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9716565 No.9716565 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't the Capcom Five save the Gamecube

>> No.9716567

Well for starters, there's only four of them.

>> No.9716571

Resident Evil 4 was the only one with real draw and selling power so naturally it immediately went multiplat and only the shittest game of the bunch remained exclusive. Gamecube was still great, it just had to be carried entirely by 1st party development.

>> No.9716574

Also this:
>Viewtiful Joe
>Viewtiful Joe 2
>PN 03
>4 Resident Evil
>Killer 7
I think it would have been better if they had called the game Killer 5.

>> No.9716576

Because Capcom didn't even try to. They fucked Nintendo over by making a bunch of mid budget niche games. The only one of those games with mass appeal is RE4.

Broken Phoenix got cancelled, PN03 is mediocre coomer shit, Viewtiful Joe was a 2D game releasing 2003, and Killer 7 is Killer 7. Gamers won, Capcom won, but Nintendo only got a single system seller out of a promised five.

>> No.9716596
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>Also on PS2
Viewtiful Joe
>Also on PS2
>Also on PS2
>NOT on PS2
>Is shit
Dead Phoenix
>Is dead
Strange, really.

>> No.9716608

3 ps2 games I see there

>> No.9716626

No software could have saved the Shitcube. It looked like a fucking lunchbox for homos.

Literally what the fuck were Nintendo thinking?

Oh yeah, and the controller sucked dick too.

>> No.9716636

>also on ps2
>also on ps2
>also on ps2
Hmmm i wonder why

>> No.9716662

More like why didn't GameCube kids saved the Capcom 5. There's a reason they got ported to the PS2.

>> No.9716667

Killer7 and VJ sold much more on Gamecube

>> No.9716678 [DELETED] 

They weren't wigger normie games, PS2 install base already too strong, didn't make up for the controller/optical drive/arch being hard to port to from PS2, all but the worst one came out on PS2 anyway (port quality notwithstanding)

>> No.9716685

>Dead Phoenix never came out
Was it always a joke from the start?

>> No.9716691

capcom were fucking tratiers their five games where a scam

>> No.9716724

No they didn't.

>> No.9716732

Viewtiful Joe
>Worldwide, sales of the game reached 275,000 copies on the GameCube and 46,000 on the PlayStation 2

>0.15m on Gamecube and 0.09m on PS2

>> No.9716756

>source: my asssssss

>> No.9716778

Why did Capcom even care about Nintendo after the PS1?

>> No.9716789
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Nintendo was throwing money at them for a couple months worth of exclusives

>> No.9716793 [DELETED] 

Gamecube was Nintendo doubling down on their bad choices and just going all in on their lunatic manchild cult.

1. Use full-sized standard DVDs (the thing can already read them it's purely retarded spite on Nintendo's part)
2. Change the default market colour to either all-black, all-grey, or all-white, and remove the plastic carrying handle
3. Change the yellow nipple to a standard second analog

You'd also have to build a time machine and prevent the Gamecube from launching with weegie scream house and mario cleanup on aisle four, but the above three would be a start. Honestly doubt if you could salvage this dumpster fire.

>> No.9716819

I think all of those things are what made the GameCube memorable and interesting though. Cube was the first console of that gen I bought. Than an Xbox. And then a ps2 way later after the ps3 already was out. The ps2 to me looked really boring at the time. It has some great games obviously. But when you looked at it, it wasn’t as attention grabbing as the GameCube or the Xbox was. Your criticism of the controller and the GameCube itself is why I picked it. The PlayStation seemed like a boring dvd machine that also played games. Also regardless of me appreciating the ps2 today, most games on the console look like fucking dogshit, even IF they’re exclusive and I can only play them on the ps2, I will always give the GameCube credit for looking much better than the ps2 games do.

>> No.9716820
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they signed a deal back then for millions in 2001

>> No.9716824

Gamecube was more powerful than PS2 and they cared about making high quality games instead of selling out. It's very commendable

>> No.9716826

Capcom was jealous because they never had a big console like the nes. Because of this they would always be a second rate company that makes games for better companies systems. This is why Capcom had it out for Nintendo a bit here. They knew that if they made the games crazy, gamers would find the playstation library more appealing at a glance. For that console, they didn't let it down

>> No.9716840

Since Dead Phoenix was cancelled, why didn't they designate Gotcha Force or Mega Man Network Transmission the fifth Capcom Five game?

