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9684469 No.9684469 [Reply] [Original]

Aside from data storage I think moving to optical media has been nothing but a backstep from using carts.

You have long load times caused by requiring a physical read mechanism and reliance on rotational speed to move the media over the scanning portion, the media itself is prone to damage and doesn't age well, and the read head itself is a moving component that can easily break (and that isn't even getting into drives that have sliding trays, introducing another element of failure).

>> No.9684472

cool story. anyway

>> No.9684474

>posting something obvious as if it's insightful and worth dedicating a post to

>> No.9684476

But they're a lot cheaper, so... eh. I'll just end up emulating them when they eventually become unusable anyway.

>> No.9684478

>I think
Do you? Really?

>> No.9684481

This was a bad thread but not because of its point but because it was phrased poorly.

I should have just challenged everyone to find a defense for optical media outside of data storage. My mistake.

>> No.9684483

Guarantee OP would not have made this post if Nintendo used CD during the 90s.

>> No.9684485

Data storage makes up for all the shortcomings really. And loading times were rarely a problem. Neo Geo CD was awful in this regard, but many other consoles were not.

>> No.9684490

Unless they made a drive system that is resilient to age and breakdown it'd still be indefensible.

And you'd still be contending with the load times regardless.

>> No.9684491

The lack of damage resistance is still a huge bugbear of optical media. Only Blu-Rays seemed to have cracked the problem (and even then I've never really tested its limits, I've just been told BDs are better about handling scratching than older generations of optical media).

>> No.9684492

Defend N64 using cartridges first
>awful textures
>awful music and sounds
>awful fmvs is any
>limited ingame content

>> No.9684505

>And you'd still be contending with the load times regardless.
Any examples of loading times being such a problem that someone would trade game content, quality music and cutscenes for instant loading?

>> No.9684509

well, maybe you will be glad to hear that now discs are just used as installation devices

>> No.9684512
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>> No.9684518

maybe i heard wrong, but isnt CD read speeds not that slow compared to cartridges, and it only appears slow because it's so much more data to read?
As in, a 700mb cartridge would be slower to read? Sort of proof in the Switch?

>> No.9684521


>> No.9684527

>more space
>cheaper to make
>better sound quality
>can be played in cd players
>easy to store
>higher quality in everything
op is a retard and disc rot is a meme

>> No.9684534

and they also use battery saves lmao

>> No.9684538

How many cartridges is that worth?

>> No.9684542


Shut up.

>> No.9684548


>> No.9684551

Nintendo Switch provides plenty of good arguments as for why carts aren't the final solution you think they are.
First off, price. Switch carts cost a lot more to produce than PS4 discs, and additional capacity is even more expensive. Remember all those "This game requires a download and a microSD card" games?
This was even worse in the N64 days. Even the smallest N64 cart cost some twenty times more to produce than a PS1 disc. Multiply that by print runs in the hundreds of thousands and it gets real expensive.
Second, speed. Plenty of loading in those games. Even some PS5 games have loading times in them and the SSD in that ain't cheap.
With the introduction of CDs games got bigger way before either cart speeds or sizes could catch up.
As for reliability, I've had more cart slots die on me than disc drives. CDs age perfectly, of the thounsand that I personally own not a single one has disc rot. On the other hand I do own some dead carts with no visible damage of any kind, it happens.

>> No.9684553

>n64 battery saves
are these things in the carts or the controllers or both? i never had one, but it seems really dumb considering they had a slot for ram in the console and no slot for a memory card as far as i know

>> No.9684569

>are these things in the carts or the controllers or both?
both, depends on the game, some had a battery inside the card and some didn't
>no slot for a memory card as far as i know
there is one on the controller but the memory card also uses batteries.
I tell you the n64 is the most retarded console ever made

>> No.9684578

How the cart interfaces with the system plays a significant role in load times.

Ever since the DS cartridges were just glorified SD cards; SD cards are notorious for being slow as shit despite being solid-state, hell even slow laptop 5400rpm hard drives can run circles around them. The cartridges of old connect directly to the system bus and can be directly accessed by the CPU in most cases which can explain the near-instant load times.

