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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.47 MB, 1280x720, 1677377774857757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9702780 No.9702780 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>9684801

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Thief, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

IWADs and more (>6 GB): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake Trilogy (2020-11): https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Doom, Quake, Douk, Blood, and more):
More /vr/ shooters:
Doom Shovelware:
Fileplanet archives:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):


Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/








>> No.9702783
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Rules: https://desuarchive.org/vr/thread/9611263#p9611406

See picture for details

=== NEWS ===
[2-27] New build of Half-Life for Dreamcast leaked.

[2-27] Version 1.3 of Temporal Tantrum released

[2-26] Doom 64-style map for GZDoom

[2-23] Operation Pegasus released for macenwolf

[2-23] Obsidian v20 stable released, adding support for Wolf3d/SoD/Chex/Hacx/Hexen/Strife

[2-22] Half-Life RTX Released

[2-21] Anon shares his VR2 map

[2-20] Stickguy in Doom Redux released

[2-18] LitDoom updated to 0.595a

[2-17] Update on Duke Nukem Forever Director's Cut

[2-16] Nail and Crescent, a Quake 1-inspired total conversion mod of Q2RTX, getting some dev update screenshots

[2-14] Doom 64 Arch-Vile released

[2-14] PUSS XXIV is out

[2-12] Marathon's Eternal X v1.3.0 Preview 5 released

[2-9] Anon released a Quake map.

[2-9] N64 emulator that runs Quake 2 without complication

=== PREVIOUS ===

>> No.9702793

need more quake levels

>> No.9702797
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>> No.9702798

Be the change you want to see.

>> No.9702823

Violent Rumble needs more Quake levels too.

>> No.9702836
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Now this is getting serious.

>> No.9702842
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>> No.9702887
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/vr/os, I need your help, post the STUPIDEST retro FPS memes you can muster. Actual mental retardation incarnate, do not hold back.

>> No.9702904

>second shotgun power
Do you think the supershotgun is in a good spot as a bridge between the lesser weapons (shotgun, chaingun, lolpistol) and better ones (launcher, plasma, bfg)?
Do you think the bigger problem is how popular it is and how much others like to use it?

>> No.9702931
File: 46 KB, 307x266, M2. [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When my ship still answered to the Pfhor,
they called it Sfiera after their goddess
of lightning and passion. When you helped
us take control on Tau Ceti, the S'pht
rechristened it Narhl'Lar, "Freedom and
>I call it Boomer.
This honestly sounds like a modern shitpost, but it's an actual quote and pic from Marathon Durandal.
Don't get me wrong though, it is a good shitpost by Durandal.

>> No.9702945

>how popular it is and how much others like to use it?
these are not problems.

>> No.9702968
File: 1.06 MB, 1849x707, asssssssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I just finished the 16th map of my megwad. Maybe in another year we'll get to play the damn thing.

>> No.9702973


>> No.9702994

FUCK OFF back to playing Ultima or Wizardry or NIM, then.

>> No.9702995
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>> No.9702996

>trapped in a room with Demons
that's also Doom 3.

>> No.9703009
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>> No.9703010

why not now? I wanna play.

>> No.9703018
File: 175 KB, 289x344, Final_Doom_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post the STUPIDEST retro FPS memes you can muster

>> No.9703027

Once upon a time, there was a mapper who liked to share his stuff, but then a big bad troonworlder came along and stabbed him in the back. Now he doesn't want to share anymore.

>> No.9703035
File: 672 KB, 2560x1440, gzdoom 2023-02-28 21-55-11-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm playing Realms of Cronos now, it's pretty incredible, yet nobody seems to recommend it or even know about it.

>> No.9703045

>>Do you think the bigger problem is how popular it is and how much others like to use it?
Input and (you) appreciated

>> No.9703080

>Do you think the bigger problem is how popular it is and how much others like to use it?
sort of, doom suffers a real plague of armchair gamers who think the SSG obsoletes the other hitscans because it's more efficient than the shotgun and shells are more common than bullets
same people will also complain about chaingunners, archviles, and revenants, all while refusing to use the plasma gun because they need to save the cells for a BFG that they don't have yet because they watched a youtube video that told them the BFG can do really big numbers in theory and that means the plasma gun is useless

>> No.9703098

>play through my map
>find one area a little too easy
>add an archvile

>> No.9703102

just go on r/doom and you'll find the stupidest fucking shit you'll ever see

>> No.9703180
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>> No.9703213
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>> No.9703267
File: 3.02 MB, 640x480, QuakeSpasm 0.95.1 2023-02-28 17-46-59.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pics are nice, but what about some webms?

>> No.9703292
File: 3.93 MB, 1280x720, gremlins fucking rule.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>launcher stolen
I love these guys

>> No.9703354
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>> No.9703367
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>> No.9703368

behold, the one good enemy in quake

>> No.9703436
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Updated version of cqb, lighting is mostly implemented and there's some more health scattered around. Excessively dark in some areas because I haven't figured out where the fill lights are going to go, and a bit too bright in other places because values still need tweaking. Lighting in general can get really ugly with the shotgun flames and the power shield, don't know why this is. Texturing and geometry in certain parts is still spartan but the map more or less is in a beatable state.

I would've progressed further, but life happens and I figured that there would've been a project delay that would let me hammer out the finishing touches. Shame about how this has all gone down. I know VR1 had a similar outcome, but at least there were more than a whopping 1 non-project lead submission.

>> No.9703558


>> No.9703581

>Doom 3 Nightmare is actually harder if you disable health degeneration but don't spawn with a Soul Cube, because you can't buff yourself back to 100 health on demand and will get eaten alive by hitscanners early game.

>> No.9703585
File: 52 KB, 469x682, FPSmaymay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah, how'd you get the weapons to look like that? I'm not even trying to shit on it, it looks good. Pic related for laughs

>> No.9703592

Sounds like it would clearly be harder with health degen turned on as well. RoE’s artifact can negate encounters but it’s still fun on NM because your only health comes from stations.

>> No.9703596

You can do it with these console commands:
Mess around with those values. Not tested on Kexquake.

>> No.9703607

I'll keep that in mind. Haven't touched quake in a hot minute, gonna mess about with this.

>> No.9703629

it'd be asinine to play with no soul cube AND only 25 max health, unless you mapped out every single encounter and item/station placement in your head then speedran like fuck
there really is just no reliable way to kill every hitscanner before they clip you
someone probably did it though

>> No.9703665
File: 3.90 MB, 854x480, D3guardjuke.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's something I'll try out. I'd be at an advantage because I've played it a few times, I'm familiar with some encounters and they're often sound cued. I'll still fuck up because I'm not great.

>> No.9703669

>sound cued
something that bothers me about doom 3 is that sound directionality is nonexistent
you can hear an enemy spawning in from basically anywhere in a room but you have to spin around left and right to find them because it's so loud and doesn't dither with distance and seems to come from every angle
why is it like that

>> No.9703680
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>> No.9703693
File: 85 KB, 453x478, 1677358524664562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't at least Woof be added to the pastebin?

>> No.9703703

Because the game was designed for Creative's EAX 3D audio (literally just so Carmack/id wouldn't get sued) and the standard 2D sound isn't great. You have to use a source port like dhewm3 to get the proper sound mixing.

>> No.9703706

It took me until my latest playthrough, 5 years later, to figure out you can crouch under the tentacle guys' attack.

>> No.9703708

How about Funnyjunk?

>> No.9703712

I installed this shit:

But I was thinking of a more vanilla way of doing more or less the same thing, will try this for sure >>9703596

>> No.9703741

i tried dhewm3 and went back cause it made everything sound worse lol

>> No.9703796

Anon releases a large cliche slaughtermap

>> No.9703801

i can hear this webm.
as strange as the final sound design may seem at first glance it really gives this game a unique feel.

>> No.9703859

Is Violent Rumble over?

>> No.9703871



>> No.9703874
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, Replay.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fiend knocked zombie down and this happened
thanks copper

>> No.9703910

Neat. I'll throw some maps together then speed style. Shame about the threads having slowed down, but we do our best day by day.

>> No.9703945

Theres a gorillion billion on quaddicted, surely you havent played all the good ones

>> No.9703946

That map was wild. Feels like it should be a standalone release honestly, its so big.

>> No.9703949

By the way. Are you guys using the "Slipseer" hosting site? I find it really suspicious that some new guys in the Quake community are trying to replace quaddicted which is still actively maintained and works perfectly fine. Probably the same people that ran off dumptruck_ds (creator of great tutorials that helped me start Quake engine mapping). I dont give them any traffic.

>> No.9703961

Zombie goasts, leave this place

>> No.9704001

>Are you guys using the "Slipseer" hosting site?
No, there's no point. Everything ends up on Quaddicted anyway.
> Probably the same people that ran off dumptruck_ds
>I dont give them any traffic.

>> No.9704002

>I find it really suspicious that some new guys in the Quake community are trying to replace quaddicted
They're not trying to replace quaddicted, the point of Slipseer was to create a website where users can submit their own maps independent of Spirit or one of his staff members needing to upload it themselves. I don't use Slipseer much either, but it's ridiculous to think Quaddicted is a good model for community submitted maps because the staff members of Quaddicted could fucking die tomorrow in an accident.

>> No.9704059
File: 40 KB, 249x277, Prado_-_Los_Desastres_de_la_Guerra_-_No._03_-_Lo_mismo_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I seriously hate kleers

>> No.9704119

kleer are the best melee enemy in any fps ever
>fast as fuck, can't be disengaged, must be addressed
>predictable, good sound cues
>satisfying kill threshold for every single weapon in the player's arsenal
>can end you in a couple hits if you let them

>> No.9704125

It's unfortunate that the knife in Sam is way overpowered. A lot of my early experiences with Sam were because of shotgun reload times, switching weapons, etc. The knife is really ridiculous and I'm going to put a note in all my Sam maps not to use the knife or you're a bitch.

>> No.9704154

new ironwail release WHEN?

>> No.9704161
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>> No.9704164
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>> No.9704183

How Life Essences work exactly in Blood? Are they guaranteed drops from specific enemies on a map or they are RNG based?

