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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 66 KB, 640x480, ME0001496692_Mojo(15)_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9703318 No.9703318 [Reply] [Original]

It's weird how this isn't more well known as a filter. Every friend and streamer I've ever watched gets stuck here for at least a little while unless chat is spoiling it

Also one of the coolest puzzles ever

>> No.9703320

How come Nintendo never did a similar one?

>> No.9703325

Most Zelda dungeons are too long for me desu but the tree was ideal

>> No.9703328

Isn't there an alternative way to do it too?

>> No.9703338

you can crouch while holding a deku stick thats on fire to burn the web

>> No.9703384

And there is fire in that room?

>> No.9703393

You should check out Okami, very nice dungeon variety, some very short ones, some that don't even feel like dungeons, some longer and more traditional

>> No.9703404

whoa that's really interesting dude...got any more zelda lore for us

>> No.9703407

The first time I tried I didn't land quite in the center so the web flexed real hard but didn't break.

>> No.9703441

I was filtered by this as an 8 yo ESL kid. My father did it for me. But, doesnt Navi give you a tip on how to break it.

>> No.9703467

This. After you did it once and it didn't work you think it's not the right thing to do. Literally too complex for its own sake and era

>> No.9703471

there should have been a variation in the same game requiring iron boots

>> No.9703474
File: 83 KB, 1024x1031, eae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, Zelda no longer even has spiders today

>> No.9704304

Imagine wanting the most needlessly disgusting and pointless creature in the world in your cozy adventure game

>> No.9704353

I don't know why they bring back Rito either, but your'e veering off the subject.

>> No.9705000

They're the best Zelda race and one of the coolest vidya races together with Gorons

>> No.9705038

Its only like 10 minutes into the game so most people would just spend the time to figure it out so they get their moneys worth

>> No.9705162

Because there's a torch right there on the third floor. Nintendo's pampering butts knew that if all else failed, gamers would jump from the top holding a torch to burn the web.

Ironic, since only in the 3DS version did they actually make the surrounding spider webs burnable.

>> No.9705329

>gamers would jump from the top holding a torch to burn the web.
That's like 5 mechanics 99% of games didn't have back than wrapped into one

>> No.9706231
File: 31 KB, 677x453, jumping spider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spiders are cool, you are hereby sentenced to one mandatory spider bite

>> No.9706247

I didn't know you didn't need to light the stick on fire first. Wow.

>> No.9706256

It's because it's obvious and not a puzzle

>> No.9706257

The Deku Scrub literally tells you that something might happen if you jump from really, REALLY high up.

>> No.9706530

I just played through this and Navi tells you to look down there as soon as you walk in, there are hearts placed just off ledges so that you have to jump down to get them and will probably land on the web, the map tells you you have to go down there, and after you go into the gold skultula room its super apparent its the only place to go. Its more of an obstacle than a puzzle. I can see streamers fucking this up because they just don't pay attention and probably play up the "shut up, navi" meme and purposefully not listen to her even though a lot of her hints are pretty helpful.

>> No.9706546

I dunno. I generally dislike this game due to the puzzles outside the dungeons, but inside the dungeons I didn't really have much trouble. This one I figured out immediately. I just looked at the map and assumed that I needed to go through that hole somehow. Jumping from the top was the first thing I tried.

>> No.9706616

>Every friend and streamer I've ever watched gets stuck here for at least a little while unless chat is spoiling it
This never happened and you can't name any of them.

>> No.9706693

Was definitely neat, but the room design pretty much forces you to go up and get on that ledge. You also get some hints from navi.
Maybe streamers aren't paying attention that much.
Was pretty cool once you jumped and fell through.

>> No.9706913

This. Literally too complex for its own sake and era

>> No.9706924

>sword equipped to START
the optimal way to play tbqh

>> No.9706928

the great desu tree

>> No.9706974

You've made this thread already on /v/, why not stay there, asshole?

>> No.9707215

streamers look for any way to prolong their play time and increase viewer interaction, playing dumb is one of them, even old youtubers like ijustine used to do this. Gets people to comment. The puzzle is obvious and they push you toward solving it in several ways.

>> No.9707265
File: 144 KB, 1100x389, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9707813

Fags are giving him shit but that's just a logical way of thinking and probably what many, many people did
There was no way of knowing that you must hit it exactly at the center. It's almost a case of a game being too advanced or realistic for its own good

>> No.9707903

Thats for the bottom room.

>> No.9707912

Came here to say this, I had to look it up (to my shame) as an adult, because I figured I must have missed something major to get stuck in a tutorial dungeon in a kid's game. I thought it was neat that it bounced around harder the higher you jumped on it from, but that the fact it didn't break meant "you're on the right track, but you're missing a step", like in a lot of older puzzle games.

