in 2003, at least.

>> No.9756239
File: 87 KB, 600x800, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, it's cool that still sell those but imo they have little value compared to the originals. If you just want to play the games sure go ahead, but if you want the original experience and the nostalgia (which is really what this is about, except for those coomlector and speculator fuckers) of the thing you owned back then you need to acquire the original packaging.

You can find copies for around 20 bucks probably even less if you look around. They're actually not that rare.

>> No.9756661 [DELETED] 

Collecting is a mental illness. It's just a beautified word for hoarding.

>> No.9756731

I collect neo geo and cps2 games, finished my cart collection for consoles. Feels good.

>> No.9756834

People forget the "library room" or a study is a thing people with space would have.

Sorry you dont like things.

>> No.9756997

It's human nature (aka monkey brain) to collect and gather things. Some people do take it too far however.

>> No.9757118
File: 127 KB, 1426x286, SaturnDodonpachi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a JP copy I'll probably keep although I might just sell a lot of my JP stuff since those have gone up too

>> No.9757168

>Comparing a library/study to a game wall
The difference there is that books, especially non-fiction books, are useful resources. A wall of video games isn't.

>Sorry you don't like things
Yeah, no, anon recognizing that having a landfill in his home is a dumb idea doesn't mean he doesn't like video games.

>> No.9757189

yes I'm sure your wall of unread paper tomes about harry potter, history, and self help are very useful, dear
for kindling

>> No.9757195 [DELETED] 

So because you can't think of a good counter, so anyone who has a study must fill it with Harry Potter and self help books?

Pure cope.

>> No.9757203

So because you can't think of a good counter, that means anyone who has a study must fill it with Harry Potter and self help books?

Pure cope.

>> No.9757209

>Happened pretty recently with the Fatal Frames and Yakuza 2.
Wasn't the Fatal Frame reprints around 10 years ago?

>> No.9757217

Bruh, how dense are you? I can read a Grisham novel in less time than finishing OOT. But I'm a better reader than gamer tho.

>> No.9757218

>goatee to hide the nochin

>> No.9757229

Personal libraries were never strictly one type of anything. Maybe if you were a doctor and needed a big archive of anus diagrams to consult, but are you seriously implying a library wouldn't contain classic literature in it?

>owning things is a landfill
Do you sleep in a car? A empty room with just a toilet? Homeless?

>> No.9757230 [DELETED] 

>Sorry you dont like things.
Sorry you're a hoarder.

>> No.9757245

>Do you sleep in a car? A empty room with just a toilet? Homeless?
A house. I'm not a woman, so I don't fill it with useless crap just because I can. All of my entertainment is on an a couple of SSDs.

Do you not have women over to your place? If you do then how do you explain the game wall? A study with a computer is a lot easier to explain.

>> No.9757295

Happened again around three years ago at Video Games Plus. Not sure if they still sell random ass reprints of PS2 games or not though

>> No.9757306

Collecting retro stuff is kinda fun if it didn’t cost a fortune and it was a fun outlet hobby amongst a couple niche people, but no, people turn them into weird investments and religious idols and takes any amount of enjoyment out of it. I’ll stick with emulation.

>> No.9757309

People DO do this with books. It’s just as bad and absurd.

>> No.9757365

>A study with a computer is a lot easier to explain.
No, it's just not something anyone cares about enough to ask anymore, in part because it's more common and somewhat associated with status.
In a different century a study full of books would be just as much a silly cluttered virgin room to the average dull moist hole, and I don't doubt a computer would have been seen similarly not so long ago as well.
Image using women as a measure of how worthy the crap in a house is. Pathetic

>> No.9757429

>Imagine using women as a measure of how worthy the crap in a house is.

I don't, all I did was throw your shitty insult back in your face. You implied I was poor, so I called you a virgin. My actual point was that books are useful to own, where as video games can only ever be clutter. There's no counter to this, accept it and move on.

>> No.9757435

>My actual point was that books are useful to own, where as video games can only ever be clutter.
Why own books when you can just stock them on a kindle?

That's how retarded you sound btw

>> No.9757440

must drive you insane to have missed the bandwagon. you probably occasionally lose sleep over not being able to afford a game collection.

>> No.9757464

When I was a kid I dreamed of having a basement library with every video game every made in it.

>> No.9757501

I used to dream about playing games on a really really big TV.

