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9679746 No.9679746 [Reply] [Original]

The day the soul of gaming died.

>> No.9679751

The worst thing to happen in 2001.

>> No.9679754
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Anyone that posts "Soul" outside of /v/ should be permanently banned from posting elsewhere.

>> No.9679759

I was gutted. Sad times as a 12 year old.

>> No.9679767

Soulless post.

>> No.9679779

The Dreamcast was soulless. The Saturn was soul.

>> No.9679828
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If the
>32X were designed without needing a power brick of its own to operate, and the Bernie never entered Sega, Kalinske holding on until summer of 1997 and being replaced by a close co-worker
>Dreamcast was left to operate up until March of 2003.
What changes?

>> No.9679830
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>> No.9679835

>every game after the dreamcast ran like shit and looked like a grey mess

>> No.9679837
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youre forgetting a plane crash or two

>> No.9679853

totally agree

>> No.9679878
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maybe if the Dreamcast had lived 9/11 would have never happened

>> No.9679880

>every single game after the dreamcast ran like shit and looked like a grey mess. What about Fallout Tactics, Battlespire, and Morrowind?

>> No.9679898
File: 122 KB, 1200x675, sg-wcw_announcement--04e7e7f5e4a912309610563e37535241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was vince buying wcw

>> No.9679915
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reminds me of that tragedy.

>> No.9679927


>> No.9679931

Thank god that
Sega did nothing good after the sega genesis.

>> No.9679938

Nothing changes because the 32x sold horribly. Kalinske has said in interviews he was against the idea.

He also hated the Saturn's unnecessarily over-complicated design and knew developers wouldn't like making games for it.

What Kalinkse wanted was a re-designed simplified Saturn that was optimized for 3D games, with a bundled new 3D Sonic Game. One that sold for $299 and used cheaper to buy American 3D chips.

>> No.9679941

>Look daddy I quoted myself
OK Sonicfantarded fuckface. You clearly are a smart-alec fucktard who thinks that EVERY single game made after the Dreamcast's last official game is shit without trying. Enjoy living in a bubble of your own farts and delusions.
>t.AVGNtard who takes his opinions from the AVGN and Pat the NES Punk.

>> No.9679949

>>every game after the dreamcast ran like shit and looked like a grey mess
Because Sega designed games for the arcade, and arcade games needed bright color pallettes to attract customers to the machine (like Crazy Taxi, Daytona USA, etc). Sega took that same design philosophy to games they made for Dreamcast.

Other studios like Microsoft and Sony never made games for arcades. So they made darker and more grey looking games.

>> No.9679961
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>> No.9679964

Wcw also died.

>> No.9679965

Perhaps the most poorly reasoned conjecture I've ever seen in my life.

>> No.9679987

Not buyan a Ps2 now wuz impossible.right on time mine wasnt discounted and still full price.

>> No.9680014

Open a book next time you neanderthal. This is information straight from development teams at Sega.

>> No.9680019

>Dreamcast dies
>SEGA immediately tries to whore out franchises as exclusives to Xbox
Killing it wasn't enough they had to rape the corpse too

>> No.9680021
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>Saudis got so mad at the Dreamcast getting discontinued, they crashed planes into the WTC
It all makes sense now!

>> No.9680024 [DELETED] 
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They shipped Floigan too late. Had they released it at launch as expected, things would've ended up differently. That's okay though, because Floigan ended up becoming something much more important than our past: Floigan became our future.

>> No.9680025

sega were desperate to keep their games alive no matter what console they were ported over to or continued on. worked out well for them most of the time, but not always.

>> No.9680026

>What Kalinkse wanted was a re-designed simplified Saturn that was optimized for 3D games, with a bundled new 3D Sonic Game. One that sold for $299 and used cheaper to buy American 3D chips.
Should've asked the Japs earlier in the development cycle, lol

>> No.9680028


To me, the death of the Dreamcast was a bigger deal than 9/11.

>> No.9680038

>cheaper to buy American 3D chips.
meanwhile in 1991.. yu suzuki was able to take video chips that were made for military simulators, costing thousands, and reduced it to a few dollars. people don't want to face the facts that sega's console division was ALWAYS dangerously incompetent and cheap.