>> No.9684581
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The PS2 memory card interface is fast enough to act as a loading gate for games.

>> No.9684594

Mate, it's competing with a DVD drive. Almost anything beats a DVD drive.

>> No.9684605

It's slower than the dvd drive

>> No.9684613

Better than using the USB ports.

Though not as fast as the 1394 port, if your PS2 has one.

>> No.9684618

>Data storage
yeah, storage for all the videos, voice acting, licensed music and other bloat to cover up shallow, boring games
Discs were the death of gaming

>> No.9684620

Never once given a shit about load times.

>> No.9684624

That's fucking sick though.

>> No.9684627

but dude, the offspring! ya ya ya ya ya!

>> No.9684631

Explain how such cartridge-based system as N64 has a higher percentage of shallow, boring games then

>> No.9684632
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>> No.9684638

It has no JRPGs so you're wrong

>> No.9684653

Quest 64

>> No.9684678

anon said rpgs

>> No.9684934

I have to assume that people who say this are completely incapable of enjoying anything which isn't an arcade game. If you looked at something like Oblivion and said that the voice acting there was bloat, I'd agree, but there's lots of games which made great use of it.

>> No.9684945

this is cope, and I'm sorry
the n64 was a mistake

>> No.9684976

I play with music off, don't care

>> No.9684985

thats not based, thats gay

>> No.9684986

your moms gay

>> No.9685035

>more space
>cheaper to manufacture, thus lowering COGS and allowing more and better games
such a backstep

>> No.9685038

We haven't had "carts" since the GBA anyway, and even that is arguable if the last cart system was actually the N64 and not the GBA. They are just "cards" nowadays, which function at a fundamentally different level. Carts actually connected directly to the system bus, mapped directly to memory, and because of this it was possible to have expansion hardware in the cart like so many SNES games did as well as have that "instant" loading since the data was being mapped directly to memory.

Modern "carts" are glorified SD cards, they aren't mapped to shit, they just load data from them no different than they would load data from any other storage medium, and systems like the DS, 3DS, and Switch all have loadtimes because the way they are accessing the game isn't much different from if there was an optical drive in there instead, just faster.

>> No.9685062

Ya but a lot of the games are actually good in comparison to carts

(for most genres)

>> No.9685068

DS cartridges could support additional chips

>> No.9685076

As far as I am aware only like 2-3 games ever added anything, and it was an IR sensor.

>> No.9685078

>I should have just challenged everyone to find a defense for optical media outside of data storage.

What's to defend. Data storage was one of the most vital factors at the time.

>> No.9685084

bet you'd like steam greenlight or itch io

>> No.9685113

I don't think it was any coincidence the airships/gardens in FF8 (the first FF made for the PlayStation from the beginning) were powered by huge spinning discs.

>> No.9685131

>outside of data storage
lower cost

>> No.9685621

Unbelievably beautiful game.

>> No.9685641

flashcarts can have additional CPU's

>> No.9686334

So is USB, according to you. You've already established you're ok with, slow loading and stuttering cut scenes.

>> No.9686348

Yes but that's internal processing just to make sure the cart can replicate a real cart correctly, not to add functionality to games like so many SNES games did. The CPU on the flashcart of those "card" based systems isn't adding additional functionality to the game for the system.

>> No.9686358

Yeah we got fucked hard. We got the technology to store way more data on carts just a year or two after we all switched to optical, it's so gay.

>> No.9686375

No we didn't. Solid-state storage was still in the couple of megs range during the PS1 and even PS2 era. We didn't start hitting 2GB SD cards until the later mid-00s, the PS2 could already do 8.5GB DVDs in 2000.

Even today, there were only about two Switch games ever released on 32GB carts even today, and those still can't compare to the 128GB max a Blu-Ray can hold, a format that debuted in 2006. Only reason we are STILL using Blu-Ray is because optical media for music and PC software is pretty much dead compared to digital/streaming and even for movies it's a fraction of what it used to be. Sony has had an optical format that holds in the Terrabytes for years in the enterprise market, they just have had zero reason to introduce it in the consumer market considering that Blu-Ray tech is still enough for 4K movies and 99% of even PS5 games, and how the vast majority of PCs no longer have optical drives.