>> No.9757502

I sold my PS1 collection when I realized I could fit the entire thing on an SSD and still have over 1TB of space left for ebooks, music, TV shows, PC games etc.

No, you can't argue against the point so you're desperately grasping at straws for a gotcha. Digital is superior to physical if you're not a brainlet who relies on a third party to maintain their collection. When your CDs go bad my collection will be backed up to a new SSD or whatever replaces SSDs in the future, that's what we mean when we call your physical collections a landfill.

>> No.9757515

>Digital is superior to physical if you're not a brainlet who relies on a third party to maintain their collection. When your books go bad my collection will be backed up to a new SSD or whatever replaces SSDs in the future, that's what we mean when we call your physical collections a landfill.

>> No.9757535


>> No.9757549 [DELETED] 

the voices in his head.

>> No.9757568 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9757609
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PS3 can output PS1 at 480p. Pair it with a cheap HDMI to VGA connector and a junky PC monitor from the 90s and you can have a nice almost 90s but crisp experience. Sounds a bit annoying but RCA outputs into a pair of speakers or headphone adapter and you're laughing.

>> No.9757794

>I don't even think have hundreds of books is strange.
It is though. How often do you read and re-read those books? Unless you read daily they're just glorified decorations and taking up space.

People haven't had "a study" since the 1800s, when reading was the main and basically only form of entertainment for a household. Hoarding hundreds of books, especially if they are low quality, is not comparable to keeping a collection of the classics to regularly entertain your family and guests with.

>> No.9758092

I generally believe people should be able to enjoy there hobby and spend their money however they want. Different people like different things. However, this has always bothered me on a much deeper level. These items are becoming more and more scarce and I see people with money to burn snatching them up just to entomb them on a shelf to never be played again. Worse, these people tend to be in the majority, or at least seem to have the most influence or biggest platforms, when it comes to the voice of the retro gaming community. This causes developers and publishers to cater to their desires while the people who truly care about the game play get the shaft.

I know, just emulate bro. I do and it is a viable way to enjoy these games, but you still have the issue with the collectors being the voice of the community and there are some circumstance where emulating just isnt an option. If you are into speedrunning or other competitions that require physical hardware, you are left having to source a copy of the game and original systems from some neckbeard reseller/collector at an outrageously inflated price. Shmups are notorious for this. Physical releases of retro indie games and ports are extremely inflated and many times sold out to resellers/collectors before you can even hope to grab a copy. Ports are released that are so terrible that you cant bare to suffer through playing it, yet it gets great reviews by "gaming journalists" because it looks good on the shelf and comes with a cool booklet.

I guess my main grievance with this is that I see it as nothing but harmful to the community as a whole.

>> No.9758104

Why a SSD? there are better options.

>> No.9758108

Pic not related? If that person was a non-playing collector-only, all the games would be CIB and in plastic shells, not loose carts on a shelf, ready to pick up and play on the TV set next to them with many consoles hooked up.
Also, I doubt there's many people who only collect and never play. Sure, maybe they're not playing 24/7, but that idea that "collectors never play their games" is idiotic, and sounds like cope from emulakids.
That said, fuck speculative resellers.

>> No.9758109

almost EVERY well-read intelligent person learns to read at high speeds.

>> No.9758190

Most of what I see is people will buy this shit and play it for about 15 minutes and then it goes on the shelf for eternity. These people aren't posting high scores, speedruns, longplays, or anthing like that. Most of the time the list of games they actually beat is very, very small.

A lot of the community s driven by what the current thing is. Its all bandwagon shit and they move on to the next game as quick as they can.

The picture actually confirms this. Most are not in boxes because thats a really hard and expensive way to collect. Unless this girl is 6ft, finding and getting the games from the top would be a pain in the ass. The consoles appear to be hooked up, maybe, but no controllers are seen anywhere. The NES is on, with a generic Mario 3, inserted with no controller as well. This shows that they just pulled the standard NES go to title off the shelf and turned the system on just for the picture. Also, the new style NES is the one that is on, and given its location, you would have to pull it all the way out to change carts, which makes no sense, especially when you have a standard NES on the shelf. Way to much trouble to play any game here for it to be used regularly. Everything about this screams shrine instead of actually gameplay.

>> No.9759651

Seethe, faggot.

