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9717224 No.9717224 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Majora's Mask such a surreal, exotic experience? Even 22 years later ir still feels surprising and out of the box

>> No.9717248

I started this game recently and I have gotten stuck on meaningless things several times. It's not intuitive, and not all that interesting. I haven't even gotten out of the starting town yet.
It feels like Majora's Mask is just another case of Sonic CD. Hyped by it's cult, given airs it doesn't deserve by its past exclusivity.

>> No.9717253

For 22 years I was disappointed really because for me it was in the box. But then i took it out of the box last week and played it and I agree that it was more surprising than when it was still in the box

>> No.9717254

I hope it clicks with you some other time you try again, it's really good.

>> No.9717259

The Bomber Boy thing is an awful start to an otherwise great game. The first time around it was OKAY, but like you said not intuitive. Now it's the barrier that makes me want to restart the game, but once you get past it you are smooth sailing from there.

>> No.9717265

>I have gotten stuck on meaningless things several times. It's not intuitive, and not all that interesting
try taking it out of the box, that's what made it a lot better for me

>> No.9717276

*that makes me not want to not restart

>> No.9717278

Because OoT exists and was universally beloved. It created a context where having a sequel that presents itself in the same way aesthetically but then was very very tonally different in a sort of bad dream/end of the world kind of way. It took something Disney-tier in terms of universal appear and relative light heartedness and made a corrupted version of it in a world falling apart, that's what makes it feel the way it does is the contrast between it and OoT. People wouldn't have the experience with it that they do without being able to contrast it off of the predecessor, it isn't half as effective in a vacuum.

>> No.9717295

>judges game bad
>hasn't made it to level 1

>> No.9717296

After finishing the bomber's notebook and solving everybody's problems all while their doom was floating overhead, I really felt like I cared about these fictional characters. Felt real feelings with Anju & Kafei and Cremia's quests.
I liked BOTW overall but even though people claimed to get all emotional about the Tarrey Town sidequest it didn't give me even a twinge.

>> No.9717301

Because OoT exists and is so much more lighthearted comparatively. If it was just existingnin a vacuum I don't think it would feel so strange, its the fact it exists in the same aesthetic universe and timeline as OoT that the severity and seeming hopelessness of the situation feels very odd.

>> No.9717305 [DELETED] 

Double posted because my original post got eaten then showed back up, my bad anons. New post won't delete now.

>> No.9717331

Ikr. Playing all Zeldas in order, started MM thinking I won't like it very much because I'm more into dungeons and this one has only 4. Was really surprised by how fresh and unusual this game is. My favourite Zelda for now.

>> No.9717540
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>filtered in clock town

>> No.9717547 [DELETED] 

>B-But SONIC!!
Fuck off, flamewar whore.

>> No.9717550

What's complex exactly? You leave Clock Town and go
>do I have an item to reach the mountain yet? No
>do I have an item to reach the beach yet? No
>do I have an item to reach the canyon yet? No
>guess I'm going to the swamp then
Despite such a massive focus on sidequests, you only need to do 1 of them to actually beat the game.

>> No.9717556

All 4 dungeons are massive and challenging, this game expects the player to have already beaten OoT.
I mostly agree but I think it's not just that it's darker or the apoclaypse feel. OoT can arguably ve darker than MM (agonizing soldier in the market town, the whole post apoclayptic setting in the future), MM is more twisted, but it also has an exotic flair, more surreal, while OoT feels more like a classic story.

>> No.9717567

>All 4 dungeons are massive and challenging
Woodfall really isn't that big, it's about as big as Dodongo's Cavern I'd say. But the other 3 are like Spirit Temple big.

>> No.9717597

considering the size of the temples while also including the side quests to get to them yeah, the game is amazingly long for only taking 2 years and reused assets. Still my favorite Zelda game till this day

>> No.9717613

Is there a single sidequest you have to do beyond getting the powder keg to reach the ranch on day 1 for epona's song?

>> No.9717617 [DELETED] 

The AVGN episode on this was spot on. There's nothing fun about the stupid clock gimmick. It ruins an otherwise neat game.

