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9735776 No.9735776 [Reply] [Original]

This games legacy is honestly confusing to me.

>shits on the psychological horror aspect of 2 by returning to the cult plot

>Puzzles are by the numbers brainlet riddles you could take out of a 7 year olds brain teaser book and bear no relevance to the setting or story

>Retard tier writing, introduce characters and then kill them off with 0 impact to anything

>Extremely linear, lacking enemy variety and the designs are kind of lame

>For some reason Robbie is synonymous with this game despite being literal set dressing with no relevance to the story or protagonist at all

Heather being endearingly autistic is the only thing that sets it apart, and even then James is still a better protagonist because he has actual character development . What's the deal? What am I missing? What would you say silent hill 3 excels at? Why do people get to shit on The Room and subsequent sequels while this game enjoys a relatively positive perception?

>> No.9735813

>stop liking what I don't like

>> No.9735843

Everything looks off in Silent Hill 4 like the scale is too small or something with the character models. Does anyone else know what I'm talking about? It also just seems so cheap like it doesn't belong as a silent hill at all. The only good parts are the 1st person parts inside the apartment weirdly enough.

>> No.9735849

Can you tell me what you do like? I'm not just trying to shit on it I'm honestly curious what people like so much about it

>> No.9735864

I'm always curious why 3 has so many fans, it's just a watered down version of 1 in most respects.

>> No.9735868

Cute weird teenage girl protagonist who'd totally be weird enough to fall for you if she were real.

>> No.9735908

>wheeeehhh my subtle psychological horror
You really expected them to keep doing that? What could they even have come up with? A bloody white enemy that represents heathers' tampon?

>> No.9735912

It's probably a time and place thing, 2004 places it in prime hot topic and Donnie Darko enjoying mall goths and the game is practically begging for that audience

>> No.9735930

Psychological horror is the series identity though, it's what sets it apart from other survival horror games that are just frankly better mechanically

>> No.9735940

Heather is fine, I just mean beyond that. If anything her character is underexplored.

How about a giant dick monster? Like the one in the game.

>> No.9735970

I loved 3, but I also loved 1 and 2. I was a fan since near the beginning, got 1 shortly after it came out.

>> No.9735973

>giant dick monster

Heather is a muff diver though

>> No.9735989

It has some of the most individually scary and memorable moments in the series, the end of the haunted house, the mirror room, the otherworld's moving textures and grime

>> No.9736023
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>shits on the psychological horror aspect of 2 by returning to the cult plot
No it doesn't, these two things are not mutually exclusive.
>Puzzles are by the numbers brainlet riddles you could take out of a 7 year olds brain teaser book and bear no relevance to the setting or story
The Shakespeare puzzle alone is considered one of the hardest puzzles in any video game.
>Retard tier writing, introduce characters and then kill them off with 0 impact to anything
Literally who does this even apply to?
>Extremely linear, lacking enemy variety and the designs are kind of lame
All of the games are linear, SH3 just unfortunately lacks outdoor sections which depending on your perspective is a good or bad thing.
>For some reason Robbie is synonymous with this game despite being literal set dressing with no relevance to the story or protagonist at all
Alright, even I will give you this one, no idea why Robbie is shilled so hard in general and always thought it was dumb.

SH3 is the most refined entry in terms of gameplay, plays as smoothly as you could want your survival horror game. it also presents the greatest challenge, resource management is actually relevant here unlike the prior two entries. Unfortunately it just never quite reaches the narrative high points of the prior games, but that doesn't make it a worthwhile entry.

>> No.9736105

The horror is really unsettling. It's like the Otherworld is viciously ragging at the player with its morbid enemy design, unnerving sound effects and disturbing scenary. No other Sillent Hill creates such a distinct and hellish atmosphere as Silent Hill 3.

>> No.9736132

>Alright, even I will give you this one, no idea why Robbie is shilled so hard in general and always thought it was dumb.

at the very least its a metaphor for heather losing her innocence. probably more though

>> No.9736171

Silent Hill 3 is my favorite because it had the most unnerving sound design of the franchise and was the first one to not stock you up with 200+ pistol rounds within the first hour of the game on normal difficulty.

>> No.9736251 [DELETED] 

>shits on the psychological horror aspect of 2 by returning to the cult plot
and that's a good thing, Reddit Hill 2 was a disgraceful follow up to the first Silent Hill
>Puzzles are by the numbers brainlet riddles
you obviously used a guide you faggot, 3 had the best puzzles in the series much better than Reddit Hill 2
>bear no relevance to the setting or story
lol what? did you play the game faggot?
>Retard tier writing, introduce characters and then kill them off with 0 impact to anything
this isn't Reddit Hill 2 you poser, the character's death doesn't have to be always some hearthbreaking sad melodramatic shit
>Extremely linear
but it's okay when Reddit Hill 2 do it huh? the first game was semi-open then the shitty sequel game and ruined it in that regard
>Robbie is synonymous with this game despite being literal set dressing with no relevance to the story or protagonist at all
he's the mascot of the SH amusement park you retard, that's more relevance than Reddit Hill 2 mascot the Reddit doggy you only meet in a joke ending

>> No.9736257 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9736274 [DELETED] 

>Unfortunately it just never quite reaches the narrative high points of the prior games
maybe SH1 but it's definitely better than Reddit Hill 2 shitty narrative

>> No.9736276 [DELETED] 

bot posts

>> No.9736280 [DELETED] 

The worst part is that it isn't. This mentally ill degenerate is shitting up the board ever since the beginning.