Yes, 128GB NAND exists, but considering all that "mandatory download" nonsense Switch games do so they can cheap out with a 16GB, 8GB, or even smaller cart because it costs too much to spring for a larger cart, do you really think it's feasible for them to put games on 128GB+ cards?

>> No.9686618

It's one thing to be ignorant. But flaunting it like that is just embarrassing. There are many flash carts that add functionality to the system. Educate yourself.

>> No.9686674

I was about to refute this, but come to think of it
- videos: yeah, kinda. they could use in-engine scenes, and that's much cheaper in terms of storage.
- voice acting: agree. they're useless.
- licensed music: a bit dishonest putting the world "licensed" there, as music does often make a game that much better. then again most of the ones I think do used tracker and/or soundchip modules.
- other bloat: I guess textures and "included freebies", while it's not that important they do add value to the game, and they won't save a bad game from being bad anyway.

have to disagree with the statement "discs were the death of gaming", though, as the real death comes from the lack of innovation and creativity with more and more games simply made by following the established patters. the gamers themselves, mainly the change in demography are to blame for this. the bloat from most games nowadays comes from the engine itself, since they make use of a "general purpose" engine. not to mention they actually require bloated assets to work.

>> No.9686698

You seriously think this will make you fit in /v/ermin? Try harder next time.

>> No.9686706


>> No.9686717

discs are objectively better than cartridges.

>> No.9686750

of course it has, it's just way cheaper for the amount it stores, for a time it was faster and could store more audio files
but now games just install to drives and run way better

>> No.9686758

>which function at a fundamentally different leve
>Modern "carts" are glorified SD cards
mate, it's all flash memory, just because the method is different, doesn't change the operation

>> No.9686776
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Notice how people like this never explain what is wrong, just insist the person they are arguing against is?

Yes it does, you think NES carts were flash memory? They mapped directly to the addressable memory space of the CPU. That's why you needed mapper chips for bigger games because the CPU can only map 40KB at a time (8KB of CHR ROM and 32KB or PRG ROM typically).

>> No.9686793

The spirit of Yamauchi lives on.

>> No.9686796

The laundry list of positives is too hard for you to spot? Are you retarded?
>reads OP

>> No.9686814

First sentence is wrong. We had plenty of compactflash drives at 8gb by 2002. For photography and other uses.
Your whole argument can be summed up in "the drives would have cost hundreds per game" Because even 4gb drives were hundreds during the 6th gen.

>> No.9686864

On-paper they are, but sadly these things much use right now due to poor OPL compatibility.

>> No.9686868

*aren't much use right now

>> No.9686871

I've always felt this way, as a kid even going from cassettes to CDs felt like a downgrade. The fucking things are so fragile and huge, and these days you have to worry about the disc reading lasers shitting out on you.

>> No.9686930

If you wanted to do something very stupid you could mod a PS1 to take cartridges. Should not be too difficult with the devices like the X-station ODE available now. You'll just need to do a little bit of fabrication and soldering to make a cartridge slot that solders to the pins of the the micro SD slot. Then place a SD card inside your cartridge so it will make a connection when inserted.

>> No.9686940

>long loading times

But longer, high quality audio tracks.

Even on old ps1's with wrecked lenses, the music made THPS more bearable despite the loading times.

>> No.9686959

>First sentence is wrong. We had plenty of compactflash drives at 8gb by 2002. For photography and other uses.

I don't remember those coming in those capacities that early except for the ones that were basically mini-harddrives, but I didn't use CF much.

Regardless however, that's still less than a DVD could hold while costing as you said hundreds just for the media.

Wait, really? Going from a CASSETTE to a cd felt like a downgrade? Weren't those picky about having your volume levels set correctly, sensitive to magnets, easy to mangle, and took several to dozens of minutes to load?