>> No.9680041
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>> No.9680042
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>> No.9680045
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>> No.9680046
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>> No.9680047
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>> No.9680053 [DELETED] 

The military is known for lowest bidder. No guns fail more than those that won contracts. M16, M9, M18, etc.

>> No.9680059 [DELETED] 

> compares guns with chip manufacturing
the absolute state of this low iq board.
> lowest bidder
the 3d tech was LICENSED. my sides. this board never stops being fucking retarded for a single moment.

>> No.9680062

Release them on everything then. Shenmue 2 on Xbox makes no sense, Shenmue 1-2 on every platform does. Just went for quick buck exclusivity deals

>> No.9680068

>Should've asked the Japs earlier in the development cycle, lol
The Japs purposely didn't tell him or Sega of America what they were doing. He only heard rumors and had to wait until he was shown. And by then it was too late to take any suggestions or make changes.

>> No.9680070

The failure of the dreamcast is another milepost of the worst timeline in which we live in. Had the dreamcast won, we might have been spared 20 years of suffering shitty gpus that can't even render trivial 3d properly.

>> No.9680075

>meanwhile in 1991.. yu suzuki was able to take video chips that were made for military simulators, costing thousands, and reduced it to a few dollars.

What are you even talking about? SEGA Virtua Racing cost thousands of dollars per arcade machine. The Deluxe model cost $250,000 dollars.

>> No.9680082 [DELETED] 

If they cheap out on things that soldiers bet their lives on, what do you think a few flight sim chips are.

>> No.9680135 [DELETED] 

2001 was legitimately a bad year, and not because of boomer's first mass media psyop

>> No.9680192

>"Other studios like Microsoft and Sony never made games for arcades. So they made darker and more grey looking games."
If this is indeed from Sega's devs, then that just means the retarded and poorly substantiated conjecture is theirs.

>> No.9680213

>doubling down this hard.

Just take the L anon.

Sega has books, interviews, and articles discussing their philosophy of game design. This is back by decades of experience in the industry.

Far more than some random anon yelling at people on an internet forum.

>> No.9680246

It's a subjective statement which isn't backed by any actual reasoning, it reads like the kind of underage shitpost you'd read in some console war thread on /v/ 15 years ago. Assuming you didn't just make it up (which you did), then whoever wrote it has the mind of a child.

It's an elaborate way of saying SOVL and SOVLLESS for what it actually matters.

>> No.9680250 [DELETED] 

>Shenmue 2 on Xbox makes no sense
they buried the game a week after it came out too, huge price drop immediately after 9/11, never heard about again.

>> No.9680285

>tripling down this hard.

I believe the words of Sega's actual development teams (and Yu Suzuki) more than some internet troll with no game creation experience.

>> No.9680335

I'm gonna need some ISBN codes and page numbers for that, otherwise you're just talking out your ass and putting it into people's mouths.

>> No.9680364

Your attitude has been shitty this whole debate so I'm not going to spoonfeed you information until you apologize first.

>> No.9680426

You can look back and laugh at 9/11 and wcw dying. But Sega should NEVER had died.

Be weird if they were still around today as gaming would still be fresh and fun.

>> No.9680428

They are still around, retard

>> No.9680431

They release ports and shovelware. It's hardly the same little zoomer.

>> No.9680469

Donde puedo descargala?

>> No.9680529

>ports and shovelware
So it's literally the same.

>> No.9680660
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Bigger than 9/11
Never forget

>> No.9680740 [DELETED] 
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Long long time ago, I can still remember
How Dreamcast made gaming worthwhile
And I knew if it could outsold Gameboy Advance
The jews would never get to dance
And the towers would still be standing, for a while

>> No.9680743 [DELETED] 
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goddamn I meant outsell

>> No.9680754 [DELETED] 
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Go on, Anon! Belt it!

