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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 33 KB, 512x312, 1fea958c4049209861f56ea9d7b32e233ad662db_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9700028 No.9700028 [Reply] [Original]

>Resident Evil is better on Saturn because... you get to fight the same boss twice in a row!!!
This is the cope Saturnfags actually believe

>> No.9700072

It has other extra content not found anywhere else. It is also the hardest re1

>> No.9700091

Only a few 2d games are better on saturn than psx

>> No.9700118

why are you in so much cope you had to make a thread about it

>> No.9700185

What extra content does it have?

>> No.9700229
File: 74 KB, 700x1247, 1677029383000861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Battle Game
>It is the first Battle mini-game in the series, predating Extreme Battle in Resident Evil 2: DualShock Version and The Mercenaries: Operation Mad Jackal in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. It is unlocked after finishing the game once, or with the help of a cheat code.
>The Battle Game consists of 15 rooms, including 3 safe rooms. The player must kill all the enemies in a room before the game automatically proceeds to the next room, all while a new up-beat music plays, and is given the liberty to manage his inventory at the start of the game and in safe rooms along the way.
>The enemies present in each room and their placement are reminiscent of the rooms' equivalent in the main game but there are differences, such as a zombie Wesker and a golden Tyrant exclusive to this mode. Also, Hunters can be found in the Underground rather than the Ticks from the main game.
>Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield are both playable, with or without their alternate costumes. The weaponry and supplies at the disposition of the player differ depending on the character chosen.

>The Tick is a new enemy which replaces the Hunter in the Underground area, although Hunters are still present in the Mansion. Ticks are very much based on Hunters but differ in several ways: the model looks different, most notably they have a protusion on their backs, their texture is in the brown colour ranges, and they have different sounds. More importantly: Ticks have a new decapitation move.
>While Hunters only perform their decapitation move when they're at mid to long range from the protagonist, Ticks do it at close range. This makes the move more likely to be used by the enemy, and it also makes it faster, which makes it harder to dodge. Just like for the Hunters', they will only perform the move if the protagonist has less than half of its maximum HP left.

You can read more here:

>> No.9700316

>Only a few 2d games are better on Saturn
Every single Capcom fighting game that released on both Saturn and PS1 was always superior on Saturn, even without the RAM carts the games still ran better on Saturn's hardware.
And just to name a few other 2D games:
>Mega Man 8
>Power Slave
>Ogre Battle TMOTBQ
>Metal Slug
>Silhouette Mirage
>Lunar Silver Star

>> No.9700325

Extra shit content hahahaha fucking owned.

>> No.9700375

RE on Saturn will always remain my favorite. I still have my strategy guide for it.

>> No.9700424

lmao gottem

>> No.9701228

I finished the saturn version last year and the controls are way better IMO. The polygons dont flicker like in ps1. I dont know if it was because it had been a long time since I had played re1 but ive found the saturn version harder than the ps1. The double fight in the lab was lame, I dont think it was bad just unnecessary, I mean, I really dont care even if it was 4 i would smoke all of them the same way no joke. Overall is an amazing port. I want to try deep fear of of there days, it looks like re1 in many ways.

>> No.9701284

At least it's a way better port than N64 RE2, but Director's Cut is still my favorite version.

>> No.9701327
File: 2.21 MB, 1258x888, what a mansion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cool. Wonder why they didn't put the Battle Mode into the Director's Cut on PS1. Was it something that they couldn't do for technical or contract reasons.

>> No.9701363

Saturn looks better, plays better. Fuck off Snoy with your wobbly shit.