>> No.9686972

But we've now moved from optical media to either magnetic storage or flash memory. Maybe your complaint was valid some 10 years ago but not anymore.

>> No.9686981

Unbelievably expensive and pre-rendered FMV cutscenes, you mean. They spruced up the presentation and nothing else.

>> No.9687226

>Notice how the grownups here never spoon feed other peoples babies
Yeah. So wierd amrite!

>> No.9687238

If the ROM's not stored in flash memory, what's it stored in?

>> No.9687360

Don't act like you're in the right here.

>> No.9687487

NES cartridges were MROM or sometimes EPROM
flash memory is a type of EEPROM

>> No.9687507
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>> No.9687587

>Don't act like I'm not entitled to come here and bullshit and then demand that people educate me
No one's acting like that's how it is. That is the way it is. Apply yourself.

>> No.9687591

>you're wrong but you need to figure out why

How does that prove your point? That just sounds like someone saying shit to be contrarian from the person whose being addressed.

>> No.9687595

Wasn't EPROM generally just for development/testing purposes since it can be erased by sunlight? Every NES retail cart I ever saw was MROM, the only time I saw EPROM was in dev carts and prototypes.

>> No.9687767

Just being randomly angry makes you look insane

>> No.9687803

ad-hominem attacks are not arguments.

>> No.9687832

You got mad about FF7 and made an obviously wrong statement that no one agrees with

>> No.9687846

ps1 load times arent even long, that is just n64 cope.

>> No.9687940

>Why do you not feel the need to prove yourself to an ignorant child on the internet?
Same reason I shoo the pigeons in the park off the chess board instead of playing chess with them.

>> No.9688001
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>I should have challenged everyone to find a defense for optical [DATA STORAGE] outside of data storage

>> No.9688304

>I come on discussion boards not to discuss things, but to posture and pretend I'm well versed in subjects I have zero knowledge of

>> No.9688319

>obviously superior in main constraint on game design
>has periphery issues that wouldn't likely make themselves known until long after the gen has been over
I'll take a console maybe breaking down 10 years later over every piece of software made for it being gimped.

>> No.9688808
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>I come on discussion boards to bullshit and then cry when I get called out for bullshitting

>> No.9688821

CDs were preferable to cartridges during the 90s and early 2000s just for how much more shit they could store. Now that we've moved on to an era where you just install the games you play anyway it doesn't matter on what games are stored.

>> No.9688832

And despite all that the N64 has all the defining games of the 5th generation.

>> No.9688838

Not if you're not a massive nintendo fanboy

>> No.9688845

consoles were never meant to "age well"

they're a disposable product for putting under a christmas tree and only need to last until you buy new disposable product

>> No.9688847

>best action-adventure
>best platformer
>best fps
Goldeneye or Perfect Dark
>best kart racing game
Mario Kart
>best racing game
F-Zero X
>best shoot'em up
Star Fox
>best fighting game
Super Smash Bros.
>best party game
Mario Party

This is well documented, so youre either misinformed or a contrarian.

>> No.9688853 [DELETED] 

Aw, OP took of his shallow disguise, turns out it's just an n64 fanboy thread. Always seems like they're trying to cause fights huh? Easily the worst fanbase people have to deal with here.

>> No.9688854

>No FF7
>No GT2
>No Silent hill
>No symphony of the night
>Inferior port of RE2
>Pretending these games weren't defining titles of the 5th gen
>Implying the first smash bros was better than tekken 3
>Implying f-zero was better than wipeout
>Implying mario kart was better than CTR
>Implying anyone gives a shit about party games
The N64 had 3 gen defining games, OOT, Goldeneye and Mario64. Anything else is just cope.

>> No.9688856

The random-access nature of cartridges made it possible to use lots of pre-rendered sprites in Mario Kart 64

>> No.9688869

star fox 64 is one of my favorite games ever, but its a rail shooter not a schmup.
Smash bros is fun but you're delusional if you think its even close to the best fighting game
Also what about rpgs?

>> No.9689009

Just about every storage medium except for tape is random access.

