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9680465 No.9680465 [Reply] [Original]

What are all the best beat em ups? I know about Streets of Rage, Final Fight, and TMNT but what are some others

>> No.9680478

Sonic Blastman 2.

>> No.9680527

On Snes, my personal go to are:
- Final Fight 3 (that shit needs a speedup patch for fucks sake), it has auto 2P play for those lonely motherfuckers, alternative branching paths, super moves, running, and lot of different neat movements and grabs.

Return of Double Dragon, the Japanese version over Super Double Dragon because they toned down the bullshit, polished it a bit more, there are some patches out there to tune it even more.

Shin Nekketsu Kōha: Kunio-tachi no Banka, the best Riki Kunio beat em up, has ncie variety in some stages like a bike stage, or the stage where you fight on a collapsing school, follows an engaging story, and has neat
different moves per each character.

Ninja Warriors, pretty solid game with different cast, if you can try the remake for Switch which adds a new character.

On Arcade:
Alien vs Predator
Cadillacs and DinosaursOriental Legend 2
D&D: Shadow Over Mystara
Die Hard Arcade (try the PS2 remaster part of Sega Ages 2500)
Sengoku 3
Undercover Cops
Metamorphic Force
Two Crude Dudes

On PS3/Vita a must is Dragon's Crown, if you don't have a PS3 you can always use the emu and shit runs flawlessly, I believe you can even play online now too or if that fails just go with Parsec)

There are tons I'm forgetting but from what I can remember at the moment that's a good ol chunk

>> No.9680532

God Hand

>> No.9680541

Punisher and Nick Fury. The two Ninja Turtle beat em ups. Double Dragon 1 and 2. Golden Axe arcade and Golden Axe the Revenge

>> No.9680875
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The Splatterhouse games. The gameplay isn't anything special, but I fucking adore the gory horror movie stylings, with the disgusting monsters and extreme violence, along with the moody music and melancholic feel (most pronounced in the first game).

>> No.9680879

Warriors of Fate

>> No.9680887
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Realized that image might give the wrong idea of the games, the shotgun was a mostly rare pickup which had a limited ammo.

Famously, it can really help you against the Biggyman bossfight in the first game, especially if you do the trick to pick up and drop the two shotguns in that stage to move them towards the bossfight so that you can blast away at him with reckless abandon and avoid being carved up like a turkey. Bit of a cheap tactic, but hey, it works, and you don't get that luxury for the other bosses.

>> No.9681787
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Sengoku Denshou on the SEGA CD

>> No.9681791

Devil May Cry 3

>> No.9681841

>I know about Streets of Rage
Streets of Rage Remake is probably the best 2D beat'em'up ever made. I don't think that it even has a legit competitor.

>> No.9681858
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If you know, you know.

>> No.9681881

Ninja Baseball Batman

(It's not about batman.)

>> No.9681926 [SPOILER] 
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I prefer Bate'em ups myself

>> No.9681949

Learn how to 1cc arcade belt scrollers and you'll never be able to go back to streets of rage 2 and will see all its abysmal flaws, the only thing good about it is its (plagiarised) soundtrack. The game is clunky, overlong, eats inputs on higher modes, has absolutely no balancing on higher difficulties so they just chuck lives at you like candy to get around the poor design, and teaches you bad habits which starve you of having to learn the proper skills necessary for 1cc'ing arcade belt scrollers. It's passable by console standards, but nothing more -- doesn't hold a candle to the top 10 arcade belt scrollers of all time.

>> No.9681956

based britclown

>> No.9681959

>Learn how to 1cc arcade belt scrollers
I can't waste that much time

>> No.9681968

shitter excuse, in the time you finish a jarpig you can 1cc like 5 bmups

>> No.9681973

>It's passable by console standards, but nothing more -- doesn't hold a candle to the top 10 arcade belt scrollers of all time.

and you didn't name any, why? Are you worried that streets of rage 2 is clearly better?

>> No.9682391

>Shin Nekketsu Kōha: Kunio-tachi no Banka

It's a great game that, for me, is ruined by the inability to skip cutscenes. This game has a lot of goddamn cutscenes. The cutscenes are okay on your first or second play, but not after that.

>> No.9683307



>> No.9683705

Final Fight
Warriors of Fate
Aliens vs. Predator
Cadillacs & Dinosaurs
The Punisher
Zero Team 2000
Undercover Cops
Violent Storm
Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon
Shen Jian / The Gladiator

>> No.9683763

If he isn't good at the game maybe it'll take even longer.

>> No.9683764

If what you say were true, people wouldn't be able to do no-food / no-death clears of SoR2 on Mania.

In other words, git gud faggot.

