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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.19 MB, 2124x2100, Castlevania Chronicles official artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9726014 No.9726014 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite Castlevania entry? What's your least favorite? What aspects of the series do you like and dislike the most?

>> No.9726026

That art is very gay

>> No.9726031

Not retro. OoE.

>> No.9726037
File: 688 KB, 1114x1461, CastleVania_-_Harmony_of_Dissonance_-_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ayumi Kojima's artwork for Castlevania, but I'm pretty sure she draws gothic yaoi, so you're not exactly wrong.

>> No.9726045

Her work based off shonen beauty, not yaoi. Annoy that guy, he just projecting.

>> No.9726050
File: 491 KB, 717x1015, Island of Depraved Angels Ayami Kojima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Ayami Kojima, my bad.
Here's one of her art books unrelated to Castlevania. You be the judge.

>> No.9726057
File: 1.29 MB, 5098x2591, Castlevania_-_Symphony_of_the_Night_-_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty basic answer, but my favorite is SotN. Personally, I enjoy the metroidvania styled games the most, but you've got to pay your dues to the originals. They are solid classics.

>> No.9726059

In the future when genetic engineering is a thing will we have the option to look like OP

>> No.9726061

I've been playing through the series, but have not gotten to that one yet. Right now, I'm playing Portrait of Ruin.

>> No.9726064
File: 629 KB, 1098x1600, SimonRed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9726069

I've only played:
>Castlevania 1
Enjoyed it, but eventually used cheats
>Castlevania 2
Didn't enjoy it, I didn't mind AVGN's criticism with it
>Castlevania 3
Also enjoyed it, and also eventually used cheats
>Super Castlevania 4
Enjoyed it, and eventually used cheats once more. Seriously, I love cheating. Don't question me
>Castlevania 64
I enjoy and defend it. AVGN can go to Hell for being so harsh on it. He should be berated and have a gun pointed at him

>> No.9726071

I wonder if it’s possibly for someone to have enough test to get a body like that but to also somehow have a face like that simultaneously or if it’s almost impossible. I might go buy /fit/.

>> No.9726080

Yaoi uses bisho shite as well, smart guy. Yaoi is literally bara and bisho

>> No.9726096

Probably, yeah. This look kind reminds me of classic hair metal guys but with more muscles.

I think he's referring to the artwork being about drawings of pretty men without sexual connotations.

>> No.9726148
File: 2.85 MB, 498x280, 1648051547028.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9726270

Be young with a pretty face, stay clean shaven, use sun screen when out in the summer.

>> No.9726661

Thoughts on this?
Also: Janny are you OK? Are you OK? OK janny?

>> No.9726889
File: 177 KB, 708x1000, aria-of-sorrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aria of Sorrow. Everything about this game kicks ass with the exception of soul grinding.

>> No.9726897

>Best Simon
Fvck hell yes!

>> No.9726964

Playing the switch version of the GBA games, really still fun games but damn they look like shit on TV. I know it's stupid to expect otherwise but still, idk, really nice collection overall.

>> No.9727882

This art indirectly made me a Castlevania fan.
When I got my PS1, abought a pirated, "translated" version of SotN partly because I recognized the franchise's name but mostly because I thought the box art (which used the Chronicles cover) looked badass.
Sometimes I wonder how much longer it would have taken for me to fall in love with the games had that bootlegger printed the mind-numbingly boring american SotN art

>> No.9727976
File: 463 KB, 493x493, CV64_suicide_prevention.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably OoE with PoR a damn close second, but given this is /vr/ and maybe you specifically the older games, pretty much any one of Simon's games, really.
Man I don't know, I'm inclined to say Belmont's Revenge? Yes, it does have objective improvements over Adventure like not chugging to hell and back, but it just doesn't do much for me and yes, I am annoyed with the last three bosses. I do appreciate Christopher's story, though.
>aspects of the series do you like and dislike the most
Silly as it may sound, a given game's morality, or at least how I myself tend to look at it. Stuff like Simon praying at Dracula's grave and showing mercy to the asshole townsfolk despite everything, Juste going to bat for Maxim as Death insists that the dude is fucked, Reinhardt comforting Rosa in her plight while coming to grips with his own issues of inferiority and telling everyone's favorite reaper essentially to fuck off for the shit he and his bff put humanity through? I Goddamn love that shit.

