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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 22 KB, 518x454, hbg_super_metroid_subversion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9703089 No.9703089 [Reply] [Original]

Gameplay and development discussion:
What homebrew / hacks are you playing /vr/?

Are you working on anything? Would you like to learn? Projects and questions welcome.



Homebrew Lists & Links:

IPS/BPS Patcher:

















>> No.9703091
File: 139 KB, 792x522, metroid_64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is your dream game /vr/ ?


what are you working on?

>> No.9703134

this looked interesting

>> No.9703164

...here's one in peach's castle too
i'm not sure it's the same mod as the one above

>> No.9703173
File: 767 B, 80x80, kibbi_hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kirby's Adventure - Input Fix is officially released. It corrects the jump and attack inputs that the game will drop sometimes. i'm proud of it =)

>> No.9703193
File: 716 KB, 873x1049, 1535871629483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any hacks of Metroid Fusion that cut down on the talking and hand holding?
I was actually just thinking last night that an N64 Metroid game probably wouldn't play like Prime at all.
Imagine a 2000 release that takes after Resident Evil 2 or Silent Hill 1 with fixed camera angles and pre rendered backgrounds for certain parts. I could see it completely working with the game structure of Super Metroid. Might make a video someday about how that kind of game could have been fun

>> No.9703208
File: 10 KB, 300x299, 570ED5A2-C4D7-4677-BFC2-70EE0E202971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm translating Segagaga. I solved the font issue and it's 85% complete. I should be able to finish it before the end of this year but it's going to take a few more months still.

>> No.9703253

Nice, dude.

>> No.9703317


>> No.9703337

very cool

>> No.9703586

Why haven't you started a disassembly of your favorite game, anon?

>> No.9703609
File: 11 KB, 256x224, 1653458725049759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one make good overworlds

>> No.9703720

Any chance for homebrew idea?
Lady Devilmen 64
Shamanic Princess 64
Jungle de Ikou 64
SHADOW LADY: Saturn the game (Masakazu Katsura)
Witchblades (PSX)
Lady Death (32x)
Red Sonja (Virtual Boy)

>> No.9704093
File: 819 KB, 880x880, command_and_conquer_kane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any chance for homebrew idea?
The best chance is your own mind, your own time, and your own fingers.

>> No.9704224

Hello World 64
Bouncing Shapes DX
Dancing Skeleton Rig 3D

>> No.9704461
File: 218 KB, 764x682, 1651947896166926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just discovered this little mockup:

The thought that came to my mind was,
>an autistic game dev creating a gameboy game (think: harvest moon clone) and filling it to the brim with personal aspects, expanding all facets of the story and character development, ridiculous amounts of cut scenes and dialogue with his waifu, etc.
Kind of like Petscop, but instead of a silly horror ARG, it's someone's autism concentrated in a gameboy game.

Bonus points for if the homebrew is hidden and people discover its power by accident.

>> No.9704623

Autism is not good, stop using it like it's a good thing.

>> No.9704625

Investing years into a mediocre gameboy homebrew for the sake of your autism is not something I tried to present in a good light.

>> No.9705017
File: 156 KB, 1328x1028, money_for_nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Hello World 64
bruh wait until you see Teapot 64

>> No.9705098

That's just the modern Monkey Island remake.

>> No.9705480

Hail to the king!

>> No.9705483



>> No.9705489

I'm stuck in metroid subversion
what do I do after I get the space jump?

>> No.9705495

Where's that Kirby's Adventure fix eh? Only two more weeks huh?

>> No.9705539
File: 1.88 MB, 828x720, c9c764bff7f5c442a0a5934b8ec2e788.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still a WIP but some smart people are working on an All Kongs hack for DKC2

>> No.9705716

Looks like it needs some work

>> No.9705887
File: 145 KB, 1322x1000, kirby_adv_disasm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Where's that Kirby's Adventure fix eh?
It's on RHDN nigga

>> No.9705891

pointlessly negative douchebag

>> No.9705935

Im trying to remember but there was a Metroid 1 hack/fan game that was a remake of it. There is a hack that just makes it widescreen, adds new areas and a map. I just remember snes drunk covered the hack im looking for. Also is there any good FF4/FF6 improvement hacks?

>> No.9705949

>find a fan-made tomb raider level
>the madman even used ai to generate new voice lines for lara

>> No.9706381

Shantae & Rusty (TG-16)

>> No.9706385

Based. In case no one has said it yet - thank you for your time and effort.

>> No.9706518

Just saved a bunch of hacks to Core Type R, I don't even know where to begin

>> No.9706701 [DELETED] 

I mean .TBL editing's a thing you could always make a hack of a relatively obscure RPG and rewrite the text box hex code to something autistic (i'd recommend esper dreams 2 if your looking for something with a similar style) then post it to reddit for upvotes.

>> No.9707565

Arnt there some free AI voice generators?

>> No.9707815

yes but they're shit. not that the best ones are good for actual voice acting.

>> No.9708151
File: 3.88 MB, 940x678, wideNES_metroid.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the closest thing you're talking about is Metroid Planets, but that doesn't have widescreen. It's a PC remake that includes the original game map as well as a new one and the ability to generate your own. And has an in-game map.
I've never heard of any sort of widescreen hacks for Metroid, or any NES game really, beyond false widescreen supplied by WideNES.
Super Metroid is another story. There's a widescreen hack for that, and widescreen hacks for many other hacks as well.

>> No.9708414

whats this from?

>> No.9708803

Power Girl 64 (right version)

>> No.9708847
File: 132 KB, 1563x1520, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from [s4s] and I would love to do contribution with /vr/ and maybe /g/ to make a very special game engine for NES.
I made my first mock-up of the software to make NES games that's more better than NESMaker but more user-friendly and more inclusions of pieces the NESMaker lacked.
I can't code the way I would like to code, but maybe others would love to help contribute.

[Finished] - Creating how base of NES would be making.
- User Interface
- Objects
- Graphic Banks
- Tiles
- Background
- Palette
- Sprite
- Animation
- Code/Script [$8000-$FFFF]
- Music / Sound
[Some of it can be easily implemented using YY-CHR and NES Screen Tool v2.5]
I might make a thread over there about this, but we could help each other out on situations. >>>/s4s/10639714

>> No.9708975 [DELETED] 

Is possible for Super NES handle Aliens Soldier?

