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File: 52 KB, 500x364, EEB6B800-D8FA-4447-85B5-15A30082ED10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9713814 No.9713814 [Reply] [Original]

FUCK YOU. During PE in the 90s someone told me this game had a SECRET 11th mission if you beat the game on a higher difficulty. when I went home from school I tried it and NOTJIJG HAPPENED. I’m STILL mad about it! Why the FUCK did you trick me? What the fuck was your end game?

>> No.9713826

Why do peole even make threads about lesser known N64 or GameCube games? 80% of the thread will be Tomb Raider fag shitposting the console

>> No.9713851

You seem overly defensive and eager to distract from the point of my thread, was it you?

>> No.9713862

>Shadows of the Empire
>lesser known

>> No.9714039

You obviously loved playing the game enough to test the theory, so the way I see it, that kid got you to replay a game you love.

>> No.9714050

You do unlock new ships to dick around with on the final level if you beat the game with all the secret points on Normal difficulty.

>> No.9714116

It was the first console game I ever played if I remember correctly. That or star fox. Are you saying he was hired by Lucas arts to trick more people into playing their game?

I hated how heavily games relied on collecting every hidden object back then. In theory it’s fun but in execution games too often hid them too well or had too many of the collectible so it was always overly tedious to the point I rarely bothered.

>> No.9714127

But did you have fun?

>> No.9714317

Is the entire game just running around hitting b and letting autoaim do its thing? I feel like im missing something

>> No.9714332

>is all of DOOM you strafing and the game auto aiming your shots for you because it has no Y axis? Am I missing something?

>> No.9714343

Today it is lesser known. But yeah it was an over hyped opening day release, riding the Star Wars "ep1 is coming" hype train.

>> No.9714350

Why are you moving the goal post? all games that are 20 years old are lesser known than when they released. most people who grew up with a n64 have heard of it or saw it at some point.

>> No.9714368

>collecting hidden objects

It was especially bad in Jedi Knight. Levels were fucking massive and every secret found gave you points to spend in force powers, so you were forced to find them. I hated that game so much.

>> No.9714429

I always wondered what the fuck the thought process was. Surely some of these games have shit hidden in it that half the players won’t be able to find. is that always acceptable to them or logical? Especially in games where you know half the target audience aren’t adults. You can’t feasibly expect them to find all that shit. Yet some games go as far as to hide true endings behind concepts like that.

>> No.9714485
File: 118 KB, 866x749, n64firstyear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Today it is lesser known. But yeah it was an over hyped opening day release, riding the Star Wars "ep1 is coming" hype train.

It came out at a time when Star Wars was making a big come-back in mainstream media. Not saying it was a dead franchise. Far from it. But 1995 saw the Star Wars Trilogy VHS Box set, followed by the announcement of the Special Edition remasters that were released in cinemas. Star Wars back into full swing by 1996-1997, and yes the announcement of a new Trilogy also added to the hype. Also, lots of new Star Wars merchandise was showing up everywhere because of this. Shadows of the Empire was the first real action game for the N64, it was the 8th game released for the N64 in the western market and was a big holiday 1996 release. Pre-release Episode 1, from 1997 to 1999, Star Wars hype was through the roof. Episode 1 may still be one of the most hyped movies of all time.


>> No.9714504

>that brief almost impossible to see image of dash render squinting and smiling before he shot the missile Lmao what the fuck

>> No.9714523

this game got plenty of press and came out right after the special editions released in theaters. this was a major release for the “return of Star Wars”. one of the first games I ever got for my n64.
My favorite part about it was it ran parallel to the movies and you did a lot of the same things you saw the cast do in the films but as an inconsequential character. Between this and Rogue Squadron, I had everything I wanted out of Star Wars games growing up. Then the prequels happened…
Shadows of the Empire is five times the game tomb raider was. I love this game so much bros.