Conversely, while Brauner was completely in the wrong for what he did to Eric and the twins and what he intended to do to the rest of humanity out of misplaced hatred, Jonathan telling him to just "hurr durr accept your fate of losing your family!" and justice is nothing more than a matter of perspective, all this while his own father basically almost fucked humanity with his poor parenting and the game basically defending and justifying it, that's super shitty. Granted, I actually appreciate it as a demonstration of why it's bad, but still.

>> No.9727981
File: 3.19 MB, 588x442, CV_64_hows_it_going.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I enjoy and defend it
Based, but did you cheat at that one, too?

>> No.9728447

replace "Castlevania" with "my marriage" and I had a similar experience.

>> No.9728480

Castlevania 1 and Order Of Ecclesia are my favourites. I think they're both the best of what
they're trying to do.

Least favourite is maybe 3 European Version

3 just feels overly long without the tightness of 1, I dislike it because I've been slogging through it for years
and never have a good time beating it.
But 1 is always fun.

>> No.9728614

I can never pick out my absolute favorite, but X6800 and Portrait of Ruin would probably be in my top five.
>Least favorite
Circle of the Moon, if I keep it to just the at-worst decent games.
>aspects I like
The Belmont family's a really endearing element to me, as well as the horror media influence in general.
>aspects I dislike
Some of the games feel too easy for me. I love coming up against a tough boss fight and getting through by the skin of my teeth.
Another aspect I might dislike is the lack of continuations for some of the eras. I kinda wish Richter got to star in a sequel to Rondo like he was originally meant to.

>> No.9728776
File: 152 KB, 1600x800, Metal-Gear-Dracula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She isn't by chance related to Konami's OTHER Kojima, is she?

>> No.9728879
File: 60 KB, 448x623, maria-pink2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CV1 although currently going through Rondo and enjoying it a lot
>Least favourite
CV3 or 4
>Aspects you dislike
>Aspects you like
Maria Renard (young version)

>> No.9728954
File: 58 KB, 414x649, Batman - heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9728968
File: 171 KB, 1280x720, 16712737232330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite Bloodlines, Rondo, 1, 3 and Adventure ReBirth. Excellent bosses, artstyle, difficult.
Worst is Haunted Casle, imba clocks for bosses, lame Dracula, bad controls.
Super lV is overhyped, its more platformer, then action. Only last bosses has challenge. Mediocre.
Sharp game is too difficult. Even in arrange ps1 normal mode. I can complete only with herb savestate at level start.

>> No.9729127
File: 79 KB, 500x496, CV_3_dummy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 just feels overly long without the tightness of 1, I dislike it because I've been slogging through it for years
>and never have a good time beating it
That's how I feel about 3 USA at times, no I'm not that one guy who compares it to the JP version, it's just that some days I'm having enough fun that I go through Hard mode with just Alucard and other days, I'm too pissy about trying to crouch to whip away an incoming axe only to forcibly have my back turned because turns out I was standing too close to the stairs. I don't like how I can't change direction while crouching, either, literally no good reason to do that. Would've been nice to still be able to jump backwards, too, even if for no particularly good reason.

>> No.9729154

>favourite Castlevania
CV4 for Classic, Order of Ecclesia for Metroidvania.
>least favourite
Haunted Castle. Has some damn good music though.
>aspects I like
Almost everything. Easier to say what I dislike
>aspects I dislike
There still hasn't been HD remasters of Lament of Innocence & Curse of Darkness. I'm probably in the minority here but I really enjoy those 2 games, especially Lament of Innocence since it's a short and sweet experience when you know what you're doing, it makes it a fun to replay just like the classic style games.

