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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9704579 No.9704579 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We talk about any and all /vr/ games related to Mechs

Started playing Pic related last night. Really liking it. Is the the first battle assault worth picking up?

>> No.9704598

This is my ranking of the PS2 Gundam action games
>Federation vs. Zeon
>AEUG vs. Titans
>The One Year War
>Encounters in Space
>Gundam vs. Zeta Gundam
>Lost War Chronicles
>Zeonic Front
>Climax U.C.
>Another Century Episode
>Another Century Episode 2-3
>Journey to Jaburo

Admittedly Zeonic Front might be top tier but I wasn't in the mood for SWAT: Gundam Edition.

>> No.9704610

Have you ever played Gundam Side Story:0079 for Dreamcast? Had it growing up. Short and overall easy but still I remember it being awesome.

>> No.9704675

I had so much fun w Journey to Jaburo. Why the hate?

>> No.9704682
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Any other game with itano circus mechanics?

>> No.9704701
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Is Ranger X the best 4th gen Mech game? Shumps don't count.

>> No.9704957

I'm not even sure what the devs were going for, it's just a bad TPS with bad TPS gameplay, it's clunky and unfun, especially compared to the other ones. High production values though. To be fair it was the first one on PS2.
Nah I've only done the PS2 ones so far

>> No.9705043

How curious that it didn't take long for SRW to become bad once it left the retro consoles.
Z2 was still good but it should've been a PS2 game, and in fact was originally meant to be

>> No.9705046

I find more people consider ACE 2 the best one of the trilogy. Also no thoughts on Federation vs ZAFT I/II? I really liked the second one.

>> No.9705051

That's omegaboost as a whole

>> No.9705060

>Is the the first battle assault worth picking up?
I started with GBA2 as well and wanted to try the first one. It's not bad, it's mostly the same. CPU seems more agressive than 2 at times, and you can use Qubely, The-O, and Wing (reskin of Zeta) without using a gameshark and crashing the game after every fight.

>> No.9705186

I picked that title up after an anon posted a webm here of it a year or two back. The game intro had me rolling then I heard Static-X at the title screen and was hit with some major nostalgia. To any anons out there I recommend checking it out. Nothing ground breaking but it's a pretty to look at rail shooter.

>> No.9705189

I like Metal Warriors more, but Ranger X is above anything else by the time: great soundtrack, impressive graphics for a MD game, the variety in stages, the gameplay with an auxiliary drone and more.

>> No.9705589
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The definition of what happens when you combine jank with soul.

>> No.9705598

>Admittedly Zeonic Front might be top tier but I wasn't in the mood for SWAT: Gundam Edition.
Elaborate on that

>> No.9705697
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>> No.9705714
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Here's my /vr Mecha. Pretty sure I'm not forgetting any.

>> No.9705743

>no G-Saviour

>> No.9705751

gundam side story on saturn is pretty cool
also bulk slash

>> No.9705765
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>> No.9705774

>Audio does not work in cutscenes. The game also does not play music. Low framerate during game play.
It's amazing how low Microsoft's standards for Xbox 360 BC were despite only half the games making it in to start with.

>> No.9705835

It's just what it sounds like, basically SWAT, except you control a squad of Zakus. You even get to draw the paths for you units before the misison starts, and then as it plays out you issue commands and also fight in the field. SWAT

>> No.9705881
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Man what a solid fucking game

>> No.9706076

I had Gungriffon on Saturn. I remember it being really cool and fun but the draw distance was horrible.

>> No.9706107

>also bulk slash
Fun game but what it requires for you to to unlock the final girl is complete bullshit.

>> No.9706912

because people watch Gundam and want to see a beam rifle blow the fuck out of a Zaku. Journey to Jaburo has you unload the whole fucking clip to do a pittance of damage.

Game sucked so people moved onto literally every other playstation Gundam game, J to Jaburo is the biggest steaming Gundam turd on the Playstation. Nothing is worse.

>> No.9707108

>Another Century Episode 2-3

Even /m/ can’t come up with an opinion as wrong as this one.

ACE 2 is the best. ACE 3 could’ve been the best, but huge maps suck. The first ACE is janky but story is really cool. And, thankfully, ACE R isn’t /vr/ so I don’t have to comment on it.

>> No.9707129
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>thread full of weeb bot games

>> No.9707148

Says he posting a game that wouldn’t have existed if not for weeb giant robots.