>> No.9716842

Metroid prime still looks good today, it’s really surprising. So does rogue squadron. I remember when Luigi’s mansion came out, being amazed at the lighting at the time. it really demonstrated right away that this machine was much different than the n64 was.

>> No.9716849

because at that point they were already planning on porting the capcom 5 to the ps2 and didn't care about doing any favors for nintendo

>> No.9716867

So I remember growing up and “exclusives” being a big deal, can you guys explain that stuff to me? If it isn’t a 1st party game, how did it get decided what games would be an exclusive? Was it always something stupid like Nintendo or Sony essentially bribing these companies to simply not share their new game with another console? Is it as simple that? Other than specific situations were a console just doesn’t seem good enough to port to of course due to some hardware thing.

>> No.9716879 [DELETED] 

Nintendo shitpost/cope thread made by Snoy janny

>> No.9717019

>Viewtiful Joe 2
Greatest scam of the generation. $60 asset flip with cut content and sold on outright lies.

>> No.9717041

There are 4 cases.
Plain old bribery. Hardware limits. Other consoles have small install base (doesn't make financial sense to port). And "The Producer Really Doesn't Like The Other Platform". That last one happens far more than most would admit.

>> No.9717165

What does it mean for a producer to not like a platform? That sounds more like it would be the earlier example of something about the hardware, or them simply not liking NINTENDO or whatever the company is, which doesn’t have anything to do with the console itself.

>> No.9717267

>Capcom ported all their supposedly exclusive titles to the PS2 because they sold well on the gamecube
Yeah right.

>> No.9717392


>> No.9717424
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>> No.9717432

Just because they sold better on the GameCube doesn't mean that it wasn't still worth the money to port them to ps2

>> No.9717463

Another issue, especially back in older generations, is that consoles do have minor differences outside of just performance power. So making a multi-platform game means you risk running into the Sonic Heroes problem, which each console has a completely different set of problems running the game and you've got to essentially bugfix four different games. That's why it was pretty common for one version of a multi-platform game to have noticeably better QC than the others.

Sometimes developers just didn't want to fuck with that and opted to focus on making a game for one console.

>> No.9717496

For producers, it's about the amount of effort needed to put the game on the console versus the amount of money they can make from that version of the game. A lot of producers don't like making games for Nintendo these days because that means competing with their evergreen first party titles in an ecosystem where third party multiplats are rarely bought in comparison.
For developers, it's about the difficulty in creating the game for that specific console versus their familiarity in working within its hardware. This is especially true for previous generations when all consoles used wildly different components and weren't just prepackaged PC boxes. It also means, even if one console is supposed to be more powerful than another, a developer that doesn't know how to develop games for a specific console isn't going to be able to optimize it all that much.

>> No.9717534


>> No.9717571

Not a single new enemy , enviroment models are all reused, no new character, old unlockable characters were removed, game was sold on the premise of co-op that was cut a month before the release with no word of it(first game has a unlockable trailer who's only goal was to tell you the sequel will have co-op and will be bigger than the last of course the released game is shorter) bosses are reused from the original, music too. These days EA games have DLC with less reused content that this $60 """"""""""""""sequel"""""""""""""" Oblivion horse armor has more new content than VJ2. It's a SCAM of the century

>> No.9717595

Insane, I had no idea, I was filtered by VJ1 a few years ago, I want to get back into it soon, but I always heard great things about both 1st and 2nd game, very suprised to hear that its an asset flip

>> No.9717638

Truly it couldn’t be that bad, why would they make it? What were the reviews like?

>> No.9717804

>I-is that... an Olsen Twins video tape?!

>> No.9717807

Yuji Naka was pretty infamous for not wanting to put out games on PS2 because "YOU KILLED THE DREAMCAST!", but that ended with Sonic Heroes.
There's also producers just really liking platforms, like Itagaki with the Xbox for a while.

>> No.9717823

gamecube got the best games

>> No.9717831 [DELETED] 

RE4 was the only good game and it was ported to PS2 in a middle finger move from Sony and Capcom to Shitendo

>> No.9717842

They went to lunch with a Sony executive and they used an honorific they don't like once, a reprehensible and unforgivable act of violence.

