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9706775 No.9706775 [Reply] [Original]

Pretty intriguing plot about class warfare, social conflict, and nurture v nature so far….. I sure hope it doesn’t devolve into convoluted nonsense about demons and magic stones by Act 3

>> No.9706793
File: 105 KB, 1534x823, Belias.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I sure hope it doesn’t devolve into convoluted nonsense about demons

>> No.9706830

Are those two things necessarily at odds with each other? Has any game managed to start off political and stay that way even after introducing wacky fantasy shit to the plot?

It doesn't seem like it would be that hard to do. Just have the big powerful magic stones or whatever function basically like nukes, where whoever controls them has the power to annihilate an opposing country in minutes and the only defence is to strike back with your own magic stone powers. Then just write it as if it were a cold war story, but with more flexibility since you don't have to stick to real history. Or have these mysterious dark gods looming in the background, granting power to their cultists, but have the story mostly focus on the power struggles between different factions as they vie to earn the favour of different gods. Maybe the gods have some kind of plan but we never really see the big picture, we see it from the human perspective as they fight over the favour of the gods as they would any other valuable resource like land, water, etc.

>> No.9707074

> Are those two things necessarily at odds with each other?

They aren’t, but FFT drops the class struggle and political intrigue to go all in on demons pulling the strings

>> No.9708987

There comes a point where fighting the invading demons is more important than war.

>> No.9709487


not exactly.

the lore has 2 clear up front and not particularly fantastical elements driving the plot. The monarchy is in a weakened state, and 2 factions are laying claim to the crown. But its weak enough that the church sees an opportunity to overtake the throne's authority itself.

high priest Funeral probably knew nothing about the zodiac stones being recovered in his time. When he's assasinated by the captain of his Knights, he probably had no suspicions he was acting on his own ends at the same time.

And thus the overall theme of FFT's scenario is everyone uses everyone else in their hubris. The church was using the noble families. Algus was using the beoulve's. The deth corps tried to use Teta. The nobles were using the war and propaganda to try to get their hands on the throne. Delita began to see the world this way and started using everyone and everything. Vormav got the stone and started using the high priest, but was also using the Bart company like hired thugs. The church used Ajora's life story for itself. etc etc etc

the demons weren't pulling all the strings, the demons were just an unnamed conspirator with their own interests, revealed slowly.

>> No.9709564

you're playing a Final Fantasy game bro, I'm sorry

>> No.9709625

>Has any game managed to start off political and stay that way even after introducing wacky fantasy shit to the plot?
Skies of Arcadia at least until Glacian dies and Ramirez starts morphing into Sepiroth/Jenova

You could also make an argument for Metal Gear Solid I guess? Psychics, Shaman, Ghosts etc.....

>> No.9709914

Into the filter it goes

>> No.9709923

>play a magical fantasy RPG
>get upset that magic and demons are a theme in the game

>> No.9709934


>> No.9710210 [DELETED] 

the war of principalities is very real, especially in these modern times
tactics was the last good final fantasy game

>> No.9710232

The demons don't fundamentally change the characters involved (Vormav etc), all they do is give the narrative a nice end point.
Tactics Ogre does the same exact thing with the undead former king, FF12 with Venat (who did nothing wrong) and Gerun (who is a jew piece of shit).

>> No.9710237 [DELETED] 

Sing it, Simon Magus.

>> No.9710260 [DELETED] 


>> No.9710301

Maybe I'm just dumb but I never saw the brilliance of Matsuno storytelling. The world-building he does is pretty tremendous though.
Playing FF12 all I was thinking about is damn these judges are cool even though they're old men

>> No.9710338 [DELETED] 

A better question: why should the story be tied to boring political shit the entire way? Let the plot explore that for a while, then give me eldritch demons.

Frankly, class struggle isn't real, and everything is about race, only Marxist faggots disagree. With that in mind, the demon plot is more true to life.

>> No.9711040 [DELETED] 
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But demons ARE pulling the strings.
>I mean in real life
I know.

>> No.9711508 [DELETED] 

b a s e d

>> No.9711595
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>> No.9711607

>lookin_go0d.heic (17.4mb, created 23:39:33 3/3/23)

>> No.9711661

It really seems like it was never meant to be one. It's clearly an Ogre game with a FF topcoat clumsily plastered over it.

>> No.9711663 [DELETED] 

Only if you let them, anon.

>> No.9711669 [DELETED] 

>class struggle isn't real
Dear me, that's the least fanciest thing I've read in weeks. Are you one of those poors I hear so much about? I donate to your kind, you know.