Example: https://inceptionalnews.wordpress.com/2023/02/23/is-gunstar-heroes-possible-on-snes/

>> No.9708979

Check out sick SNK demo from Maxel.


>> No.9709032

Very cool.

>> No.9709140

Is there any way to find out what patch files goes with a specific game? Recently found a ips patch on my old laptop called "T2BI" Can't for the life of me remember what game I had to use it for

>> No.9709598
File: 6 KB, 256x224, 1664275709404982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me hack

>> No.9709797

i wish NESmaker was free. This looks like a nice idea.

>> No.9710064

SMW homo community

>> No.9710194


>> No.9710241

Animu OP:


>> No.9710660

Kino list

>> No.9710987

CotM: https://www.youtu.be/BMusA2nhaAQ

>> No.9711231

Oh sweet-t


>> No.9711252

I just want a fuckingdecent City Hunter game

>> No.9711336
File: 994 B, 24x24, icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a newfag at code but i made a icon for the nes tool you make.
Take you're time and fortune be with you.

>> No.9712215 [DELETED] 
File: 517 KB, 617x495, play_it_loud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's pretty cool but a SNES tech demo with a genesis song blaring in the background is absolute blasphemy. unacceptable >=|

>> No.9712223
File: 9 KB, 142x156, dkc1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's pretty cool but a SNES tech demo with a genesis song blaring in the background is absolute blasphemy. unacceptable >=|

>> No.9712773

i'm not sure what you used to do your mockups but I've been using Inkscape for a long time and I find it easier than anything else to make mockups for websites and other applications i make. It's a vector editor, like Adobe Illustrator, but it's free. It's just easy to draw basic rectangles and add text and other shapes and move things around and edit things etc

>> No.9712802

Monitoring this. You are a legend if you are a man of your word.

>> No.9713042

>song blaring in the background

>> No.9713468

Any dev for PCE and WonderSawn?

>> No.9713584


>> No.9713656


>> No.9713797
File: 3.66 MB, 484x448, ttahack3-min.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making a tiny toon adventures hack with mario characters, graphics and custom levels. not sure if ill ever finish it but it's been fun so far.

>> No.9713935

that looks really cool! I hope you'll finish it eventually.

>> No.9714056

Soul. You need to fix that turnaround, though. Looks like Toad is doing a mini teleport or something.

>> No.9714156

Thanks vro
Yeah I know it looks goofy. He takes the place of furrball but in the original game he has a tail but it’s detached from the main sprite. The way the CHR is set up, I can’t make him have a proper centering point without modifying the game code.

>> No.9714525

SMB2 part two

>> No.9714535

Wouldn't yoshi be a better option then?

>> No.9714679
File: 51 KB, 649x483, yychr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yessir that's what i was going for
i tried doing that at one point but it doesn't work any better. What makes it difficult is the fact that some animation frames also re-use certain parts of the head/body in particular so I don't have too much freedom with adjusting the position of certain poses like the jumping since toads sprite is limited to just 16x32 pixels of space in most instances and 32x32 in others.

>> No.9714681

24x32 in others**

>> No.9714759


>> No.9714786

I saw that, many thanks for getting that done.
I was eagerly anticipating that fix when I first heard about it.

>> No.9714874

Use that as an excuse to dig deeper and figure out the sprite makeup and collision data so you can really make the game your bitch.

>> No.9714919

>N64 Metroid game probably wouldn't play like Prime at all
Doom 64 meet Turok meet Duke Nukem sound cool concept

>> No.9714941

Imagine if Rare had made Metroid 64 instead of Goldeneye 64

>> No.9715305

Lot improvement.

>> No.9715375
File: 87 KB, 758x748, 1 upboat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks awesome, anon. Wario themed? In regard to the overworld though, all I would think to do is have a theme in mind and try to make the overworld elements match it.

>> No.9715682
File: 9 KB, 512x448, 1664516695406052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wario themed?
Kinda yeah, mostly just player 2 at this stage though

>> No.9715761

thanks doc

>> No.9715814
File: 55 KB, 134x587, dw4textdecomp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to use this


It decompresses the text in the game and then leads to pic related

How do I edit the text files in pic related then? Is this supposed to be a common format I can use another tool for? I've never dealt with text before

>> No.9715937

I dig what it's going for, an NES-like aesthetic despite being SNES.

I see that weird goop from inside the tree in Super Mario Land 2. I never knew what that stuff was supposed to be, tree sap? Would it be amber color or what?

>> No.9715973

Okay so, the issue seems to be filename or path related.

To get this to work, drop the tool into a folder like C:\Dw4tool\, and use a ROM filename like dw4.nes.

Then do the following
>File - Open ROM file for editing - Load dw4.nes ROM
>Project - Decompress all text data BLOCKS to files
>Project - Build new Huffman BIT table
>File - Load a table file - Load the DW4_Bits.tbl file it created next to the executable
>Project - Dump DATA Block to a text file - Point it to the DW4_Info_0.txt file that exists under the Comp_0 directory or any other number

This will produce a DW4_Dump.txt file in the corresponding Comp_ directory, and the contents will look something like this:

; ;
.FILE "C:\Dw4tool\Comp_0\DW4_Bank_0_00.dat"

// String: 0

// String: 1

// String: 2

Unfortunately this isn't human readable text, each address likely refers to a given text character in the tileset. You might be able to map out what corresponds to what by digging through the ROM.
I thought it might be something like ASCII but that's not the case.

>> No.9715985

Thanks! I can easily know what this refers to by checking the background tiles in the CHR viewer. That string 0 for instance is
>The wagon isn't here.

Thankfully I only intend to change a couple of words

>> No.9716005

This reminds me I wanted to make a hack of Tiny Toons Adventure that lets the player switch to all 4 characters rather than just two, looks like you got that covered

>> No.9716030

Cool, yeah from that one can deduce that $00 is a space, $78 is a fullstop, $38 a capital T, $1E is a lowercase t, and so on.

When I trying to use the tool to dump .dat to .txt, it seemed to be failing because it either didn't like the length of the directory that the tool was running from, or that there were spaces in the directory names or file names.