>> No.9704202
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>> No.9704284
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>Get the ole doom itch
>Beat the original episodes on UV
>Feel like hotshit
>Still hungry
>Im ready for the super shotty
>Remember there was a e4 I never played
>Load it as well as brutal doom, first time as well
>Doing it for the novelty, I don't really care about the episode, my mind is already in doom 2
>Run out of ammo in m1
>Must be the mod or something
>m2 I have to scrounge just to survive the spawn
>by m3 I realized the whole episode is supposed to be like this
>Got stuck on m6 looking for the teleporter
I probably enjoyed three maps total but maybe more so if they were vanilla. I was expecting a fun pack not a lost levels situation kek

>> No.9704324

They’re set drops assigned by the level designer. It’s ammo and weapon drops that are random.

>> No.9704457

Beat Cryptic Passage, it was fun but not as good as Duke Caribbean, Sunstorm did good work.

>> No.9704547
File: 129 KB, 597x638, 1660121901871336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you can't 1-hit kleers with the knife in the classic sam. The window of opportunity to safely knife a kleer and side step is extremely small due to its short range. Unless you don't have it yet, the double barrel is definitely the safer option since it gives you more range and 1-hits them. But more power to you if you got the skill to knife a horde of kleer to death.

>> No.9704583

Cryptic Passage may be the most evil portion of Blood simply through their use of mid-level cultist spawns. Post Mortem’s Aqueducts may be a contender.

>> No.9704637

Felt mostly easier then the main campaign thanks to all the ammo and items.

>> No.9704835

Anyone have a good/current version of the Thief FM recs? I made the mistake of playing some godawful Gold FMs from the late 90s and I don't want to make that mistake with 2 FMs.

>> No.9704847

this but for short but sweet type FMs

>> No.9704963

i have no idea why the knife does 130 damage in ss4 and sm especially when you can use 2 at once
literally what were they thinking
it completely negates some small scale early game kleer fights and devalues the ssg's role

>> No.9704978

Can you make a monster immune to hitscan with MBF21?

>> No.9705102
File: 577 KB, 828x1134, 006B52BB-81C0-4029-87B4-804E4BB0D53E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mongrels think about Sigil? Recently thought about giving it a run. I’ve just recently beat 64 for the first time but have played 1 & 2 countless times, Hell on Earth by far being my favorite iteration of the series (pic rel, had it since around launch)

>> No.9705115

Using restrictive environments and small monster count is an underappreciated skill in modern mapping scene. Although Romero's walls are too jagged for doom's collision.

I don't think so.

>> No.9705213

I enjoyed it a lot. Like, a lot. What >>9705115 said. Sometimes less is more. Gorillions of monsters is never a good thing. I really liked how at first you have this small level, and then you realize it's actually bigger, and then even bigger, and then you realize it has even more to it, and more, it has this really satisfying feeling of mystery that 99% of wads miss completely.

>> No.9705228

You can tell John Romero worked on it. No offence to the plenty of successful and capable mapmakers out there, but I am sure even they will admit that there is a touch to the original mappers that just can't be substituted.

>> No.9705324

The way it uses Doom textures is brilliant.

>> No.9705521

In most cases I love using the Plasma Rifle unless I feel the BFG is an absolute necessity. And while the SSG is great I crutch the regular shotgun for sniping to conserve chaingun ammo.

>> No.9705530

Also as oppressive difficult as it is on Nightmare or UV+, E5M5 is one of the most fun maps I've ever played in OG doom.

>> No.9705558
File: 42 KB, 750x846, 1676472971784829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mapping at Warp Speed AND Mysterious Mayan Madness are both 403'd!! AND THERE'S NO MIRRORS OF THESE WADS

>> No.9705573

>implying doom

>> No.9705581


>> No.9705606

>And while the SSG is great I crutch the regular shotgun for sniping to conserve chaingun ammo.
What do you use it on instead? Maybe have it out and ready for a chaingunner ambush?

>> No.9705614

Well, the SSG can definitely mow down chaingunners at short to medium range, but if they are in great number or at a greater distance, the regular shotgun, chain gun, or rocket launcher work well. Sometimes you just gotta peekaboo shoot chaingunners.

>> No.9705619

Otherwise if it's something like multiple monster closets in short range, the Plasma rifle will eat hordes of chaingunners, but you'll definitely have to flee while doing so. It's always difficult to play safe around chaingunners.

>> No.9705637

Agreed. I’m more curious about what the bullets are being saved for though, unless it’s another case of playing lots of maps that are drowning you with shells.

>> No.9705657


>> No.9705659

Shotgun ammo is often quite plentiful in maps, and at the very least, more plentiful than other types of ammo. I crutch SG and SSG because of that since they are very good "catch all" guns. But while they can handle most situations, sometimes there are weapons just better for the predicament you find yourself in. That can be entirely different per person though, as aside from the pistol there is rarely a map in the og games that cannot be beaten by using only a single weapon.

Sometimes I do challenge runs, like only SG or SSG through x number of maps, no other weapon. It can be fun learning how to change and adapt to situations I sometimes would use a different gun for.

>> No.9705687

not able to download files == not able to download files

>> No.9705816
File: 3 KB, 435x126, 1672873148612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WNW is up. Here's the usual.
Base game (1.3):
Custom client:
Mods list:
Anon's PRO TIPS paste:

From the title screen, go to multiplayer, specify IPV4 address, and enter

No new files today. I instead removed the flame shield and the custom music while I look for a replacement.

We also have a mumble server up to voice chat with your fellow anons
Port: default
Username: Whatever you want
Password: endoom
>I heard this game supports proximity chat, are we using that?

>> No.9705829

kek just wait until you get to Plutonia

>> No.9705869

It will never be the the fifth official episode

>> No.9705937
File: 214 KB, 378x550, Fl8-RmxXkAA_OKf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>not able to download files
>mfw he doesn't have permissions

>> No.9706147
File: 470 KB, 800x600, vkquake0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a peacefull fella

>> No.9706163

Sure it can, it was made by Johnathon Soimero and he made like 7 levels in the original game, so it's official my guy; and one day, when Soimero passes gracelessly from this earth and Bill Gates (who will still be alive) replicates the contents of his soul with an AI cyberbrain and places it in a lab-grown clone body, Soimero will then create yet another spankin' new episode, and that too will be official.

>> No.9706168
File: 28 KB, 356x378, 1561099490672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9706220

I'm playing the Quake mission packs for the first time and I couldnt help but notice how Scourge of Armagon is literally Quake 2.

Also fuck that rock grinder fucker.

>> No.9706331
File: 14 KB, 363x321, 1431383526263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks Bill Gates has achieved biological immortality for real
Do you have any proof? Also, why so petulant to still be calling him something soilent or anything close to a hack on the level of David Lynch, Rian Johnson, or Tim Willits?

>> No.9706337
File: 170 KB, 768x1024, 1673378112892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9706363

True. Sigil would obviously get hyped up a lot just for being Romero's creation, but his levels have a really unique feel and clever design that you dont see in other pwads.

>> No.9706375

DBP57: Shatter Realm is out now!

>> No.9706382

Why don't just add the sigil levels into the base wad?
i don't get id

>> No.9706501
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>> No.9706505
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>> No.9706554

who did her better:

>copper shub
>quake 1.5 shub

>> No.9706576

don't know anything about them, but copper and any mapset that uses it is shit due to ruining nightmare, so i'm inclined to vote for the latter

>> No.9706592

Playing through Doom2 with Brutal Doom Gold. Fuck the MAP09 Chaingunner trap.

>> No.9706594
File: 534 KB, 1918x1007, Screenshot_Doom_20230302_165652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9706596
File: 1016 KB, 1918x1007, Screenshot_Doom_20230302_164754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9706605
File: 890 KB, 1918x1007, Screenshot_Doom_20230302_164748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9706606

I can hear this webm

>> No.9706706
File: 26 KB, 460x215, header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apocalyptic Viebs is out
is it worth the ridiculous price?

>> No.9706709

amazing how many things you've never heard of before can be found just by searching "gzdoom" on steam
someone's selling touhou doom as a standalone

>> No.9706713

Was trying out Winter's Fury. Too many hell knights/barons on the first map.

>> No.9706949

Oh boy, it sure is brown.

>> No.9706956

>plasma gun now always deals 40 damage per hit
>but it has to cool down for 3 seconds instead of 600ms once you stop firing, preventing you from switching weapons unless it has 0 cells
do you accept?

>> No.9707048

3 seconds? Jesus that's a long ass time.

>> No.9707062


>> No.9707075

Normal weapon switching is long enough and can be a cause of death if done at the wrong time, making the player completely harmless as punishment for not wanting to keep spraying at enemies seems way too extreme

>> No.9707082
File: 734 KB, 835x1200, 1664019348333086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9707109

The shotguns also chew through their ammo really slowly and their easier to use. Ideally I’d save shells and use the chaingun when I went to snipe softies or other similar distant targets, but if I keep tripping on shells throughout the map I can just vomit ssg pellets in their direction.
>>9703080 touched upon this situation as well.

>> No.9707310

ECWolf update never ever

>> No.9707323

>that pic
that faggot has never hold a gun in his life

>> No.9707348

is ion fury welcome in these threads?

>> No.9707361

It depends on how the janny is feeling.

>> No.9707365


>> No.9707367

if there was a port of ion fury for dos, would it count as retro?

>> No.9707375

It uses eduke32, so I doubt it.

>> No.9707438

i'm p sure you could port it to dos, not cleanly of course, but its still a port.

>> No.9707457

teh slope of slippery, i would prefer if we could discuss such games personally. im not going to /v/

>> No.9707471

It's not a slippery slope. If GZDoom mods are allowed, then mods of other retro source ports should be too.

>> No.9707579

Ion Fury is allowed. The line of what is allowed and what is not allowed depends on the game's engine. If the game uses retroengine such as eduke, gzdoom or darkplaces, it is allowed. If it uses engine such as unity or unreal4, it's not allowed. Why? Because talk about new Doom, Quake or Duke mods is allowed (as it should be). Some mods such as REKKR, Supplice and Age Of Hell started as Doom wads, but later became commercial games, so it would very hard to draw the line without actual rule.

>> No.9707580

It “should be fine” as it’s basically a standalone Duke3D TC, as much as Rekkr is a standalone Doom TC or any other standalone GZD games. “Should be fine” due to >>9707361 and how sometimes the discussion around them goes south.

>> No.9707596 [DELETED] 

When will retards stop rehashing thhis topic?