>> No.9701369

>Only a few 2d games
Street Fighter Zero 1, 2, 3
Capcom Generation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Sol Divide
Strikers 1945
Marvel Super Heroes
Street Fighter Collection
Samurai Shodown III & IV
X-Men cota
Vampire Savior
Pocket Fighter
Warriors Of Fate
Sonic Wings Special
Fatal Fury 3
Gussun Oyoyo
Lunar Silver Star
Puzzle Fighter II X
Asuka 100% BF
Samurai Bushido Retsuden
Xmen vs Street Fighter
SF vs Marvel S heroes
Real Bout Special
Magical Drop 3
And a bunch of others, are all dramatically better on Saturn

>> No.9701374

>implying Saturn port is not wobbly

>> No.9701379

>"dramatically better"
You wouldn't tell the majority of these apart in a blind test.

>> No.9701380
File: 130 KB, 1120x630, ph3-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asuka 100% BF
Who the fuck even plays this shit?

>> No.9701730

>The polygons dont flicker like in ps1
and at the minor cost of looking like spraytanned dogshit. the blood looks extra pixelated and shitty as well with no transparency. Saturn RE is such blatant fanboy cope. i was mad about sony killing the dreamcast too but i didn't allow it to send me spiraling into early onset dementia.

>> No.9701748

Perfect graphics on the crt over composite or svideo

>> No.9701981

Crtard cope as usually.
>it doesn’t look bad if you intentionally make it look as bad as possible.
>console has high quality RGB out, but no, the devs didn’t “intend” for you to use that.
Fuck you’re dumb.

>> No.9702103

This retard think Grandia is a 2D game. This proves you didn't even play the games you babbling about.

>> No.9702110

You forget that this game has Battle Mode, PS1 version does not.

>> No.9702113

>Samurai Bushido Retsuden
What's better in the Saturn version? Be careful, I finished this turd so it's a tricky question to answer if you're another poser who likes doing lists of game he doens't play.

>> No.9702140

He posted Powerslave too, but they're still far superior on Saturn than PS1.

>> No.9702156

It's a combination of 2D and 3D. And the 2D hardware (VDP2) is what generally makes the Saturn version better.

When it comes to 2D on Saturn and PS1, if the game is able to use VDP2 and the additional memory Saturn has, it's going to be better on Saturn (Any Capcom or SNK fighter, Megaman 8 and X4, etc). If it's heavily dependent on PS1's additive blending abilities, it's going to be better on PS1 (Symphony of the NiGHT).

>> No.9702165
File: 106 KB, 466x450, 1502150246593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This retard think Grandia is a 2D game.
2.5D but Grandia has so much spritework and flat textures going on I count it as 2D.

>This proves you didn't even play the games you babbling about.
No I don't but this doesn't disprove my point. This is 4chan after all.

>> No.9702493

Saturn version has been made useless with the DS version.

>> No.9702513

Fuck you mushbrained faggot. Both the PS1 and Saturn versions make heavy use of dithering to make the backgrounds look nicer—they look like wank over RGB.
>it looks worse because Fortnite looks bad on it
Maybe Fortnite, but not retro games.

>> No.9703186

god damn chris do you shit out of that fat ass

>> No.9703293

Probably just a relic from when each console version of a game needed distinct differences.
I also don't know if it could've fit on the disc with Advanced Mode's new backgrounds and events.

>> No.9703308

rgb was still displayed on a crt dummy

>> No.9704328

>cope post
as expected from the zoomer poser. Grandia is 3D, dumbass

>> No.9704330

ofc 2D games are mostly superior on SS WHAT A SHOCKING DISCOVERY, but it's funny to see zoomer who play games through youtube only console warring 30 years too late on 4chan about games they know nothing about. what's the point even

>> No.9704340

Deep Fear is really cool. It's kind of like between RE1 and 3 in terms of features with quick grenade access and moving and shooting possible.
Overall i liked RE series more, but DF is unique and impressive.

>> No.9704546
File: 311 KB, 703x527, Chris_alternate_uniform_-_sega_saturn[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outside of the Battle Mode and the Ticks, the backgrounds are slightly cleaner, and the characters are fully textured, unlike the PS1 version that just uses flat shading for skin. The texture seaming was also a lot better on the Saturn version. The d-pad on the Saturn controller is also a lot better than the one on the PS1.