>> No.9736284 [DELETED] 

>makes a thread mocking x game
>someone defends x game and points out that it's better than y game that happens to be OP favorite game
>NOOOOOOO you can't criticize my vidya sacred cow!!!
go chock on a dick

>> No.9736285

Silent hill 1 was about fear of the unknown (or alternatively, what you can't see)
Silent hill 2 was psychological fear
Silent hill 3 was visual fear. the opposite of SH1.

3's entire thing is visuals. How creepy everything looks. Show, don't tell, and definitely don't imply. That's it. If you read into it further, good for you, but there's nothing there to read into.

>> No.9736290 [DELETED] 

Go make more Floigan threads for me to report.

>> No.9736351

There's definitely aspects of the series where viewer interpretation and theories but people delve way too deep into it. There's so much stuff that very obviously just there because or to maybe look cool or striking but people will analyze it as if the entire story depends upon it.

>> No.9736380
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>SH3 is the most refined entry in terms of gameplay, plays as smoothly as you could want your survival horror game.

I might agree with you on the first part of it if it weren't for these ankle biting faggots. But also, I would not describe any silent hill as smooth

The gameplay in 3 peaked for me bashing the weird dick Yoshis' heads in with a pipe

>> No.9736381

I blame 2 for that, 1 is pretty straightforward and you can get the whole picture by just playing the game.

>> No.9736398

Keep in mind most people who like SH never played the games so they don´t know what the hell Robbie is, they think he is your typical "cute looking evil monster", also most people uses SH4 Robbie with the SH3 filter, they probably think it´s from the same game lol, which makes me wonder why did they used him in two different games made by two different teams

>> No.9736446

Masahiro Ito said many times that SH3 monsters don´t have any special meaning because they were made in a rush so that basically proves your point, SH2 is the only one that actually forces the player to over-analyze it because of it´s lynchian nature

>> No.9736481

It's the most well-polished but most derivative entry in the original series.

Graphics and gameplay are the best, but you don't play SH for those.
Returning to cult/Harry feels like safe fan-service but they still manage to renew the concept so it's distinct enough (playing as Alessa/Cheryl/Heather, the horror and mood being influenced by being a teenage girl instead of an adult male like in the first two, Silent Hill first coming to you instead of you arriving in Silent Hill...)
As a whole, it's less interesting, but it has some of the strongest individual moments.
And as a horror game, I'd definitely say it's the scariest in the series. It's more aggressively oppressive, for better or for worse, I think by the end of it it becomes somewhat tiresome.
They pushed the grimy rusty aesthetic as far as they could in this one and milked SH town concept as much as possible, it's a perfect end for the trilogy.
Clearly they realized this because 4 took a very different direction and didn't play it safe, is more creative but also more flawed as a result.

>> No.9736497

>is more creative
Too bad it looks like shit

>> No.9736508

>>shits on the psychological horror aspect of 2 by returning to the cult plot
Have you ever hard of anthologies?

>> No.9736527

>>shits on the psychological horror aspect of 2 by returning to the cult plot

It doesn't shit on the psychological themes at all despite doing the cult shit. Its full of shit like fear of pregancy and fear of stalkers/rape. Fearing her dark side as Alessa. More I cant remember.

Silent Hill 1 was never not psychological either. Nigga got burned alive truamatized and her trauma turned into a nightmare so everything you see is deeply psychological too.

>> No.9736730

Creativity and being shitty isn't mutually exclusive, I could tape a big dildo on the other end of a broom, and while it would be a somewhat creative take on a spear, it would be a very poor polearm.

>> No.9736756

god I fucking hate SH2 fags so much
>>Extremely linear
this is the only good part of the post. All of them are technically linear but at least they had an overworld to connect the levels
>Psychological horror is the series identity
it's not, it's 2's identity

>> No.9737167

There's definitely some thought to Silent Hill 3's enemy design, you can even find some visual cues in the backgrounds that help to explain why these monsters manifest the way they do to Heather.

>> No.9737242

Sure, but another bunch of them just don't have meaning at all beyond the videogame needing enemies, I guess that was the case with 3

>> No.9737270

Ito only worked in some enemies though, iirc only in Valtiel, God (he admitted he mixed Mary and Pyramid Head designs because he didn´t had time), Closers, Slurpers, Double Heads, Alessa, the Nurses and Leonard, the rest were made by the rest of the team. probably the ones made by him have some type of meaning

>> No.9737639


Stop FUCKING using that word fucking clowns. Surreal mindfuck bullshit is not "psychological horror". Silent Hill 2 has elements of psychological horror because of the PSYCHOLOGICAL HORROR that James experiences in a horrifying situation that doesnt even happen during the game, but its the biggest gutpunch the trilogy pulls on you because psychological horror (aka pulling horror from exploring psychology and human behavior) is more real and disturbing to most people than the fantastical. SH4 is the second time the series has a tiny nugget of implication about "psychological horror" possibly even moreso about Henry himself than Walter, with him being a blatant utter shut in 4chan tier hikikomori but once again the game doesnt actually really explore or do anything with it. This franchise is not "psychological horror" and putting the label even on SH2 or 4 is stupid as fuck because for the most part theyre just weird occult supernatural + urban/ industrial horror, with the gameplay genre being survival horror

>> No.9737646

On hard at least you don't get drowned in health and ammo like you did in SH1 so that's nice.