>> No.9707637

>Lighting in general can get really ugly with the shotgun flames and the power shield, don't know why this is.
Quake 1's dynamic glow effect can't be controlled at all and it's a bit brighter than I'd like (probably not so much in software mode). The Quad and Pentagram do the same thing, it's just less obvious because of their screen tints.
I'll probably take the glow off the shields once I get them to have a model floating in front of the player.
>I know VR1 had a similar outcome, but at least there were more than a whopping 1 non-project lead submission.
Eh, it's understandable. Quake mapping isn't as casual as Doom, and I often get the feeling while mapping that I might as well just go make my own game due to the time investment and coping with engine limitations.
I also probably should have waited at least a whole year since the end of VR1 and done a bunch of code cleanup in between.

>> No.9707706

Agree. Both Sigil and NRFTL have that extra something that is missing from even the best PWADs. Those are just music with a few offkey notes, missing beats.

Romero is an ugly ass, doesn't deserve praise as a person, but he knows that last tenth percentage which separates the solid usermaps and a canonical content.

>> No.9707897

Looks like Ashes Afterglow, but gloomier, more Stalker-inspired, made by one autistic russian instead of a group of autistic russians, and also not free. It is cheap in rubles though, what rificulous price you are talking about?

>> No.9708020
File: 98 KB, 637x751, door alerted by sight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Door opened by sight alerting a caco, compatible in doom and above:
I was making a map with something similar to dash tower from 400mins where you ascend boom fake floors and I was annoyed when synchronizing some actions with the silent switch teleport so I made this

This is a door activated by alerting the caco behind a long tunnel concealed with a midtexture and impassable flag - as soon as the caco at the end of the tunnel spots the player it moves and teleports away, allowing the voodoo doll blocked by it to move along a current (which doesn't affect flying enemies such as the caco) and trigger any action.

Although it may seem unpractical, this allows you to trigger an action right after the player teleports somewhere, so for example a door opens as soon as the player presses a "Sx Teleport" or passes a "Wx Teleport" line, so that even if the player stops and remains in one stop after triggering the teleport, an action will happen, you can see it in the wad. There's also a readme
I don't know if there's a mondo project currently on but feel free to put it there

>> No.9708023

*boom and above, one place* goddamn it

>> No.9708025

It's certainly a way to do it, if a bit niche.

>> No.9708027 [DELETED] 

I'd understand your angery if this was some old member bringing this up. But it's a new guy, creating a topic about something which all of us who play classics eventually think about.
Surely it's better than someone asking about how old games retroactively fit into one retarded plot point from Eternal or another.

>> No.9708031

Feel free to crucify me for asking this, but are there any good roguelike/roguelite WADs or mods available?

>> No.9708042

>Obsidian got several new games, cool
>try generated Wolf3D episode via ECWolf
>map eventually turns into HOM-fest and is practically unbeatable
>try Hexen wad, launch through GZDoom
>for some reason neither player or monsters can damage each other
That's quite unfortunate

>> No.9708045

Doom Roguelike Arsenal: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=37044

>> No.9708054

This looks like what I'm looking for, thanks anon.

>> No.9708057

is there a chocolate quake?

>> No.9708085

>angled Q1 v_weaps

>> No.9708087

You have good ideas dude I'd play your game.

>> No.9708091

the perspective seen by the player in an FPS game is from a helmet/body cam

>> No.9708107
File: 1.06 MB, 1600x900, spasm0014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats nothing really strange - explain to me why this gibbed Scrag head follows me thru the map (necro.bsp) and even keeps trying to attack me from time to time despite being dead

>> No.9708180

>what rificulous price you are talking about?
NTA, but I would assume his "ridiculious price" means "asking money for it in the first place". Too lazy to actually look it up and this discussion will quickly turn into shitshow, so iwho cares.

>> No.9708184

From what I gather, Slipseer was born from some stupid spat and it just seems to be an attempt to undermine Quaddicted. Like you said, there's no point to the place because Quaddicted is a better site anyway and has all the maps.

>> No.9708204

>Playing Scythe
>it's really easy
>Get to map 20+
>Okay, this is tough but possible
>See map 30
Oh Jesus Christ, what the fuck? How the shit does something start out as babbys first Doom level and end on diet God Machine?

>> No.9708246
File: 1.23 MB, 1918x1007, Screenshot_Doom_20230303_082804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E4M2 revisited.

>> No.9708254

It wasn't borne of a spat. People have been asking Spirit for years to let users submit their own maps, and Spirit has never said yes. That's why slipseer exists.

>> No.9708261

>disable health degen and soul cube
im a retard, how to do this

>> No.9708265

I mean, that thread on Quaddicted says otherwise, but okay. It's kind of off topic anyway I guess.

>> No.9708272

The start isn't so bad, but everything after that? I'm either using saves or waiting until I'm better.

>> No.9708284

HL2 > HL1

>> No.9708289
File: 3.07 MB, 1755x925, 1652259060652890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woo key room!

>> No.9708308
File: 461 KB, 1600x837, Screenshot_Doom_20230303_045147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the FUCK do i deal with this thing

>> No.9708312

shoot it

>> No.9708314

shoot it with a high caliber

>> No.9708316

>”first time Scythe anon” makes it to the rice fields
Get ready baby
You can mess with the game files through notepad if you have the non-BFG version installed, or just not bother and unbind the Soulcube like a badass

>> No.9708331

shit i think i lost it but thank you

>> No.9708475 [DELETED] 

These are the kind of people that form a clique and develop a grudge with someone outside it, then do everything they came to try to defame them and push them out of the community. Thats what happened with Tormentor667 on Doomworld. Guy spends decades making content and hosting a site for resources, then a tiny clique of Doomworld mods starts shitting on him every chance and allowing open harassment they would never allow against their buddies, until he quit for good.

>> No.9708484 [DELETED] 

What are you talking about, Tormentor had a graceful sendoff with his 10-chapter farewell writing, which he absolutely followed through with.

>> No.9708510 [DELETED] 

My last post on this. I don't use slipseer much, I like checking out the resources section now and then, and the harassment shit is reprehensible in every way. But it's silly that every map for quaddicted needs to go through a human buffer. Again, Spirit, negke, and now the other guy could die tomorrow and nobody would know. It's a very poor model for archival.

>> No.9708543 [DELETED] 

Tormentor667 should never have left the Doom or Quake modding community.

>> No.9708554
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>> No.9708572

That trap is evil first time through but if you know what to expect you can just fire BFG twice and eliminate everyone in the room

>> No.9708583 [DELETED] 

Torm did fair share of not cool shit in past like stealing resources or submitting stolen maps to few community projects. There was never actual harrasment, but just meaningless fights with Torm and wad authors that he wronged. Nothing big and people got over it. Only time when he got fight with mods was the release of first version of BoA 3, because of map where you kill zombie jews and having some tranny joke in wad. Torm howerer agreed to release censored version and fight was over. It was not big thing either. Torm did quit wad making, because he always planned to quit after completing BoA. He howerer wrote that he will stay on community including Doomworld to continue giving mapping advice. He also continues hosting his sites and the resources there. You are thinking the drama as bigger than it actually was. Neither Torm or the guys and gals he had argument with remember the whole thing. Why should you get mad about it? Arguments happen and they are solved. No bad guys there, just different views.

>> No.9708590

Most replays:

>> No.9708608 [DELETED] 

Noting Eternal's total absence from the lynching thread, and what's more - a total of solely single mention of his name, I wonder if he ever addressed the plagiarism or even acknowledged it. What I was a sure witness of, is moderating crew lavishly throwing their weight around with steadfast post claiming Tormentor dead as person. I had to be born in an asylum, absolutely ignorant of outside air and human contact, to not notice how vile and ridiculous it all is.

>> No.9708615

Best 2001 fps?

>> No.9708617

option 1
>boot new game on veteran
>switch to nightmare via console
>go to doom(3?)config.cfg and edit the value pertaining to max health on nightmare from 25 to 100, the value of health drain from 5 to 0, and the interval of health drain from 5 to 9999999 (so the game doesn't spam the word COMPULSORY at you constantly)

option 2
>boot game on veteran
>go to the same config file
>change the player damage taken value from "1" to "2" (veteran is 170% damage, nightmare is 350%, so close enough, maybe try 2.06 if it works)

option 1 is going to fuck you because medkits won't spawn and health stations alone aren't enough for the level of damage you'll take unless you have mastered the game already

>> No.9708620
File: 63 KB, 591x680, 1674072308856840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like Ion Fury's biggest problem is that it stops giving you new weapons after the first uh, third of the game?

And the power-ups are mostly lame but other than that the level design is amazing and the Aftershock expansion is very much awaited!

Oh, and please more enemy types...

>> No.9708625

That's what makes it fun.

>> No.9708626
File: 3.10 MB, 1920x1440, 1675376795939159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Serious Sam
I'm leaning towards Wolfenstein. I haven't played Ghost Recon or Red Faction to comment and I don't much care for the rest.

>> No.9708632

rctw sucks the guns don't shoot where i aim
counter strike and its consequences have been disasterous for mankind

>> No.9708647


>> No.9708649
File: 499 KB, 1433x1238, grunrod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ION fury
>no energy weapons
what a joke.
the crossbow does not count because all crossbows are automatically uncool just by the merit of being crossbows, especially in sci-fi.

>> No.9708652
File: 55 KB, 480x636, 50b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all crossbows are automatically uncool just by the merit of being crossbows
Is this you?

>> No.9708661

The expansion is apparently going to have an energy weapon.
>all crossbows are uncool
Bad post! Opinion discorded! Ion Fury's crossbow is pretty damn cool, especially the charged shots.

The power ups could use some more interesting ones, like the "radar" is just gay and lame.

I think you should also get to plop down autonomous turrets or something.

>> No.9708665
File: 677 KB, 1920x1080, 30f4faae7c90f8c510e16f9e358e21cba532fd44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're adding one in the expansion.

>> No.9708672
File: 42 KB, 342x267, Lo Wang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not like a single gun in IF, they all felt like shit to use for some reason. It's a far cry from the trinity where nearly every gun was fun to use.

