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9692019 No.9692019 [Reply] [Original]

Were you one of many upset with the toon graphics and lower difficulty? Were you captivated by the impressive cel shading and open world?

>> No.9692023

The former at first but the latter later

>> No.9692026
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nintendo owes me this

>> No.9692050

No one I knew owned it or a GameCube.

>> No.9692062

I always liked how it looked. But I did and still do feel like 5 dungeons is pretty weak for a mainline Zelda game

>> No.9692068

>low difficulty
Zelda has difficulty slider, heart containers are optional after unlocking. It was balanced well enough for an exploration centered game

>> No.9692089

I hate this.Same shit as soulless American 3D movies where they have cartoony designs but need hideous realistic textures.

>> No.9692102

I remember thinking it was like OoT except good.

>> No.9692104

Graphics were fine but the difficulty kills it for me. It's too fucking boring and never engages me.

>> No.9692117

At first I thought it was promising, I wasn't deterred by the art style, I thought cell shading was interesting and novel. It initially seemed like Nintendo weren't going to rest on their laurels with Ocarina of Time and would instead create something that would take the series even further.

When I played the game I realised:
- Slow tutorial bits in the beginning
- Lots of annoying hand holding.
- A lot of reused sound effects and music from Ocarina of Time
- Puzzles and items very similar to previous games
- The ocean was a way of avoiding having to create content for the overworld
- Less dungeons than previous games
- Story and humour not really that funny or interesting
- Very unchallenging
- Triforce fetch quest to further pad out the game and avoid creating content
- Nowhere near the attention to detail, love and craftmanship as was put into Ocarina of Time.

Admittedly, I didn't finish the game so it might have gotten good at some point but I seem to remember I made it to the fetch quest part.

>> No.9692128

Best game of its generation for me, unfinished it may be. The gameplay and music is so good

>> No.9692146

I had never cared much for Zelda. The only one I finished was Link's Awakening and that was mostly because it was portable and I had a job with a lot of time to kill. I thought OoT and MM looked hideous and never even tried them. I remember the original designs for toon link looking super weird and off-putting, but when I saw the full game in motion it really impressed me and I picked it up on that alone.

It was decently fun and I enjoyed the sailing and exploring. Finding the under water kingdom was really cool, but when the last dungeon was a rehash of earlier dungeons strung together I got bored and never bothered finishing.

>> No.9692176

I always liked it. Reminded me of Kiki's Delivery Service, which was the only Ghibli film I saw back then.

>> No.9692209

There literally was no similar game during its era and even a Witcher 3 today has an emptier Skellige sea. It was insane for an early Cube game and dripping soul.

>> No.9692224

>There literally was no similar game during its era
They literally had OoT as the preorder bonus.

>> No.9692232

There is more to Zelda than just dungeons. Atmosphere is very important and just the vibes. Obviously completely different direction

>> No.9692236

Wind Waker is the exact same game as OoT.

>> No.9692242

There were no games with great atmosphere before WW??

>> No.9692251
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But dungeons also differ conceptually between more and less realistic Zeldas. Something like the comical cyclones or these buds for example would be unthinkable in TP or maybe even BotW. It's a reason I wish Nintendo would stop with the hybrids and give us full toon or full realism.

>> No.9692257

I was about 14 or so when I saw the first screenshots of the game when it was first revealed at E3 or whatever event it was. I lived and breathed OoT at that point, absolutely loved everything about the game, and by that point I had, of course, seen the earlier shots of realistic Link fighting Ganondorf, so being the typical insecure Nintendie teenager, I hated the new look immediately and was intensely butthurt about it. Fast forward to when it actually came out, I was a bit more mellowed out, had gotten a PS2 by that point so I wasn't as much of an insecure raging tendie holding up Metroid Prime as an example of a mature Nintendo game, and I thought, hell, it's Zelda, it's gotta be good still, in its own way, so I got it right when it released. It definitely has issues, but I still loved it enough to replay it twice.

>> No.9692261

Don't think so many people would love Ocarina but shit on WW and vice versa if that was the case

>> No.9692291

definitely best link and best sound design like for all the enemies and combat cues

>> No.9692303

Also best Zelda, best Master Sword section, best Ganondorf, best companion and most adventurous music and vibes

Many don't know that Miyamoto even plays an instrument in the main theme

>> No.9692309

Even if it's ironic it's still shitposting.

>> No.9692334

At least top 10 best game ever material. Never doubted it but wasn't hyped when I got it. A friend gave me his copy and I was just bored enough to try it out

>> No.9692341
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That's not even controversial takes. Maybe you should stop shitposting. We both know this isn't your first post ITT

>> No.9692369


>> No.9692386

Which game do you think is clearly and objectively better, and why?

>> No.9692425

Zelda 1.

>> No.9692436

Why do you say so given the criteria that were being referenced?

>> No.9692491

>talking to resident Nintendo shitposters like they're normal human beings

>> No.9692493

It has the best sound design for all the enemies and combat cues, best Zelda, best Magical Sword section, best Ganon, best companion (none), and most adventerous music and vibes.

>> No.9692504

>difficulty slider
completely inappropriate way of describing three heart runs. speedrunning mario isn't playing it on hard mode. it's just player choice.
> It was balanced well enough for an exploration centered game
well there's nothing to find off the beaten path in wind waker so is it even an exploration game? the king of red lions outright stops you from exploring the ocean early on.