>> No.9707303

>japs come up with something
>westerners take that something and improve on it by removing the autism
Many such cases.

>> No.9707486

I almost bought gungriffon instead of gundam side story.
did you play gungriffon 1 or 2?

>> No.9707516
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I remember picking up Gungriffon Blaze on a whim back in the day. Turned out to be some decent fast-paced fun. The galleries to look at the mech models was neat.

>> No.9707517

>nothing but missile pods
>press X to rape the atlas you snuck up on

>> No.9707589

>did you play gungriffon 1 or 2?
I had Gungriffon 1. G2 never came stateside but I looked up a YouTube video once on it years ago and it looked really good.

>> No.9707760

>western /m/ cuck

>> No.9708105

For me it's MechCommander.
Too bad that fan expansion pack always crashes on my machine.

>> No.9708243
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come for the robot battle system, stay for the kino story and soundtrack

>> No.9708605


>> No.9708981
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I remember when people posted Battletech to "piss off the weeaboos"

To piss off the weebos with... what? Shoddy illustrations? Lax production ethics? Expensive porches? Terrible, shapeless blob miniatures? A complete inability to reform or reinvent itself? The yeastiest, groggiest fandom of all mecha? The worst-handled gaming franchise on this side of Sonic the Hedgehog? Throngs of furry players?

C'mon. It's okay to like BattleTech. I play it avidly. But you really shouldn't assume any form of superiority with that track record. You can't afford to be arrogant.

>> No.9710157
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>> No.9710239

I love this game

>> No.9710597

mechassault on xbox

>> No.9710640
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westards are completely delusional, mettletech is a saturday morning cartoon compared to gungriffon.

>> No.9710721
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Good Western /m/ is very hard to find

>> No.9712571
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>> No.9714252

A lot of Battletech fans don't like to talk about the Battletech cartoon. I don't know why, it's dumb fun.

>> No.9714276

Zeonic front was an a+ idea with a c tier execution. To this day I haven’t beaten it. way too many of the levels seem to rely on trial and error and you memorizing where things are which seems to be the opposite of what the game sells itself as which is a strategy game. the menus and gameplay are really slow also which makes replaying the levels where you get insta killed extremely tedious. ironically journey to jaburo was a better game even though as a concept it wasn’t nearly as interesting. But I did enjoy playing as characters like shin and Johnny ridden.

>> No.9714286

I like how it perfectly captures how much of a terrifying monster the Gundam is for a regular zeon grunt.

>> No.9714296

Yeah, Trojan Horse mission is like encountering a slasher villain you can't see.

>> No.9714297

Yeah it’s annoying, I played through like 3/4ths of it recently because my original Xbox isn’t reading discs anymore and the frame rate would hit single digits constantly. I played it out of stubbornness. It’s a great game though.

>>9705835 the game doesn’t work in practice the way you describe it. From what I remember your squad AI is basically retarded and get themselves killed all the time even if you position them in such a way where they should have the advantage. it’s also incredibly slow paced even when it’s moving in real time. What you described actually sounds like an enjoyable game.

>> No.9714304

Wow it’s almost like you need to rebalance something for a movie or a carryon to work well as a videogame? If you could one shot every enemy it would lead to an extremely restricted gameplay and level structure.

>> No.9714308

I remember this one being really rough and unpolished but with some great ideas. Yeah the gallery and dioramas were really cool. I remember a lot of the missions having a lot of bullshit though and it being unclear at times what the fuck you were supposed to do. Same issue with the Xbox one as well. Both were fun to have played but I couldn’t recommend them to anyone unless they were really really really into mech games.

>> No.9714321

It’s a nice idea but the entire game could be summed up as too frequently tedious or frustrating to feel good even when you finally win.

>> No.9714367
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Favorite retro SRW?

>> No.9714398

Favorites include Alpha Gaiden, Alpha 3 (purely for nostalgia reasons, it was my very first SRW game), Gaiden aka Masoukishin 1.
But if I had to pick just one it'd be OGs because that's 2 and a third games in one and I think it's all fantastic, I liked every change they made to the original games. And now it's in english.