>> No.9708676
File: 51 KB, 520x390, 1466532060621.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>add alt fires
>minigun's is just spinning the barrel

>> No.9708681
File: 2.95 MB, 640x480, what_a_riot.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they all felt like shit to use for some reason.
Skill issue like that RTCW guy maybe? I'd suck Wang's wang and I still feel Fury has some of the best feelan build shootan

>> No.9708684
File: 329 KB, 1920x1080, 20230216194520_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh really?
I thought that each IF gun felt useful and powerful. The revolver especially. That said, there could be more unique / brutal death animations..

>> No.9708695
File: 29 KB, 611x750, heavy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this pleases me.

>> No.9708704

To clarify, I'm not talking about how effective they are at clearing rooms, but more on how they feel to use. The sound design of the guns themselves combined with how enemies react to being hit by them is what made the weapons shine in the original trinity for me. When I fire a napalm launcher in Blood, I'm treated to a meaty-ass explosion, shortly followed by cultists being flung everywhere with some of their blood-curdling screams red-shifting past me. IF's explosives just did not have the same impact on me, I can't remember anything with the same level of satisfaction.

>> No.9708720
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x1024, 1644397308161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To clarify, I'm not talking about how effective they are at clearing rooms, but more on how they feel to use.
I knew what you meant, that's why I said "best feeling build shooting".
RR has the gun roster and feel I don't like much, but I enjoy how well the levels look.

>> No.9708723

it do be like that
>buy ammo spamming "," and "."
>pro player

>> No.9708752
File: 571 KB, 1920x1080, 20230129180941_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well with that metric Blood is definitely king and not just of the Build trilogy. Still, I personally really like Ion Fury's revolver and the bow.

>> No.9708913

Ghost Recon isn't very comparable to the others, given the nature of its gameplay. It's top-tier though. The rigidness and very still environments of it (and the other early Tom Clancy games) adds a degree of tension that modern mil-sim type games don't have.
Red Faction is pretty great, just pretend it came out a couple years earlier.

>> No.9708978

>press mouse 2 to spin minigun
>character lifts it over their head and swings it by the ammo belt at an exponentially increasing speed
>jumping lets you fly like a helicopter
>releasing mouse2 after 5 seconds flings it at the enemy for an instant gib
why can't minigun spinning be realistic like this

>> No.9709159

Red Faction is OK, but it abandons its gimmick pretty quickly and becomes "ordinary turn-of-the-millennium shooter but occasionally the surface layer of the wall falls off".

>> No.9709203

Ghost Recon and PS1-early PS2 era Rainbow Six feel very stealth-intensive from what I do remember.

>> No.9709223
File: 128 KB, 1276x742, ghost recon specialists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can be, though there's a high enough 'skill ceiling' for you to be able to substitute stealth for speed in many cases.

Granted, for Ghost Recon that can just involves using specialists with OICWs to rain down 20mm grenades on enemies at the other end of the map before they can see you and scatter.

>> No.9709240

>substitute stealth for speed
er, other way around I meant

>> No.9709481

oh also if you do the second one you have to make the file read-only and then type exec doomconfig in console every single map otherwise the damage value resets

>> No.9709604

Vanilla HL1>vanilla HL2
SMOD HL2>>>>Vanilla HL1

>> No.9709684


>> No.9709736
File: 6 KB, 236x154, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9709869

how would you rebalance the weapons then?

for me its:
>give more wiggle room for loverboy headshots, in fact make it the only weapon that can do that.
>unfuck bowling bombs homing
>increase disperser damage + give it penetration
>fire 2 penetrator pellets per round
>ditch miniguns alt fire
>disperser grenades now have bigger boom
>keep clusterpuck as it is. it's perfect

>> No.9709927

>make the shotgun no longer headshot
That’s criminal

>> No.9709976

it makes sense, im already buffing the damage, hopefully to a 1 hit on weak enemies AND its a penetrating shot.

>> No.9710004
File: 2.95 MB, 640x360, 1665691475988264.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Headshot damage multipliers make perfect sense across multiple guns, is satisfying, and is what allows the game’s shotgun to oneshot enemies at longer ranges than its other build counterparts.
Making the crossbow veer off less and smoother switching are the fixes I’d want.

>> No.9710015

headshots need to spawn shotguns

>> No.9710019
File: 47 KB, 1056x592, 1674409186498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please make a tutorial on how to frankenprogs

>> No.9710041

i shouldn't need a shotgun to be satisfying only on headshots.

>> No.9710049

Tried waybacking the page?

>> No.9710074

I'll try to get around to it eventually. Might just do a Rentry page instead of a video though.

Anything specific you'd want it to cover?

>> No.9710084
File: 251 KB, 214x448, rangerhang.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot tripfaggotry
I guess the obvious thing to cover would be integrating mission pack stuff into base progs. Maybe adding new weapons as well, though VR's weapon management system is probably retarded and shouldn't be emulated.

>> No.9710094

Headshots can make all the weapons feel satisfying, without them it’s about the same as Duke3D’s shotgun which is fine.

>> No.9710135

duke's shotgun is bad.

>> No.9710189

how the fuck do i never get tired of finding and playing new WADs, I keep thinking the day will come but it never fucking happens. Doom might be *the* evergreen game thanks to fan creations

>> No.9710214
File: 103 KB, 236x236, 1647435444243660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duke's shotgun is bad.ass

>> No.9710308

I got to map 22 and quit.
I'm not good enough for that bullshit nor is it worth my time to bash my head against the wall until I am.
It's back to using saves.

>> No.9710313


>> No.9710336


gonna try to stream until the caffeine wears off

>> No.9710357

>I got to map 22 and quit.
>It's back to using saves.
Wait so you quit, or is “quitting” going back to saving during the map? Also, what difficulty did you put yourself through for it?

>> No.9710364

Quitting as in giving up on no saving.
I still wanted to play through the megawad, and I'm arrogant so UV. I hear you're meant to play the final Scythe section on HMP if you have trouble and aren't a retard like I am.

>> No.9710374

This. I've been bored to all other games. Occasionally some other retro fps is fine too, but I eventually get bored and return to Doom. Doom doesn't even feel like only a game anymore. It's a hobby. Playing it, mapping/modding, discussing about it with you fucks. It all makes me happy. Even thinking about playing Doom gives me warm feeling. On top of that as a game it feels pure, organic. The wads have been made by people who care about their work. The wads are art insteas of soulless corporate products, what most of modern games are. Always something to look towards to.

>> No.9710378

Oh cool so you’re still at least enjoying it. It is a big spike though, I’m curious how thing placement varies between difficulties so I’m checking that right now.

>> No.9710392

Well it's still Doom, so I'm having fun. I hate saving as it feels like surrendering, but honestly, I'm just not there yet when it comes to BFGing Cyberdemons point blank and the start of the map is annoying enough that I hate redoing it.
I watched MtPain27's video on Scythe and holy fuck does it get worse.
I just wish I could find a wad that gets gradually harder so I can slowly improve, but most wads seem to be aimed at really good players from the start or start off easy then decide to murder you at a random point.

>> No.9710402

That’s where difficulty settings can help out to ease you into the sets, then you can revisit them and enjoy the harder spawns through harder settings. Oddly enough, “Despair” of Scythe says it doesn’t have an archvile on HMP but it does on UV and the two easiest ones. Weird.

>> No.9710408

I have 2 questions about this implementation.
What does it do that a door blocking the voodoo doll doesn't?
Why a Caco over a Lost Soul? Lost Souls don't count for kills.

>> No.9710418

>4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):
have there been any updates like there were in the past?

4CHAN DOSPACK version 1.4F= 6/6/2022 was latest change Win98/Dos 4/4/2022

the last 2-3 changes were done but not listed as to what they were in the text file?

have we lost the dude?

>> No.9710420

>but honestly, I'm just not there yet when it comes to BFGing Cyberdemons point blank
Here's a practice map if you want to revisit that down the line.
15 cyberdemons, 1200 cells, 2 minutes. Have fun.

>> No.9710427

Have you tried the /vr/ wads? They're harder than the iwads but not super difficult on the scale of every pwad.

>> No.9710429
File: 1.24 MB, 3034x4096, 62d7e17e4c35dde373ce9f4e83cb9573d7926423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go on KinoFabino's twitter.

I think in general Ion Fury's weapon balance in and of itself is pretty good, I'm mostly just hoping that the game would get some "superweapons" towards the end, like a flamethrower equivalent / big plasma.

I would love to see more alternate death sprites, that would alone make a lot of the weapons feel more powerful without necessarily increasing the actual hp damage. Of course, that is a LOT of work, which is one of the reasons it's pretty phenomenal Blood did so many varied death animations for the enemies (including special voodoo doll kills) and they are also very high quality!

I would also love to get like a deployable turret similar to FEAR's turrets except maybe use the minigun to deploy it on the ground and have it shoot at enemies, it won't target you but it could do friendly fire.

>> No.9710442 [DELETED] 

>Zoom Shiternal
>Bark Ghouls
not retro

>> No.9710460 [DELETED] 

>these newsgroups tier bants
I hope these are dug up 20 years from now too.

>> No.9710469 [DELETED] 

>Groom Pedernal
not retro

>> No.9710473

The retarded thing is I tried it randomly again and beat map 22 saveless, then almost map 23 before panicking and somehow walking right into a Cyberdemon rocket right at the end.
This always happens.

>> No.9710484 [DELETED] 

i wish death to all /v/edditors

>> No.9710486

more like dumb lmao

>> No.9710491

Doom 2 > Doom 1
HL2 > HL1
System Shock 2 > System Shock 1
Quake 2 > Quake 1
Serious Sam 2 > Serious Sam 1

>> No.9710497
File: 632 KB, 825x897, spagett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>System Shock 2 > System Shock 1
i only agree with this one and consider the rest to be bait
you might have included this one to make your bait more plausible and thus more triggering

>> No.9710506

>Serious Sam 2 > Serious Sam 1
you can't be serious

>> No.9710509

Based if you assume Serious Sam 2 means The Second Encounter

>> No.9710513

based. there's only two encounters in this franchise. the rest is late fanfic.

>> No.9710541
File: 910 KB, 2048x1754, wolfenstein thot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Return to Castle Wolfenstein is the only ACTUALLY GOOD (not just 'good for its time') game in the series.

>> No.9710581

>Scythe map 23 was easy compared to 22
Well that was weird.

