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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 813 KB, 1280x832, 1678185961607159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9721935 No.9721935 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>9702780

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Thief, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

IWADs and more (>6 GB): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake Trilogy (2020-11): https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Doom, Quake, Douk, Blood, and more):
More /vr/ shooters:
Doom Shovelware:
Fileplanet archives:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):


Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/








>> No.9721936
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Rules: https://desuarchive.org/vr/thread/9611263#p9611406

Is this thing still alive?

=== NEWS ===
[3-4] Alkaline 1.2 released

[3-1] DBP57: Shatter Realm is out

[2-28] LunchLunch releases a new map

[2-28] DNF Restoration status update

[2-27] New build of Half-Life for Dreamcast leaked

[2-27] Version 1.3 of Temporal Tantrum released

[2-26] Doom 64-style map for GZDoom

[2-23] Operation Pegasus released for macenwolf

[2-23] Obsidian v20 stable released, adding support for Wolf3d/SoD/Chex/Hacx/Hexen/Strife

[2-22] Half-Life RTX Released

[2-21] Anon shares his VR2 map

[2-20] Stickguy in Doom Redux released

[2-18] LitDoom updated to 0.595a

[2-17] Update on Duke Nukem Forever Director's Cut

[2-16] Nail and Crescent, a Quake 1-inspired total conversion mod of Q2RTX, getting some dev update screenshots

=== PREVIOUS ===

>> No.9721946 [DELETED] 

cringe art man. What's the joke.

>> No.9721952
File: 369 KB, 1125x1125, Word cloud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9721968

More like dumb lol

>> No.9721971 [DELETED] 

who's that girl? why is she with goblin slayer? I don't understand

>> No.9721973


>> No.9721976 [DELETED] 

ok, which is a transexual. That is the jokes yes? haha very funny

>> No.9721985

>Is this thing still alive?
I made an announcement a couple threads ago: >>9699765
I'm slowly working on stuff and am waiting on any submissions that may come in.

>> No.9721994
File: 3.12 MB, 2560x1440, AWObigwheel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>testing means faggot skill
>sigil music feels brutal
>autistic switching
>fury bad
>blood lost

>> No.9722038
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>> No.9722091
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>> No.9722126 [DELETED] 

what happened to doomworld bros ... doom used to let you express whatever you like and now its whatever these freaks deem as tolerable. I miss the old days, take me back.

>> No.9722158 [DELETED] 

Do you have some kind of fucking point or are you gonna just complain in general about Doomworld becoming kinda pozzed?

>> No.9722161 [DELETED] 

i know right? i don't set foot in there anymore. some of us voiced our dislikes about Doom *ternal and were somewhat treated as party poopers...
there's still some cool creative people but it's a bit too circlejerky.
the doom picture threads are still nice to follow up on projects.

>> No.9722163 [DELETED] 

just trying to express/share my pain with my bros. Hoping somebody might have some behind the scenes info on what happened.

>> No.9722170

>mods kill fps
>alkaline boring
>eternal cyberdemon difficulties
>find ssg wads
>gonna die without weapons

>> No.9722179
File: 1.08 MB, 600x609, 1653846865870262.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Doom could have benefited from something as powerful/deadly as a cyberdemon but with less health. I forget which wad it is but there's one with "Tyrants" that fill this role perfectly since they're just less healthy cyberdemons.

>> No.9722191

IIRC, Magnolia and Fractured Worlds both have a cyan cyberdemon which function exactly the same as a regular cybie, but they have half health.
Come to think of it, Id did the same exact thing with the hell knight and they're much more fun to fight than barons.

>> No.9722195

They did that too with the arachnotrons although they don't do the hitscan stuff that the spider mastermind does.

Doom 2 really improved on Doom 1 in terms of enemy design.

>> No.9722196

but barons are pink and their scream is better

>> No.9722213

This and lower-health lost souls, I've ran into both of these across a few mods.
Some barons mixed in with a lot of knights works great, especially when they're all getting lobbed with rockets.

>> No.9722220 [DELETED] 
File: 454 KB, 900x630, loveislove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey Kegan, thought you might like this. Much love from LGBT+ COMMUNITY

>> No.9722224
File: 1.88 MB, 944x616, Clash of titans.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rocket monsters are fun, but can easily become frustrating.

>> No.9722228 [DELETED] 

oops did the female gender symbol wrong, such a dummy hehe.

>> No.9722229
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more like DUMP

>> No.9722236
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Kart/SNS stuff
>Added Hae-Lin and Avali skins
>Re-added the Flame Shield by popular demand
>GMOTA vs Demonsteele now forces their respective player skins
>Removed a few unfunny team names
>Followed through on my word last session
I'm not going to be here to make the post tomorrow so either someone else will or there won't be one at all, but the server will still be up.

>> No.9722235

a secondary effect that comes from these lower health variants is that they make the originals all that more special when you encounter them
if you've only been fighting barons then you get tire of them extremely easy, but if you've been fighting hell knights then barons become a nice treat when they appear
I also like lost souls with less health.

>> No.9722237

are you censoring mancupepe's tits anon?

>> No.9722245

Has /vr/ made any good Serious Sam maps, speaking of Serious Case? What are some recommendations for good ones, /vr/ or not?

>> No.9722246 [DELETED] 

Can you at least explain your own situation instead of speaking in riddles. Because now I'm just thinking that you want gold cacoward from some low quality map pack, and are mad because it doesn't happen. The reason why it's harder to get cacoward nowadays is that there is shitload of quality releases every year. It's not like they catering only towards one style, one source port or same mappers, and last year is good example of that. Our lunchluch and violentbeetle got their deserved awards too for their quality wads.

I'm giving you some tips. If everyone ignores your wads, there is usually reason for that. Try to think what makes your wad unique, and what would make people want to play it. If there is 50+ releases every year, what makes your wad better and more fun than those. There is not any grand conspiracy against your wad. It's just getting lost in sea of other wads.

>> No.9722254

>a secondary effect that comes from these lower health variants is that they make the originals all that more special when you encounter them
if you've only been fighting barons then you get tire of them extremely easy, but if you've been fighting hell knights then barons become a nice treat when they appear
I thought that too whilst going through doom 2 recently for the first time after beating doom 1 months ago. It made the former bosses more interesting when you do encounter them - cause you usually saw them alongside regular enemies now.

And yeah lost souls needed half the health.

>> No.9722257 [DELETED] 

no, I don't know why you think cacoaward would mean something to me when its not a physical trophy or makes me richer.
Its about freedom of expression to do whatever you like and doom used to be the best of that but now doomworld won't host it or worse bans you for expressing wrong opinions.

>> No.9722269 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 250x250, 1664128138343508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does every butthurt fuck comes here to complain about this.

>> No.9722276 [DELETED] 

you like it? you like cactus up your ass too or is that too tame for you? you want my pubic hair? i let you use it for your bald spots.

>> No.9722278
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>> No.9722294 [DELETED] 

This is a Doom thread, not a complain about other websites thread. Go to DB or aussie ranches if that's what you're looking for.

>> No.9722297
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>Has /vr/ made any good Serious Sam maps
Not really*, A Serious Case Of /vr/ will be the first.
As for custom map recommendations they're a bit spread out. But we've played a bunch of good ones for Serious Business Saturday.

>Lots of great maps from this mapper alone, this page also includes links to a bunch of serious sam mapping jams with even more maps. *The Dungeons Mapping Jam has a level created by me (Temple of Teopanzolco) but isn't really /vr/ related outside of the fact that I browse here.

>Celestial Keys and Kingdom of Tjurberg are amazing. Haven't played God of Frenzy yet. The Old Map Pack there has a variety of levels but many are very janky. Still worth playing at some point.

>The Tainted Sun is a great singular level that's really long. Haven't played any of this person's maps older than The Tainted Sun yet. We'll probably do that for Serious Business Saturday soon. Any maps newer than that one are part of various map jams and are really good too.

Finally, there's https://42amsterdam.net/samforum/downloads.php which hosts a ton of maps for both TFE and TSE. But browser beware, you're going to find a bunch of shitwads (or shitwlds in this case) here. Give the maps in the other links a try first before you start looking through 42amsterdam.

>> No.9722307
File: 834 KB, 1920x1080, hall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeup, it's that strange/"fun" end the others were warning about

>> No.9722308 [DELETED] 

Because it's 4chan and you aren't allowed to bitch about this shit anywhere else on the internet so people come here to bitch? And then they find out they can't even bitch about it here.

>> No.9722316 [DELETED] 

luckily you're not the boss here, you're just little short man who thinks he's big boss.
It is a doom thread and doomworld is the biggest doom hosting site of doom so I will talk here all i like.
You don't like it little man? well tough your stilts needs to be lengthened if you want to scare me off.

>> No.9722321 [DELETED] 

Ah, Impie. Never cared much of political wads myself. Sure you are free to express yourself, but remember that mainstream platforms are just not the best place for expressing radical political opinions. Just release them on your blog and get over it. The crowd that plays them finds them there anyway.

>> No.9722323 [DELETED] 

I'll keep that in mind when your posts get deleted for being off topic.

>> No.9722330 [DELETED] 

Are you a jannie?

>> No.9722337 [DELETED] 

you seem so sure of yourself, are you scared of me? is my shadow too big for you? you can have a nest of my pubic hair to keep yourself sheltered and warm while I talk with the adults, ok?
no this is not the full truth at all. it upsets me you would lie like this unless you don't know the full truth.

>> No.9722342 [DELETED] 

What is the full truth, Impie? What I am lying about? Of course you can release them on your own blog. You've done that in the past as well. Why not now?

>> No.9722346
File: 1.23 MB, 1600x900, spasm0005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am back on track after downloading the RoA music rips - and hopefully fixing the problem with almost half of entities lacking their sounds

>> No.9722351

Whatcha doing with the X-Men?

>> No.9722354 [DELETED] 

why is my name impie. What have I made under that name? can I have other names too?
you and this Impie.. you're close... yes?
I am.. sorry you're losing me, maybe you need more pills from doctor?

>> No.9722356 [DELETED] 

Ignore this guy. He's a troll. Don't waste your time arguing with people like this. He's just here to piss you off by posting pro censorship stuff.

>> No.9722381 [DELETED] 

Impie has done this in the past, so I assumed you were him. You had identical style. But if you do not even know Impie, what wads are you talking about. Impie's wads are only wads that aren't allowed on dw on their political content, I can think off. If I'm wrong, you are here to correct me. I'm just discussing here.

The last one is actually not me. And I'm anti-censorship. I'm all for Impie continuing releasing his stuff, but dude has to know that in art you either choose the radical political expression or mainstream platform compability. Nsbm doesn't get played on radio either, but the bands don't complain about. The continue releasing through different less mainstream platforms.

>> No.9722424
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Relieving that one time I got ahold of a PC-gamer disc with this mod back in around 1999 but didn't have the full Quake1 copy to run it on me yet, I would hazard a guess?
>the flamer is a cool but incredibly inefficent way to dispose of Icemans (I swear that he can also revive just like Logan unless you melt him, so it's either doing this or using explosives)

>> No.9722431

>demon burning up and leaving ashes and a spinning skull behind
Holy fucking SOVL, keep up the good work anon

>> No.9722438

I'm not an artist, I just got this from doomworld, but yes, it's very SOVLful animation.

>> No.9722507
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>> No.9722508

>dumb doom2 sprites
I need examples.

>> No.9722517

I'm looking for 2048 guns "Dehacked Edition"

there's no trace of it on idgames or on the rentry page..

link plz?

>> No.9722523


>> No.9722525
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>unfortunately the alert sounds for monsters and most of their attacks are still bork'd - but at least I already found a secret level

>> No.9722529

Oh I was hoping you where one of the map makers, I always thought something neat could of been done with the RoA assets with some re-balancing and better map design.

>> No.9722539

hiw do you install doom mods? I want to play some of these level packs you guys are talking about

>> No.9722543

wow less than 1 minute


>> No.9722554

lost souls have fine health for how they were placed manually in doom 1, you would meet them 1, maybe 2 at a time except for a certain chainsaw. it's pain elementals that make the lost souls pile up, but even then did vanilla doom 2 ever have 2 pain elementals on screen at once?

Paradise and Supercharge also have the teal cyberdemon, it's not immune to splash damage and fires a different rocket entity that usually does 100 damage instead of 200

>> No.9722572

I really like when monster mods have 2 different enemies for manually placed lost souls and PE-equivalent spawned ones.

>> No.9722575 [DELETED] 

tell me your favourite doom maps, guys.
Looking for some good stuff to download. Try to avoid stuff from cacoawards so I can find out less known stuff and other people can too.

>> No.9722582 [DELETED] 

You have no soul and I refuse to elaborate on this statement.

>> No.9722616 [DELETED] 

explain the joke. you have to explain it, so the joke sucks and there isn't one.
The art is good quality.

