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9726318 No.9726318 [Reply] [Original]

I started FF7 some time ago, and I like it so far. But is trying to 100% this game supposed to be pure hell? I always hear that "FF is easy" and "FF7 has no gameplay", but it seems that if you want to max out all materia, get all enemy skills, all items and so on, there's A LOT of stuff to grind and even more stuff you wouldn't know without a guide. Right now I'm wondering if I should try to take on that water snake just to get an enemy skill from it.

>> No.9726341

How about you enjoy the game instead of being a grinding bellend?
>hurr im going to mindlessly grind for 10 hours so the enemy in the next area goes down in 10 seconds instead of 20

>> No.9726346

Learn to read. I don't want grinding, I want to max out the materia

>> No.9726349

That's the same thing.

>> No.9726354

100% is hell.
Play the game the way you enjoy till you still enjoy to play then stop.

>> No.9726371

added elemen+fire on the e.skil bearer if you are low levelled, otherwise come back there when you have over 1000 hp to survive it's attack

>> No.9726373

will it still be accessible / alive? I'm not sure anymore if the game allows you to backtrack much since I got locked out of Midgar

>> No.9726575

>But is trying to 100% this game supposed to be pure hell?
No clue, only got a few hours into FF7 before getting tired of it (wasn't for me), but I'll say that you shouldn't feel yourself forced to 100% a game by default, save that for games which you find that you really like.

I guess you could really like a game but still find it obnoxious to 100%, I enjoyed the (not retro) ALBW, and I did manage to get everything down in that one, except for a single thing, being that cunting baseball minigame. Rather than butting my head against that wall any further, I decided I was fine with having "only" 19 hearts after about an hour of attempts, I was already playing on "Hero Mode" anyway (quadruples taken damage) because I had found it too easy in the past. Still pretty easy.
So instead I move on to another Zelda, a retro one, one I hadn't played before, and my point still stands, don't force yourself to 100% every game out of principle, you have no need to.

You had to do a bunch of repeated breeding stuff with the Chocobos or something to get one of them, IIRC, so you're grinding anyway.

>> No.9726676

as far as I can remember, you never get truly locked out of anywhere in FF7
you can even go back to midgar during disc 3 if you know where to look, so yeah returning to old areas is just a matter of making the long haul back

>> No.9727469

There are a lot of things in FF7 that can be permanently missed.

I second >>9726354 and >>9726575. 100%-ing a favorite game you love is a fine goal for a second playthrough, but there's no need to force yourself to do it on a first playthrough.
If you're really feeling it, then sure, go for it, but otherwise it's not necessary to do it right now.
I mean, if you really love the game, this won't be the last time you play it, right? Why not save 100%-ing as a goal for your next playthrough?

>> No.9727529

FF7 is actually really easy to grind.
Most sidequests are nerfed in the endgame to be easier.
Very few permanent missables matter...
>Missable Enemy skills and the first enemy skill materia (Only a few are permanently missable)
>Stealing from every boss (should be a no brainer)
>Ultimate/Joke weapons (2 per character, Most are underpowered anyway)
>Limit breaks (1 per character and some arent even worth the effort)
You don't need to collect most materia because you'll get master materia from superbosses anyway.
Most items are worthless.
Most weapons are outscaled/redundant.
All stat bonus items are found in endgame
Most enemy skills are found in endgame.

If getting a "perfect file" seems hard, that was the appeal. Ps1 JRPGs have lots of hidden content for replays/exploring. Was never meant to be completed first time.

>> No.9728941

There is no way that anyone was even intended to get everything in FFVII in a single playthrough without a guide. So much crap was clearly thrown in there to prevent that and make sure there would basically always be at least something you'd miss, it's not even clear what it would even mean to 100% a given FF game in the first place, it's an RPG and that typically isn't strictly possible.

>> No.9728962

There's an enemy in the final dungeon called Mover that gives ridiculous AP, you can't max out Enemy Skill before the final dungeon anyway so don't bother grinding.

>> No.9729040

Go get big guard then go back to the snake to get his e skill, or just wait until youre high enough level to survive his attack. It hits for 1.5k or something.

>> No.9729068
File: 431 KB, 1438x1079, Screenshot_20230304_091654_DuckStation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ARE playing the retranslation, right?