>> No.9680758

Kalinske was also one of the people who self-memed themselves into believing the Jaguar was a genuine threat. His people sketched up the 32X.
And, prior to that, he self-memed himself into believing FMVs were the future of gaymin, hence the deluge of muddy pixelated film clips on Sega CD. Plus the general shovelware approach to the Genesis library, just so he could brag the G had more titles than Nintendo's offerings.
He did a fair amount of bad along with the good. Not trying to disculp SoJ, but each branch was retarded in its own way. The only people who put genuine effort were the oft-overlooked SoE.

>> No.9680769

I agree that Kalinske wasn't a perfect executive. He had flaws. For example he approved way too many shovelware games for the Sega Genesis - esp towards the end of the Genesis' run.

But I will say he was right about the Sega Saturn's launch being a disaster, and the system not really being suited to 3D game development.

I think Sega of Japan should have taken his advice and not rush things. Maybe tweak the 3D chip design. Use 1 main CPU instead of 2 different ones working together.

>> No.9680773

In the land of gaming, where battles are fought
The console wars raged, and lines were drawn
Sega's Dreamcast, a beacon of light
But the competition was fierce, and victory was not in sight

The Dreamcast shone with its graphics so bright
But alas, Sega could not sustain the fight
And so it was discontinued, its flame snuffed out
Leaving its fans to mourn and shout

But on the horizon, a challenger arose
Nintendo, with Mario in tow
Sonic, Sega's speedy hero, stood no chance
For in the hearts of gamers, Mario reigned with a stance

The console wars were won, and Nintendo reigned supreme
The Dreamcast's defeat, a tragic theme
But in the end, it's the games that we love
And Mario's legacy soars high above

>> No.9680785

I embraced Xbox as the new third wheel, except it was gc that ended up being the third

>> No.9681314 [DELETED] 
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>No guns fail more than those that won contracts. M16, M9, M18, etc.
This varies varies very widely. The M9 was fine, but it was used and abused for 30 years with poor maintenance, a gun doesn't last forever, especially if you don't take care of it. If by M18, you maybe mean the Mk.18 Grenade Machine Gun, it certainly didn't tolerate desert dust well in the Middle East, that's true, but it performed very well in other locations.

The M16 fails extremely little as a whole, the whole story of it in Vietnam was that procurement of the M14 was taking too goddamn long time, and the idea was that project SPIW would turn out a super weapon anyway, so it's ok if the M16 was just kind of ok, it's just there to fill the space.

SPIW is a ridiculous pipedream, and every prototype ever built was exceptionally retarded and useless. The placeholder which was the M16, however, turned out to actually be good, very good in fact, better than the M14, and certainly a lot better than any SPIW. During early field trials, the M16 was widely liked for being very lightweight (particularly the ammunition and magazines, letting you carry more than twice as much for the weight), having basically zero recoil making full-auto fire trivial, and being very accurate.
Primary detractions being that while 5.56x45mm (M193 Ball) had quite supreme wounding effects which were actually fairly close to 7.62x51mm (M80 Ball), and argued by some to be outright inhumane, it didn't penetrate barriers even close to as well, and deflected more easily by light vegetation, along with the 20 round magazine not wanting to always behave when fully loaded, often having to be loaded with only 18.

Things like these are worked on some as it sees wider adoption, but in the quest for counting beans, Defense Secretary Robert MacNamara decides that things like chrome lining the barrel or providing cleaning kits are needless expenditures, and that they can use a cheaper gunpowder.

>> No.9681324 [DELETED] 
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Nobody thought to test the changed powder, and the cyclic rate is boosted by ~200rpm, leading to a wide variety of problems, besides excess wear, it really fucks with the timing, with problems such as trying to extract too early, the hammer following the bolt instead of recocking, the bolt outrunning the magazine, etc. The lack of chrome and no cleaning means that with the dirtier burning powder and the humidity of Vietnamese jungle, you get corrosion, specifically a kind of corrosion where if you leaved a cartridge loaded in the chamber for any longer period of time, it'll get stuck in there, and it would NOT come out even if fired, requiring you to have to hammer it out with the help of a cleaning rod.