>> No.9714404
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F/F final.
I still need to play 64

>> No.9714421

Forgot to say that OGs also gave me one of my favorite new renditions of a character theme ever

>> No.9714454

The Original Generations versions of OG themes are such iconic 10/10s that they're still using them in the fucking PS4 era
It's sometimes straight up impossible to find YT links that aren't Mister Blue's uploads which is a shame because his audio mixing was mad fucked

>> No.9714474

Any mechwarrior 4 mercenaries fans in here? I still play it with joystick once a year or so. in my humble opinion it is one of the comfiest and simultaneously immersive mech games. if only there was a level or scenario editor. If someone could make custom levels I could play it forever.

>> No.9714507

You can one shot most enemies in a lot of FPS that work fine. A OYW Gundam game should work with "canon" damage because the hero MS can tank so much conventional fire but it's just not the way Japanese games were designed and the genre evolved with emtpy field lock on shooting with braindead AI and small enemy counts due to a perceived audience aversion to full blown FPS/TPS and the technical ineptitude of licensed shovelware developers.

Even in Armored Core you can about one shot most mooks with bazookas, sniper rifles, and laser rifles and it's fine because the mission and level design is much more complex, and Virtual On is balanced around it being really hard to hit stuff with damage so high that you would basically die in half a second standing still.

>> No.9714515

its a downgrade from mechwarrior 3 in every way besides mech variety

>> No.9714531

I don’t remember having an issue with it when I played it. but it’s been a while. frankly I don’t think it would feel right to people to play a mech game where every enemy mech you encounter gets one shotted. I think it would feel really silly. even in a FPS game you typically need a headshot for a one hit kill, meaning even in a game like COD or something, most kills end up taking 3 or 5 shot to the body. Even as far as gundam goes I’ve never liked the concept of one shot beam weapons and always found them redundant and silly. at that point just use tanks or ships that can mount the beam weapons. The only thing about the gundam universe that adds any plausibility to it is that the absolute scale of the suits mechs them seem like they would take more punishment than a tank or something would. The minute you introduce one hit weapons the entire premise falls apart unless it’s something like a zaku bazooka which has limited ammunition and even that I think doesn’t always work with one shot.

>> No.9714537

I think the graphics and the missions are better in 4. I personally remember getting really frustrated with 3 both when I was younger and as an adult for various reasons. Especially with the missions that require you to heal using your mobile base thing, and it glitching or not wanting to work right. I’ve beaten 2 and every expansion of 4 but could never beat 3.

>> No.9714579

welp too bad you got filtered

>> No.9714584
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>even in a game like COD or something, most kills end up taking 3 or 5 shot to the bod
With full auto weapons sure, anything single shot like a beam rifle usually kills in 2.

If you have real aiming you can have location based damage like a normal FPS, in which case only generator/cockpit shots are one shot kills, like coring someone in MechWarrior. Of course lock on shooters have played around with location based damage like Last Raven and Gundam Crossfire but it's basically random and kind of dumb. Either way it doesn't need to be 10.

The original Gundam beam rifle only has 15 shots so in gameplay terms it's basically a sniper rifle. There's a reason the final battle loadout was carrying two hyper bazookas. Later shows have much more spammable beam weapons but it's worth pointing out that beam weapons aren't actually guaranteed kills in them either with much more effective shields and canonically heavy armored stuff like the Asshimar being able to pretty effectively tank beam rifles.

>> No.9714752

Not even close to an argument. even mechwarrior 2 which is a much more primitive game simply runs better and is more polished and easier to understand. there is no excuse for missions to rely on you utilizing ai resources that can simply decide they don’t want to listen to you or function.

>> No.9714774

well running off your premise then, a game like journey to jaburo would still devolve into a game where you need to shoot zakus a lot, because even if you started a level with the beam rifle, and it only has a dozen shots, inevitably you would be needing to grab zaku weapons when you run out of ammo. i don’t think most games benefit from having insta kill locations where you can one shot someone in a cockpit, it makes the entire game redundant and shouldn’t ever be a thing. because then every other component of the game becomes ignored. All I’m saying is that gameplay wise I don’t think it’s a big deal to have to shoot a zaku a handful of times. I also think gundams are boring. the only way I would ever suggest one shot gameplay or anything even close would be some kind of zaku versus gm game. However, to offset something like that you would need quick movement. But as we’ve seen with that free to play hero based shooter, people don’t think gundam feels right when everyone moves so fast they feel like people and not gundams. So you probably can never have a game where units move at gundam speed and everyone dies in just a hit or two.