>> No.9683895

>Undercover Cops
This game has amazing art, but it's clunky as hell. Also, why are there enemies that can break out of your combo chain? Seems to be an Irem thing. It seems like this game is more about single hit dash attacks and jump attacks. Why do people like this game so much?

>Knights of Valor 1
This game seems to be insanely popular in Asia, but I don't get the appeal besides it being a ROTK game. This game feels slippery if you know what I mean. The mechanics are kinda sloppy and lack the tightness of Capcom games.

>Sailor Moon (arcade)
Are people listing this game ironically? This game is just plain average.

>> No.9684323

Arcade Sailor Moon is the shit

>> No.9684327

Nowhere near chav's writing style

>> No.9684997

it's an old chav pasta, though the fag here >>9681949 modified it a bit and made it more boring

>> No.9685002

Kira from Death Note page four?

>> No.9685070

>Undercover Cops
It's the weakest irem bmup, but has great presentation.
It's solid but KoV2 was when IGS got really good and improved over Mystara.
>This game feels slippery if you know what I mean.
You are playing it wrong most likely, in KoV1 you can't combo large crowds mindlessly.
>Are people listing this game ironically? This game is just plain average.
It's rough but it's still better than most console bmups 2bh.

>> No.9685470

I want to play KOV but it looks intimidating because of its length and all the different items and secrets. Looks cool as hell though. How hard is it to do a 1cc with a top tier character in KOV1 or KOV2 compared to the typical Capcom beat em up? Which version should I play? OG, Plus or Super? Also, thoughts on Oriental Legend? It looks kinda janky but soulful af.

>> No.9685545

KoV1 has a rough start but isn't that hard when you understand its fundamentals and a few tricks, Zhang Fei or Guan Yu are good starters, I'd say it's comparable to the average Capcom 1cc. KoV2 however is pretty tough, so just go for it if you have the patience and free time.
Go for the original version, plus and super add moves and special I think but vanilla is great as is.
> It looks kinda janky but soulful af.
haven't played it much but pretty much have the same opinion, there's depth and soul but obviously isn't as polished as the later games, OL2 however is pretty high quality.

>> No.9685558

Oh also I think plus added a combo-based score system, but you need a patched mame rom for it to work properly iirc

>> No.9685591
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i like turtles.

>> No.9686209

>wahhhh Streets2 not good! Mania not le balanced!
You are a shitter and take it up with anthopants or get good.

>> No.9686219

or you can just play a better game

>> No.9686267

Final fight sega cd and x6800 are excellent ports
X6800 is damn near arcade perfect... God damn pre-lost decade Japan was on fire

The x6800 is like a better Amiga 500, and the 500 was damn near perfect itself

>> No.9686441

If SoRR was updated to have online play it would legit be the absolute best. Single player it's def best tho.

>> No.9686484

Literally the only correct answer in the entire thread.

>> No.9686494
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Captain Commando my dude

>> No.9686613

Literally the worst Capcom bmup, doesn't have the raw challenge of Final Fight or the fun and dynamic gameplay of their later bmups.

>> No.9686834

>or the fun and dynamic gameplay of their later bmups.
yeah nah battle circuit is captain commando but boring and broken

>> No.9686843

is Burning Fight any good?

>> No.9686873

it has a certain charm, the atmosphere and music are top notch but the gameplay is a little lacking

>> No.9687403

Crisis Beat on the psx is pretty fun, maybe a little too easy though.

>> No.9687413

I tried that game once. The animations are extremely stiff, and the blonde girl has a weird moveset that's more suitable for Brock Lesnar.

>> No.9687532

What's that? I can't read Korean and the game looks Japanese.

>> No.9687984

but battle circuit has that plant guy who's cooler than any of the shitty characters in CC

>> No.9688008 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 360x501, 2c862eab7544a722feaea61893cff385--fighting-games-japan-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit taste, vorefag

>> No.9688045 [DELETED] 

>generic capeshit dude
>generic ninja
>baby riding a mech (???)
>generic mummy
only proving his point m8

>> No.9688162

>focused on AvP for months while ignoring all other beat em ups
>got good enough to 1cc with Schaefer 100% of the time (no-death about 90% of the time when playing seriously) -- default settings. It's not hard imo, Schaefer no-death is easier than Linn no-death. In terms of no-death, it goes Warrior > Hunter > Schaefer > Linn.
>"Okay, now I'm satisfied. Let's play something else."
>loaded up Final Fight on mame
>"Let's do a Haggar 1cc."
>got clobbered on the second level

I need to retrain my muscle memory, but still imo Final Fight is easily the hardest Capcom beat em up. Well, as long as you don't pick Cody.

>> No.9688446

Is there a way to *consistently* grab without getting hit?