>> No.9737669

What is your definition of psychological horror? The monsters and imagery being a representation of the characters' psychological issues has been a thing since the first game.

>> No.9737686

It looks cool, plays better than the other SH games and Heather is cute. It's the MGS3 of the series, the most accessible simplest one to get but also kind of retarded compared to previous entries.

>> No.9737691

>The monsters and imagery being a representation of the characters' psychological issues has been a thing since the first game.
And thats not "psychological horror". Thats allegory/ theming the monsters based on aspects of the character. Its not "psycological horror" to say that a monster arbitrarily represents an aspect of a character psyche so it makes them even more spooky or some shit. They are spooky and its because theyre monsters. Its psychological horror (as in horror derived from human psychology) when a man loses his mind in a traumatic situation and kills his own wife even though he still loves her at the same time. Lets assume that he drives over to Silent Hill to kill himself too, now you can claim the entire story is rooted in deeply psychological horror and the tale is simply structured around an allegorical retelling of his fractured mind. In reality the format just isnt taking full advantage of it (thankfully) and is nothing like that because the game is entirely interested in being something else and just using the psychological angle as something that recontextualizes the experience at the end.

>> No.9737697
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Its why its completely hollow when someone like>>9736527 says that SH3 is full of "themes" like "fear of pregnancy" or "fear of stalkers/rape". Heather isnt ever shown to be particularly neurotic about anything like this, which then implies that its something thats just universal to the female experience which I can buy. In that case its not remotely "psychological horror" and its just a mundane aspect of the females mind and how they view all men as potential threats. Its not horror derived from their own psychology and whats deeply disturbing about it, its just what they are scared of. Allegorically representing fears is not some psychological deepcut laid bare for normal people to turn their stomachs over. Like I said, SH4 is the one that comes the closest after SH2 with Henry's experience as someone so irrelevant and lonely that nobody can even tell/ nobody truly cares that he hasn't stepped out of his apartment or interacted with the world for a pretty significant length of time, and hes not even particularly distressed about it

>> No.9737728

post your foreskin

>> No.9737746

I have one, probably why I know what psychological horror is rather than being terrorized by a le representation of having no foreskin or some shit. Legitimately stupid as fuck and most likely around/ under 80IQ Amerishart youtubers like Nitrorad have done irreparable damage to the perception of this franchise by repeatedly spamming that term in a clueless/ heavily misguided effort to somehow make the series sound more high brow than resident evil (since they lack any actual perspective and knowledge) so in their mind its unironically as childish and simple as "psychological horror is le deep and the opposite of jumpscares....like....this enemy REPRESENTS this....its not just a monster...."

>> No.9737778

Cool unwarranted non-response.
*dismissively pantomimes masturbating at you*

>> No.9737784

>shits on the psychological horror aspect of 2
No it's still there, but if you aren't a teenage girl then the extremely horrifying notion of getting pregnant doesn't really resonate with you.

>> No.9737787


>> No.9737789

No one cares that you dislike a beloved game.

>> No.9737793 [DELETED] 

silent hill 2 fags are the furries of survival horror games, dont even waste another breath trying to rationalize whatever brainrot is plagueing them, they dont know either

>> No.9737813

SH2 is probably my favorite SH game though. Im replying to the idea that people call any let alone all SH games "psychological horror". SH2 and 4 are the ones that have elements of it but they arent really relevant to what makes the game scary or effective in the slightest because theyre never truly examined or used effectively, and most terminally online literal downies dont even understand what the term means even though they spam it nonstop as some stamp of supposed quality (like the responses in this thread to OP trying to claim how achkhually all of them are psychological horror and not just SH2)

>> No.9737846

Are there any mainstream horror games that derive horror explicity from the character's psychology?

>> No.9737868

Cant think of any because its inherently not that easy to integrate to the medium, kind of. Arguably games are the best out of them all at making you synchronize/ become something disturbing through interaction (like the joy of killing things) but its not as legitimately deep or horrifying as what psychological horror can do in literature or film. More often than not its used in games as a backdrop/ a kind of ending twist that recontextualizes everything, usually really badly and it just comes off as lazy as fuck. Outside of SH2 id say one of the better if not outright best (since it doesnt have to worry from distribution censorship) is Cry of Fear, and Rumpell is easily one of the most talented horror designers in the medium in general who understands how to create truly scary audio and scenarios.