>> No.9710603

zoomer opinion

>> No.9710748
File: 268 KB, 1873x786, 1651763469525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RTCW's campaign and multiplayer are both phenomenal, but Wolf 3D deserves all the credit it gets for being a good game. (pic related)

>> No.9710772

it's obviously Spear of Destiny is the best

>> No.9710787

Mr Alm gives you some leeway before throwing the kitchen sink at you.
Also, while it lacks the nuanced movement mechanics from other shooters it’s really fun moving nearly 1:1 with the mouse. I can’t recall much similar besides like Tyrian.

>> No.9710805
File: 3.62 MB, 1280x720, Spear of Destiny.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The twist at the end of Spear of Destiny is underrated and very cool.

>> No.9710812

this is the one time that wolf 3d characters are "remastered" and it's not even in an actual game
it'd be like if doom eternal never used those "classic" designs outside of some trailers

>> No.9711012

>Why a Caco over a Lost Soul? Lost Souls don't count for kills.
Good idea, I'll choose that for next implementation, though the readme already mentions you can use lost souls or pain elementals, it doesnt matter as long as its flying(so it ignores the current on the floor)
>What does it do that a door blocking the voodoo doll doesn't?
It allows the event to be triggered instantly after teleporting somewhere, even if player decides to stand perfectly still after pressing the switch teleport or walking through the walkover teleport(this one is less useful since you can just put a linedef 1 unit away from the teleport walkover line, but theoretically that one can be triggered with mancubi balls or by player accidentally without going into the teleporter)
I know it sounds a bit weird and unpractical but it does prove useful for one gimmick in the map I'll be making

>> No.9711039

No, really. Map 22 was a massive roadblock for me, but so far it seems to be the toughest one. I hear map 30 is the real great filter, and I've seen decino play it so I know I can't beat it, but I want to at least get to it.

>> No.9711135

If RTCW was good I'd give enough of a shit to get past the first encounter with the undead king.

>> No.9711221
File: 884 KB, 1918x1007, Screenshot_Doom_20230303_172213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9711224
File: 1013 KB, 1918x1007, Screenshot_Doom_20230303_172527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9711226
File: 851 KB, 1918x1007, Screenshot_Doom_20230303_172709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9711229
File: 971 KB, 1918x1007, Screenshot_Doom_20230304_082614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9711240
File: 369 KB, 1366x768, doom49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Level with 666 enemies and a metric fuck ton of Cyberdemons
>Do it first try somehow after all my difficulties with previous maps
Holy shit that felt incredible

>> No.9711259

Dick Suckem

>> No.9711267

Sounds like you're gonna get through just fine.

>> No.9711292

I almost don't like how accurate it is at all ranges - but I am legit retarded though

>> No.9711303

You're no fisherman's friend

>> No.9711317

>If you're under 10% health, you can drink from pools of blood to gain meager scraps of health
Wait, BJ is a vampire? Were the nazis the good guys all along?

>> No.9711367

doom 2 is a mission pack for doom 1
doom 64 is doom 1.5
quake is doom 2
quake 2 is doom 64 but bad
doom 3 is quake 2 but competent
quake 4 is doom 3 butt

>> No.9711403
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Friday Night Firefight is up again, we're playing uritedm.wad this session. Vrsounds and litespree are both loaded and functional this time around. Let's get to it.

>> No.9711419
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Nice try, scrambled brain fucktard. This is your first and ONLY (You)

>> No.9711429
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Doomseker is downloading the wrong version of urited

>> No.9711439

i am right in my assertion and you know it

>> No.9711440
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ya same

>> No.9711442


>> No.9711468
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Haha damn, never knew that so seemingly novel Heartland and Ancient Aliens monsters were in fact taken from much older 00s wads

>> No.9711473

>I Am RiGhT iN My AsSeRtIOn AnD yOu KnOw It
How, so, crackhead spawn?
>Muh armchair speculation is FACT!

>> No.9711478

Play Zandronum you fucking nerd

>> No.9711480

I already have Zandronum 3.1

>> No.9711483

Okay. Now play it by connecting to Friday Night Firefight #105 @ which is a server I am not affiliated with in any way.

>> No.9711495

doom 1 and doom 2 are literally the same game and this is indisputable
doom 64 is like doom 1 with pretty lighting and shittier movement
quake is like doom but 3d and with physics
quake 2 is like quake with pretty lighting and shittier movement, and is therefore analogous to doom 64's relationship with doom
doom 3 has quake 2's style of movement and a similar weapon roster while actually establishing atmosphere and having a nightmare mode that's fun and not babby's first game
quake 4 is a reskinned doom 3, and therefore quake 2 but competent, however in riding the coattails of doom 3 it is literally doom 3's butt

i should not have to explain further, it's obvious really

>> No.9711509
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>Quk 4
I'm actually considering a modded Q2 or D3 replay before even finishing this. It has enemy and weapon variety but I'm still getting bored.

>> No.9711515

play on general
use console to activate strogg speed (230?) by default
skip vehicle levels
bhop and crouch slide like a mad cunt
game is now fun

>> No.9711523

Yeup, still boring. Even FEAR I could finish, and its all fighting the same mook but it's so fun you don't even notice the shotgun has no muzzle flash. 4 here just kind of sucks.

>> No.9711526

I like Quake 4's blaster. Feels better to use than 2's

>> No.9711549
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I'll give you that, though that's not much of a bar after Unreal thought of upgrading it's dispersion pistol. Damn that's kind of a lost opportunity for 4 here, now that I think of it.
It's better than basegame "no expansions" 2 in lots of areas and worse in others.

>> No.9711565

None of the Quake games in the same fucking Universe as Doom2 and Doom 2, crackhead yutswagon

>> No.9711693

>Anything specific you'd want it to cover?
well, I don't know if you can make something generic but I have 3 problems right now, I'm using ad and
I need enemies that drop keys (I think alkaline does this)
I want to add or replace the ad centurion with the original one from rubicon that shoots nails
maybe also borrowsteal the alkaline scientists too
other things that probably are way out of my league right now

>> No.9711786


>> No.9712029

Shaikh Quakem

>> No.9712103

>splash screen
i love this

>> No.9712315

I got to map30 in Doom2 with brutal doom gold. I was filtered by the icon with 40,000 hp. Not enough ammo for that. How are you even meant to kill it?

>> No.9712418

play meme mod...

>> No.9712532

doom 3 monster by monster review by anon

>arch vile
- dumb fucking idiot can't hit anything
+ showcases the physics engine by floating around funny when you shoot him
- doesn't have proper sound cues stop sneaking up on me dipshit
+ spooky baby
- i can't hit it with my shotgun because it's tiny and moves stupid
>commando (chaingun)
+ does a decent amount of damage pretty oppressive hitscanner on the good difficulty
>commando (tentacle)
+ deadliest enemy in the game cause he's fast and has a long melee range and is unpredictable
+ one of the few enemies in fps gaming that makes you crouch to avoid eating shit
- i don't know how to dodge all of his attacks consistently and it makes me feel bad about my skill issue
>hell knight
+ can kill you in 1 hit
- that's all he can do
- sometimes he spawns on top of you and you just die
+ lots of variation in his fireball throwing
- too many of them
- doesn't die to shotgun good enough
- stop fucking pouncing at me every time i open a door fuck you
>lost soul
+ annoying
+ can kill you on nightmare if you have the wrong weapon out
+ if you modify the pistol to deal 20 damage they die in 1 hit and it feels nice'
- like an imp but it doesn't do anything
- there are only like 5 of these fatasses in the entire game how am i supposed to develop an opinion on them
- idiot dies too quick to hit you and if he tries corner camping you can hear him so just lob a grenade preemptively
+good enemy i like it
+ annoying
+ can kill you on nightmare if you have the wrong weapon out
+ if you modify the pistol to deal 20 damage they die in 1 hit and it feels nice'
- literal fucking retard keeps teleporting in front of me and just standing still over and over waiting for me to shoot him oh my fucking god why the hell are you invading mars you should be in a special needs demon group home

i ran out of space sorry review over

>> No.9712569

Figured out an easy way to deal with the floating Cyberdemon in TNT's Pharaoh: Just run past it and off the ledge into the room with the two giant thrones. The invisible platform the Cyberdemon is on will lower, trapping him between two waist-high walls. Climb back up the stairs and super shotgun him with impunity; his rockets will hit the waist-high wall in front of him.
Just looked at every run of this map on Youtube and nobody figured this out.

>> No.9712580
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First time trying my hand at basic sprite editing in the year of our lord 2023, experimenting with camo

>> No.9712585

Also debating whether I should go through with further detalization or alternative means besides camo, with consideration of dozens of frames after all

>> No.9712608

I mean, you're playing brutal Doom. I'll give Markie Mark credit for trying to make the Icon a real fight, but it's still a shitty mod that values style over substance. It's no wonder he hasn't playtested it when most of its fans will just play a handful of maps, claim it's how the game is "meant to be played" then never touch it again.

>> No.9712609

start small and simple unless you're super motivated

>> No.9712613

That looks a lot like a silver gunner from NERF

>> No.9712641

>Changing the bloody mouth to look like a goatee
So I'm not the only one who always saw that as a goatee. Good.

>> No.9712649

You mean it isn't?

>> No.9712680

duke 3d is quake
turok is unreal
wolf 3d is serious sam
doom 64 is sigil
final doom is gradius
hexen is contra
super mario 64 is zelda but mario

>> No.9712681

You stop that.

>> No.9712687

Doom 3 is Half-Life HD, otherwise you are right on the money.

>> No.9712732
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At the time I found magic wand with color adjustment tools of Aseprite rather time-efficient, might rely on frankenspriting crutch where it needs.

Never seen it. I wonder if picrel sprite anon is still around and made any progress, these looked badass.

>> No.9712741
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His last edit afaik

>> No.9712757

That chaingunner looks awesome and like he belongs in Quake.
The demon guys look a little weird though.

>> No.9712956

Did that one GZDoom based game he was making ever come out? If so was it any good?

>> No.9713235
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The last time I heard about it, he took a break from working on it to update Brutal Doom or something.

>> No.9713249

Alkaline v1.2 released.

>> No.9713368
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Very nice so far. I like what they did with the weapon animation frames.

>> No.9713420

Agreed for the most part
I definitely like them transparent boney bois

>> No.9713421
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I hate these little niggers like you wouldn't believe. What were the devs thinking with this bloke? "Man, let's make an enemy that saps all your health in three seconds. Such a fun enemy to fight!"?