>> No.9714629

As much as this game's pretty jank now, is there anything that does a better job of giving you that full Star Wars experience? Seems like most SW games focus on a specific aspect, like Rogue Squadron where you fly around in skyboxes for 50 levels, or any of those Dark Forces games which are pretty much straight ground combat.
SotE is like a full Star Wars adventure. I like that about it. I guess Rogue Squadron 3 might compare? I never played it.

>> No.9714652

It was jank back then, trust me, but it’s good jank. It would be less of a game if it didn’t feel like that and I mean that honestly. The clunkiness adds to the experience and always has.

>> No.9714664

I love cake too but i don't want to gobble it down every day for a promise of a side dish that never comes

>> No.9714670

Shadows of the Empire got a media blitz and push from George and co. It was an experiment to see if they could do everything for a Star Wars movie without the movie. It got a novel, soundtrack, game tie in, toys, it was a test run from what I understand for episode 1.

>> No.9714689

starwars pinball

>> No.9714708

>My favorite part about it was it ran parallel to the movies and you did a lot of the same things you saw the cast do in the films but as an inconsequential character
The game sort of feels like that (especially since it includes three missions set during the battle of Hoth), but the actual plot in the non-game stuff is its own story centered around an attempted murder of Luke in order to discredit Vader in the emperor's eyes. Unfortunately the game makes you play as Dash the entire time, and he's not really THAT important of a character, so you spend a good chunk of the game dicking around on the sidelines while the plot happens elsewhere.

>> No.9714729

>star wars vhs box set
Still better than all DVD and blu ray releases to this day. Suck on that picture quality fans.

>> No.9714736

>the fucking ig-88 boss fight

I haven’t played that many n64 games but that may be the most horror related experience on the console.

>> No.9714740
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>and he's not really THAT important of a character,

I gotta give Lucas film some credit for adding Dash's ship as an easter egg in the 1997 Special Edition's. That's a pretty nice connection to the N64 game and novels. But yeah, Dash Rendar as a character was under utilized. he ends up being like a foot note.

>> No.9714747

it's actually the 1990/1991 VHS boxset that is the best

>> No.9714829
File: 88 KB, 800x800, 16D7B277-0562-4848-B39D-ACCFFE51EE68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucasfilm and Lucas can suck a cock for altering these in any way.
While it is neat in theory, the offensive sacrilege far outweighs the novelty.
If you want to be really truly autistic, it’s the CBS Fox Japanese laserdisc releases that are the best of the original home video releases. I believe they were the sweet spot between picture quality and least edits. I forget exactly why the Japanese releases were seen as superior to the CBS Fox American laserdisc releases, but it’s something. Maybe to do with the title crawl or aspect ratio? Something like that. It’s been a long while since I’ve been truly Star Wars obsessed. I could also be wrong and the American and Japanese versions are the same, but I’m pretty sure the Japanese ones are seen as superior.
If you have a CRT, the original CBS Fox vhs releases or the CBS Fox laserdiscs are the way to go.
If you have a flat panel, 4K77 and 4K83 are the new way to go since they are the absolute most raw scans of originals reels but despecialized is fine too.

>> No.9715134

Why the FUCK does the Star destroyer display its health if you can’t destroy it? If I remember correctly you can lower it to 99%.

>> No.9715148

Bullet sponge boss at its finest.

>> No.9715150

Id like to play this more but the Steam version's controls are wonky.

Easy to fall off cliffs.

>> No.9715161

That's not the Steam version, or the controls, it's just the game. It's always been really slippery and the cliff level has always felt like walking on soap.

>> No.9715194

I tried the pc release from GoG… I couldn’t do it. Idk why, but the jank seems fit for the 64. Also the cutscenes, and I can’t believe it, are better on the 64 BECAUSE of the hardware limitations and their work around. Anyway I had to go back to the 64 physical copy. I’m sure the pc version has some cool mods tho, I’d imagine.

