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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9738000 No.9738000 [Reply] [Original]

Do you prefer playing retro games on a CRT TV or emulating them and getting achievements via Retro Achievements?

Sorry for the lazy pic

>> No.9738029

go away

>> No.9738030

What? Neither option for me

I prefer to just emulate _without_ zoomer participation achievements at all.

>> No.9738032

okay, what's the correlation here?

>> No.9738046
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Uhh I mean you could do both if you wanted...

>> No.9738239

But getting achievements is fun

>> No.9738390

false choice

You can emulate on a CRT TV.

>> No.9738391

Cheevos are stupid

>> No.9738496

no its not. i dont need achievments like collect 5000 bear asses and beating a game on nightmare mode. only an autist would like that. i beat a game and then delete it thats it.

>> No.9738507
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nice trips but what the fuck is retroAchieve?

>> No.9738605

>plug pc into CRT with $10 adaptor
>get achievements on emulators
It's that easy baby

>> No.9738608

Based dataposter

>> No.9738610

Beat it and delete it

>> No.9738616
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>> No.9738624
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>> No.9738626

>yfw this meme is older than some people that shit up /vr/

>> No.9738627

>Retro Achievements
Holy shit did they buy an ad?

>> No.9738631
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Achievements were always nothing more than a means for publishers to gauge what content players were actually playing so sequels/future titles could stop wasting time on the content nobody was playing and focus more on the content everyone was playing. This is why many FPS franchises don't focus on having a single player campaign anymore. Achievements are a active detriment to the entire industry and you've been so thoroughly whipped into chasing them that you now want to retroactively insert them where they don't belong. You don't need the dopamine ding and congratulatory message to keep track of these things if they were actually memorable, challenging moments for you.

I prefer emulating older games but also physically owning them. Both original hardware and modern devices are worth experiencing, though some older systems really do benefit from being retired and replaced.

>> No.9738731

Those options aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.9738734

Beating the game is an achievement enough for me.

>> No.9738779

Aren’t you special

>> No.9738793

>publishers to gauge what content players were actually playing so sequels/future titles could stop wasting time on the content nobody was playing and focus more on the content everyone was playing
>Achievements are a active detriment to the entire industry
How is that a detriment? They make the games you want

>> No.9738845

people dont know what they want or what is good for them.

>> No.9738853

they're predisposed to playing the game a certain way and the achievements prove it; they don't need to articulate what it is that they want.

>> No.9738859

imagine posting on /vr/ while complaining about autists. have you taken a good, hard look at yourself lately?

>> No.9738867

they still dont know that the way they are playing is wrong.

>> No.9738870

wrong for you, but if they're predisposed to it, then it's right for them

>> No.9738958

how dumb are you,so if im predisposed to rape or kill that makes it fine i guess.

>> No.9738964

I didn't say you shouldn't look down upon fools

>> No.9739025

I don't even care about achievements in new games. Somewhere around the early to mid 2010s trophy hunting became completely worthless. I would suspect cheevos in older games would be more detrimental than beneficial because they would force you to do things that the games might not have been designed for. I really don't wanna finish TR3 pistol only, the game is already bullshit enough as it is.

>> No.9739087


>> No.9739115

Achievements are for fags who need a sense that they're being watched and patted on the head for consuming media. Just play the game you dorks. Nothing sadder than some retard who chases trophies and achievements for his gamer profile and actually think it means anything.

>> No.9739159

thats a bad attitude to have,we should try to bring each others up.

>> No.9739163

If humanity had your mindset from the very start, then we would still be swinging in trees due to letting the lowest common denominator dictate society

>> No.9739173

Gross. Next you'll tell me you force widescreen for games that never intended it. Or scale up the res. Or use texture replacement packs. And so on.

>> No.9739292
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I guess growing up without achievements made me grow accustom to not caring about them but what's the appeal or retro achievements?
I've taken a look but a lot of them are either
>beat level 1
>beat level 2
>beat level 3
>beat level 3 while doing something stupid
>beat the whole game without touching x
It's either shit you would accomplish playing the game as is or shit that you wouldn't bother with. With shit like PSN and Steam there's the social aspect (though I doubt many people care), but retro achievements is pretty niche. I doubt anyone is looking at your profile or is going to care if you show it off.