>> No.9713435

You can just crouch under the tentacle guys' attack, but back up because they'll boot you int he face right after.

>> No.9713445

Fuck yes, since Arcane Dimensions seems to be "complete", Alkaline updates are what I look forward to now.

>> No.9713459
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I decided to play all 1764 maps from quaddicted starting with honey.zip and I cant stand this guy's use of text alerts, how I despise this.

>> No.9713520

Heh, you're gonna love the ending then.

>> No.9713528
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Lots of Quake today, huh
I was starting to consider this a better transition to Q2 than SoA. Shortly after that thought, the mod affirms this by throwing mutants at me. Also ow.
I love the cathedral portion so much, perfect song choice too.

>> No.9713571

What weapon mod?

>> No.9713619

>literally REEEEEEEEs you to death

>> No.9713736

That's from the newest Alkaline >>9713249

>> No.9713828

Those are actually fun in Doom.

>> No.9713903
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>> No.9713932

>"hard" enemy in "hard" game
>takes a full 3 seconds to kill you
try reacting faster than a geriatric pintman with alzheimers

>> No.9713943

Pistol starting Doom 2 is surprisingly tough, at least, any map with a shit ton of Pain Elementals is because modern source ports let them vomit out Lost Souls like they're on sale.
I've had to resort to berserk punching a lot of meatballs.

>> No.9713948

I really liked that map. It looks boring from a design standpoint compared to all the others, but unlike the others it's also pretty fair and doesn't destroy you with fucktons of distant hitscanners and no cover.

>> No.9713953
File: 256 KB, 941x1022, fuuuuuuck yooou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I'm a geriatric pintman with alzheimers Huh!? Motherfucker?

>> No.9713961

Just set complevel correctly lmao. But yes, actual Doom isn't made with pistol-starting in mind.

>> No.9713971

Did you rike it?

>> No.9713975

>actual Doom isn't made with pistol-starting in mind.
Yes it is.

>> No.9713998

It actually is, but then again nobody back then thought people would be playing the game 30 years later where even basic laptops can handle thousands of lost souls at once so there's not enough ammo laying around for that.

>> No.9714006
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okay, here we go.

>> No.9714014

Not as much as the other projects but ye

>> No.9714093
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>> No.9714095

one thing that ruins wolf3d for me are "binary" doors. they are either open or close, there's no inbetween even if there's opening and closing animation. press the key and you instantly eat the bullet because there's someone behind the door

>> No.9714113

HL2 is good

>> No.9714137
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I've made a map for PUSS this week, it's a miracle I was able to make anything at all in 3 hours.

>> No.9714145

Since we have PUSS and ASS, how long will it be for The Incredible Timed Speedmapping to be formed?

>> No.9714147

cool, which are the best community maps for it?

>> No.9714195

wait untill you get to the final map and die from cringe

I don't quite understand how much do Mutants differ from Fiends mechanically to warrant their existance - they even got the same HP and damage values IIRC

>> No.9714272

Would be acceptable if the barrels were a drill.
I like Unreals primary/secondary, but I think it should be more exaggerated. Primary should be slower but very accurate, and secondary should be faster as shit but more inaccurate.

>> No.9714334
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What if the secondary was all barrels firing off at once but at the same fire rate as the primary fire

>> No.9714358
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No Serious Business Saturday today, sorry. I'm just too busy today.

>> No.9714405
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>finally made this shit run without the installer crashing (even if the drawback is no music and cutscenes)
Welcome to die!

>> No.9714424

Why did you need the installer when you can download a zip?
>no music

>> No.9714436

>secondary is just primary but with more power and less utility
i get that it`s a meme post but fuck games that do this

>> No.9714460
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>alternative hud
ah, reminds me of teenage myself, a brutalkiddie replaying holyhell with russian overkill over and over again, because where the fuck else are you going to find this kind of experience in the gaming industry. it is nice to move on, but still, good times.

>> No.9714487
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I initially got it as an ISO from 3Dshooterlegends about 5-6 years ago, but last year I found a .zip with the mod on ModDB while looking for the Malice patch that fixes the missing parachute in one level
>I got no idea how to unlock Nightmare skill at startmap - guess the thing I planned will need to wait for now

>> No.9714562
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I've spent FOREVER trying to fix the map one of the submitters gave to the Quake 2 25th anniversary collaborative UNIT (which also came in late further making the release pretty delayed...).
I had to completely redo a section of the map because it simply crashed whenever it loaded for some unknown reason.
At least I made a breakthrough right now by being able to connect two parts.
It only took a whole day of trial and error to figure out...
Let this be a lesson to everyone making maps:
Try your maps in more than one client, and never use the most souped-up and uncommon client for testing.
Use the clients that most people are using to play the game first, and forget about testing beyond that please.

>> No.9714592
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>25th anniversary unit update right after I started playing Sonic Mayhem again
That's awesome

>> No.9714628
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This angry midget is so damn annoying...

>> No.9714668

Just want to thank this thread as I have lurked for a few months and have not had a computer since 2012. Bought one and now I’m playing Ashes after hearing about if from you all and I absolutely love it. Going to play the Castlevania one next and the ones from you guys in the OP. God bless you all.

>> No.9714826
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>unmarked secrets are a thing here
I honestly don't remember last time I've seen any

>> No.9714895
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trying to make player skin for heretic

>> No.9715001

Which ones the Castlevania one?

>> No.9715008

Simon's Destiny, most likely.

>> No.9715062

We need to test if the game is still fun or not.

>> No.9715106

I can't go back to playing consecutively anymore, guys. It feels like cheating now I've gone a while pistol starting everything. Carrying in 60+ shells, a super shotgun and a BFG with multiple shots ready into a map balanced around a certain weapon set and limited ammo is just wrong.

>> No.9715108

I'd do it with vanilla but I fucking hate the pistol. It's why I bake a pistol start option in all my mods.

>> No.9715138

Why don't you just make a pistol replacement that is vanilla in every other way?

>> No.9715141

Because I don't like making weapons that are bad for the sake of being bad.

>> No.9715227

Test results are inconclusive, we'll have to test more on Wednesday.

>> No.9715228

was something different?

>> No.9715229

Nope. I just wanted to play. In other news, I found some music to use in the next music pack. Not sure when it's gonna be finished though.

>> No.9715232

Post the pasta so I can get ready for next week.

>> No.9715301
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sure thing

>Highly recommended to install the classics patch: https://dreamycecil.itch.io/sam-exe-patch if you haven't already. Adds a bunch of nice features like better resolution support and hud scaling. Make sure you grab the most recent TSE1.07 patch and after installing launch the game with "SeriousSam_Custom.exe"
>Go into the Scripts\NetSettings folder inside your main TSE directory and open up the DSLCable.ini file. Change "cli_iMaxBPS" to 1000000. Then when connecting to the server MAKE SURE YOU SELECT DSL/CABLE CONNECTION.
>Upon loading into the main menu, type: "/cli_iMaxPredictionSteps=4" (no quotes) into the console. You only have to do this once. If you encounter any problems with this setting then try changing it to a higher number up to around 10.

>> No.9715352


We were testing BoostFX at the start.

>> No.9715438
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>> No.9715441

I like the alien anon.
In the words of Doc Mitchell, “Looking good so far.”

>> No.9715465
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I'm late but Realms of Cronos looks amazing, that's next after I finish the GoldenSouls wads.

>> No.9715487
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>> No.9715489

what the fuck, you're alive? Nice.

>> No.9715492

lmao nice

>> No.9715496

Shit, I appreciate that you remember me and my silly unfinished projects!

>> No.9715498
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Of course I do. I remember when I was working on my HUD face stuff and you were doing the same thing.

>> No.9715513
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Aww cool, of course I remember that! I basically just started picking this stuff up again last month, sort of a new years resolution of sorts.

Got a ton of help from zscript help from Agent Ash, now this stupid hud actually works like I wanted after all these years. Now I'm back to chipping more into this Blake Stonish game every night again.

Hell, I was still floored you pulled yours off with pure acs and animdef trickery. I went through your code again and it still seems like so much work and thought to do.

>> No.9715517

I'm gonna be honest when I say I don't think anyone should do the fucking criminal acts I've done to make all of that work, and I still have another 4 or 5 HUD faces like this to make in the future. I'm pretty certain I've permanently tainted my soul doing it, but man does it look good.

I think you made the right call getting someone else to set that shit up in Zscript.

>> No.9715534
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Plus your hackery will always work in Zandronum and legacy Zdoom. Yours is one of my favorite huds to come out of the community too.

I'm considering eventually making the alt hud for mine overly cluttered with useless crap like Blake Stone had, but right now I'm FINALLY working on weapons and monsters.

>> No.9715540

Oh shit is that some brightmaps on the gun too? I take it she has a starting recharger pistol like Blake does as a fallback? Though hopefully not as useless as Blake's

>> No.9715569
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Yea thanks to the nice tutorials I read, adding bright overlays was decently easy.

I'm considering the recharger pistol bolt as an alt fire for her standard pistol. It'll get level found upgrades like a charge shot and a stun shot too so that it stays relevant throughout. Maybe as a boss reward or something.

I also got this beam whip I need to start figuring out how to implement.

>> No.9715792

What mod is that? (not the maps)

>> No.9715960
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I still wanna sexo the cute turret boi though

>> No.9716000
File: 452 KB, 884x662, dontworryimadoctor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry. I'm a doctor.

>> No.9716019

Is there /VR/mondo for this year?

>> No.9716031

I still have no idea how it plays, but I'm just going to carve up the map until it works and release the UNIT. It will be open source so people can edit the .maps themselves.

>> No.9716113

>Have a few problems with Scythe, but get up to map 29 and call it a day because fuck trying map 30
>Go back to pistol starting Doom 2, should be easy
>Past map 8 I get BUTCHERED
What the fuck? I'm not kidding when I say I've played modern wads easier than this. I can only assume there are intended paths to take on some maps that I'm missing.

>> No.9716149

Some maps are pretty much all about knowing where the secrets are. Map 10 for instance is a shitshow unless you know where all the hidden powerups are.
God knows why there are an unmarked secret shotgun and BFG in that map.

>> No.9716154

I had a similar experience pstarting Doom2 after doing so with Plutonia. Plutonia had far more difficult encounters, but 2 felt more strict with its pickup placements so I had to be more wary with how I’d clear the maps.
>Fire and Ice
This was more fun than I expected when I finally got to it.

