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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 37 KB, 520x390, earthbound_a1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
970178 No.970178 [Reply] [Original]

Would the opening of a sealed game that is 20 years old be considered gore on /vr/?

>> No.970185

Do it. Games are for playing.

>> No.970193
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>> No.970196

No, because OP is full of shit using a googled image.

>> No.970197

Earthbound was never sealed

>> No.970198


>> No.970201


Games are meant to be played.

Opening a sealed game would be like candy for us.

>> No.970203

Just like your Mother.

>> No.970216


No, but I don't see any reason to do it, other than making Resellers cry. That's worth a shit-ton of money, and you could trade for a wicked collection. Do whatever you want, OP. It's your damn property.

>> No.970220

Open it like a 10 year old on christmas morning.

Rip the tabs of the box off opening it, throw the manual/poster across the floor, step on what's left as you run to plug it in.

Post the actions or set up a stream for my enjoyment.

I want to taste the tears

>> No.970223

OP googled that image.

>> No.970225

Not if it was resealed just for the sake of "unsealing" something for shock value

>> No.970231

I'm not a reseller and I think opening it would be stupid, just because of what it's worth. I mean is the satisfaction of making some people you don't know angry really worth more?

>> No.970243
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Someone do this

>> No.970248

You must:

-Record or stream the event
-Start the video by saying "Okay vr troopers, you guys wanted me to prove the game is really in there, so here you go"
-Carelessly rip open the box and discard it
-Pull out the game and wave it in front of the camera
-Blow on it
-Place it in your snes and bang it into the slot with your palm
-boot it up on an lcd
-Talk more about how much you love vr
-Pull the game out of the snes without touching the release, then show it to the camera
-At the end of the video, state that now that youve "proven" it to be new in box, youre going to sell it for the highest bidder on ebay
-"Ill post it on ebay tomorrow. look for my username: 420blazeiterrydayYOLO"

>> No.970247

Games exist to be played. The only draw of a sealed copy, is knowing it will be in top condition.
But if you throw away the box, I'll hunt you down, and murder you.

>> No.970251

I could never find a sealed copy of Mother.

>> No.970254


> the joke
> your head


>> No.970263

How many factory sealed games do you own, /vr/?

>> No.970268

top lel

>> No.970273

I don't get it.

>> No.970275
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>> No.970279 [DELETED] 

1%-2% of my games are factory sealed. I have like four copies of Ridge Racer for some reason that I forgot where they came from. I have a sealed South Park: Chef's Love Shack that I just never decided to play. I had a sealed Red Alert collector's set but I sold it on eBay and just a couple days ago I was moments from buying a sealed Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner before I discovered the store's PS2 BOGO sale didn't apply to "new" games.

>> No.970280

Can you explain it to me?

>> No.970282

1%-2% of my games are factory sealed. I have like four copies of Ridge Racer for some reason that I forgot where they came from. I have a sealed South Park: Chef's Love Shack that I just never decided to play. I had a sealed Red Alert collector's set but I sold it on eBay and just a couple days ago I was moments from buying a sealed Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner before I discovered the store's PS2 BOGO sale didn't apply to "new" games.

>> No.970283

I have a sealed Megaman 64, that I'll open as soon as I actually feel like playing it.

>> No.970291

1, and i'm not opening it.
Why buy sealed copy of the game if you're going to open it?

>> No.970292

yo momma is a whore

>> No.970293

What does that have to do with my copy of Mother?

>> No.970298

To own a game that has never been touched by anyone else.

Also, what sealed game do you own?

>> No.970313 [DELETED] 


The gore would be opening it and playing that abortion of a game.

>> No.970317
File: 507 KB, 2048x1536, 07082013363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nights Into Dreams.
Got it for 60$.

>> No.970318


The gore would be opening it and playing that abortion of a game.

>> No.970324
File: 341 KB, 500x628, 1373058583772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.970327

>oh man this'll show him.

Wasn't saying it to get a reaction, numbnuts. I genuinely don't care for the fucking game.

>> No.970329

No one cares that you don't care for it.

