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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9718853 No.9718853 [Reply] [Original]

With how many designers who cite this as their biggest influence and inspiration in gaming, it raises the question, is there a more influential game in the industry? All the most prominent ones putting out the best games today beckon to ICO. Many are even genuine fanbys of Fumito Ueda, it's crazy how this game with a goofy CG cover defined the industry for the millennium.

>> No.9718860

Zelda if he a cinematic platformer for hipsters

>> No.9718861
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Devil May Cry.
So many rip offs came put from it, mainly gow.
Also, Prince of Persia Sands of Time is a mixture of Ico and DMC

>> No.9718984

People like Miyazaki call Zelda the absolute baseline of every action RPG
No idea what game ICO could have inspired aside from some indies, good as it may be

Sounds like a troll thread

>> No.9719010

Legend of Zelda isn't even an RPG.

>> No.9719029
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The obvious answer would be the game that inspired Ico
>Fumito Ueda would have to be the only Japanese game designer who “truly” “gets” the Another World aesthetic. He, too, praises Another World above all games. When we interviewed him on the subject of Shadow of the Colossus in 2004, we asked him some questions about Another World, and he replied by very frankly saying that it depresses him when he reads gushing reviews of ICO, which fail to note the copious Another World homages.

>> No.9719032

In the course of my career as a vidcon specialist (my own coinage, spend it wisely), I have never seen such blatant and frankly, sickening ignorance as that exhibited by the "people" (if, in fact, they are homo sapiens at all, as their intelligence implies elsewise) that claim that Zelda is not an RPG. There is nothing that Shigeru "Shiggy" Miyamoto could possibly do to make the vidcon any more of an RPG as it meets every single criterion for being one, particularly that it takes place in an imaginary realm with a fantastical beastiary, the damsel/villain ratio is at or above standards, and that the core emphasis of the gameplay is on bedazzling all foes with impeccable swords and sorcery. Furthermore, this line of thought can be extended to all vidcons in which the player controls a character (hence, roleplaying), though I cringe slightly at the thought of such mundane vidcons as Madden being RPGs, as they do not even include exotic weaponry such as the tonfa.

>> No.9719041

I don't know if this is bait but Ico is one of Miyazaki's favorites too

>> No.9719047

>People like Miyazaki call Zelda the absolute baseline of every action RPG
why do you think the opinion of a hack making shitty games matter?

>> No.9719052

Don't talk like a goon.

>> No.9719058
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Even Zelda was somewhat derivative from previous games. You can only say "I invented this" when people don't know who you ripped off.

>> No.9719089

His opinion has more weight than a body of an average /vr/ poster

>> No.9719143

What you say doesn't even contradict what he said

>> No.9719260

>With how many designers who cite this as their biggest influence and inspiration in gaming
Name 5 who made a 85% game. Also post source

>> No.9719321

came to post this. Another World had a big influence on Kojima too.

>> No.9719352

>implying RPGs must have a swords and sorcery fantasy setting

>> No.9720281

Jet Set Radio
Call of Duty 4

>> No.9720298

And looking the same everywhere, and having to carry Ruto around throughout the whole game, and worse controls, and worse music, and no items, and worse combat

>> No.9720423

Silent Hill for horror, mostly SH2. As much as I love Silent Hill, the whole "rusty aesthetic with weird music while you're fighting psychological manifestations of your own sins" thing is just too overplayed. Most horror games are indies now, and there's not a single one of them that doesn't want to be Silent Hill.

>> No.9720763

cave story started the whole indie game with pixel art trend, that has just started to die off

>> No.9721089

It was 50% Cave Story and 50% Yume Nikki which both came out in 2004. I'd argue that games like OneShot and Undertale take as much from YN as they do from Mother/Earthbound. Japan is always a trendsetter when it comes to video games

>> No.9721103
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Just finished replaying Demon's Souls. Such a fucking good game man. Boletarian Palace has a very similar vibe to the castle from Ico. Shrine of Storms on the other hand reminds me of Shadow of the Colossus. Nowadays it's cool to hate on Souls but the first game is truly special, it took inspiration from the best, you combine Zelda and Ico, make it an RPG and you get DeS. I'm surprised a game like this came out in 2009 when gamedevs just stopped giving a fuck about trying to create something charming and unique. Shame that the remake completely missed the point. I'm mostly a Nintendo guy but if I had to choose my favorite Sony games it would be Ico and this

>> No.9721104

Sands of Time was inspired by Tomb Raider, which was inspired by classic Prince of Persia

>> No.9721249

Kek'd. Also lay off the Adderall.

>> No.9721319

>classic Prince of Persia
which together with Another World (which itself was influenced by Karateka) were two big influences for Ueda as well.
Also Assassin's Creed started out as a Sands of Time spinoff called Prince of Persia: Assassins.

>> No.9721345

Icycalm, is that you?

>> No.9721486
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shit taste