>> No.9716042
File: 371 KB, 1888x2022, Screenshot 2023-03-05 at 11-43-37 Dragon Warrior IV_Magic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By way, by "change a couple of words", I'm guessing you want to update the spell or monster names to be closer to modern Dragon Quest?

>> No.9716079
File: 6 KB, 256x240, Dragon Warrior IV (U) [!]_214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about that, and spell names might not even be stored along with the rest of the text data, I've been working on an uncensoring patch and the only thing left are the words "shaman" (to "priest") and "house of healing" (which should be churches of house of God)

>> No.9716098

Ah cool, yeah I dig that.

>> No.9716160

Recently, I have been thinking in make games for SuperGrafx. It has such a small library(for itself, ignoring backwards-compatible) and it makes me want to make games for it. Yet, it probably hardly has any resources, so it will be quite an adventure to make games.

>> No.9716181
File: 11 KB, 745x97, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well fuck, the program gives me errors for inserting back the .txt files... Even when they're unmodified.

>> No.9716218

It might be because your string has extra [ and ] characters at the start/end of your string?
Haven't tried modifying the ROM myself though.

>> No.9716254

That's what I thought but I checked that string and it doesn't have any extra bracket; + the error triggers even when trying to insert back the original unmodified text file

>> No.9716741
File: 425 KB, 400x671, 164949567594734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crash 1 on the Sega Saturn

>> No.9716861

but also port it to the N64 at the same time

>> No.9716869 [DELETED] 

Stop posting your own console war garbage articles and videos in these threads. These are for sharing actual homebrew and rom hacks, not fanboy fantasy.

>> No.9716918


>> No.9716934 [DELETED] 

>console war
The soul of video game. Nowadays just fanboys on PC spec dickering.

>> No.9716951 [DELETED] 

Geniune shitpost.

>> No.9716958



>> No.9716967 [DELETED] 

I accept your copencession.

>> No.9716991
File: 4 KB, 201x151, 70DD01CD-1E93-4E11-9CB8-D26A00A3E03D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I want to be able to make my own ship in frontier elite ll on dos. I’m pretty new to coding, but I know there is a way to use blender to make a python script that reads the models vertices and textures. Anybody have any clues or information pertaining how to make such a script?

>> No.9716998

actually, i've done a bit of it myself. just simple demos for now. but it's not really much of a leap from the turbografx. you really just have another bank of vram, and another sprite and background layer. yes there are some other details like the ways you can mix the layers (some transparent effects are possible) and minor changes to the audio that allow for some new tricks. but it honestly doesn't matter. you program it like a turbografx. if you want another background layer you write to the ports for the second vdc.

i have resources if you're serious

>> No.9717028
File: 10 KB, 88x89, slippy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> frontier elite ll on dos
ok, firstly you're probably dealing with a proprietary game engine / renderer that probably isn't compatible with anything.
look for resources regarding the game and see if anyone has done research on how the game renders / stores these objects, or hopefully, any modding programs, and if you find source code for such a thing, fucking godsend.
once you understand how the game stores / generates these objects is it possible to have a Python script comb through the game binary and extract / store these objects, and is it possible to convert whatever Blender takes in / spits out and have it work together? sure i guess. anything is possible.
but you've got some research to do first.

>> No.9717051


actually i'll just post the shit


HuC is an ok starting point. You lose a lot of performance vs asm because the compiler sucks but it'll get you going.
Just needs C:\huc\bin added to user path and a system env variable called PCE_INCLUDE pointing to C:\huc\include\huc . Replace C with where you put it.

More stuff here

>> No.9717072

thanks anon ill go do some digging

>> No.9717080

would something like this be useful to study?


>> No.9717105
File: 235 KB, 1920x1080, dw4text.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can use the ppu viewer to directly change things in the rom if you wanna get dirty. the highlighted hex string in pic rel is "begin" from the "begin a new game" text

>> No.9717123 [DELETED] 
File: 268 KB, 1920x1080, begintostart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easy i changed begin to start in like 2 minutes.

>> No.9717128

I suppose this string is not compressed though, only NPC dialogues

>> No.9717138
File: 544 KB, 792x524, ff7_64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> would something like this be useful to study?
eh, i mean, it's going to be something along those lines of finding lists of skeletons, vertexes, colors, skin pointers, whatever / etc in the binary. i don't know much about DOS era 3d, hacking DOS era 3d games, or hacking 3d games in general, heh. maybe someone else here does.
> you can use the ppu viewer to directly change things in the rom if you wanna get dirty
well, you could, ...except it seems the Dragon Warrior IV text is compressed and encoded which is why that extractor / reinserter program exists, and if that's the case you can't just go around diddling bytes like you could with an uncompressed situation.

>> No.9717153

Do a project on Xenogear 64

>> No.9717183
File: 284 KB, 1832x1045, dw4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well it doesnt seem that hard the ppu viewer gives you a key for the hex

>> No.9717201
File: 316 KB, 1920x1080, 4shindy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hover you mouse over the tile in the ppu viewer, itll show you the tiles hex.

>> No.9717207

it's possible the in-game dialogue text is compressed and the menu is not, but, maybe it is that easy i dunno

>> No.9717217

Even your sovl imagination?

>> No.9717238
File: 391 KB, 1920x750, dragon_warrior_4_text_nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> it's possible the in-game dialogue text is compressed and the menu is not
...yeah, it probably is. try your method with the first dialog box in the game. no results. it's a no go bro.
other anon is just gonna have to deal with that ancient ass fussy program and work around the quirks, if he can get it to work at all.

>> No.9717287
File: 293 KB, 1913x1027, nevergiveup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well heres how to change it. you should be able to save the rom somehow. this is my first time messing with nes stuff. so im not sure of the next step, kek

>> No.9717329
File: 2.45 MB, 853x480, TMNT_spr0.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> this is my first time messing with nes stuff.
well i applaud you sir, congrats, and i like the steps you are taking.
what you have done is edit the PPU RAM, specifically the Nametable, and made it display the correct tiles.
the problem is the characters are not stored in the cartridge as those tiles directly. the cartridge loads the PPU RAM after decoding / decompressing however that information is stored.
when dealing with textboxes, you're also likely dealing with formatting functionality, word-spacing, line-spacing, perhaps even the auto capitalization of the first word in a sentence, it all depends on the game and it's most likely proprietary and unique to that game, as that's how things were done back then.
so other anon is going to have to reverse-engineer how the text is stored and displayed if he wants to make changes, or make that shitty old editing program work. i took a quick look at the program in thoughts of helping and almost immediately noped the fuck out, personally, but if i were a betting man it's still probably easier dealing with that jank ass ancient editor than an entire reverse-engineering project just to change a few words.