>> No.9714916

surprised no one mention Front Mission yet.

Alpha Gaiden hands down, though I never played much SRW, the newer ones are simply not that good. I want to go through the entire Alpha saga, but they're not translated and I was really surprised how good AG writing was.

>> No.9714920

you deserve to miss out on it then, stay filtered

>> No.9714929

>inevitably you would be needing to grab zaku weapons when you run out of ammo
That is what beam sabers and head vulcans are for.

The problem with Gundam Evo is not that stuff moves fast but that it literally moves like video game people with fixed step dashes and double jumps and not mobile suits with boosters and 3D movement. Most Armored Core games are faster, lots of Gundam games are faster.

>> No.9714950

You can’t tell everyone who thinks a game is shitty they got filtered. there were missions where I needed to moves someone onto a specific location of the map to repair them and the AI broke and they wouldn’t move no matter what I did and I had to quit and start over. In mechwarrior 2 and 4 that never happened a single time. Even mechassault which is just an ok mech themed game was a better experience and I don’t even consider it a true mechwarrior title

>> No.9714959

It’s not jank, or very soulful. It’s cheap. I had this back when it came out and even though I loved Gundam, I hated the story and setting of this game. It’s also ugly.

>> No.9714972

20+ years on and I’m still learning there are ps2 games I’ve never heard of.
How in my autism did I miss a mech game from Konami? Never once saw this in a store, read about it in one of my many gaming magazines, or heard anyone speak of it and early-mid 2000s was the peak of my giant robot autism.
Timeline shift feels.

>> No.9714981
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>when One Year War switches to pilot mode for like 2 levels
Jank kino

>> No.9714989

The sword and Vulcans don’t makeup for the fact that unless you can pick up an enemy weapon (which you won’t do because they kill too slow for you) that now you need to get in close range of everything. gundam games feel really cartoonish anytime you play as a gundam and just sword kill everything while taking damage. that’s closer to Zelda gameplay than it is to mech gunplay for most people. The only way I can see that feeling impactful is make the gundam more fragile and force the player to use stealth and cover to get within sword range, because the sword should be a gamble to use head on. other than that you would need short missions with few enemies.

Armored core is an entire different beast. I think the lamest ones are the ones where everything is super fast and you can fly forever. It feels closer to dragon ball z than a mech piloted by a human experiencing g forces. if you have to talk about armored core I think armored core has the best feel for a Gundam game where you have limited flight. Most of the gameplay is on foot with short bursts of bunny hopping or skimming at more reasonable speeds.

>> No.9714994
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Lol. When I was young I bought the movie for FORTY DOLLARS on dvd from Coconuts.
I need to watch that again, it was so odd and not at all what I was expecting at 10 years old.
That Coconuts also had the original Cowboy Bebop dvd box set for 199.99. The perfect sessions one.
Take me back to 2001 bros.

>> No.9714996
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To this day I've never seen a robot game with a better sense of scale than Robot Alchemic Drive. It's not the most fun or the most pretty robot game but it really makes you FEEL like a man looking at a giant robot

>> No.9715002

It wasn't made by Konami. They only published it. The developer was Genki and it's a sequel to a game that came out on Xbox called Phantom Crash.
Really great games. I have 600+ hours in SLAI. It gets often compared to Armored Core, but personally, I like it better than any of the Armored Core games.

>> No.9715003

I knew about this game maybe a year or so after it came out, and I could never find it for sale anywhere so I never picked it up. A lot of jap ps2 games were like that.

>> No.9715015

>I have 600+ hours in SLAI
How and why

>> No.9715018

The original phantom crash is nothing at all like armored core aside from the fact you use parts to customize something. I like both games but it’s a weird comparison.

>> No.9715026

I only know about it because it was on a magazine demo disk and I'm pretty sure I never ever actually saw the game in stores or I would own it.

>> No.9715049

I've at least seen a physical copy of RAD once but I wasn't able or willing to buy it at the time for some reason.

>> No.9715370

didn't read.
stay mad, stay filtered.

>> No.9716815
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>> No.9716838

>Federation vs. Zeon
>Gundam vs. Zeta Gundam
vs. Zeta is literally the same game but better and with more content though?

>> No.9716841

He got filtered by journey to jaburo, fuck him.
He’s probably a zoomnigger. Playing Journey to Jaburo while 0079 was still airing on toonami was quite the experience.