>> No.970330

i just bought a sealed copy of xenogears with the intention of opening it and play, i just wanted a mint copy.

it was bs though so i told the guy it obviously wasn't factory sealed and he gave me back 50 of my 80 dollars by the next day.(amazon).

that's a bit older game though. if you have the money to burn do it for the lulz i guess, but I would try to trade it for regular copies of all the great snes rpgs of my choice.

>> No.970334
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>> No.970337


Earthbound's box was never shrink-wrapped when it was sold in 1995

>> No.970341

Only a modern game that came with my ps3 and I didnt open it because I plan to sell it.
Otherwise I open everything.

>> No.970363

games should be enjoyed not worshipped go for it

>> No.970370
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>Not posting the superior version

>> No.970373
File: 35 KB, 500x496, typical_earthbound_fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me neither.

>> No.970383

Why would a 90s kid care about a GBA SP?

>> No.970396

Because people born in 1999 think they're nineties kids, and the GBA SP came out when they were likely deemed old enough to have their own Game Boy?

>> No.970428


Ask any so-called "90's kid" if they remember Vanilla Ice or Captain Planet.

>> No.970427

I would sniff the shit out of a freshly opened snes game.

It'd be an instant flashback.

>> No.970445

Idk how other /vr/ troopers will feel about it, but I have no problem if you intend on playing and enjoying it, even just admiring it. As long as you don't flip all the individual parts of it on eBay, carpe diem, let it breathe!

>> No.970462
File: 133 KB, 480x668, 2009-07-16-18-25-53pdf000[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pretty sure even 80s kids don't remember this

>> No.970464

It belongs in a console, OP. Rip that shit open and enjoy it.

>> No.970468

>thinking the decade you're born in makes you special.
i was processed in 89 and i claim to be a fucking adult. nothing else

>> No.970469

You're a fucking pervert.

>> No.970471

I would like /v/ to leave.

>> No.970483

I'm not old enough to have watched the show, but I played the games. They were pretty neat.

>> No.970484

I do, i even have the games based off of it. The NES one is shit but the SNES one is pretty cool.

>> No.970493
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>nostalgia is perverted


>> No.970497

Good thing I'm a "seventies kid".

>> No.970496

You'd be wrong. I watched that and Denver: the Last Dinosaur when there was nothing else on.

>> No.970505

There is nothing like the smell of a freshly opened cartridge. Nothing. That dude probably emulates.

>> No.970547

There are 4 GREAT reasons to open that box.

1). It's a Bargain-basement title and now that the VC release is out, it will depreciate anyways.
2). It's actually a good game. Cult classic status is the SOLE reason it's expensive.
4). Penises,

>> No.970564


Not really.

EarthBound was never sold with a shrinkwrap.

>> No.970571



>> No.970583
File: 12 KB, 300x225, 2600StarRaiders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I could always open up my still sealed Atari 2600 Star Raiders (1982). Includes the touchpad and DC comic book inside...

Even has a cool story to go with it: It was found buried in a garage of a house where a previous family had just moved out. The person that was getting paid to clean the garage found it in the bottom of a box of clothes (With some unopened Texas Instruments TI-99/4A software.. no games). They gave it to me because... They had no idea and I have an honest face.

I was going to take a picture, but it's currently buried in MY garage.

Still factory sealed and, if memory serves, a Holographic Warner™ logo on the shrink wrap.

Just looked on Ebay to get a picture. Averaging $40 bucks sealed, I don't think that opening a 31 year old Atari game on /vr/ will cause the apocalypse to manifest.

>> No.970593

How does everyone just happen to resolutely know that the game was never shrinkwrapped, aside from "I totally remember from when I got it over a decade ago"

>> No.970610

I have a few PS2 games (Katamari, Amplitude, fatal frame 3, Parappa 2), but no retro sealed.

>> No.970627


Interesting point...

Just thinking about all the games I bought over the years. Many of them just had the boxes glued shut and a few were glued and shrunk wrapped. I remember standing in line for Super Mario 3 in a store back in the day (Yes, we stood in line then, too). The box was not sealed, but the game inside did have a sealed, loose plastic bag around it.

To be honest, I think the shrink on most of the games I bough lasted for about 1/10th of a second before ending up as a wad of plastic under my shoes...

