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File: 44 KB, 300x428, kirbys-adventure-cover.cover_300x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9688474 No.9688474 [Reply] [Original]

Am I nuts, or are the controls kind of unresponsive? I'm emulating, but if I didn't feel that way about Castelvania or Mega Man through this setup I have to believe that's not the cause. I don't know if it's certain frames not allowing certain actions or what, but I often feel like I'm trying to play faster than the game allows, but it will inconsistently let me do what I want to do, like quickly run, jump, and attack.
It's honestly bad enough to where I almost don't want to finish it and just move on to Dream Land 2.

>> No.9688479

You were fine with Castlevania? Really?

>> No.9688481

You're probably used to normal NES games.
Kirby is slow and easy, the normal on NES was fast, hard as fuck gameplay.
It's kind of a just "enjoy the ride" experience, which is VERY odd to NES standards.
I remember playing Kirby as a kid to chill from Megaman IV

>> No.9688483

I had the same thoughts with super mario land 1. nifty little game but the controls are very oddly stiff, like they tried to fake the appearance of mario movement with hard locked speed and momentum. I'm not sure if it was a simple gameplay decision or if the gb couldn't handle fluid running physics.

>> No.9688487

Who the fuck cares about frames in a Kirby game? Just play the couple hours and move on.

>> No.9688492

In that every time I pressed a button I performed an action, yes. I can at least understand the rules of how inputs work in that, but this game keeps fucking me.

I just end up with a lot of moments where it looks like I decided to do nothing and eat a hit despite trying to jump or attack or whatever. It's very frustrating.

I think you misunderstood what I was saying.

>> No.9688769

I played it again a couple of months ago and yeah, some inputs are lost especially when there's a lot going on on the screen. Nothing serious but it can be annoying.

>> No.9688790

Filtered by a *literal*, unironic toddler game. Let that sink in.

>> No.9688806

Kirby's Adventure was really pushing what the NES is capable of, so some inputs get eaten. I think there's a ROM hack that smooths that out.

>> No.9688807

You'd be surprised how many games made specifically for children are riddled with bafflingly bad controls, even going way back to Atari 2600.

>> No.9688839

>Nothing serious but it can be annoying
It's unfortunately more than annoying for me. I'm coming off of Dream Land and the Wario Lands which felt very responsive. It's so shitty to beef it to a boss because it decided to disregard me hitting A multiple times. I just decided to move to Dream Land 2 and play one of the remakes of Adventure later on. Maybe I can come back and try this again with fresh patience some time.

>I think there's a ROM hack that smooths that out
I might have to look for and resort to that. I generally don't like doing things like that, especially for a game I'm playing for the first time, but I already had to overclock this game because of the awful slowdowns so I might as well go whole-hog and make it palatable.

>> No.9688871
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I didn't have any problems with it on real hardware.

>> No.9688914

It's funny how kids have weird perceptions of things. I played Kirby's Adventure as a kid and it never stood out to me as being markedly easier than, say, Mario or Mega Man games. Looking back on it, I can see how it is easier, but I guess with the adaptability of a child's brain and the limited frame of reference, you more quickly adapt and lose sight of the particulars of how hard or easy a game is (unless of course it's something stupidly hard or a literal toddler game).

>> No.9688967
File: 498 KB, 1920x2008, ka_fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, you are absolutely right, and i hacked the ROM to prove it and fix it. i haven't released it yet.
TL;DR- When kirby changes animation states, like turns around, stand to walk, walk to run, etc, the game prioritizes this over run and jump inputs, and they just get eaten into the void. It has nothing to do with lag.
Anyway, i meticulously changed the order of operations of stand state, walk state, and run state for Normal, Power with no animation change, Parasol, Sword, Hammer, Starrod, and Swimming / UFO.
i'll release it eventually, but yes, you are absolutely correct, and it is not the lag or your imagination.
Have a nice day.

>> No.9688975

> run and jump inputs
Special move and jump inputs, my b

>> No.9689000

this is on purpose, you're not supposed to be able to spam attack
the game is designed so that you always have to think what you're going to do before you get there

>> No.9689010

Yep it's a deliberate design choice so the player has to think before they act

>> No.9689017

>unresponsive controls on emulator
entirely depends on your set up.
As this is fucking Kirby's Adventure you should have better response times than actual hardware with a decent emulator.