>> No.9692509

>proving your point with bullshots
there is nothing interesting about walking around that unmoving ship. the only thing to do at all on it is that godawful swinging tutorial for the goodie bag thing.

>> No.9692513

It's the Wii U version with bloom removed and no one claimed the ship is a highlight. It's still very memorable to sail out for the first time

You sound bitter

>> No.9692515

muh grubhub commercial artstyle

>> No.9692516

I loved it.

>> No.9692520

not talking about graphics. your screenshot gives off the impression you actually do any in-game sailing in that thing. something i was waiting for the game to ever do
>you sound bitter
hell yeah i am. wind waker could've been really good if it was actually like how the fangirls describe it

>> No.9692523

The second. Only homossexual teenagers would get upset with the toon graphics, I remember well. I never finished the game, I got far into it though. It was a comfy game to play during the winter. One day I shall replay and finish it on the wii

>> No.9692526
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Kino on levels never before ascertained. Also the best-aging game of all time

>> No.9692528
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Not that other guy, but I actually do think Zelda 1 did a lot of things the best compared to every other game in the series. Have some standout points:
>Making Rupees your ammunition means money is always relevant, up to the landing the killing blow on Ganon himself.
>Sword is strong but limited with its narrow hitbox
>Tools are a valuable addition in combat, with bombs being the standout
>Combat as a whole is simple and arcadey, with positioning being the biggest factor

The only things that suck about Zelda 1 are burning bushes and bombable walls, but not necessarily because of the argument a lot of people bring up of "Oh you have to shoot fire at every bush!" The real problem is the fire only burns the bush as it vanishes, so sometimes you're left questioning if you shot a flame where it didn't properly come in contact with it or not.
There's a Zelda classic quest that address this, in The Depths of Malice, your arrows can ping burnable bushes and bombable walls. So you're still investing a resource to go secret hunting, but it's ultimately a far faster process.

Other than that, I just don't like how turning is locked to a weird grid in Zelda 1.
Really I just like the Zelda games.

>> No.9692535
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>> No.9692538

>hey kid wanna get kidnapped for the second time

>> No.9692541
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>> No.9692542

Always loved the white shaders around the water in motion. That place right before you enter the Deku Tree's room looks so good

>> No.9692545
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>> No.9692548
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>> No.9692550
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>> No.9692552
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>> No.9692557


>> No.9692558

i'm realizing this was probably so the telescope served any purpose whatsoever beyond cutscenes

>> No.9692561
File: 9 KB, 258x350, inside_the_little_island_house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're also 3D

>> No.9692660

Why does the WW MS have that symbol? What is it?

>> No.9692674

It's an imitation sword. That's why Link didn't fall sleep until he was an adult when he pulled it out of the pedestal.

>> No.9692698

I remember thinking it looked childish. In retrospective the look is idiosyncratic but maybe not what people at the time wanted.

>> No.9692712

>I remember well
I too remember all those homosexuals seething at how heterosexual looked everything.

>> No.9692718


>> No.9692724
File: 39 KB, 378x263, The_Legend_of_Zelda_Ocarina_of_Time[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9692747

so headcanon

>> No.9692759

I got it as a kid when it came out and was really disappointed. I had to go through all this long bullshit just to get my sword, and I get to play with it for like 5 minutes until I get it taken away again and have to go through that shitty stealth map. I quit and sold that shit after that, and never regretted it.

In my early 20s I tag-team played it with my friend, us switching off on different sections. It was alright. Not great, not bad IMO. I'm not usually into Zelda games in general, but my favorite one is the first one.

>> No.9692769

This looks too toyish

>> No.9692784

Yeah, I wondered why the sea is flat like a sheet of paper. Can't take anyone that says the sailing is good seriously.

>> No.9692824

Was humiliating we were expecting spaceworld zelda and instead they forced us to become a fag

>> No.9692842

Basically this, it came out when I was 13 so I thought it looked like gay kiddyshit but I ended up loving it and the art style grew on me.

>> No.9692871

I was annoyed by the sheer amount of... nothing. I was used to world maps like the one in oot or alttp. Almost every area had something of interest and to explore even though the world map was smaller on paper it felt bigger. Also less dungeons than the other zeldas. I remember playing it on my crt and switching over to regular tv while sailing from island to island because it took that much time. one of the worst ideas they ever had.

>> No.9692876

That tower and then where it brings you later was just pure Zelda sublimity

>> No.9692901
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>Yeah, I wondered why the sea is flat like a sheet of paper.
It's not always. There is also that texture effect >>9692550
>I was annoyed by the sheer amount of... nothing.
It's a sea after all. Makes it even better when you discover an island, which perhaps weren't big but screamed handcrafted

Both things even a Witcher 3 didn't do much better 15 years later, I'd reiterate

>> No.9692906

Original or HD version? Really digging the HD version's shadows but it kinda kills the toon art style

>> No.9692917

>wtf cel shading looks like paper

>> No.9692924

The remasters mess with a few minor things like Zelda's traditional button layout, the camera is jankier in TP, weird cursor, etc. Personally I prefer original TP but have no hard feelings towards original WW/WWHD because I like the creaminess and faster sail in WWHD. Flip a coin

>> No.9693029

>no fishing

>> No.9693037

Should have given it a flimsy survival layer so you must look out for your stats on the sea. Instant 10/10 instead of just another good game

>> No.9693047

>must keep fresh water in bottles
>die when out of fish and water for too long
>always respawn on Port Monee (there should be a doctor), your home island or your house if you unlocked it

>> No.9693064

It was my first Zelda so it left a huge impression on me and I can easily ignore all of its shortcomings. Never had a Nintendo console as a kid. In fact I didn't have a GC either, borrowed it from a friend to play Twin Snakes, and he gave me WW too even though I didn't ask for it. Ended up hating TS and loving WW.