>> No.970634

The plastic on games was almost always only for shipping so the boxes didn't get all scratched up rubbing against each other. They use it now at a quasi-antithieft tool, and to prevent scratches while shipping.

>> No.970650

I got a copy of Blazing Lazers for the turbografx that I'm pretty sure is brand new, and the jewel case just came in a folded over plastic bag with tape to keep it shut.

The reasons I don't doubt it's brand new:
>The bag (and the tape) is clearly very old, and looks like it's from the same era as the game
>The business card style plastic protector the Hucard came in was practically fused to it, most likely from being in the same position for 20+ years and warehouse heat

I didn't really care either way if it was brand new, since I got it for $15. Just thought the packaging for TG16 titles was interesting.

>> No.970669
File: 10 KB, 225x225, Ruse m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be a ruse

>> No.970671

Did you even read the thread?

>> No.970690

>Atari 2600 game
/vr/ would just say omg dats so old bad grafx go to bed granpa xDDDDD

>> No.970708 [DELETED] 

... what?

I say do it. I wanna see the comic touchpad and comic book.

>> No.970709

... what?

I say do it. I wanna see the touchpad and comic book.

>> No.970717

>... what?
Despite the fact that this is a retro video game board, the majority of /vr/ posters have little interest in pre-3rd generation gaming because of their primitive graphics and simplistic gameplay. It's the definition of hypocracy, but ehh, what can you do.
Polite sage.

>> No.970742

1st and 2nd gen games are so simple there's not really anything to discuss. Also the 2nd gen's large amount of shit games gives it a fairly negative reputation.

>> No.970945


In the last 3 months I bought all of these games sealed (all for Game Gear):

-Dragon the Bruce Lee Story
-Primal Rage
-Sports Trivia
-Super Smash TV
-Surf Ninjas
-Vampire Master of Darkness
-Virtua Fighter Animation

I opened them all.

Oh, and at Christmas time I bought all of these new from SE store:

-Chrono Cross GH
-FF12 GH
-Legend of Kage 2

I opened these too, except Drakengard and CC (have yet to get around to them). I open sealed games because I want to enjoy their contents, I gain satisfaction from looking the boxes and manuals but if I could not access it, I would not want it

>> No.970961

I can absolutely positively guarantee that Earthbound was never sealed. I was working in a video game store in 1998 and a guy came in with a whole sealed case of them (five copies I believe). He wanted cash and I gave him $100. I took one of them home with me where it sat on my shelf until 2009 when I sold it for $450 and it definitely never had shrinkwrap or even one of those clear round sticker seals.

>> No.970968
File: 1 KB, 251x201, pong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, even I got to admit that the first gen consoles would be a little lack luster...

"Power switch looks square, just like the console itself. The matched knobs on the sides make the paddles go up and down... The ball is also square."

"Can't wait for Pong 2 to be released!"

>> No.971130

Yeah, Nintendo has never sealed their big box games, even to this day. Mario Kart Wii's the same way.

>> No.971136

Every Earth Bound you unseal drives the price up more.

>> No.971150

Oh man. I remember that smell. That fresh plasticy smell, right?!
I love the tangy electric smell of a new game CD, but it's still different from the smell of a new cartridge.

>> No.971258

>make an unboxing video
>fumble with the box like a hamhands (if you don't it's not a proper unboxing video)
>discuss the qualities of aged cardboard, the smell, texture, taste
>take the game out, don't give the cart as much attention as the box
>give a summary, either say you paid an outrageous price for it or found it super cheap at a garage sale and how pleased you are with it

>> No.971325


wow, that is one of the dumbest things i've ever read

>> No.971340

this is painfully accurate

>> No.971398

none, I'm a gamer not a collector. Everything I receive, gets opened and played. Ironically some of the shittier things may come out in better condition because they never get touched.

>> No.971424

>square power and system.
What you're describing is the NES.

The atari was angled, wood grained for early releases, had ridges and circular switches for power and settings.

>> No.971914


This is /vr/, not reseller county.
Games want to be played with, not rot away in a box. Noone on here will have any problems with it being opened. Especially EB

>> No.971926

>How many factory sealed games do you own, /vr/?
My answer is 0.