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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 698 KB, 640x476, SM64_Wet-Dry_World_Downtown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9727806 No.9727806 [Reply] [Original]

Even if it's in practice just a glorified test level, I can't help but like it for its dream-like aesthetic. There's no other stage in Super Mario 64 that has the same kind of surrealistic appeal to it.
It reminds me more of something I would find in Yume Nikki or LSD: Dream Emulator than a Mario game.

>> No.9727809

It's the water. Take that away and it becomes forgettable.

>> No.9727820

This always was my favourite level as a kid. I have a fascination with very basic 3D environments. I honestly kind of like Bubsy 3D as well.

>> No.9727828

Why do people think it's supposed to be surreal and not just because it's an early 3D game made by 15 people using simple shapes and stock images?

>> No.9727829

That's literally what OP said.

>> No.9727831

Soul doesn't have to be an intentional artistic choice, anon.

>> No.9727836

It's because Mario is investigating a post-apocalypse setting.

>> No.9727951

Except its by far one of the worst levels. Terrible to navigate with awful platforming.

>> No.9727956

the town part of this level is comfy as fuck

>> No.9727965

I've never understood why this level ignores the rules of how slopes work, especially when every other level follows said rules.

>> No.9727985

It's a test level, early geometry retooled into being an actual level, you can tell it was made before even the mechanics were finalized.

>> No.9727996

Using stock textures is the opposite of soul. It's peak commercial garbage.

>> No.9727998

Never put this together before but yeah it definirely is, that weird coiling slope that goes up that you can only reach when the water is however many tiers high is a dead giveaway

>> No.9728023

That's literally what distinguishes soul from soulless

Although I would say it's also the amount of effort, especially for something not essential

>> No.9728038

>It's a test level, early geometry retooled into being an actual level
Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.9728059

Too bad water levels in Mario 64 are so unfun

>> No.9728124

SM64 doesn't have specific logic for slopes based on their steepness, it instead just has a property that dictates whether or not Mario is able to ascend it with or without sliding back down.
That's that one really steep slope in Bowser in the Sky that logically Mario shouldn't be able to run up.

>> No.9728257

my first quake maps were things like houses and neighborhoods because it was a matter of "i wonder if i can make this" cuz thats everyones first map

>> No.9728391

what are some other levels in vidya that have an entire other area hidden away with WDW's scope? I genuinely cant think of many

>> No.9728398
File: 415 KB, 1170x1110, 1665369231520905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys overthink this shit way too much then reinforce your "le surreal" delusions by watching youtube videos of other people doing the same thing. some jap probably designed this level in an thoughtless afternoon, then they copy/pasted it randomly into this level to put it somewhere.

>> No.9728432

ok so it is bullshit

>> No.9728664

Stock 90s textures were soul

>> No.9729220

Most of Mario64 is debug tier. The controls are just that good, though, that it doesn't matter.

>> No.9729461

This, some random jap made a blocky town and called it a day and now 30 years laters zoomers are losing their minds over it.

>> No.9729486

Why does some jap making something in an afternoon mean that it can't be surreal? Do you think surreal things have some innate long-term time limit during their production before they can be officially labeled as Surreal™? Dumb nigger.

>> No.9729541

It's not even surrealism you pseud. Stop using words you don't understand.

>> No.9729596

Surreal is typically used as another word for bizarre or weird, which is perfectly fine to describe the levels in SM64. Nobody is comparing the game to a fucking Salvador Dali painting. You're the pseud.

>> No.9729605

Says the illiterate retard. Shut the fuck up you dumb ape.

>> No.9729610

People hate having their enjoyment of something just reduced to nostalgia so they made up "soul" which is the same rose tinted idea. The levels are simple and a bit odd because it's early 3d but because they played it years ago they try to attribute some sort of "magic" to it that doesn't exist obviously.

>> No.9729616

So the source is your ass. Thanks retard lmao

>> No.9729618
File: 1.22 MB, 819x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a poor choice to describe generically video game worlds of "water level" "fire level" "desert level"

There is nothing "surrealistic" about a low polygon town. Simplified representations of what we see in the real world is not surrealism, it's simple theming. Pseud.

>> No.9729619

Are these people who hate having their enjoyment of something reduced to nostalgia in the room with you right now?

>> No.9729621

sometimes I forget thoughtful posters still exist here. well said.

>> No.9729623

I always thought that part of the level looked like a test for a Zelda town that was abandoned

>> No.9729625

When kid I thought the way to access the zone after the fence was drifting on the wall.

>> No.9729627

Pretty much this

>> No.9729628

Yep, it's probably very literally based on a nearby location. Couple of houses, a fountain/statue in the center area, a few office buildings peppered about. "Hey I wonder if I can put this in the game!" wham bam look what I made, isn't that cute? Yes Maruyama, I'll put it in the game I have a great idea for it and I didn't just waste company time in the 3D program.