This becomes a huge stink, the new rifle which was doing so well now suddenly sucks for, leading to congressional hearings and what not. Through investigations it's decided to revise the M16 to a new pattern, as the M16A1. This involves a wide number of alterations and tweaks, primarily, the recoil buffer is made heavier to normalize the cyclic rate with the new ammo, cleaning kits are now included in a compartment inside the stock, and with the barrel now being lined with chrome, the rifle extracts with fantastic reliability, no more stuck casings, and aside from the chrome improving the barrel's lifespan, it's also VERY easy to clean.
Other improvements include a forward assist plunger, in case the bolt didn't seat for some reason and you had to help it, as well as providing a raised profile around the magazine release so that you wouldn't accidentally drop your magazine (which was a complaint), and there's yet more. Better magazines would come with time, and existing M16 rifles would be retrofitted for the heavier recoil buffer of the M16A1 and separate cleaning kits.

The M16A1 as a result is an excellent rifle with great power and reliability. The M16 started out good, was brundlefucked to save money, and was then fixed and upgraded.

>> No.9681454

Including the 56K modem was a mistake. I heard it added around $50 dollars by default to the Dreamcast launch price.

Sega should have sold it as a separate accessory for people who wanted online play. Just like what Nintendo did.

>> No.9681458 [DELETED] 

Also known by its civilian name, SIG P320

>> No.9681469
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enjoy ur shitty low res blurry greyish games while I play colorful games at 60fps on a vga monitor

>> No.9681495

Its crazy to me how big the Dreamcast's library is for only being around for about 2 years.

>> No.9681501

>examples cited:
>Fallout 3, notoriously buggy Bethesda game
>Mirror Edge

>> No.9681516

Fug that.
The online was a BIG part of the Dreamcast at the time. Tons of games had online modes and they were very active. The modem was a very successful part of the system.
Dreamcast's net capabilities were more used then the XBOX's (due to needing to buy in), and the PS2's (adapter wasn't released till 2 years after launch and thus a separate purchase).

>> No.9681631

That's Sonic Unleashed retard

>> No.9681638

This anon doesn't understand soul. I'm sorry dude, can't imagine how bland your life must be

>> No.9681741 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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Ah right, you mean the M17. Well, that's part of numerous contracts being awarded to Sig Sauer over the last few years, which start to get pretty suspicious when you realize that some of them seem to favor their entry in spite of not quite performing (not always bidding lower either).
I've seen claims that the M17 doesn't actually fire itself if you drop it, it's just the commercial P320 (which is untrue, as they're virtually the same), and bringing up how some people have quite a lot of problems with heavy leading in their pistol barrels (as in, with jacketed projectiles, not bare cast lead) and that customer service provide little more than platitudes, the fanboys get all huffy.

If you look at the current NGSW program, that's essentially SPIW 5.0, a retarded pipedream which aims to produce a super rifle that aims itself and which can readily defeat Lv.4 ballistic plates at long-ish ranges.
All the reasons why this is not just a tall order but in fact a very dubious goal for an infantry rifle would take too long here, but the short of it is that while all other entrants in this program were presenting varyingly innovative and creative approaches towards trying to achieve this crazy goals, including lightweight telescopic polymer cases, as well as bullpup designs as to maximize the amount of barrel length for given overall length to reach the needed speeds, Sig Sauer wins this contract.

>> No.9681752 [DELETED] 
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What did Sig Sauer submit that was so good? An overgrown Sig MCX (think a HK416 with a folding stock), chambered for their new .277 Fury, what's essentially like a shortened .270 Remington which is overpressure as all living FUCK as to reach the needed speeds from the modest carbine length barrel. It also has an extra charging handle for some reason, and the use of a suppressor is mandatory due to how obnoxiously loud, blasty, and high recoiling this rifle is for an infantry rifle. The yet shorter Raptor carbine is even louder and recoils even more, so it easily gets much worse than even .webm related.
Because of the whopping 85000psi chamber pressure, it will also erode barrels like a son of a bitch, and Sig's answer to the extreme noise and recoil, as well as the short barrel life which they pretend can't be a problem, is that people will just train with a lighter loaded version of the cartridge, which in my opinion defeats the purpose.

