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File: 10 KB, 158x320, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9689465 No.9689465 [Reply] [Original]

>looks like the classic FF1/FF3 fighter
>has bad ass barbarian sword & armor
>so covered in scars he looks almost undead
>still generic enough you can easily self-insert, can't even see his whole face
>name is literally just "blank", a man with no name
Instead you have to play as the fucking boy band ass monkey twink, fuck FF9 for this

>> No.9689497 [DELETED] 

Autisim: The Thread

>> No.9689508 [DELETED] 

This whole board is autistic as a concept. If you have any kind of opinion on CRT filters you have autism. If you still play any of these games for any reason other than you are poor, you are autistic.

>> No.9689527

Okay. So you want to play as a faceless generic insert instead of the main character. That's fine, but why are you complaining? FF isn't a series that ever catered to that outside of maybe 2, 3, and 5 to a very very limited degree.

>> No.9689545

Just 1 and 3 really.

>> No.9689546
File: 147 KB, 213x465, ZidaneTribal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zidane is literally the worst FF-protag from a design standpoint, and I'd say even the worst designed character out of all the party members in FF9, which is crazy when you take in account Amarant & Quina. At least they are interesting, Zidane is just bad.

>> No.9689552

I love FF9 but this is so true, WTF am I supposed to be looking at

>> No.9689556

Yea, its my favorite, and I don't even dislike him as a character, but he looks awful, which sucks.

>> No.9689559

I like Zidane well enough. He's in with Vivi and Steiner, two of the best FF characters, which helps.

>> No.9689704

I don't like the belt blindfold or how he looks like a sewn-together corpse. Genuinely would like to know what's up with that.

>> No.9689725

8 belts >>9689465
3 belts >>9689546

Obviously that makes Blank the superior character

>> No.9689762 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 496x545, D49A1AEA-5195-412D-BEC0-E3D737D0B9B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's bad because...IT JUST IS OK??!

>> No.9689815

Better yet, each one of Blank's belts is functional and serves a purpose. Hair belt is debatable, but how else are you going to contain a mane like that.
Meanwhile Zidane's belts are all completely useless, especially (and rather humorously) the one around his waist.

>> No.9689832

I remember when i played ff9 for the first time, i totally thought that at some point he'd join the party. Kinda dissapointed considering amarant was pretty bland

>> No.9689851
File: 31 KB, 360x441, 1676628847287827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guys sucks and he get's petrified like a little bitch. There's absolutely nothing about him that is cool and he doesn't look like the FF1/3 fighter at all. lmao at you OP.

>> No.9689858

t. zidane

>> No.9689929

I'm not one of those types who gives much of a shit about character design and whether a character looks like a chad coomer bloomer virgin alpha virgin but I must admit, FFIX was one of the few cases where I was actively turned off by the designs. Vivi looked okay at least.

>> No.9689943

Ff9 was a masterpiece, eat my ass.

You litterally have a boyband fag as a MC in every FF btw so get that stick off your B-hole

>> No.9689959 [DELETED] 

>If you still play any of these games for any reason other than you are poor, you are autistic.
Fuck off, retarded troon faggot.

>> No.9690095

Ohayo Nomura-sama

>> No.9690174

>Instead you have to play as the fucking boy band ass monkey twink
Welcome to final faggotry

>> No.9690230
File: 156 KB, 1050x521, 20010817-yT8kaXaR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9690269


>> No.9690271

Dandy Goku

>> No.9690343
File: 93 KB, 580x1000, Locke_III.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A thief pretending to be an actor. AKA a dashing rogue. Locke had the same flamboyant rogue design going on, too.

>> No.9690346

Does that make Kuja dandy Raditz?

>> No.9690353
File: 28 KB, 122x339, Kid Vid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


blank always reminded me of that burger king kid.

>> No.9690773
File: 73 KB, 510x296, B1D67F21-79E9-49C1-8B41-1947B12AFFD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's bad because I say so
Riveting argument.

>> No.9691537

this is actually some 200 iq level take. easily the single smallest change that’d have made the game way better.
exactly this. cloud and squall were bad ass. zidane is a dickweed

>> No.9691569

fuck blank, if you give him equipment for those two screens he joins your party he LEAVES WITH IT

>> No.9691605

Oh no, the loss of some leather and iron gear is surely going to ruin your game.