>> No.9722626

Here's some 90s goodness outside Ten Years:
>Beginning Of The End Parts 1 and 2
>Parallel Dimension
>Realm Of Chaos
>Operation Biowar

More new stuff
>No Sleep For The Dead
>Hell On Earth Shareware

>> No.9722629 [DELETED] 

I get it, it's funny.
You are correct that if I explain it it won't be funny, so I won't.

>> No.9722641 [DELETED] 

its like sharing a joke amongst your friends when you need knowledge of your friendship for it to be funny.
This is what tihs joke is doing. Who is that girl? okay the knight is acting like a Fedora tipper except he's not one.. so it ruins the joke. Kegan is a great modder but man his pictures have never ever hit. I mean I wish I could draw that well but he's just not funny.

>> No.9722725 [DELETED] 
File: 383 KB, 900x582, stroggthink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just thought it was a fun and cute pic, but now it seems the triggered overanalyzing resulting from it has become the bigger joke so kudos to whoever started the thread.

>> No.9722771 [DELETED] 

and what does it have to do with the thread title

>> No.9722782
File: 999 KB, 1280x720, lord blaz plays the guitar.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9722784 [DELETED] 

>He still doesn't know
and it keeps getting funnier.

>> No.9722795 [DELETED] 

Impie did nothing wrong.

>> No.9722813 [DELETED] 

Just so you're all aware, it looks like S'Arais is finally out of whatever nuthouse they chucked him into after he threatened to shoot up a school with a toy gun back in like 2018, so if you see a rise and shitposting it's probably him.
Jannies are going to delete this post, obviously, but for some reason they never ban him. If you see someone whining about how people never play their maps, or how they're not allowed to express themselves freely in doom anymore, or any other obvious attention and sympathy whoring of that variety you can be reasonably assured it is Tristan Anderson himself, coming here to post in between jerking off to fat and vore fetish porn. Bonus points for name dropping random people from "the community" and insinuating they post here.

Not to say doomworld and zdoom forums are good, frankly everyone involved in moderating those websites should probably jump off a bridge, but this guy absolutely deserves the level of hatred and rejection he got for being a narcissistic loser who is not only mentally unstable but physically violent in real life.

>> No.9722841
File: 5 KB, 822x180, TCGMC0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9722851

>insert duke nukem's protector drone into gmota
>the shrink effect has no difference

>> No.9722856
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>> No.9722915 [DELETED] 

>the narwhal bacons at midnight

am i cool yet?

>> No.9722963
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It seems to be a bit too hit-or-miss compared to other TC's of the era like Shrak & ATF (Malice is still the best one though), also I'd say this one's much more engaging if one cares about the X-men comics probably
>these textures make me feel like playing Chasm once again - too bad that Func_ project to port it into Quake went nowhere

>> No.9722992 [DELETED] 


>> No.9723014

did Doom 64 have particle or sprite effects for rockets

>> No.9723028

>>Re-added the Flame Shield by popular demand
Can you also make it block 1 hit like invuln/growth, then disappear? Right now, if something smacks you while you hold it, you get both spun out AND lose entirety of it's charge.

>> No.9723031

>sprite effects

>> No.9723084 [DELETED] 

*holds up spork*

>> No.9723103

Would you like it if you kept the shield if you get spun out?

>> No.9723105 [DELETED] 


>> No.9723108


>> No.9723129
File: 3.92 MB, 1280x720, Base Profile 2023.03.07 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9723135

The answer to your question is in this thread but also Google, youtube, someone on twitter has probably posted a quick guide on it.

The internet is pretty amazing dude you should check it out sometime.

>> No.9723160
File: 1.77 MB, 2310x3570, 1644449485282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice loop. Love me some 64.

>> No.9723168
File: 51 KB, 524x476, ZDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a sourceport at least?
GZDoom is the best for mods that change up the gameplay or enemies
Things like Crispy Doom or dsda are best for just playing mapsets but with no major changes to the classic gameplay.
I recommend ZDL for launching mods in the order you want them, pic related.

>> No.9723170


>> No.9723172

I'd add Woof as well. Crispy aesthetics with dsda compability.

>> No.9723180

Not really. Rocket sneakers already do exactly that. And what is the point of shield if it doesn't protect you?

>> No.9723185

Has Woof gotten any of the stuff Nugget added?

>> No.9723189

honestly I love 64 more than vanilla sometimes, the art direction feels better overall, but modding for the 64 version is weird and annoying

>> No.9723223

Duke 2008 model leaked by x0r: https://rentry.org/x0r_jmp

>> No.9723228

What's with all the sudden Duke leaks? On one hand I love it, on the other it's frustrating to see what we could have had.

>> No.9723308

Why did Monolith fuck with the Blood weapon balance? The flare gun is actually useful against cultists when you turn on the old weapon balance.

>> No.9723331
File: 7 KB, 251x200, images[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post level designers.

>> No.9723343


>> No.9723345

His maps are horrible to pistol start.

>> No.9723374

>perfect 90s basically
God, I miss them.

>> No.9723387

pain elementals look fucking stupid.

>> No.9723414
File: 55 KB, 408x491, 1521310455105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having fond memories of that one anon posting about how Sandy having 7 or so kids, another anon asking how he has that many kids, and a third anon saying, quote, "He nutted in that good Mormon pussy 7 times"

>> No.9723454

how the fuck can doom even compete

>> No.9723462

He has like 15 grandkids now or something.
Sandy is my favorite Doom dev. I like his maps the best. They're not consistently good, but they're consistently memorable and tried new things rather than honing a particular style.
Good stuff.

>> No.9723509

I blame the pistol more than the maps.

>> No.9723562

Too scary, turn it off.

>> No.9723583
File: 964 KB, 1366x768, spasm0003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Another further revision of my submission. There might not be much of an actual purpose in doing so outside of any potential feedback, but I guess it serves another purpose of reminding people it exists. I don't enjoy lighting.

>> No.9723598

>I'd say this one's much more engaging if one cares about the X-men comics probably
It's also more fun in the coop mode that lets you play as the X-Clones, since that gives you their abilities as well as Cyborg's guns. Play as Cannonball, Rogue, or Archangel (I think Storm just levitates) and you can fly around the maps interfering with intended elevators and shit.

>> No.9723723

I'm going to level with you here and say this server is just me duct taping a bunch of existing mods together, I don't actually make mods or have the scripting knowledge to do so beyond the smallest of edits.

>> No.9723750
File: 16 KB, 640x400, 4018_63ea5e8a8d590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ran this through Sales Bullshit to English translator, here's the results:
>100% gameplay
We skimped out on writers and FMVs despite publishing our game on a CD.
>superb value
Straight into bargain bin speedrun achieved.
>outstanding graphics
You sure haven't seen anything THAT bad in your entire life.
>great entertainment
Unintentional comedy gold, perfect for riffing with your stoned friends.
>easy loading
Game CD is mostly circular, has the right size and we're almost sure there are no splinters and nails sticking out of it so it will fit in your drive just fine.
Jokes aside, it's a side-scroller, not an FPS, and apparently it was pretty good.

>> No.9723752
File: 882 KB, 1280x720, 546456456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9723770

I recognize this game, it's called Realm. At least on the SNES.

>> No.9723792

honestly i'm surprised the dude looks vaguely like a character in the actual game.

>> No.9723860

Say what you want about Sandy and his levels. He's a devout Mormon who understood that you're killing the demons in Doom and was happy to keep them in. Gets my respect for that.

>> No.9723984 [DELETED] 

if only it were still that easy
unfortunately what was once an honest to god christian pastime has been subverted by obtuse jrpg bullshit

doom then
>demon bad
>kill demon

doom now
>demon bad
>also human bad
>also angel bad
>also god is a manmade computer
>also devil is god and made god computer
>also we have to kill god computer to kill devil god
>also you are a clone of the devil god(?????)
>also mark of the beast is le good
>also there are people in hell just trying to live a normal life
literally what the fuck is the point
you aren't spiting religion you're just being retarded
god fucking shit let me kill demons without the nonsense please

>> No.9723997 [DELETED] 

Are you just gonna be here and behave like this now, you obnoxious mentally ill child? Is this all you do everywhere you go?

>> No.9724000 [DELETED] 

you type like a bot and your shit's all retarded
stop replying to me

>> No.9724003 [DELETED] 

Good thing that other game you're bitching about isn't retro so all you have to worry about is the first three Doom games and their mods.

>> No.9724006 [DELETED] 

One day, I will find where you live, and I will skullfuck you so hard that you'll never see or walk again, so that you can't plague anyone anymore, or make your shitty worthless maps.

>> No.9724009 [DELETED] 

>also human bad
Ever heard of original sin?
>also angel bad
More like they're so powerful they see us as ants and don't give a shit about us, just themselves.
>also God is a man made computer
Angel made* Sam Hayden made VEGA to hide The Father.
>also devil is god and made god computer
If you take his word for it and ignore that Sam Hayden made VEGA then sure. But the "devil" is the only one who says that at the end of the game. (But then the lore code entries are written by The Night Sentinels and the Khan Makyr too, they're all unreliable narrators who lie to doomguy throughout the game and the lore)
>also we have to kill god computer to kill devil god
This is the only one you've got right. And it's also the only thing you needed to mention.
>also you are a clone of the devil god(?????)
Not a clone, you're still Doomguy from 1, 2, and 64. Doomguy was given a dark power by the Khan Makyr so he could become The Doomslayer.
>also mark of the beast is le good
It's not the mark of the beast though. It's like the anti-mark of the beast.
>also there are people in hell just trying to live a normal life
You talking about the night sentinels? Or the demons? The night sentinels were from a different world/dimension/whatever, not Hell. The demons were more like regular people before they obsessed over attaining immortality and it turned into Hell. Then Hell took over Argent Dunure.

You don't remember the story or you didn't actually pay attention. Which is fair enough, but maybe get your facts straight before saying its shit?

I mean if you really want to call it an anti-christian game all you had to mention was that you kill God in the game. That's all that needed to be said. That's more than enough evidence.

>> No.9724049
File: 1.20 MB, 1600x900, spasm0012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did try the Coop_1 at the start but it always seem to make me Wolverine but without regeneration - is there any way to swap classes here?

>> No.9724069

It uses whatever you've got your multiplayer class set to, since it effectively launches an MP game.

>> No.9724072

>It uses whatever you've got your multiplayer class set to
Addendum, this is set by shirt/pants colour, and there's no way to see without booting up an MP game, and changing one at a time. Everybody has two abilities, 1 selects and cycles between them. Rogue's, for example, is a single punch or a Super Punch (fly for a while and deal damage like a chainsaw when you run into somebody).

>> No.9724082

What stuff did it add?

>> No.9724087

Fair enough.

>> No.9724136
File: 1.93 MB, 1920x1080, vkquake0058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking great anon, though the water pool you added under the gravity belt makes it significantly more difficult to jump up in the hole right above it. I had to grenade + gravity belt jump up in there.
Also after noclipping around it seems that your map isn't properly sealed (backfaces are rendered).
Otherwise I think you've pretty much got a complete map. It's concise and fun.
>I don't enjoy lighting.
Lighting cramped or mundane environments can be pretty tedious. I find making reusable lighting sources (torches, light fixtures, etc.) in linked groups for most of it and only having unique lights for any room the player spends more than 5 seconds in to be the way to go. It's also not a bad idea to have relatively few lights and just kinda let the lighting bounce around the room. As long as the player can see where they need to go, having a bunch of shadows is fine.
It's Quake, after all.

>> No.9724239

Visual things like SSG gibs.

>> No.9724263
File: 23 KB, 500x500, donkey kong holds a berrel in the darkness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did i somehow fuck up the settings without noticing, or is GZ`s default lighting somehow darker nowadays? just played on zandronum for the first time in a while, and maps on which i struggled to see, i navigated just fine.

>> No.9724324

>What's with all the sudden Duke leaks?
It began around the same time as Miller started posting old 3DR stuff from his hoarder stash with nu-Apogee giving away some of that stuff as part of their current marketing of posing as old company.
Leakers could've waited for such timing, but it's still too convenient.

>> No.9724403
File: 46 KB, 1024x480, 76fsfkjnke45897dgnke5t8odjlknslcvskmws8oe4tmjbyro9ur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are weekly 'Kingpin: Life of Crime' games every Thursday and Sunday.
9.30pm UK time
1.30pm USA PST/4.30pm EST
10.30pm Western Europe/11.30pm Central Europe/00.30am Eastern Europe.

Feel free to join us, anons!
Check out master server listing over at https://hambloch.com/kingpin/

>> No.9724449

>SSG gibs
It's just a little thing, but I fucking love it when mods and source ports add that. The original id team should have done this, it would really sell the weapons power even more.

>> No.9724457

The default lighting settings on GZDoom are fucked. Hell, the default settings in general are.
A few months ago I moved on to dsda Doom and was surprised to see that dark sectors were actually dark but enemies were still faintly visible in them. GZDoom seemed incapable of that.

>> No.9724458

Yeah, it is a bit dark on default. There are multiple profiles for that in the options.