Downsides are pretty much just the mesh transparencies which are only really obvious in two places (the plant you poison and the underground lab shark tank area), but in those two places they look awful, and the fact that the Saturn only ever got the original version and none of the updated/director's cut versions (although that might not be a con, depending on your preference).

Chris is also buff as fuck in the Saturn version, which I'm pretty sure makes it canon. This is the body of a man who punches boulders.

>> No.9704554

>the backgrounds are slightly cleaner
They're not

>> No.9704560

The backgrounds don’t use dithering, the models do, and it looks like shit so much they disabled the hardware dithering flag for RE2 and 3 on the models. Keep going, I enjoy laughing at fucking stupid you are.

>> No.9704564

They are

>> No.9704581
File: 64 KB, 640x480, resident_evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's obvious they didn't touch up the colours by hand, which results in a lot of banding, but saying there's no dithering is absurd.

>> No.9704606

Post proofs

>> No.9704614
File: 155 KB, 720x1013, Official_Sega_Saturn_Magazine_022_-_august_1997_UK_0049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, sure, I'll just fire up the Saturn, start a new game, sit through the entire intro, then take a picture on my phone, then go to my closet and find my PS2, take it back to the living room and climb behind my TV so I can hook it up, then find my PS1 copy of RE1, sit through the intro again, take another picture of my phone, transfer the pictures to my PC, fire up some editing software to combine the images and resize them so they can be uploaded on 4chan, then upload them on 4chan and make a post all so I can show some retarded faggot on /vr/ what the rest of the world already knows.

Just sit tight and wait anon, I'll get right on that for you :^)

>> No.9704618

Or, instead of arguing in bad faith and pretending your hypothesis is unfalsifiable, you could compare any of the thousands of free screenshots of the game. I'm not going to read that magazine scan but if somewhere in it is a comment that boasts of the game's alleged superiority on Saturn, you would struggle to find a more biased source than the Official Sega Saturn Magazine.

>> No.9704627

>Or, instead of arguing in bad faith and pretending your hypothesis is unfalsifiable, you could compare any of the thousands of free screenshots of the game.

Or, here's an idea... you could since you're the one who doesn't know.

I'm not here to do your homework for you. Take some initiative. Apply yourself.

>> No.9704632

Easily debunkable via emulation. Saturn BGs are not better.

>> No.9704636

The only real difference I'm aware of is PS1 uses the MDEC chip to compress the backgrounds using a DCT based compression scheme. Since Saturn can't do that they use a different software based compression scheme, or just leave them uncompressed (not sure which). Resolution wise they're the same, but Saturn might have less noticeable compression artifacts?

>> No.9704638

How did you play it? It didn't work on any emulator I tried

>> No.9704651
File: 25 KB, 341x372, 4f1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Easily debunkable via emulation
> via emulation
> emulation

>> No.9704657
File: 104 KB, 320x240, Resicomp1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The burden of proving YOUR point is on me? Very well. More to come.

>> No.9704659
File: 174 KB, 320x240, Resicomp2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The water isn't even the biggest downgrade here, in my opinion.

>> No.9704662

You challenged a well known fact, the burden is on you.

If I say "The sky is blue", and you say "No it's not", and I say "Yes it is", and you say "Prove it" than I'm not going to waste my time taking a picture of the sky.

>> No.9704663
File: 173 KB, 320x206, Resicomp3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9704664

saturn takes the win

>> No.9704672
File: 151 KB, 320x240, Resicomp4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you can see, Saturn has fewer colours and more banding. There are no situations in which the Saturn version has better backgrounds.
It isn't a well-known piece of information, much less a fact.
The problems which emulation has are not issues that affect this discussion given the discussion merely concerns tile data, which are easily read even without the use of en emulator. What might affect the fairness of this test is framerate testing conducted with emulation.

>> No.9704687

So I'm guessing they went with 256 color or less tilemaps compared to the 16-bit RGB color images PS1 used to try and deal with the lack of hardware accelerated DCT compression.