>> No.9739504

i think we should let God dictate society.
by God i mean YHWH.

>> No.9739528

eh. I just look at it the same way I look at high scores in games to be honest

>> No.9739534

the only people i hear about doing retroachievement are streamers.

>> No.9739540

Just playing the game and seeing the credits roll is enough of an achievement for me. The only time achievements would have mattered is when as a kid I would replay the same game over and over because I could not afford a new one until next Christmas.

The only added value elements I care about, when we are talking about an official collection / emulator is INCLUDING THE ORIGINAL INSTRUCTION BOOKLET.


Catlevania collection does it pretty decently. Manuals, galleries and even interesting tips. the 3DS VC, at least for the japanese releases showed the correct coloring of the famicom cartridges and included manuals that some times were lifted from the original. On the lower end we have the Nintendo Switch VC, which is almost as barebones as downloading a rom and loading it on an emu.

>> No.9740203

>>beat level 3 while doing something stupid
>>beat the whole game without touching x
Yeah I've taken a look at some RA lists for games I either grew up with, or was already grown up for and are now already retro, and most expect you to be extremely good and knowledgeable about the game.

I'm actually a trophy hunter on PS3/PS4, though purely for games I actually want to play. Original FF7's trophy list on PS4 was a piece of cake to me. Meanwhile, the first one on RA's list is:

>Escape from the Sector 1 Reactor with 7:45 or more remaining.
Yeah, I can do that and it wouldn't be the first time, but its a sign of crap to come. And boy is that list full of crap. In the end I simply say no to RA and stick to my trophy hunting. Not because they're easier, because believe me I've gotten a fair amount of difficult ones, but because actual devs have honed their craft and largely left truly inane "challenges" behind. Meanwhile, any Joe with a boner for an old game they'd mastered can shit out a cheevo of immensely shit proportions and be accepted.

>> No.9740421

why not both?

>> No.9740427

That's a very autistic mindset anon

>> No.9740432

>The only people i hear about ever are streamers
That's your problem.
i dont use retroachievements. in fact, no one i know uses retroachievements and i watch a lot of Retro on twitch. you're making up a retarded false narrative over a stupid fucking idea like fucking achievements. Seek help before it's too late

>> No.9740449

Lol, nobody does it for your steam or console shit either
This stuff should be purely for yourself.

I like RA, it works on pirated stuff unlike most other official achievement systems, while also being basically unhackable/uncheatable, and it's a good way to see just how much of a game you're missing out at a glance.
Some games I like so much, I will enjoy completing the few dumb challenges they sometimes add and I also use it as proof that I did something truly amazing like beating a shmup with one credit, without doing some cringe stuff like recording my gameplay

>> No.9740459

I emulate on my oled TV, I don't give a flying fuck about CRTs

>> No.9740530

we got a badass over here.
let me guess, you also use an Xbox controller?

>> No.9742276

What are you even on about, this /vr/ nobody cares about your silly achievements

>> No.9742305

>Retro Achievements
What fresh cancer is this?

>> No.9742351

You can emulate them, output to CRT and get retroachievements, dunkass.

>> No.9742356
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gotta get 'em cheevos brah

>> No.9742365

>I also use it as proof that I did something truly amazing like beating a shmup with one credit, without doing some cringe stuff like recording my gameplay
yea,you arent cringe at all.

>> No.9742971

>I don’t like that you try to get achievements when playing games, so I’m going to call you cringe!
Yeah, you aren’t a colossal faggot in the slightest

>> No.9743510

Nice way to say you're shit at video games, old man.

>> No.9743514

Great job filtering the casuals, RAchad. Works every time.

>> No.9743572

It encourages you to do fun challenges that you normally wouldn't. Like the 3-day challenge in Majora's Mask, something I always heard of but never bothered with before, and it turned out to be really interesting

>> No.9743582

You stupid boomer, achievements can be rad as fuck and give you a small nod for performing small autistic feats like role playing a moustache twirling villain and tying a whore to some train tracks. There's nothing you can give the player to acknowledge that ingame really, but a hidden achievement feels appropriate and in an odd sense is a bit more discreet. And though they are often cringe, they are a means of delivering a cute message.

