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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9693797 No.9693797 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite Anti-Totalitarian games that involve fighting against enemies who are either Nazis or Commies.

>> No.9693810
File: 202 KB, 983x720, Metal Slug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9693857

I absolutely love Metal Slug!

>> No.9693876
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why not join them?

>> No.9694068

I’ll never forget the butthurt that new colossus created. So much anal over such a mediocre game.

>> No.9694084

Rate the wolfenstein games

>> No.9694090

Would bionic commando count? I know in the Japanese version Hitler was the main villain.

>> No.9694158
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Yes! You can even patch either the US (to remove the censorship) or Japanese (to translate it and regain a few graphics) roms. I love Bionic Commando aka Top Secret: Return of Hitler

>> No.9694221
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>> No.9694224


>> No.9694301

Some games where you can play as Freedom fighters against evil zionist.

From Hezbollah :

From Iran :

>> No.9694393

sim city

not sure why it's in the list but it is

>> No.9694406

That's odd.

>> No.9694571

I still cant belive that the Night Of Bush Capturing originally started as a Duke3D mod about pirates

>> No.9694585

Ahhh before 2000 when you were allowed to have swastikas in games.

>> No.9694597

Yup, the good ol days.

>> No.9694787
File: 228 KB, 1280x960, Super Soldat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still are, they show up frequently in WW2 games. Return To Castle Wolfenstein came out in 2001 and features lots of swastikas. For Not-Retro examples, the later Wolfenstein games feature them plenty, such as the 2009 (which also featured the sonnenrad a bit), and The New Order.
You've got the armbands and banners and everything in these games, and even the sci-fi cyborg monsters in RTCW proudly bear it stamped on their cybernetics and armor.

It's primarily been Germany which have reee'd about it and demanded it censored regardless of the context, which I think they eased up on a few years ago, but mainly this would manifest in a special censored version of a game for delicate German sensibilities. For instance, TNO and its sequels uses the so called "Wolven League" emblem in place of the swastika, that is, RTCW's logo.

>> No.9694906
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Sim City has the Hamburg 1944 scenario

>> No.9694941

i see. I've only played the snes one and I think it might not be in there

>> No.9694958


>> No.9695109

I see that's the Windows version. I'll check it out.

>> No.9695332


Not in most multiplayer WW2 games these days. Since those games tend to be online PvP and they don't want people to play as a Nazi, or have the Nazi team "win" so they just call them "Germans" or anything other than Nazis. This also lets them try to boast about how inclusive they are being by having black people and women on the TotallyNotNazis army, because if there is anything 1940s Germany was known for (Or even 1940s US for that matter), it's being tolerant about black people and women in positions of power. Also this way they can sell you thousands of dollars in cosmetic microtransactions for your online character, they don't want to drive away people that don't want to play as a white guy. God forbid a videogame taking place in World War II lets you play as the bad guys and have accurate battle scenarios. Nobody seems to have issues playing as "terrorists" in Counter Strike, and that's a fictional game. Pretty sure someone playing on a Nazi team in a videogame is about as likely to become a Nazi as someone playing as a terrorist in Counter Strike is likely to become an actual terrorist. I definitely never became a plumber from playing Mario.

Single player modes/fully single player games however yes. They have no problem including actual Nazi imagery since they are exclusively computer-controlled enemies.

Even more pathetic were the people >>9694068 mentioned who complained New Colossus was offensive because you slaughter Nazis in it. Who the fuck complains about killing Nazis?

>It's primarily been Germany which have reee'd about it and demanded it censored regardless of the context, which I think they eased up on a few years ago

Yeah, it used to be heavily banned in all but educational material. I recall reading that it's ok to include it in fictional material too now as long as it's not promoting Nazism, which I can't see anyone doing anyway.

>> No.9695371 [DELETED] 

>Who the fuck complains about killing Nazis?
Propably germans who aren't complete degenerates.
And maybe people who hate the hypocrisy of the faggots who celebrate this shit..

>> No.9695404 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 640x480, red zone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red Zone is my favourite 16-bit bash the fash game.

But chuds are degenerates though.

>> No.9695418

Honestly both Nazis & Commies are degenerates. I wonder if there's a game where I can kill them both? Maybe I'll just mod GTA3 since it's easier to edit skins, buildings & vehicles on there.

>> No.9695431 [DELETED] 

>Who the fuck complains about killing Nazis?

>> No.9695432 [DELETED] 

>New Colossus was offensive because you slaughter Nazis in it. Who the fuck complains about killing Nazis?
I got the impression that the complaints were more about who you had to side with rather than who you had to fight. Well, the more sensible ones at least.

>> No.9695449

>Yeah, it used to be heavily banned in all but educational material. I recall reading that it's ok to include it in fictional material too now as long as it's not promoting Nazism, which I can't see anyone doing anyway.
The problem for a long time was that you were allowed to use Nazi iconography in art, so for example movies like Raiders of the Lost Ark didn't have to be censored. But video games weren't officially classified as "art" in the law until just a few years ago.
Nowadays you're allowed to include as much of it as you want, as long as it doesn't come off as promoting Nazi ideas, but a lot of companies decide to censor stuff anyway for marketing reasons, to prevent public outrage by media outlets/concerned parents or whatever.

>> No.9695450

>But video games weren't officially classified as "art"

>> No.9695506

Based fascist

>> No.9695535

You're right. Looks like the SNES version misses the Dullsville and Hamburg ones.

>> No.9696121

In Metal Slug you actually play as the totalitarian guys, no?

>> No.9696878

Chuck Yeager's Air Combat

>> No.9696884
File: 157 KB, 284x351, GTASA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Facist pigs

>> No.9696908

Other than this bonus game scenario, no.

>> No.9697427
File: 183 KB, 1050x930, Strider_Hiryu_Art_1-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9697682

Play Wolfenstein Blade of Agony, the be all end all of classic FPS

>> No.9698083

Good idea

>> No.9698090
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>> No.9698217

Based Kommie Killing Kunoichi.

>> No.9698220
File: 95 KB, 856x1288, 1648959081516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even more pathetic were the people >>9694068 mentioned who complained New Colossus was offensive because you slaughter Nazis in it. Who the fuck complains about killing Nazis?
It was the "punch a nazi" marketing.

>> No.9699648
File: 292 KB, 1881x893, new colossus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, it was incredibly obnoxious and manipulative, and aggressively insincere, NONE of the Wolfenstein games before New Colossus, be they retro or not, were like this, neither in tone or in marketing.