>> No.9715231

Most of the icons in Shadows of the Empire aren't that hard to find, it's only really two of them that are kinda bullshit hidden. One behind a secret door in Echo Base and one behind a door that opens behind you in Xicor's Palace alongside the actual door forward.
I did eventually get them both without help, but for the Echo base one I had to resort to just running around pressing the action button on every wall.
There's really no point in them being hidden like that, the entire idea is that you're supposed to get as many as you can during your playthrough of the level, so they should be a bit tricky and out of the way to grab, not just hidden in places they can easily be picked up as long as you know they're there.

>> No.9715693
File: 498 KB, 1554x2560, 817bhNs0NhL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's actually the 1990/1991 VHS boxset that is the best

never knew about that one. For me, image related is the one I remember the most, and the box set that most people I knew had. Pretty sure this was one of the best selling VHS box sets of all time, it's up there with the Star Trek Box Set and the Indiana Jones box set. As someone who was born at the beginning of the 1980's, I actually never saw all three Star Wars movies until this box set. I think I saw Empire at a friends house, and a bit of the original on TV, But the original A New Hope was one of those movies that was so heavily referenced in pop culture, I felt like I knew the movie without seeing it.

I saw A New Hope and Empire Special Editions in cinema. I will admit that some of the CG didn't mesh well, but at the time, I really enjoyed them. Those cinematic releases really fed into the hype of Phantom Menace as well. I prefer the 1997 Special Editions over the later Special Special Editions on DVD, or whatever. The ones that add Hayden.

>> No.9716039

this right here.

>> No.9716287

Yeah I think a lot of people forget that episode 1 was a huge gamble at the time. Lucas needed the funding and so the Shadows experiment and the re-releases were all to see if they could pump out another movie. And they did, much to my chagrin. At least the games kept still being good for the most part.

Real good memories of my dad taking me to the special editions but now, yea the additions were mostly awful sans Dash Rendars Outrider.

>> No.9716625

Nah, you enjoyed it. Grinding for fake game secrets based off of early web rumors was a rite of passage.

>> No.9716638

>lesser known N64
Try saying this to anybody who was actually alive and wanted an N64 when it launched.

>> No.9716654

Getting enough skill to beat the game at the highest difficulty so you can actually prove the opponent wrong.

Was the journey worth it? Probably not.

Equal concept: Try naming a list of games on a console, only to remember how forgettable the library actually is

>> No.9716686

Main thing I remember about this game is the crazy debug menu

>> No.9716831

It’s crazy to me how people still can act like the prequel films were a bad thing to happen or that they were bad films. episode 3 is probably my favorite starwars film. Literally every single prequel film was jam packed with these new awesome things. Planets, weapons, characters, factions, aliens, vehicles, the works. I wasn’t just excited for the plot, I knew every new film was going to have cool STUFF in it because they worked their ass off thinking it all up. in that regard they were on par with the originals or perhaps may have even slightly exceeded them in creating a fun universe which is the only reason those games existed. You could pump out clone war themed content forever and it would probably keep being fun. to this day I am STILL mad republic commando 2 and starwars battlefront 3 got cancelled.

>> No.9716836

Yeah I remember not being coordinated enough to do it and giving up, and years later finally pulling it off. I’m incredibly curious to know the story of how THAT process was decided for their internal debuts menu. it could have been as simple as a long and randomized character file name.

>> No.9716993

You are the worst kind of person.
Prequels ruined Star Wars and the sequels dug the corpse out of it’s grave to rape it.

>> No.9717021

This. However to expand upon it in a funny way: https://youtu.be/FxKtZmQgxrI

>> No.9717035

Cry more. if the prequels and the sequels didn’t happen, you probably would be complaining about things you didn’t like from stuff like the shadows of the empire multimedia project, or all of the books (which aren’t canon now) or some of the games and comics. the sequels made the universe better in the same way that stuff like KOTOR did. the problem with the sequels isn’t just that the movies are boring, its that the characters aren’t likeable, and you can’t even base games off the sequels because they didn’t create 5% of the interesting things that prequel films did. Hell you could make the argument that some of the prequel films actually were MORE ambitious than one of the Star Wars films in the sheer scope of cool fucking shit they created.