That said i cant defend retroachivements because it doesnt come from the people who made the game, though i still enjoy them if they are clever or even if they make a small feat feel better

>> No.9743629

The games you beat without achievements are the ones you remember the most. I could never beat Super Mario Land when I was little but one day back in 2012 I fired up my GB while my friend was downloading a GoT episode and I beat it for the first time in about 20 minutes. Felt great and I still remember that evening except for GoT.

>> No.9743747
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What model of emulator is that? Nice colors and I like it borders the whole screen just a tiny little bit.

>> No.9743834

I don't really care about either.

>> No.9743849

>What model of emulator is that?

it's the purple version of the lemonV2 available from lemonparty.org it's pretty neat

>> No.9744382

Now that's a site I've not heard in a long time.
Kek, is it even still up?

>> No.9744385

I like achievements, but only official ones. I go out of my way to get some when they're easy to obtain. But 'retro achievements'? Do fuck off.

>> No.9744403

Have you really beaten the games if there's no proof to show off to other people? baka, boomers really lie about beating games.

>> No.9744414

No, that anon was right.

>> No.9744425

Shut up retard nobody cares

>> No.9745994

Nobody in this thread wants to admit it, but Retro Achievements are BASED as fuck’

>> No.9747781

i remember that rdr trophy

>> No.9748051

You're actually autistic, we just pretend to be retarded here

>> No.9748061

I can't think of a single achievement I'd want in an older game except possibly bouncing off a Koopa Shell 100 times in a row.

>> No.9748132

I just emulate on my 55" TV and use shaders. I have a CRT connected to my PC too, but it's small, so I don't really use it much. I'd use by CRT TV, which is way bigger and widescreen, but it's in my room connected to a PS3 and Wii, which I use to watch old movies and play retro in bed sometimes.
I only started using RA recently, and use it as incentive to play more retro. Our brains are wired to like rewards. It's just a shame it is missing quite a lot of games.
Whoever says achievements are a zoomer thing is probably a zoomer. They were a thing before consoles went online. They were not only in PC games and MMOs, but also flash games websites like Kongregate.

>> No.9748820

I like it but I dislike how a lot of the achievements were designed specifically for people that have already mastered the game to an insane degree. I might be mistaken but I think Resident Evil 4 is like that.
>It is missing quite a lot of games
Maybe, but there are still a lot of games. NES has 437, SNES has 809, PS1 has 524. What’s your username by the way? I need people to follow, as I’ve only started relatively recently myself.

>> No.9749167

Hey, which do you prefer more? Wiping your ass after shitting or riding on a rollercoaster?

>> No.9749183

I hate both equally. CRTfags are audiophile tier that think a quality gaming experience comes from good feels and nostalgia alchemy. And Retro Achievements are all of the worst parts about "showing everyone online I did" but without any of the benefits of having games designed around "beyond the base game" achievements.

>> No.9749232

Both CTRs and Retro Achievements enhance the gaming experience.

>> No.9749247

Nice try, Twitter virtue-signaler, but if you really were a CRTfag, you would never say "CRTs enhance the gaming experience", you'd say "CRTs are the intended gaming experience."

>> No.9749386

Maybe one day I'll give RetroAchievements a shot, but honestly I don't like getting achievements anymore. It just turns gaming into annoying work. Maybe I'll set personal goals or challenges, but that's about it.

>> No.9749594

What handheld is that

>> No.9749595

I just wish the official rereleases that have trophies had better filtering options. I'd buy that Legend of the Dragoon rerelease if it had half way decent filtering.

>> No.9749786
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>I dislike how a lot of the achievements were designed specifically for people that have already mastered the game to an insane degree
nah, you have from easy to insane, beat level X to do a especific thing in a specific place with a specific character
>but there are still a lot of games
yeah, but it's only for older consoles. I tried several arcades and PS2 and most didn't have achievements or even a game icon
>What’s your username
yomomall4s, I haven't been playing much, been busy with movies

>> No.9749796

>It just turns gaming into annoying work
I go into games just like normal, but when I get an achievement I just think it's neat, gives an extra sense of accomplishment and keep playing. I don't go out of my way for an achievement, unless it tells me there's more of the game I haven't seen, like explore a new hidden area.

>> No.9751558

I may be wrong, but I think PS2 achievements just came out a handful of months ago so it’s understandable that there aren’t a lot. But they’re missing Wipeout 2 and 3 for PS1 so that sucks.