For those who dont know since Cry of Fear is relatively obscure compared to SH, the ending reveals that the whole game was the feverish imagination/ book of the main character (Simon) who was paralyzed from the waist down. Obviously that in on itself sounds lazy, stupid and generic as fuck but the psychological horror mainly comes at the end by seeing what a fucked up character Simon is, since every single ending of the game is somehow bad and the majority of them are extremely petty, vengeful, unfair to bystanders and just disturbing from a psychological perspective. The common theme between all of them is that Simon hates himself and his life so much that he wants to murder suicide, with probably the most bleak of the endings involving him killing his ex-friend girl who rejected his advances before killing himself. Its a perfect execution of the SH2 method of telling the story in "reverse" where you deal with Simons psyche throughout the game (and see things like massive self harm scars on his hand constantly) and the ending reveals the disturbing reality the loud and oppressive horrors in his mind are based on

>> No.9737910
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>shits on the psychological horror aspect of 2 by returning to the cult plot
and SH2 shit on the cult plot of SH1, so SH3 is the true successor of the original and this particular criticism is retarded
>Puzzles are by the numbers brainlet riddles you could take out of a 7 year olds brain teaser book and bear no relevance to the setting or story
I finished both SH2 and SH3 on riddle hard, and I thought SH3 was way harder.
>Retard tier writing, introduce characters and then kill them off with 0 impact to anything
Who is killed off? I genuinely do not remember
>Extremely linear, lacking enemy variety and the designs are kind of lame
All the games are linear, but yes, SH3 does lack the outdoor sections, sad
>For some reason Robbie is synonymous with this game despite being literal set dressing with no relevance to the story or protagonist at all
Sounds like a reddit thing, you should go back
Really though, Heather is cool and her dialoque is funny. I like her commentary when inspecting things. I also really like Heather's OW, and I especially love the part where you enter that section after the subway in NG and the world goes fucky, that was a nice surprise. In general I really like the general tone/feel of the games atmosphere compared to the previous two games. It just feels so "raw" and "in your face", more of a blatant horror than the dreary loneliness of SH2. SH3 also has the best survival horror resource management where you're not swimming in ammo and actually have to think about what you're going to do. The melee is obviously the best. The haunted house is fucking dope (so is the entire amusement park).
There's just something about this exact point in the game which gives me ebic horror chills.

>> No.9738035

despite responding to op 3 times i agree with your points
sh2 is ok but sh2 fags do they worst at being annoying little shits it makes me actively dislike the game/thread its mentioned in
1/shattered memes/sh3/origins=4 would love to play book of memes but its vita only

>> No.9738048

A lot of them meaning. Just because you can't grasp it doesn't mean it's not there.

Numb Bodies are obviously a reference to God embryo growth too. Very few enemies/bosses are blanks and even their design can speak something to the player depending on how their perceive it (Spilt Worm with its phallic design, for example).

>> No.9738053
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>This town has some of the most highly rated burger grills in America...how can you sit there eating pizza made by some greasy rapist guido immigrant who tried to bring his mamma mia bolognese "culture" into the first world?

Theyre going to censor the line and gut James' character for the remake arent they

>> No.9738071

Stop putting Silent Hill 2 on a pedestral and pretending it was a novel breakthrough. The game is literally David Lynch's Lost Highway in vydia format infused with Silent Hill horror.

>> No.9738073

>Stop putting Silent Hill 2 on a pedestral and pretending it was a novel breakthrough
Where? How fucking illiterate and genuinely retarded are you?

>> No.9738092

Wonder what kind of pizza it was.

>> No.9738101
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While that may be the case, SH2's presentation, looked at as a whole, is unprecented for a piece of interactive media. The story itself may be similar to other sources when boiled down, but the way SH2 presents information within the context of its own universe is something that can only be done in a game; all the books and newspaper clippings; the internal thoughts of James and Maria as they explore the environment.

>> No.9738120
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>The game is literally David Lynch's Lost Highway in vydia format infused with Silent Hill horror
Sounds fucking awesome, what's the problem exactly?

>> No.9738135

There's no problem, I did not criticize the quality of the game because I think the game does a great job adapting Lynch's work into vydia format. I'm just tired of brainlets praising it like it's the second coming of Jesus Christ in horror vydia when it's obviously copied and not an original work. It's like the Kojima retarded baby fan who just discovered Snatcher and never watched Blade Runner thinking Snatcher's themes are 2deep4u.

>> No.9738142

>but the way SH2 presents information within the context of its own universe is something that can only be done in a game
To me, it's not even about that. Silent Hill 2's greatest strenght lies in entangling the player's gameplay actions with James' psyche and directly affecting whatever ending the game has set in - no other Silent Hill sets out to this with such complexity and detail and it really is a very distinctive trait of it, both in the series and in the medium too.

>> No.9738145

This, all SH games can be made into movies except 2 unless they convince Lynch to adapt it somehow and even then it would be it´s own thing

>> No.9738148

i thought that the gameplay was lame af in sh2 and a step down from 1 which automatically makes it a sub 5/10 game

>> No.9738154 [DELETED] 

SH3 still shit, get over it

>> No.9738163 [DELETED] 


>> No.9738249

I think that's a major weakness of SH2, actually. It isn't clear to the player why they ended up with one ending versus another, and even replaying it and aiming for another ending they have no idea what to do in order to effect that change. I don't think the factors and their respective weights (on an exact level) are completely known even today.
In SH1 the factors leading to the different endings are clear and it's reasonable that a repeat playthrough would have a high chance at yielding a new ending.

>> No.9738265

>play like a normal person: you get Leave
>protect Maria too much (many new players would do this thinking she´s good) and keep your health up: you get Maria
>don´t protect Maria at all and keep your health low aka be a shitty player: you get In Water
It´s not that hard, also there are some other things that clearly add to the endings

>> No.9738273 [DELETED] 
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Silent Hill 2 is the game journalists Silent Hill of choice.