>> No.9707936

Streamers are also in general not used to puzzle solving because the solution to every video game puzzle they encounter is "look at the chat".

>> No.9708003

Even if it didn't work the first time, my instinct would be to try it again just because of how the web reacts. I don't know why you fuckers would only try it once and give up.

>> No.9708129

>Hmm, Link shouldered up and pushed against the door, but it didn't open. Maybe the hinges are just a little rusty? I'll push it a second time, maybe it will open.

>> No.9708134

I mean really, how were you supposed to know?!

>> No.9708302

>Hmm. I hit the boss in the eye with the slingshot and it just bounced off. Obviously that doesn't work!

>> No.9708334

But the eye changes state, meaning a second attempt might paly out differently. The door and web do not change states.

>> No.9708361

The web reacts differently depending on how you land on it and from how far.

>> No.9708487

>from how far
Exactly; the player thinks the only reasonable factor is distance. If they jump from the highest level and hit outside the "perfect" radius from the center, it doesn't break. It isn't obvious that the player has to jump from the highest level, but also land in a specific part of the web. It's an atypical design decision, so a player can easily discount it as a possible solution.
It's like if Link automatically opened doors using small silver keys, but big doors required you to go into the inventory and manually select the key. A player familiar with game design conventions that encountered a big door and saw that Link couldn't automatically open it could reasonably think that they didn't have the right big key, and needed to keep looking. Someone not familiar with games would actually be less likely to notice that mechanical inconsistency and more likely to consider manually using something in the inventory.

>> No.9708493

Hes not right. Its so early in the game and theres so little else to do, you'll eventually figure out what to do if you spend a bare minimum of effort and dont immediately jump to a guide.

>> No.9708495

You're already shown the Deku Stick lighting mechanic the previous minute you. You literally need it to get out of the last room you were in before you have to burn the web.

>> No.9708496

Sometimes you just have to appreciate all lives on this planet. Think about it.

>> No.9708501

You'll insist this until the day they introduce a spidergirl waifu.

>> No.9708538
File: 21 KB, 460x215, The Stanley Parable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those speaking of puzzles, is video related a wonderful example of
1. Retro gamer
2. Modern gamer
3. Bad gamer
4. Bad game
5. Stupid

>> No.9708542
File: 3.87 MB, 888x500, off-center.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I DID jump from the top onto the spider web!!!!
>But it DIDN'T break!
>How was I supposed to solve the puzzle!?

>> No.9708549

>His copy wasn't personalized
Sasuga, Web-kun.

>> No.9708564

>writing a fucking thesis paper to justify not understanding basic fucking physics

>> No.9708569

You can also burn it

>> No.9708574

>60 fps
This looks gross

>> No.9708623

>games are known for their strict adherence to basic physics

>> No.9708670
File: 320 KB, 384x454, filter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't hit the center of the web, so it didn't break, so I never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever tried anything like it ever again
You're lying. See >>9708542

>> No.9708675

i don't think i ever had a problem breaking the web in the deku tree as a child
i think this is an unironic skill issue fellas

>> No.9708680

So any thread talking about Ocarina of Time's "floor web" in the Deku Tree dungeon being "difficult to comprehend" is trolling and should be banned and deleted.
Got it.

>> No.9708687

>game trains you to use fire with stick on webs
>doesnt think to also try this

>> No.9708813

>It isn't obvious that the player has to jump from the highest level, but also land in a specific part of the web.
Again, you won't fucking know it doesn't work until you do it. Reasonably people would make multiple attempts. Especially children with unlimited time on their hands. Plus the fact that you know you're supposed to go down. The web reacting at all would entice me to keep trying things.

>> No.9708817
File: 82 KB, 935x1531, dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People complaining are complete idiots.
>What do I do?
>You have to get 1000 points.
>Shoot the target.
>What the target?
>It's the thing far away with concentric circles.
>But I can't hit it with my sword.
>...so shoot it.
>I can't shoot my sword!
>What was the last piece of equipment you picked up before coming to this shooting range?
>A bow. OH! So what?
>So use your bow and shoot the target.
>Why didn't the game just tell me I had to do that?
>3 NPC characters and Navi literally, and explicitly told you exactly that less than 1 minute ago.
>Shut up.