>> No.9724467

It's hard to go back.
Nugget also runs at full resolution. Maybe I'm just missing the setting in Woof, but Nugget fills my entire screen with no black border.

>> No.9724489
File: 245 KB, 531x395, computer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see. checked it again, apparently i had sector light mode set to "dark".
well, as nice as it was to have an excuse to use a flashlight mod, it is also nice to not feel like gouging my eyes out.

>> No.9724529


I have steam and I have adroid. I looked up crispy doom and it was the same levels, I was looking for mods that have different maps and skins, I heard there was one for halo and one for batman.

>> No.9724543
File: 67 KB, 676x580, gods creation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) get doom2.wad, gzdoom and your mods of choice
2) shove everything into a single folder
3) make a shortcut for gzdoom.exe
4) open properties and add "-file" followed by names of mod files that you want to load with the game
5) launch the game through the shortcut
6) slay niggas
i still don`t get why people bother with launchers and shit

>> No.9724547

I enjoy it that way, using the flashlight in the dark, and letting dynamic lights and brightmaps with mild bloom produce cool glows.

>> No.9724550

true, i gotta admit it was pretty comfy, if confusing.

>> No.9724576
File: 3.22 MB, 2598x3465, 1657872651449959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because zdl allows me to quickly swap between iwads and pwads without having to constantly rewrite filepaths and shortcuts

>> No.9724590


>> No.9724592

Why would my SWITCHES lump delete every entry in it on its own?

>> No.9724593
File: 1.43 MB, 1600x900, spasm0014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the info - I will try that once I am done with 1st chapter and running the mod in Mark5, the sound incompletenes is making me annoyed a little

>> No.9724601

>I looked up crispy doom and it was the same levels
Ah, you misunderstand.
Crispy Doom/Chocolate Doom/dsda aren't different games, they're just sourceports - a better way of running Doom than Steam.
But you want actual mods?
In that case you'll want to download GZDoom. Gzdoom is the sourceport that runs all those weird and fun wads.
Go here to get GZDoom https://zdoom.org/downloads and then look at the forums to find the mods you want to use with it.

>> No.9724606
File: 530 KB, 520x590, class.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

touche, i just keep a bunch of shortcuts in a folder, i find it easier than fiddling with another program. though i also refuse to get any more iwads so i don`t have to deal with gzdoom pestering me about them each time i launch it.
though i do find it a bit annoying that seemingly all guides always bring up zdl and whatnot right away, and never the shortcut method. if i was told that the right way to play requires some fancy-shmancy launcher back when i was just getting into doom modding, i probably would have passed on the idea entirely.

>> No.9724610
File: 142 KB, 192x282, 1654763847300718.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zdl is probably the most barebones launcher lol. There's nothing complex about it, it just works. In my opinion, your shortcut method is more complex than it.

>> No.9724615
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>> No.9724639
File: 68 KB, 637x771, anime pussy 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbqh i can`t help but groan at having to save/load profiles, but i guess i am just biased because of being so used to shortcuts and/or do it on autopilot after so long.
though i suppose that there are other launchers for that kind of functionality, if this one is so barebones.

>> No.9724643

the bisexual ghost made me a ghostfucker

>> No.9724654
File: 207 KB, 636x516, 1677807781380845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to just pour everything into GzDoom's folder and then make shortcuts to GzDoom's .exe with the associated files added into the shortcuts.

This works, and gives you a shortcut you can just click on, BUT, it's as goddamn clunky as buttfucking an Autobot using graphite dry lube and double sandpaper condoms, especially if you start doing mapping and shit and have to test and update different maps with different versions of the main resource .wad, and then also testing with different ports.

Trying out DoomLauncher, I quickly come to the following conclusions:
>I can set up GzDoom and DSDA separately and then quickly add and remove files as well as alter the load order for playing with any .wad
>it'll remember this for any given .wad file and port selection, as well as any special commands like nomonsters or fastmonsters
>also lets me try out various kinds of smaller mods and tweaks very quickly, rather than putting it into a port's autoload folder and writing it into GzDoom's .ini every time
>also lets me pair up any given gameplay mod with any given mapset and quickly go back to that, even if I, and this part is a big deal, I update GzDoom and thus need to use a new .exe, or I'm updating the mod or map itself
>even bigger deal, keeping multiple older versions of GzDoom on standby for some mods which don't run in newer ones

Instead of just piling up 15 years of everything in GzDoom's folder, I divide things up into...
>GzDoom's Autoload (stuff like the Spritefixes)
>Gameplay Mods/Tweaks
>Good Mapsets I Will Play Again Some Day
>Mapsets I Plan On Playing
>Projects I'm Working On
I can also create tags to apply to files in the Launcher, thus easily categorizing stuff into tabs, this especially is EXTREMELY helpful for working on projects, it makes it so much faster and easier to organize and handle everything.

I used to think it wasn't worth bothering, but I was really just doing it wrong for years, I should have done it this way from the beginning.

>> No.9724659
File: 6 KB, 672x624, 1652606173184220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>save/load profiles
Huh, I didn't even know you could do that with zdl. I never used it because zdl automatically saves the last loaded iwad, pwad, and selected port you ran.

>> No.9724676
File: 17 KB, 279x401, the numbers mason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn anon, how very fancy of you, got me there i suppose.
i just kinda put a number in the beginning of a filename to sort shit by gameplay/monsters/levels/misc.
>>even bigger deal, keeping multiple older versions of GzDoom on standby for some mods which don't run in newer ones
when that happens i just roll my eyes at it and go play something else.

yeah, there are save/load .zdl options in one of the thingies at the bottom, at least in lcferrum`s version.

>> No.9724693
File: 1.19 MB, 1600x900, spasm0019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda funny how most mutants can still get burned by the flamethrower (key 5) even if they're immune to the "fireball gun" (key 4), too bad that using it (and the minigun too) is so absurdly inefficent...

>> No.9724757

Miller was posting that sort of thing before that. He ramped it up after the dnf source leak.
He's had a problem with nu-3DR for a while, which I get. But it does come off as petty considering that Duke/3DR were cast to the wind by Apogees doings.

>> No.9724761

Very cool.

>> No.9724768
File: 132 KB, 1380x715, 1666891672707981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there, or will there ever be, a utility tool that simulates light bounces and automatically divides sectors into small sectors of differing light levels?
it really feels like something that should be possible to automate. obviously it won't be as good as the real deal, as sometimes you'll want very unique lighting that can't be just calculated on the fly, but i feel like it would save a lot of time regardless.

>> No.9724772

>He's had a problem with nu-3DR for a while
Does he?

>> No.9724779
File: 1.23 MB, 1600x900, spasm0021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am retarded and haven't noticed that picking Logan in co-op does indeed heal you automaticly
- but the colour-class change doesn't work unfortunately

>> No.9724789

Not personally, it seems, just that they lay claim to the creation of duke (as a company). When Apogee developed duke under the 3DR brand. No one at current 3dr worked on any legacy titles of apogee.
He wishes them well in future endeavors but then claiming duke as part of their company history seems to irk him.
He's also very adamant that 3dr was only a brand for apogee, not a separate company.

>> No.9724803

>He's had a problem with nu-3DR for a while, which I get.
Oh yeah, that's obvious from his passive aggressive behavior around them. The last thing I care about in classic/retro field is some corporate drama, but I would just say he had it coming. He sold the original company to Slipgate guys.
It's on me for using Twitter, but all those retweets of nu-Apogee are just so obnoxious.
>they lay claim to the creation of duke
Not just Duke, but every other IP.
>(as a company)
I actually think there's nothing wrong with that. From legal standpoint, they would be right. Just give credit to actual developers and don't be a fanboy for corporate entity because it's stupid.
>He's also very adamant that 3dr was only a brand for apogee, not a separate company.
It was (and still is) the same company. I'm actually surprised he didn't went after Joe Siegler for his explanation of the brand mess. Especially after he seemingly went after some random indie dev because he named his game "Apogee".

>> No.9724817

>but the colour-class change doesn't work unfortunately
You'd probably need to start a whole new game to get the new class. It definitely works in Ironwail.

>> No.9724818
File: 430 KB, 1596x927, 1658138339649638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am i doing wrong here? the game runs fine on voidSW

>> No.9724823

Is there any gameplay mods that have something like a gunblade. Melee with ammo component? Gunlance?

>> No.9724845

>It's on me for using Twitter, but all those retweets of nu-Apogee are just so obnoxious.
I wouldn't have much of a problem with them if he didn't harp on nu-3DR so much. He should take his own advice and focus on the future of his own company in that regard. I do like seeing the old swag he has lying around from the heyday though. I'm guilty of retweeting that shit. I want a mousepad.
Maube you mean their advertising though. They can't make me give a shit about turbo overkill. I'm just burnt out on over-fast run n gun atm. Maybe in a few years.
>From legal standpoint, they would be right.
I get that, but I do find it distasteful, in some way. I shouldn't care either. Also my fault for using twitter.
It's the game company of Thesius.

>> No.9724862
File: 86 KB, 640x480, 1660821868023791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this sounds like heresy but I really like how the Doom 1/2 re-releases feel and how the addon menu is laid out.

>> No.9724883
File: 133 KB, 800x1143, free shrugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on my memory, just about all melee weapons that use ammunition are some sort of demonic energy blades or whatever. the only one that goes *kaboom* in a more mechanical fashion with some sort of mechanic behind it is the chainsword from the false angel, but that is an imitation of the red queen from later dmc games. plus the thing looks like shit.

>> No.9724893

Welp then I've already played them all. Thanks.

>> No.9724896

I hate that the keyboard controls for the menu are different than the original, and that the menu fades in.
Everything else is fine I guess.

>> No.9724906
File: 37 KB, 347x80, 1667443160432958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's his end game?

>> No.9724918

I use ZDL because it lets me bundle together a bunch of wads in my preferred load order and then save that configuration. It's quicker and easier than typing out shortcuts like you need to for Quake.

>> No.9724920

To make decino say cringe things.

>> No.9724942 [DELETED] 

when will /v/ stop seething over the new doom games?

>> No.9724952 [DELETED] 

That thread is already enough of a shitshow, why are you trying to bring your crap into the retro Doom discussion as well?

>> No.9724968 [DELETED] 
File: 2.23 MB, 220x264, watch this swag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not /vr/

>> No.9724969
File: 2.02 MB, 1600x900, spasm0023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it doesn't work on the fly as I foolishly expected - you need to restart the game from the startmap, enable co-op AND then changelevel to a map you want to play in with another char for that to work
>this missile launcher is so bullcrap when it can't do its thing (drunk-tracking 2 different targets) - I guess that gimmicky guns wasting ammo is a key feature of this mod

>> No.9724973

The artstyle in this mod (?game?) looks really nice.

>> No.9724976

Pretty sure I actually did see exactly such a thing on ZDoom Forums. Get searching.

>> No.9725172 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.38 MB, 1600x900, spasm0026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this bossfight puzzle could have bern a little more elaborate 2BH
I was honestly lead into false expectations from witnessing Marphy's vid somehow incorporating vQ1's monster wakeup sounds into this mod at first - also a certain cripple incarcerated by robots seems to have intentionally missed the point of the player-weapons' reloading animation cycles since there's a power-up that temporarily removes them
The visuals are okay at low resolutions and even at openGL filtering enabled, but the pixels get too chunky at anything above 1024×768
but good lord the music - I regret wanting to find it . .

>> No.9725195
File: 1.71 MB, 1600x900, spasm0027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

. . .that spoiler was unintentional actually :-|
you're sick people, you know that?

>> No.9725207

>I wouldn't have much of a problem with them if he didn't harp on nu-3DR so much.
Totally. For me, it's this and nostalgia baiting. Maybe he's just more salty about his past. Like, 3DR is this living reminder of his own failures, he didn't really do anything after selling the company with some foggy things going nowhere. So now that Scott gained something, he's making sure that he gets everything out of it.
>He should take his own advice and focus on the future of his own company in that regard.
It's ironic since nu-Apogee is actually Terry Nagy's company, but I get what you're saying.
>I do like seeing the old swag
It's always good when this stuff gets out there. This shit rules.
>Maube you mean their advertising though. They can't make me give a shit about turbo overkill.
I precieve all their "old days" talk as advertising since that's what it is essentially. It could be just or also an ego boost, but surely the entire company doesn't revolve around Miller... I hope. Because it always ends badly.
...and yeah, couldn't care about Turbo Overkill either.
>I do find it distasteful, in some way.
I get that. That's just something I've thought about for a bit. People are so fucking selective with how and why the company is "nu" or not.
However, I'll give them credit for doing it not that often. I know they did that bundle thing back in a day, but besides that? All-new things. They might have a rough ride on all fronts, but that on itself is admirable.

>> No.9725296

GoldSrc horror is such an oxymoron. Janky flashlight sucks for exploring darkness, just making darkness just plain annoying if that's what the mod is going for. And 99 fucking percent the monsters in it will just be remodeled default enemies unless it's a really high effort mod, at which point you're left wondering why they didn't just make it in a better engine in the first place.

