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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9704123 No.9704123 [Reply] [Original]

Resident Evil 2 and Mega Man Legends
Ms Pac-Man: Maze Madness, Namco Museum, and Ridge Racer 64 (which they didn't even make; they just licensed out the Ridge Racer name for Nintendo's American branch to make the game)
Hybrid Heaven, Castlevania 64, Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness, Rakuga Kids, Mystical Ninja starring Goemon, Goemon's Great Adventure
Bangai-O, Mischief Makers, and Sin & Punishment
>Hudson Soft
Bomberman 64 1&2, Bomberman Hero, Bomberman 64 (2001), Robopon 64, Last Legion UX
Wonder Project J2
Shiren the Wanderer 2
Ogre Battle 64
Snowboard Kids 1&2
the Evangelion game, Super Robot Wars 64, and that SRW fighting spinoff
Chameleon Twist 1&2
Harvest Moon 64
literally nothing
literally nothing
literally nothing

Outside of Konami and Hudson Soft, the Nintendo 64 had abysmal Japanese third-party support. How was it able to succeed as much as it did despite that lack of critical Japanese support? Of course Nintendo's first and second-party games carried the console, but I cannot think of another Japanese console before or since where the western third-party support was so much more significant than the Japanese third-party support

>> No.9704134

>Resident Evil 2

Why didn't they port RE1

>> No.9704143

>Mega Man Legends
A terrible port with framerate drops not seen in the PS1 version.
>Resident Evil 2
$80+ game with downgraded textures and 15 fps FMV instead of
>How was it able to succeed as much as it did despite that lack of critical Japanese support?
Because the British and American games were better. Forsaken, GoldenEye, Perfect Dark, Turok 1 and 2, Wave Race, a lineup of excellent Star Wars games, Beetle Racing, Rush, Vigilante 8, Body Harvest, they're much better than Japanese games.
>Japanese console
It's almost entirely engineered by American, British, and Canadian companies.

>> No.9704148

N64 had the best games of 5th gen

>> No.9704158

Nice summary, definitely had many cool games for it, even if the system was lacking in quantity

>> No.9704167
File: 571 KB, 1108x1295, NA N64 VS PS v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How was it able to succeed as much as it did despite that lack of critical Japanese support?
short answer: Ninty's own games and Rare.
long answer:
N64 actually sold very weak in Japan. N64 sold around 5.5 mln there, GC only did 4.04 mln. goes to show I guess.
as for the West, N64 already lost a lot of ground to PS. though it still played a strong #2.
as for how and why, there are many factors I guess. N64 being more "advanced" console with analog support and "real" 3D games. Goldeneye being a huge hit. very strong lineup of universally loved games like SM64, OoT, as well as just popular games like MK64, Smash and so on.
plus, Playstation still being a "newcomer" to an extent, and Saturn basically being dead on arrival. and in general this still being the 90s era before GTA3 and before everyone started hating childish games.
GC had none of that, aside for good 1st party games (though none of them were quite as groundbreaking with the sole exception of Metroid Prime).

>> No.9704171

The N64 had really solid western titles. Why did the japanese not buy western games? I noticed that western games weren't very popular in japan until the mid to late 2010s.

>> No.9704180

Culture? Not sure but in their mind only japs can make great products
Same reason why xbox never managed to sell there.

>> No.9704195 [DELETED] 

A look at the Super Famicom charts might give you the idea. Out of the 20 best-selling games for the system, 10 (!) were JRPGs. Losing Square / Enix was a huge blow to N64.
Japanese did like Rare games for most part. In fact, Crash also sold very well in Japan. But, they never had much interest in FPS, so Goldeneye was of little interest to them. (1/2)

>> No.9704201
File: 588 KB, 1128x1544, SFC sales (game library).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A look at the Super Famicom charts might give you the idea. Out of the 20 best-selling games for the system, 10 (!) were JRPGs. Losing Square / Enix was a huge blow to N64.
Japanese did like Rare games for most part. In fact, Crash also sold very well in Japan. But, they never had much interest in FPS, so Goldeneye was of little interest to them. (1/2)

>> No.9704216
File: 565 KB, 1144x1526, PSX (game data library).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think in general Japan didn't care quite AS much about al kinds of action games as they did about other genres—JRPG, first and foremost, but also fighters, racing, and all kinds of weirdo genres they like. Neither they cared about Star Wars or WWE.
The PS1 top games (picrel) draw a pretty obvious picture. The top 4 is FF7-9 and DQ7. these alone would sell any console in Japan.
Crash games sold OK, but not great. No Spyro there either. maybe Japan simply didn't care about platformers as much as US did.
I think the biggest mistake people make is overestimate how much people ACTUALLY cared about Mario / Zelda. it never was quite as big as they think, both in US and Japan. just not enough to sell a whole platform.

>> No.9704231

>buy a system with powerful 3D engine that nearly matches the performance of $2000 gaming PCs at the time
>play baby tier RPGs that don't even have as much depth as literally any C64 and Apple II RPG title
Why are the japs like this????

>> No.9704235

oh, there he goes again. "but muh complex Western RPGs that make JRPG pale in comparison".
bud, newsflash, the West also liked FF7 and 8. literally see >>9704167 . but I guess the only thing you understand is jerking to graphics in some shitty 90s FPS #436172.

>> No.9704249

>the West also liked FF7 and 8
Yes but they're not only playing those games. They loved Goldeneye, Driver, Spyro, Tomb Raider, the games that pushed the capabilities of the system.
>the only thing you understand is jerking to graphics in some shitty 90s FPS #436172
You don't get it huh. If you're buying a top of the line system, it would be a waste if you're not running top of the line software on it.

>> No.9704278
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This, plus Nintendo games. All the games OP listed were just a nice bonus

Everyone knows this (that's why OP made this cope thread)

>> No.9704279
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>How was it able to succeed as much as it did despite that lack of critical Japanese support?
Indeed impressive isn't it? The N64 only has 300 games while the PS1 has 3000 games (1/10). Yet, the N64 sold 1/3 as much as the PS1. It's almost like one very good game is worth more than 100 mediocre games