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9741663 No.9741663 [Reply] [Original]

Did Miyamoto really create Mario and Zelda? did he truly design all the Levels of all the Games of Mario and Zelda or did he just take all the credit? is Miyamoto the Stan Lee of Video Games?

>> No.9741684

takashi tezuka

>> No.9741685

why does he look like the japanese version of a jew

>> No.9741689

He never took the credit for the whole level design. People like Tezuka or Aonuma were credited and are famous video game personalities.
Yes, shiggers created the Mario and Zelda characters and ideas.

>> No.9741696

He created the characters and the concepts. He doesn't even really work on those series directly now. This is no secret.
The last ones he worked on seriously were Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time, so if you think those were a high waterline for those franchises, it's probably him you should thank.

>> No.9741697

yeah, videogames aren't really a medium where a single guy can take all the credit, except for those atari era games that were literally made by one dude

>> No.9741703

I definitely think they’re among the best of both franchises and I’d say most would agree. Even today 64 is the most popular Mario game on Twitch

>> No.9741704

>is Miyamoto the Stan Lee of Video Games?
Sure? Both of them created great things while working with other talented people. Neither of them deserve 100% of the credit for their creations, but they also don't deserve 0%.

>> No.9741721
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>if you think those were a high waterline for those franchises, it's probably him you should thank.

>> No.9741884

He actually didn't work on Mario 64 at all. He produced it. He didn't design shit for that game

>> No.9741886

>The last ones he worked on seriously were Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time
No wonder he doesn't work on them anymore. Those were the low points of each series.

>> No.9741891

I hate this faggots face

>> No.9741901
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>he smiles while running the company into the ground for 30+ years
Shigsy is a fucking sociopath that has carte blanche.

>> No.9742086

>Donkey Kong (arcade)
Miyamoto completely

>Super Mario Bros 1
>Zelda 1
>Super Mario Bros 3
>Mario World
>A Link to the Past
Probably mostly Takashi Tezuka (in terms of drawing the levels themselves)

>Yoshi's Island
>Mario 64
>Ocarina of Time
No idea

>> No.9742108

He had a big influence on the overall design and level layouts, even if he didnt model them directly himself.

>> No.9742128

This guy is a bigger hack than Kojimbo

>> No.9742147

He designed Donkey Kong and Mario Bros., so he’s not a total Inafune.

>> No.9742204

Is Miyamoto the greatest example of the Peter principle in action? As a developer he always did great on ground level figuring out how to make games fun to play, but as a producer he just yells down bad ideas from the clouds at his staff.

>> No.9742205

he's the one who told them to start over many times so the game wouldnt be some bland shit like crash or spyro

>> No.9742212

Producers are way more involved with the game than movie executive producers

>> No.9742250

Are you asking if he did everything himself or if he was just part of development? No, he never did everything by himself, and he never claimed to either.

>> No.9742275
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Problem Shiggy?

>> No.9742338

He directed the game and tuned the controls to make them as perfect as they are now.

>> No.9742343

Characters, concepts, input on gameplay mechanics and story, etc. May or may not have designed levels, or at least developed concepts for them, definitely playtested a lot on every game he worked directly on.
Ergo, what a game designer tends to do.


None, that he had some sort of resentment or problem with Rare's Donkey Kong is a wholly fabricated myth, the source is outright made up.

>> No.9742361

I definitely think Super Mario as a platforming adventure peaked with Super Mario 64. Like with Doom, there's a game which wasn't strictly the first, but it hit a fucking homerun out of the gate.


You can virtually drop right into actually playing most of his games in under a minute, usually a lot less, and whatever plot is in them usually doesn't take you away from the gameplay for 15-20 minutes at times.

>> No.9742382

So is he a micromanager like George Lucas was?

>> No.9742402
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>be the main level designer and director for all the classic mario and zelda games
>never properly gets the credit because it's easier for the media to just say it was the other guy
>he's only vaguely known in pop culture because the angry ghost in mario is based on his wife or something


>> No.9742554
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Miyamoto copied mario from sonic. This was the mario in the final version of the original super mario brothers but nintendo hired a contractor to rework the design just before release

>> No.9742637

Miyamoto and Tezuka did roughly an equal amount of work on the early Mario and Zelda games. Miyamoto getting credit for everything isn't his fault, it's journalists and their lack of familiarity with other industry figures. It's kinda like how Yoshiaki Koizumi gets credit for everything people like about Super Mario Odyssey even though he wasn't the one to direct it.