>> No.9725386

I plan on doing a weapon set in the future where you'll have a handful of melee weapons that have a durability to them, so you can either beat the shit out of things in melee or throw the weapon for big damage at the cost of breaking it immediately.
Then to restore those weapons you use the starting sword, that one will be unbreakable. As you hit shit with it, the other weapons get repaired.

I have no idea how well it'll pan out, but I think it sounds fun.

>> No.9725398
File: 3 KB, 435x126, 1677711209634188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like WNW is up. So I'll copy paste most of the post from last time
Base game (1.3):
Custom client:
Mods list:
Anon's PRO TIPS paste:

From the title screen, go to multiplayer, specify IPV4 address, and enter

We also have a mumble server up to voice chat with your fellow anons
Port: default
Username: Whatever you want
Password: endoom
>I heard this game supports proximity chat, are we using that?

>> No.9725404

I feel like D64 aged better as a literal dark scifi fantasy thing w/r/t its visuals and sound, while regular Doom aged better as its own 90s take on dark scifi fantasy that comes off goofy at times, e.g. gorey dark themes mixed with bright blue and red tiles.

Eh they're both great

>> No.9725413
File: 1.25 MB, 1606x851, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captain Wayne - Vacation Desperation has been announced with a demo!

>> No.9725439
File: 101 KB, 182x273, Screenshot_20230104_010032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doom mod with a level of animation similar to that of Pizza Tower
I am aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall for that, baby

>> No.9725479

What's a good wad that simply showcases ZDoom/GZDoom's overcoming of Vanilla Doom's maping limitations (slopes, 3D Floors, etc.)?

>> No.9725482

Knee Deep in ZDoom

>> No.9725490

Vocal tracks for half the background music was a terrible idea, but they're endearingly cheesy.

>> No.9725527

>Janky flashlight
I've never understood, with all the things Valve has changed or fixed in Half Life over the years, why the flashlight is still just Quake's built-in glow effect placed a half-meter off whatever surface the player is looking at. I'm not asking for some hyper autistic ray tracing shit, but it's always just been painfull awkward.

>> No.9725535

any others?
I was hoping for like a demonstration kind of wad

>> No.9725576
File: 752 KB, 1920x1080, kart0029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is everyone?

>> No.9725584

Coming back now

>> No.9725637

100%ing Map 5 of JPCP is pure pain.
Not for the combat, that's simple. The real issue is the metric fuck ton of items scattered everywhere.
I've done it now, but it took almost an hour from all the silly places the mapper left armor bonuses laying around on.

>> No.9725652

I'm not sure that's the best bet when Knee Deep in KDiZD exists

>> No.9725654
File: 3.09 MB, 1753x924, 1654451591038977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yummy, look at all those entity connections.

>> No.9725659

I love how the marker for the player spawn point is a race sign, so much soul

>> No.9725668
File: 52 KB, 159x397, 1656446047672232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And most of the icons for entities are also great. Just look at this, the Touch Field icon is God's pointing hand.

>> No.9725823

It's a major feature of the game and changing it after so long would cause pushback, regardless if it's for the better, and making it better shouldn't be too hard, since Quake mods like Quoth have flashlights that function like a flashlight should.

>> No.9725835

I'm just looking for ways to incorporate melee into gunplay/ranged without having to constantly swap weapons. I think that's just the best format.

>> No.9725845

You could do what I've done in the past: Dedicate a whole button to melee attacks. I've been putting melee on altfire and just giving a single attack for the other weapons. Lately I've found stripping shit down to their base components like this can make mechanics shine better.

>> No.9725851 [DELETED] 

I've liked that in a number of games. Quickswap/kick is fine too.

I've been playing a number with mechanics like this.

>> No.9725908

I've been playing a bunch of games with mechanics like this or quick swap/dedicated kick button. Ashes had the knife and a bayonet upgrade. Ion Fury had quick swap to the electric rod. Hedon had a dedicated kick button. I think some of impies stuff just did a dedicated kick for all secondaries which is what you are talking about - I thought that was good. That one Doom Incarnate mod with Bloodrayne where she could do a melee chain combo from any weapon with her wristblades.

Was trying out Hell Forged with the sword that charges up as you strike enemies that when fully charged you can use the secondary to deliver a powerful ranged blade beam attack that can kill most enemies in one hit.

>> No.9725917

Treasure Tech did melee pretty well actually. The grab and throw + dashing with the stuns. Being able to get right on top of enemies quickly/instantly makes melee work way better in shooters - like the Vanguard's Charge ability in ME2.

>> No.9725918

Tbf They Hunger was more campy horror than legit horror. The best it could do is jump scare you.

>> No.9725956

64 is weird because on a tech level it's more advanced then Doom 2 but due to the memory issues of the N64 it loses more then it gains with the loss of the monsters, the coloured lighting still looks amazing.

>> No.9725958
File: 717 KB, 1080x1041, MeguComputer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a dozen megawads
>And total conversions
>And wad mods
>And enemy mods
>will play/try them out 'someday'
>cant bring myself to delete them in case i get the itch to actually play them
fuck me

>> No.9725962

my Doom folder takes up 15 GB by this point

>> No.9725964

I just keep adding more. What's worse is I looked through the vr folder and I now prob have at 2 different versions of a lot of these mods downloaded.

>> No.9725967
File: 2 KB, 241x105, I have a problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is slightly cheating as 7 gigs of this are dedicated to resources like sounds and sprites I use for modding.

>> No.9725968
File: 3 KB, 175x152, Doom64Mods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And wad mods
I meant weapon mods, sorry

>> No.9725986
File: 20 KB, 351x473, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9725994

>>9725986 (me)
It only says June 2018 because that's when I last switched external hard drives. Folder's probably created in the early 2000s and I've just been transferring all my stuff from EHD to EHD as I get ones with more storage space.

>> No.9725997
File: 77 KB, 640x960, 1411680417402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9726007
File: 17 KB, 460x341, doomguy kneel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9726009

You WILL beat DOOM on Ultra Violence with no deaths and no saves

>> No.9726028
File: 1.85 MB, 1200x779, Doom pistol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no 100+ GB J:¥DOOM2¥ folder

>> No.9726030

Pistol Start?

>> No.9726038

That's kinda long. And no deaths isn't that bad. I've been going through all these gameplay and modifier wads on Doom 2 and Ultimate Doom and I have gotten very familiar with a lot of these stages on the highest difficulties.

>> No.9726052

No deaths at all, or completing levels without saves? Because I've done the latter.

>> No.9726063

94 protons never
Actually check /vip/ right now, things aren't looking good

>> No.9726073

Someone else should just hijack the project, honestly. Because at this rate, nobody is ever going to play those maps.

>> No.9726097

Given the lead's recent emo teen angst rampage despite being 30, I doubt he would take too kindly to that.

>> No.9726098

As far as I can tell, the only map he submitted was one that you're sent to if playing on a source port that doesn't support UMAPINFO. He's not responsible for any of the gameplay, just weapon sprites and a Cyberdemon recolor.

>> No.9726176

I'm on TNT Evilution map 29 on UV. Kinda want to tap out bros, these maps are fucking tedious.

>> No.9726179

If you got through MAP27, you can get through anything else TNT throws at you.
Fuck TNT though.

>> No.9726192

>He's also very adamant that 3dr was only a brand for apogee, not a separate company.
He's right about that.

>> No.9726209


>> No.9726212
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Guys I think my Doom 2 is broken

>> No.9726217

aaa the storm is fucking with my connection

>> No.9726250

If you're on Map29 you've already done all of THE very worst parts already, you only have that map and Map30 left, may as well finish it all, give you a full appreciation for the entire thing, for all its fine points and ugly blisters.

Map29 is decent (unless you Pistol Start), and Map30 really isn't long. The trick to the final boss is seriously just to stand on the highest stair step to get the height to rocket his brain properly, that's actually it.
TNT is like a potluck where some people were good cooks and some really weren't, it was put together by a whole bunch of people in the very early days of the community, and not everyone had a good idea on what they were doing.

Dario Casali did a few maps on it back then, together with his brother Milo. Dario recently revisited TNT for the first time in like 27 years or so, and rediscovered what he didn't like, and certain creative differences he and his brother had with the group came back to his memory. A number of their levels were cut from TNT for being too hard, these, together with a few other maps they had made separately, were sent as a pack of 8 maps to iD with the question if they wanted some more since they were buying TNT. American McGee received it, he said it was very good and they were absolutely interested in more. With some talking, they come to the agreement that the Casalis get 4 months to complete that 8 level set into a full 32, and that it will be bundled with TNT as a 32+32 double feature. With their own creative control and vision, they get to work building Plutonia over months of non-stop mapping and testing, and it's eventually ready in time. iD don't ask for any changes to Plutonia, but a few times during development they ask if they're willing to do some work on polishing up TNT a bit, which are turned down.

tl;dr the much better Plutonia was created because two of Evilution's contributors thought it was too weak, and they had greater ambitions.

>> No.9726284

Thanks for the at-a-boys, I did press on and beat the set. almost enabled mouselook but then found the step thing on doom wiki.

Your summary of final doom development probably explains why growing up I was only ever vaguely aware of there being a plutonia wad but had never even heard of tnt evilution before I started being actively interested in doom. Gonna beat my head against that one now, thanks bros.

>> No.9726298
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>> No.9726305
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>> No.9726538
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>> No.9726630

what's the problem? just forget about them until you remember. i'm playing Jade Earth for the first time rn and I downloaded it in 2019


>> No.9726634

Lead dev's having issues getting his ass in gear. Project's come to a halt as a result of this.

>> No.9726638

yeah but that's not new. did something happen recently?

>> No.9726639

That I don't know. I know he still visits the thread from time to time, so with any luck we can get an answer as to what the fuck is going on.

>> No.9726792
File: 34 KB, 350x487, Kingpin: Life of Crime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Thursday Game Of Crash & Power 2 Mods 9th March
The Thursday games this week are the Crash Mod and then the Power2 Mod. Both games will be on the Newskool servers.

Game starts:-
9.30pm UK time
1.30pm USA PST/4.30pm EST
10.30pm Western Europe/11.30pm Central Europe/00.30am Eastern Europe.

Newskool Crash Squad

Newskool Power2/Domination

Master Server listing: https://hambloch.com/kingpin/

More info: https://www.kingpin.info/
Discord: https://discord.gg/SWMG6FD

>> No.9727040

Plutonia is much better put together. It's harder, but don't shy away from HMP if UV is too much.

>> No.9727062


idk about you but ive come to realise i'm too zoomerbrained for a lot of megawads, its just too hard for me to finish them. i much prefer individual map wads or shorter map packs like most DBP wads

>> No.9727065
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>Program has no readme guide
>His only links are Patreon and Buy Me A Coffee
>Assistance is paywalled
>"Free software"

>> No.9727071

Free as in freedom, not free beer.

>> No.9727073

The readme has no instruction on how it even works.
It's not free at ALL

>> No.9727094

Is it at least open source?

>> No.9727120

Buy him a coffee and ask him

>> No.9727131
File: 335 B, 16x16, doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm drawing a few 16x16 pixel art icons for my games and applications to use on the app launcher I wrote.
This is doom's. How does it look?

>> No.9727136

i think you made the best use of 256 pixuls

>> No.9727146
File: 880 B, 16x16, caco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His dad when he was his age

>> No.9727169

>its just too hard for me to finish them
The problem i have is theres always some map in the midway point thats like a brick wall (usually confusing map progression, not combat) and i lose interest. Or in community projects, theres that one map that just sucks.

>> No.9727201

>usually confusing map progression, not combat
lol map13 and map15 are actually the biggest roadblocks for me when playing vanilla doom 2 for that exact reason

>> No.9727209

This happens all the time to me.
>Enjoying a megawad
>Get half way
>Things either get too hard or my autistic need to get 100% of everything before exiting makes a map suck
>Move on to another megawad
On the plus side, I'm getting better at the game through all the no save pistol starts I'm insisting on doing.

>> No.9727218
File: 23 KB, 512x493, e6bd4de4f39a3ccf973bf4d690eba738-1211199291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my autistic need to get 100% of everything before exiting

>> No.9727224

Maps with hundreds of items can suck my dick.
You don't need 200+ armor bonuses just laying around scattered all over your map.

>> No.9727240

Just stop being autistic. Cut it out.

>> No.9727254

I've never used this, but a quick search says there is a help.exe.
Just open the weird exe file and check it out.

>> No.9727271

But actual completion!
How can you say you've actually beaten a map if you haven't beaten it:
Pistol start
All kills
All items
All secrets?

>> No.9727281
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>Anon when a teleporter bugs out and a single imp stays in its closet

>> No.9727295
File: 206 KB, 1587x1669, nohelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've watched the same Youtube video probably...
But it's not in this version.
The "help" folder is not really of any help it's mostly lists of commands and how to make extensions, nothing a brainlet like me can use.
Don't bother i've moved on anyway.