>Okay, I shot the target.
>You didn't get 1000 points.
>I know! This puzzle sucks! I did everything I could think of and it didn't reward me!
>You shot the target ONCE and you hit it on basically its outer-most concentric circle.
>How do you THINK you would get more points?
>But I TRIED shooting it with the bow and it didn't work!
>You did get points. But it wasn't enough. How do you get more points?
>I told you!! The bow doesn't work.
>I'm going to spoil this and tell you: shoot it as many times as you can.
>You mean shoot it again?
>I can do that?
>I would never try it again. That's just stupid. That doesn't make any sense. What bad puzzle design.

>Okay, I shot it a bunch of times.
>You still didn't get 1000 points.
>This is really, really bad game design.
>You got more points than when you shot once.
>It still didn't get me to 1000.
>Did you ever notice that sometimes you got more points on different shots?
>So you weren't paying attention.
>I had to focus! I can't do 3 things at once!! Also you're lying to me, aren't you? It's all RNG and based around luck, isn't it?
>No. Here, I'll give you another obvious hint: when you shoot the target, aim for the center. It will give you more points than shooting the outside rings.
>... it's a target.
>That makes NO sense. This puzzle is retarded and stupid. How was I supposed to figure ANY of that out?

>> No.9709120

this happened to me, except i eventually got frustrated and did it again

>> No.9709256 [DELETED] 

Why the fuck do people even like that game so much? I stopped playing at the Gordon mountain because I got bored. Probably was around 2001. Why do people like Zelda games at all? Serious question. They’re just generic watered down “fantasy” games.

>> No.9709263 [DELETED] 

Zelda offers way more unique ways of interacting with its worlds that actually result in unique consequences compared to basically any other game.

>> No.9709264

I made the /v/ thread that you copied here. I played a bit further and have encountered a puzzle in each room so now I get that this is a puzzle game. The only problems with this web are that doesn't break if you're off centre, and that it's the more or less the first puzzle, so that when you get fucked by it not breaking, you don't yet think "oh ok I need to invest some time in trying different things, trying it the same thing a different way, thinking etc". I didn't know I was playing a puzzle game (I thought I was going to be 'role playing' whatever that is. Genres could do with being named properly) so I just thought I must have been doing the wrong thing since I didn't get the result straight away.
It's also worth noting a lot of people on /v/ protested that you have to be far off centre to have it not break. But these people who know the games mechanics like an extension of their own body, don't account for how, for example, when I did it
- the camera didn't move in a that let me see where I hit
- the fact that your character jumps quite far without you pressing jump or 'pushing forward' is still unfamiliar, it feels very strange to just let go of the stick in order to not overshoot, it feels dangerous like i'm going to crash down on the close side
- I have zero sense of the air control situation, how would I have learned that?
- only a vague notion that pressing forward does something with rolling which may or may not mean where you 'land' is now the start or end of that animation I have no idea

These type of things mean that you to some extent its just a blur after you jump. You aren't freeze framing the pixels with your mind like these veterans can do to see where you exactly landed

>> No.9709285

>I thought I was going to be 'role playing' whatever that is. Genres could do with being named properly
Console Role Playing Games are called that because they're "console games that play like (tabletop) role playing games", and those are called that because they have you play as individual characters (or roles) as opposed to big armies like in war games.
The term has never had anything to do with role playing as in improptu theater.

>> No.9709436 [DELETED] 

Nice bait. Everything visually in Zelda is generic, I don’t want to explore its world. green hood man uses sword and rides horse and goes in dungeon to fight monsters. it’s just simple fantasy. Except other fantasy franchises have more interesting designs typically. Some of the music is good though.

>> No.9709560 [DELETED] 

For the same person you enter every thread about it to convince us it isn't that good: It's THAT good

>> No.9709568

Is this the new "how was I supposed to know the tube can break" or "how was I supposed to know I can jump into the painting" trolling?
OP should be banned anyway for being an immense faggot.

>> No.9709584 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 467x1024, 9C02B302-DD1E-4F91-ADE5-1648AEBF0671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m glad we were able to come to an understanding that Zelda is the best game of all time

>> No.9709595 [DELETED] 

Why do you always seethe in Zelda threads instead of just filtering them? What are you trying to achieve, realistically?

>> No.9709602

I can hear the water splash and Link's buwaah just by looking at the pic

>> No.9709603


>> No.9709609 [DELETED] 

Pretty much. Zoomerbrain at its finest.

>> No.9709613

Correct, it's a targeted trolling effort and it's fucking embarrassing

>> No.9709617 [DELETED] 


You can kill yourselves...

>> No.9709619

You were destroyed for posting that shitty thread and now you're trying to shit up /vr/ too.