>> No.9689231

CDs have seek time. Mario Kart 64's trick would not have been possible with optical media

>> No.9689252
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>> No.9689284

>apart from data storage
yeah. nothing else matters

>> No.9689448

I won't defend n64 because it sucks but I will defend the 32x. It had the best version of mortal kombat 2 putting psx and Saturn to shame. 32x doom and virtua racer also smoked what Saturn got. I'm willing to bet 32x would have released a better version of Saturn daytona had it the chance.

>> No.9689450

>loading times in fighting games MID MATCH

>> No.9689453

>best Kart racing game
That would be Super Mario Kart but sure, Nintendo had the market on silly party games. I had a lot of fun with Mario kart 64 battle mode.
>fzero racing game
Lol hell no. Not even close.
>best shoot em up
Lylat Wars was a rail shooter and it wasn't even as good as Panzer Dragoon or space Harrier.
>Smash bros
Not a fighting game. I'm thinking your post was bait now. Oh well.

>> No.9689462

>That would be Super Mario Kart but sure
He's talking about specifically that gen. Although mario kart 64 wasn't even the best kart racer on 64, that goes to diddy kong racing

>> No.9691049

>Cigarette and a blindfold
What does this even mean

>> No.9691142

Don't most N64 games use SRAM? If a publisher was too cheap for SRAM they usually just told you to fuck off and buy a controller pack (which did use DRAM) instead of having their own DRAM in the cartridge.

>> No.9691148

>muh load times!
Just fastforward past it you retard

>> No.9691260
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It means an execution by gunshot/firing squad, the blindfold and cigarette trope is typically from the WWII era. The blindfold was so the person being executed doesn't see it coming and the cigarette was as one last comfort, similar to the final mean we have today. Many soldiers even if they didn't smoke took up smoking during the war to relieve stress, it was seen as one final comfort for the person about to be executed and both it and the blindfold were to help relieve the massive stress/panic that would come from knowing you are about to be executed.

IIRC they were not mandatory and depending on the situation the person being executed might be allowed to reject them, I am pretty sure they were also in no way required to provide either of those to the person they were executing. It was more of a curtsey thing towards a person who was about to be killed.


A large chunk did, but I am not sure if I would say most. There was three main types of save mediums used on the cart, SRAM, EEPROM, and FlashROM. Only SRAM needed batteries.

The thing is though, the games that required a memory card, there were games that could also save to either the cart or a memory card (Blast Corps and Bomberman 64 among others) or games that could save some data to the cart but others required a memory card (Like the Ghost Data in Mario Kart 64) and the memory cards themselves were still SRAM and required a battery. A move I find incredibly stupid when their biggest competition at the time used memory cards that had non-volatile memory.

Also, you are thinking of FRAM, DRAM is still volatile just like SRAM.

>> No.9691368

Even with GPU RAM the enemies in games today are limited to only being alive when you are within a certain range. Ocarina of Time with the Running Man is more technically impressive than anything on consoles or PC nowadays. Imagine how many Hyrule Fields at high fidelity you could load if Nintendo went back to carts and Jumper paks today. Optical media was a mistake.

>> No.9691405

> Disregarding the issue at hand, everything else is moot

>> No.9691514

Optical media is rubbish

>> No.9692416

Only like 12 games use a battery to save and the controllers only use AAAs for the Rumble Pak.
It's retarded that memory cards use batteries though.

>> No.9692536

Well, it was the way to keep the $60 price, a $15+ fee from Nintendo for every cartridge(you had to buy your carts with the game from N*) wasn't acceptable.

>> No.9692910
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>long load times
They're not that long and it's a good opportunity to drink tea
>the media itself is prone to damage and doesn't age well
My CDs still work without any problems, sounds like you treat your possessions poorly
Besides, it's very easy to backup CDs

>> No.9692954

I remember an interview with game devs (or console designers?) stating that the deciding factor to put a CD drive into a PlayStation wasn't really the storage, but very short production cycle of the CDs. You could burn and ship a batch of CDs to stores in just a few days, while it took months to do the same with cartridges. And this was important because you could easily scale, in case your game became a hit. The problem with cartridges was, that if a game became popular and sold out, you had to wait a lot of time for a new shipment of copies, and during that time the buzz around it could die off and it might become irrelevant. And since cartridges were expensive (they were basically a sneaky way to offset a part of console hardware cost onto the developers), game producers had to be very careful not to end up with a pile of unsold cartridges like ET, which was expected to be a hit, but it wasn't.