Even episode 1 which I would say is my least favorite prequel film, and most boring to watch, introduced things like naboo, the trade federation, droid, Darth maul, popularized the concept of the double sided lightsaber, introduced new exciting vehicles, invented pod racing, had beautiful or interesting scenes and set designs and costumes. I could go on and on. I don’t even like that film that much but I can’t deny that the starwars universe benefitted hugely from it.

>> No.9717038

Typo* I meant that the prequels made the universe better. The sequels didn’t. You should get it anyway from reading comprehension but still wanted to clarify

>> No.9717045

Haha I’m not reading all that cope you fucking faggot.
Prequels suck and sequels are worth, suck my dick.

>> No.9717049


>> No.9717063

You sound like a fucking retard that’s okay. I grew up with the original trilogy, I still think the prequels are great. Seethe more.

>> No.9717069
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Wrong, it is actually pic related or torrenting 4k77.


>> No.9717082

I think that laserdisc collection is the same as the Japanese one, I also mentioned 4K77.
You’re a huge faggot. That’s all I have to say.

>> No.9717084

When it came out it was a big deal. Over time it was forgotten. No goal posts moving, no long stories. Frankly it isn't the best thing that came out pre ep1 anyway. But it wasn't bad either.

>> No.9717092

After buying all those LDs 15years ago and not being able to tell the difference without a guide. The one thing I would tell any one is just forget about all. Torrenting 4K77 and 4K83 are better than anything Lucas would have given you or Disney will ever give anyone.

>> No.9717103

I agree, you can’t do better than 4k77/83.

I hope they finish 4K80 soon.

>> No.9717106

No, you are. It’s amazing how people like you exist with such a glass half empty mindset that you can’t admit that you like anything from the prequels. Many of the best starwars games have prequel content or stories like starwars battlefront 2 (which 20 years later still has online play and new mods) and republic commando which isn’t just my favorite starwars shooter but one of my favorite FPS games ive ever played.

>> No.9717121

Lol I’m not reading that, shut the fuck up lol the prequels are for huge faggots which is why you are writing essays explaining why you love sucking dicks so much.

>> No.9717146

You sound like you have brain damage or a mental illness lmao

>> No.9717164

>riding the Star Wars "ep1 is coming" hype train.
LMAO repent zoomer.

>> No.9717184

Zoomer moment
It's okay rogue squadron was also my intro to luke

>> No.9717263

Yea I specifically remember me and my friends avoiding the episode 1 stuff whenever possible in battlefront lol! Also a lot of people on this board prefer 1 to 2

>> No.9717370
File: 51 KB, 760x746, il_fullxfull.3304172074_p7va.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did zoomers exist during the "ep1 is coming" hype train? pic unrelated. Thanks for the (you) and the bump tho.

>> No.9717374

shadows of the empire is fucking based

>> No.9717379

lol retard

>> No.9717396

>It came out at a time when Star Wars was making a big come-back in mainstream media.
that time period was fun as hell

>> No.9717398

battlefront 1 and 2 come close

>> No.9717403
File: 139 KB, 1024x902, Super-Star-Wars-The-Empire-Strikes-Back-Snowspeeder-Hoth-AT-AT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SotE is basically a 3D version of the Super Star Wars games.
But yeah it really captures and nails the classic SW feel perfectly.
And I agree with the other anon about all the SW hype with the Trilogy edition. Also got to see all 3 Star wars movie on the big screen when I was like 11, SotE definitely was great to play around these days.

>> No.9717414

I think it really comes across in the game. You can tell there's a lot of love and suffering put in place. One of my favorite accounts from one of the devs is how surreal it was for them to see their train demo running on this new hardware and the potential they saw in it, as iirc it was one of the first levels they cobbled together

>> No.9717428

>When it came out it was a big deal. Over time it was forgotten. No goal posts moving, no long stories. Frankly it isn't the best thing that came out pre ep1 anyway. But it wasn't bad either.
This is one of those games, where I kinda want to see a remake. But I don't know if Dash Rendar is even cannon anymore. Not the biggest Star Wars fan. But , it has been kinda forgotten over time, As far as Star Wars games goes. But back in the day, It was a big enough seller on the N64, and I do remember there being a Shadows of the Empire N64 bundle in stores. There was also an Episode 1 Racer N64 bundle as well.