>> No.9727298
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Just found this on some old hdd, is it from a mod? It looks like goldsrc

>> No.9727303
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>> No.9727380

depends on the map. going down the self imposed handicap rabbit hole because you want to be like Decino, only to end up grinding Scythe 2 saveless on Nightmare is stupid even if you really have the skills to cut it. imo if you beat a new Sunder map with 100% kills it's enough to say you're done even if you used saves. 100% items is just annoying, you'll go insane doing it every time

>> No.9727409

I'm surprised there isn't a category for 0% secrets.

>> No.9727465

Woah there, I'll never be that good.
I just like full completion when possible. I know my limits and Scythe 2 is not in my skill range.

>> No.9727470

>even if you used saves.
I really want the stigma of saving mid level to fuck off.
It's not "save scumming" to have a checkpoint here or there, and the people pushing that idea are the same as the retards who demand you play Fromsoftware titles in a specific way or you "cheated".

>> No.9727578
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God I want the expansion pack to her game to release already. I think almost every level in Ion Fury is golden, although the last stretch with the endless secret lab got a bit old because at that point they were long past introducing new weapons or enemies.

>> No.9727736
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I'm going to be playing Return to Castle Wolfenstein for the first time, is there a port you guys recommend?
Also ran into a I/O error during installation, looks like the game's installed but I'm not sure if that means anything significant.

>> No.9727745
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>> No.9727776
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>I'm going to be playing Return to Castle Wolfenstein for the first time, is there a port you guys recommend?
Nothing crazy, maybe just some compatibility patches if at all. I think I ended up using something called "IOWolf" for some better resolution support? I reckon you should be good to go with a standard gog-games install.
>God I want the expansion pack to her game to release already.
Outlook not so good at this point, they're on track to release their "not retro so can't be discussed" sequel before the prequel's expansion is out.
The last few years also exposed me to so much quality content for these older shooters that I'm not so desperate for all these games to come out. I'll happily play them when they're out, though, most had some decent demos.

>> No.9727897

the worst Wolfenstein game is...

>> No.9727901

Doom II
it barely has any nazis in it, I mean what the hell were they thinking???

>> No.9727902

I know right? There's only one kind, they don't even have any dogs!

>> No.9727904

no retro

>> No.9727906
File: 2.48 MB, 1920x1080, explosion_grenade_slowmo_100m.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just dawned on me that I've only posted this in /&tg/ and not here, so here you go

Grenade goes off in Hideous Destructor. Debug shows the shrapnel from 100 meters in slow motion

>> No.9727909

Grenades in HD are no joke.

>> No.9727920
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Gorgeous. Is there a travel time for bullets as well?
>captcha: HDX4S

>> No.9727923

>Is there a travel time for bullets as well?
Yes, travel time, penetration drop, the works.
Hell, Hideous Destructor models the length of your weapon, meaning it can bump into walls if you turn around too close to them.

>> No.9727925

they found a Rise of the Triad prototype
they found Wolfenstein 2

>> No.9727926


>> No.9727935

That's awesome. I first noticed something years ago when I was messing around with the 'freeze' command and noticed all my pellets stayed in the air.
>Hell, Hideous Destructor models the length of your weapon, meaning it can bump into walls if you turn around too close to them.
I love how it can work in your favor, bracing your gun on top of cover or the corners of walls.

>> No.9727947


>> No.9727961
File: 3.91 MB, 960x540, Replay_2023-02-05_14-35-18.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HD's explosives are awesome. If you master setting quick airbursts, the blooper basically becomes a vanilla SSG on steroids.

>> No.9727964

what the fuck this is mostly just Wolf3D with floor and ceiling textures
not even any altered levels, looks like
what a letdown

>> No.9727970

Some replays:

>> No.9727974
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when i play doom i shift-click all the WADs and mods i want to play and drag them over to the gzdoom exe

>> No.9728026

I'm a shortcuts man myself.

>> No.9728037
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It should run fine, but if it doesn't, you can get the ioRTCW source port:
Download it from the link above, extract it into your "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" folder and then start up the ioWolfSP exe. It will give you a list of tons of modern resolutions in the options as well. Pick "Automatic (Native)" and it'll detect your native resolution. The highest you can go in the base game is 1024x768 (4:3) if you're not using the source port.

Some useful gameplay tips:
1) Holding crouch heavily increases your accuracy.
2) Holding down caps lock lets you walk slowly, and you can stay scoped with your rifles this way.
3) The main difference in the difficulties involve the enemies having higher/lower accuracy, pain chances, and wind-up speeds. The hardest the difficulty, the tougher the enemy behavior. It doesn't change the enemy count, so play on the difficulty that sounds most fun to you.

Some useful commands:
1) "/cg_fov" - Changes your FOV to the number you give it.
2) "/r_primitives 2" - Seems to really help people that experience a bad framerate on modern systems.
3) "/s_useopenal 0" and then "/snd_restart" - Specific to the ioRTCW sourceport, these two commands fix a lipsyncing bug. The bad lipsyncing is pretty much the only downside of using the source port, but this fixes it and makes it like the base game.
4) /g_gameskill" and then "/vid_restart" - These two commands let you change difficulty mid-playthrough. /g_gameskill 1 = Don't Hurt Me, 2 = Bring Em' On, 3 = I am Death Incarnate.

>> No.9728049


>> No.9728050

yeah, as long as you don't save mid-fight you're not really save scumming. I don't think it should be a point of controversy when you're running a map that takes 30+ minutes to beat, but the thing is there's really no accepted common sense among Doom players, you've got this steady influx of people who get into the game from watching yt and who apply speedrunning or UVmax criteria to casual play and spiral out of there into really obscure completion checklists. like this >>9727271 but unironically. I mean, it's doable, but why? is it fun to impose these handicaps on yourself before you even learn what you like about Doom mechanically? I fucking bet you 99% of ppl who've gone down those holes aren't actually looking forward to collecting every armor shard no matter how hard they try to convince themselves that they do. again, what's the point?

>> No.9728114

Yeah, all kills and secrets is sensible, but players who follow the BigMacDavis school of item collection are utterly insane.
I'm trying to no save my way through as many maps as possible, but the moment I come across a giant level that stupid rule is going out the window.

>> No.9728117
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My name is Quake Shakem.

>> No.9728140

Hail to the King of All Cosmos, baby.

>> No.9728159

we already had a sequel, it's called spear of destiny

>> No.9728340
File: 121 KB, 1392x1080, crude screenshot crop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[2-4] Version 1.1 of PsyDoom released

Incidentally, is the "Cast of Characters" sequence in PlayStation Doom supposed to loop endlessly, going from Our Hero back to Zombieman each time? Is it a bug in PsyDoom?

>> No.9728345

Hello, where is MB release?

>> No.9728349

I'd love to play a quake map where you run into boss esque characters with player models in old school community skins. You could just rip the Ai from a quake bot. I've seen it already in a map or two, but I'd like to play all the examples of it

>> No.9728381

Because it's a very early prototype that they scrapped, it's not even pre-Alpha it's just them fiddling with the engine seeing how they could push it.

>> No.9728440

Apparently they're making the expansion in their free time and not even getting paid for it, so it doesnt surprise me its taking as long to finish as a

>> No.9728495

Awaiting approval.

>> No.9728674

I think the final 10 or so areas at least had a ton more new enemies. The early game introduced all of the weapons aside from the machine gun which you don't get until after the mech fight. Midgame is lacking in new content although I liked the skyscraper levels.

>> No.9728854
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send help

>> No.9728885
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>damn... those interdimensional niggurs are gonna pay for stealin' my bike!

>> No.9728886

didn't manage to get it downloaded and set up in time, but i'll be there next week

>> No.9728889

Good luck when you get to level of >>9725986.

>> No.9728946

>only 141 gb

>> No.9728963

>both VR2 and the 25th Quake2 anniversary mapjam got delayed
and that's a good thing ;3

>> No.9729146
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playing through alkaline 1.2 and I found these guys and I think they're really cute

>> No.9729174

At the risk of sounding gay I never got into Doom growing up, in my 30s now and definitely don't enjoy gaming like I used to but these threads got me looking into Doom WADs/modding (as well as other retro shooters) and it's been the most fun I've had in a long time. Doomseeker and the Shitshow has also been a blast, some of the maps are definitely ADHD central but just killing a ton of shit with people is a ton of fun. Too bad I can't get any of my friends into it, there's so much good free stuff to play I feel overwhelmed at times.

>> No.9729209

is there a way to play old wads with their proper level names instead of the doom 2 ones?

>> No.9729235

If they have doom 2 names, that means authors didn't add them, so the only way you could is to do them yourself.
Names displayed on automap are hardcoded, so you'll need either dehacked or advanced port with some form of MAPINFO support.

>> No.9729290

It's pretty gay, but it's also cool that you're enjoying the game.

>> No.9729336

Quick question cause I can't seem to find the definitive answer, but for Metroid Dreadnought, one, is it the best metroid mod for doom right now? I see it was last updated in 2014. And two, if so, does it have it's own mapset or if not, what are some recommended sets for it?

>> No.9729540

We're playing Sonic Robo Blast 2 this Sunday Night Shitshow, I've compiled a list of mods and some optional client improvements. Get the base game here: https://www.srb2.org/download/
These are not required, but recommended. You can use this client for improved FPS and visuals: https://mb.srb2.org/addons/srb2-uncapped-plus.3248/
Or you can use this one for improved netcode: https://mb.srb2.org/addons/srb2netplus-2-2-4-v4-play-without-control-lag.463/
No, you cannot have both.
We'll also be running these mods:

>> No.9729547

These go in the addons folder?

>> No.9729549

Yep. When you connect to the server, it will automatically load them.

>> No.9729626

why don't you use the doom steam forums?

>> No.9729671

I have this thread to talk about Doom.

>> No.9729676

ROTT vs Wolf 3D
The great debate

>> No.9729741

Steam forums for games seem insanely overrun by third worlders, we joke about ESL here but steam forums are literally HALLO FROM BRASIL HOW GET GAME 4 FREE

>> No.9729768

>why don't you use [alternative (inferior) website] to discuss retro fps?
I got a better question, why do you keep asking this question?

>> No.9729790

So, it turns out both of these clients aren't updated to 2.2.10, which is the version we're running, so you can just not bother with them.

>> No.9729807

brutal kino

>> No.9729926

>noooooooo you can't make a wolf 3d sequel create something new
>proceeds to release two rehash doom sequels
epic id

>> No.9729985
File: 359 KB, 1600x900, doom00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to play Hexen for the first time.
I'm using DSDADoom as source port.
How can I get the arm and status bar aligned to the screen size? I have already fidl
Also, is DSDA a good port for Hexen (that's the one I currently use for Doom WADs)?

>> No.9729991

>I have already fid
dled with the options but found nothing relevant to the issue.

>> No.9730012

tbf this isn't gonna be the case for forums of less mainstream games.

>> No.9730040

yeah those are dead as fuck

>> No.9730053

wolf3d too primitive
rott tastes funny
i choose doom

>> No.9730087

wait a minute, is Duke's starting pistol a Glock?

>> No.9730091

which one do you like more?

>> No.9730096
File: 1.79 MB, 1920x500, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some really neat stuff here

>> No.9730098

Ken's Labyrinth.

>> No.9730102

it's a huge stretch but I guess so, despite all the differences

>> No.9730110

take the wolf 3d engine pill

>> No.9730134

This should fix some of the sprites and make them widescreen compatible. With the fix I don't think there's anything wrong with using DSDA for Hexen, but personally I prefer GZDoom since most custom maps for it are made for ZDoom and GZDoom has the sprite fixes built in.

>> No.9730227

Wolf 3D. ROTT's level design kinda sucks.

>> No.9730279

Those look quite a lot like Gonk droids.

>> No.9730291

Too late. I'm more keen on taking either the UE1, Quake Engine, or Build Engine pills.

>> No.9730329
File: 399 KB, 800x600, FRIDAY_NIGHT_FIREFIGHT_TIME_MOTHERFUCKERS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friday Night Firefight is up, this session we'll be playing Frantik Rejects, maps which weren't good enough for the mainline FrantikDM WADs but are still good fun. This one spans 40 maps, plenty to keep you fragging for a while. Connect with Zandronum 3.1 and let's get to it.

>> No.9730431

shiw wad

>> No.9730440
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Final version.
I changed the central horns and the coloring.
But that's probably unnoticeable at this size.

>> No.9730442

I'm probably going to setup a playlist of WADs we know are good to rotate through instead of searching for "new and original!" content every time.

>> No.9730447
File: 48 KB, 420x420, 1652381257242962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had fun

>> No.9730469

I guess that what matters in the end, but consistency would be nice.

>> No.9730473

ROTT easily. Wolfenstein is just too basic for me. ROTT adds enough wacky stuff to make it fun. Still not an amazing game, but its definitely interesting.