Compare the 85000psi of this rifle to the 'mere' 55000psi of the M2 Heavy Machinegun, you know, that thing you can use for shooting down a helicopter, ignoring light cover, or mauling a lightly armored car into pieces. Sig's companion machinegun for this program is belt-fed, which some of the others weren't, but it has a fixed barrel, you can't quick change it in the field and use a cool spare barrel to keep shooting, and it has no kind of forced air cooling feature either, so it's not exactly clear how it's going to adequately lay down suppressive fire without overheating, presumably they will wear their bores smooth in very short order.
That's in addition to not even having demonstrated that the rifle can defeat the body armor in question, as demanded.

There's a LOT which stinks about that entire affair.

>> No.9681774

>But I will say he was right about the Sega Saturn's launch being a disaster, and the system not really being suited to 3D game development.
Yes, the Saturn really had the deck stacked against it in the market.

>> No.9681825

Yeah but I was reading interviews that designers and executives were against it because Sega was in a bad financial position after the failure of the Sega Saturn.

Sega blew their load and spent most of the cash on the Saturn thinking it would be a big seller like Genesis. They took a huge hit.

The Sega gas tank was nearly empty when they launched the Dreamcast. They were selling the Dreamcast at a loss, but if they sold the 56k adapter separately then Sega wouldn't have lost so much money.

Imagine Dreamcast staying on the market for another 1 or 2 years because they sold the 56K modem seperately. Wouldn't you want that?

>> No.9681827

You haven't experienced soul unless you browsed porn on a Dreamcast.

>> No.9681835

Isao Okawa paid for the modem out of his pocket.
Would they have lasted longer without the modem and Okawa taking on $50 per console? Probably, but I'd say they're doomed regardless. Might as well go out gun ablazing with the modem.

>> No.9682002

It felt like treason. After supporting them for more than a decade.

>> No.9682080

I remember saving 2 porn images to my VMU and using like 90% of it's storage just because I liked them lmao

>> No.9682084

Online for FREE (assuming you had a dialup ISP already) was a big selling point and moved a lot of systems.
Its hard to say, but I could see the DC being dead sooner if it didn't ship with the modem.
Really when it comes down to it, it would have been dead either which way. Its just not competitive with gen6, and was like more of a gen 5.5 console.

>> No.9682174

Whoa didn't know you could do that. Probably for the best.

>> No.9682223

I legit had no idea the dreamcast came and went

>> No.9682434

Oddly there was 2 compleatly different webbrowsers at the time. One made by Sega that shipped in the US and Japan, and a different one that shipped in Europe. I think I'm remembering the countries right anyways, it definitely did not ship in the US.
The Euro browser was better, more complete CSS and HTML4, could save images and other files to your VMU (even though you only had 128KB of storage). I recall it having a few other neat features as well.
Like everyone else at the time, I pirated games for the DC, and I got the Euro browser off of eDonkey2000 at a friend's house. For about a 6 month window when I had no computer of my own, that browser on my DC was my only internet access lmao.

>> No.9682446


>> No.9682508

The vmu makes it the other 0,5 or what?

>> No.9682515

Me too. But unsurprisingly it didn't support Macromedia Flash, can't underestimate how heavily it was used at the time. I remember being so disappointed visiting the Lego site and getting a blank screen.

>> No.9682524

>Online play
>Many games ran at "high" resolutions, eg 640x480
>2x Anti-aliasing on all games
All of which are features that are more gen6 then gen5... but
>CD/GDrom storage
>128KB memory cards, same size as the PSX
>many games are just gen5 ports, and general game design was much more gen5 like
>Lack of twin sticks which especially hampered FPSs wich were rising popularity on consoles
All of which makes it like a gen5 console as well
Hence why it's in a weird inbetwene area.
It did great competing with the N64 and PSX, but it couldn't hold a candle to the consoles of gen6 for a large list of reasons.