>> No.9693126

Agree with everything. Love all the Zeldas but the first is special. It actually feels like a dark 80s dnd quest in game form.

>> No.9693136

Zelda1 and FF1 came out same year and feel like the exact same kind of game, with the exception of combat. Same "explore everywhere and figure shit out on your own" approach, with you collecting key items that unlock new places. They both pretty much tried to adapt western RPG adventure for Japan.

>> No.9693349

>when you discover an island

You never 'discover an island' though, you know exactly where every single one of them are from the get go, but you are just locked off from accessing many of them until a certain point.

If you could actually 'discover islands', the game would be ridiculously better than it was.

>> No.9693354

Just because every tile has something doesn't mean you know exactly what, especially on a first playthrough. Even if it doesn't meet your expectations, just the adventure was amazing

>> No.9693363

hell i had an n64 and i still don't remember caring at all or following zelda after that.
seems i dodged a bullet since i would've killed myself if i had to play this shit over GT3 + steering wheel ludo

>> No.9693379

I was in hospital when it came out. Hated the graphics at first but having an open world to explore when you're in bed with a broken leg was perfect.

>> No.9693437 [DELETED] 

no it wasn't. an empty landmass with nothing to find but some boring spoil bag trinket or some boring rupees actually suck all the fun out of the adventure when you realize that's all your going to find. wind wanker homos are going to have to accept that some people want more from zelda than cute graphics or some feefee of adventure that isn't actually there.

>> No.9693443

no it wasn't. an empty landmass with nothing to find but some boring spoil bag trinket or some boring rupees actually suck all the fun out of the adventure when you realize that's all you're ever going to find off the beaten path. gaslighting wind waker fan"girls" are just going to have to accept that some people want more from zelda than cute graphics or some feefee of adventure that isn't actually there.

>> No.9693452

OoT landmass was empty too I don't see you homos complaining. Kind of a nonsensical complaint for a Zelda, they're not big open world games filled with stuff to do. They have a central hub area and dungeons linked to it.

>> No.9693456

video games are toys

>> No.9693467
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uh well there's hyrule field. a much smaller version of the great sea with much more to find relatively considering it's small size. incredibly forced comparison and the great sea is obviously the duller of the two.

also hyrule field doesn't copypaste content everywhere either which is nice. imagine seeing five lon lon ranches in a row and forcing yourself to act like you're on an exciting adventure with new things to find lol.

>> No.9693481
File: 42 KB, 500x300, Kakariko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh it's just a field what do you expect from it all you have is a field
>wtf why is this sea hub so full of water where's all the land
Is this autism? WW still has more "overworld" content than OoT.
>heh some buildings repeat in the game
Yeah that never happens in OoT... What kind of complaint is that, every video game uses models more than once.

>> No.9693486

not what i said troon and kakariko buildings aren't copypasted

>> No.9693489

what's so great about wind waker if it shares all of oot's flaws? i thought it was supposed to be better

>> No.9693492

I missed out on it as a kid, I don’t remember seeing much about it ad wise and I don’t even know if I knew it existed till later but when I did finally see it I was like wow that looks cool and style different and that about it. I was used to things having different art styles because I grew up a capeshit fan so I didn’t have strong reaction to that besides ok cool.

>> No.9693495

Same. What really let me down as how they made a poor use of the sailing theme.

>> No.9694550

I loved it. I thought it looked great and felt great to play. I loved the music, the characters, the dungeons, pretty much everything about it.

But it was also the first Zelda game that I played on my own. OoT was my first Zelda game, but WW was my first Zelda that I played from start to finish by myself. OoT was my brothers game and I would watch him play so I already knew that game before I even played it. WW was fresh and new, it was fun to explore the locations.

I was 8 when it came out but I didn't play it until I was about 14 or so.

>> No.9694680

>The ocean was a way of avoiding having to create content for the overworld

dumb complaint. ocarina's overworld is nothing more than an empty tech demo

>> No.9694724

why is the big empty great sea ok but not small empty hyrule field? obviously the former would be worse if the latter bothered you.

>> No.9694745

because [mumble mumble] muh cumfy hate oot [mumble]

>> No.9694751

i was disappointed but i still picked it up at launch because i love Zelda,and even though it has its issues i still loved it.

>> No.9694754

my mom loved it
i thought it was neat
a LOT of attention to detail
some of the sidequests and triforce fishing was a bit much though

overall 8.8\10 or 9.1\10
best zelda game on the system
as the n64 ports were glitchy\crashy

>> No.9694774

i think this screenshot sums up why i don't like it
the stupid cat-eye thick eyebrow faces
the chinese wish dragon ship instead of a nice elegant ship
the way even the ship's mast has to taper at the top and bottom in a cartoony way like a giant flared bamboo stick
the cartoon network button icons/fonts

the cel shading is almost the least offensive thing about it

>> No.9694790

I loved it as a kid
it appealed to me on every level. I had light memories of OoT and MM but they were too difficult for me, but WW came out when I was just old enough to beat it

>> No.9694796

I really like this image

>> No.9695047

Masterpiece, the flaws just make it feel humble

>> No.9695185

I thought it looked stupid and I had no interest in it.