>better options than SSD
Like what?

>> No.9759710

>You can find copies for around 20 bucks probably even less if you look around. They're actually not that rare.
Good to know. Will definitely look out for them. Thanks.

>> No.9759762

Collecting in general is a fucking curse. It doesn't matter how much you spend or how much it's worth. Your collection will become someone else's when you finally do pass, and they won't value it nearly as much as you did. Unless you are a resell faggot only looking to make profit in the future, there's no real reason the hoard games. Keep the ones you truly enjoy and sell the rest. If you wish to go back and play something, just emulate it. Vidya is supposed to be a fun hobby, not a shallow "my collection is bigger than your collection" flex off.

>> No.9759773

naw, there's a fucking reason I want to walk over and look at and touch interesting nintendo shit, I can't just get my hands on at a moment's notice. I'm talking shit like virtual boys, and game and watches, and console variants from japan.

>> No.9760047
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>99 percent of books on shelves are decoration
>but an overwhelmingly vast majority buy books and have a book shelf for nothing more than decoration. Such is the case here, and maybe

I don't want to get into the debate about whether collecting books is different from games, because I frankly don't care. But I think you are very, very wrong on this point or don't know people who read a lot. My mother has two whole rooms completely packed with books of which she's read every one, she just likes keeping around the ones she enjoyed.

My wife doesn't have a big collection because she mostly uses the library and we have a relatively small house, but she reads 2-3 books a week which would quickly turn into a pretty sizable collection if kept.

Personally I don't read a ton of fiction these days but I do have quite a collection of various kinds of reference books, dictionaries etc that are all useful.

I don't think I've ever personally known someone with a large library who doesn't read a lot.

>> No.9760065 [DELETED] 
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>she reads 2-3 books a week
>bug books
>plant books
>medicinal plants
>>confirmed sexless marriage
sorry anon. you'll always have sunflower.

>> No.9760147 [DELETED] 
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"room full of games"

>> No.9760215

Watching VR porn isn't the same thing as fucking, you left out characteristics of the screen, physicality of the console, even appropriate sound from the correct speaker and sound chip. You absolute buffoon.

>> No.9760221

i find that you can tell if someone doesn't really read by their views on the kindle, that thing is a godsend...only issue is the quality of a lot of ebooks is iffy but that isn't a knock on the device per se

>> No.9760245

I just check their site, it's like 130 CAD. That is wild. The first reprints were like in the 30 dollar range (American) if I remember correctly.

>> No.9760249
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Sounds and looks more down to earth than the last gal I dated. I asked her dad if he was gonna take me fishing thing or some shit. He said he couldn't cause all his tackel was on his kids face.
*cuz It's really not that hard zoom zooms

>> No.9760251

And don't forget he's on /vr/ angry at people owning games. His life must be on the rocks, let alone his marriage lmao.

>> No.9760269


>> No.9760312
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That's funny they were 30 on that site 3 years ago guess they decided to get jiggy with the prices

>> No.9760591

Collecting plastic is fucking retarded.

>> No.9760913

This is true. I am going through a dead relatives possessions right now and its been tough. Throwing out stuff you know they loved seems wrong but then you don't want or need it and cant just store it forever.

That being said, I still believe stuff is worth having to some degree.

There is value in that, but I think there is a level of diminishing returns. Ultimately collecting games and playing games can be two very different hobbies. Sometimes they overlap but not necessarily.

>> No.9761301

And you missed the entire point of my post. Go pound sand.

Stop buying and start playing. Don't squander your time collecting for someone else's benefit. Collect what actually matters to you. A gold coin is worth nothing to someone who sits upon a throne of diamonds.

>> No.9762115

Those are a few of my reference books I referred to in my post, all of which I've read extensively. Way to show reading comprehension lol.

>> No.9762127

>In a different century a study full of books would be just as much a silly cluttered virgin room to the average dull moist hole
A study full of books has always been seen as classy unless there's a bunch of spines with incredibly non-classy titles showing.

>> No.9762147

Good thing you get the bonus of a fun game to play with it then.

>> No.9762156

It's really no different from games. 99% of the books you buy then read, but others sit there due to always falling back in the backlog. Games are the same.

>> No.9762161

collecting bits on your computer is equally retarded

>> No.9762213

I'm new to 4chan. Do you guys usually argue over personal preference?