>> No.9688454 [DELETED] 

cope soulless vorefag

>> No.9688471

No one else mentioned Sonic Blast Man 2, really? Ok, then.

>> No.9688493

you just played avp more, avp has more resource management sections but still is kinda comparable to ff

>> No.9688496

Dark Seal

>> No.9688618
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Yeah, but first, forget about Final Fight grabbing mechanics. Don't "run into" an enemy in this game. What you want to do is "kiss" an enemy, meaning you want to make your hitbox and an enemy hitbox touch at the border, not overlap at the center. I made this webm just now. Watch it carefully, because it shows most of the concepts I'll be going over now.

1) Walking straight up, down, left, right is faster than walking diagonally. So when grabbing, try to walk straight.

2) Schaefer has a unique walk. With the other characters, if you tap a direction, they move a pixel. But with Schaefer, if you tap a direction, he moves several pixels (in the same amount of time). So, believe it or not, Schaefer actually has the fastest walking speed in the game for the first few frames. This is a BIG advantage. What this means is that you can do punch, step, punch, step, punch, step, grab.

3) When doing stun grabs (from a punch or a shoulder), think of it like a tick throw in the original SF2 series or "combos" in the first Samsho game. It's about timing. Enemies have grab immunity when they're stunned, so stop a second and grab them when they're recovered.

4) Aliens alternate between crawling and walking. When an alien does that, it changes its hitbox instantly. That's why sometimes you "pass through" an alien when you're trying to grab it. But if you try to "kiss" it, you will grab it anyway.

5) Aliens turn around. They don't flip instantly like you do. So you can walk past them and grab them while they turn around. Aliens also need to turn around after getting downed. When doing an okizeme grab, stand at the head, so when it gets up it has to turn around.

>> No.9688619

6) There are enemies you can grab all you want, and there are others you generally shouldn't. The enemies you want to be careful when grabbing are stalkers, defenders and marines with a knife or pulse gun. With stalkers and defenders, you can grab them easily after a stun or okizeme or MC immunity. Same with marines, but Schaefer is sooo ridiculously good at herding and killing marines (e.g., punch, step, punch, step, punch, step, punch) that you don't want to grab them.

7) Schaefer's MC has AMAZING immunity. You can do Cadillacs and Dinosaurs strats with him.

There's probably something I forgot, but I'll mention it later if I remember.

>> No.9688632

Why do all of these games have special attacks that drain your energy meaning you just never use them? I hate this much. Only one I played that had some special moves you could pull off that didn't punish you was SoR2

>> No.9688645

You don't need to use them. If you're talking about this >>9688618, I used it to kill faster because there's a guaranteed full health at the end. SoR2 does it too. It's a staple of the genre.

>> No.9688648

Since nobody's said it, The Simpsons. It gets pretty repetitive, but it's worth a playthrough.

>> No.9688721
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>> No.9688789

You sound like a newfag, a+b attacks are essential to survive in games like FF or AvP, the little damage you pay is nothing consering you break free from the crowd destroying you and gain i-frames.

>> No.9688793

Superjoys are similar to bombs in shmups, and they're fucking based because they reward good reaction-times.

>> No.9688978

SoR2's specials cost health unless your defensive special doesn't hit anything. Offensive specials always take life.

>> No.9689131

Thanks for the tips. What's MC?

>> No.9689137

Fellow Growl appreciator

>> No.9689312
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Mega Crash (Crush?), by pressing 2 buttons at the same time, and by "immunity" I mean the brief moment of invincibility you get immediately after doing it. You get almost 2 seconds of invincibility with Schaefer, which is extremely good. Schaefer's MC is one of the best moves in the game (only his, the other characters have normal MCs). Watch this webm I just made, and note how enemy attacks harmlessly pass through me for a second or two after I do an MC.

>> No.9689317
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Part 2

I did a couple MC into a grab just to show you can do it, but normally I'd just smash them with a shoulder punch.

>> No.9689335

BTW I normally play on 4:3, but MAME recorded it this way (CPS1/2 resolution).

>> No.9689374

BASED AvP in here. My recs even though most have been mentioned already.
>Alien vs Predator
>The Ninja Warriors Again
>Violent Storm
>Denjin Makai II
>Mad Stalker (x68000 Ver.)

>> No.9689672

That's not a beat em up.

>> No.9689718

Knights of the Round
Mutation Nation
Robo Wars

>> No.9689732

Because you're using a little health to avoid eating a full combo and possibly losing more health. So you're being punished for careless play but the game gives you a chance to mitigate the damage.
Then it eventually becomes a tool you use aggressively when you know where health pickups are.

>> No.9689738

This game looks sick as fuck.

>> No.9689754

River City Ransom 2P with friendly fire.