>> No.9695195

>hmm it looks like megaman legends

>> No.9695196

No it doesn't.

>> No.9695272

Hyrule Field also takes like 2 minutes to get across at most.

>> No.9696128

>OoT landmass was empty too
I'm not complaining about WW being empty. Atmosphere is important for Zelda and it looked and felt insane in 2001. Seas are empty

However, OoT isn't empty. Way too compact to be empty unless you want a completely inorganic world or zero incentive to get Epona

>> No.9696337

This shit goes against the style the original was going for. It's why I hate the wiiu remaster

>> No.9696339
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I was 13 and I loved it BECAUSE of the art style. It was the first Zelda I owned, and I ordered it + master Quest from Nintendo Power. I remember checking my tracking number every ten fucking minutes while waiting for the UPS driver.

>> No.9696357

I'll defend the great sea because this is 2001 or whenever WW came out; "open world" games didn't really exist. Wind Waker was really the only game I'd played at that point that made me feel like I was in a gigantic interconnected world where shit just happened all across the world at once.

Sunshine tried to do this too with a delfino-wide train system but that got cut because of no disk space on those stupid mini-dvd's.

>> No.9696376

The HD version was the first Zelda game I actually played to completion and it allowed me to give the series a chance. My previous attempts at getting into Zelda didn’t go so well.
I’m replaying it now with a fan mod that makes sailing quicker and removes the need to use the wind waker to traverse (and gets rid of tingle tuners I think) and I’m having a fucking blast after all these years. I think it’s my favorite of the four 3D Zelda games I’ve played.

>> No.9696390

Underwhelmed. I liked the cutscenes but the islands felt small and empty. The horror aspect of Ocarina and the detective aspect of Mask were completely gone. Glad WW sold half as much as Ocarina, but I do like the aesthetic of the LTTP remake.

>> No.9696395

I loved WW, I thought it was amazing how big the world was and how it didn't need loading screens the way that OoT did

>> No.9696398

I didn't even know there was a controversy over Wind Waker's graphics when the game was new. My first Zelda games were Link's Awakening DX and the Oracle games.

>> No.9696401

Yeah I was like "another shitty Nintendo game? Who cares I'm not 10 anymore"

>> No.9696409

More worried than Nintendo wouldn't survive Miyamoto's retirement.

>> No.9696416

The controversy was mostly around when the game was announced, because Nintendo had shown a "realistic" Zelda on GCN tech demo at one of the earlier Spaceworlds and everyone assumed that's what the next Zelda would look like.

It's a bit of revisionist history that "everyone hated Wind Waker at launch!" and that it wasn't until recently that people have come around on it. In fact, despite the GameCube's limited sales Wind Waker won the sitewide GameFAQs GOTY tournament in 2003.

So yeah, while there have always been people crying about the graphics, the overwhelming majority of people didn't care or were like you where they didn't even know they were controversial.

>> No.9696423

2003 was a big year for the cube since it sold over 5m units that year.

>> No.9696431

I was 13 at the time and I thought the baby graphics looked stupid so I never played it.
When Wind Waker HD came out I wasn't so hung up on the graphics so I gave it a shot and instead found most of the gameplay incredibly tedious and thought the entire game felt barely complete. Sailing around on that stupid empty ocean is so lame.

>> No.9696778

I thought it looked great, but one of my friends was passed off and inconsolable. However the next time I saw him, he had played the game and admitted he had changed his mind.

>> No.9696814

Sailing is fun
I actually feel bad for the devs, like they went out of their way to make the Great Sea fun to traverse and explore (even beyond all the actual islands, there are pirate platforms, bomb ships, giant squids, treasure barrels, race gates, submarines, and of course all the treasure to fish up from the depths)
but all the loud retards were like WTF, THERE'S NOTHING OUT HERE! SAILING IS BORING AND I HATE IT!
so what did they do? they added a "swift sail" in the HD remaster that utterly trivializes great sea content, and then worse, in Twilight Princess they just said fuck it and put exactly nothing in hyrule fields except for some shitty bugs and like one escort quest

>> No.9696827

Ive never bothered to play it because it looks like shit. I was appalled when it was released and refused to play it. Still haven’t tried even though i heard it’s decent. I imagine it will be like when i played paper mario, i didnt complete it because it was too childish.

>> No.9696831

The problem with the sailing was that every island you found had nothing of interest on it. I loved the IDEA of exploring the Great Sea, but there's so little to actually find that isn't just another boring rock. They should've made more settlements and shit.

>> No.9696854

>they went out of their way to make the Great Sea fun to traverse and explore
Did you and I even play the same game? The sailing is literally the most tedious and awful part of the whole game.

>> No.9696864

Why do people prefer Wind Waker over Twilight Princess? I feel the same but I can't really explain why.