>> No.9692957


explains why ps1 is full of experiment broken shit, everyone trying to make a quit buck and paranoid about what the next fad would be. when you look at n64s classics they didnt need to worry about fags because they built up a long term reputation for quality which would spread by word of mouth and made it very easy to predict production numbers

>> No.9692964

I forgor to add - the reason delivering cartridges was so slow was not only because it required physical assembly and literal overseas shipment (if you wanted them cheap), but also something very relevant to what's happening today - chip shortages. Mainly memory chips shortages, but if your game utilized specialized chips, like the popular SuperFX (in starfox) it became even more difficult

>> No.9692968

I wonder, if that's the reason why FF7 became so popular and not FF6

>> No.9693019

>explains why ps1 is full of experiment broken shit
I mean, kinda? Investing in producing a game with a cartridge was way more risky. With CDs you could always scale down. So some studios released small, funky games one after another in case one of them became a hit.
Also, it explains why there were so many titles for PS - not just the junk/small games. More studios considered making games for PS since it wasn't such a risk for them

>> No.9693234

Sorry champ, but those "game devs (or console designers?)" were larping children. Commercial games weren't burned. Can you imagine how long that would take, burning at the lowest speed and all. Mastering, tooling up for, and beginning production of a PS1 CD, for example, took quite a while as well.

>> No.9693353

>Commercial games weren't burned
You're nitpicking too much. I meant the mastering and pressing process, but I couldn't find the proper word.
>took quite a while as well.
Well, they claimed it took a few days

>> No.9693560

>talking about optical media in the present tense

Millennials fr don't even realise how old they are at this point

>> No.9693565

no cap

>> No.9693570

the main defense of cartridges over discs is shelf life, but this is only a point for archivists. cartridges easily last a century but CDs last at best two or three decades. I got rid of all of my old disc games recently for this reason.

we do have m-discs now though.

>> No.9694320

Problem with the Firewire port is that all PS2s that have it also have the IDE interface which is even faster.

>> No.9695089

>but CDs last at best two or three decades. I got rid of all of my old disc games recently for this reason.

You're an idiot, professionally pressed CDs last minimum 75 years unless you treated them like shit, most are expected to last over a century. All of my retail disks still read just fine. It's burned cds that are expected to die in a few decades, especially cheap ones, not professionally pressed ones.

>> No.9695096

I have only seen a Firewire port on a PS2 and the back of a Sony TV and I have no idea what the fuck it's supposed to be used for.

>> No.9695164

Some games let you play local multiplayer on multiple consoles when you connect them using this port. Remember that the original PS2 models didn't have ethernet ports.
It was also commonly used in early digital cameras for connecting them to PCs, I remember one of my relatives using it for that purpose. It was probably faster than USB at the time.

>> No.9695186
File: 84 KB, 660x803, Screenshot 2023-02-26 at 04-30-07 Gran Turismo 3 - A-spec (USA) (v1.00).pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that you mention it I guess I did see system link in manuals but it's been forever so I forgot about it.

>> No.9695197

apart from the monumental advantage that was worth sacrificing everything else for, yeah optical storage was pretty pointless they should have known better.

>> No.9695321

Modern silicon storage has made disc storage completely obsolete.
I don't know why they don't sell 4K HDR movies on cards these days. Bluray can't really compete.

>> No.9695380

Because you will own nothing and be happy. Subscription services will replace all manners of ownership permanently.

>> No.9695397

because stamping a blu ray still costs like a dollar for 50GB of storage and no one wants to come up with a new format just for the last 7 physical movie collection hold outs

>> No.9695443

>the last 7 physical movie collection hold outs
Oh come on, it's 8 now. I've got into UHD BDs just a few months ago.
On a serious note, physical wins every time when stacked against streaming in terms of quality. Only Apple TV and Bravia Core stand a chance (though I haven't tested the latter myself), everything else is a steaming pile of shit. But I guess normalfags love eating shit and have made for us a really shitty future.