>> No.9689050

Interesting. Thanks for the info.

I'm a decidedly calm and non-spastic player in general, so if this was their intention they went overboard. Interesting that the Dream Land games don't feel like this, and from what I remember Super Star doesn't either.

It would only be an issue of response time with this game in particular, because like I said I haven't noticed an issue with any other game, even ones that demand far more of you.

>> No.9689065
File: 43 KB, 451x388, skateOrDie_lester.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> you're not supposed to be able to spam attack
nope, it's a design oversight, and what's interesting is that they fixed it for using a special power that doesn't change your animation state: that has super high priority, they just didn't fix it for the other special powers, and for some reason, jumping has less priority than alot of other state changes. woooops.
> It's honestly bad enough to where I almost don't want to finish it and just move on to Dream Land 2.
all of the other Kirby games work properly, even the first one which came before this one. heh. only Adventure is kinda fucked up.

>> No.9689253

Just started working on a fix for this last week, should have a patch out in 3 days

>> No.9689259
File: 266 KB, 1886x987, ka_hover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've already completed it, just working on a writeup now since people are interested. we can discuss findings.

>> No.9689267

You're right. Kirby bounces off the floor. You can't turn around quickly. It takes some getting used to

>> No.9689301

I would use the hell out of this patch, please make a thread when you release it.

>> No.9689341

>two weeks
either you post it, or you don't. so far you don't

>> No.9689480

I noticed this too. I never had the game on NES, but I did buy it for Wii Virtual Console in around 2007 or so and loved it. Then for some reason the 3D classics version on 3DS had this issue, and every time I'd tried to emulate this game it's felt unresponsive. Did the Wii VC one have this issue too and I was just too dumb to notice?

>> No.9689534

I remember playing it on my Wii not too long ago and I never felt like it was dropping my inputs at all. Maybe I'm just used to it from playing the game before, though. I have the .wad but I can't be fucked to rip the ROM and test it on my NES to compare the two, though.

>> No.9689583
File: 717 KB, 3106x826, kirby_adv_input_fix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> either you post it, or you don't. so far you don't
its coooooooooming
just checking some final bullshit, will post in a bit

>> No.9689587

>copyright symbol everywhere
never gonna post it

>> No.9689597
File: 20 KB, 782x802, kirby_adv_input_fix_menuHell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is actually some compression / anti hacking bullshit in the menu lol, HAL don't fuck around.
if you try moving those years, amongst other things, the whole goddamn menu glitches to hell. i shit you not

>> No.9689964
File: 127 KB, 438x370, TM_3DSDS_3DClassicsKirbysAdventure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In all honesty, 3D Classics: Kirby's Adventure is the absolute best way to play this game, despite making some of the secret doors a bit more obvious and keeping the Japanese version's mistake of refilling your health mid-bossrush (because they didn't account for the post Heavy Mole transition). It's by far the best of the lineup. Since it's not pushing the NES or an emulation, the controls finally feel the way they were meant to. Shame you have to go through illicit means to play it now since it was digital-only.
The first remake, Nightmare in Dream Land, almost fixes the control issues, but it introduces a new problem: because the devs were obsessed with cramming in a bunch of unneeded frames of animation to show off the GBA, they made most B-Button actions disgustingly sluggish if you're used to the original, or any other Kirby game for that matter. Thankfully, Flagship caught this in the next games.

>> No.9690067

Hmm. Good to know.
I just remembered I have the Dream Collection. That probably has this issue, too, but maybe I should try it since it’s on hand.

>> No.9690090

I never really enjoyed the 3D effect of the 3DS... Save for this game. Amazing port. and it's literally popping (out the screen).

>> No.9691164

you've been saying this for years

>> No.9691173

>but I often feel like I'm trying to play faster than the game allows
Yeah it's basically a modern triple A release

>> No.9691194

One time I did a hack that fixed things like that for a game.

I added a version number that literally one tile, 8x8 pixel, at the furthest possible at the bottom right of the screen. Something that wouldn't even show if you played the game on TV.