>> No.9718084

>I never knew what that stuff was supposed to be
I always interepted it as slime mould

>> No.9718087 [DELETED] 

That's where the boys dominated their parents and became men.

>> No.9718240

Darkstalkers: The Night Warrior & Xmen: CotA (SNES/PC-FX)

>> No.9718784

Really good mockup

>> No.9718787 [DELETED] 

and jannie are mega pussy

>> No.9720297


>> No.9720628


Some good snes port?

>> No.9720749
File: 23 KB, 622x479, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I download ASM6F? I got it from https://github.com/freem/asm6f but is this correct?

How do I use the ASM6F? Do I make a .bat file and type "asm6 [-export] joe.asm [mama.nes] [listfile]?

>> No.9720805
File: 123 KB, 1498x1054, ASM6F_bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great choice. a simple bat file like this should work.
mesen labels are a fucking godsend. use them.
...do you need a binary or can you compile it ok? here's a windows one:

>> No.9720823
File: 17 KB, 549x455, TOMMIE J.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a quick level update of my own Castlevania 3 hack Aperture of Corruption. More news coming soon on pushing the 3D pre-rendering tech to it's limits but for now enjoy some hearty dithering.

>> No.9720826

That's really coming along nicely

>> No.9720869
File: 27 KB, 123x127, sgi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll bet that dithering is gonna look fuckin awesome on a CRT

>> No.9722103


>> No.9722221
File: 612 KB, 734x522, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually developed it in tandem with my home NTSC CRT like most original devs did. I can confirm the dithering works wonders.

>> No.9722336

TV zip

>> No.9723584

DQ improve rom?

>> No.9723680
File: 61 KB, 986x838, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag here, I made my first .ASM file for NES while following tutorials like Nerdy Nights. Is this file better or I should go with https://forums.nesdev.org/viewtopic.php?p=58138

>> No.9723698
File: 60 KB, 1226x543, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I got the error code as follows:

pass 1..
BEGINNER.asm(1): Illegal instruction.
BEGINNER.asm(16): Illegal instruction.
BEGINNER.asm(47): Illegal instruction.

Meaning the ".segment" isn't supported for ASM6F (Version 1.6)

>> No.9723715
File: 35 KB, 810x830, nes_init_code_whatever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally, i would just finish nerdy nights, it does some nasty stuff but it's still probably the best tutorial and it will teach you how to get things moving on screen.
your init code isn't doing two things it should: clearing the memory entirely and waiting for the PPU to warm up. you're only clearing zero page right now, 00-FF, you'll want to clear $00 - $7FF, as well as the PPU memory through the PPU_DATA register...
but don't worry about all that, i would just finish nerdy nights for now, and after that, get the fuck away from NESASM3 and switch to ASM6F for about a million reasons.
make a post if you have specific questions

>> No.9723718

> Meaning the ".segment" isn't supported for ASM6F (Version 1.6)
yeah you don't need segments in ASM6F just use ORG $7FF0 with a header is fine
...until you have to worry about bankswitching, but no sweat man just get some NROM shit up and running, 32KB is a ton of room to play with for now.

>> No.9723734

Don't know where else to ask, sorry if there's a better spot.

I've accumulated a bunch of smv recordings and the only way I can find to convert to a video is to play back the recording in real time. I understand I need to play back the emulation to record to the video but I'm also aware that I can emulate SNES games at 100s of times their native speed; is there a way to emulate and record the playback at a max emulation+encoding speed rather than taking 1h to record 1h of gameplay?

>> No.9723774


>> No.9723827

This looks awesome. Is it based on the NES rom or the Japanese one?

>> No.9723859
File: 73 KB, 200x200, iwbtg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, it has it's flaws, but it's the best thing that exists.
the real issue is you need to understand like 10 concepts to get things displaying and moving on screen, and you can't really understand 1 of them properly until you understand the other 9, so how the hell do you teach that? it's a bashing your head against the wall slogfest for a while and most people give up, but if you can survive it's fuckin awesome.

>> No.9723914

Reposting this from the last thread, maybe add it to the first post of the next thread so everyone can access it anytime a new thread is made, it's a whole ton of homebrew from some private group a guy in there shares on NextGenRoms

>> No.9724107

Dude just made his own programming language specifically for NES development. I probably won't find time to try it

>> No.9724362

he should make versions for tg-16 and snes

>> No.9724437
File: 16 KB, 420x350, nesdev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there have been alot of these projects / frameworks over the years, they are fun to play with, but be warned that alot of authors ababdon these things, they aren't very well tested and edge cases may fail in insane ways. i would be careful where i hinge my rope to.
the example game looks like a 2600 game. that's enough to concern me.

>> No.9724476

Good tutorial vid: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD9UwUes9VrWxlXdtKTVlSjOM8nltMEyV

>> No.9724629

While I'm doing Genesis dev, what I did was go through the most well written 68k tutorial I could find and practiced in Easy68k before I even considered going through a development tutorial. I'd considering doing something similar because the Nerdy Nights Number Systems and 6502 Assembly tutorial seem too brief. Maybe check out 6502.org for tutorials and simulators.

>> No.9724809

Hello world!

>> No.9724960

I bet you just typed this out instead of something cool like posting from your homemade retro console browser

>> No.9725901

Good time.