>> No.9695459

I could fit 20 N64 games on a Playstation disc for a tenth of the price of a cartridge. Carts may be better, when it comes to mass dissemination of video games, a medium like the CD is far better for replication.

>> No.9695490

The N64's library is only like 4gb total per region, you could fit it on as many discs as the Namco Museum Collection

>> No.9695503

And you could fit all the games worth playing on that console in under 100MB.

>> No.9695507

Psx could only load like a few mb into ram anyway.

Real difference was that for these older cart systems the cart was literally expanded system memory that the system could directly read. The switch on the other hand cannot (just like any disc based system) and needs to load its data into ram first before it can use it.

>> No.9695521

Too much cope here

People cant understand that not everyone likes the same thing?

I myself cannot imagine how anyone likes GT(2) but I'm not going into details since I dislike sim racers in general.

Only deluded fanboys makes posts like these where they claim one system crushes whatever another system does.

Just consider, if your view was objectively true then why is there so much love for the other guys?

>> No.9695542

Hey reddit spacing retard. Why did you decide to single out my post when he was the one that originally made the claim the N64 had "every gen defining game"?
>Only deluded fanboys makes posts like these where they claim one system crushes whatever another system does.
I didn't make that claim did I though? He did. Also anyone that claims everything is subjective and just a matter of taste are cringe faggots too scared of taking a position. Intellectual cowards if you will.

>> No.9695562

>You're nitpicking too much
You're coping too much.
>I couldn't find the proper word.
That's because you were just spewing madeup bullshit.
>they claimed
It doesn't matter what your imaginary "game devs (or console designers?)" said. In fact it doesn't matter what real ones said, about things that our outside their responsibilities and areas of expertise. No. You could not master, produce, package and ship CDs to stores in just a few days. inb4 cope about how if you had everything and everyone ready and standing around waiting to work on only this 24/7 you could totally do it.
What did you do? Work out how long it would take to burn a disc at the slowest speed and ship it amazon prime. lmfao.

>> No.9695653

>Hey reddit spacing retard.
Projecting much? Fuck off with your reddit comment.
Also I missed most of this thread and thats just (one of) the cope posts I ran across. Good if you feel personally offended though

>Also anyone that claims everything is subjective and just a matter of taste are cringe faggots too scared of taking a position.
There is something like taking a position (FF7 is better than OOT) and just complete shitposting (system x is completely superior to y)

>> No.9695657

That's fine. I unironically enjoy netflix.

>> No.9695658

Good for you retard

>> No.9695665

Biggest problem is savedata.
Playing retro via subscription is not necessarily bad, but what happens to your save data after a while?
I have that problem with Nintendo in general, there have been a lot of ways so far to get these old games (wii virtual console, classics and now switch online) but they are all in isolated environments where you cannot backup any saves

>> No.9695678

Unless you have a 10000 PS2 with the weird PCMCIA slot lol.

>> No.9695710

>Projecting much?
No you retarded newfag, that's literally what you were doing
>Also I missed most of this thread
read next time, smoothbrain
>There is something like taking a position (FF7 is better than OOT) and just complete shitposting (system x is completely superior to y)
That was the position the person I responded to took, you idiot.

>> No.9695728

>We haven't had "carts" since the GBA anyway, and even that is arguable if the last cart system was actually the N64 and not the GBA.
It's the other way around. GBA cartridges are memory mapped and operate quite quickly, faster than main RAM even.
N64 cartridges are technically memory mapped but about 100x slower than the system so games would just copy what they needed to RAM like modern flash storage.

>> No.9695752

Not him but
>retarded newfag

Jesus fuck, and you called him a reddit fag? Just kill yourself and get it over with.

>> No.9695760

I think you got that in reverse. N64 is infamous for having cartridge access being faster than RAM access.