>> No.9738276

It's not that hard if you know what the different endings are in advance and how to achieve them. But if you're just staring at the score screen seeing: "Ending: Maria", you're going to think "what the fuck are the other endings? Is it possible to not meet Maria? Or avoid her somewhere? What did I miss?". You have no clues for what to do, and on top of that, it isn't even the same system used by the first game in the series, which is subtly misleading.

>> No.9738283 [DELETED] 

SH3 tards seething because their game is considered the weakest of the trilogy for a good reason

>> No.9738286

I'm with you OP, but I like the game overall. The issue here is "horror gameplay" versus "horror story".

SH3 had masterful horror setpieces from beginning to end (Subway pusher, that one hospital room, Haunted Mansion, etc.). But the story was anemic. Literally nothing happens the first half of the game, and the cult shit was written by people who think an old lady saying "God" 5000 times is creepy.

Basically SH3 is 10/10 kino horror gameplay, but 1/10 story. Heather was likeable enough that overall the game is good and everyone ignores the fact that the story is cheap sequel callbacks.

>> No.9738336
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>who is killed off? I genuinely do not remember
Anon, how could you forget the dumbest, laziest written, most anti-climactic death sequence in the franchise, maybe all of vidya? This Chad deserved a proper death, not this retard bullshit.

>> No.9738350

>>shits on the psychological horror aspect of 2 by returning to the cult plot
>>Puzzles are by the numbers brainlet riddles you could take out of a 7 year olds brain teaser book and bear no relevance to the setting or story
Exposed for playing on Easy Riddle
>>Retard tier writing, introduce characters and then kill them off with 0 impact to anything
Vincent, Claudia, and Douglas all stick around for the entirety of the game.
>>Extremely linear, lacking enemy variety and the designs are kind of lame
The game you're comparing this to is 2 right?
> James is still a better protagonist because he has actual character development
If you don't think Heather had that you weren't paying attention.
Retarded OP.

>> No.9738389

>literally killed a demon god along with many other demons
>trained for 17 years to kill any monster or cult member that could be a menace to his daughter
>gets killed by the lamest boss in the game
Even they knew it was a shitty death, that's why they hinted Claudia actually killed him

>> No.9738404

>despite responding to op 3 times
Yeah I've never done that before. I blame it on getting home from work and immediately going on the PC.

>> No.9738553

Where do you guys get this idea that Harry was some kind of hyper badass after SH1.
It's made clear in his journal and even more clear in the novel (though you don't need that to get what I'm about to say) that he was never all that happy or willing to live after the first game. He hated that his wife and kid were dead and gone, and he was stuck with some kid who he wants nothing to do with. He didn't spend 17 years training, he spent 17 years just keeping his personal issues down so he could properly raise Heather.
The reason he dies sitting in his chair is because he's ready for death. It's the same position as "James" in the apartment building, someone readily expecting the end and who doesn't want to fight it.

>> No.9738819

I could be wrong, but I do think it mentioned that he was at least staying alert to cult movements (or trying to), and he did teach Heather to be extra cautious, probably gave her the stun gun, etc.
However, I agree with you on the main point. He wasn't in full demon-slayer monk mode or anything. And even if he was, the thing just walked in off his balcony and stabbed him while he was distracted by TV. I don't think he was "waiting for death" though, just more a case of "sitting is what you do when watching TV for an extended period". I.e. this is a "the curtains are blue" situation.

>> No.9738836

>SH ends with him happily taking the child home
>"Nooo but turns out he never wanted the child and wanted to kill her in secret but he couldn't so he waited for the order to track them down to do it"
Once again SH3 retconning stuff from the first game.
And yes, killing a demon god instantly makes you a badass

>> No.9738852

He gave her the stun gun, the item description says it.
I always thought the Missionary killed him from behind so he couldn't fight him off, Heather isn't a demon-slayer neither yet she can easily kill that creature no way Harry couldn't do it too

>> No.9738858

What about it? I never said it directly affects the character but it's scary to the player.

>> No.9738889

"the fear of pregnancy" thing is real, Heather doesn´t show it but everything in the game shows she´s scared to death about being pregnant with a demon, "the fear of stalkers/rape" is something I would never get where people got from, only because the Slurpers can pin you down but that probably is because Claudia can influence the Otherworld somehow and we know she was abused by her dad

>> No.9738896

Yeah, I agree Harry could have taken it, which is why I assume he didn't know it was there. Actually, the TV is off, so he was probably just sleeping in the chair for some reason when it came in, or it came in earlier and hid until he was in the chair (less likely).
>killed him from behind
Maybe, but watching the video again the chair doesn't seem to be damaged at all. Probably just walked in, stabbed him, walked out. The real question is how it got blood all over its feet but nowhere else. Rather conveniently, the CCTV footage from the Mason home has a twenty minute gap at that moment. What are they hiding?

>> No.9738918

>What are they hiding?
Claudia killed him and the Missionary took the blame

>> No.9738928

>Missionary can't be interrogated, corpse was somehow found just steps away from where its alleged murder took place earlier in the evening
Hmm... maybe you're onto something, but Claudia is a woman of the cloth, and I can't imagine a religious organization covering up crimes. That would be gravely hypocritical.