>> No.9717448

As someone who grew up with the game as a kid I think if it was remade It would translate well with a slight genre change from a third person shooter to a third person cover shooter with some very slight stealth elements. might sound bad to some people but dash’s character is a smuggler and I think his exploits would make more sense if he used cover and could crouch and peak around corners and such. I’m not saying it should be like gears of war but I’m saying maybe something with a few mechanics from third person games like rainbow six, metal gear solid, or whatever.

>> No.9717468

I rented these enough from blockbuster that the money I used to rent them probably could've bought them 3 times over

>> No.9717472

Blockbuster thanks you for your service

>> No.9717480

All the pre ep1 spinoffs were fun quirky and made Star Wars feel big. Post ep1 things got smaller and smaller. All the spin offs that were outsourced to various pop novel writers, comics etc were pulled like weeds, post ep1. The soul was slowly deteriorating after that. Of course, I am a dumbass that was buying all that stuff, as a teen, as if it was still gonna be a thing a decade later. It is toast.

>> No.9717483

if they existed they were babies

>> No.9717517

great game, I was there was a remake or that we had dark horse comics instead of disney. whatever, the cheats in this game were amazing tho
>being able to take over enemies and clear a map
kind of a weird way to make the game multiplayer, but my friends and I thought it was hilarious.

>> No.9717531

damn i've seen a lot of fucking retarded posts on this board but this has to take the cake.

>> No.9717557

SotE wasn't lesser-known you colossal tourist. It was hyped as "Everything But The Movie". There was a book and a soundtrack published. And this was the era of the re-releases of the original trilogy. The hype was palpable.
Yeah that (although I'd played it on the PC). Huge thing for the N64 at the time.

As to OP: it was not a good game on PC. Started out well, brilliantly in fact with the Hoth battle. Got boring later. In part because Dash Rendar sucked as a protagonist.

>> No.9717609

I was a kid so it was my mom and dads money

>> No.9717618

the spinoffs made for episode 1 up to episode 2 were pretty fucking comfy too

>> No.9717624

Those were good times, I remember like many other people renting n64 games growing up while my dad looked for movies. Also reading random videogame magazines.

>> No.9717628

especially since there was only about 9 or 10 n64 games out when shadows of the empire released. Every one of them was like a gem then

>> No.9718071

>that time period was fun as hell

Funny how this came up in my Youtube recommendations. Electronic Playground episode highlighting the Episode 1 release. They also talk about the launch of the Dreamcast, and Tommy Tallarico ranks Sonic Adventure a 5/10. Calling it "a game that Sonic fans will hate" But the episode is mostly about Star Wars games.

>> No.9718080

he just wanted you to git gud
based desu

>> No.9718081

But at what fucking cost?

>> No.9718242

Shadows is a fucking great game and it still holds up exceptionally well. Fun, creative, and plays and feels like a classic Star Wars movie. It’s a shame seeing what Star Wars is now compared to what it was then.
Also, this game was A HUGE DEAL back when, everyone I knew with a N64 had this game

>> No.9718254

I remember replaying the high level multiple times because if you got good at it you felt like a badass. Really impressive experience back then.

>> No.9718380

It was weird finally sitting down and reading SotE and finding out that Dash is almost a non-character and a total cunt in the novel, and the Outrider as described in the book is much closer to Amidala's yacht/the noobian Royal ship, as in chromed out and so smooth/sleek that it was hard to make out against the backdrop of space. The neatest thing is how the book is almost a Vader novel, at least when it isn't about Leia lusting after lizard dick
It was sort of a final nod/thank-you to the entire Shadows of the Empire multimedia concept as it was a dry run for making a new Star Wars film in every way but actually filming, while the SE release was a test-bed for effects/processes/methods to be used for the actual PT

>> No.9718387

I haven’t read the novel you’re referring to…but…..