>> No.9696890
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Because Wind Waker was made out of a genuine spark of creative passion, so much so they couldn't get it all in in time due to Nintendo rushing them because the Gamecube was underperforming. It was made as an homage to cartoons and anime the developers grew up with. On top of that, its art style is incredibly charming, its Irish jig music is fantastic and unique for the series, and there's tons of memorable moments and interactions in the game, even little ones like the guy who screams at you for smashing his pots, something almost no one in Zelda ever does, or Salvador for his sploosh kaboom noises.

In direct contrast, Twilight Princess was born out of a necessary, defeated need to appease western audiences who got filtered by WW's style and demanded a grittier Zelda. Don't get me wrong, I actually think TP's overall aesthetic is fucking awesome (though its NPC are hideous, Link, Zelda and Ganondorf are the only people in the whole game with normal skulls without some kind of DOWNS syndrome), but TP really only exists because Nintendo got buck broken by sales and cracked the whip at the devs to deliver a grittier game. On another note, while WW has lots of padding and arguable padding, TP has way way way more, like the intro section taking fucking forever before you get the green tunic and pick up a sword and shield, which is then immediately taken away from you by the game deciding it's time to become a wolf, because Nintendo wanted to compete with Okami. Meanwhile at that elapsed time in WW you'd already be out of the Forsaken Fortress on your way to or already in Dragonroost Island.

See, my problem with TP is how disingenous its existence feels. Maybe I'm just jaded, but it's obvious what happened. A direct sequel to WW was planned involving more ground travsersal with an adult Toon Link and a horse, but was canned for TP due to sales. Bizarrely, TP also got a direct sequel canned DESPITE its sales. Nintendo is weird and retarded.

>> No.9696901

Actually kill yourself. Stream it.

>> No.9696926

No idea why Zoomers like this game so much. I see Wind Waker regularly ranked just below Ocarina and Breath of the Wild (and sometimes Link to the Past also)
Like what the fuck? It isn't that good

>> No.9696968

yeah the relatively short farming and first wolf sequences are nothing compared to the triforce piece hunt. twilight princess is the inverse of wind waker in that it starts kinda shitty and actually gets much better the further in you get. as opposed to wind waker which blatantly stretches itself thinner and thinner the more you get into it.

>> No.9696985

every shitty corporate website uses muh faggy oversaturated cel-shading now. you have to be overflowing with estrogen to not be completely sick of it by now.

>> No.9697013

>play tedious song just so i can change direction (wow so explorative)
>literally just sit there watching link sail
>maybe occasionally have to jump over a single barrel or a fish or something
where's the fun? i wish i could play the schizo candle cove version of wind waker you apparently played.

>> No.9697039 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>Midnight with the stars and you
>Midnight and a rendezvous

>> No.9697049
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none because I didn't even known the GameCube itself existed, at that age I thought the only home video game console was the Playstation 2, the one all my friends and people I knew had, I thought Nintendo only did the portable ones.

>> No.9697053

i mean wind waker's not even close to this bad but still i'm just sick of hearing how glorious its aesthetic is. it's really not at all unique anymore and its like the only reason anybody likes it.

>> No.9697054 [DELETED] 

why was the wolf in Twilight Princess? Feels like they would've gone for something different a few years before, like the wolves wouldn't be friendly

>> No.9697187

This but I did finish it twice. One complaint I have to add about the graphics is how the game makes everything past a certain distance blurry. You have all these wide open areas and islands and you can’t see anything in the distance because it’s blurry. It was a stupid design choice.

>> No.9697401

To me it felt far more like a huge expansive world where anything was possible, but that's probably because I was a kid whose overactive imagination filled in the gaps in the content.

Also I played Minish Cap around the same time, which is an exemplar of the tight, dense, 2D Zelda style. Maybe that balanced the emptiness of WW out for me.

>> No.9697416

that's because you're a turd worlder

>> No.9697428

Yes and no. The original trailer had me curious and then kind of hyped bc I thought it would be the original four 2D games but fully realized in 3D. All my friends made fun of me bc they didn't own or like their GCN and thought the graphics looked stupid. Then the game came out and I tried to fake it but I got super let down. Meanwhile all those friends decided to pick it up anyway and ended up loving it. Even now as 30 something year old dads those friends will gush about what a classic that game was and buy up all the stupid Toon Link merch. I just don't think it really is that good of a Zelda. I don't even really go back to it. Ever. I played it a lot but it was all I had. And for the record, I didn't really care for TP or SS either (even tho those same friends talk about how awesome those are too). BOTW is easily the biggest breath fresh air this franchise needed and it got me to get back into it.

>> No.9698141

I played it a year or two after it came out and really liked it. I only have 2 real problems with it. The lack of towns made it feel more empty than it should have. Could have done with other boats or another place to visit to break up the world a little. Also, the Zora becoming birds, really dumb. The world is covered in water and that's how they use them? Nah....

>> No.9698161

>detective aspect of Mask
Eh, I'd say that Lenzo's pictograph quest is better than most of MM's quests and mostly pulls off what that game tried to do better by having the investigations not be so tedious.

>> No.9698175

I thought the new direction was gay (and still do), but I ended up impressed by the quality of the toon effect. The GCN always had an advantage in image quality over PS2, but the specific nature of the techniques in WW really emphasized it.

The game was very obviously unfinished and I was left kind of bummed by the gameplay. It may have been the first time I experienced that "big empty world" feeling of modern gaming (which gen6 is, it's not retro).