>> No.9738976
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I ultimately liked the story of 3 but I pretty much have to ignore half of the cutscenes up until the church because they don't do a very good job of conveying meaningful information and they are so annoyingly performed. sometimes it's endearing but it mostly just feels like they are trying way too hard to do twin peaks

>> No.9738995

It´s just japs being autists

>> No.9739003
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>All these SH3fags and SH2fags fighting in the thread
Meanwhile the king stays winning

>> No.9739096

The soundtrack goes extremely hard


>> No.9739165

ost is the only thing consistently good between the game even outside of the trilogy to a point i have difficulties to pin point my favorites similar to eye divine cybermancy soundtrack

>> No.9739184

I agree with you totally. Even downpour had amazing music in it that I still listen to.


>> No.9739217

For me one of the game's biggest strengths is also its weakness. It's more gratuitous in its visuals and sound, but at the same time it's less subtle and less scary for the same reason. The final area of the game for example is just a hellscape. Every screen has oppressive loud buzzing noises and you just want to ignore the enemies and get to the end.
Simultaneously making Heather the main character and then improving the combat and controls seems like an odd decision. You don't feel helpless anymore. Heather is uncharismatic and unbelievable as a person. She's supposed to be a confused angsty teenager but her emotional range is too narrow to sell it, and she's too competent. She also seems too dense because the story in this game is far and away the most obvious of the first four yet Heather is clueless so there's too much dissonance there.
Furthermore the other characters barely do anything. Vincent and Dahlia should be sinister but they're more so pathetic and kind of just there.
The best things SH3 does are pushing the audiovisual envelope but the gameplay suffers for it. The new areas like the subway, construction sites, and office building are creepy but they're disconnected from the story and from Silent Hill it's hard to care about what's going on. The amusement park is lame.
I guess it's just more of the same thing as SH2 and continues the story of the series, so there's no reason not to like it. It does have more secrets and bonus content.

>> No.9739226
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Even if it was, that doesnt change anything from what I said. Thats something Heather fears. The entire point of "psychological horror" and why the label exists is to derive horror from the human psychology

Something like the film The Whale borders on psychological horror (it would be if it had a different focus but it doesnt want to do that). Tetsuo the Iron Man starts with a scene where the "metal fetishist" enters his hideout and mutilates himself so he can push a massive metal rod inside his own open wound. Thats probably one of the best executed psychological horror scenes ive ever seen because of how it combines so many repulsive/regularly horrifying things like mutilation and gore and roots it into the vomit inducing psychological abnormality of the character that a regular person has no chance of truly comprehending (fear of the unknown). Its like witnessing the magnum opus of his weird autoerotic masturbation and after he passes out from the shock of cutting open his entire thigh and forcing a huge metal object inside it, he wakes up later and panics after seeing the wound full of maggots, and runs out of the hiding place to get run over by a car. "Psychological horror" is horror borne from witnessing the dark and disturbing side of the human mind.

It might be psychological horror if Heather had some absolutely insane obsession with pregnancy and babies and it manifested in significant ways in her life, but shes just a regular teen scared of something completely reasonable.

>> No.9739239

>The game is literally David Lynch's Lost Highway
Youre too retarded to understand that movie. The story of Lost Highway is a jealous piece of shit guy killed his wife, and while he's in the prison cell he's imagining a different life where she's a whore and he's a hero.
The inspiration on SH2 exists at the most basic conceptual level and then diverges from there in almost every possible way, to the extent that you can't even draw a coherent parallel between the characters in Lost Highway with James and Mary.
So how is it "literally" LH, cause it has a prison in it? Fucking pseud retards I swear to god.

>> No.9739245

I just don´t like how 1 and 2 have actually great and diverse music while 3 and 4 have generic early 2000´s edgy teen movie tier music

>> No.9739254 [DELETED] 

>the reddit meme
As if you couldn't be a more obvious tourist.

>> No.9739257 [DELETED] 

It's nice that you can spot SH2 dickriders as the youtube essay watching mouth breathing retards they are
SH3 is in many ways more nuanced and subtle in it's themes and exploration of Heather's psyche, the game looks mind blowing compared to even 2 and the otherworld is at it's most disturbing and terrifying
it was universally agreed on at the time as well - and then a bunch of literal faggots made """video essays""" on SH2 and all you braindead followers with zero critical or analytical thinking just lap it up
we really need a midwit genocide

>> No.9739259 [DELETED] 

>As if you couldn't be a more obvious tourist.
ironic, youre a blatant and blatantly retarded /v/ tourist since you clearly give zero shits about discussion but still tried to invalidate it (since you had no rebuttal) with your retarded m-muh reddit!!1 ad hominem. fuck off

>> No.9739265 [DELETED] 

There were countless discussions about SH3 in /vr/, tourist, and so far you've brought zero valid or even original points. You should go back to your reddit hugbox where you can gush over how Bloober is going to finally bring that turd SH2 to modern standards.

>> No.9739267

SH3 was meant to close the book on SH1's plot.

That's it.

>Wuh happened to Harry and the baby after SH1?

Play SH3 and find out.