>> No.9726240

I posted about this in another thread about randomizers, and some anon expressed an interest, so I'm gonna post this here.
There used to be a SMB2US(not the JP/Lost Levels version) randomizer around 2019 that was very different from the 3 listed on the big list today. It would randomly add doors into the game, and nearly every door would lead somewhere else than where it was supposed to go. You could bounce between worlds and you almost had to make a map to find the bosses. You could also configure it to make it so you had to beat X amount of bosses before you would get thrown against Wart. All in all, very cool.
But the best part that isn't present in any of the current randomizers was the addition of NEW items that had special effects. I remember one randomized rom I played where one item let you throw an endless supply of bombs, and another item let you throw out a mini-Fryguy who would only hurt enemies and follow you around. While I wasn't able to find that copy of SMB2 on my computer, I did find one randomized rom made using that tool before it was taken down or remade or whatever. I only played for a little bit, but I found an item that lets you throw fireballs. There may be other new items, I dunno.
If anyone else has any roms randomized by the same randomizer, please upload them somewhere. Here's the one I have:

>> No.9726247
File: 3 KB, 256x128, SMB2 randomizer new items.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found the randomizer might have been saved on the wayback machine. Here's a picture of the new items that were available.

>> No.9726352

no, the best is the pikuma course but it's $50

>> No.9726906

Spaniard fan service: https://www.youtu.be/QHHw6yjTCwo

>> No.9727374

programmed in HuC when i was just getting started. See: the CPU bar on the right. HuC generates terrible code, so I've moved onto writing asm directly now.

>> No.9727382 [DELETED] 

also, I think the music driver was running past vblank for that track, pushing the the green bar down

>> No.9727390

though I think the music driver was running past vblank for that track, pushing the the green bar down. it probably wouldn't always be that bad, but it still sucks

>> No.9727512
File: 2.14 MB, 1284x1329, Super Vampire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9727717
File: 412 KB, 1024x448, m (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP with Power Lode Runner (SNES)

>> No.9727918

Can anyone torrent this for us fags?

>> No.9727928


>> No.9728184 [DELETED] 

i could record each episode but that's way too much work. maybe stop being poor

>> No.9728187 [DELETED] 

i could record each lecture but that's way too much worse. maybe stop being poor

>> No.9728191 [DELETED] 

i'm retarded

>> No.9728201

>i could record each episode but that's way too much work
Not that anon but I got the courses, How do I upload anonymously?

>> No.9728638
File: 31 KB, 600x200, logo_big.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ya think of this?


I think its gonna be another NESmaker tier subbelow garbage.

>> No.9728675
File: 19 KB, 766x720, Wolf_Spirit - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my thoughts are literally in this thread >>9724437
> NESmaker
not comparable, there is no GUI, it's just a framework and it's more in line with projects like KickC, MK1NES (Mojon Twins Games), or NEShla (Retro City Rampage ...but don't get excited this thing is absolutely shitfuck broken)
for the record i hope this dude proves me wrong and makes it fuckin awesome

>> No.9728678

I just finished Subversion after several people recommending it to me, are there are other semi-recent SM romhacks I've missed out on in the last few years? I played Vitality a while back which was ok, but Subversion was genuinely great.

>> No.9728679


>> No.9728694

Super Duper Metroid is pretty good

>> No.9728864
File: 411 KB, 636x476, now_youre_playing_with_power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i enjoyed these, it's good to see what pitfalls and random bullshit you might encounter and how to solve it
> examples broken on real hardware
> didn't zero out memory
> SPC700 is insane
> other obscure bullshit
i feel that
> crayon on graph paper and keying in calculator hex for graphics
unequivocally based

>> No.9729048

Oh interesting.
Rip model from Super Mario Land.

>> No.9729137

plz link patch or rom

>> No.9729257

sick i just came here to ask basically this exact question
small world

i really liked vitality and just started subversion last night so thats all great news to me

>> No.9729296

also wtf do the reserve tanks even do in subversion?
have 2 of them but i cant figure out any way to actually use them, and they dont auto-refill when you hit 0 like in vanilla

>> No.9729341
File: 14 KB, 960x720, log.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they determine the minimum value your energy will be restored to when you stop at save stations. check your logs

>> No.9729345

Vitality was a very pretty romhack and was still fun to play, but I was let down by the premise of the hack's theme. I saw what was coming early on and built it up in my mind that it was going to have an impressive payoff. It felt sort of like Axiom Verge in a few ways, mainly that the endboss was an abomination/amalgamation of your failed clones and the couple of times you had to kill yourself to respawn somewhere else to progress.

Subversion felt great to play for the sheer amount of game alone, every time I kept feeling like I was getting close to the end of an area I kept finding a whole new one. One time I was hunting down missing items and found a large, sprawling place about twice the size of Maridia in the base game that could've easily been missed had I not been going for 100% completion. Also, Subversion might have an intended route, but the devs accounted for players liking to sequence break and there's plenty of ways to do it, which was one of my complaints about Vitality having a fairly set in stone path to follow.

They refill your HP when you use save stations. Any time you use a save station you at minimum get a health refill up to your reserve tank count+99 energy.

They're basically as useless as vanilla SM reserve tanks, just in a different way. I believe there's a total of six or seven in the game, so it's not like you can even get a full health refill on using a save station even at 100% items, plus energy refill stations can be found in almost every sector.

>> No.9729350

Did the forbidden area units softlock your game when you used them and they printed their message? I wasn't sure if that was a bug in the game itself or the emulator I used to play it.

>> No.9729357

No, they just glitched out layer 3. After waiting enough time I hit a button to close the box and everything fixed itself once I left the room.

>> No.9729364


>> No.9729492

>reFUEL tank
oh i get it
didnt even realize i was getting healed at save stations in the first place desu
only reason i noticed is i was poking around that one mine with the lava rooms clearly before im supposed to be there and had 4 tanks plus 2 reserve (or so my illiterate ass thought), and was just kinda baffled when i got low and tried to pause/refill. lol then i unpaused and just fucking died

just beat croc so i doubt im very far but so far i can say vitality is a MUCH better looking hack imo. so far subversions barely done anything other than vanilla tiles, used exactly as they are in vanilla, as far as i can see. kinda disappointing. thats something vitality did great was its creative use of the vanilla tiles to make new stuff

at least the map itself is good
and yea the non-linearity is very well done which was vitalitys biggest pitfall so GG

>> No.9729538

there's this one which doesn't really cut down on anything except allowing you to walljump like the old games and do some sequence breaks

>> No.9729661
File: 527 KB, 488x800, L6UhHW7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one year ago
time flies

>> No.9730137

Retro Rozen Maiden: the Game

>> No.9730381

>Is it based on the NES rom or the Japanese one?
The game runs on the NTSC version made for the NES. At first we really wanted to use the Famicom's VRC6 chip for all of it's FM glory, but what pushed us to use the MMC5 is it's massive CHR expansion. On the Famicom CV3 used up all of it's native memory, but the US version's rom only took up 1/4th of the total 512kb game data. Ultimately what makes the whole hack work is the MMC5's bank switching and extended ROM capabilities which allow the team to pull off much more advanced effects like 3D prerendering. For those wondering the OST is planned to have PCM support, meaning much richer sound may be produced.