>> No.9709620
File: 2.99 MB, 1406x1066, first try.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is /vr/ actually overrun by zoomers? Thought that was just a meme. Of course you can be too off center

>> No.9709621


>> No.9709623 [DELETED] 

>Is /vr/ actually overrun by zoomers?
It's just Tomb Raiderfag being on his anti Zelda samefag crusade again. Funny thing is mods will sooner nuke threads before just banning his autistic ass

>> No.9709624

these posts aged worse than emma watson

>> No.9709626

Now also imagine using a 64 controller and not having your 20 years experience as an elite gamer.

>> No.9709629

OOTsisters... we didn't even play our own game?

>> No.9709630

>baby ghomas swarming you right away
Master Quest is such kino

>> No.9709634 [DELETED] 

I don't look like this but I say this

>> No.9709639 [DELETED] 

no implication sign thus the poster resembles the person in the photo and uses the talking point written in his or her post

>> No.9709640

Did you post at the wrong time, or was that the wrong video?
Watch >>9708542
It was already demonstrated that landing at the very edge of the web won't break it, retard. Just like the faggot in your video does in both attempts.

>> No.9709641

I dont get the comments in this thread, if this was such a great filter then nobody would ever make it past the deku tree.
You make it sound like it was impossible to pass when the game pushes you in the right direction.
Also there aren't that many options to begin with, everyone knows you have to get down there.

>> No.9709642

Are you completely fucking retarded? The faggot in the clip you posted aims for the center initially, before directing link to the very edge of the web where it WON'T break.

>> No.9709652

>Are you completely fucking retarded?
No that would be you having a mental breakdown in a thread about a puzzle in a game
The point is it doesn't always break and it's easy to miss when you're overcautious or not used to the controls, as seen in many blind playthroughs, see >>9709617

>> No.9709653

>It was already demonstrated that landing at the very edge of the web won't break it,
Bruh, you have autism or something?
The poster himself didn't watch the whole webm and no one else watched the whole webm.

The narrative ITT is that the jump is always successful at that height, or else we wouldn't have posts like this >>9708670 >>9708680 >>9709613

>> No.9709669

The narrative ITT seems to be that people who can't break the web are fucking retarded.

>> No.9709694

The game didn't teach you about plattforms that can be broken by jumping on them, thus far. And funnily enough, this is pretty much the only part of the game where it happens, but that doesn't matter for this scenario.
If you tried it once, and it didn't work, you start overthinking the problem.

The issue is exarcerbated because it's a pretty complex mechanic (not complex puzzle, but the mechanic of there being rim-and-center detection itself) from the PoV of someone who misses it once.
It's one of the first puzzles in the game, and it has an inbetween "almost, but not quite" state between fail state and success state.

Now couple that with the fact that, there's a lower plattform from which you can perform the jump to the center and it gives you the same reaction as if you jumped from all the way up and hit the rim.
You can easily think of it as "Okay, it acts as a falling support for when I want to go back down, now what do I have to do to clear this web...".

Some people breeze through because of their personality or due to luck or lack therof (they hit the center the first time around).
Adults in particular probably try to outguess the game by thinking "there is no way this game has complex physics mechanics, so it wants me to do something else."
It has little to do with intelligence.

>> No.9709702
File: 3.47 MB, 1408x2196, vlcsnap-2023-03-03-09h48m33s528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything about the level design tells the player
>jump here you fucking retard

and the fucking retards still don't get it.
You know why modern gaming is hand holdy shit?

Because of you retards.

>> No.9709708

What happened to me yesterday (why i made a thread on /v/ which someone has wanted to continue here) was because even though i could see i was supposed to jump on it, my first attempt didn't break it. and because the camera, controls etc are all very new to me, I didn't even notice I hit the edge. I was too busy trying to focus on 'where is my character now' as the screen went up and down and eventually 'oh it didn't break but I didn't die'.
Now your point may be that someone should eventually have decided to try again and, yeah I certainly would have if I hadn't been impatient due to not being invested in the game yet, and looked at a guide. The only thing I complain about is I would have 'wasted time' trying to figure out some other way before coming back to the jumps. BUT now I have played more I know that this is actually a puzzle-type game where figuring out what mechanic or whatever might do a trick, IS THE GAMEPLAY. Which is great, the thing is I just didn't know that at this point, I didn't know anything, at this point you don't even have any feeling for whether any particular thing is a challenge, a red herring, or a fucking glitch

>> No.9709710

It makes sense to assume it isn't the right way if you didn't jump from the highest point or were a bit unlucky with your landing (IIRC you can no longer correct the trajectory once you lost momentum). No reason to assume a fifth generation game cares about center of mass. Plus the game literally bullshits you and there is a heart piece on the low branch

The bottom one literally doesn't work?

