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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 54 KB, 602x890, saturn ps1 nintendo 64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9712332 No.9712332 [Reply] [Original]

Nobody talks about the Small Video Game Crash of 1994-1999.
The release of shitty 3D consoles and the 3D meme created a deluge of bad 3D games that looks like shit and plays like shit.
The worst part is, the video game industry didn't crash. People memed themselves into thinking these games were the pinnacle of entertainment.

>> No.9712343

When they say "crash" they mean financial, not you having one of your little episodes. The games were primitive because that's what the hardware could do at the time, idiot.

>> No.9712349

I think of it as the beginning of the silver era. Golden era ended when 2D stopped. Bronze era was 360 until recently.

>> No.9712361

There were lots of shitty games, yes, but if you were a savvy consumer and bought video game magazines and read game reviews online, you wouldn't have bought any shitty games. You damn right I never got a game I regretted from 1996-1998 when my parents paid damn good money for N64 games.

>> No.9712363
File: 404 KB, 800x600, Image55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad 3D games that looks like shit and plays like shit
Only one of those consoles is guilty of this, and it is a shame, as it taints the otherwise excellent 32-bit generation.

>> No.9712374
File: 3.95 MB, 9208x4768, 1641910123839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to this day 1996-1999 had the most influential games ever made
>these are often remade or still have huge cult followings to this day
also—yes, seeing 3D for the first time was impressive, and CD was impressive too. cope harder

>> No.9712376
File: 1.29 MB, 2337x1750, ps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't crash because Sony saved us all

>> No.9712380
File: 93 KB, 640x448, 53956-bulk_slash_j-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"looks like shit"

>> No.9712402

yeah the saturn is godawful

>> No.9712403

Lolwut. The first 3D consoles were what took gaming mainstream. The PS1 was the first platform you could talk about in public without being considered a nerdy loser by the average person. If anything gaming exploded to new heights in the mid 90s. There was no crash.

>> No.9712405

At lot of early 3d games (not n64) actually look pretty decent. I don't get why people say these older 3d games look bad. In some ways they look even better than the generation after. Since they have crisp graphics rather than blurred mud.

>> No.9712406

I don't remember a crash. I remember how expensive those systems really were, and it limited sales. I got a N64 on release, but I didn't get a playstation until 1998.

>> No.9712414
File: 203 KB, 616x448, 00000631-616x448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demonstrably untrue.

>> No.9712419

It's no Ace Combat.

>> No.9712478

it was 1994-1998.

After 1998 videogames became REALLY mainstream, at least in Europe.

1999 it was just all-in, every single company was there to make money and not art or videogames

>> No.9712479

>People memed themselves into thinking these games were the pinnacle of entertainment.
Did they? They didn't sell very well while games like Donkey Kong Country were out at the same time that everyone was actually playing.

>> No.9712481

Your years are wrong. It's 1994-1995 when shitty early 3d and FMV was being pushed so hard.
But at the same time there were a many great 2d games released in those years.

>> No.9712485

>took gaming mainstream.
Gaming was mainstream since the Atari VCS.

>> No.9712521

That decade was the pinnacle of videogame entertainment indeed, early 90s or late 90s doesn't matter, that's when the best games came out and the other decades cannot compare.

>> No.9712592

>nobody talks about shit that never happened except in the head of someone born years later
Funny that

>> No.9712604

Dunno why you posted the good consoles for that
The only “crash” is the failure of multiple western made consoles around the switch to CDs such as the 3DO and Jaguar
But I’d call that more like consolidation

>> No.9712605

This thread again? You are either a zoomer or some delusional faggot. No one wanted to play shitty 2d games anymore. Everyone was going apeshit for 3d games, it didn't matter if they looked or controlled like shit.

>> No.9712614

Reading magazines from that era doesn’t mean you grew up then anon

>> No.9712615

the GBA is one of the best consoles, because it kept 2d alive into the mid 2000s.

>> No.9712857

Playstation didn't sell well?

>> No.9712894

Lol. Zoomer scan't handle 3D platformers.

>> No.9712919

nah it was pretty much just the pretendo shitty four that flopped

>> No.9712949

Auster-kun...is that you?