>> No.9730480
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They remind me of these dudes

>> No.9730481
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It just reads free, not free software.
Even then, as long as you can read and share the code, free software does not need to be easy or practical.

>> No.9730520

Yeah it's all in the fine prints...
My issue is the Patreon bait

>> No.9730540

also if it was straight forward with a premium version linked to a paypal i'd go for it.
I don't want to interact with him or having to subscribe 10 bucks a month.
No strings attached. I'm not a whale.

>> No.9730556

It's been argued, and it's clearly modeled after one in that unofficial 3D model pack (which incidentally is ugly as shit). It's one of the sprites made from the 3D models by Chuck Jones, and I'm pretty sure he wasn't going for any one pistol, he's got a bit of a cartoony style too, and the way the gun comes out makes it look very chunky and fat, which has led some people to calling it a Hi-Point, even if it's not accurate to one of those either. That notion gets to be an especially funny contrast though, looking at various Duke Nukem Forevers, where it's anything from a Desert Eagle to a gold plated 1911.

>> No.9730586

has anybody else here been tinkering with jfbuild?

>> No.9730618
File: 1.89 MB, 640x480, QuakeSpasm 0.95.1 2023-03-10 19-26-24.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, they're also in rubicon2

>> No.9730621

>me when mom forgot the tendies

>> No.9730669

Any of the big Vanilla level sets would tend to provide a Dehacked patch which you were meant to use for providing those names and such, even if they didn't change the gameplay.
Sometimes these are provided inside the .wad, and many ports will read them that way, but sometimes they were provided separately.

>> No.9730680


>> No.9730782

na naaaaaaa na na na na naaa naaa naaa
na naaa naaa na naaa naaaaaa

>> No.9730801

i always thought it was just some cool looking futuristic pistol

>> No.9730819

>i've got katamaris of steel

>> No.9730885
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https://cutstuff.net/forum/index.php?topic=11983.0 - In case anyone here cares, 8bitDM got an update. It's a small one though but it does let you change teamcolors [client-sided] so you can turn everyone on a team purple and green if you desire.

>> No.9730887

Thanks Doc Light

>> No.9730985

any guides for people wanting to play the UT games in 2023? Was wanting to play with my father.

>> No.9731000

Pirate it
Get it patched up at OldUnreal's website or discord

>> No.9731023
File: 60 KB, 811x662, sick shades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>powerups still use blinding screen tints

>> No.9731032

Steal all the base games.
OldUnreal patches for Unreal and UT99.
OpenSpy for UT2k3 and 2k4.
OpenSpy patch for UT3 because Epic still haven't released UT3X.
Timiimit's new master server for UT4 (UT4UU is optional but recommended)
U2 XMP Community Edition was disconnected from Epic to begin with, so that should work without further adjustment.
Emulate the Unreal Championship games (the leaked PC version of UC2 has fucked audio. I've seen a purported fixed audio DLL mentioned, but the person talking about it treated it like a great secret and I've never seen a public link)

>> No.9731158


>> No.9731184

Been playing Shadow Warrior and man is this game a blast when the level is well designed but whoever did the HEEYEAH sound the female ninjas make should be put on a rack.

>> No.9731214

So is hard mode for Quake the same as Ultra Violence for Doom? Just more monsters but not turning stuff into bullet sponges like lesser games?

>> No.9731330

Drake mod has a special armor that lets you turn into a Dragon

>> No.9731340
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It's a fully intentional homage IIRC

>> No.9731348

Is there still a community working on this, or just maintaining servers?
Thought it was mostly community made assets anyway.

>> No.9731469

Make a custom colormap to fix it.

>> No.9731475

Screen tint is handled by playpal, not colormap (Except for invulnerability)

>> No.9731481

People still make assets and stick them on UTCC, and UT4UU still gets some updates.

>> No.9731505

What's the best Android port for Quake 1/2/3?

>> No.9731561
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>> No.9731572

they overdetailed elecman and bubbleman levels, yet they refuse to update the ugly ass airman stage

>> No.9731713

Anyone else have elevators acting weird in Hideous Destructor? Gotta step on and off a bit until they lift me. How to fix?

>> No.9731729 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9731731

There's a brief delay that HD adds to walk-over lifts so that you don't step on an elevator and instantly eat shit as the floor falls out beneath you. There's also a "cap lift speeds to safe levels" setting, which predates the activation delay and is really quite overkill. Disable that if it's turned on. Disabling the activation delay will require going into the maptweaks zscript and commenting out the relevant code. Good luck in there.

>> No.9731737 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 828x163, 53568728-1652-4616-AFDC-A853E55EC9C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who couldve seen this coming

>> No.9731761

>Disabling the activation delay will require going into the maptweaks zscript and commenting out the relevant code.
I should add that I don't recommend doing this because of the aforementioned shit eating. With the safe lift speeds setting disabled, the activation delay is only about a second. That one second is going to screw you over a lot less often than the several seconds of stun and dropping your gun that happens without it.

>> No.9731770 [DELETED] 

no way lmao
hope they keep updating their mod

>> No.9731783

What are some fun run & gun wads? I've been playing Antaresian Reliquary again and something fast paced like that would be nice.

>> No.9731808


you probably already played it but I consider it the best megawad ever made.

>> No.9731823

does anybody know what r_scale does in quakespasm?

does it lower the internal resolution or puts a pixelated filter on the screen? Having a hard time finding docs on this.

>> No.9731838 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 1326x259, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ok what the fuck now

>> No.9731914

how long do you spend searching for secrets? when do you give up and look it up

>> No.9731928

>when do you give up and look it up
I never look up any secrets I miss, I’ll just save it for the next time I revisit the mapset.

>> No.9732042


>> No.9732052

I haven't played it, thanks anon.

>> No.9732068

how do i teleport to levels in painkiller?
i played the first two episodes on trauma and i want to just change the difficulty to nightmare without losing everything, i don't care if its cheating, id rather not lose progress.

>> No.9732078

Buddy wait until you get to the expansion pack with the chinatown gangster reskin

>> No.9732083


>> No.9732346

What other retro FPS should I play? I played a bunch of doom wads, ashes 2069, blood, duke nukem, quake 1 level mods etc, kinda running out of stuff to do

>> No.9732360

Play Shadow Warrior to complete the build trinity.

>> No.9732369

Maybe Serious Sam after you play Shadow Warrior like that other anon suggested.

>> No.9732398

Thirding Shadow Warrior.
Serious Sam games are also decent recommendations. You might also like Unreal and Heretic. You might like Quake 2 or hate it based on how much you like Quake 1.

>> No.9732504

id denied us more wolfenstein greatness

>> No.9732521

wolfen-SIGIL when? Get on it, Romero.

>> No.9732592

Marathon. You'll have a lot of reading on top of playing, which is neat.

>> No.9732603

>eat shit when the lift drops
lmao that makes sense then. I wasn’t sure it I messed up something tweaking files or settings.
Knowing its supposed to be that way might be enough but good to know what settings it is. Thanks for the reply!

>> No.9732829

We got ROTT and RTCW as a result, I'm content with that.

>> No.9732863
File: 391 KB, 651x960, 1648858412372532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Serious Business Saturday will be happening today in about 30 minutes (5pm US central). If you want to download the map early you can grab it here: https://maska322.itch.io/journey-to-hell

Has anyone else been working on a map for A Serious Case Of /vr/? Mine is going along smoothly but I don't really have any pictures to show because the past few days have been all about placing entities with no brushwork. So many triggers with so many connections...

>> No.9732950


Yeah. Just divides your resolution. 1 is normal.



>> No.9732953
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x888, 1663862877970371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready to take a trip to Doomguy's domain this time for Serious Business Saturday! Because today we'll be playing through a mapset called "Journey To Hell" which you can grab here: https://maska322.itch.io/journey-to-hell
It's one of the mapper's earlier creations, but it does have a sequel that we can play next (either today or next week depending on how long things take).

Follow these instructions or else you'll be werebull food:
>IP (join via specify server):
>Highly recommended to install the classics patch: https://dreamycecil.itch.io/sam-exe-patch if you haven't already. Adds a bunch of nice features like better resolution support and hud scaling. Make sure you grab the most recent TSE1.07 patch and after installing launch the game with "SeriousSam_Custom.exe"
>Go into the Scripts\NetSettings folder inside your main TSE directory and open up the DSLCable.ini file. Change "cli_iMaxBPS" to 1000000. Then when connecting to the server MAKE SURE YOU SELECT DSL/CABLE CONNECTION.
>Upon loading into the main menu, type: "/cli_iMaxPredictionSteps=4" (no quotes) into the console. You only have to do this once. If you encounter any problems with this setting then try changing it to a higher number up to around 10.

>> No.9732965

Enemy sounds should never be annoying.
The reading is the best part, playing Marathon is not for everyone.

>> No.9732980
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Phoenix being able to deflect grenades and missiles makes me remember those Archgaunt fellows from Neharha

>> No.9733001

yes, play marathon

>> No.9733010
File: 1.53 MB, 1600x900, spasm0031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And as promised I checked the abilities of Co-op / DM chars after that 1st level of part 2 - turns out that the ability to fly isn't as broken as I expected it (also it made me die once to a certain trap in the penultimate level because of the slowed falling)

>> No.9733018

Nightmare makes monsters faster.

>> No.9733091
File: 1.08 MB, 1600x900, spasm0034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It also makes their AI go much more gun-happy to the point they preffer standing in place and just keep shooting, also IIRC the Shamblers lightning-bolt attack animation lasts about 20% longer for more damage

>> No.9733214

Hey btw thanks again
Just like you said, in zscript\maptweaks.zs, on Line 4 there's the delay option that's easy to mess with!

>> No.9733307
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Well, our journey to hell is complete. And all we got was this stupid t-shirt. Thanks for playing everyone!

>> No.9733348
File: 821 KB, 1600x900, spasm0035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, that's undeniably a standard-issue Grunge track from late 90s
I have no idea why do some of those songs sample tTZ voiceclips, but they kinda fit

>> No.9733350
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If Wolfenstein 2 would've been on the same tech as Wolf1, it would've been maybe thematically cool but gameplaywise it's tricks had run out.

Wolfenstein 3d 2 on DOOM's tech, with also monster roster and weaponry balanced similar to DOOM... Might've been neat but as >>9732829 says, RTCW is a really really solid game.

>> No.9733361
File: 933 KB, 1600x900, spasm0038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the penultimate level from what I can tell, will finish it up tomorrow - shame there wasn't another hidden level beside just one

>> No.9733375

do you ever catch yourself doing the doom guy smile when you pick up a gun, the sardonic high iq "oh yeah it's killing time" smile

>> No.9733380
File: 181 KB, 640x480, 1673303658524927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for hosting

>> No.9733483

depends on the gun, but yeah sometimes

>> No.9733592
File: 492 KB, 1920x1080, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>searching for secrets
I only search for secrets if I'm in dire need of ammo or health.

Missing kills, that I cannot forgive myself. Feels like a personal failure if I let things live.

>> No.9733595
File: 1.53 MB, 1857x835, assssssssssssssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've posted screenshots of this map many months before, and here it is again, because I went back working on it after finish a dozen other maps. This is part of the megawad I've been working on these past 1,5 years. The skybox is a white mountain range, it just doesn't display here.

>> No.9733602
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Sunday Night Shitshow will happen at 7:00 PM EST tomorrow. I suggest you make a 60 minute speedmap in the off time.

>> No.9733620

60 Minutes of /vr/

>> No.9733642

This looks cool as fuck, love that downed ship looking structure

>> No.9733651

I will make a gun, instead.

>> No.9733672

It'll be the first entry in the prequel trilogy, with 400 minutes being the first of the sequels.

>> No.9733689

I will recolor a cyberdemon sprite instead.

>> No.9733832
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>> No.9733853
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>tfw the Doom II ending sequence is taken from SNES Wolf 3D

>> No.9733869
File: 29 KB, 357x229, SCSLSA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I SepArm'd the scoped slayer to the best of my ability

>> No.9733904
File: 2.96 MB, 1280x720, Replay 2023-03-11 23-26-10.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chipping away at little things after work. Yesterday was making sliding door prefabs.

>> No.9733924

Huh. I might just use that when I get around to updating Separated Arms...

>> No.9733925

That's some really weird recoil on the blaster there, you might want to consider pushing it down and to the right instead.

>> No.9733935

Pretty good suggestion. I'm disputing if I want to properly animate the sprites instead of just offsetting it. I just redid the angle on it a few weeks ago since the beam looked janky.

>> No.9733937

Well you can make due with some offsets, but just kicking it down and to the right sharply and then back up would make it look a lot better here.

>> No.9733948

Is there anything you can do about weapon bobbing? It is always a dead giveaway in GZDoom projects.

>> No.9733987
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, Replay 2023-03-12 00-11-21.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

I hadn't even considered this

>> No.9733989

you're getting there, but it should push to the right more.