>> No.9729190
File: 847 KB, 240x160, LoI_SOVL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll join you in that minority, for all the flack I'll give LoI for level design that I think arguably drags the whole game down into repetition to an extent, I nonetheless enjoy the game and appreciate no one part of its design really overwhelms the others. That is to say, regardless of how easy one might think the overall game to be, I don't think you can really do much to cheese it, you know? On some level, you must contend with Leon's regular whip gameplay, because even though he has relics and item crashes, relics require magic that comes from blocking certain attacks or perfect guarding and runs out fast, and I've always felt like the crashes require you to stop what you're doing and go by real fast without necessarily blowing up the screen, and it makes it harder to get money for Rinaldo's, too. Did you know Leon's Grand Cross doesn't even grant him i-frames? I only recently discovered this.
>Curse of Darkness
Enjoying my second-ever playthrough, don't understand why on earth it wasn't on PSN/PS3 along with Lament. Then again, this is the same Konami that didn't put Bloodlines on Wii or Virtual Console either, so who the hell knows.

>> No.9729197
File: 154 KB, 268x368, zeadmothafucka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I meant Wii or 3DS Virtual console.

>> No.9729275

Sodomy Of The Night, Anus Of Sorrow and Cunt Of Darkness are the best retro CV games and anyone who disagrees is a faggot
the best classic style CV is a tie between Bloodlines and CV3, followed by CV1
Retard Of Blood is overrated but still decent and frankly it's not that much better than Dracula X
2 and HoD are not bad as people make them out to be especially HoD it's much better than the game am going to mention next
Circlejerk Of The Moon is overrated trash only liked by anti-IGA contrarians
CV64 is garbage and deserves all the hate it gets

>> No.9730354
File: 815 KB, 849x1200, LeonFlames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's Lament of Innocence?

>> No.9730360

Oh wait, I'm retarded. That was already discussed in here.

>> No.9730417

I started playing this series last year unto this year. My favourite so far is Rondo, my least favourite is Bloodlines. they are all good games though

>> No.9730707

Rondo of Blood. SotN is a close second, but the inverted castle section feels too much like padding for my tastes, and is a blemish an otherwise flawless game. Rondo, on the other hand, is just level after level of action-platforming perfection, with just the right amount of secrets, and the difficulty is just right.

>Least favorite
I would say SCIV, but as I'm now working my way through Bloodlines, it may take that title. I feel both of them are just very unremarkable games.

>> No.9731310

Bloodlines' limited continues thing is so weird. It's not THAT inconvenient with passwords, but what's the point?

>> No.9731315

Did AVGN criticise your marriage?

>> No.9732223 [DELETED] 

Chadlines > Based68000 > Rondo of Kino > shit > the rest of the Castlevanias (especially Super 4, fuck that boring shitty slog of a game that only the retarded hacks that would later from Treasure could have whipped up)

>> No.9732324

Yeah. Didn't you see that episode?

>> No.9733517 [DELETED] 
File: 282 KB, 748x398, castlevania_remakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chadlines > X68based > Rondo of Kino > shit > the rest of the Castlevanias (especially Super 4, fuck that boring shitty slog of a game which only the retarded hacks that would later from Treasure could have whipped up)

>> No.9733696 [DELETED] 

How many times are you going to try and force your memes, australiakun?
It doesn't work.

>> No.9733959 [DELETED] 

Until you admit the fact that Castlevania 4 is the worst Castlevania game of all time.

>> No.9734131

>What's your least favorite?
All of them.

>> No.9734134 [DELETED] 

You must be on crack to think this

>> No.9734228 [DELETED] 

How?? It's basically a remake of Castlevania 1 with extra levels.

>> No.9734238 [DELETED] 

Rent free
You need help.

>> No.9734683 [DELETED] 

It will never work, osto. If anything, your shitposting acts in favor of Castlevania IV. People see you hating on it, they like it even more.

>> No.9734829 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 900x637, supercvbros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contrary to popular belief, it wasn't Symphony of the Night which killed Castlevania, it was the proto-Treasure members involved on Castlevania 4's team that did, by fucking with and dumbing down the core 8-bit Castlevania gameplay which Akamatsu had envisioned for the series as seen in great CVs such as 1 and 3. If Treasure had respected his wishes and stayed true to authentic Castlevania gameplay, the series would have never lost its way, degenerating over the years after the snowball started rolling with 4.

In summary: Fuck Trashure for ruining Castlevania.