Though to be honest I honestly can't tell if there's less colors or if it's just different backgrounds entirely, as they don't seem to be a 1:1 match in spots. The real comparison should be just comparing the data on the discs. Both versions can have their images extracted with tools like BioFAT.

>> No.9704692

>As you can see, Saturn has fewer colours and more banding.

You posted areas that had the lighting changed and transparent glass removed, or that have mesh transparencies (which were already mentioned by >>9704546 ) if you think there are "fewer colors" in the saturn version you are blind and/or can't into color grading. I'm not even confident that both images are coming from real hardware instead of emulation (which is typical of your standard "retro game comparison" websites/youtube videos).

>> No.9704709

Do you not think the lighting was changed for the sake of a lower colour depth? The colourless reflections here (>>9704663) prove it. Furthermore, we are talking about the background tiles, not transparency—like I said, the water – which is irrelevant to the tile data, by the way – isn't even the worst downgrade in the shark area, which now suffers from significant colour banding on the walls.

Last but not least, as outlined earlier (>>9704672) it is impossible for emulation to affect the outcome of this test because printing simple tiles – the thing we are comparing – is not a problem whatsoever—reading tile data is so conceptually simple that it does not even require emulation.

>> No.9704714

Again, you can settle this stupid debate very easily without emulation. Extract the images from the disc and compare them. There's tons of tools available to do this for Saturn, PS1, PC, GC, etc. A simple 5 minute google search of "Resident Evil Background Extractor." could solve this.

>> No.9704718

> lower color depth
> colorless reflections

Yes, turns out if you remove the giant glowing green glass tubes in a scene, those giant green glass tubes will no longer reflect in the floor. Brilliant observation.

Also, using emulated versions of games is not an appropriate means for comparing backgrounds, and the fact that you think it is means anything you argue can pretty much be immediately discounted because it is more than obvious that you do not know what you are talking about.

Either post actual screenshots of the games running on native hardware, or the actual image files from the game discs.

>> No.9704724
File: 2.95 MB, 600x600, 1642753898061.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're the one who is sperging out, it appears that the onus is on you anon

>> No.9704763

It is already settled. If those screenshots do indeed use emulators, there is no reason to believe "Resident Evil Background Extractor" would be any more accurate. Furthermore, emulators obviously don't have decades-outdated diffusion algorithms to corrupt the tile data without any actual dithering applied like you might suggest, nor would a Saturn emulator be uniquely predisposed to such a thing.

If an emulator were to fail to print a tile somehow, it would either print the wrong tile, or print it with the wrong palette; obviously, neither is observable in the provided Saturn screenshots.

Your bad faith arguing is laughable and witless. Delusionally fanboying over 30 year old toys must be fantastic for your psyche.

>> No.9704767

>Yes, turns out if you remove the giant glowing green glass tubes in a scene, those giant green glass tubes will no longer reflect in the floor. Brilliant observation
Fool. The objects adjacent to the wall no longer have coloured reflections.

See (>>9704763) for an explanation on why emulators (which you ASSUME are being used) do not affect the outcome of this test. Give a technical rebuttal to that like I have so generously given to you, otherwise we can both agree I clearly know more about the topic than you.

>> No.9704778

>which you ASSUME are being used

Prove they aren't

>> No.9704792

If you paid attention to the unique IPs in the topic you'd realize I'm not the same person arguing the Saturn had better backgrounds. I'm simply giving you guys an option that would eliminate any excuses from either party.


Download that, you can extract the raw images and compare them directly and put an end to this silly debate you guys are having.

>> No.9704810

I didn't take the screenshots; I can't prove that they are or aren't emulated. I can however prove that emulation does not affect the outcome of this test, which you have not rebutted (>>9704763). While you obviously have an abstract conception that emulation is "different", you obviously do not understand the technical "what", "when", "where", "why", and "how". Thus, you assume the issues with emulation are ubiquitously and equally distributed, discounting the extent to which certain aspects of the hardware may be more (or less) understood. It would be like dismissing one's evident competence in cheesemaking because you had their cheese in an otherwise mediocre sandwich.