>> No.9733992

I don't know if other people care, but it's the little things like that which remind me that I'm just playing a modified version of Doom rather than a new game.

>> No.9734018
File: 2.20 MB, 1280x720, Replay 2023-03-12 00-27-57.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This far enough?

I really like your suggestion. I think next day I get off, I'll do some reading of weapons.zs and see if I can't get something more akin to how Planet Strike did its bouncy ass guns.

>> No.9734023
File: 2.68 MB, 800x450, Watch where you point that thing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well now the new problem is it dips down too low, and something about how it's animated is really chunky and awkward. For example here's what I did recently with my twin angled guns, not sure how much help this'll be, but it's something to consider at least.
Also you can alter a weapon's bob style in the code up at the top where you put shit like your flags and what not. Like for the solar pistols here I use the following:

weapon.bobstyle smooth
weapon.bobrangex 0.1
weapon.bobrangey 0.2
weapon.bobspeed 1

and I don't think that's different in Zscript, at least it better not be

>> No.9734046
File: 2.99 MB, 1280x720, Replay 2023-03-12 01-01-10.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if I made it snap faster like this? Also holy crap yes, this is more what I had in mind for weapon bob.

>> No.9734047

You're getting there. On your frame where the gun has been pushed back at the very most, I'd make it just a little more to the right, and not pushed as much downwards.

>> No.9734062
File: 2.36 MB, 1280x720, Replay 2023-03-12 01-14-46.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 pixels right

>> No.9734065

Okay, now raise it up a little so it doesn't kick down as far, cus really thinking about it this is your starting blaster, right? Not a terribly strong gun so having it recoil less would check out.

>> No.9734072

A scope? Personally I think shotguns could really use eotechs because a fat iron sight covering what you're shooting is no bueno

>> No.9734074
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Please do, also just came across the iron sighted liberator and it's my new favorite thing.

>> No.9734085
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x720, Replay 2023-03-12 01-24-38.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind the pistol being a bit punchy, part of my weapon ideals are Daffy Duck Marvin Missions on snes, and that pistol flat out knocked you on your ass with each shot. Not going THAT far, but I'll probably have shit like a charge shot upgrade and a stun shot.

>> No.9734086

That'll do just fine. Man I remember playing that Duck Dodgers game a lot as a kid, fucking brutal game.

>> No.9734148

I certainly appreciate the help on this. Games like Blake Stone and Duck Dodgers seem to live rent free in my head ever since I first played them as a kid. Probably why I like classic scifi themes so much.

>> No.9734154

I love that retro futuristic shit too. Now I'll be honest when I say I think that weapon animation could use more work, but I'm not sure if that's your main focus with this project. I'll give advice where I can though, I'm just happy to see you're still alive and working on this.

>> No.9734284

expac never

>> No.9734341

>The reading is the best part, playing Marathon is not for everyone.
Fair. I just keep reminding myself to play the entire series one day while encouraging others to do so. My backlog is bloated as is already + some playthrough were left unfinished due to IRL stuff. For on-topic stuff, I need to my another Hexen run + first Hexen 2 playthrough.
Good choice, anon. First Marathon has a great soundtrack. Even though I haven't listen to this variation of it.

>> No.9734360

interesting stuff. Much better than the oblige method

>> No.9734449

what textures?

>> No.9734565

Have you ever just given up and considered a wad a waste of your time? No-saving even some of the mid range maps seems beyond me and I think I'm going back to saving whenever I feel like it again.

>> No.9734592

Why are you doing things if they're not fun?

>> No.9734603

>Have you ever just given up and considered a wad a waste of your time?
I never do no-save shit. Thank god I'm not that autistic. But sometimes the wad/level/mod is so good and engaging I forget to save for a period of time. Wish that happened more to be honest.

>> No.9734619

Does ROTA work well with Quakespasm? Did you encounter any bugs, how's the sound and music?

>> No.9734624

>does the zandronum HEH HEEERH noise

>> No.9734630

>ashes 2069
Did you play Afterglow?
Anyway, if you are looking for some Doom-like experience but with mouselook and WASD option out of the box, play Eradicator. If you are okay with 45 degree walls, play Chasm or Rebel Moon Rising. If you want something closer too Build design, play Dark Forces.

>> No.9734637

Been a while anons.
looking for a music pack containing all the tracks dooms soundtrack was inspired by (aka alice in chains we die young instead of hiding the secrets etc.)
also should i go on with work with my deathmatch wad? i haven't worked on it for over a year at this point due to mappers block.

>> No.9734669

Alkaline 1.2 is leagues better than the previous version.
>More levels
>They actually give you super jump boots for the hub so you can explore properly
>Actual hidden jokes/worldbuilding in the hub
I've been playing Doom for so long I forgot how much fun just tearing through Quake actually was. Yes it's easier, but mowing down tons of grunts is entertaining and I swear the previous version didn't have Quake 2 style damage models for the enemies.
I just found a secret level and the end boss made me almost shit myself. It was like some big Strogg thing but was too mechanical to be Armagon.

>> No.9734678

I think I just need a break from Doom for a bit, maybe
You're right. The whole no-save thing helps you improve but there comes a point where its more important to have fun.

>> No.9734687


Oh you're still here! Loving this BS themed thing you're working on, looking forward to its completion!

>> No.9734817
File: 2.66 MB, 1920x1080, explosion_airburst_50m.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one, airburst at 50m

Smooth moves, I've never tried doing this, it looks incredibly fun.

>> No.9734869
File: 834 KB, 1366x768, spasm0010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mountains of More Insanity is how I'd expect id to make a new Quake game.
>Start off fighting sci fi stuff in a base
>Eventually find experiments into lovecraftian shit
>Your battles through the facility free the horrors
>You eventually make your way down to the depths of the facility where they've uncovered a creepy eldritch temple deep underground
>Start hearing otherworldly voices as you're now just fighting abominations as something unknowable torments you
That map was amazing, and the final fight even played a nice remix of the Quake 1 theme. I know if id makes a new Quake they'll look to Arcane Dimensions for inspiration, but I hope they notice Alkaline too.

>> No.9734902 [DELETED] 

how did you find this?

>> No.9734907

>I know if id makes a new Quake they'll look to Arcane Dimensions for inspiration, but I hope they notice Alkaline too.
People used to think 2016 copied Brutal Doom, but there could be arguements about it (the melee in the cancelled D4, Serious Sam 3, other "material" like the comic, Death Battle, copypastas etc)
But then Eternal had a fire Baron and then TAG2 had a "stone imp" and a chaingunner with a black helmet, which felt like they used Realm667 designs as influence
Doom is a good example of a series being "fanbase influence" in ways that most people don't notice but i also know that Bethesda got shit for a Fallout 4 expansion potentially copying a NV mod
Unless the arguement is that "Doom mods are essentially fanfic/what the fans want" which differs from id referencing basic memes that people can get sick off

>> No.9734976
File: 775 KB, 1600x900, spasm0039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normal QS refused to run it because of some Host_Error: lightstyle 255 error crashing the server instance - whereas QuakeSpasmSpiked ran it without any real problems.
I tried Mark5 briefly but it couldn't load the extetnal music in .ogg format the kind anon from last thread provided me with - also the framerate stuttered badly at any area that wasn't a literal corridor for the most part so I haven't bothered much with it...
Sounds effects are okay in general (aside from lasers sounding a bit too puny, in contrast the Shotty replacement's *BANG-bang~click-CLICK!* firing loop is very well made and the both Flamer's shooting noise is almost erotic), my only gripe is with Logan having a big unused voiceclip soundbank that was obviously supposed to give him more character development as an utter pain in the ass to deal with and the music for the most part is so cringey thats almost endearing, if you can tolerate it

Also the gunplay mechanics could've probably been revamped a little differently - as both the Chaingun and Flamethrower waste way too much ammo to be actually usefull (especially with the latters wonky hit detection and woefully short range), and as wierd as it might sound I believe that all levels after the first one hand you way too much ammo (probably due to how inefficent half of your arsenal is)

Painskins were a thing in v1.1 already but I cannot remember if all enemies had them included

>> No.9735008
File: 1.10 MB, 1600x900, spasm0041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and the room above this place is where having a flyer char will screw you over as I have mentioned earlier . .

>> No.9735014

I have made a gun.

>> No.9735098

That's a meaty whack of a noise

>> No.9735107

Why is quake mapping/modding nowhere near the level of Doom, just the head start doom got? Are the tools easier to use? I have no mapping experience just question of curiosity.

>> No.9735130

It's most likely the ease of mapping Doom compared to Quake. People also typically prefer Doom over Quake since Quake's base game does a terrible job of selling the enemies or combat to new players.
It's a shame because I almost like Quake more than Doom. Maps have more potential due to the verticality, and Quake mapping tends to rely more on fun combat encounters and level design over "LOOK AT ME I PUT 700 REVENANTS IN MY MAP!" That Doom has devolved into.

>> No.9735137

Mapping is inherently more difficult due to being fully 3D, and pre-Trenchbroom editors were a pain to use. Modding is limited by not having source ports that allow for modular mod packages (except for FTE, which nobody develops for), meaning you can't, for instance, combine a weapon mod with something like Arcame Dimensions. It's full on partial/total conversion or nothing.
There's also the drama in the Q1 singleplayer community over the past decade that has undoubtedly set things back... If you know you know.

>> No.9735138

what about wolf 3d, duke, half life and unreal modding?

>> No.9735139

doom's mapping tools are lightyears ahead of other games, quake can only run one mod at a time so maps and custom weapons are a package deal, and doom's enemy roster has more variety for group fights where quake is more 1 on 1 tussles
I don't keep up with drama or specifics but doom mapping upload sites have also always been more consolidated than quake

>> No.9735146

both the original build editor and mapster32 suck
really hard to make genuinely good levels in those as they're far more complex games. you could probably design a decent shooting gallery for half-life but people expect more from that game and its mods. even the combat oriented mods like field intensity has a plot and some scripted sequences.

>> No.9735162

Interesting, I didn't have this history, appreciate it

>> No.9735170

Can be this considered retro?

>> No.9735173

for the record, Build mapping tools still run in DOS emulators to this day so any Duke or Blood maps around were made with a whole lot of blood, sweat and tears

>> No.9735179

Not only are the tools easier to use, but also when it comes to singleplayer, Doom is just the better game. Doom 2's stock bestiary kicks the shit out of most FPS games, including Quake. Shamblers and Vores just aren't as fun to fight as Archies and Revs. A lot of the bigger projects for Quake do expand the monster roster, but there's no need to do that with Doom because it's already very strong as it is.

>> No.9735197

Whatever you want man, just make a map. It doesn't even have to be Doom, it could be a Heretic one.

>> No.9735219

>There's also the drama in the Q1 singleplayer community over the past decade that has undoubtedly set things back
How so?
I just assumed we don't get many Arcane Dimensions or Alkalines because Quake modding is a whole new level of difficulty.

>> No.9735224

>not having source ports that allow for modular mod packages (except for FTE, which nobody develops for)
I think Darkplaces can also do it, but

>> No.9735226

This is also true. There's a reason why all the good Quake mods add new monsters but Doom mods rarely bother trying that.
If you play a Quake mod that even considers using Spawns in any of its maps you'll still only meet about four of them in the entire thing, and Vores are also incredibly annoying and unfun to fight since they're essentially Revenants on steroids with smarter missiles.
I love Quake, but I'll fully admit I only play Arcane Dimensions and more recently Alkaline and those both tend to add/replace a ton of the enemies.

>> No.9735264

>come back to Doom 2 after about a year
>continue from Map 18
>annoyed the whole time
>get all the way to Map 23
>no longer want to play Doom 2
Some of it's me but Doom 2's level design always makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong. It's hard for me to enjoy it as much as Doom 1.

>> No.9735281
File: 420 KB, 502x400, petersen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's hard for me to enjoy it as much as Doom 1.

nothing personnel

>> No.9735368

Under some basic guidance anywho's 5-year-old grandchild/nephew can dish out competently made maps, for Doom has lowest skill barrier for entry. Low-definition and rather simplistic artwork (quite ass looking on newest hardware I must say though) is easily tweakable and universally applicable for pretty much any game setting desired, there are plenty or resources available to mishmash for plethora of variety of consistently looking themes. You are even more so encouraged to abandon life logic with behind your built environments, since the amount of time spent on detailing is just as detrimental to player's entertainment. Doom modders walk thin line bordering on a hackjob with mods like Rowdy Rudy being so universally beloved yet abhorrent looking.
Exactly so, Doom modders walk thinnest line bordering on a hackjob with mods like Rowdy Rudy being so universally beloved yet abhorrent looking.

>> No.9735383

Pay no attention to the last line, it's merely for extra emphasizing.

>> No.9735387

>How so?
The local janny goes on a deletion spree if you go into any degree of detail on this, but in short oldfags got pushed out by the most insufferable newfags imaginable who have been reinventing the wheel in retarded ways instead of building atop what was already in place - all while pretending to be 'purists' to cope with producing the most formulaic, unfun, and over-designed maps possible.