>> No.9730625

For HuC, get the hang of it.

>> No.9731031
File: 5 KB, 256x224, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hack says it isn't kaizo
>spoiler: it's kaizo

>> No.9731036

If you genuinely think that hack is kaizo, you're pathetic

>> No.9731042

You haven't played worlds 6 forward.

>> No.9731046

The Majora's Mask music in Metroid Subversion is annoying as fuck. I have to put it on mute every time I go in that area.

>> No.9731049

The man with no taste

>> No.9731057
File: 55 KB, 1024x768, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely shameful

>> No.9731067

Good for you.
It's still kaizo-tier from world 6 onward. No amount of insults will change that.
Btw I also cleared it.

>> No.9731073

Normal or hard mode?
Only hard mode with no save states counts.

>> No.9731075

Your dream game is a gimped port of a game you can play right now?

>> No.9731083

you don't even know what kaizo means

>> No.9731093
File: 98 KB, 612x612, right here buddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got your kaizo right here pal

>> No.9731195

I won't say it's kaizo, but it has annoying stuff that makes this hack more harder than it really is, this being, the stupid fucking physics of SMB1

>> No.9731203

imo if a double flying koopa bounce is required progress you've put yourself into kaizo territory. Even if it's only 1% of the game with the rest being normal difficulty. I go with a one-drop rule.

>> No.9731821

i thought that thumbnail was some sort of mario blotter desu

>> No.9731830

How is the progression on Super Metroid PC port and decompilation off that leak?

>> No.9731879
File: 806 B, 148x125, samus_stand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...are you sure you mean Super Metroid?
even if you had 65C816 source code you couldn't make it run on a PC (or any other platform) without butchering it. either way, Super Metroid is fairly well documented and broken apart at this point, even if it doesn't have a true 100% reverse engineer

>> No.9731884

happening slowly

>> No.9732005

>100% C language fully
Oh great

>> No.9732297
File: 95 KB, 448x336, smbflp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cleared it this morning on hard mode. No save sates or warped were used. Didn't play through easy mode first. RetroArch timer said 09:31:34 when I defeated the final boss.

Very good game but sadly a bit too hard to recommend to my casual friends.

>> No.9732309

btw NES Mario should have been the main sprite from the beginning

>> No.9732325

Extra note about Super Mario Bros. For Lost Players:
I would be tempted to try to do a 1cc of this game on hard mode but the game has an easy way to gain 99 lives in the first level.
I guess I could just ban myself from doing that but it spoils things a bit, don't you think? btw I didn't use this trick to complete the game the first time.

>> No.9732530

>Subversion felt great to play for the sheer amount of game alone
Just looked at my game clock and I have 19 hours in it so far with almost everything collected and every boss defeated. I think I beat it at around the 13 hour mark.

>> No.9732532

Hyper Metroid, but I recommend letting at least a year pass between major hacks to keep the gameplay fresh. Hyper is a very long hack and if you've just beaten Subversion you'll get burned out halfway through Hyper.

>> No.9732542

I'll play it when it is complete.

>> No.9732725

hypers practically old enough to drink
everyones played hyper

im liking subversion so far but i think my favorite these last few years was ascent.
>very pretty once you get to that water part its actually gorgeous
>exploration based
>novel map/concept
>clever use of old and new upgrades
>harder than vanilla but never autistic
>quite a big map, but never annoying since ur blowing up each level as you ascend
only time ive ever beaten a SM hack then went right back to the beginning immediately to play it again

>> No.9732779

Not sure how much of a real point there is to this, but the technical effort is neat.

>> No.9732842


>> No.9733297
File: 33 KB, 480x640, Nintendo_Super_System.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VS Super Mario World

An arcade version of Super Mario World which features higher difficulty and new original levels.

A few notes about the game

-Mario advances automatically on the overworld, and at a quicker pace than the console
-Stars only give a single 1-up after touching ten enemies
-Stars don't last as long
-Mario cannot fly indefinitely with the Cape power-up. It is heavily gimped overall. Levels feature barriers and hazards which punish Cape abuse.
-Overworld contains no dead-ends. Switch palace dead-end paths now connect back to the main path.
-Switch palaces are now tricky levels that can easily kill you.
-Screen shift feature removed and not necessary for advancement in the game. This is to reduce the number of action buttons needed on the arcade cabinet to four: start, run, jump, spin jump. This meets the JAMMA standard.
-Pause function removed
-Dip switch adjusts number of coins for 1-up. Settings are 100, 150, and 200. 200 default.
-Dip switch adjusts timers speed between normal and fast. Fast default.
-Dip switch for starting lives between 1 and 99
-Arcade style continue screen with countdown to zero before going back to the title screen
-credit system with free play option

I've been mulling this thing over for a while now and I wonder if I should just go ahead and try to make the beta version and get most of the level design changes done then see if an ASM hacker might help me out with the system changes.

>> No.9733358
File: 53 KB, 553x400, buttons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've struggled with a button layout.

>> No.9733364
File: 7 KB, 256x224, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTW I already beat this

It was aight, but not really a true arcade game.

>> No.9733865

So tonight I thought I'd give Super Mario Bros. For Lost Players a go using the arcade stick.
I love VS. Super Mario Bros. and I crave more Mario arcade action.

I had previously completed the game on hard so I decided to play through this time with NES Mario. I prefer this sprite and somehow it actually makes the game feel a bit easier. Maybe I'm just more familiar with tracking it on the screen

I made good progress and it took me about an hour and a half to beat the game with 20+ minutes of that taken up by 6-4 alone which killed me more times than all the others levels combined. I think I died about 25 times here compared to no more than 5 times for any other level. A lot of levels I beat on the first or second try this go around. I didn't feel like the arcade stick limited me at all, but I'm used to it from playing VSMB.

