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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9719786 No.9719786 [Reply] [Original]

Particularly when factoring in zeitgeist, innovation diffusion or simply what the average game had to offer back then, OoT was very much ahead of its time. It's hard to think of a more urbane mix of dichotomies in a good game:
>all the eclectic dungeon crawling and overworld exploration, whether it's viscerally filling your bottle with random stuff, pulling yourself onto anything wooden with a Batman tool, fishing fish you can actually see or jumping a horse over a curtain wall
>the hunky-dory atmosphere in sudden contrast to solemnity and actual horror elements, like when the happy music fades as you exit into a back alley or the village graveyard
Things the game does very deliberately and Nintendo had much to say about in interviews. When you are exposed to one extreme for a long time, you tend to crave the other even more, which is a part of what makes the Zelda formula so good and effective. Sounds simple, but we know how many foregettable Zelda clones there are that didn't get the parts right that aren't so simple:
>good dungeon design that's satisfying with constant eureka moments but never frustrating, offering all kinds of items and puzzles, shortcuts, vertical or even diagonal (Hookshot) progression and a sense of nonlinearity while retaining a strong red thread
>overworld has a lot to do but not so much it feels overwhelming or like the developers didn't have trust in the individual parts
On top of everything else, it just so happens to have one of the biggest worlds of its generation without long loading times but different biomes, diel cycles the world and NPCs are affected by, mounts, amazing controls, a smart camera and Z-targeting rounding off a fun combat system. Not to mention the art or mind-boggingly memorable music that's a gameplay as well as a story device, just like the story itself is a gameplay device, which absolutely felt like something only an ultimate game would do

>> No.9719795

it's fire

>> No.9719805

The only game I vividly remember getting and playing for the first time as a kid

>> No.9719809

Wouldn't insist on it being le best game ever and not sure if you did because tl;dr but having played fucking everything there is, it's the one that deserves it the most. Either that or supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

>> No.9719810

Thank you for the tl;dr.

>> No.9719814

it got the bop

>> No.9719830

If you think this is the best game of all time why don’t you post that in the other threads open for this exact game? why do you think we care about the opinion of someone so clearly retarded or that we will read your multi paragraph post?

>> No.9719839
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Average vidya forum age is maybe ~20 so not many remember what it was like. It was dubbed the game of the century and is still seen as a complete game and one of the most influential by normal people and the greatest vidya minds alike (Gabe Newell, Miyazaki, Ken Levine, Suda, David Jaffe, Kamiya or Bleszinski for that matter). Its reputation isnt random

>> No.9719846


I'm a Nintendort and I've never seen any of those people laud the game. Post your source or quit falseflagging fellow Nintendie.

>> No.9719847

Is it weird to think the crappy 64 quality version sounds better?

>> No.9719852

What is even the point of yet another OOT is GoaT thread?
Seriously, this topic has been discussed to death already (even in the past weeks) and just results in either circle jerking or flamewars.

>> No.9719854

It's Suda's favorite franchise, Cliffy is a Zelda fanboy, Kamiya too, Newell called Mario and Zelda huge influences and many more. Not sure why this would be shocking, it's the highest rated game ever, not Blast Corps

>> No.9719859

Idk about all that shit, but it was definitely the best "kid goes on big fantasy adventure" experience if you played it at just the right intended age.

>> No.9719867
File: 3.51 MB, 1160x720, organ.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good abstract, couldn't agree more. Actually my dilemma is that I take playing it too seriously and I don't want to 'waste' playthroughs so I can't decide what version

Should I replay Ocarina Master Quest, Redux or 3DS next? And PC port or emulation?

>> No.9719868

Chrono Trigger exists.

>> No.9719871

>not Blast Corps
kek blast corps is a fine game tho

>> No.9719872

>extrapolating things you want to hear from loose anecdotes

>implying you're not underage banned or mentally stunted as can't realize discussions without pulling hyberboles out of your ass.

You're not going to get any award for being on /vr/ or talking about OoT. You're just wasting your time and one day you'll be old like me and regret the time you spent here.

>> No.9719875

I didn't even call it the best game ever and I didn't see a similar thread. You should probably calm down

>> No.9719876

It’s just one or two guys but apparently no one cares enough to delete the threads. we have almost 20 threads now that are Zelda themed, which is a stupid amount for a board this slow and low traffic.

>> No.9719882

Is this the remaster?

>> No.9719886

I don't even remember this level of kino and the instrument

>> No.9719891

Youre being obtuse and lying on purpose but you said it’s the ultimate game and wrote some gay essay no one read because at this point is all spam. You’re saying you didn’t see all of the Zelda threads in the first few pages of the fucking catalog? I don’t see any outcome here where you aren’t fucking autistic.

>> No.9719895

It wasn't ahead of its time. Games already did those things in 2D; Goemon did most of that first in 3D; and a year later we had Deus Ex and Final Fantasy 8 doing doubly more. Not tearing the game down; that's just a weird plateau to stick on.

>> No.9719896
File: 25 KB, 440x640, Miyazaki-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dark Souls creator literally called it the foundation for action RPGs and said he isn't worthy of the comparison

>> No.9719901

OoT3D is a port with more mechanical restrictions not a remaster.

The clips of Ganondorf playing weren't spliced like that in the actual game.