>> No.9739272 [DELETED] 

>and so far you've brought zero valid or even original points
Because youre illiterate and have downie tier IQ? I believe you, now try again and dont reply to me otherwise without refuting all those posts point by point if youre retarded enough to want to act like there was nothing in them

>You should go back to your reddit hugbox where you can gush over how Bloober is going to finally bring that turd SH2 to modern standards.
What the fuck are you talking about ugly retard? Thanks for exposing how fucking legitimately retarded you are, ive done nothing but talk in a nuanced way about the entire franchise with zero thoughts or opinions on which one is "better" or worse than any of them, and mentally ill black and white downie NPCs like you still shit themselves in tard rage because I wasnt blatantly shitting on SH2 which is now the cool hipster move for faggot kids trying to fit in. Fuck off

>> No.9739278 [DELETED] 

>the otherworld is at it's most disturbing and terrifying
>"brooo, the walls look like someone had a massive diarrhea on them, it´s so hecking terrifying"

>> No.9739280 [DELETED] 

>pwease talk to me, refoot my points
No. You've outed yourself as someone who hasn't played SH3 at all with takes like
>Heather isnt ever shown to be particularly neurotic about anything like this
so there's no point to have a discussion with you. Go back.

>> No.9739284 [DELETED] 

You are a genuinely fucking retarded pile of shit, and I doubt youve ever talked to a woman in your entire life if you think theres anything "particularly neurotic" about her telling a random man tailing him to fuck off or something. Other than that she literally never even mentions pregnancy in any way, just like you havent mentioned a single argument beyond desperate attempts at some no true scotsman ad hominem shit. Everyone with an IQ above 10 can see through you, go fucking back to your containment board and never reply to me again. You arent going to get your epic "last word" when you havent even fucking said anything, youve just begged me to stop talking because you cant refute anything

>> No.9739287 [DELETED] 

>about her telling a random man tailing him to fuck off
That's not what I was talking about, as it doesn't even have anything to do with pregnancy. Like I said, you clearly haven't played SH3 (and SH1 for that matter), so you should go back.

>> No.9739295 [DELETED] 

Ive played all of them a lot more than you, to the point where I dont feel the need to prove it to everyone by going to anonymous forums to tell others how UGH YOU DIDNT PLAY IT...NO I KNOW YOU DIDNT EVEN PLAY IT....IM ONE OF THE HARDCORE ONES WHO PLAYED THEM....

It exposes (hard) that you think its some grand fucking achievement and task to have played them, because you are a literal secondary slimer who probably just completed them for the first time or some shit and now think you have the keys to some obscure secret club where nobody else has achkhually played anything but SH2 or something equally retarded. In reality though youre just a retarded /v/ redditor desperately trying to fit in and who ruined a decent discussion because you couldnt handle your secret club clout OG troo hipster game getting analyzed, but had nothing smart to say in response so you felt the need to "defend" it and lash out like the actual downie that you are. Go fuck yourself

>> No.9739304 [DELETED] 

>you think its some grand fucking achievement and task to have played them
I'm just pointing out why it's fruitless to try to discuss SH3 with you.

>> No.9739306 [DELETED] 

Its fruitless for you to try to "discuss" anything because youre a literal downie, and since you know it yourself you opt out for this approach of desperately trying to silence the opposition to your retarded (lack of) thoughts with some desperate muh you didnt play it kindergarten tier dogshit

>> No.9739890 [DELETED] 

>he's imagining a different life where she's a whore and he's a hero
Did you even watch the movie or did you brain tuned out because your IQ is that of braindead monkey and couldn't keep up past an hour? The protagonist's fantasy is just a set-up to ultimately remind him and punish him of the crime he committed - he projects himself like that is so that can the "dream" unfolding before his eyes is more painfully revealing of his insecurities and justifies the actions he takes. How the fuck is that any different from the delusion James cooked up in his mind to deny the things he did to Mary up until he is confronted by the videotape?
You should just watch Lost Highway again and maybe again, until your stupid ass understands what the movie is all about and how Silent Hill 2 borrows pratically every narrative element from it.

>> No.9739910

>he's imagining a different life where she's a whore and he's a hero
Did you even watch the movie or did you brain tuned out because your IQ is that of braindead monkey and couldn't keep up past an hour? The protagonist's fantasy is just a set-up to ultimately remind him and punish him of the crime he committed - he projects himself like that is so that can the "dream" unfolding before his eyes is more painfully revealing of his insecurities and justifies the actions he takes. How the fuck is that any different from the delusion James cooked up in his mind to deny the things he did to Mary up until he is confronted by the videotape?
You should just watch Lost Highway again and maybe again, until your stupid ass understands what the movie is all about and how Silent Hill 2 borrows pratically every narrative element from it.

>> No.9740329

What I wanna know is why did he raise Heather in a town that must only be a day or so out from Silent Hill? I would've moved to Hawaii or somewhere far away immediately.

Actually didn't Heather say to Douglas she grew up in Silent Hill? Was she talking about her past life as Alessa, or did Harry literally move to Silent Hill after the first game? That always confused me.