>> No.9717625 [DELETED] 

It's all an excuse for the game to not remember things you've already done.

>> No.9717636

if you do the game normally, you have to get the zora eggs, and for that you need all the bottles and that just leads to more side quests. aside from that I want to say maybe the spider houses if not the seas side house for the 200 rupee wallet. You do need the pictograph to access the other zora eggs in the eel pit

>> No.9717662 [DELETED] 

>The AVGN episode on this was spot on
opinion discarded

>> No.9717705

the 3 reasons why MM is the best game ever

>> No.9717726

>and for that you need all the bottles
I mean you don't need to but it makes it way less of a hassle to not have to take trips. By default you'll have 1 bottle just from the sequence to enter Woodfall.

>> No.9717747

i mean if you want to play it normally sure, but speedrunners do dupe strats or other things to ignore going 2 places

>> No.9717751

MM is the Odyssey to OoT's Iliad. A very different and strange journey that takes familiarity and pushes it into the unknown.

>> No.9717910

I only played the start of it and it got too depressing but I since heard that it has aliens abducting cows which makes me convinced that it's got injoke type humor among the doom, so tell me: "Majoras mask"is a pun because it makes you a major ass, right? it's "major ass mask"

>> No.9717914

Because it’s one of the only games you’ve played with unusual level design so you have no frame of reference. compare it to other surrealist works like hamster ball and you’ll understand.

>> No.9717948

>adventure game with a time limit
>literal romhack that reuses assets
>tiny, shit tier overworld
>repetitive by design
>offputing vibe with no aesthetic consistency (is it high fantasy? who knows, here's an african tribal mask and asian gymnasts!)
>introduced tingle, the series' first canonically gay faggot
>masks are literally just regular tool items but with a cringe 3 second animation every time you put them on
>weird shit the poopy butthole guy or the fishman rock band
>no adult Link
>only 4 dungeons
>linear as fuck outside of a clock town sidequests
it's shit.

>> No.9717965

I wish there was a rom hack as good as Majora's Mask.

>> No.9717997 [DELETED] 

there is, it's called Majora's Mask; or as i like to call it, Gayjora's Fart... and it's shit. it's 2deep4u garbage with no nuance and painfully shallow gameplay that weird kids who grew up reading a series of unfortunate events and harry potter think is good because they're like, so alone just like skull kid n' stuff. OoT has stayed relevant for this long because because the game is actually fun to play. it feels like an adventure, it feels open and exciting. Gayjora's Fart is none of those things. it's small, restrictive, has a depressing sadboi atmosphere, there are almost no dungeons, you can't play them out of order without ridiculousoly inconvenient sequence breaks, you're tasked with doing the same shit over and over... it doesn't feel like an adventure, it just feels like work. it's just a shitty expansion pack put together in half the time with half the love. it's the DOOM 2 of DOOM. it's the Hellfire of Diablo. it's the Final Fantasy 2 of Final Fantasy. it's fucking shit. fuck Gayjora's Fart and fuck you.

>> No.9718000 [DELETED] 

Why are Zelda fans so single minded obsessed with this franchise? There are like 10 Zelda related threads up. half of them don’t need to exist. Peak obsessed consoomer shit.

>> No.9718008 [DELETED] 

bro you've been saying this shit for days. i think you're obsessed.

>> No.9718014 [DELETED] 

There is no need for 10 separate Zelda related threads on a slow board like this.

>> No.9718023

Master of Time is legitimately better

>> No.9718025

MM has actual character writing and OOT is a fairly generic plot-driven fairytale
IIRC Aonuma was having stress nightmares from the deadline which contributed to the tone

>> No.9718030

I also suck at the game
I just hate water levels in 3d games

>> No.9718042

>offputing vibe with no aesthetic consistency (is it high fantasy? who knows, here's an african tribal mask and asian gymnasts!)
This is the only point that doesn't seen like low effort bait so deserves a response. Literally every Zelda game is like this. None of them are high fantasy; they're heavily Japanese swords-and-sorcery fairytales with elements of samurai movies, anime, JRPG fantasy, and pastiches of sci-fi and spaghetti westerns. Monsters and races have always had wildly different design influences which change per game, not unlike the Elder Scrolls

>> No.9718092

there is a lot of humor in MM, it's part of the charm. It's not actually grimdark or something like that

>> No.9718248

you don't even need to do ANY of that. the game tells you to go swamp immediately. holy fuck how is anyone stupid enough to get filtered by this game. tatl tells you literally everything you caveman monkey niggers. and it's way more exploration based than OOT with the heart pieces and mask side quests. you can complete so much shit so early in the game if you actually take the time to explore.