>> No.9716852

The soul part is getting to make all those frankenmechs before Gundam Breaker was a thing

>> No.9716856

Same game except in Gundam vs Zeta Gundam you go from one ebin anime battle in overpowered protagonist robots to another instead of gradually grinding as a soldier, growing together with your normal everyday grunt tier robots, learning them and mastering the nuances of the battle system. Instead of that you just take part in ebin cinematic battles one after another.
I mean first two games also have overpowered mechs and ebin battles but they're still grunt games for the most part.

>> No.9716859

Oh J, you're so hilariously broken.

>> No.9716863

Have you played the vs games? Or are you just talking out of you ass because you happened to play Journey to Jaburo 20 years ago and now your nostalgia makes you think it's a masterpiece?

>> No.9716873

If you play the story stuff in vs Zeta you get to experience grunt units when you play through the 0079 storyline in the Titans story. You get to experience some what if scenarios too depending on whether certain characters live or die.
You get to play through the story with basically every single grunt that had a name.

>> No.9716880

Not him but aren't these games basically just the precursor to the Gundam Vs series? Then isn't the point not to play the story but more to fight other players?

>> No.9716881

Yes zoomfag. I watched Gundam when it was relevant and bought every ps2 game when they were new.
Journey To Jaburo is like being in the tv show, none of the other games are quite like that.
And NONE of these games are masterpieces lol.

>> No.9716883

Probably plenty of grunt gameplay in the Axis storyline too but I didn't start that yet since I haven't 100%'d Titans.

>> No.9716894

I want a gundam wing campaign where you play as a low level OZ guy and somehow you end up single handedly winning the war and eliminating all the gundams. Even better if it’s a nameless OZ soldier who gets blown up in the show but you either survive somehow or it’s a what if scenario where that didn’t happen. Would be funny and entertaining doing all of this in a LEO.

>> No.9716896

First two games are games where you're a guy going through a war. GvZG is a collection of highlights from hit anime series. Very different campaigns

>> No.9716898

They hadn't gone all-in on the vs mode by that point, they expected you to play Arcade Mode more. I would say the Rengou vs ZAFT games is when they finally said "ok it's clear most people play this to fight each other, let's just balance everything around player vs player interaction already"

>> No.9716910

>Journey To Jaburo is like being in the tv show, none of the other games are quite like that
In what way is One Year War not like that? Or Encounters in Space which is made by the same team but isn't as shit?

>> No.9716913

That's because Rengou vs ZAFT was made for arcades first and what we got on consoles was a port. I don't think the previous games even had arcade releases.

>> No.9716917

Federation vs Zeon is the same thing basically. I've only played these two Gundam games on PS2, and Zeta is the exact same gane but includes both storylines while having more refined looking UI

>> No.9716924

Weren't all those vs. games originally arcade releases? I'd say player vs player was top priority day 1

>> No.9716925

Has anyone here played starwars republic commando? Could a game similar to that work for a gundam experience where you play as federation or zeon grunt pilots?

>> No.9716930

GvZG wasn't an arcade game afaik, wiki doesn't say there was an arcade release. Federation vs Zeon had one though.

>> No.9716939

From what I remember in Gundam vs Zeta Gundam you jump from mech to mech as the story throws you around and in Federation vs Zeon you build up your collection of mechs from one mission to another. So in one you just go with the cinematic flow and in another it's like a Gran Turismo campaign or something

>> No.9716956

You build up a collection in vs Zeta as well. Each character unlocks new suits to use, but nothing is stopping you from still using your old ones unless its a ground only suit.
Its only when using main characters that you get super suits constantly, minor characters use the crappy mass produced suits and in certain missions you even have to use weird shit like a water only one.

>> No.9716969

one of the most fun games I played was sdgo, was an online gundam super deformed game that had team deathmatch and stuff but they axed it years back. I only really liked it mainly because while some people would try and get the most powerful rare units, I enjoyed playing as zakus or other shitty grunt suits. You could color your robots also.

>> No.9716982

One Year War didn’t come out in the US you fucking zoomer idiot. Normal people didn’t import moonrune games to fumble around with back then unless you were a permavirgin or a severely autistic rich child.
Journey to Jaburo had the voice actors from the show that was actually airing live and it was kino and you will never ever know this feel because you live in the end times before you’re replaced with a machine.