>> No.9709713

one of the ballsiest first puzzles in a game, that's for sure

>> No.9709714

not the issue, read the thread
>The game didn't teach you about platforms that can be broken by jumping on them, thus far.
I do NOT agree with this notion that you need to be shown a mechanic before being asked to use it. That is a horrible, horrible vidogame-magic-destroying idea (and not the problem with the web). Luckily you're not allowed anywhere near any game designs.
You are right though that almost everyone who is so proud of themselves for beating got either lucky (randomly hit the middle) or literally accidentally solved it when trying some wrong idea of theirs ('maybe you have to hit it three times')

>> No.9709716

it's not the first puzzle. immediately prior, you have to put your stick in a flame to light another torch. that is a nice lead-in that there's a level of physics to think about in the game

>> No.9709719

>The bottom one literally doesn't work?

Of course it doesn't work, but it's here to spell out the idea that you are supposed to do something like that, to show you a) the web is there b) there is something underneath c) what happens when you fall off ledges is that you fall onto it

So the game spells everything out and the only thing remaining is figuring out that you need more momentum

>> No.9709720

hmm what if you jumped off the top and it didn't break what would you think then?

>> No.9709725

I'd think, weird, I was sure the game wanted me to do that. Let's try it again!

>> No.9709727
File: 45 KB, 480x454, 1677184883219423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(why i made a thread on /v/ which someone has wanted to continue here)
I'm the OP and didn't know about your /v/ thread. Just remembered a streamer getting stuck there a few months ago, saw the image in my folder and thought why not. Didn't expect this shitflinging contest

>> No.9709730

oh nice, I'm going to put a vending machine outside your door that never drops a product. I'll have thousands of dollars in a few days

>> No.9709734

Did Miyamoto or someone else ever talk about it in an interview? Just curious

>> No.9709776

Thats fair enough.
But the core gameplay is indeed about adventure/puzzling. Combat is present but not its highlight.
There will be many more such puzzles (Dont want to spoil anything, but getting to the first boss fight is also one of them)
If it looks glitched or broken then dont worry, there is a way around it.

The only impossible task is the running man I think but thats fairly obvious.

If the puzzles turn you off then this is a game not for you.

>> No.9709787
File: 436 KB, 913x563, 1647717822183080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do NOT agree with this notion that you need to be shown a mechanic before being asked to use it.
The way a good tutorial works is that it indirectly communicates ideas by forcing you to engage with them.

Portal does this by confining you into tiny rooms where you have no other option but to interact with a new mechanic.
OOT does something similiar for other puzzles, e.g. the first Deku you fight.

In this tiny room, the player is forced to learn 3 things about the game without a single word exchanged and without leading to a difficulty spike:
>Shields can bounce back projectiles.
>Deku can only be hit by nuts.
>The enemies in this game require you to use your brain. Senselessly attacking enemies is likely not the answer for future types of enemies.
How does the game do that?
>It literally locks both the entrance and the exit, so you're forced to fight it no matter what.
>There is only one enemy
>The corridor is very small & tight, meaning if you don't use your shield, you'll just die

But you're right about it not being the problem.
The problem is that there exists a difference between center and edge detection in the first place, which is sort of arbitrary for a game of its time.

>> No.9709803

when this happens to me it's because i saw (in this case) the /v/ thread thumbnail out of the corner of my eye, and didn't consciously 'register' it, but it's what made me remember the other thing (streamer getting stuck there).

>> No.9709823

The hardest part about OoT isn't the dungeons, it's the stupid puzzles like giving a fish to Jabu Jabu and shit like that.

>> No.9709901

All that tells me is that you don't take the time to immerse yourself in the world of the game.

>> No.9709910

The game is obviously not for you.
Puzzles like that are what makes it so great.

>> No.9709913

That would be like getting filtered by the first green pipe in Super Mario Bros.

>> No.9709938

not really

>> No.9710365

Or having to jump the Lon Lon farm wall with Epona. There is a lot like that

>> No.9710768

>people still too dumb to understand what the issue is with the web puzzle
>even with video proof and a blind player illustrating, out loud, the way an initial failure can send a player down a wild goose chase before succeeding only by luck
Unbelievable. Perhaps this board really is approaching /v/'s intellect level.

>> No.9710782

The issue isn't understood because it's a non issue. The real issue is retards playing video games and be like How WeRe yOu SupPosEd tO kNow??!! when the game does everything it can to make it understandable without outright doing it by itself.

Giving up after one attempt and "getting lost" because of that, followed by complaining, just show you don't have the mentality to play old games, and streamers are like that.

Finally, people like that is exactly why modern gaming is hand holdy linear shit with no thought or twitch reflex required.

>> No.9710803

You're the retard who looked it up in a guide. Intelligence issue.