>> No.9691739
File: 134 KB, 850x832, __eiko_carol_final_fantasy_and_1_more_drawn_by_uboar__sample-8af51ad7898ad0cafbbfa12837c3b050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Litreally the stupidest looking character. Why did they make his hair shaped like a phallus? What's weird is everything else looks cool except him. Squall was the most soulful designed character, Cloud was the edgiest, and Zidick is the lamest.

>> No.9692030

Blank? Blank?
You mean Blah-nk right?

>> No.9692731

Well then, learn to romhack or mod the PC version and swap the models and names around

the whole dragon ball tail thing won't make any sense anymore though

>> No.9694583

Reminder that you're supposed to say his name like "'Zhee~tahnne'" which sounds exactly the same as the French word for gypsies (Gitan)

>> No.9694586
File: 892 KB, 916x856, 1485227255929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you all I liked Zidane.
>world is filled with sentient non-human humanoids, such as the bat-like fat Baku, Blank with his zombie-like appearance, big tongued Quina, rats, hippos, beaked things, four-armed things, a talking oglops who rules Lindblum, and whatever the fuck Benero/Zenero/etc were meant to be
>so a human with a tail? who cares, nothing new under the sun
>Zidane is in fact a designed lifeform intended to act as like a Jenova-type enemy to the people of Gaia. he was fated to be an 'angel of death'.
>however, the prototype-Jenova screws up that plan by dumping baby Zidane onto Gaia
>so Zidane, on this planet full of strange humanoids, integrates like any other. because although someone might think "a tail???" its honestly not that unique, with all those beaks, big ears, big noses, big eyes, big tongues, etc
>detatched from his fate, Zidane LOVES Gaia - grows to be a positive, outgoing person with an infectious personality which touches the heart (sooner or later) of everyone he meets
>later on, learning his true origin throws him off, but his friends who were won over by his hitherto personality encourage him to find his footing
>recovers and saves Gaia, in a complete turnaround to what 'fate' had decided he should be doing
let me guess - you NEED more?

>> No.9694594

>Reminder that you're supposed to say his name like "'Zhee~tahnne'"
No, I have always and will continue to pronounce his name "Zidane."

>> No.9694870

>>Zidane is in fact a designed lifeform intended to act as like a Jenova-type enemy to the people of Gaia. he was fated to be an 'angel of death'.
This part was the most laughable part of this.

>> No.9694878

that's his shirt. the sleeves just happen to be flesh colored

>> No.9694883

this game has the ugliest fucking characters of any FF. every single one looks like some kind of deformed cabbage patch doll with a giant head shoved into victorian clothing or clown clothes. even steiner looks like some kind of wizard of oz tin man faggot shit. god what a fucking ugly game.

>> No.9694886

He’s one of Dr. Finkelstein’s creations.

>> No.9694887

those are clearly stitches going into his chest and leg

>> No.9694950
File: 2.35 MB, 1887x3346, FFEF_Vaan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vaan is worse

>> No.9695045

No, while Vaan does look more like a male stripper than an adventurer, he looks like a male stripper someone attracted to men might employ. Zidane looks like a sex worker who desperately needs to consider a change in career.

>> No.9695583
File: 102 KB, 640x960, 640px-Marco_Materazzi_2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zidane's biggest enemy

>> No.9695604

No, you're supposed to pronounce it Zee-dan because he's named after famous French footballer Zinedine Zidane, beloved by japan at the time

>> No.9695616

Vaan's worst offense is wearing a crop top, and in his defense he was living an arid, hot place

>> No.9695620

the handle on the knife is a penis lol

>> No.9695641
File: 98 KB, 626x1000, Zidane Amano Concept Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you go from this...to that. Just read that Amano's original character designs were re-interpreted by Toshiyuki Itahana, who designed the characters for Crystal Chronicles.

>> No.9695647

>learning his true origin throws him off
If you pay attention to that scene, Garland actually rips his soul out. His friends cause him to spontaneously regenerate his soul.
>detatched from his fate, Zidane LOVES Gaia - grows to be a positive, outgoing person with an infectious personality which touches the heart (sooner or later) of everyone he meets
This is literally just DBZ, nothing interesting.

>> No.9695650

Amano wasn't the original character designer for FF9, Shuko Murase was.