However, something.... odd... happened when I beat the game as NES Mario. The game did *not* go back to the title screen and I'm pretty sure this is not developer intended because there's no way out of it once you do it. It fucks up your save. You have to delete your save to get out of it.
If you did this on a real cartridge you'd be truly fucked and it would basically "brick" your game until you took the screws off and manually removed the battery back-up to reset the SRAM.

So forewarning for those going for the 2nd loop as NES mario either don't finish the game or make a save-state at the title screen.

Kind of sucks because I thought I had discovered more game content...


>> No.9733868


What really happens is
The game drops into Yoshi's Island level 3 but everything is fucked up and the level is labeled as A-2. I thought I had discovered Lost Levels-style A-D but that's not the case here. It's just a bug dropping you back into Super Mario World. If you complete YI Level 3 you go to YI Level 4 and then Yoshi's House, which you can't leave and if you reset the game you just end up back at "A-2". You can't return to the title screen without deleting your save game.

I was using Snes9x Current core on RA.

>> No.9733876 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.57 MB, 1792x1344, Quite esoteric, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true last screen of SMBFLP.
Unless I missed something.

>> No.9734878
File: 56 KB, 450x280, duke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9734965

>no pvsneslib
Nice assembly code.

>> No.9735112

8 is too much health for mario

>> No.9735189

>all these SNES hacks that just take the vanilla game and add SA-1 compatibility to reduce slowdown
>no N64 hacks that do the same but with the expansion pak

>> No.9735216

>SFC/Super Nintendo had built in SA-1 co-cpu
I wish

>> No.9735339
File: 639 KB, 792x524, crysis_64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no N64 hacks that do the same but with the expansion pak
it wouldn't help. SA1 is (pretty much) an overclocked SNES CPU capable of running it's own code while the N64 expansion pak is just more memory at the same read speed. watch some kaze if you want to see what goes into optimizing N64 bullshit

>> No.9735495
File: 720 KB, 948x718, 3d dungeon edit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[X] Map editor
Finally, no more writing shit out by hand.

>> No.9735526

That should speed things up.

>> No.9735806

Now if huge program did that for Castlevania 64, Deadly Arts, Perfect Dark and Megaman 64 etc

>> No.9735907
File: 1 KB, 114x114, NESticle_hand2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9736343

D&D setting about Futanari no Elves

>> No.9736494
File: 4 KB, 690x76, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a piece of shit.

>> No.9736540
File: 30 KB, 455x406, EmWBI68WMAI9tDw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, if some giant geek is able to shit on SM64's code that hard, imagine what someone might say about my code someday

>> No.9736627
File: 1.12 MB, 1600x1167, carmack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's understandable, it was a launch title for a new system with a completely new architecture compared to SNES and a completely new fucking third dimension. coding and compilers have come a long way since the mid 90s.
> imagine what someone might say about my code someday
that would require (You) doing something extraordinary and worthy of reverse engineering, and in that case, it would be the greatest honor of my life for someone to shit all over my coding jank =)

>> No.9736653

Old romhackers:
>I've made a level editor for X game
>here's a bunch of information about it and the game on a forum that can be found through basic internet searches, and through the wayback machine if the forum ever goes down
>just download the package, un-archive, and run the exe file
>I may not be updating it anymore, but feel free to keep downloading it from wherever or upload the editor anywhere
New romhackers:
>I've made a level editor for X game
>all info about the editor and the game is on our Discord, plz join
>instead of making some stupid PROGRAM where you're limited by what platform you can use it on, I've made it a website so anyone with a browser can use it!
>I don't feel like working on this anymore, and I sure as shit don't wanna pay for hosting anymore, so goodbye tool, also shutting down the discord since it no longer serves a purpose
I can still find and use old trainers for mid-90's PC games, as well as multiple different revisions of various old rogue-likes that have been preserved forever, but the SMB2 randomizer that added new powerups is lost forever, and that SMA4 level editor could very well be next. Why do people do this?

>> No.9736708

I been lurking in NESDev about NROM but got confused as shit
According to sonicfag, what are the differences between NROM, UNROM, and CNROM? Are those compatible it’s ASM6F? Are they the best template of now or are these template obsolete?

>> No.9736976

Does anyone still have an archive of all the desplash patches /vr/ made?

>> No.9736982
File: 184 KB, 1080x1350, __kirby_and_boo_mario_and_1_more_drawn_by_miclot__d91cbda17145cbd2c8d2ea58108b813f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm proud of it =)
You're a fucking legend and I'm puzzled by the lack of reviews.

>> No.9737120
File: 109 KB, 464x464, zoomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Discord
it's a problem. message boards are searchable. all of the information shared on discord just disappears, and even if it's there, it's difficult to find.
i've solved so many issues over the years by finding old forum / stackoverflow / reddit posts and it sucks that discord is a defacto standard now because all of that knowledge shared on it is dead to rights.

>> No.9737271
File: 77 KB, 279x270, mike_bisons_punchout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Are those compatible it’s ASM6F?
yes they will work fine, but...
> what are the differences between NROM, UNROM, and CNROM
i'm not sure you understand Bankswitching.
$8000-$FFFF is the addressable PRG space in the NES, that's 32KB ...so how can you have a bigger game? well, you take the data that is between say $8000-$BFFF and swap it with a different chunk of data that is in the cartridge. depending on the mapper chip, this is achieved in different ways, usually by writing a value to the PRG space.
i'm describing PRG bankswitching, but the CHR works in a similar fashion for the graphics. the NESdev wiki explains each chip in detail, and they are all different.

>> No.9737573
File: 36 KB, 982x274, Desplash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have these ones I downloaded, I dunno if that's all of them or not.

>> No.9737643
File: 39 KB, 793x720, 20230313_142215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are you working on?
I'm making a game in GB Studio for what it's worth. Only been at it for a week but I'm happy with the progress. Now I just need to get a flash cart so I can test it on my Game Boy Pocket. Any reccs on a good card?

>> No.9737794

Everdrive GB X7

>> No.9737795

Tha'ts a beginning. From what I gather those should also be available.

