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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.56 MB, 2487x1503, 03ov9t4q6ot11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9725010 No.9725010 [Reply] [Original]

Really makes you think.

>> No.9725017

I don't know what the intent of the recolor is, yellow and purple work together

>> No.9725028

hate it when retards take tips on how to do things as underivable dogma

>> No.9725050

Thanks for this thread OP, really worth creating a thread for this.

>> No.9725058

that recolor looks terrible
it's not supposed to be pink and purple it's supposed to be the varia suit plus purple gravity suit over top

>> No.9725059

It might look better but the idea on the left is the gravity suit is an add-on to the existing varia suit.

>> No.9725070
File: 223 KB, 517x765, David_Lynch_Cannes_2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uneven 2-3 split complimentary?
>analogous + third

>> No.9725076

Art student just watched a color theory video and is now fixing professional art.

>> No.9725258

>op took a moment from guzzling semen to try out some shit he heard in his retarded first year art class

>> No.9725271

this is why AI can't actually do art

>> No.9725381

I'm colorblind and even I know your edit on the right fucking sucks.

>> No.9725405

Got any more?

>> No.9725546

So is Samus unable to lift her arms over her head? It seems like the huge spherical shoulders are mostly immobile and would badly restrict her shoulder movement.

>> No.9725550

Time to take your lithium, anon.

>> No.9725681

>Really makes you think im retarded

>> No.9725685

Loops awfully cold which isn't the intent

>> No.9726753

First rule of learning those art rules is that you don't have to follow any rules.

>> No.9726759

>turned soul into soulless
you should seek employment at toys for bob

>> No.9726836

Not gonna lie I always thought this suit looked really autistic with the colors so I appreciate the edit I suppose

>> No.9726878

Left looks like a futuristic renaissance painting, whereas the right one comes straight from an ugly "gray" corridor shooter.
This is the reason why so many modern movies, games, architecture and etc, have unappealing pseudo-monochrome color schemes.

>> No.9726959

>First rule of learning those art rules is that you don't have to follow any rules.
Not following those rules is how we get literal shit on a canvas, a toilet bought from Home Depot claiming to be a sculpture piece, and lopsided post-modern buildings that have issues related to its structure. Those rules are there for a reason.

>> No.9727037
File: 4 KB, 256x224, supermetroid-52[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny part is that the classic Gravity Suit is pink, not purple.

>> No.9727060

>the torso and inner thigh colors match the color of the power beam in Samus' cannon, making use of existing colors which would not realistically change (since the power beam is still the power beam) and tying them back into the overall color scheme
>the color of the power beam changes for literally no fucking reason because it soothes muh color wheel autism

This is just awful. The recolor looks so fucking sterile and boring on top of all that. Nothing about it pops or catches the eye, my eyes just glaze over it as it melts into the background.

>> No.9727074
File: 273 KB, 947x1200, autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh contrast = bad
then why is the symbol of your people this garish nightmare?

>> No.9727302 [DELETED] 

the yellow in right is kind of uggo, and not in line with the gravity suit in nes or super.

>> No.9727315

the yellow in left does look pretty garish when it's not from a sideview in the 2d games, but maybe that's intentional.

>> No.9727346
File: 402 KB, 730x780, 1484489019959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like the recolor but changing the hue of the arm cannon is way too overkill

>> No.9727349

always thought it was from the varia suit underneath desu

>> No.9727350

also it looks pretty good in SM in like the only screen you can see it in-game >>9727037

>> No.9727371


>> No.9727417

Understanding those rules is a requirement for understanding the most impactful way to defy them. The idea that they "exist for a reason" is shortsighted, because that very reason is so the creator can make things which are pleasing and acceptable to a broad audience. What if you're not trying to make something pleasing and acceptable? Challenging convention is how advancement happens. Psychological horror, for example, is dependent on knowing "the rules" specifically so they can break them in all the best ways to instill a sense of profound discomfort in the audience. The reason Picasso's cubism period is more highly regarded than a toddler's scribbles is because his prior catalog of work demonstrated that he understood "the rules" of portraiture before he ventured into intentionally defying them. Nothing new and interesting ever gets done if you're preoccupied with doing things "the right way" all the time, but understanding them is a prerequisite all the same.

>> No.9727460

To add to your post:
There were many criticism against anime art style by people who are teaching professional drawing. They all start with "rules and anatomy" and how anime drawings don't understand those. What they fail to realize is that they are the ones who don't understand that. Just because you're able to copy anatomy properly that doesn't mean you understand anatomy properly. Successful artists know much more about art than some collage instructor who haven't created anything valuable in his life.
I remember reading criticism of Street Fighter Alpha's character design and anatomy from an art student in early 2010s. He failed understand anything and just follow what he is being told. That's why things look "sovlless" nowadays. It's not soul but lack of understanding art.

>> No.9727462
File: 881 KB, 860x1331, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my r8color

>> No.9727478

>There were many criticism against anime art style by people who are teaching professional drawing. They all start with "rules and anatomy" and how anime drawings don't understand those. What they fail to realize is that they are the ones who don't understand that.
Well said. The inverse of this is also visible in every teenager who decides "I wanna be a famous mangaka!!" and defends their incompetence with "no criticism, it's just my style". They don't have that grounding in demonstrating their understanding of anatomy and artistic method, they just want to superficially replicate the thing they've found appealing.

>> No.9727603

Fermented in piss blood/10

>> No.9727604

based artfag schizoposters
you hear echos of this in music
>bro like bro i dont wanna learn music theory bro like wtf??
>itll restrict my style bro ie playing barre chords and running mindlessly up/down pentatonics
to which ill usually deflect with something along the lines of
>yea and im sure hemingway wouldve been a much better writer if he was illiterate

ill never understand how people dont realize you can know the rules inside and out, without being bound to them
like you said, having """rules""" to bounce ideas off of can be invaluable in generating new ideas
and like ffs you can still just close your eyes and play like a fucking rocknroller, like wtf how does knowing what an 11th chord is stop you from doing that?

>> No.9727607

No retro.

>> No.9727610

idc this threads gay anyway

>> No.9727616
File: 73 KB, 510x296, C0BDD3D3-9423-4F3A-9F21-1BC649C7BB3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to report and put "sage" in all fields then, retard.

>> No.9727630

lol whatre you my fucking mom
kys urself

>> No.9727710

OP did a recolor of a design in a retro title based on an introductory understanding of color theory. That was recognized, and a tangential discussion happened based around it. Is this your first thread outside of /v/? Are you unaccustomed to people discussing things in more depth than just calling each other faggots for not liking what they like?

>> No.9727790

Yeah it makes me think. Makes me think your recolor is shit.

>> No.9727857

this "creativity" brought to you by some asshole retard college professor who's never made anything of note and is somehow allowed to force students to follow his art rules