>> No.9695772

No, I got what I said correct. http://n64devkit.square7.ch/pro-man/pro03/03-07.htm
PI = cartridge bus.
I'm not sure where this myth comes from - possibly confusion over the difference between latency and bandwidth.

>> No.9695773

Then explain the existence of the Expansion Pak. If devs could use the cart ROM like RAM then there would be no such need of the 8MB (or even 4MB) of RAM.

>> No.9695782

That would explain why N64 had such a small library

>> No.9695857

You can fuck off back there too faggot

>> No.9695871

Mate, code has to be loaded into RAM in order to be executed...

>> No.9695903

Not with memory-mapped ROM. Assuming it's fast enough.

>> No.9695908

>Not with memory-mapped ROM.
Whether you can execute that or not varies from architecture to architecture.

>> No.9695910

Video game music was better and more unique when it had to be built on traditional sound chips. And FMVs ruined gaming. So yeah, I'll take the zero loading time please.

>> No.9695912

dude i don't want to start a flamewar but no one gives a shit about super smash bros outside north america. hell even zelda's reach is overstated on 4chan, that game was outsold by fucking tomb raider

>> No.9695914

Which invariably it won't be

>> No.9695923

Firewire is to USB 2.0 like how Thunderbolt is to USB-C 20gbps. It's an alternative but superior port, and all it achieved was getting the USB consortium up its asses and release a newer, better USB version. Prior to Firewire, USB was this 1.5mbps port meant for mouse and keyboard. Firewire offered significantly higher speeds that made it suitable for connecting external drives, or cameras, etc. Then they made USB 2.0 which offered a max speed ot 500mbps (I think) and everyone quickly forgot about Firewire.

>> No.9695925

>hell even zelda's reach is overstated on 4chan
Truth. idk why internet millennials deem OoT an obvious contender for "best video game ever made", anybody who's played other games even on the same platform would make much better nominations

>> No.9695929

Not on N64, but most /vr/ platforms do. Basically every cartridge based platform before the N64 executed from ROM.

>> No.9695991


>> No.9696037

If you want a non-technical demonstration, look at the difference between FastROM and SlowROM on the SNES.
>FastROM allows the SNES CPU read data and opcodes from the ROM 33.58% faster compared to SlowROM.
>Depending on the game, FastROM will make the game run about 10%-33% faster compared to the original SlowROM version.
This statement confirms that the SNES executes from ROM. The result of using faster ROM is not just quicker loading but less slowdown, because the code is running faster.

If you want a technical example, just run any ROM in your favourite debugging emulator, break at a random time, and see where your program counter is. Most of the time it'll be in ROM.

>> No.9696170

You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.9696204

cope. go check your old PS1 collection. a quarter of them won't work.

>> No.9696219

Lol, LOL!!!

>> No.9696297

Firewire had reliable data delivery where USB didn't until 3.2. When you were transferring video from a miniDV tape you couldn't buffer and wait for windows to do whatever shit it felt like instead of processing the incoming data because you can't easily have the tape wind back and try again. Firewire could transfer at 400mbit/s all day with no dropouts by design whereas USB2 relied on buffering and retransmits to operate and so even with the best will in the world it could NEVER sustain 400mbit/s (the 480mbit/s headline rate was including encoding overhead, that wasn't all usable data.) So it was naturally very very useful for synchronising game state between multiple PS2s. Whereas over ethernet your game has to do the complex and non-deterministic task of projecting forward the actions of other players and then correcting when new data comes in, firewire based games could literally just send controller input every frame and not worry about it making it infinitely easier.
It was rare to see it used as most games were never built for multi-player to start with, and if they were they usually came from a PC codebase where all the work to deal with unreliable networks was already done in some fashion.

>> No.9696507

I literally just ripped my PS1 collection a few months ago just fine, they still work perfectly in my PS1 as well.

>> No.9696512

Not if you need ram (eg to keep track of all the events in majoras mask) or if you want to use compressed data on cart which needs to be unpacked first before it can be used.
Some games like indy jones did stream data directly from cart without loading it into ram first.