>> No.9742903

Didn't stop Yuji Naka from trying.

>> No.9743385

All japs are frauds who were just stealing shit from europe and america and capitalising on lax antitrust enforcement in america. How many crayon eaters could tell you the names of individual konami artists yet there is no mention of Lane hauck on 4chan anywhere. There is a reason they have been stagnating and trapped in the mid 90s.

>> No.9743394

Shut the fuck up, Lane.

>> No.9743534

Kojimbo is by far the most egregious example

>> No.9743539
File: 322 KB, 1665x540, lane who.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never heard of
>look up
>some dude who designed some titles from the stone age of arcade games
>MIGHT have heard of Depthcharge before, via it getting some recreation on PC in the 90s
>also some primitive sort of handheld/tabletop game which looks kind of like a phone's keypad grafted onto a tiny CRT TV
>look up the description of that
>"Comp IV is a dedicated handheld game which plays a digital version of Cows and Moos, better known as Mastermind. The computer thinks of a code and the player must guess it. After each guess the computer will light numbers on the device indicating the amount of correct numbers and number in the correct position."

I'm only 30, so I'm not exactly old or well experienced, but barring Head-On, which apparently is the first ever Snake game, this guy's credits look like a whole lot of nothing special. I'm sure at least the arcade games were alright for their time, but they seem like they have less than 10 minutes of mileage at most.
Tetris is really simple and straightforward, only one screen, but it's compelling as fuck, so it's not like you couldn't do something more engaging than this.

>> No.9743581

They're both total pieces of shit, but yes, Sonic stands on its own while Kojimbo takes credit for Fujimoto's writing.

>> No.9743583

Fukushima. Japanese names.

>> No.9743614

Yes you are a brainwashed milenial. I'm well aware.
You don't know anything about Arcades or David Rosen having a stranglehold over japan, you are under the impression that Japan has ever created anything. They haven't. All they've ever done is plagiarise and clone other people's ideas all the way back to cabinet days. They were the Korea of their time, the place you'd get an off brand toaster or a washer. Music, artwork, hardware, concepts, programming, none of it is japanese. They only steal and clone.
Japs still struggle unassisted with 3d shit (as in the simple concept of 3d) in the year 2023 of our lord because they are morons

>> No.9743634

That was just a meme that's been disproven. Fukushima only wrote the filler codec calls. All the main cutscenes and mandatory codecs were by Kojima.

>> No.9743636

So why are people supposed to know who Lane is? Of western devs, he's a footnote, I can think of ten other guys who had a far more significant impact than him.

>> No.9743637
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>You don't know anything about Arcades or David Rosen

>> No.9743643

>muh codec calls
That's just Kojimbles pretending. Look at the games with Fukushima's name, and then look at Kojima's games. It's pathetic. "My Peach beach!" Fucking retard.

>> No.9743660

It was Fukushima himself who said that Kojima did the main writing for MGS2. Besides, Snatcher and Policenauts had pretty good writing and those were both Kojima on his own. But keep on coping.

>> No.9743661

Peach rhymes with beach!

>> No.9743663

Did you just say "nerd"?

>> No.9743664

Did you even play Death Stranding, or are just making fun of it because of one out-of-context joke line that's been memed around? It's not like MGS1-3 didn't have its share of corny jokes and dialogue.

>> No.9743686

Name a single line in MGS that is that bad. Kojima is the king of hacks.

>> No.9743701

Miyamoto was very involved in the development of Super Mario Bros. from what I recall. Aonuma was not involved in the original Legend of Zelda.

He has said publicly that takashi tezuka is his right-hand man and is probably the bigger influence on Mario than him, i forget the interview sadly so no source

You have not read any Super Mario 64 interview if you believe this.

>> No.9743785

>Do you believe love can bloom even on the battlefield?

>> No.9743813
File: 27 KB, 240x255, 1667940622416278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw zoomers call Igarashi the "father of Castlevania"

>> No.9743836

That isn't even embarrassing. I could totally see that coming from some emotional hollywood movie. What is actually embarrassing is 'Peach rhymes with beach'.

>> No.9743842

>Did you say nerd?

>> No.9743846

I don't get your forced meme.