>> No.9717002

Ohhh another Jaburo fan!!!! My issue w the game was it got a little redundant but I always thought I wasn't playing it right. I still had a blast, and Ive only ever seen Wing and the Romeo and Juliet mini-series they did 0087 or something.

>> No.9717026

Wing aired first followed by 0079 and then G Gundam. Early adult swim aired 0087, 08th MS Team and War in the Pocket. It was a great time for Gundam in the west. Target and Walmart actually had a Gundam section and sold so many action figures. I had tons of them, no idea where they are now. Literally they released hundreds of different mobile suits from all the series that you could never actually hope to collect them all.
I think for JtJ to be “good” to someone, you had to be there. It’s a clunky and frustrating game but the media blitz was something else. I think Bandai really expected Gundam to get power rangers big in the USA but it never did.

>> No.9717180

We're talking about GvsZ not EXVS you memory addled crack addict.

>> No.9717205

Omega Boost, check.
Zone Of Enders, check.

Dumb fun games, I approve.

>> No.9717220

GvZ is the console port of AEUG vs Titans DX with the legally grey Z theme songs cut and ZZ and Qubeley Mk.II added. The Vs. naming convention pretty unironically comes from coming out in the same time period as MvC2 and CvS2.

>> No.9717235

I remember getting go into gundam also from gundam wing. I always thought “robot stuff” was cool before gundam but that was what for me hooked. Yeah I remember around the early and mid 2000s target did have a gundam selection which is a great memory. I remember as I got older being sad that dissapeared randomly.

>> No.9717495

Yeah, I wasn't personally comparing it to Armored Core in my previous post >>9715002. Honestly, it's a pretty lazy comparison and I roll my eyes whenever I see someone describe PC or SLAI that way. The only thing the two series have in common is that they're third person shooters with mechs. The way the customization works in the Phantom Crash games is more reminiscient of Gran Turismo and the free-for-all gameplay makes me think more along the lines of Timesplitter's Deathmatch mode.

>> No.9717505

Do you know offhand if anyone has datamined phantom crash? I remember there being a lot of random items you could buy and place inside your “cockpit” but the game never told you outright what they did and most of those optional items seemingly did nothing. I know a few of them have weird obscure benefits like 1 or 2% resistance to laser attacks.

>> No.9717528

>Do you know offhand if anyone has datamined phantom crash?
Sadly no. It's disappointing, but not surprising, since Phantom Crash is really obscure even today, but SLAI has a strategy guide that's been uploaded to the internet and it has very detailed stat charts for what every option mod does, among other things.

>> No.9717538

I’m a big fan of ninja gaiden black on the original Xbox, I think that only now is getting rudimentary cosmetic mods because of some kind of emulator progress that happened in the last few years. I wonder if that means there is a chance someone can start tinkering with PC. paint mods would be pretty simple to make. but new arenas would be the holy grail. The biggest crime of PC is they created an entire game and story with 3 arenas (4) if you count the practice zone. How did they model all of those weapons and write all of that dialogue, find all of those musicians (who if I remember correctly I can’t find any of their websites online) and yet with all that extra effort and soul they put out, they only gave us 3 arenas? There has to be a story to that.

>> No.9717564
File: 630 KB, 1500x2083, 0001494707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish the Pony Metal U-GAIM game came out.

>> No.9717669
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>> No.9717702

It was in arcades, i played it in japan around 2004. Couldnt get used to the stick controls since i was used to the ps2 controller.

>> No.9717715

If we’re talking about arcade mech games personally for me the best one I’ve played is the virtual on games. I believe I’ve played the first and second. I haven’t had the opportunity to play any Gundam ones however.

>> No.9717730

>In the name of the moon, from this point on you're a Raven!

>> No.9717746

> From now on you’re a fucking Raven

>> No.9719308
File: 88 KB, 640x776, 4310031-earthsiege-2-windows-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is literally better in every conceivable way.
Graphics, gameplay. An original story that matters since every story in MW isn't canon to BattleTech lore.
Also you can pilot a plane, BattleTech has Aerospace Fighters they could use and yet not.
Earthsiege 2 the GOAT.

>> No.9719353

what about starsiege?

>> No.9719447

Never heard of it but I really like Sierra. Going to have to check this out.