>> No.9740332

Anon, we both know that when people say "psychological horror", they just mean "it's based in people's personal demons instead of a monster that jumps out and says 'boo'"

>> No.9740342
File: 132 KB, 250x432, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>him happily taking the child home
You only get that in the Good+ Bonus CG that shows him and Cybil. Look at the Good ending and he's looking at the sky like he wants to tell God to leave him alone.
Considering Masahiro Ito did art direction for both 2 and 3, in addition to doing art for the novel which empathize how he looked when he died, the intent is clear. The curtains are never just blue, something like this is intentional. Harry's notebook also alludes to his turmoil and him waiting for death (it opens with him wanting to have this written down before he's lost to "death and oblivion", he's clearly come to terms with it all).
>I confess I had reservations at first about raising that baby. Could I love her? Her existence was thoroughly unexplainable.
>I thought, 'She could be that young woman who snatched away my beloved daughter.' That led to sadness, anger... there were times when I put my hands around her tiny little throat.
>Several times I even considered abandoning her. That's what a terrible person I am.
He of course loves her, but he is a man of immense guilt and pain by the time of 3, and it gives added pathos to the nature of his character that he raised a girl he initially resented for "stealing away" the daughter him and his wife raised, and he accepts a death he feels he deserved.

>> No.9740343

>based king dunking on a pseud
Wait until you realize that idiot is just regurgitating something he saw on some retard Tuber's bullshit clickbait video.
>tfw they can't even come up with their own retard perspectives, they have to steal other people's retardation

>> No.9740385

Did you really want SH to just be a series of "guess what fucked up thing this protagonist did this time" and "Silent Hill is a a psychologist's couch as the protagonist works through his issues"?. It worked in 2 because there really weren't any expectations that this mild mannered slightly odd dude stuck in a town with lunatics was guilty of anything.

>> No.9740391

I don't know that he's longing for death, or thinks it is "deserved". He feels some guilt and self-doubt, yes, but he also says that he's come to terms with being Heather's father and realizes after all that he truly loves her.
I still think he's writing that way because 1) he wants to express the doubts he had to get them off his chest, and 2) he just acknowledges that there is a very high likelihood that the cult will eventually catch up to them, or that Heather will somehow be "called" away from him and lured back to SH. He might have sensed the noose tightening around them, as Douglas said the notebook was on Harry's corpse, and it seems odd that he would be compelled to read/finish it with such close proximity to his death unless Claudia's deployed powers were somehow making themselves known to him.
I recognize I'm going to die someday, and I'm fine with that, but it doesn't mean I've given up on my life until then.
There weren't any expectations for the first couple minutes, but from the graveyard on there is a lot to make the player suspicious of James, at least enough to know that there is something major in his backstory not being revealed.

>> No.9740413

It's not an issue of interpretation or not knowing after Ito clearly depicts him (twice) in the same position as James' doppleganger, who is also mimicking James as his own guilt crashes down on him.

>> No.9740419

The series has always based the horrors on the personal demons and psychology of the characters, but the player character isn't always the one whose psychology they're based on, nor is it always based on some sin they've committed and feel guilty over.

I agree that the later games trying to ape Silent Hill 2 has been a problem, but you can solve this without dropping the "subconscious manifesting as real terrors" premise the series has always had. Just do this:
>don't make the monsters/environments based primarily or exclusively on the player character's psychology, or even at all. Like in SH1, it's fine to play as a completely normal dude who has to survive in a nightmare of a different person's making
>don't always make the source of the nightmare some kind of "sin" the character(s) have committed and have to atone for. Alessa was completely innocent of any wrongdoing and it didn't stop the town from bringing her demons to life

What would you prefer the series to be about? Supernatural monsters that just exist for no reason and mean nothing?

>> No.9740446

They don't match to me, though. Imagine two different characters in the same pose, holding their head in their hands. The first guy is doing it because he's at the end of his rope and he's having a breakdown. The second guy starts like that, but then says "god, my eyes hurt, I barely slept and I'm so fucking hung over". It would seem to be that their identical poses are just coincidences based on the fact that slumped over, head in hands, is a common pose to both situations. They both died in a chair, and that's how being dead in a chair looks.
There isn't enough evidence, to me, beyond that to imply that there should be significant thematic linking, far beyond a visual homage to the earlier character. James felt like he deserved death, but Harry was merely expecting death, even if they were both resigned to it. There is some overlap there, but it's not 1:1. Harry is indeed "ready" to die in that he knows he can't avoid it and has to come to terms with that, but given the choice, he wants to keep being a father to Heather and protecting/guiding her.

>> No.9740451

>Imagine two different characters in the same pose, holding their head in their hands. The first guy is doing it because he's at the end of his rope and he's having a breakdown. The second guy starts like that, but then says "god, my eyes hurt, I barely slept and I'm so fucking hung over". It would seem to be that their identical poses are just coincidences based on the fact that slumped over, head in hands, is a common pose to both situations. They both died in a chair, and that's how being dead in a chair looks.
Except when you're involved in the narrative of both works, this becomes a point of contrast. Harry didn't have to die in a chair, he could've died in bed, he could've been strung up like a corpse in SH1, but they chose to have him die in a chair. He's even moved to a bed later (and then he disappears from the bed when we revisit the room, which itself is another metaphor), so him dying in a chair was intentional. The contrast with James is likely also intentional since Harry's death pose is retained for the novel and given a coloured drawing (which denotes greater importance than the standard art within), and both SH2 and 3's visuals and art direction were done by Masahiro Ito, which includes elements like this. One informs understanding of the other.

>> No.9740557

>>shits on the psychological horror aspect of 2 by returning to the cult plot
this was the best thing