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9743717 No.9743717 [Reply] [Original]

>Releasing a critically acclaimed game he was constantly asked about with a devoted fanbase that was playable on both current and past gen systems didn't make good buisness sense

He was just to pussy to realease a game with a anti captalist message and transgender charecters wasn't he?

>> No.9743721

Which game? Mother 3?

>> No.9743727


>> No.9743735

no one ever gave a shit about earthbound now or then, absolutely the correct call. i can't believe i'm saying this but based reggie

>> No.9743740 [DELETED] 

Hi groomer. He would not risk going broke by putting woke indoctrination in a game.

>> No.9743762

He was right until everyone and their moms started doing """""earthbound""""" inspired rpgs

Mother 3 in vc would be easy hipster money now

>> No.9743864

Atlus or Xseed should have just tried to strike a deal to publish it like Cubivore, Polarium and Last Story were in the US, if reggie was too spooked by the content of m3 for the west.

>> No.9743870

I haven't played Mother 3 but usually when I see people talking about "anti-capitalist themes", the themes in question are actually populist. How's it in Mother 3?

>> No.9743881

If you think the magypsies are trans then you are exactly the reason why this game won't ever come out officially. Because the game treats them like genderless nonhumans, they're closer to elves than anything, but just because they look like bearded men in dresses morons like you think they mean something other than they are. It's like if you insisted on Tolkien dwarves being jew representation or orcs being black representation, it can only be offensive because they are very strictly not human people.

Anyone that's actually played the game would see how deeply ironic it is that the magypsies are being judged and stereotyped solely on their appearance considering how their story plays out in the game

>> No.9743902

The easiest example to point to is that the starting village begins as a backwoods commune where everything is shared and free amongst it's residents, but as the game goes along television is introduced to the town and it becomes industrialized, the shops and inn begin charging for services, the ideas of have-nots and greed are introduced to the populace etc

>> No.9743903

Yeah basically. Same thing happens in the Persona fanbase where you get a lot of morons projecting their sexual frustrations onto the characters instead of interpreting what's actually in the story.

>> No.9744000

They own razors and Fassad presents as male without issue, they are 100% biologically male and present themselves as woman.

>> No.9744013

They have no gender and don't have human insecurities that would lead them to lie about not having a gender. It's on you if you want to fanfic a penis onto them that badly

>> No.9744020

I always thought they were just poking fun as men in drag.

>> No.9744025

IIRC Itoi based it on friends he had because you never saw charecters like that in games

>> No.9744027

I like that concept as being a sequel to the games before it. As in, Porky is superficially recreating what he knows of the world, so the world literally begins being turned into a more Earthbound like setting.

>> No.9744043

The game doesn't really poke fun at them for being who they are. They are idealized super people who are in balance with all things in life. They aren't men trying to be women, they're either both genders simultaneously or neither or something.

>> No.9744068 [DELETED] 

so trannies
kys ywnbaw

>> No.9744070

>They aren't men trying to be women

>> No.9744072

this is why mother 3 will never be released officially

>> No.9744124

>sequel to a flop with zero mainstream appeal on a dying system
How could he not see the profit in that? Absolutely baffling.

>> No.9744141

Are they even transgender? I always thought they were just crossdressers.

>> No.9744282

Duster should have been in Smash Bros. instead of boring Lucas

>> No.9744464

Is this the guy who shot Treyvon Martin?

>> No.9744970

>what actually happened:
Phils-Aime played a bit of it, set the controller down and addressed the Nintendo of Japan representatives gathered n the room: "What is this shit, you fucking assholes, it looks and plays nothing like Earthbound, there's almost zero narrative, aesthetic or thematic connection. I'm not going to be responsible for another compromised (((sequel))) like Chrono Cross. Take this crap back to Nippon you jap fucks. I've HAD IT with you damn nips."

>> No.9745182

The reason Mother 3 was never localized was because it was a gba game with a niche western fandom released in 2006 after the DS had had been around for almost 2 years. There’s no weird extra reasons like the anti-capitalist themes, or the magypsies, it’s just because it came out too late for them to bother with it. The reason why it has never gotten localized since is because companies usually do not go back and randomly localize old games from scratch unless there’s a remake involved and Mother 3 didn’t even have any kind of rerelease until 2015 on the Wii U (a dead console). The only way this game is ever getting localized is if they remake it then it would pretty much be a guarantee. Regardless I have no idea why Mother fans are still bitching about this when they’ve had access to one of the best fan-translations they could possibly ask for for 15 years now. At this point I can only assume it’s sunk cost fallacy.

>> No.9745258

As usual with tendies, it's all about seeking official validation from daddy Nintendo. Like you say, they've been able to play it in English for well over a decade now, but they feel incomplete if it doesn't have Nintendo's seal of approval on it.

>> No.9745468


>people still defend this guy

Why? He's never made a single "smart" decision in his entire career.

>> No.9745541

Not wasting resources in releasing some niche game on a dead platform was objectively a smart decision.

>> No.9745556

The fan translation is better than what Nintendo would do, since they would 100% “adjust” it for western sensibilities. Anyone who really wanted to play it already has, at this point.

>> No.9745579

Reggie was great because after Nintendo peddled around Stolar they had this human rye bread retard fucking things up for them. Shitting all over Nintendo's own games, killing projects, shitting on fans, SO many public flubs and clearly losing his cool - really I wish we would get another Reggie. The best thing is how hard Reggie betrayed the Nintendo faithful, they would suck up to him while he was shitting all over them. Every time another CEO or higher up starts doing stupid shit they get dragged by everyone especially their fans.

>> No.9745631 [DELETED] 


>> No.9745815

>critically acclaimed game
source? no one likes mother 3 and any good reviews were written by over-zealous pedagogues still in full on cope mode about how to spin this long-awaited disappointment

>> No.9745828

I would like to see an official version because there are some elements of the fan version that seem kinda "fan-y" translations and im curious to see how an official version would do them or how the overall version would differ from the original or fan version. Though even now the translation would probably be very different then back in the late 2000s. Curious if they would do it very cut and dry or try and spice it up like EB had been.

>> No.9745832

Reminder he wants Nintendo to make some gay ass streaming box for their home console.

>> No.9746000

>The fan translation is better than what Nintendo would do
100% this.
Asking for official translations, especially from Nintendo, especially from the mid 00s and on, is a monkey paw.

>> No.9746063
File: 423 KB, 620x419, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah maybe a game full of maGYPSY pedo drag troons who look like garish caricatures and molest the MC to give him "magic powers" (his magic is literally a trauma coping mechanism) wouldn't fly so well in the west, you'd have both normal people and leftists up in arms over it.

>> No.9746173 [DELETED] 

It's not woke indoctrination. If they released the game today then actual trannies would be offended by the trannies in the game. Also religious mommies would be offended by the trannies in the game. Literally the left and the right would both attack Nintendo and it would hurt their brand image.

Also they're not even trannies, they're onee

>> No.9746187

This is one of the games I learned Japanese for. I couldn't care less if it gets repeased in the west. Also the fan translation has one problems.

>> No.9746192

The Mother games seem pretty disgusting desu

>> No.9746198

Why do you think their fans are so disgusting to begin with?

>> No.9746849
File: 68 KB, 478x463, 1676690802465187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's living anti-capitalist that people have a problem with, not promoting anti-capitalist themes, which are widely promoted all the time on most forms of media and have been for at least several decades. That's why the loudest "anti-capitalists" post their hatred of capitalism on their iPhones at Starbucks and shit. And they all look they're gay for the same reason.