>> No.9710806

Dumb esl poster

>> No.9710808

So you didn't watch the video anon posted of the streamer? I'll assume not, because your post makes no sense otherwise. It's a perfect demonstration of the issue being discussed.
He has multiple failed attempts, goes through various alternative possible solutions, and then eventually succeeds on a wrong assumption purely because on that attempt he happened to land in the center of the web. And the entire time he is aware that landing on the web is, at least partially, the method to access the rest of the dungeon.
Nintendo fucked up, period. The web should break if you land on the edge after a jump from the highest level. There is no valid game design reason for it not to. At best, they waste someone's time by making them climb back up and do it again. At worst, the player gives up after trying a bunch of alternative ideas and looks it up in a guide. What's the upside with this approach?

>> No.9710814

Based anon putting dumb fucks in their place

>> No.9710843

delet this

>> No.9710850

Yeah retard. We're the stupid ones because you couldn't figure out a puzzle in a kid's game lmao

>> No.9710868

Ad hominem fallacious argumentation.

>> No.9710873

You're the one who had trouble with a puzzle in a kid's game. Not me.

>> No.9710876

I don't remember whether I struggled with it, THOUGH.

>> No.9710891

The cow heads in Jabu's belly were stupid as hell, though.
I remember being stuck in one of the last rooms because you were apparently supposed to hit one of the cow heads multiple times until it reaches a certain height.

That was so idiotically cryptic.

>> No.9710981
File: 3.91 MB, 888x500, Deku Tree Jump Attack Lower Dive Point.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The bottom one literally doesn't work?
It literally won't work.
Even with a JUMP ATTACK, like this >>9709617 "Blind" playthrough preaches as the true solution, says.

>> No.9710994

wrong, it's just confusing, not difficult

>> No.9711004

Confusing for you

>> No.9711009

and lots of other people who stream themselves playing the game for the first time

>> No.9711017

streamers are known for not paying attention, due to talking and reading chat all while playing. Some also play windowed due to all that shit

>> No.9711018

>not paying attention
>when the one streamer quoted ITT is theorycrafting on how to beat it and needed someone to spoonfed him the right answer

>> No.9711032

Yeah there's a lot of dumb people like you out there.

>> No.9711049

>The problem is that there exists a difference between center and edge detection in the first place, which is sort of arbitrary for a game of its time.
You know that trolling is a banworthy offense on 4channel.org, right? It's stated in the Rules you're presented.

>a difference between "center" and "edge"
>is arbitrary for a video game from this (or prior) era
>center and edge
>is arbitrary
So, there's no such thing as target practice?
You are trolling.

>> No.9711076

You are probably the most autistic man in this entire thread, and that's saying something since this is a Zelda thread.

>> No.9711080

>But I pressed "Down" while on the pipe!
>How was I supposed to know I had to be "more towards the center!?!?!?"

>> No.9711106

the problem i remember having is that i had not been introduced to that water texture before, so i did not know it was water below, i was convinced that you would need a way to climb down it since i did not want to risk an obvious death by breaking it directly. this led to a lot of running around with a deku stick but not thinking of ducking or rolling with it. I think I ended up having to read a guide

>> No.9711107

kek'd, good job

>> No.9711341

it's a perfectly clear post

>> No.9711347

Well the problem with the pipe is that there exists a difference between center and edge detection in the first place, which is sort of arbitrary for a game of its time.

>> No.9711383

How is it legal to fool players like this? Time = $$$

>> No.9711394

the reason in SMB is probably just mario's sprite would clip out the side

>> No.9711576

it made you butthurt enough to come online to argue about it which provides me with many a sensible chuckle. it's the game that just keeps giving.

>> No.9712238

He's completely right though. The only reason to not have the web break when landing off center is that it makes it more difficult to program the breaking animation to account for this, so it's pure laziness on the devs part.

I didn't have much trouble solving this as a kid myself, but I watched my brother play it and he figured out that rolling before a jump is good, and because he did this, he landed closer to the edge each time than needed and gave up after constantly failing and having no idea what to do.

Having obscure puzzles isn't a bad thing, but having the first major puzzle of the game work like this is honestly a fault, and not a virtue.

>> No.9712264

Every stage of OOT is a filter. It's a stack of 60 filters. Kids DID NOT finish it without guidebooks, magazines, or older siblings/parents or knowledge passed down from them.

>> No.9712297

I thought I was excited to meet Princess Zelda but she was quite underwhelming. Self-absorbed.

>> No.9712327
File: 13 KB, 610x373, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In real life, the edge would be the best place to jump to break the web. If you jump in the middle, your weight and energy is distributed equally and symmetrically to all anchor points and throughout as much web fiber as possible, minimizing tensile strain.