>> No.9718434

SotE's novel is honestly pretty good, it's one of the very few EU novels I've held on to and slots itself in just fine into the OT, but yeah the Leia/Xizor plot was awkward as fuck

>> No.9718469

Something I don’t undertand in this game is what are those brown objects floating around in space that hit your ship? Meatballs?

>> No.9719307

Jedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith have that authentic Star Wars experience

>> No.9719517

Any idea if the PC version had a debug mode like the N64 version did? I abused the hell out of that to dissect the game and such back in the day

>> No.9719524

Yeah. Stuff like Wave Race 64 and Cruisin' USA were probably games I never would've bothered playing based on the genre, but since they were early N64 titles, I absolutely got them and played the shit out of them.

>> No.9719535

Are you me? I played the shit out of both of those too. Likely for the same reason, there wasn't really anything else to choose from, otherwise I would've had no interest in racing games

>> No.9719554

>riding the Star Wars "ep1 is coming" hype train.

It was riding the Special Edition with New Scenes hype train of the original trilogy. Ep1 hype didn't start until a few years later.

>> No.9719563

Don't forget that there was also a new SW game every year at the time. X-Wing vs Tie Fighter, Shadows of the Empire, Rogue Squadron, Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight, that strategy game I forgot the name of, X-Wing Alliance, and that's not counting the Episode 1 tie-in games, the arcade Trilogy game, or even Yoda Stories.

Star Wars was super hot in the 90s.

>> No.9719714

Unfortunately not. It has some cheat codes, but not that one.

>> No.9719952

Who ever is this TRfag you pretty much did their job for em

>> No.9719957

Doom is cool though. This is like one of the worst star wars games on 64, imo of course.

>> No.9719974
File: 17 KB, 480x360, 1671671735167119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having got to live through this, yeah man star wars was banging then. The remasters were cool at the time, power the force toys everywhere and blah blah, then you finally get to episode 1 and yeah, it kinda stunk. If only we smelled the shitty roses before they fully bloomed......

>> No.9719982

To those of you here that insist the prequels are bad, what did you think of the KOTOR games? And if you think the kotor stuff is better than the prequels, explain why? I understand not liking the sequels because they were lazy and unimaginative. but the prequels were ambitious if nothing else and you can tell they tried.

>> No.9719987

I believe it was due to a sense of caution after the Christmas special but I may be wrong. They had the droids cartoon as well, I think that's where Chewbacca's family is introduced, and I believe the wookie from shadows is a relative of that family.

>> No.9720000

The world-building in the prequels really wasn't too bad at all. It was the writing that was dubious, particularly the dialogue, and the politics shit was hamfisted and boring. As for KOTOR, yeah, the first game wasn't really that special in terms of story or world-building and is mostly remembered for the plot twist. The second one was much more ambitious, I felt, and really tried to set itself apart, but it being unfinished really hurt it, as did Bioware's desire to pretty much pretend it never happened.

>> No.9720143

I like Star Wars a lot but I always felt it largely succeeded because so much stuff looked really cool. I don’t think the OT had amazing or great writing. I don’t think the writing was bad but I don’t think it was ever what was noteworthy either. I think it was simply just an entertaining series of films that so happened to have a compelling universe.

I can understand why some people would say that the prequel dialogue was crappy at times or that the political plot felt contrived in some way possibly, but at the same time I don’t see how people make it sound like the prequel era of films were dogshit and the OT were some kind of renaissance tier works or like they are incompatible with eachother somehow. The writing and dialogue was never why people watched starwars imo.