>> No.9713194

>Reading magazines from that era doesn’t mean you grew up then anon
>Reading magazines from that era does mean I grew up then anon

>> No.9713741
File: 76 KB, 720x530, 1674616059996479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a pic of the game running on real hardware. the n64 is a disgrace to the 5 generation

>> No.9713845

>Nobody talks about the Small Video Game Crash of 1994-1999.
>The worst part is, the video game industry didn't crash.

That's right, as you could choose between hardware and software from the previous and current generation at storefronts. Not to mention developers still made 2D games up to now. Nice thread OP

>> No.9713904

this. I'd take early 3D PS1/N64 colorful low-poly graphics over early HD PS3/360 brown and bloom graphics any day.

>> No.9714020

Have you seen what modern games look like? You can barely even see what is going on with all the shit filters they have on, older games also had less details around so its way easier to appreciate what is there and why not even use your imagination to fill in what isn't clear

>> No.9714036

Just because you're too much of a zoomer to appreciate the best gen doesn't mean it was a crash (OP)

>> No.9714048

I prefer blurred n64 textures to starring at a JPEG two inches from your monitor textures they used on the Playstation.

>> No.9714071

Out of those three only the SEGA Saturn offers true 2D hardware. The other two run Polygon engines. 2D died with the Saturn and the Neo Geo.

>> No.9714079

Mr. Gaystation lova lova.

>> No.9714123

It didn't and the PS1 had plenty of 2D games, as in 100% 2D games, dozens that were PS1/Saturn multiplats that are basically identical.

>> No.9714220
File: 183 KB, 1080x1277, 309076798998918516e006c20133d7cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody talks about the Small Video Game Crash of 1994-1999.

>> No.9714238

the level of media literacy on this entire site is absolutely abysmal, how in the fuck does 94-99 qualify as a crash by any definition

>> No.9714709

Great game

>> No.9714719

False flag

>> No.9714732

I think he’s talking about the way 2D games are rendered
I think the DS is the last true 2D console isn’t it?
Or maybe GBA as I’m not too sure

>> No.9715152

OP seems retarded.

>> No.9715164

>Discards video information in a ploy to make it look like shit

>> No.9716519

n64 will never look good on a crt, I'm sorry you have to play ur console on an emulator in order to not damage ur eyes with the shitty res and blur

>> No.9716621

I think /vr/ is the only place on the planet where people praise the saturn
it was the playstation but worse in every way and having a few good games doesnt make up for that

>> No.9716639
File: 2.48 MB, 1440x6201, IMG_20220521_161240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n64fag trying to derail the thread
sorry but no, saturn is very popular because its good
>few good games
know the library before saying gay shit

>> No.9716651

see what I mean
look at all those ports that are better on playstation

>> No.9716653

Only good game here is Resident Evil (better on PlayStation)

>> No.9716656

>are better on playstation
>like duke nukem

>> No.9716658

pc games were better

>> No.9716681

>needed and expensive system to get anything better than a slideshow
>many games were still struggling to get past 256 colors at 320x200

PC gaming a shit. Mind you this was when consoles around that time were getting 16-bit color and some semblance of 3D acceleration.

>> No.9716696

Golden age = ‘76-‘85 (Video games are defined in this period, everything they represent can be traced to this era thus making it the golden age of gaming).
Silver age = ‘85-‘94 (Natural evolution of gaming, standardization of 3D ends this age)
Bronze Age = ‘94-‘05 (3D gaming becomes the standard, internet gaming gains huge popularity by end, last of the major mechanical and visual advancements stop here)
Pewter age = ‘05-‘14 (slow rise and steep fall after gamergate, microtransactions and virtual playgrounds standard by the end)
Dogshit age = ‘14 - present (video games are now dogshit, the lowest form of entertainment next to watching paint dry created specifically by people that hate you).

>> No.9716762 [DELETED] 

Yeah essentially this.

The gaming industry in it's current form is absolutely driven by passion whatsoever

>> No.9716765

Yeah essentially this.

The gaming industry in it's current form is driven by absolutely zero passion whatsoever

>> No.9716987

The low resolution made it not so bad.