>> No.9729169

If it's anything like the FF8 "retranslation", no thanks. Tired of retards making up their own story and pasting it over top of someone else's

>> No.9729404

Have they still not gotten a Japanese speaker to go through the script and correct the actual translation errors instead of just "prettying" up the script?
I know they CLAIM they retranslated it from Japanese, but that's complete bullshit because they left in an error in the church scene from the English script that would be pretty much impossible to reproduce naturally (it only comes from the fact that Square's translators weren't given context)

>> No.9730372
File: 274 KB, 2560x1440, vbGrRs2-3475014941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dear god no, the original PS translation is still the best version.

>> No.9730553

Final Fantasy VII is one of the easiest J-RPGs (or Final Fantasy titles, really) to 100% or get a perfect file (depending on what those things mean to you). There are a LOT of missable things in the game but it's hardly difficult to accomplish it if you're using a guide. Maxing out materia is a pain in the ass (I can see why some people would aim for that since it's the only way to get the Master Materia without killing Emerald Weapon) but everything else is a breeze compared to some more insane tasks / challenges found in J-RPGs of that era.

There used to be an Online FAQ in the gamefaqs forums written by an anon named shadow666 or something like that. I remember that was the first time the community put out a detailed guide for most of this stuff and in an easy to digest format too.

>> No.9730660

I 100% ff7 in around 150 hours
The only challenges after that are

stat maxing through the sunken sun (this one takes a while)

Zero levelling
Initial equipment
Not using any magic

Fun game,.lots of ways to challenge yourself

Game FAQs used to be great to get extra mileage out of games

>> No.9730668

p r o b l e m a t i c
Is this line still in modern rereleases of the game?

>> No.9730872

nope. the new version strip the soul out of the game.

>> No.9731108

>it's not even clear what it would even mean to 100% a given FF game in the first place

Doing that for any game didn't mean anything before achievements became a thing. But if you really love the game then go for it I guess.

>> No.9731121

>Doing that for any game didn't mean anything before achievements became a thing.

That's bullshit and you are underaged. Plenty of games had explicit requirements for 100% built in and explicitly acknowledged you doing this.

>> No.9731125

>There's an enemy in the final dungeon called Mover that gives ridiculous AP

Combine this with double/triple AP weapons

>> No.9731142

Well I can't remember too many. Maybe because I never cared about trying. I just remember when achievements came around that more emphasis was put on 100%ing a game. As in it gave people a reason to want to do it.

>> No.9731453

Wrong names and typos everywhere... no thanks.

>> No.9731526

What games did that? SoTN maybe but thats just the map. Unless you mean 2000s games.

>> No.9731607

of course not, modern people are fucking weak retarded faggots who get hurt by words

>> No.9731614

have you ever played an RPG before? why the fuck are you trying to max everything, especially if you're only just out of Midgar? There are two more fucking discs to go yet

>> No.9731693

Honestly I'd take a few typos over that embarrassing fan fiction they're calling a remake. Plus the names don't matter since you can the main cast whatever you want.

>> No.9731698

What could go wrong giving the worst jap writer of all time the keys to remake FF7?

>> No.9731708

He's a very talented artist and fashion designer, sure, not really seeing how that translates to writing. Did he just get lucky with FFX?

>> No.9731714

I bought the PS4 version and it was still there

>> No.9731718

That's because he had people put restrainers on him with every project he was on. What you get when he's let loose is Kingdom Hearts, the most nonsensical shit imaginable.]
Even as a designer he's very hit and miss. He's the nip version of Rob Liefeld with the fucking belts.

>> No.9731724

>He's the nip version of Rob Liefeld with the fucking belts.
Hahaha :D

Hey if nothing else we still have the original. Plus the remake is >100gb is reason enough for the average person to skip it.

>> No.9731728

Nojima and Nomura aren't the same person.

>> No.9731747

I thought he was a writer for FFX, am I thinking of X-2?

>> No.9731748
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No, you get this when he's let loose. This is what fantasy games should strive for.

>> No.9731763

X and X-2 were both Nojima.

>> No.9731774

My bad

>> No.9732349

typos are easily overlooked and have no impact on the enjoyment of the story. (unless you are a sperg, which is probably the case.)

>> No.9732375

>I don't want grinding, I want to max out the materia
Soooo...you want grinding? There's no reason to max out materia unless you want to fight the superbosses. And even then there's strats to beat them without maxxing.

>> No.9732382

There is no difference between Aeris and Aerith. It's just how Japs pronounce shit.

>> No.9732384

One is correct, and the other is Aerith.

>> No.9732386

I find ff7 as one of the actually enjoyable games all around. Though I do play with a difficulty patch among other things.