If you jump close to an edge, you will test the elastic limits of the web fiber disproportionally, meaning you will get closer to breaking the fiber with the same amount of force.

Imagine saving someone falling out of a building with a bedsheet, with three other people holding a corner each. If the guy lands in the middle, you all will be more likely to keep a grip on the blanket and the guy will have a safe and cushy landing. If the guy lands on your hands, the sheet will be ripped out of your grip and the guy will break his tailbone on the concrete.

Miyamoto can't into physics and taught you all wrong on purpose just to show off TECHNOLOGY

>> No.9712340

That would only be true if the web was equal thickness throughout, but spider webs are thicker at the edges. Guess you should have tried college after all.

>> No.9712358

The edge anchors would need to be as thick as your mom's ass for an edge landing to be able to sustain the same amount of force that a center landing would. Look at the texture. It's a cobweb. It's a near even distribution of web fiber. Like a cobweb. You're describing an impossible situation.

>> No.9712362

this reminds me of an AI trying argue something when it doesn't know. It will just make up nonsense like "spider webs are thicker at the edges" and hope that you don't know its not real

>> No.9712430

That's not how it works, in fact it's the contrary of how it works. if you jump on a trampoline, in order to achieve the same bouncing height, it takes more strength and pressure on the sides than on the middle. So you'd need more strength to break it on the sides.

>> No.9712472

>apply pressure to middle of stick, easy to break
>apply pressure to edge of stick, impossible to break

>> No.9712547

I figured it almost instantly. I found it awesome when I did it. But you are right, people don't figure it out. I didn't know english so I had to figure out everything just by the clues around the scenario.

>> No.9712549

I know what they did, they didn't jump from the highest platform.

>> No.9712559

I watched the whole thing now. Yeah, it's a game design mistake.

>> No.9712567

>Make your way back over to Darunia’s chamber and play Saria’s Song while standing in front of him.
Ah, OK. I just got this song from her which she said I could use to call her if I want to talk about my feelings or whatever, this chick who has a crush on me. Gee, this guy who has this stone but said he's in a bad mood because his people are hungry, and he's hungry - no, I shouldn't look around for some way to get him some food or unblock the entrance to where he gets food. I should stand in front of him and call my crush on the phone.
It's just the same as I said before. If I was a kid with free time I probably would enjoy being stuck here and trying every single thing, going around to other places, coming back taking in more details every time. I just don't have time now and I'm not far enough into the game to trust that it's going to not be something crazy. Turns out it was something crazy so now I dunno if I should ever even try when I get stuck

>> No.9712568

that's shear force vs tension. The stick isn't breaking because you're stretching it lengthwise by pressing the middle. The web is

>> No.9712570

oh wait never mind.
>a Goron near the shortcut to the Lost Woods in Goron City states that all Gorons love "Saria's Song."
why didn't the guide mention that instead of snarking about it. fuck this guide

>> No.9712606

People are thinking with this rigid-body model because they are thinking of something like a diving board. More wobbly at the end, and to snap it press the end where force has got the most leverage. But a web is not a rigid body so that model isn't applicable. Instead you need to think about, have you ever tried to open one of these tins that has a sealed skin under the lid? You can bash the middle of the skin hard as fuck with your butter knife, it doesn't rip (because the strain gets spread evenly over the full skin area). If you want to open it you need to press near the edge and the knife goes through because of what this guy drew >>9712327
The middle of the web should actually bounce link back and the edge should tear the web down

>> No.9712610 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 800x536, metal-paper-tube-packaging-food-grade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

attachment - i'm talking about this foil skins not that soft metallicized-paper seal with that nutella etc have, you can easily tear that anywhere

>> No.9712617
File: 33 KB, 800x536, food-grade-paper-tubes-for-spices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(talking about this kind of foil skin, not the soft goldy colored paper seal with that nutella etc have, you can easily tear that anywhere)

>> No.9712636

Landing so close to the edge that one foot is on the floor, and thinking that means the web can't break, is retarded and skill issue

>> No.9712643

It puts a heart on the low branch to show you that you can jump on it. Seeing it bounce in response to your jump is all you need to know that it is supposed to be jumped on. As soon as you see a higher place to jump it should be all over.
This idiot looks like he was aiming for the edge. Did it twice, actually got farther away from the middle the second time. Why would a normal person not assume it's like scoring a goal or hitting a bullseye?

