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File: 71 KB, 450x1000, geese-n-2k2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9729073 No.9729073 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he so cool?

>> No.9729101

Says no one ever except faggot OP. Weebs get the rope, so does you for making this thread.
fpbp and /thread.

>> No.9729103


>> No.9729198


>> No.9729202

Superior at being japanese than the japanese.

>> No.9729559

The bar just isn't that high to be the coolest goose

>> No.9729592

>alpha weeb
>great sound bites
>based aryan dabbing on jap shitters on their home turf
>cool counter-based play style

>> No.9729901

>White guy voiced by a Japanese guy
Asianwashing. It's very real, and worth giving a shit about

>> No.9730235
File: 20 KB, 305x500, geese laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because unlike so many other villains that would follow, he's not some super science clone, he's not some ancient evil, he's not some time traveling monster or whatever. There's no prophecy, no destiny, no other bullshit. He's just an asshole who got strong the hard way.

>> No.9730403

his moves are based
his main projectile is a very violent slash
he can shoot air projectiles like akuma
he does that crazy grapple move
raging storm is a sight to behold

>> No.9730450
File: 36 KB, 665x359, action-jackson-1988-carl-weathers-bad-guy-craig-t-nelson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he is Craig T Nelson

>> No.9730506

He abandoned his son.

>> No.9730607

His son deserved it.

>> No.9730610

>what if Ken-sama was a mob boss
And it works.

>> No.9730631

Best boss theme since mystic quest

>> No.9731612


>> No.9731617
File: 935 KB, 825x1650, DuckKingSNK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even the coolest in his own series.

>> No.9731627
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>> No.9731641

According to that artwork, it’s because he doesn’t have arms

>> No.9731746


He's a weeaboo but for based reasons.

>> No.9731750


>> No.9732263
File: 158 KB, 693x1024, 1616646296737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probable inspirations. I think the name GEESE is a also a subtle riff on Stephen Seagal or SEAGUL. they both use some kind of aikido, but in terms of visuals Seagal is more Robert Garcia.
people also tend to forget Geese was around before Akuma.

>> No.9732282

"weeaboos", real japanophiles, used to be cool back in the day.
Even Sodom, who Capcom makes fun of, is still pretty cool compared to modern weebs.

>> No.9732373

Back then "japanophiles" tended to be big into Japanese martial arts, so they could at least give you a good fight if you tried making fun of them.

>> No.9732614
File: 23 KB, 83x126, Geese2000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And? He's a badguy? You think he's looking to make father of the year?

>> No.9732664

>He's a badguy
According to who? Some street thugs?

>> No.9733551

I always found Fatal Fury (and by extension KoF) characters to be way more fleshed out and stylish than characters from Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. Geese is no exception, when you compare him to Bison and Shao Kahn.

>> No.9733889

For me, it's the fucking narutometal

>> No.9734259

He's everything weebs want to be AND everything the japanese wish they were. Universal aspirational model.

>> No.9734412

The PROBLEM is it makes him a hypocrite.

>> No.9734420

wtf? Rock is Goose's SON???

>> No.9734426
File: 114 KB, 800x336, lastblade-okina-stage-animate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, when I first played FF as a kid it felt like playing a game based on the best action movie I've never seen. SNK had this way of igniting your imagination that was really rare even in the best years of gaming.

>> No.9734884
File: 49 KB, 464x661, 1640114675533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SNK had this way of igniting your imagination
agree completely. for me its how the concept art complements the character sprites. there is no discrepancy between how they were conceived on paper and how they appear in gameplay.
For example here you see Kyo charging his Serpent Wave move but seen from a different angle than in game. everything shinkiro draws could appear in the actual game or vice versa

>> No.9734940
File: 220 KB, 1024x384, aof3-cincodemayo-stage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what really impressed me back then is how everything felt lived in and part of a coherent setting. you know, seeing the FF3 overworld map of Southtown and then actually seeing the landmarks in the faraway distance when you're fighting was just fucking impressive to a kid. the adults gave a shit for once? that kinda vibe. always nice to be treated seriously, even if you're just stealing my quarters.

>> No.9735118

his skirt and open blouse combo probably keeps him cool.

>> No.9736117
File: 4 KB, 92x92, geese-mini-stand2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can forgive the crime, the drug dealing, the murder but what I can't tolerate is a hypocrite.

>> No.9736126

I'll stain my hands wrif you're brud

>> No.9736142

KOF characters are way cooler, but:
>way more fleshed out
This used to be true in the earlier years, but nowadays KOF characters have completely stagnated for years now due to the nature of KOF being a weird crossover thing so their stories never really progress anywhere meaningful. Kyo, Iori, the Fatal Fury men/women, and the Art of Fight men/women have pretty much stayed the same characters for ages now.

>> No.9736168
File: 57 KB, 640x360, Terry Obari 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say it's less a matter of them being FLESHED out and more just them feeling more real. Like you get a pretty good idea of what Ryu is as a character but can you really just see him hanging out? Terry on the other hand you can easily see just shooting hoops or chilling with a beer or something.

>> No.9736191
File: 93 KB, 660x800, notshinkirosbest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Terry on the other hand you can easily see just shooting hoop

>> No.9737330

As long as you're principled then at least you have honor.

>> No.9738207

I agree with that.

>> No.9738713

Like one thing I always really liked, and really miss, is that stakes of FF and AOF where kind of low. You weren't globetrotting you were stuck in one city but as such you kind of real sense that South Town was an actual place. You didn't just buzz off to NON DISTINCT PLACE IN CHINA! You were at the Sound Beach the Pao Pao. Places had names and the setting thus became just as much a character.

>> No.9738758

>I think the name GEESE is a also a subtle riff on Stephen Seagal or SEAGUL
What the fuck, I never considered that

>> No.9739734

I hate this fucker so much, I hope he dies falling off a building or something

>> No.9740206

this but unironically

>> No.9740482
File: 23 KB, 444x322, 1287432895880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he can double fucking reppuken, anon, don't you get it?

>> No.9740717

to be fair Fatal Fury 2 was a world trotting adventure.

>> No.9740725
File: 1.22 MB, 630x1280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9742070

This picture makes Billy Kane look infinitely cooler than he actually is though.

>> No.9744120

Billy Kane > *

>> No.9744165

Billy Kane is cool (when he's no whimpering like a little girl because he lost his staff). Too bad he's so fucking annoying to fight.