>> No.9698176

The problem with WW is the it's best parts really are fantastic, and so you remember them very fondly, while all the things about it that are utter garbage are more easily forgotten because that's just how people's minds work, and so the fact that a full 3/4 of the game is terrible can be be forgiven precisely because it's so forgettable.

>> No.9698182

>your screenshot gives off the impression you actually do any in-game sailing in that thing. something i was waiting for the game to ever do
This is a good point. Having only a canoe the whole game sucked.

>> No.9698197

I kept hoping there would be another segment to the game like the time skip in OOT. But what we got was the Triforce hunt. LOL

When I replay it, which I have a couple times, I stop there.

>> No.9698249

Actually being able to explore Hyrule under water would have been incredible.

>> No.9698282

2 extra dungeons plus a triforce quest that took you to underwater hyrule would have made TWW the GOAT. as it is, its just pretty good.

>> No.9698285

I noticed the lower difficulty and thought enemies were doing too low of damage, but I love the hell out of it. Comfy memories of sailing around and discovering things.

>> No.9698287

Ha same only person I knew that owned one never played video games

>> No.9698395

I was never a fan of early 3d (n64 and sega saturn) it offended my sensibilities, the only game on n64 that i liked was Mario, and after playing Turok on N64 i grew to hate the n64 controller (i also played pc at the time). So i jumped into 3d games at late ps1-ps2, gamecube. So I loved Super mario sunshine and Windwaker. Sure I also felt that windwaker at times felt empty but the dungeons were awesome as well as the atmosphere and music.

>> No.9698525

no wayy is this what was originally planned / teased or something? I don't remember this. looks cool though

>> No.9699039
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I was mad at first but really liked it after until the fucking triforce charts

>> No.9699048

Botw is about the same and no shrines don't count as fucking dungeons

>> No.9699051

>not at all unique anymore
Still kind of is to be honest. Nothing looks quite like it. Modern cell shading doesn't even look anything like that anymore so that style is now a bit dead

>> No.9699138

The stealth mission in the beginning almost kills it.

>> No.9699147

So many games on the GameCube had this kind of energy, for lack of a better term. Sunshine, WW, Animal Crossing, Four Swords, TTYD, even some of the more intense ones like F-Zero GX and Melee. They all just had the air of a summer vacation.

>> No.9699151

I remember thinking the original screenshots looked appalling, because logically a Gamecube Zelda would have looked more like what we saw of the series in Melee. After seeing it motion I warmed up to it, and when I finally played it I enjoyed it for the most part. The sense of adventure conflicted against the adventuring itself (most islands barely have anything on them) and the dungeons were average too, so the game was carried hard by its presentation, sound design, music and general atmosphere.

It was a bold step for the series to take, and the Ocarina references felt substantial back then (before every other game had to pay homage to it in one way or another).

>> No.9699161

I feel the same now as I did as a kid when the gc version game out. Objectively the cel shading style looks phenomenal, and I fucking hate it. Toon Link's design, and the rest of the characters, will always look like shit. They're plain, boring, and ugly. But the cel shading isn't to blame.

>> No.9699183

I was 7 or 8 and thought it was fun and neat. Then four swords adventures came out and it was even better. I LIKE liking things!

>> No.9699196

So to rephrase your post, you think this isn't even as good as 2D Zeldas. Damn you're a hater

>> No.9699258
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> Do you remember your reaction around its release?
Yes. Bratty ass snotnosed teenage me hated the cellshading and thought it looked fucking gay, as you did as a millennial in 2002. and boy was i fucking wrong. it has aged beautifully.
to be fair, there were screenshots of a more realistic Zelda in nintendo power before this, and when WW looked cartoony, it was a disappointment at the time.

>> No.9699282

Sounds to me like you just have bad taste.
This was one of the few games I've ever preordered in my life, I loved the art style and still do.

>> No.9699290

>lower difficulty
Anyone who comes comes to Zelda for difficulty post snes, especially the 3d zeldas, is a complete retard who is to be shunned. They've had child proof simplicity since 3, and it only gets easier. When WW came out, I didn't care. I don't care now either, I have other stuff I can play for challenge. Zelda is for relaxing.

>> No.9699302

It wasn’t just the screen shots. After playing oot and mm and seeing the space world 2000 video, that blew me away and a lot of others I’m guessing. Then cel shading came and I haven’t touched a Zelda since, don’t feel like I missed anything. Maybe I’ll check them out one day but that rug pull combined w just the obscene plethora of options at that time had me never looking back.

>> No.9699380

big fat load of cope cause wind waker's combat isn't engaging

>> No.9699389

What zelda has engaging and or challenging combat? IS it the one with 4+ bottle for faries?

>> No.9699396

still harder than the one where you get 4 fairies and enemies do 1 heart damage max. it's a moot point.

>> No.9699401

oh i forgot the press A to win mechanic too that isn't in any other zelda. wind waker is distinctly easier than even newer zeldas. cope.

>> No.9699413

>Were you captivated by the impressive cel shading and open world?
Yeah. I was only 10 at the time so I didn't give a fuck about the graphics, I was just happy to have a new Zelda game to play.

>> No.9699416

>it's a moot point.
correct. I concede that ww's 1/10 on the anal rape scale is lower then oot's 3/10, but even the series' most difficult game (II) is like a 7/10. The series has always been sesame street, is blues clues that big a dea?