>> No.9682541

>even though you only had 128KB of storage).
One of the craziest things to me is how much storage increased from 2000-2012, only for it to steadily decrease from basic consumer electronics with Cloud storage being pushed. A $1000 computer will have half a TB of storage, when it seemed like any basic laptop would have that much 10 years ago.

>> No.9682557

that also aplies for games that came out on ps2 and after you massive brain dead /v/oomer

>> No.9682589

You are a very delusional Dreamcast fanatic, for sure. Truly, the Examples you cited, for example, Sonic Unleashed, on PS3, and Fallout 3 (the irony is that at launch, the Home computer version of the latter is worse in the bugs and glitches department than even the PS3 version, unless you guy the later GOG-patched version), are but a few. NOT all video games have to be candy-land, or disco-esque in their general color and shading scheme.

>> No.9682602
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>You are a very delusional Dreamcast fanatic
its the best console ever made my little faggot, now go play 10fps low res shits

>> No.9682638
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>Best console ever made in every way, my little faggot
The stock controller is not as good as the JP and v2 Saturn controllers the way I see it. Six FUCKING buttons (including the two shoulder buttons, not counting the start button) , despite the the SH-4 having no trouble handling more than that, and the Saturn's dual Hitachi SH-2 CPUs never having a problem with games that used all 8 buttons to whatever actions a game it was running had. Why is the D-pad positioned the way it is on the stock DC controller? I get what it did for online play, and the VMU minigames, sure, but yeah , SUUURRRRRRRE, Keep on being a deluded fucktard acting like a spastic Chromosome error-ridden fuck who thinks every-post Dreamcast is automatically shit. Framerate depends on a multitude of things, not just the CPU and capacitors.

>> No.9682641

Pretty cool insight into the dreamcast back when it died. Thinking back I don't see why sega couldn't had just continued developing games for the dreamcast and then just porting them to other consoles. I get they had exclusivity deals with microsoft when it came to the games they ported there but still. Also according to this interview they had companies that wanted to keep manufacturing the dreamcast and even a company that planned a weird topbox that played dreamcast games that they showed it off in 2003 according to this article https://www.gamespot.com/articles/sega-and-pace-unveil-dreamcast-enabled-set-top-box/1100-2681885/ but then they never did anything with it.

>> No.9682663 [SPOILER] 
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>The stock controller is not as good as the JP and v2 Saturn controllers the way I see it. Six FUCKING buttons (including the two shoulder buttons, not counting the start button) , despite the the SH-4 having no trouble handling more than that, and the Saturn's dual Hitachi SH-2 CPUs never having a problem with games that used all 8 buttons to whatever actions a game it was running had. Why is the D-pad positioned the way it is on the stock DC controller? I get what it did for online play, and the VMU minigames, sure, but yeah , SUUURRRRRRRE, Keep on being a deluded fucktard acting like a spastic Chromosome error-ridden fuck who thinks every-post Dreamcast is automatically shit. Framerate depends on a multitude of things, not just the CPU and capacitors
cry some more, the dc cntroller is god tier with analog triggers and the vmu is cool
no ps2,gc,xbox game will ever look this sharp and have high res textures, and run a 60fps, and be fun to play.
and lets not forget that the dc library has only 5 bad games

Dreamcast=best console ever made

>> No.9682673

Funny, I'm pretty sure most wii games had better performance compared to xbox360 and ps3 games and wii games actually had color.

>> No.9682691

not really

>> No.9682708

on libgen, it has some old videogames magazines, I am currently searching Official UK playstation magazines and future publishing magazines from 90s and early 2000s, if someone can help me, thanks in advance

>> No.9682717 [DELETED] 
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>CrY SoMe MoRe, tHe Dc CoNtRoLlEr iS gOd TiEr
VMU and Online play via SegaNet is cool, yeah, but your fail at making a compelling argument against me, instead going for an Ad-hominem attack and spout your opinion as fact. You are a fucking Sega Cultist of the lowest denominator. High res textures? do you even know what that means, dear moron? There are games that have never been on the Dreamcast, but rather, the PS2, Xbox Original, PS3, and Xbox 360 that have High Res textures on at least the cutscenes and run above 15-20 fps. Each console has its strengths and weaknesses, but the weaknesses are by no means a legitimate reason to give up on developing. Keeping sperging, and goodbye.