>> No.9711671 [DELETED] 

the bible says to give in secret
you are not supposed to boast about charitable works

>> No.9711682 [DELETED] 

They are losing.
A bunch of stuff that was never meant to happen, happened. Very toothpaste out of the tube type stuff.

Anyone who says otherwise is a hopeless pathetic doomer.

>> No.9711803

I don't know why people are surprised when Matsuno does this in almost every single game he directs. That's just his MMO, he loves to have demons/gods behind the human conflict.

>> No.9711807

>Just have the big powerful magic stones or whatever function basically like nukes, where whoever controls them has the power to annihilate an opposing country in minutes and the only defence is to strike back with your own magic stone powers. Then just write it as if it were a cold war story, but with more flexibility since you don't have to stick to real history. Or have these mysterious dark gods looming in the background, granting power to their cultists, but have the story mostly focus on the power struggles between different factions as they vie to earn the favour of different gods.
Anon...that's just the plot to FF12, which Matsuno also directed.

>> No.9711813 [DELETED] 

>and everything is about race
Not if you're Muslim, then everything is about God.

>> No.9711816

>That's just his MMO
His MO, I meant

>> No.9711854

Planscape torment
Fallout 1 and 2

Much better than anything in Japanese history

>> No.9711865 [DELETED] 


>> No.9711889 [DELETED] 

>the bible
And I'm sure the verse which best describes you is Ezekiel 23:20, yes?

>> No.9711893

Xenogears did it exceptionally, imo

>> No.9711902

How is it convoluted? The magic parts are the most simple aspect of the plot.

>> No.9712080 [DELETED] 

Haha, nope, still race.
t.friend became a White Muslim and was NOT welcome

>> No.9712183 [DELETED] 

faggot jannies pruning things they dont like again

the game is an allegory
draws several inspirations from real world events

get fucked
use that feedback button guys
cant even discuss vidya in peace

c r i n g e

>> No.9712187 [DELETED] 

I get that there's rules
but deleting literal quotes from the fucking game seems v reddit-tier

>> No.9712206

Final fantasy tactics
It has a sequel in Final Fantasy 14 in the form of a raid in the Stormblood expansion as well.

>> No.9712213

>draws several inspirations from real world events
Eh it's like 90% the War of the Roses, it takes very little political stuff from sources besides that.

>> No.9712227
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Weird, that's what I love about them. I love stories that makes human existence seem like a trivial blip in the infinite flow of time where higher powers toy around with mortals. Hell in FFXII, the entire reason the gods' plan goes awry is because one of the pic related goes rogue and decides man should have a try at it, even though this means we are still just the toys of higher beings, just ones that are now arming us.
>What claim does Gerun have on history's reins... seated on throne immortal, rent from time?

>> No.9712250

tfw you have to unironically use a 3rd party archival website just to see what people said

this website truly is lost
moot would be disappointed

>> No.9712279

It's mainly on /vr/ where this asshole does this.
Make use of 4chan's feedback.
Maybe with enough people they'll actually listen because this is the only board I've seen get this bad about it. It's one guy. One feckless do-gooder.

>> No.9712321
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>> No.9713934 [DELETED] 

Gee would you look at that, the thread's pretty much been annihiliated of all interested. That was page 10 just now.
Thanks for nothing.


>> No.9713938

Gee would you look at that, the thread's pretty much been annihilated of all interest. That was page 10 just now.
Thanks for nothing.


>> No.9714532

>That's just his Massively Multiplayer Online

But yes OP it's Final Fantasy what were you expecting?

>> No.9714593
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>> No.9714598

At least it's relatively allegorical in FFT. Brilliant of Matsuno to blend the real-life War of the Roses with Dante's Inferno, written 100 years before, to deliver a wealth of messages about the human experience so masterfully within the narrative constraints of a game for children. They just don't write them like this anymore.

>> No.9714640
File: 181 KB, 2048x1152, 1666593406815607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you just bring up something FROM REAL LIFE?
That does it, it's the purge for you buster!!

>> No.9714657
File: 759 KB, 640x442, VS2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They just don't write them like this anymore.
Honestly I would argue Matsuno's writing got better over time and FFT was one of his weaker works compared to VS and FF12.

>> No.9714707

Glover 64

>> No.9715084 [DELETED] 
File: 225 KB, 640x480, backgroundDefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

complaining about 4chan moderation is a bannable offense, using the feedback button expedites this process kek

all posts here must be about retro games only and what the moderation team feels they agree with; anything pertaining to a christian life or morality is removed.

redditors won
goodbye frens

>> No.9715089 [DELETED] 

also removing this post is against even hiroshimoots ruleset

we are allowed ONE thread per board to discuss the state of the board itself
so get fucked jannies