>> No.9699432

what are you getting at? you're defending an ec pastel cutesy kawaii baby game. blue's big musical has a cute artstyle and is easier than zelda 2 so i guess no one's allowed to criticize it either.

>> No.9699452

Of course you can criticize the game. I think WW, PH, ST, and even MC looks like fucking shit. I like cell shading, but I despise the "toon" zelda style. It looks boring, all the character designs are just so plain. That's my criticism right there. If you hadn't realized Zelda is a casual series by the 6th game, then expecting the 7th to be anything less is evidence of your retard expectations. Still, you don't have to like it anon.

>> No.9699469

i'm allowed to like it but if i think its too easy i have "retard expectations" even though literally every other zelda is more difficult. make it make sense.

>> No.9699476

Yeah I do think that. "Its too easy" seems like a pathetic complaint when 1 entire game in the WHOLE FRANSHISE has even 1 iota of toughness. Do you pointless bitch that rock paper scissors doesn't have the complexity of an average 4X strategy game? No, that would be absurd. As absurd whining like kids that fucking zelda isn't hard.

>> No.9699485

your perception of zelda 2's difficulty isn't a fact, retard. any more than my perception of wind waker.

>> No.9699494

If my perception of 2 is wrong, then its in reality easy and the whole series is easy supporting me. If your perception of ww is wrong, its actually hard and not a baby game and your argument falls apart. But, ignore all that. The complaint "the game designed for children is balanced such that all children can complete it" is a weak one. You don't have to like ww, but its easy is not the objective flaw that /v/ thinks it is. The fucking trash triforce hunt is

>> No.9699510

Looks extremely gay and Link is asian now

>> No.9699520

of course its not an objective flaw that its easy, it's just disappointing coming from the more engagingly challenging other zeldas. your perception of the entire series is wrong in only pretending zelda 2 presents an "iota" of difficulty in contrast to something like wind waker. that actually is objectively false.

>> No.9699521

This pic reminds me of some faggot's unreal 5 "remake" of OoT. Seriously, why would anyone think hyper real stuff, water in this case, looks appealing to the clearly cartoon Link?

>> No.9699536

And now there's real discussion. I disagree. WW' being easier then what came before never bothered me. I've never had trouble in any zelda, hell I've never even died in any after 2. They're still fun as hell, and the worlds are great to explore, why would anyone be disappointed?

>> No.9699570

because its fucking boring. this is in fact the most tired discussion ever. do i have to explain why jangling keys isn't as engaging as driving a car?

>> No.9699575

i think it's going for a 'clay figurine on actual water' look but yeah it's a bit pretentious. i imagine the game in all would look really bizarre like this.

>> No.9699606

No, I just don't understand why going from a 3/10 to 2/10 gets such overzealous responses. If we went from zelda 2 to ww sure, but we didn't. And what came after is just as easy. Debatably more what with botw's infinite eating. I simply cannot see what challenging engaging combat experiences you are recvieveing in the rest of the games. All the 2d are literally button mashing, and the 3d are largely the same. Yeah,m stuff like tp has cute special moves, but most enemies just stand there or slowly waddle at you like zombies and let you use them. And even if they didn't, the game vomits health health upgrades and 1-ups. I do not find any zelda, besides 2, to have engaging combat

>> No.9699634

Anyone ever play this with a randomizer? Seems like a really good fit for a game like this.

>> No.9699649

Not even remotely interested as a 64 kid who only had zelda on gameboy, as it was slandered as a kiddy game. Eventually played it because why not a brother traded something or something, stayed for link's sister, ended up liking it overall mostly for the freedom and sailing, and a coziness like owning your island resort. It needs far more islands and like all zelda games has nothing to offer you past rupees past certain points which is always gay

>> No.9699660

>gaslighting wind waker fan"girls" are just going to have to accept that some people want more from zelda than cute graphics or some feefee of adventure that isn't actually there.
Please stop trying so fucking hard to fit in.

>> No.9699691
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Why is it the easiest way to trigger WW babies is to call out their game for its complete lack of difficulty? It's always been a flaw of the game and even reviews called it out as such while still vomiting out un-earned 9s and 10s.

>> No.9699710

well i don't think zelda 1 or lttp are THAT much less difficult than 2 and i consider oot to be about medium difficulty by zelda standards. majora is certainly on the more difficult end and lead directly into easy-ass wind waker. there was a massive noticeable difference at the time, in fact. twilight princess was about as easy though, yes. no press A to win at least and harder puzzles

>> No.9699737

>harder puzzles
Yeah, but I've been talking about combat only. WW's puzzles are whole 'nother conversation. Zelda 1 I can see being comparable to 2, but how lttp or oot? lttp began the give the players 50 fairies bullshit, and even has the golden bee which can auto kill multiple bosses. Even then, all you usually do is mash A as fast as possible in 90% of all fights. Its completely mindless. And oot is a prime, "no" enemies deal more then 1 heart bs. There's the knuckles and I can't think of another of the top of my head. Combat is trivial in zelda.

>> No.9699740

I have no idea. It's piss easy, but most modern Zelda games are.

>> No.9699742

Honest answer? What's triggering is believing subjectivity = objectivity.