>> No.9695702

My bad. Still, it's a shame that they didn't go with his designs and style for the throwback game. I'm sure they wanted to have a more chibi, cutesy look, but it would've been nice to see a 3D FF game with Amano designed characters.

>> No.9695781

>If you pay attention to that scene, Garland actually rips his soul out. His friends cause him to spontaneously regenerate his soul.
sponeaneously? lol. it's the power of friendship.
>This is literally just DBZ, nothing interesting.
what do you mean if you ignore the rest of the post you can find ONE trope that's been done a million times before???????
there's no point in retards like you trying to talk to the rest of us.

>> No.9696216

I don't care. His name is Zidane so I'll call him Zidane. I'm neither French nor Japanese.

>> No.9696434
File: 1.50 MB, 500x288, SlipperyCookedBlowfish-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha has good taste

>> No.9696534

That stance and outfit looks a little gay in my opinion

>> No.9696660

Would their child have tail if they were to reproduce?

>> No.9696673

>>9689552 >>9689559 >>9689725 >>9690230 >>9690773 >>9691537 >>9691739 >>9694583 >>9694950 >>9695620 >>9695641
You're not getting put in the le ebin Reddit screencap.

>> No.9696679

That brings up an interesting question. Can genomes reproduce? They're meant to be filled with the souls of Terra, so you'd think maybe they would be able to reproduce, but on the other hand they can just be created as well. If they can just be created and meant to have a Terran soul, then what would be the point of being able to reproduce? Maybe they were created without dicks and vagina's since they don't actually need to reproduce since they can just be created, we don't know.

>> No.9696718

I don't think zidane can make baby. He's a robot, after all. Live weewee da widdle wizard, just an ambulating automaton, doomed to envy the genitive power of organic life, festering and seething until he unleashes his fury on an unsuspecting azebaijani tiedye forum.

>> No.9696725

He’s constantly lusting after women, what do you think?

>> No.9696785

Sounds like you should go back

>> No.9696801
File: 488 KB, 498x371, lupin-the-third-fujiko-mine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a Lupin reference

>> No.9696804

If they didn't change his name to that of a footballer he would've been a much better character. I spent all my playthrough as a kid wondering why he has that footballers name. Kept waiting for some kind of a cameo or something

>> No.9696830

He’s also a monkey like Lupin

>> No.9696856

Steiner has Zenigata's eyes and is trying to catch him

>> No.9696891

There's a famitsu interview with the character designer and he specifically mentions Steiner is based on Zenigata

>> No.9696943
File: 1.37 MB, 498x278, final-fantasy-ix-ff9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it mean she's Fujiko

>> No.9697027

loling at you trying to sound smart, that's not how you pronounce "gitan" at all. Zidane is a french football player from berber descent.

t. frog

>> No.9697098
File: 393 KB, 743x682, Yoshitaka_Amano_Zidane_FFIX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like shi-tan... cause he shit. I think the art direction of 9 was pretty lame. like why go back to chibis for 9?

>> No.9697148
File: 353 KB, 437x800, FFTA2Vaan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Vaan needs is a simple white shirt and he's suddenly a really cool design.

>> No.9697256

>why go back to chibis for 9?
Because FF9 is a love letter to classic FF. As far as I'm concerned, it was a send-off for FF and serves as the final game in the series.

>> No.9697356
File: 270 KB, 938x1200, chun-li shukou murase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shuko Murase
Really? THIS Shuko Murase?

>> No.9697373

Something about him just feels like a parody. Like someone making fun of how a FF protagonist is a manlet with big hair and they just photoshop his hair to be bigger and make his proportions more midgetlike.

>> No.9697383

>Because FF9 is a love letter to classic FF.
It's quite possibly the worst love letter I've ever seen. No wonder only fags blinded by nostalgia think this is "the best" game

>> No.9697393

Good thread on it

>> No.9697471
File: 270 KB, 1000x606, Itahana_Lani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Informative thread thanks anon. I kind of like Murase's original Kuja design. And interesting that Itahana mostly designed the npcs (like pic related)

>> No.9697652

>No wonder only fags blinded by nostalgia think this is "the best" game
No thats the ff7fags who wrongly thinks that about their overated game

>> No.9697687

>Because FF9 is a love letter to classic FF
I think they only people who say that are those who never played classic FFs and they only say that because they think fantasy setting = classic FFs. Early games were neither fantasy nor lighthearted, shit got dark and sci-fi all the time.