>> No.9682730
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>Console warring over a ~25 year old system
You people are pathetic
You can enjoy each system for what they are instead of being tribal about it like a bunch of knuckle dragers

>> No.9682743

I think I have full sets. Definitely for Edge, as I had a subscription to Deadly (magazine app) and scraped them using a tool from GitHub. Will check tomorrow and upload.

>> No.9682748
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>> No.9682753

Anon, I'm very sorry. You are not stupid, in fact you are eloquent and probably quite handsome. Also, I am gay.

>> No.9682793

>~25 year old system
try 35 years old system

>> No.9682798


>> No.9682826
File: 604 KB, 1069x641, 6t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Doom 3 running on a GeForce 256, aka: the dreamcast GPU

>> No.9682832

wayback machine/internet archive
Just search dreamcast

>> No.9682860 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.55 MB, 3817x808, 1670263880793843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dear moron
dreamcast is still better, you cry more

>> No.9682861

anon, but you don't understand, it's 500gb of SSD storage, so it's more advanced!

>> No.9682992 [DELETED] 

Bullpup is just generally unpopular in military. The SA80 and FAMAS soured people's opinion. There's also the opinion that they're more complex than traditional design.

>> No.9682996

>5 bad games
Anon, it's only got 5 good games

>> No.9683032
File: 1.72 MB, 3177x4966, 1653079335005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but no

>> No.9683043

PS2 makes better use of less

>> No.9683158

>controller is not as good as the JP and v2 Saturn controllers the way I see it.
>Why is the D-pad positioned the way it is on the stock DC controller?
I mean this isn't a huge deal anon. Sega could have released a new controller with an extra analog stick, more buttons, and repositioned D-pad. Then sold it as a separate accessory for GPS games. The Dreamcast was only 18 months old when it was cancelled. Plenty of consoles get controller revisions during their lifetime. Dreamcast was just too young to get one.

>> No.9683182 [DELETED] 
File: 1.76 MB, 1920x1080, Jamal Industries Next Generation Problem Solver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I basically agree, they can be done well, the Steyr AUG and HS Produkt VHS-2 I think are very good, but I don't think the advantage of slightly more barrel length for your overall length is something that matters much for 5.56mm rifles.

The NGSW isn't sane though, the premise was to use a projectile which was already designed, and then to produce a rifle and cartridge which drives it to the speeds necessary for reliably penetrating Lv.4 plates at range. Even for a steel cored 6.8mm projectile, that's a tall order, you need to build up a LOT of speed.
Sig Sauer tries to do this from a somewhat short 13.7" carbine barrel, to make this happen, they load it to an extremely high pressure to build up speed faster, which is going to erode bore throats and rifling in a hurry. Nominally comparable cartridges like .243 Winchester and .270 Remington are already kind of rough in those aspects on full length hunting rifles.

Compare then to the LoneStar / Beretta entry, which is a bullpup with a 20" barrel, and a 23" barrel on the machine gun (which isn't belt-fed and simply uses the same magazines as the rifle, I don't know why the NGSW entrants hate machinegunners). That's a LOT more length to work with, you wouldn't need to build up the same wild pressures to get the same speed from the same projectile, that'll reduce a lot of wear, it'll reduce a lot of noise and muzzleblast, and it'll reduce recoil.

Would this be enough to make the NGSW any better of an idea? No, the goals of the program is like some sort of unholy meld between the boomer reformer and a mallninja who plays videogames in terms of mindsets, but it's an example of how the other entrants put more thought into their proposal than Sig Sauer did.

>> No.9684543

>PS2 makes better use of less
>game is a blurry low res mess with disgusting textures
you never played a dreamcast game in ur life

>> No.9684559

Hearty kek

>> No.9684575 [DELETED] 

Cringey, soulless post.

>> No.9684714 [DELETED] 

Hey newfag, 9/11 was not even close to the first mass media psyop actual baby boomers were exposed to. Get fucking real.