>> No.9743847
File: 564 KB, 500x230, tumblr_nj9i912RQk1tg07vxo2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kept you wait, huh!?

>> No.9743850

Of course you don't, you're a poser

>> No.9743852

I'm pretty sure Miyamoto did a ton of level design in SMB1. You can see images of the graph paper. That's a very Miyamoto thing to do because his background is in industrial design. He's not a programmer or graphic artist. So he approached the games with the tools and skillset he was familiar with. This obviously means there was much less for him to do as game technology advanced. But he still probably had some influence on how things were laid out.

>> No.9743860

The Peter Principle requires the guy to get promoted. Miyamoto seems almost aggressively against changing jobs. If he really wanted to he could probably have taken over the company but he doesn't seem interested in being a shrewd businessman. There are several people who qualify as his bosses. I'd say his success is evidence of why you should AVOID the Peter Principle.

>> No.9743865

>did he truly design all the Levels of all the Games
yeah. he did a lot of that early on but around n64 days he was mostly directing/designing. less hands on but still telling everyone how shit should be.

>were a high waterline for those franchises, it's probably him you should thank.
no thanks.

>ideogames aren't really a medium where a single guy can take all the credit
didn't stop video game magazines from publishing shit about how he was responsible for everything. so many nintendo programmers are completely forgotten to time because nintendo wanted to make miyamoto the face for their games. they also wanted to prevent their programmers and other crew from being poached by competing companies such as sega etc.

>> No.9743871

I still don't get how Death Stranding is "badly written" because of one lame joke line that is taken out of context..

>> No.9743879

How is it well written? MGS2 is well written because it predicts the effect of social media and contrived narratives on the internet. What does DS do? Nothing, because Kojima is a complete and total hack who used Fukushima to make his fame

>> No.9743884

And Death Stranding literally predicted how society behaved during the COVID-19 outbreak l, but keep criticizing a game you obviously never played with meme opinions.

>> No.9743891

'Predicting' how people behave during pandemics doesn't compare to understanding the internet as a completely unknown element. The wild west. You and your buttbuddy are fucking retards.

>> No.9743901

I don't know how anyone could fall for the "Fukushima was the true genius behind MGS1-3" meme when there's plenty of interviews and written commentary by Kojima on the stories and themes of each MGS game he wrote, whereas the only interview with Fukushima is one where he basically says "I only wrote the optional" part. The only Metal Gear games Fukushima wrote on his own were Ghost Babel, which was basically a an MGS1 rehash, and the Snake Tales in MGS2 Substance, which were junk.

>> No.9743904

It's because everything that Kojima has written without Fukushima is embarrassing B-movie trash.

>> No.9743912

And Fukushima did nothing of note after MGS3 save for serving as QA guy for a bunch of Sony 1st-party games nobody cares about. Funny how that works out.

>> No.9743913

Funny how Kojima went on to do such great works as "Peach rhymes with beach.:

>> No.9743915

MGS4, PW, V and Death Stranding were all pretty good games.

>> No.9743916

Nah, they weren't.

>> No.9743924

MGS4- 94%
PW - 89%
MGSV: TPP - 93%
DS - 86%

>> No.9743927 [DELETED] 

We're done here.

>> No.9743930

>How many crayon eaters could tell you the names of individual konami artists yet there is no mention of Lane hauck on 4chan anywhere
Probably because Lane Hauck did nothing of interest or significance, unlike most Konami artists from the 1980s to the 2000s. The guy who took a shit in the bathroom sink at Microprose made a bigger impact than him.

>> No.9743939

>93% of the 12,083 user reviews for Death Stranding on Steam are positive.

>> No.9743942 [DELETED] 


>> No.9743946

I supposed random 4chan /v/irgin #973942's opinion is more reliable.

>> No.9743948

If you're referring to me, yes.

>> No.9743960
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You might argue that Kojima lost his touch after being fired by Konami, but I don't know how anyone could say that Snatcher and Policenauts are bad, unless you got very shitty taste.

>> No.9743965

VNs are gay and so are you.

>> No.9743975
File: 44 KB, 400x309, tumblr_kp091gSWRs1qzp9weo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoken like a true pleb.

>> No.9743983

Did you just say "nerd"?

>> No.9743989

I 'played' Snatcher. It's garbage.