>> No.9704819

It's not a debate, it's me trying to explain to some butthurt snoy about how the backgrounds in an almost 30 year old game look slightly better on the console his parents didn't buy him and him freaking out about it.

>> No.9704821

That’s not dithering, that’s compression, rasterization, and color pallet limitations. Dithering is using a checkerboard of either one color or two to create a blend or a fake transparency. Look at the character models in RE1 and you’ll notice dithering all over the models to try to blend colors and make it seem like there are more colors than there actually are. This is done with a hardware flag on the PS1 that can actually be disabled via GameShark codes. It is disabled in RE2 and RE3.
No one said you couldn’t? That was just a jab at people who claim composite/crt is ‘developers intention’ when you had multiple output options well before digital displays existed.

>> No.9704827

>I can however prove that emulation does not affect the outcome of this test
You haven't, and you won't, because you can't

>> No.9704845

Trying to explain? You haven't offered a single technical explanation, let alone an attempt at rebutting mine.
>the console his parents didn't buy him
So this is the part where you blatantly project? I wasn't even born when this game came out, lol. I hoped for your sake that you were not a delusional 40+ year old lying to strangers half his age in order to satisfy the tribalistic urges you have woefully misplaced into 30 year old toys—my hopes were misplaced just as woefully. The only dog I have in this fight is to not be a geriatric liar.
Dithering isn't necessarily a screen-wide effect. The compression algorithm they used does produce dithering but not very effectively.
I did; you refused to comment.

>> No.9704885

lol what music was swelling in your head when you wrote this post

>> No.9704887

No one said the dithering is a screen wide effect. It’s a flag applied to textures. The ‘dithering’ you see on the backgrounds is not a result of the hardware dithering, it’s a coincidental effect of the compression applied to the background to make them work on the ps1. You can use the dithering disable patcher program to patch the iso (that’s not specifically for RE1 by the way) and it does not affect the backgrounds at all. The developers rendered the backgrounds in full 3D with full color and then compressed them to work, they did not intentionally add dithering to them at any step of the process.

>> No.9704895
File: 959 KB, 498x376, 1677625303373923.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok zoomer

>> No.9705002

Backgrounds in the Saturn version were re-rendered from scratch using the source files. That's why some rooms have different background details like the "ARMS" sign in the guardhouse basement and a few camera angles are slightly different.

>> No.9705116
File: 83 KB, 320x240, ezgif-3-a3939556cf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrible examples because the Saturn version uses what are most likely early backgrounds for the this room. This is why the lighting and detailing differs, the lighting is part of the backgrounds so there is no reason why it couldn't be there.

Some parts do look better even in the Saturn version however, for instance the bottom and top parts of the vats are more detailed whereas they're pitch black on PS1.

Anyway try any other room and the backgrounds are less pixelated and have better colours on Saturn. It's not a huge difference but it's there. A great example is the room with the life->death painting puzzle.

>> No.9705119
File: 86 KB, 320x240, ezgif-3-11021a013e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is a lot less blurry

>> No.9705132
File: 90 KB, 320x240, ezgif-3-cbffe5097b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how the shadow looks better on Saturn in this one

>> No.9705224

Can you just start a thread like a normal person

>> No.9705548

I have a Sega Saturn with an ODE.
Kind of surprised it doesn't work on emulation though, it seems like a pretty popular Saturn game.

>> No.9705564
File: 2.76 MB, 960x720, Deep Fear.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worked fine here. I played it like a decade ago iirc it was using yabause and recently in mednafen

>> No.9706216


That and the graphics are better.

>> No.9706286

Why are there Gen X'ers who genuinely believe emulation hasn't progressed since UltraHLE and ZSNES