>> No.9718253 [DELETED] 

avgn is a fucking retard and so are you. doing the side quests and seeing the world's reaction to the moon falling is kino. learning the schedules and planning out your routes was so unique. he probably complained about it because he was so braindead he couldn't finish a temple in an entire cycle

>> No.9718265

no, shut the fuck up faggot. OoT is deeply rooted in European high fantasy, as was Zelda 1.

>> No.9718276

Zelda rips everything it has from fantasy products but it doesn’t create or invent anything new. fucking Skyrim of all things is probably more ambitious yet still being a boring game.

>> No.9718367

>you don't even need to do ANY of that.
True but I'm explaining it to someone that's retarded on how they can naturally figure that out

>> No.9718373

>Hyped by it is cult
The words of a scholar.

>> No.9718573

thanks for conceding

>> No.9718582 [DELETED] 

They are the madoka runs of videogames, think their milquetoast experience is groundbreaking because they never ventured outside their safe zone.

>> No.9718609
File: 568 KB, 804x706, Anju's_Wedding_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For film fans, does Anju's marriage to the Mayor's son (Kafei) remind you of Gradisca's marriage at the end of Amarcord?

Also it's funny that Nintendo never bothered to make an adult model of Kafei...

>> No.9718613

Majora's Mask is literally too high IQ for most Zeldafags

>> No.9718617

Terrifying thought.

>> No.9718627

I could've sworn Majora's Mask is at the top of the tierlist for most Zeldafags, though I know the three day cycle is a great filter.

>> No.9718632
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>Also it's funny that Nintendo never bothered to make an adult model of Kafei...
Was it ever explicitly said the curse was lifted? I assumed it was permeant. Omitting him from the scene would leave it ambiguous. I imagine they might get in trouble with an explicit age gap wedding scene.

>> No.9718695

Every other curse was lifted

>> No.9718714 [DELETED] 

I genuinely do not believe that fans of other series appreciate video games on the level that Zelda fans do that is, fans of the best Zelda games, not the kind of people who think Skyward Sword and the like are really good.

I have every reason to believe that there is nothing else that reaches the heights that Zelda, and people claiming otherwise tend to routinely embarrass themselves.

>> No.9719075 [DELETED] 
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Everything you said is wrong and makes this game awesome
>except Tingle, holy fuck that faggot pedo fuck makes me reach for my flamethrower

>> No.9719163

I played both MM and ocarina of time when they came out as a teenager so I experienced the full culture context of these games and I still do not understand their over the top hype. They're both great games. Majora's mask less so. I just chalk it up to them being many people's first "real" gaming experience involving emotions so they just attach themselves to the game. It's like they pair bonded with these games.

>> No.9719169

>tatl tells you literally everything you caveman

that's actually the problem, majora's mask is the only zelda game that will trap you in the starting town for being illiterate. you don't need to read to leave kokiri village you just have to want to buy a shield.

>> No.9719183

>Nintendo never bothered to make an adult model of Kafei
The developers claim it was left intentionally ambiguous.

>> No.9719191 [DELETED] 

Don’t talk shit about AVGN you piece of garbage.

>> No.9719196
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That fuck needs to stop making videos, his shit was good before it felt forced and scripted to hell and back. That said, more on topic I'm about to play through this after alttp and I'm nervous since I loved that game as a kid and now feel like it's too easy plus a lot smaller/simpler than I remembered from when I was a kid. Saving grace OoT held up nicely, still gotta kill Ganon but I almost never finish anything these days. Can't wait to see the former Cremia waifu, hope she didn't age like spoiled milk.