>> No.9716156
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not that anon but there are plenty of cool puzzle/pointnclicklike maps for hl2:ep2 that you can launch both in Hl2:ep2 and in gmod - I used to play shitload of these like 7-10 years ago when some random mapping thread on facepunch forums had a lot of cool contributors that regularly churned these out - it was an amazing time to lurk/post there back then, similar atmosphere to our thread with doom mapping, people experimenting and encouraging each other to make projects - horror maps were also pretty popular to make. I think it died out later but Im not sure, facepunch is now walled off with registration
here are the puzzly hlp2:ep2 maps I enjoyed - they mostly have some kind of combat but some are focused more on puzzles like in penubmra/amnesia when you need to activate some machinery to proceed or avoid instakill traps using intelligence:
The only minus is you have to have episode 2 installed and play them in that or in gmod - but I think ep2 is enough for all of them
If that still leaves you hungry for more usermaps or you don't like that puzzle-combat mix I strongly suggest you visit https://www.runthinkshootlive.com/ - it's the most active hl1/hl2/ep2 mapping community right now I think and they still release a lot of good stuff
Enjoy anon

>> No.9716202

Aids-infused tabin needle administered by a lowly gangster puppet

>> No.9716265

>Black Mesa's closed

>> No.9716282 [SPOILER] 
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You know what?
Here's what: :3

>> No.9716490

>pistol starting Doom 2, should be easy
>Past map 8 I get BUTCHERED
Glad I'm not the only one.
Refueling Base fucking gaped my anus the first time I tried pistol starting it.

>> No.9716607

That's the one I was stuck on. It turned out that other anon was right, knowing the secrets really does help you beat it fairly easily.
Also, I was recently watching decino and I notice he uses a "sprite fix" mod.
Anyone else here tried that? I had a quick look and it doesn't seem noticable.

>> No.9716624

I know of the ‘minor sprite fixing project’, unsure of any others.

>> No.9716627

That's the one.

>> No.9716646
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newfag here, how the fuck are you supposed to deal with hitscanners? trying to play blood but the cultists fuck me over instantly. was inspired to check out the build engine classics after thoroughly enjoying ashes 2063/afterglow and hearing they have similar design but this bullshit is pretty offputting

>> No.9716652

You can dodge hitscans in Blood, jump and crouch and overall make use of your mobility.

>> No.9716657

>I had a quick look and it doesn't seem noticable
Most noticable things are the full rotation sprites for the zombiemen and shotgunners, and I think the lost soul uses older sprites or something but idk. Unless you're really autistic about minor details in sprites most of it goes unnoticed like the missing pixels in wolfenstein SS or missing spikes in imp's death animation being fixed

>> No.9716660

1. Dynamite around the corner
2. Repeat step 1 until credits roll.

>> No.9716669

Jump + crouch, and also play on lightly broiled if this is your first time unless you want to get your shit kicked in.

>> No.9716675

You know how you use your mobility to dodge projectiles? Instead, you use it to break line of sight when you're overwhelmed. This resets the entire encounter in your favor, as you now know their positions ahead of time. Don't just stand still out in the open and facetank them unless you're sure you can kill them faster than they can wind-up, either by using a high burst damage weapon or simply by having them whittled down to lower HP from a prior engagement.

Also don't play on a hard difficulty the first time playing like >>9716669 says.

>> No.9716729

You can stunlock cultists with the tommygun or akimbo shotguns. They don't have an obvious audio or animation cue for it but they're completely unable to retaliate while you're shooting them.

>> No.9716804
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>> No.9716846
File: 307 KB, 1596x895, 1663538222455036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is crazy, i'm on lightly broiled and can't clear the second level without abusing quicksaves, i just take damage as soon as i round the corner. do i just have to memorize spawns of every cultist?

>> No.9716850

When in doubt peek around the corner while crouching or fire preemptively.

>> No.9716914

after some trial and error and secret hunting i managed to clear the second level with just one quicksave in the middle. i think i'm getting the hang of the gameplay

>> No.9716940

>allowing other people to bully and boss you around
truly pathetic.

>> No.9717017

This guy has a history of making posts along the lines of "nobody is going to play my maps, woe is me" with his screenshots. Textbook attention whore.

>> No.9717046
File: 3.20 MB, 2560x1440, notblood030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i think i'm getting the hang of the gameplay
Nice. The first episode is some of the worst of it too, handle that and the rest should be fine.

>> No.9717083

Mischievous looking fellas.

>> No.9717141
File: 476 KB, 600x450, 1648224682803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as long as he releases the final result there's nothing wrong with withholding it from the public for the time being - same as I wouldn't call the goldeneye quake1 dam guy a faggot for not releasing what he currently has just because the screenshots and videos look nice and I'm impatient

>> No.9717332

>Just recently found out some people make a big(ish) deal over comp level when they play
>I'm just on MBF21 all the time because I figured it didn't matter
Surely it can't make much of a difference?

>> No.9717343
File: 63 KB, 446x493, final_magecaco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managed to finish this dumb weekend project.
But here is a Magecaco player skin for Heretic.
Posting it for mondo if it still exist.

>> No.9717351
File: 291 KB, 432x889, whereforethoughe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow this regionale is borked beyond salvage.
I have had to redo everything here.
I have not experienced similar in my time making maps for the Quake-series.
It is truly weird.

>> No.9717363

I used to not bother, but I've had too many maps break lately because I used the wrong complevel, often late during my playthrough
>Sunlust map 30 needs the right cl for the cyberdemon telefragging gimmick to work
>Sunder map 19 has a voodoo doll conveyor belt which breaks at the wrong complevel, meaning it takes 30 minutes for an area to open up instead of 2 minutes
>NERF has maps which rely on various bugs/limits of cl2 which were fixed in later cl's

>> No.9717441

lots of maps are made with a specific complevel in mind, and will break if you're on the wrong one

>> No.9717545
File: 6 KB, 465x100, free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a sec, was Quake free at some point in history?

>> No.9717562
File: 100 KB, 805x540, 1666300156872158.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe the first episode was shareware.

>> No.9717652

No SNS today?

>> No.9717661

The server has been created, but the password wasn't given.

>> No.9717664
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, vIC1SeP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Host put the server up, but didn't tell anyone the password before going to sleep.

>> No.9717665

Semi-confirmed. A lot of these early-episodes were dumped on new PCs for free as "crapware".
We got Descent episodes 1-3 for free with the new Acer in mid-1996.

>> No.9717675

I'm going to try starting the server on my end.

>> No.9717698

When a cultist gets hit by just one bullet, they stop attacking for a solid 2 seconds or so. When you hear a homer simpson scream it's time to go in with the shotgun or the tommy gun's altfire and confirm the kill
fan mappers treat the SSG as a default weapon and give you one almost for free, maybe booby trapped by a couple revenants, while the majority of doom 2 maps have no SSG at all. That and modern wads usually plan out "this is the room with such and such fight, I'll put 2 shell boxes and a soulsphere outside" while 90s health and ammo placement was much more sporadic

>> No.9717708

I think the SSG being given so quickly is a symptom of the gaps Doom 2 has in its monster set. The Revenant is really the most interesting monster you can fight with the Shotgun or Chaingun before it starts to get really boring. And you're limited on the amount of Revenants you can spawn in that kind of scenario.
The smaller monsters are all fairly boring to fight.

>> No.9717709

Server's up.
No password, put on your bravery pants folks.

>> No.9717721

the new /vr/ skins is failing to dl for me

>> No.9717737

did doom originally support mouse aiming? I'm playing through the first 2 games with chocolate doom and idk if mouse aiming is cheating or not

>> No.9717740

It did, not sure why people think it didn't

>> No.9717750

Same here, can't download vrskins, can't join as a result

>> No.9717753

ok thanks

>> No.9717758

I think you could buy it off their official website back before everything was on Steam.

>> No.9717762

It’s been a long time since I’ve played this stuff online, has there been any noteworthy changes, new creations, or just anything at all in the last few years I’ve missed out on with this game? I use game loosely because I guess I’m talking about any of the DOOM or Hexen shit or whatever fucking crap people play or host on zandorum

>> No.9717786

Chocolate is 99.999% vanilla with it's bugs and all. No extra options, no extra anything. The only one difference on chocolate compared to real vanilla is that it works on modern computers without dosbox.

>> No.9717794
File: 372 KB, 480x640, 1559701850070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quake was put on Steam on May 31, 2007
Man, imagine having to buy Quake off of Id's website and manually making a Steam shortcut for it before being able to buy it right off of Steam. Must've been really exciting times along with all the other big games that came out that year, having one of the most influential FPS games of all time being way more accessible than before.

>> No.9717814


>> No.9717818

Much obliged. Weird we couldn't download it.

>> No.9717824

If I don't remember wrong, before 2007 most if not all games on Steam were goldsrc/source engine games. It started as a service only for Valve's own games.

>> No.9717832

Nevermind, even after downloading the pk3 and renaming it, Doomseeker refuses to acknowledge I have files.

>> No.9717841


>> No.9717846

That did it.

>> No.9717852


>> No.9717857

So, what's the best way to play HL1 right now?

>> No.9717889

Got pulled away before I could make the post. Give your thanks to Fuzzy for putting up the server.

>> No.9717901

WON or nothing

>> No.9717940

did server rip

>> No.9717954


>> No.9717970

>Nice. The first episode is some of the worst of it too, handle that and the rest should be fine.
Not even the first episode, just the first few levels. The game is basically survival horror tier until you get the tommygun, then it plays like you expect from an FPS. Still tough at points, but you get plenty of resources to kill everybody.

>> No.9717973

Server is back up. Took a while to get the wads.

>> No.9717976

>Man, imagine having to buy Quake off of Id's website and manually making a Steam shortcut for it before being able to buy it right off of Steam.
What does that mean?
I have Steam but have always mainly pirated.

>> No.9717989

You can add non-Steam games to Steam so you can launch them from there, mostly for the sake of convenience and being able to use the Steam overlay. (Which I'm not sure was a thing yet in 2007 actually, I remember seeing a REALLY old video of someone playing Counter Strike Source and showing it off as it was new at the time of the upload. Not sure when the video was uploaded though, if anyone knows what I'm talking about, feel free to post a link to it cus it's really cool.)