>> No.9697848

Japanese games aren't suppose to have references to Japanese culture that modern weebs can't automatically get at a glance.

>> No.9697857
File: 177 KB, 1280x720, 14448e381ae7299a197d10e9522dd6468877976c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breath of Fire 3 is full of them though more than a few get diluted in the translation.

>> No.9697869

>got dark and sci-fi all the time
The Terrians literally being from another planet is AS sci-fi as anything that happened in the first 6 Final Fantasy games. Are you talking about things like WarMech? Because Japanese fantasy in the 80s and early 90s HEAVILY pulled from stuff like Moebus and Nausicaa, which had a ton of "turns out the fantasy world is laying on top of the ruins of a fallen super-tech world".

>> No.9697871

>shit got dark and sci-fi all the time
So does FF9, retard. Play the game.

>> No.9697885

NO. If that's the case, then the ENTIRE idea that localizers changing Japanese references is bad/unnecessary because the Japanese never reference something that's not immediately understandable to weeaboos will look VERY stupid.

>> No.9698065
File: 549 KB, 2046x2676, 88F1005E-27E4-447C-9F26-D12D4BE4D207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9698781

I'm talking about the way the game is perceived by newfags, compared to 7 and 8. Why is it considered similar to classic FFs then in your opinion? If not because it's perceived to be more lighthearted and less sci-fi?
I mean you go to the moon in FF4 I'd say it's hard to get more sci-fi than that

>> No.9698813

>Why is it considered similar to classic FFs then in your opinion?
I didn't say it's similar, I said it's a love letter to classic FF. It certainly has its own identity as a game, but it has TONS of references to older FFs and the director of the game literally states the theme of the game design was, "Returning to our roots." The characters being more chibi is a result of the director liking the chibi designs from the old FF games and literally hiring the guy who drew those to design the characters in FF9. If you can't see how FF9 uses classic FF elements that hadn't appeared in the series for quite a while at that point (NES-style faceless black mages are another example) then you're either blind or you've just never actually played the older games in the series. The whole game is a heavy nostalgia trip, and it was designed to be so.

>> No.9698824
File: 2 KB, 36x50, White_Wizard_%28Final_Fantasy%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chibi designs from the old FF games
Call me that to my face and see what happens jabroni

>> No.9698828
File: 96 KB, 800x800, gaaneto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9698932
File: 505 KB, 1100x758, chibiff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmph, you were cuter when I thought you were a little girl.

>> No.9698937
File: 207 KB, 640x348, topics_200501_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hiring the guy who drew those to design the characters in FF9.
akshually, as mentioned here >>9697393, it was Koichi Ishii who did the chibi designs for FF1-3. It's true that they wanted to make the FF9 characters similar to those though, but Ishii wasn't involved.

>> No.9699050

FF character designs exist solely to lure in women. They already know otaku will buy their games, these characters are eye candy for fujoshi slashfic writers

>> No.9699052

Nothing wrong with it

>> No.9699093

This looks like Tifa wearing Garnet’s clothes.

>> No.9699159
File: 259 KB, 1365x909, fantasy of mana 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FF9's design choices make a lot more sense once you realize that it was originally a Mana series project.

>> No.9699175
File: 40 KB, 660x495, Final Fantasy 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one relatable moment

>> No.9699705

>Giant Tree that's actually an advanced factory
This basically was something straight out of mana which makes me curious as to what it was going to be used for. Even Crystal Chronicles which used a lot of FF9 stuff resembled the mana series a lot.

>> No.9699725

FF1 does have "chibi" design.
All the characters are smaller and less detailed in the field and only have more realistic look in battle.
This carried on up until FF7 with 6 being the only exception.

What FF9 got "wrong" is that it used the same models for fields and battles; but I believe they did that because retards thought (and still think) chibi models in 7 were "technical limitation" so going back on that after FF8 would have felt like a technical downgrade, in a video game world marketing still ran by technical aspects.

>> No.9699749

last time I played Pokemon I had a primeape. Named him Zidane and taught him headbutt just for this joke.

>> No.9699750

>crystal chronicles
that explains the giant head. Top bad garnet didn't get giant selkie tits.

>> No.9699751


>> No.9699758

that explains why he's bumbling

>> No.9699762

the ass was still real even in that art

>> No.9699764

Still cant believe Sephiroth had a cameo in FFIX