>> No.9729629 [DELETED] 

Everytime I come here I'm amazed at how low the average IQ of this board has gotten.
The world would be better if every retard like you committed suicide

>> No.9729630

It doesn't matter if the levels are generic whatevers. If it looks bizarre to me, I will use the word surreal if I feel like it. The English language is pretty flexible and most people (who aren't retarded or ESL) will understand intrinsically, pseud.

>> No.9729632

>It's a poor choice
No it isn't. A low-poly underwater town you find in a painting with flame thrower enemies that don't actually work is bizarre, unusual and even surreal. You can now shut your apehole and stop getting hung up on one word.

>> No.9729634 [DELETED] 

Sorry your town level isn't surreal, it's just a primitive translation of real life ideas. Don't piss your pants over it, and if you did make sure you change or you'll develop a rash.

>> No.9729636 [DELETED] 

You got blown the fuck out, give it up retard.

>> No.9729642 [DELETED] 

you're both faggots

>> No.9729646 [DELETED] 

>no argument
The amount of seethe from troons that get this emotional is hilarious lmao

>> No.9729651
File: 1.18 MB, 750x750, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see we're encroaching on the premise that all disagreement must be met with a flight. I don't really care if you disagree with me. Your premise opens the door to all video games being surreal, any representation that is not 1:1 becomes surreal. It's obtuse and distorts an entire thematic concept. The familiar laden with the physically distorted and perverse interpretations of the real world? That's now uber-surrealism. Cutesy minimalist representations of towns in a cartoon game deep in generic game themes? Surreal.

Or we can reel in the stupidity and stop treating a descriptor as a gold medal. Maybe come to terms with your limited vocabulary and look for a new way to describe it.

>> No.9729654
File: 58 KB, 600x450, KingBobOmb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you're king faggot of the great big faggot mountain, welcome to the family.

>> No.9729672
File: 15 KB, 414x319, 1678473824962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry your town level isn't surreal, it's just a primitive translation of real life ideas. Don't piss your pants over it, and if you did make sure you change or you'll develop a rash.
I don't understand why you would go full retard trying to pretend that a walled off three house town hidden under a tunnel that's constantly getting inundated is anything remotely normal. I'm sorry if these things are common occurrences in your favela shithole but most people don't have to deal with constant floodings or their towns looking like a barren wasteland

>> No.9729673

Or maybe you can stop being an enormous cocksucker that gets hung up on a word that's synonymous to "bizarre".

>> No.9729678
File: 375 KB, 640x386, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a painting anon. Ed Edd n Eddy sure is surreal, isn't it?

Being that it's Mario, queer would be a more accurate word.

>> No.9729679

I looked up pseud on the dictionary and I found a screencap of your mentally deficient post. I recommend you rethink the life choices that led you to spout such mindless drivel, you clearly aren't mentally sound

>> No.9729681 [DELETED] 

Sorry you think early 3d is surreal. That's your primitive brain at work tranny.

>> No.9729684 [DELETED] 
File: 577 KB, 853x683, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't read picture books so I'm not sure what you're talking about.

>> No.9729690 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 700x443, 1678474144260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's just a painting anon
Keep backpedaling back to /v/ nigger

>> No.9729692 [DELETED] 

Ed, Edd n Eddy is surreal af. No cap.

>> No.9729697

>Being that it's Mario, queer would be a more accurate word.
Queer would be a more accurate word for you, just in general.

>> No.9729698
File: 118 KB, 582x475, 1487437647869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man you faggots hate fun, yes that's obviously the case but when you're 6 years old playing your first 3D game ever and have never done any sort of programming in your life it doesn't feel like that.

>> No.9729705 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 1024x726, 1676235283200185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only thing missing is the gaping mouth. I hate youtubers so much its unreal

>> No.9729725

I spent hours trying to get back into that tunnel you swimmed through. I could never make it. The amount of cool things you could probably do in there...

>> No.9729786 [DELETED] 

>white, hates himself and his kind
>receding hairline
>putting nintendo on a pedestal
>bleep bloops are a postmodern deconstruction of capitalism
Life truly is beyond satire

>> No.9729792 [DELETED] 

They've been trying to push this retarded surrealism gimmick for 10 years.

>> No.9729805 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 1024x574, headshot-1024x574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hello, fellow whites!

>> No.9729816 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 940x300, 1613810588187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I see, makes more sense now. I don't know this faggot.

>> No.9729824 [DELETED] 
File: 491 KB, 784x439, idiocracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate youtubers so much its unreal
this. and twitchers. and tiktokers. idiocracy was a prophecy

>> No.9729828 [DELETED] 

more like the overlords telling you how it's gonna be soon.

>> No.9730916

lmao please explain these rules in detail.

>> No.9731326

Yes, you ARE here in this thread.

>> No.9731327

>I like trains, but in painting form

>> No.9732762

Sorry. It was my first playthrough in ages and I just assumed slopes caused Mario to slide based on its angle.
This level proved me otherwise.

>> No.9733334

there are far more steep slopes that dont make you slide, its not just this level. you're a moron.