>> No.9720181

I don't know why this was every 64 owner. None of us bought sports games wrestling games or all these midway licensed titles after 64. Ken griffey was bitching but i never even dreamt of getting something like that during gc

>> No.9720479

I didn't get to watch that show until it became judgement day on g4

>> No.9720495

the novel spends way too much time on leia/xizor shit

>> No.9720503


>> No.9720508

for me it was pilotwings 64 that was like that

>> No.9720510

I think it's because for all the sci-fi trappings, at its heart the OT was a simple story with simple themes that didn't try too hard to bite off more than it could chew. All that was needed was for the plot to make sense and for the characters to be (mostly) likeable and memorable, and in this it mostly succeeded. The PT tried to be much grander in its scope, and Lucas just wasn't up to the task of writing at that level. He certainly had vision, I don't think anyone can take that from him, but in his words, he ended up going too far in a few places.

>> No.9720515

star wars hype had been building up since the EU started proper with the thrawn trilogy and dark empire. SOTE was 1997 which was firmly in the pre ep1 hype period

>> No.9720518

Every time you pop those tapes in:


>> No.9720528

you forgot
masters of teras kasi
rebel assault 1 and 2
star wars demolition
and the super star wars games

>> No.9720551

the wookie from shadows is chewbacca in disguise

>> No.9720556

It has horrible controls but the game design is there. That's all I will say.

>> No.9720568

the ralph mcquarrie aesthetics really contributed to star wars success for sure

>> No.9720570

the jank adds to the charm for me

>> No.9720664

I looked him up and I guess he passed in 2012 poor guy. I wonder if he ever made any later designs for Lucas arts and what his works were later. I always have so much respect for those old guys who came up with such unique stuff with exponentially less to use as inspiration compared to people today. Real trail blazers

>> No.9720679

>tfw we never got an actual SotE movie in the mid 90s
Look, I know the actors were too old by then but still, my stupid fucking kid brain dreamed of that shit.

>> No.9720684

Maybe we can get a Netflix adaption ; ) or a Disney + exclusive. kino is on the menu boys.

>> No.9720703

Nah fuck it. Just make the movie now with the same actors and never acknowledge it. Harrison Ford pissing his depends and mumbling through each scene while Carrie Fisher's rancid corpse propped up next to him Weekend at Bernie's style. Get fucking Dick Van Dyke to play Dash Rendar while we're at it because fuck it why not?

>> No.9720707

Here is a little bit of old kino for you. I remember watching this around 2004 or 2005 when my friends and I were interested in making our own shitty little fan films. (YouTube was starting to take off and video editing software was coming out) I saw stuff like the thing I linked and expected people to make their own Star Wars films but it never really took off, despite there being a huge trend at the time of people adding lightsaber effects to all their amateur films


>> No.9720718

It would have worked better as a Cartoon rather than live action.

>> No.9720721

Well with AI here soon we can request our own ai generated movies while we are trapped in our current dystopian world. My first request will be “Star Wars shadow of the empire cartoon with Ed edd and eddy rugrats animation style

>> No.9720736

That, but without with rugrats animation style. I'd rather have it look like DROIDS.

>> No.9720814

I think doug chaing or whatever his name is took over that spot for the prequels and the disney movies

>> No.9720815

kurt russell would've made a great dash rendar

>> No.9720839

Maybe part of it was due to the unreal hype for the console (and Mario 64 in particular) having a spillover effect, making lots of the early titles for the system seem magical by extension. Read about the console and see the ads, and along with that there's of course coverage of launch and other early titles, so they just become part of the general "oh God here soon I'm going to have my own N64" fantasy. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy Wave Race and Cruisin', but they gave me no lasting love for racing games, and outside of dickering around with WR a few years back, I can't see myself spending a whole lot more time on either game. Similar thing happened to me with the GBA, where I picked up that Super Dodgeball game despite having no interest in the genre.
That too. The only near-launch infatuation buys (or gifts, since I was in elementary school) which were things I'd normally find interesting were Mario 64 and Shadows of the Empire.

>> No.9720873

Kotor is endearing with its funny responses and the character attachments. The prequels have no relatable characters, they're all boring except maybe qui gon who is stuck in a shit film

>> No.9721031

It's like that for every console. The only people that ever gave a shit about Toshinden were those that owned a PSX before Tekken existed. But that's still a pretty sizable group of people.