>> No.9700172

I didn't play it near launch, but I hadn't really been exposed to it much either.
When I played the game, I must have looked away or something when it was explained that you could pop up the sail to move faster through the water. I patiently slow-boated it all the way to Dragon Roost Island, thinking, "I can see why people aren't crazy about this game..." Thankfully, I figured it out on the next outing.
I didn't find most of the game particularly memorable, but I'll always remember that blunder as a humbling experience.

>> No.9700343

>he fucking coasted all the way there
you really deserve that time back

>> No.9700367

late game lttp isn't much less difficult than late game zelda 2 imo, it's just in a diet bullet hell-way instead of a twitchy combat way. and i literally just said oot is medium difficulty considering every zelda game, which seems true to me. 1 heart bs doesn't apply to adult link. stalfos jump does two hearts and that's just one example. it's goddamn terrifying on 3ds master quest with the double damage.

>> No.9700378

early game zelda 2 is balls to the wall compared to early game lttp i'll give you that

i love lttp and literally didn't know about the bee thing so i don't really think that's fair. it just sounds like a neat sequence break thing for people who know the game well.

>> No.9700545

It was one of those games where I just enjoy screwing around.
I always liked the graphics and realized since then that they were going to look good for years.
The story is pretty sad overall despite the childish aesthetics, Ganondorf and the king both realize they are chasing a ghost.

>> No.9700770

>late game lttp isn't much less difficult than late game zelda 2

How? The final palace is balls to the wall full of bullshit that no human can react to, while LttP allows you all sorts of broken abilities at the equivalent point.

>> No.9700798

Eh, it was my own fault, and it made for a funny story. I think the travel time must have been 10-15 minutes. I'm not mad.

>> No.9700824
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>I patiently slow-boated it all the way to Dragon Roost Island

>> No.9700834

i got around to playing it years after release, and while i enjoyed it, it's definitely one of the weaker zeldas i've played.

>> No.9700838


>> No.9700916
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>> No.9701339


>> No.9701342

I didn't have a Gamecube, and I didn't like the cartoony graphics. I coped by thinking to myself that it couldn't have been that good because the style looked lame, but in reality I did want to play it.

>> No.9701375

I like the textures...

>> No.9701418

you soured the experience for yourself by being a retard at the beginning, good job. but you've definitely served your time for that blunder so I hope you've found enjoyable experiences since then.

>> No.9701939

2 were cut iirc

>> No.9701949

So many things were cut from GameCube games because of mini DVD. Half of Sunshine didn't make it in.

>> No.9702364

that's just like your opinion, man. between the shield/heal spell and that jump stab trick it's really not THAT bad. certainly harder than lttp but lttp's no picnic ice palace and beyond

>> No.9702404

Among the top 5 games that defined 6th gen

>> No.9702435

Yea that ice palace I did have the use a guide on… again this past year. I cannot fucking memorize that place.

>> No.9703484

Kind of a crime they haven't done another game in this style and we only get soulless mixed shit like the SS style since then

>> No.9703494

It's the first 3D Zelda I ever wanted to play.
I tried OoT on my N64 and didn't like it, still don't.

>> No.9703496

They did 2 other games in this style on the DS.

>> No.9703537

I liked it because 'le unique artstyle'
My older brother was salty and said it looked gay and proceeded to call me a faggot for liking it.

>> No.9704308

Those obviously didn't do it justice, besides not being very great

>> No.9704592

Every single island has at least something of interest to find. The real issue is that The Wind Waker takes way too long to open up. Most of the best secrets are locked behind the Hookshot, which is the very last item you get in the game.

>> No.9704820

>trinkets and useless rupees

lest i forget heart pieces in the game literally designed for you to never die

>> No.9704851

Never asked my parents for a GameCube because I was so pissed off that they ruined Zelda like this

>> No.9705245

The latter, but then when I finally sat down and played it, I found it very disappointing compared to OoT. Felt a lot emptier.

>> No.9705254

Sunshine is already a game that could have done with half of it's content being cut, I dread to think what didn't make it in.

>> No.9705259

all the consoles were sold in my country you dumb dumb, I was just a kid that had no idea of that because PS2 was the king of sales and I didn't read videogame news yet. Years later when I had a Wii I learned a kid from my town had a gamecube all along but he barely used it because he thought it was shit and also had a PS2 like everybody else, he gave me his unplayed Metroid Prime 2 and a controller and I kept them forever

>> No.9705519

Yeah, that's what I mean. When you explore you usually just find some tiny rock you can't do anything on yet. It's frustrating and takes a lot of the fun out of the sailing.

>> No.9705873
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boring as fuck the first time and easy as fuck when you return.

>> No.9706950

Gameplay feels amazing
Visuals are insane
Music is phenomenal
Feels like a real cartoon world

Underrated game and one of the few that deserve the epithet masterpiece

>> No.9707020

I'm like that but with Majora's Mask instead.

>> No.9707091

If it was as content rich as OoT instead of on par with MM's one year/reused assets development, AND didn't fuck over the established tone (by branding as a side story or something) I would agree. Its good, but there's too many problems.

>> No.9707385

>WW was my first Zelda that I played from start to finish by myself
I had this experience with Metroid 2, it was the first game I ever beat without help as a kid and for that reason I have a lot of very fond memories of it and will always consider it a fantastic game despite the naysayers.