I got a review seething that I "ruined the game" because of that added version number.

Just saying.

>> No.9691349
File: 36 KB, 517x557, kirby_adv_input_fix2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> version number outside the safe raster area ruins the game
...yeah i might put the text back when i actually release it but keep the cute little controller icon in place of the TM mark. it's good to know if you're actually playing the fixed version.
> muh pure experientsssss (clearly on a fuckin emulator)
fuck 'em

>> No.9691387

NTA but I think the little controller icon is nice but the text does go a bit far. Especially if I ever want to share this with a friend while hiding my power level.

>> No.9691649

Me neither

>> No.9691986


Thoughts on sharing this patch on Romhacking.net?

>> No.9692247
File: 22 KB, 769x720, hbg_kirby_halloween.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm submitting it tonight or tomorrow, will hook you guys up with a link before that. it takes some time to get approved.
...just testing different versions now. american PRG0 and PRG1 work perfectly, japanese crashes but there is nothing i can do about that, europe probably won't work but i'm about to find out.
it should work seamlessly with romhacks too. Halloween Adventure and Vegetable Valley Nightmare have been tested and feel amazing.
i'm just doing shit right because i hate when shit ain't done right.

>> No.9692445

Yes the controls are awful, sloppy and unresponsive.
It also slows down like a motherfucker, you have to turn on overclocking if you're emulating.
It's a technical issue they were unable to resolve

>> No.9692448

Fuck those guys, just put it up on CDRomance.

>> No.9693351

they're complete faggots nowadays

>> No.9693420

Why can't he just do both?

>> No.9693429

no, there's a reason it's a "cult classic" and that no one sane gives a shit about it

>> No.9694309
File: 767 B, 80x80, kibbi_hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think there's a ROM hack that smooths that out
there is now
> I would use the hell out of this patch
have at it
> either you post it, or you don't. so far you don't
> never gonna post it
> you've been saying this for years
Kirby's Adventure - Input Fix v1.0 :
Enjoy =)
i've included the ROM, but feel free to apply the patch to other romhacks.
> CDromance
i'll do both, but it's on my own website for now. take charge of your digital lives and don't let these fucking nasty ass corporations control what you can or can't do.

>> No.9694319


>> No.9694325

>make a whiny thread to bitch and prove to myself I'm not just salty at a game
>some crazy bastard comes along and fixes the problem
Dangerously based.

>> No.9694442

I felt the same way anon. It sucks.

>> No.9694629
File: 132 KB, 1302x856, RHDN_wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a general fucking pain in the ass in 2023 to use that antique, and they harassed me about using first person point of view wording in description of all things, but it's done. Waiting for approval.
> just put it up on CDRomance.
Uhm, you cant lol, there is no submission page. You can contact the site admins in a google form, but there is nowhere to upload a file. I ain't gonna bother.

>> No.9694861

yes put it on there, there's cringy autists on any site with enough traffic if that's why you're hesitant.

>> No.9695036
File: 778 KB, 1280x719, tumblr_pqbq9qLH7P1w1trtx_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking based. Thanks so much for this.

>> No.9695183

>had to deal with this shit just to share a QoL improvement hack with people who might be interested
I'm getting real fucking tired of RHDN's shit. They have done about as much to help romhackers as they have done to hold them back. People like you shouldn't have to deal with their retardation.

>> No.9695192

In the mean time, just toss it on to Mega or Catbox

>> No.9695214
File: 3.16 MB, 498x498, best-kirby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sickkk ty

>> No.9695216

nm, just saw >>9694309
Thanks for the patch btw, nifty to mess around with

>> No.9695732

Same shit Konami pulled with their late NES releases. Once any trademark graphics (normally at the title screen) are removed or tampered with the games would switch to Fuckhard mode or make enemies unkillable.

>> No.9696202
File: 7 KB, 256x240, kirby_adv_input_fix3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Thoughts on sharing this patch on Romhacking.net?
it's approved and live.
i'm glad someone made a thread bitching about the controls otherwise this probably would have rotted on my hard drive forever.
you're welcome and i'm glad this game can finally be played the way it always should have been. godspeed.