>> No.9735395

>producing the most formulaic, unfun, and over-designed maps possible.
can you provide some examples or clues to look them up? (if the jannies are that delicate)

>> No.9735431

Sort Quaddicted by date and look back about 10 years ago. Once you start seeing a bunch of new authors approaching the present you'll be in the right place.
Otherwise I guess play any recent map jam and compare it to an equivalent one from a decade ago. The newer ones will be prettier (usually) but you'll start noticing the lack of creativity in gameplay and general safeness of level design. Custom content (use of mods like Quoth especially) drops off a cliff as well.

>> No.9735447

And how could one forget MIDIs, there are soo damn fine MIDIs on the Net and Quake can't have them. Having good sound bank evens out listening experience.

>> No.9735469

Makes sense. I assume this is also related to that shitty Slipseer site, too, or is that a more recent issue?
Either way, it's not all bad. Arcane Dimensions was really good and Alkaline is fun too. Maybe there's hope it'll get better?

>> No.9735475

>producing the most formulaic, unfun, and over-designed maps possible.
Are you sure you're not talking about Doomworld here? The number of Cacoward winners that turned out to be bullshit and unfun is staggering. I just recently finished watching decino play through Doom 2 in Spain Only and fuck me the level design is bad. Even he calls it out in several videos.

>> No.9735478

the truth is that wads pale compared to doom 1 and 2

>> No.9735491

It should, but that depends on how spergy some anons will be about it. Digging into how its done in-game might be helpful just to determine whenever or not there's a risk of it being considered "not retro".
By the way, is there a map that implemented Spawns in Wacka-A-Mole-esque setpiece? Like, have a zone in a map with some holes/tubes/something else from where Spawns start to appear. So you just have to quicky shoot them with your Rocket Launcher before all hell breaks loose.

>> No.9735494

but it is as good as the orginal and spear of destiny?

>> No.9735515

>I assume this is also related to that shitty Slipseer site
Slipseer is very much a product of what has been going on for a while, yes.
>Arcane Dimensions was really good and Alkaline is fun too
AD was, in many ways, the last triumph of the Quake oldfags. Alkaline is just built on the back of it, and will likely suffer a similar fate of having its better contributors become dismayed at the state of things and quietly disappear.
>Are you sure you're not talking about Doomworld here?
Oh I'm quite aware that Doom is having many of the same problems. Doom custom content has a bit more of a legacy that is harder to wash away though, and it's all a lot more thoroughly archived. If Quaddicted goes down, there's a very real possibility that nobody will try to get it back up. That's a ton of shit that will just be lost forever.

>> No.9735543

>Doom 2 in Spain Only
Looking at the names, I am in no particular awe of their mapping work, albeit bootleg nature of the wad might provide some needed appeal? Cruising through idgames randomizer is generally more fun than with some dw-core such as btsx.

>> No.9735567

>the level design is bad
For UV 100% probably objectively yes, I played it continuously, didn't bother with secrets if I couldn't find them, and thought it was decent. Map 14 and 28 had extremely confusing progression, and of course map 31 was basically never intended to be found but I did pick up the automap hint for map 32. Probably no coincidence that the parts I liked the least were the most "hollywood" parts where you're trapped in a gimmick room with cyberdemons or archviles

>> No.9735589

>I just recently finished watching decino play through Doom 2 in Spain Only
God that was a tedious period, that mapset became dull to watch very quickly.

>> No.9735592

Play Arrival instead

>> No.9735662

Speaking of the randomiser, I remember coming across a map called Doom City which turned out to be fun and supposedly semi- well known.
I looked up the mapper out of curiousity on the wiki and it turns out he died last year. It made me wonder just how many of the mappers from the early days have passed away after all this time.

>> No.9735679
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just a cool find

>> No.9735680

>But then Eternal had a fire Baron and then TAG2 had a "stone imp" and a chaingunner with a black helmet, which felt like they used Realm667 designs as influence
Eh, those are pretty obvious ideas.

>> No.9735731

Are there any quake maps as dynamic as Mouldy maps in terms of action triggers use? With shapeshifting interiors and multi-layered combat scenarios building on top of each other?

>> No.9735753

I liked that its rendition of The Chasm was a recreation of Duke3D's The Abyss, and then Bloodfalls managed to top that by recreating Dark Souls 3's Farron Keep. That's about all I took away from it, the rest of the maps are a brown blur. It's like BTSX E1 but without the pretty textures.

>> No.9735774
File: 342 KB, 1280x720, SUNDAY NIGHT SHITSHOW 102 MOTHERFUCKERS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SUNDAY NIGHT SHITSHOW TIME! Tonight we bring you Sonic Robo Blast 2, in which we will blast through the main campaign and then cool off with some Ringslingers!
Remember to grab the mods zip here and throw 'em in your addons folder:

To join the game, select "multiplayer" on the title screen, and enter under specify IPV4 address.

>> No.9735791

I highly recommend everyone go into options > controls and change "Play Style" from "Automatic" to "Manual"

>> No.9735827


>> No.9735838

Just raised the cap to 32. Try joining again.

>> No.9735881
File: 42 KB, 1280x800, srb20005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You mean the chaos emeralds?

>> No.9735938

Is that WAD for Doom 1, Doom2, Heretic, Quake 1, Quake 2, or its own iWAD entirely?

>> No.9735954

>I just recently finished watching decino play through Doom 2 in Spain Only and fuck me the level design is bad
I said this shit in these threads like 6 months ago and people dogpiled me and tried to tell me it wasn't that bad. Fucking fuckoff cunts if you're still here, that god damned set is not well designed and there are a ton of issues with enemy encounters and general "fun". Half the levels are just made to HP tax you to death instead of doing anything actually interesting or engaging.

>> No.9735998

I left and came back to find the server empty, what the hell happened?

>> No.9736010
File: 443 KB, 1280x800, srb20007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're still going

>> No.9736014

doom 2 wad

>> No.9736065

Best way to play wolf 3d?

>> No.9736110
File: 1.79 MB, 320x240, destroy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck. I downloaded FTE Quake engine to play a mod that requires it. Start game and ther's retarded Darkplaces looking particles/light. Go to options and change "graphics" to "vanilla". Looks the same. Try to go back into options, it defaults to selecting "updates" instead of the last options submenu i opened. Navigate into another options submenu and change "particles" to "faithful". Same shit. Try typing "particles" command into console, nothing. Guess ill have to play with ugly "HD" particles or google the right console command.
This is why nobody uses this fucking engine. It probably has some cool features, but it's shoving stupid shit in your face and it makes it seem like there's an intuitive way to change the graphics when there really isn't.

>> No.9736162


>> No.9736240
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>> No.9736243
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>> No.9736248
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>> No.9736250
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>This actually worked

>> No.9736252
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>> No.9736254
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The closest thing to a photo.

>> No.9736258
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>> No.9736262
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>> No.9736265
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I got the gang in the escape pod at the end

>> No.9736267
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They could have just made this a texture.

>> No.9736270
File: 253 KB, 1280x800, srb20004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here we have PTG's sermon dedicated to nuclear weapons

>> No.9736271

A certain someone has been evading bans on the server. I'll be keeping watch.

>> No.9736279

what about the gzdoom tc?

>> No.9736294
File: 199 KB, 1280x800, srb20002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a lot of fun

>> No.9736298

Not bad, but the enemies in Wolfenstein 3D behave differently from the enemies in Doom and it creates problems on the GZDoom total conversions.

Wolfenstein 3D enemies are two states:
1) They become alerted through gunfire, or simply whenever one other enemy in a room spots you. This is basically how Doom enemies operate.
2) They are capable of patrolling and generally being non-alert until you trigger them by entering their line of sight. Gunfire or other enemies being alerted to you will not change this. They remain on guard until you enter their line of sight. This is unique to Wolf 3D, and it becomes a problem in the total conversion.

Because Wolf 3D enemies in the ZDoom conversion all act like #1 and never #2, some interactions within the conversion become broken, even softlocking you in rare cases, such as enemies behind secret areas now blocking pushwalls that they otherwise shouldn't be able to (because they were triggered to an alert state like a Doom enemy would be). There's also the fact that you can simply hold down the use key (space) while strafing along walls in Wolf 3D, and pushwalls will be activated. In Doom, you have to manually tap space repeatedly, so finding secret areas becomes much more of a chore in the TC.

>> No.9736302
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>> No.9736309

I should mention that I learned Doom's enemies do in fact have the capabilities to act like #2, but in the actual campaign, they never do.

>> No.9736314

And we're done. Next week we'll play Lost Civilization.

>> No.9736467
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d2iso is fine really, author is kind of a dick but i would put the mapset more in the classically inspired than the faceless newschool category. has more personality than the average modern boom shit (tm) or gzdoom shit with supercharge (tm) with combat arena setpieces (tm), which is what comes to mind personally when assessing how awfully streamlined doomworld core can be. it's also more enjoyable than some of the artist's shit which gets mentioned in cacowards such as three is a crowd, down the drain and most recently magenta spire. might be cuz i'm a dirty purist

>> No.9736562
File: 878 KB, 1600x900, spasm0043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I even got a pic of the rigged place itself, totally forgot about it
Thankfully noclip still works as usual

>> No.9736602
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FL-07D has seen better days

>> No.9736720

I'll wrap up dealing with Mr.Sinister either later today or tomorrow - this mod has been quite a blast and I liked the MP/co-op gimmick more than expected - playing the campaign maps as Wolverine on anything than Nightmare skill seems incredibly OP to be honest

>> No.9736721
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Captcha please stop stealing my screencaps, TYVM

>> No.9736748

No idea. I thought it was just a reskin of Wolf3D, but maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.9736802
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>> No.9736808
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i got filtered big time

>> No.9736872
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>> No.9737221

As much as I'm enjoying Alkaline, why the fuck are they called Floyds?
They also looks stupid as fuck. They're like rejected Dalek designs.

>> No.9737265

>As much as I'm enjoying Alkaline, why the fuck are they called Floyds?
I think it’s a reference to an old adventure game called Planetfall which featured a robot named Floyd.

>> No.9737362

Makes sense. They still look really silly though.

>> No.9737369
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>> No.9737381

the what

>> No.9737387

explain what? emulation glitches?

>> No.9737395

the pistol

>> No.9737401

you mean the bad perspective?
if it's the anachronism don't forget you're dealing with wolfenstein

>> No.9737413

why is taken from doom?

>> No.9737434
File: 156 KB, 427x334, wolf3djaguarzombies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not the same it's reworked but ask id software they made the port.
you will love the m16 and picrel kek
this one also got a flamethrower and a rocket launcher.
it's unironically my favorite port

>> No.9737438

what makes it better than the mac and 3do ports?

>> No.9737448

i don't like the status bar and weapon sprites.
the 3do music also feels out of place.
my only regret out of this port is the lesser amount of levels...

>> No.9737459

sorry misquote

>> No.9737460

wait, are those the 94 protons of /vr/ font numbers on the hud? Choppie explain

>> No.9737465

based jagfags

>> No.9737491
File: 53 KB, 137x172, arch01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy's got some really cool models on the site he links later

>> No.9737493

>Archvile if he in Quake 1

>> No.9737502

every doom fan remake is garbage

>> No.9737695

Actually based Tronyn (who often uses doom monsters in his maps and doomlike gameplay too) did put an arch-shambler that has the line of sight flame attack instead of lightning in one of his maps

>> No.9737760

this creepy lil mofo looks dapper

>> No.9737823

What fan remakes? So cheap gameplay mods or cosmetic mods? Of course they are garbage.

>> No.9737827

What map? Played many of his map packs, but I don't remember seeing a single archie.

>> No.9737836
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>> No.9737875

>pizza slices on the bare table

>> No.9737883
File: 939 KB, 1366x768, spasm0017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Alkaline Manual makes the Tormentor sound like the nastiest boss you'll face in a Quake mod
>He's actually a giant retard who is only dangerous if you stand still
Loving this mod, though.

>> No.9737889

Bake some Wolf3D or Marathon themed bread this time.

>> No.9737891

You can't tell me what to do.
Baking new bread.

>> No.9737903

nta but what about tekwar?

>> No.9737929

You're getting Hexen

>> No.9737946

swiggity swooty

>> No.9738008

One of the maps in the Nyarlathotep set
Not the one in space or the one where you climb up very long - I remember the one with the archshambler starts in a large pool of blood with a lot of action right away

>> No.9738263

They are the bad guys.

>> No.9738409
File: 843 KB, 279x344, 1654332839705.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep,time to replay scythe2 for the sixth time despite having dozens of map wads on backlog and the floating baron enemy clashing with monster wads

>> No.9738424
File: 30 KB, 480x470, 1678541887956893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it hard?

>> No.9738474

No,it just has some gimmicks i dislike like death exits every 6 maps or so but otherwise i find it enjoyable