>> No.9712786

We had friends, that's the difference. If there was any puzzle in any game ever and you got stuck, a friend would know how to solve it, and he would tell you what to do. Other times, you were that friend to others who got stuck somewhere else. And we all read vidya mags, which even allowed the real autists to find their solutions. A game like Ocarina of Time was so big that it was impossible not to find a kid in your class who'd know how to get through the first dungeon. Also, we used to hang out at each others places and enjoyed solving stuff like this together. The only true filter in retro games was merciless difficulty. Everyone played GoldenEye but except for myself I only knew 2 other guys who'd gotten every single cheat.

>> No.9712817

>Why would a normal person not assume it's like scoring a goal or hitting a bullseye?
Because it seems too autistically realistic for a 5thgen game and too hard for literally the first puzzle in the game

>> No.9712821

Dude right outside Darunia's chamber tells you Darunia likes to dance, too. This isn't a difficult puzzle at all, you just have to talk to people.

>> No.9712868

Dude you are spoiling the fuck out of the experience if you are just constantly looking up a guide for everything. You're basically supposed to be stuck and then explore around and find stuff, it's not a game designed around everyone rushing through it.

>> No.9713120

yeah that's the full experience indeed, i think i will stop looking at the guide now and make peace with getting stuck. i wasn't patient before because i didn't know if I even liked the game but I can see it's good now.
It's not like the 64 days where someone paid 100 dollars for your game that better amuse you for the rest of the next year.

>> No.9713169

Good man. As you said, you pretty much solved this puzzle on your own anyway AFTER looking it up in the guide once you found the dude in the city that tells you what to do.

OoT doesn't have any actually difficult puzzles, it's all just talking to people and getting the necessary info that way.

>> No.9713503

>Link takes damage if landing on non-web area
>Link screams "AAUGHHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUW" and cannot move for a full 2 seconds when slamming onto the floor falling from such a huge height
I know! When I'm falling to hit the web on the floor from 100 meters high, I'LL AIM FOR EDGE OF THIS 10m target!! I'll get as close as possible to hurting myself! Brilliant!

>> No.9713896

Nigga the controls aren't perfect especially at 20 frames with N64 controller and when you aren't used to it (first 3D Zelda, barely any games like that, making your FIRST big jump in the game)

People didn't miss the center on purpose

>> No.9713917

Kill yourself, frogposter.

>> No.9713930

>if this was such a great filter then nobody would ever make it past the deku tree.You make it sound like it was impossible to pass when the game pushes you in the right direction.
Because OP is that "cube menu" autist that overpraises this game to hell and back.

>> No.9714257 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9714362


>> No.9714386

lmao this guy managed to fuck it up 3x in a row

>> No.9714539

>People didn't miss the center on purpose
But that's the only way you reached that unique "didn't break" result. 99% of the landing area will cause success when jumping from the top. 1% is some bizarre, illogical phenomenon that you basically have to look and strive for.

>> No.9714615

has this guy never heard of tensile strength in his life

>> No.9714626

Then you fucking try again. It's not fucking rocket science, retard.

>> No.9714802

you hit the edge by doing the intuitive thing which is holding forward in the air because you had to hold forward to jump. And then the camera doesn't do what it does in that demo webm and instead lags and so you can't even see where you hit

>> No.9716360

Can we all calm down for a second?

>> No.9716814

The initive thing is to use the C-stick. look down
Realize you have a target, use the fact that the ramps are all aligned, and jump down center, and then controlling your fall momentum to hit the correct area.

But wait!
There is more:
One of the goals of the descent is to teach the players that link retains control of his momentum in air, since for a lot of the shorter descents on the way up that is not obvious.
The mechanic is occasionally reused for heart pieces, and a few later dungeon set pieces, where you are required to jump down and hit a alcove or a floating platform. And you can fuck it up.

>> No.9717938

deku tree was a 3d mechanics tutorial

>> No.9717945

only in master quest

>> No.9717961

web requires center landing to encourage a modicum of stick control
your brother is bad at video games
theres nothing wrong with using a guide if you suck at video games, but failing simple puzzles is not the developers fault

>> No.9718663

Peak tutorial dungeon

>> No.9718693

egregious last-page bumping
fuck off doing it

>> No.9718694


>> No.9718727

There's a fucking sign that tells you what to do. Anyone who gets stuck here is just a retard not paying attention.

>> No.9718735

Anon, you midwit, the edges aren't what give way. It breaks in the center. Play the game.

>> No.9718764

>i wasn't patient before because i didn't know if I even liked the game
And you'll never know that about any game if every time you have to stop and think or explore for more than half a second you turn to a guide. Meet games on their own terms instead of turning them into a checklist. If you play with a guide the first time through every game you may as well just watch Let's Plays.

>> No.9718778

More like
>Master Quest™