Slayers [T+Eng] Dynamic-Designs+MMR v1.01 [deSplash].bps
G.O.D - Mezame yo to Yobu Koe ga Kikoe [T+Eng] Dynamic-Designs v1.0 [deSplash].bps
Super Aleste (BS) (Japan) [T+Eng1.0_tettsui77][deSplash].bps
Undercover Cops (Japan) [T+Eng] [deSplash].bps
Kishin Douji Zenki - Battle Raiden [T+Eng] Dynamic-Designs v1.00 [deSplash].bps
Final Fantasy IV [T+Eng] J2e Translations v3.21 [deSplash].bps
Bahamut Lagoon (Japan) [T+Eng1.3_Tomato+NeilCorlett+Dejap][deSplash].bps
Chou Mahou Tairiku Wozz (Japan) [T+Eng1.1_TransCorp][deSplash].bps
Shin Megami Tensei if... [T+Eng] Aeon Genesis v1.00 [deSplash].ips
Daikaijuu Monogatari [T+Eng] Dynamic-Designs v1.00 [deSplashed].bps
Dragon Quest I & II (Japan) [T+Eng2.0_RPGONE][JPnames][titlefix+innfix][deSplash].bps
Dragon Quest I & II (Japan) [T+Eng2.0_RPGONE][USnames][titlefix+innfix][deSplash].bps
DQUEST1n2Fixed v1.053rtm [deSplash].7z
Chaos Seed - Fuusui Kairouki [T+Eng] Dynamic-Designs v1.02 [deSplash].bps
Nekketsu Tairiku Burning Heroes [T+Eng] Dynamic-Designs v1.0 [deSplash].bps
Famicom Tantei Club Part II - Ushiro ni Tatsu Shoujo (Japan) (T+Eng 1.0 Demiforce+Tomato) [deSplash).bps

>> No.9737832

if you're poor, aliexpress everdrive clones just werk.
But if you have any cash to spare, get an official everdrive x3 or better.
ez flash jr is trash, don't get this one.

>> No.9737941

now do everyone a favor and just delete those

>> No.9737958
File: 31 KB, 795x720, 20230313_161349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thnx I'll look into those.

Good to know because one of those EZ Flashes on Amazon was something I was thinking about, thanks for the heads up.

>> No.9737970
File: 560 KB, 1204x1600, gameboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> aliexpress everdrive clones just werk.
yes, but they can draw more power screwing up your battery life, and the extra power they suck can damage the hardware over time.
you should realllllly get an official krikzz one.

>> No.9738003

it's no worse than the original everdrive gb krikzz sold in that regard.

>> No.9738063
File: 101 KB, 531x531, ©2000 PRINCESS PROJECT:Bandai Visual • MOVIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shamanic Princess 64
Try using Castlevania 64, Shadow Man and other basic as game engine.

>> No.9738069


>> No.9738090

what's a desplash?

>> No.9738112
File: 4 KB, 256x224, Dragon Quest V - Tenkuu no Hanayome (J) [T+Eng2.01F_DeJap]_00000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It removes intros that some hacks or particularly old dumps add to a game when it boots. Some can be particularly obnoxious, requiring you to wait before you can skip past it. Here's an example of one added as to a Dragon Quest V translation.

>> No.9738381

I just found out that official translations are a lie >>9736932

>> No.9738582

I'm this guy >>9736708

I recognize this from Pikuma. Would this version >>9723680 of iNES Header/NROM be better? Or is the sonicfag version of NROM better than Pikuma one?

>> No.9738778

Amazing retro magical girl

>> No.9738786
File: 2.74 MB, 853x480, seachase_21_4_28.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> is this or that header better
either one will work, but, that's not the point. you need to understand what the header does and each piece of it.
do you have an NMI handler? do you know why you need one? do you know the PPU registers and how to write to it? have you written to the nametable or attribute table yet? do you have a page picked out for sprite DMA? are you activating sprite DMA? do you have anything displaying on the screen?
bruh, finish your tutorials, or finish Nerdy Nights like i told you to do, and don't worry about this header or that header.

>> No.9738797
File: 126 KB, 796x890, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but which Nerdy Nights tutorials I been hearing about? The one that was on NintendoAge got shut down

>> No.9738804

>bruh, finish your tutorials, or finish Nerdy Nights like i told you to do, and don't worry about this header or that header.
Alright. Fuck my English but I'll try my best to finish it first.

>> No.9738935

Went on a dive. Here is the full set.

>> No.9738969
File: 533 KB, 1920x2160, nerdy_nights_asm6f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this mirror is fine
someone converted the examples to ASM6(F). enjoy:
check the screenshot. you can copy ASM6F to the folder, make a shortcut to Mesen, make a batch file like the one shown, and get the examples running in the Mesen debugger with full labeling and step through. it will make your lives a million easier than mine ever was lol. i got you bros.
if you get stuck check the NESdev wiki. if you are still stuck make a post. godspeed.

>> No.9739474
File: 2.72 MB, 576x576, __bianca_and_hero_dragon_quest_and_1_more_drawn_by_wanpaku_pixels__cb8618037745295642f1e1167383b211.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, made a folder for archival.

/vr/ desplash patches collection link


>> No.9739476
File: 2.70 MB, 480x320, english_fusion_no_sound.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster fusion menu.

With sound: https://files.catbox.moe/12csvj.webm

>> No.9739485

Got any details on this?

>> No.9740237

The hacks that matter

>> No.9740320
File: 42 KB, 512x470, Screenshot 2023-03-13 at 23.57.02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

translating power lode runner

>> No.9741640

/hbg/ on /vg/ is dead, so can I ask here?

I had only haxchi and hbc on my wiiu, no other installed games, apps, or emulators. So I went to the wiiu.hacks.guide and downloaded the new files needed and added them to my SD card. After doing this my wiiu won't load the home screen. It will just cycle indefinitely unless I desync the gamepad. Then it loads to the homebrew channel. I can't seem to do anything with the apps and when I try to exit it tells me it can't find a gamepad with no option to sync. Is my wiiu fucked?

>> No.9741790
File: 3.57 MB, 3928x2904, cave_story_megasis2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9741896

Gonna miss this thread

>> No.9742313

We all will!