>> No.9717934

Could be close to the truth, devs at the time always said that Sony execs acted very cold and basically didn't consider themselves to be a part of the gaming industry. They were a tech company, PS1 was just a device they sold. Just like walkman didn't make Sony a music company, PS1 in their eyes didn't make it a gaming company. So they were kind of cunty towards devs allegedly. Halfway into PS2 attitude supposedly changed but considering what PS3 was like I don't think they ever got over their snobby cuntiness and they sure are snobby cunts now

>> No.9717959

God Hand, Okami, DMC, Outbreak File #2 shit all over the Fagcube Capcom games.

>> No.9718635

Nintendo consoles not selling very well is better for us, means Nintendo makes more games
>not 1 but 2 pikmin
>not 1 but 2 zeldas, and they couldn't be more different
>not 1 but 2 Prime games
shit was lit

>> No.9719465
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Capcom are fucking retards
Here's my Capcom 5
>Nintendo All Stars vs Capcom
>3D pokemon spinoff that takes place in Kanto and West Kanto
>new joint ip
>Mega Man Legends remake
>Metroid TPS, takes place between Zero Mission and Prime
If i had to add two more choices, it'd be another Flagship Ltd. Zelda/Kirby game on consoles or some F-ZERO spinoff.

>> No.9719471

Not even Chuck Norris could have saved the Gamecube

>> No.9719483

There's only 4 you posted. The reason why none of them saved the Gamecube is because they're not well-known. Aresident evil is about some metrosexual gunning down angry villagers.

>> No.9719728

>West K*nt*
You are not a good person

>> No.9719729

Being seven years old when Viewtiful Joe came out was pretty tight. What a great game.

>> No.9719768

>no new character

Viewtiful Joe 2 has enough wrong with it that you don't need to resort to lies. Sylvia was an unlockable reskin in the first game and she's an actual unique character in the sequel.

>> No.9719789
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>Capcom Five
>Posts four

>> No.9719840

Not at all. Sony was very supportive during the early PS1 phase. Japan Studio was on board, helping SDK for devs and getting everyone on CD's. It was a good time for all.

When they realized the PS2 was going to absolute crush the market, then they changed their tune. It was a notoriously difficult machine to develop for, with poor documentation. The complete opposite of the PS1 approach. They've been the snobbery bunch since PS2, sure, but the PS1 days were golden. They wanted everyone on CD's and they were cheap to produce.

>> No.9719873

only thing I like about VJ2 is the zoomed-out camera in most cases, everything else is meh.

>> No.9719879

Every unlocked character in VJ1 had different properties and special abilities that made them unique. There was no reason for cutting them. Not to mention each one had it's own story line. Sylvia in VJ2 is a definitive downgrade from what we had in VJ1. I just wanted Alastor and Dante co-op was it too much to ask?

>> No.9719919

I regularly traded consoles with people for the weekend, over spring break, etc during the 5th gen.

PS2 was a desirable trade because of Grand Theft Auto, Tekken, Metal Gear Solid, wrestling games and Killzone.

Xbox was a desirable trade because of Halo, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Fable and Half Life 2.

Gamecube basically just had RE4 and Super Smash Brothers, outside of those most of the games on it were just kind of gay. People with Gamecubes were definitely negotiating from a position of weakness because everyone had all of the two cool games for it. It you borrowed a GC for a week you had beaten RE4 and gotten some practice in at Smash, there was nothing even close to Halo on XBL or San Andreas in terms of kicking ass. This is from first hand experience seeing how a barter economy played out over the course of a few years with a pretty large pool of people.

>> No.9719931 [DELETED] 
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>Gamecube was still great, it just had to be carried entirely by 1st party development
uh yeah about that...

>> No.9720525

giving sylvia guns was a mistake

>> No.9720693

Because they were ported to PS2.

Also, the correct way to play re4 is on ps2.

>> No.9720717

I think resident evil 4 looks better and plays better on the wii but that’s just my personal opinion.

>> No.9720725

nintendo should have dumped money on all the top jap devs to get similar exclusivity deals.