>> No.9719312 [DELETED] 

I laughed but also feel bad for them

>> No.9719327 [DELETED] 

It's obviously a troll falseflagging.

>> No.9719354 [DELETED] 

>I have every reason to believe that there is nothing else that reaches the heights that Zelda, and people claiming otherwise tend to routinely embarrass themselves
This just means you either:
a. Only play Zelda games
b. Have incredibly narrow taste
I'm not sure which is worse. Probably the latter, since it would mean you are an artistically stunted person incapable of valuing things outside of your comfort zone.

>> No.9719482 [DELETED] 

atrociously based

>> No.9719501

This, zelda is great but so are many other series. Pretending zelda is the ultimate pinnacle of gaming is rediculous, especially with so many different genres available.

>> No.9720192

If you didn't realize this game was already worth thoroughly enjoying and immersing yourself in by the time you get to the clock tower you are a lost cause my friend

>> No.9720206

as a kid who only had platformers and links awakening this game intimidated the fuck out of me and made me think 3D zelda was adult only level shit, to the point I never cared to try ocarina and only came back after wind waker. It was tooie levels of "fuuuuck this, ill do it when im older"

When i did i of course realized it was a masterpiece

>> No.9720403

Seaside house will get you the 500 rupee wallet. 200 rupee wallet can be obtained almost on the first 3 days if you deposit enough rupees at the Beatle Banker.

>> No.9721563

>It was tooie levels of "fuuuuck this, ill do it when im older"

>> No.9722370

It's not a secret Nintendo used shinto magic to craft their games.

>> No.9722512

>OoT is deeply rooted in European high fantasy, as was Zelda 1.
ahahahahahahahahahahaha, nice joke

>> No.9722853
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>Zelda isn't high fantasy, it's [pretentious stand-in words for high fantasy]

>> No.9723074

Use a walkthrough for the first town. Trust me. Don't listen to the niggers. Playing hide and seek and all that gay bullshit is gay bullshit.

>> No.9723530
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You tell me

>> No.9723531

Needing a walkthtrough
Holy scrubs

>> No.9724567

Having an 'endgame' that lets you unlock super powered abilities is definitely something that I wish OoT has done, as it really add so much to the experience of MM.

>> No.9724571

I mean, the Biggoron's Sword and shit like Nayru's Love already trivialize the fuck out of the game. Fierce Deity's Mask is awesome, but it might as well be an instant "I win" button.

>> No.9724612

just make ganon 2 or 3 times more difficult than normal

>> No.9724614

>Fierce Deity's Mask is awesome, but it might as well be an instant "I win" button.
Just like the Biggoron sword and Nayru's Love, you can simply choose not to use it. I just wish they let you use it anywhere instead of only boss fights. Once you get the Fierce Deity mask you've done everything so I don't see why they needed to make it situational anyway.

>> No.9726343

>No aesthetic consistency >:O
>Lists points that have nothing to do with aesthetic consistency
Please look up what those words mean

>> No.9726789

I always get to Stone Tower Temple and just stop playing. Not out of difficulty but more for the fact that I don't really care to see what happens next/the end.

>> No.9727038

The mask that turns you into a giant seemed the weirdest point in the game for me. If someone told me I'd change into some giant to fight a monster I would think they are making shit up.

>> No.9727048

>including a mish mash of characters and items that have no relevance to each other has "nothing to do with aesthetic consistency"
Please kill yourself and go back to redd*t, in that order. Thanks.

>> No.9727063

>typing laughter
drink bleach

>> No.9727097

Aesthetics are how things look. Everything in the game is aesthetically consistent by way of using the same art style even if there are different underlying inspirations or references to different things.

>> No.9727170

>Aesthetics are how things look
sorry mr. pseud, that isn't the actual definition. "aesthetics" apply to the general interpretation of a work/piece of art, including the atmosphere or mood it creates; not just "how things look". even if we use your entirely incorrect reddit definiton, the game is still an absolute mess because the art style isn't even consistent and the hodgepodge of mismatched junk in the game is bountiful. you are an idiot.

>> No.9728106

The entire plot is about a deadline if you think about it

>> No.9728110

Nta how isn't it consistent?