>> No.9689761
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X-Men: The Arcade Game (Konami) (1992)

>> No.9689801

that's some high level play. didn't know he can do the antiair backwards. I did it once by accident and thought it was a bug. that move looks like a gamechanger actually

>> No.9689876


>> No.9690014

>Then it eventually becomes a tool you use aggressively when you know where health pickups are.
Knights of the round is based

>> No.9690029

I don't know how different the SNES version is but this is one game I can never get a grasp on. It doesn't help I keep insisting on trying to play Arthur, Perceval really does seem like the best character

>> No.9690049

Double Dragon

>> No.9690448

>I don't know how different the SNES version is
much worse, king of dragons is the only solid capcom port

>> No.9690452

Yeah, its utility is priceless. You can cancel into it from anything, it eliminates the recovery/vulnerability of whatever you cancelled it from, it transports you to safety, and it lets you maintain crowd control, keep away and positioning. I think it singlehandedly transforms Schaefer from the worst character to... not the best (because the predators are too godlike), but better than Linn (who herself is a powerful character). I think Schaefer has the most tools to control the field and maintain positioning.

>> No.9690470

What is Robo Wars? I can't find any information on a beat em up with that title

>> No.9690486

What's the character ranking list like? I've always kind of wanted to get into AvP because people always bring it up as the other good beat em up next to SoR2, which I love, but I've always put it off. Is Schaefer the big guy/wrestler archetype character? Might give it a try later.

>> No.9690487

He prolly meant robo army

>> No.9690520

>How to get in an irl fist fight with your brother

>> No.9690563

All 4 characters are powerful, but Warrior is unquestionably #1. I think he's the most overpowered character in any beat em up. Hunter is a distant #2. Schaefer is #3. Some people are going to hate me for saying this, but Linn is #4. The reason why I rank Schaefer higher than Linn is because he has more consistency in getting a no-death. With planning and understanding of enemy behavior, Schaefer is SUPER reliable. The only variable is if you roll a 1 in 50 "rank" on the last boss and you lose a life to some bullshit or bad luck. Schaefer is extremely consistent otherwise. Linn, not as much. Also, Schaefer kills faster, much faster.

>> No.9691419
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no one ever says P.O.W. but I like P.O.W.

>> No.9691431

It's my mission in life to never 1cc an arcade game. I will beat games in 3 credits and enjoy them without having to memorize every single step and how to break the game and suck all the joy and fun out of the act of playing videogames.

>> No.9691436

The charm of Cap Com is slicing niggas in half with the ninja.

>> No.9691443

I love that game but it eats inputs when things get too busy.

>> No.9691468

Is P.O.W. the first beat'em up that lets the player pick-up and use firearms? If not, what is?

>> No.9691504

don't forget jennety/mack's death animation too, and the women not having gore because they should be pitied.

>> No.9691526

>no death animations for women

That's why I like to kill the women with a power bomb so they get a mouthful of dick before they die.

>> No.9691536

>without having to memorize every single step and how to break the game
shitter cope, you don't need to do these to 1cc, only need a general idea of how it works
>and suck all the joy and fun
what's so fun about playing like a mindless retard? real games are all about using brain, unless you are subhuman

>> No.9691878

why did SNK have so many forgettable bmups?

>> No.9692061


Based, you play on 3 credits until you get good enough to beat it on 1cc so it happens naturally instead of autistically save state practicing

>> No.9692069

>until you get good enough to beat it on 1cc
Not what he/you said, retard
>save state practicing
Irrelevant in bmups outside of a couple tricky spoys, shitter

>> No.9692115

What are the best beat em ups on SNES? I know turtles in time and final fight 3

>> No.9692127

It's awful. Not even memeing

>> No.9692301

its not that bad, atmosphere and music are pretty good.
i prefer setting them on fire myself

>> No.9692321

Batman Returns for SNES

(It's about batman.)

>> No.9692326

knights of the round

>> No.9692462

Bare Knuckle 3 is the best game in the entire genre.

Other good ones:
Double Dragon 2 NES
Ninja Masters SNES
Vendetta Arcade (not the american version cos it's censored)
Night Slashers Arcade
>Undercover Cops
It's gotta be the "alpha renewal" version coz the others are incomplete and missing all the content/moves etc.
It's fine, not great not terrible.
Ninja Masters and Final fight 3

>> No.9693062

>Bare Knuckle 3 is the best game in the entire genre.
It isn't. Even without the difficulty being cranked up the levels are still shit and the bosses are annoying.

>> No.9694025

POW is a classic, nigga.

>> No.9694416

>Bare Knuckle 3 is the best game in the entire genre.
not even the best version of the game, fag

>> No.9695547

good choice

>> No.9695837

Streets of Rage 4. Just play that, it's made everything else irrelevant.