>> No.9732396

You can get aeris’s planet protector limit break by now if you played the right way, or want to grind a bit.

>> No.9732403
File: 103 KB, 593x443, 45721275-720D-4597-A5A8-35AE1B420716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re so gross, anon. That was just depressing to read

>> No.9732804
File: 272 KB, 683x1503, Screenshot_20230311_121945_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same line is in the retranslation. They didnt remove anything to be more pc.
It has nothing to with how japs pronounce things. They got the names wrong and didnt bother fixing them. The retranslation fixes all the shit lazy devs couldnt bother fixing before release, and also has a better font. Its just a better game.

>> No.9733243

Wrong. Aerith is canon, her official name. Aeris is the bad translation. Her name has always been Aerith until ff7 botched it.

>> No.9733294

We're not dancing this dance for the 1000th time.

>> No.9733404

her official name is actually earisu

>> No.9733976

>Her name has always been Aerith until ff7 botched it.
bruh, FF7 was literally the first piece of work with her in it, and her name was Aeris for the entire game.

>> No.9733986

There is the right name, and there is the bad translation. There is no argument here.

>> No.9734004
File: 301 KB, 1348x1078, Screenshot_20230311_180749_DuckStation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and yet they have called her Aerith in every game since 7, because Aerith is the correct name, and Aeris was a bad translation. Same goes for all the other names in 7, like "Zax." The mod fixes all the names to the right names, but I think its worth it just for the font alone.

>> No.9734107
File: 78 KB, 446x435, 1554150003035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care, still calling her Aeris

>> No.9734108

Why not play it like a normal person and not some spastic that needs to cross off a checklist of every thing in the game?

>> No.9734147



>not just naming her poo or ass instead

>> No.9734207


>> No.9734220

>Ultimate/Joke weapons (2 per character, Most are underpowered anyway)
Pretty much all of them are useless except for Yuffie's (damage based on enemy level so does high damage vs. strong enemies) and Barrett (damage based on how much AP is in the weapon so lots of mastered materia = lots of damage). Everything else is too easy to fall behind and if you're using Tifa you you really shouldn't be using anything but Powersoul/Master Fist + Death Sentance at a minimum.

>>Limit breaks (1 per character and some arent even worth the effort)
Highwind, Catastrophe and Omnislash are all good. Doom of the Living is obviously way better than All Creation. Final Heaven isn't really unusable. Nobody cares about Cait Sith, Red XIII and Vincent because they're trash characters.

>> No.9734223

They messed up Barrett's "THERE AIN'T NO GETTIN' OFFA THIS TRAIN WE ON" line by leaving out the "THIS TRAIN WE ON DON'T MAKE NO STOPS" part. But I'm pleasantly surprised they still mostly kept Barrett's speaking style since it adds a shit ton of character to him.

>> No.9734242
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Call her whatever you want, her name is still Aerith and the rom hack is better.

>> No.9734247

Nobody cares about your project

>> No.9735167

Nojima wrote a bunch of good games though and even if his stories can be confusing nonsense, he's generally great at writing actual characters and character interaction. FF7R's story might be garbage but the characters themselves are typically on point and he even managed to turn Jessie into one of the most popular characters in the game.

>> No.9735178

You should call her Aeris because Aerith sounds retarded. It'd be like if they just insisted that Terra be called Tina in both Japanese and English. It's dumb and one name sounds worse.

>> No.9735245
File: 93 KB, 1041x213, Screenshot_20230312_122419_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, you can call her whatever you want, but Aerith is still the correct name. If it was Aeris they would have called her Aeris in every game shes been in for the last 20 years, but they didnt.

>> No.9735451

I don't like the idea of my game characters speaking with a lisp, personally.

>> No.9735720

Again, don't care. Should we call Terra and Sabin Tina and Mash instead because that's their names in the Japanese version? And S-E didn't seem fit to "correct" stuff like Reno and Tseng. Aerith sounds retarded, Aeris sounds better. End of story. No amount of "correcting" is going to change that or make me say her name with a lithp.

>> No.9736484
File: 405 KB, 1434x1080, Screenshot_20230312_000149_DuckStation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont mind if you like playing the inferior version of a game full of typos, bad translations, wrong names, and a shitty font. I just prefer the rom hack because its objectively better. Also, I think Aerith sounds better than Aeris anyways, and fits the character better.

>> No.9736512
File: 398 KB, 1200x1067, 54073f2a1d45807fb61b439ad72c663f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9736815

Aeris sounds like air and fits her ephemeral nature well.