>> No.9718067
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>> No.9718086
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>> No.9718113
File: 526 KB, 1600x900, Screenshot_Heretic_20230305_193754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good game, boys. Even if Heretic is weird

>> No.9718116
File: 15 KB, 1920x1080, 1676918008317317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol we're playing the kart game again
This time I'm hosting

>> No.9718117
File: 182 KB, 1366x768, 1674695973918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misaligned texture, trash game.

>> No.9718118
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>> No.9718121
File: 538 KB, 1600x900, Screenshot_Heretic_20230305_193800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the last one I snapped

>> No.9718137

oh no

>> No.9718207


If he has that kind of personality, then I haven't managed to write that part into memory, because I just kind of know him vaguely as the guy who posts some screenshots of nice enough looking levels which are part of some megawad he's building or something.

Some things can break sometimes. MBF21 I think is largely compatible with all the older Boom and Vanilla stuff though.

>> No.9718365
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>> No.9718413
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>> No.9718516
File: 2 KB, 96x116, 1663071677488486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're back folx

>> No.9718518
File: 888 KB, 1920x1080, AngelicAviary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9718523

more like moon lmao

>> No.9718565

i have no faith in boltgun, but i still wanna play a 40k game... is there a quake mod out there?

>> No.9718692

We're playing Sonic Robo Blast 2 this Sunday Night Shitshow. As in the platformer, not the kart racing mod. Grab it here. https://www.srb2.org/download/
I'll compile a list mod mods later this week.

>> No.9718816
File: 18 KB, 382x244, temp7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting closer to another update release

>> No.9719262

The canned-at-the-last-minute Doom clone was leaked a while ago.

>> No.9719276
File: 2 KB, 308x270, Boobaguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9719293

I amstill waiting for sprite rips and cutscenes
Unironically the first fps game with proper strafing and mouselook before quake 1

>> No.9719318

Any good devs working on it? from the trailer the game looks like brutal doom but set in 40k universe

>> No.9719368
File: 377 KB, 1920x1080, kart0027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs, wanted to post this but then 4chan shit itself.

>> No.9719649
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>> No.9719692

I've been enjoying this version so far, I really like the robot with the railgun. What enemies do you guys like from the mod?

>> No.9719735

Map name?

>> No.9719753
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>> No.9719794


>> No.9719820
File: 2.87 MB, 1280x720, doom shotgun.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, is there a way to play Brutal Doom without all the stupid gameplay bs? Like I just want the violence, blood and sound effects, but with completely vanilla Doom gameplay

>> No.9719828

Try Bolognese for a start

>> No.9719851

Nice, is there a mod for weapon sounds too?

>> No.9720058

changing Final Doomer's vanilla doomguy weapon set to doom 2 balance makes it use vanilla damage values (normally the pistol always does 14, the chaingun always 17, and the fist 25-45 damage), although it will still keep some of its gameplay changing quirks like the chainsaw's pull effect, the slower walk speed, and the different but not different enough to break maps gravity

>> No.9720161
File: 3.57 MB, 1280x720, 2023-03-06 19-25-12.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9720190

Do you maniacs actually play on Nightmare?

>> No.9720279

>not Ketchup Doom, or Nashgore instead

>> No.9720282

I play on Nightmare WITH fast monsters AND respawning monsters turned on!

>> No.9720287

assuming you go for all secrets and items and try to match the kill counter

doom 1 nightmare - fun
doom 2 nightmare - fun
plutonia nightmare - please let me savescum
tnt nightmare - please just kill me
doom 64 nightmare - doesn't real
quake nightmare - nothing special but it is the only difficulty that isn't complete shit (except with copper or the nightdive port then it remains shit too)
quake 2 nightmare - a joke, should be called "normal"
doom 3 nightmare - fun
resurrection of evil nightmare - you know how in the spirit world you can chain together invulns and complete the entire map while in god mode? that's this entire game. complete fucking joke.
DOOM nightmare - nothing special but it is the only difficulty that isn't complete shit
**** ******* nightmare - somewhere between "nothing special but it is the only difficulty that isn't complete shit" and "complete joke due to safety net functions"

>> No.9720295

was anything different? handling felt better but maybe it was just stats

thanks btw

>> No.9720303

not many people unironically play nightmare but there are a few colourful hell masochists
for a full-game speedrun the difficulty of nightmare evens out just a little bit with the double ammo letting the speerunner go willy-nilly with the BFG

>> No.9720305

Nope. I'm gonna re-add the flame shield for Wednesday though since people asked for it back.

>> No.9720314
File: 35 KB, 640x512, kart0028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some replays:

>> No.9720360

What was changed in the Dreamcast version of Quake 3? I know there are only 4 players and the hud/menus are different, but are there any other significant changes? Also looks like the maps were made significantly smaller but I can't tell for sure.

>> No.9720428

Some of the maps are smaller and have different item placements, some of the maps from the PC version have been omitted, and some are new maps entirely. There’s also a unique soundtrack that was made by someone else

>> No.9720493

is there any person in particular i should be calling a racial slur for how fucking SHIT the BFG edition is with its sound mixing and mouse jank and lack of modding support and retarded balance changes

>> No.9720501

>play version of game
>don't like it
>merely alludes to the nigger word
it's time to go back.

>> No.9720506

answer the question i wish i file a formal complaint about the hnic on this project

>> No.9720512

Todd Howard, unironically

>> No.9720536

I personally haven't tried Nightmare difficulty on either Doom 1, Doom 2, or Quake 1-2.
I certainly wouldn't play Classic Doom 1, 2, or DOOM 64 on either "I'm too young to die!" nor "Not too Rough" difficulties. If I were to Play a Doom Game on Nightmare Difficulty, I would allow monster Respawning, but not fastmonsters.

>> No.9720540

Found the ultra purist.
How do we know Todd had much to do with the BFG edition initially having sound mixing issues galore?

>> No.9720545

>Found the ultra purist.
Maybe anon just doesn't want to play an inferior version of Doom. He's still a faggot.

>> No.9720576
File: 3.84 MB, 1152x720, output.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9720632

No, but I'm thinking of giving it a try, like as just an occasional thing. I've seen elite speedrunners do Nightmare, and on the seriously tough maps it's fucking art, anyone who can do TNT Map09 on Nightmare for instance is a certified professional.

The gameplay gets so fucking wild on Nightmare that I really wanna see if the thrill is for me, even if mayne I won't have a chance to meet any of the established records.

>> No.9720639

>doom 64 nightmare - doesn't real
They should if not add Nightmare for the Doom 64 ports, then at least give fastmonsters as an unlockable for beating the game.

>> No.9720661

Be fair now, there's many different racial slurs he could use, don't be prejudiced.

BFG Edition is scuffed though.
>shoddy port of Classic Doom
>adds shitloads more health and ammo on all difficulties for Doom 3
>cuts levels from RoE
>cuts the gnutzis from Doom 2's secret levels
>outright not properly compatible with much vanilla stuff, in part because of shoddy censoring
It's playable, but you can do so much better. I don't know if the recent-ish Doom 3 port was any better, but the new ports of Classic Doom are great if you're running them on PS4/Sexbox.

>> No.9720669

>I don't know if the recent-ish Doom 3 port was any better
It's BFG Edition, but without multiplayer or Doom 1 & 2.

>> No.9720686

Indeed, its not your cup of tea I see. I'm more angry about BFG edition having the Doom 2 secret levels with the Nazi soldiers cut out completely and the RoE levels being shortened than the ammo stuff, though they should have at least made ammo more scarce on Nightmare difficulty.

>> No.9720694
File: 999 KB, 600x302, F822A833-1C98-41BE-8EED-CE9BDD4DCD7A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I will download DOOM now.

>> No.9720704

Can you post someone getting fucked this hard on a blue board?

>> No.9720830

i'm still here sometimes (bdg)

those last updates in the win98 section were dgvoodoo updates iirc, dgvoodoo still gets regularly updated and i incorporated it in some of the archives, (most other games use sourceports, so no need for dgvoodoo) so every once in a a while i repack the archives with the updated dgvoodoo files

the dospack i consider as final, i won't make any changes to it unless a bug is discovered

>> No.9720846
File: 1.98 MB, 1720x2160, tytemyker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update with lighting. I am figuring this out as I go along...

>> No.9720974

If Doom is the Street Fighter II of FPS then what is Quake?

>> No.9720998

the battle arena toshinden of FPS

>> No.9721052
File: 1.80 MB, 10000x10000, big mooner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was there ever an attempt to shove the entirety of ashes sterilized into a single mapset?
silly but i will test my luck nonetheless.

>> No.9721063

pretty sure enhanced vanilla project is just vanilla but fancy

>> No.9721064

Virtua Fighter? Tekken?

>> No.9721112
File: 530 KB, 320x200, kart0011.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll assemble my pack to post on the MB after I sleep.

>> No.9721114
File: 813 KB, 1280x832, tips coke can.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice work, glad to see you finished it.

>> No.9721117

VF is a surprisingly good comparison.

>> No.9721138
File: 64 KB, 1431x591, fishermen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Virtua Fighter
They share same universe

>> No.9721163

Nightmare/hardest without permadeath is the best way to play nu-doom. Even Hugo Martin says the game was designed around that difficulty. He even completed Eternal on nightmare on stream with a goddamn controller

>> No.9721172


>> No.9721235

Wonderful, any ETA? No rush of course.
That’s an odd addendum and response to his ‘nightmare’ list.

>> No.9721369

You write like a faggot

>> No.9721443
File: 985 KB, 1000x754, 1575294173919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based faggotry

>> No.9721834
File: 242 KB, 1163x809, temp9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to make the weapon effects

>> No.9721870


How appropriate, you write like a sow.

>> No.9721883

Can you start using a tripcode, Kegan, so I can stop seeing your cringe art.

>> No.9721891

Use a filter that covers Image MD5s and then kill yourself.

>> No.9721910

I don't even play with fast monsters. Typically UV is enough for me.

>> No.9721925

Making the new thread

>> No.9721941


>> No.9721954

thanks, i had lots of fun with your collection

>> No.9722310

WTF is this resolution & FoV?

>> No.9722416

>doom 1 nightmare - fun
I think I will never be good enough at Doom to have this opinion

>> No.9722461

I'm not from /vr/ but thanks for making the pack Anon. Hope you have a great life