>> No.9719904

>they will delete the whole thread again instead of just timing out this annoying, samefagging, thread derailing crybaby who doesn't know he can filter threads

>> No.9719905

Still a hack

>> No.9719908

From had already released kingsfield, a fully 3d adventure game, 4 years earlier with less time and understanding or examples to pick from. if ocarina of time didn’t exist something else similar enough would have inevitably came out. Ironically kingsfield 1 is a more primitive game, but its bizarre atmosphere kept me interested enough for me to finish it compared to ocarina of time.

>> No.9719912

Shut the fuck up. there are almost 20 Zelda threads up. it isn’t a matter of filtering something to not see it. Your garbage threads are bumping off other threads.

>> No.9719914

>Goemon did most of that first in 3D
It's barely even playable because of the camera let alone being as mechanically robust and polished as Zelda

>> No.9719915

Exactly, It's annoying as fuck and clutters the other discussions.

>> No.9719916

Nobody ever said it wasn't influential. We're just calling you out for making up strawmen to hold up your essay. Not that you don't make good points about the zeitgeist and things it pioneered, but it wasn't worthy of a new thread on top of the others already on the catalog. Also, From is an example of a developer that has done things better than Zelda since 2006 which is much closer to OoT's release than it is to today. So you're putting down your own case because apparently Nintendo failed to learn from the what they accomplished. Zelda could really use a karma system like Dark Souls these days. It sucks without one.

>> No.9719920

Good for you, anon

>> No.9719926

I'm only two of those comments. Cope harder brownnoser.

>> No.9719934

>>the hunky-dory atmosphere in sudden contrast to solemnity and actual horror elements, like when the happy music fades as you exit into a back alley or the village graveyard
This is the best thing about LoZ games. Obviously something a RE or Klonoa cant do but Zelda can and it does it so well. Or did until SS.

>> No.9719956

There are exactly 10 Zelda threads, a hugely popular franchise with 30 games where apparently even a fucking spider web puzzle can somehow fill up a thread with discussion

2 are about to die, 2 seem to be made by shitposters

Get a life

>> No.9719965

There are more than that. And many of the threads are redundant. A thread about ocarina of time, a game about majoras mask, a thread about which of those 2 games are the best. Then this thread also about ocarina of time. Then an art thread about ocarina of time. Then thinly veiled Zelda threads where the OP image is just a fucking Zelda location or some other garbage with a vague topic. These are just off the top of my head. This is a slow board. making these redundant fucking threads fucks everything up because threads don’t get enough time for new traffic to see them when they get bumped off because nearly 20 threads are all relating in some way to one Nintendo franchise.

>> No.9719969
File: 219 KB, 584x512, Feeling out of it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know this is a meme but skyward is a shitty zelda but still a very good game. they should have called it Shiiren

>> No.9719975

It's one guy, he's a deranged zeldafaggot and gets extremely upset if you don't act like ocarina of shit was god's gift to gaming. Telltale signs it's him are the use of the word "contrarian" 20 times per post or bitching about Majora's mask. Janny doesn't care if he's shitting up the board with low quality rubbish because /vr/ is a containment board to keep the worst tendies out of /v/

>> No.9719976

>There are more than that.
No I just counted. You can stop shitposting now. There are times we have 15 Sonic threads and no one cares

Also I doubt it's a coincidence you picked this thread for your meltdown and not he Minish Cap thread

>> No.9719978

it was Wario last week. I mean I like these games and could talk endlessly about them but they dont need more than 1 or 2 threads at a time.

>> No.9719980

>a series with 20 >85% games can't have more than 2 threads because I say so

>> No.9719990

Not really, orchestral shit is often too noisy and doesn't understand that less is more sometimes. And high quality remasters put lazy EQ on it

>> No.9719993

Is this from the mango?

>> No.9719998

The appeal of /vr/ is to talk about old games that wouldn’t get enough traction on a fast board like /v/ as far as I’m aware. He could post about his gay ocarina of time shit on /v/ and have a fine thread because most people in their mid 20s and up have played it. There’s nothing to converse because these games have also been talked about to death because it’s lowest common denominator shit.

We don’t need this many threads. Go to Reddit and talk to other zelda enthusiasts if you need to talk about zelda this much. That’s where you belong anyway.

>> No.9720001

Presented without comment.

Current OPs directly related to the Zelda series:

Current OPs featuring a Zelda-related image, but not necessarily related to Zelda:

>> No.9720002


>> No.9720003

Then go make a thread about a game you want to talk about rather than having a chimpout in an unrelated thread.

>> No.9720007

So about 10 as you were told, including the obvious shitpost ones where you don't complain lol

You want the one with the most text gone because saying something good about OoT triggers your PTSD

>> No.9720014

>samefags again

>> No.9720017

>/vr/ - Passive-Aggressively Making Anti-OoT And Pro-OoT Threads At Each Other Perpetually

>> No.9720019

Earthbound was. Ocarina if we only count 3D though

>> No.9720024

Only the former is actually insane

>> No.9720026 [DELETED] 

You’re an annoying faggot. I’m not saying this because those are my threads or I care about them. it’s that the nature of /vr/ is different than other boards, and because there are fewer visitors, threads need more time up to get enough comments and people posting. when there are this many redundant threads it detracts from the overall quality of the entire board.

>> No.9720031

You'd maybe have a point if any of those got purposefully necro bumped but I'm not seeing that. People just chat, while you mald.

>> No.9720034

>You’re an annoying faggot.
That's rich coming from you. You're lucky jannies hate Nintendo so you don't get banned for your 50 off topic posts