>> No.9743994

>flashing your badge at outer heaven makes everyone look at you and throw you out

>offering Dracula the sunscreen

>> No.9743997

>dude, the guy who modelled Mario's shoes is every bit as important as the director!
He's not though, is he?
The director is the most important person on the project, because he gets the last say on what makes it into the game.
If it's bad, it's pretty much his fault, because he handled the project wrong. I'm not sure what people don't get about this.
It's interesting how people are very comfortable attributing blame to figures like Miyamoto or Kojima when something doesn't come together, but for some reason they can't admit that they have been behind any successes.
Rampant cynicism doesn't make you smarter than anyone else.

>> No.9744003


>> No.9744031

eh no, there's a reason Japanese games dominate retro game communities. all through the 80s and 90s they excelled at creating fun experiences for the player, while western devs were more into the mechanical innovations behind games. there was some old school western dev who talked about this, I forget his name

>> No.9744076

the older mario games were made by a couple people using graph paper

>> No.9744090
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PSA to avoid the Saturn Policenauts English patch, it's been "modernized"

>> No.9744107

>It's interesting how people are very comfortable attributing blame to figures like Miyamoto or Kojima when something doesn't come together, but for some reason they can't admit that they have been behind any successes.
>Rampant cynicism doesn't make you smarter than anyone else.
Thank you. It's funny how people who never tried to make anything interesting in their lives don't see to grasp at the idea that famous creators can be flawed people too. You're either, a faultless genius or a hack who coasted on the help of the other contributors.

>> No.9744110

desu transgeneder sound like something i could realistically hear on the news, biovestites sound dumb in comparison.

>> No.9744116

Both terms were invented by the fan-translator anyway. The original moonrune was バイオハーフ/biohalf, which was derived from the Wasai-Eigo term newhalf.

>> No.9744160

Early Zelda is Miyamoto and Tezuka, and then they stopped being involved so much starting with Majora's Mask

>> No.9744167 [DELETED] 

You should probably worry about spelling instead of dictating what the talking heads say on the news

>> No.9744179 [DELETED] 

"transgeneder" is a made-up term used in the Saturn translation patch for Policenauts, not a misspelling of "transgender".

>> No.9744192

>It's interesting how people are very comfortable attributing blame to figures like Miyamoto or Kojima when something doesn't come together, but for some reason they can't admit that they have been behind any successes.
>Rampant cynicism doesn't make you smarter than anyone else.
I blame Red Letter Media and jaded Star Wars fanboys who repeat their talking points for this kind of mentality. They somehow have trouble accepting the fact that the same who made the much beloved original trilogy also made questionable changes to those same movies in every re-release, so they have to overstate the involvement of people like Martha Lucas in those movies.

>> No.9744204

its critical semite theory and it will be taught in schools

>> No.9744205

the only forced meme is the VHS slur

>> No.9744208

i hate undead troons like you wouldn't believe

>> No.9744210

"Biovestite" is literal nonsense though. "Vestite" implies clothing. Adding "bio" to it makes it more confusing than anything.

>> No.9744212

>It's interesting how people are very comfortable attributing blame to figures like Miyamoto or Kojima when something doesn't come together, but for some reason they can't admit that they have been behind any successes.

yes. fuck leaders. the masses lift them up so they can.be eaten later

>> No.9744214

>so they have to overstate the involvement of people like Martha Lucas in those movies.

>ack...grrr. save martha... save martha!

>> No.9744226

Miyamoto is probably somewhat involved with Mario. You can tell simply because it hasn't fallen into the lore black hole that Zelda did.

>> No.9744230

"Biovestite" sounds like something the media would up with though, whereas "transgeneder" just looks like a misspelling "transgender". I don't know what other alternative I could come up with though.

>> No.9744281

Its kind of silly regardless. They seem to be describing some future medical wizardry that allows sex changes at the biological level. Which makes the strip club's gimmick stupid. They would literally be women by any definition at that point so why even bother with the "biovestite" thing at all?

>> No.9744621

We're lucky to have miyamoto, the man is a treasure.

>> No.9745197

Snatcher and Police sits are not Vans though, they're adventure games.

>> No.9745272

Most of what you see in Star Fox 64 he stole from the cancelled Star Fox 2.

>> No.9745517

El Stan Lee de los Videojuegos by Muy Interesante

>> No.9745519

That's just how he smiles