>> No.9684784

As a Nintendo fan, I remember being overjoyed. But it wasn't enough. Sony must also go for Nintendo to reign supreme...

>> No.9684847

nintendo is gay and never made a good console

>> No.9685051
File: 1.89 MB, 1920x1920, dreamcast gaems collage grid 248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9685052

>First game
If you want to shitpost just tell people bro.

>> No.9685056

What's the third from the top left?

>> No.9685081

Black Matrix A/D

>> No.9685212

Dreamcast is great. Here's what I recommend or intend to play.
>Sonic Adventure
>Sonic Adventure 2
>Jet Set Radio
>Crazy Taxi
>Crazy Taxi 2
>Metropolis Street Racer
>Shenmue 2
>Cosmic Smash
>Cannon Spike
>ChuCHu Rocket!
>Cool Cool Toon
>Cyber Troopers Virtual-On Oratorio Tangram
>Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
>Matt Hoffman's Pro BMX
>Space Channel 5
>Soul Reaver
>Blue Stinger
>Samba de Amigo
>Rayman 2: The Great Escape
>Maken X
>Puyo Puyo Fever
>Typing of the Dead
>Tokyo Xtreme Racer
>El Dorado Gate (if I spoke Jap, so no I won't play this)
>Omikron: The Nomad Soul
>Shadow Man
>Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare
>Super Puzzle Fighter II X
>Baldr Force EXE
>Worms Armageddon
>Marvel vs Capcom 2
>Soul Calibur
>Tech Romancer 2
>Dead or Alive 2
>Mr Driller
>Y2K Fighters
That said, I wouldn't necessarily play the Dreamcast versions of all these games.

>> No.9685230
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The 2nd worst thing was 9/11 since it got this fantastic game cancelled, even though it was finished and ready to ship out. At least it ended up getting leaked.

>> No.9685239
File: 62 KB, 500x397, Dreamcast Stand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9685257
File: 823 KB, 2000x2000, Power Stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also include:
>Virtua Fighter 3tb
>Daytona 2001
>Rush 2049

>> No.9685258

based oldfag

>> No.9685543

I miss the old early-2000s BBC News website

>> No.9685772

>you are in business
>article unrelated

>> No.9685795 [DELETED] 

9/11 was the best thing to happen in 2001
Terrorists dead AND Americans dead

>> No.9685981 [DELETED] 

9/11 was the best thing to happen in 2001, because terrorists AND Americans died

Also: mods are pozzed, eat my shit Ameritard mods. Everybody hates you.

>> No.9686027

I miss the time when news websites had comment sections. Now you scroll down and it just says "click here to find out why we're definitely not lying to you".

>> No.9686071

Sega going third party.
Vince buying WCW.
9/11 attacks.

Best thing to happen that year was losing my virginity to a hot redhead, taking the virginity of another hot girl & having unprotected sex with a stripper.

>> No.9686082

GeForce 256 destroyed DCs GPU.

>> No.9686086

Kalinske was technically right, but thought too far ahead and missed the mark by years. He should've held his horses and knew that technology advancements, though fast, weren't lightspeed.

>believing the Jaguar was a genuine threat.
Yes. Marketing did that. Kalinske knew people were dumb, and if a competitor says he's gotten the best product, then heads will turn towards them. Of course, Jaguar blundered badly, but, some years later, the Ps2 destroyed the Dreamcast with mostly marketing. Granted, the Ps2 wasn't a mess, but it wasn't as godly as its marketing told the consumers.

>believing FMVs were the future of gaymin
People more interested in watching a story than in the gameplay per se? Just like... these days? His error was thinking janky FMVs could suffice for that, but he knew consumers were dumb to flock over a game just because "its liek a movie duuuude!!11!". Nowadays, we have stagnant game design because development costs as much as movies... Probably because they are practically one.

>so he could brag the G had more titles than Nintendo's offerings.
Unfortunately, dumb people care about that. Don't remember the "Vita has no games" mockery? To this very day, people dig up numbers from old systems just to fuel console wars. Kalinske just didn't want more ammo in the hands of competitors.

>He did a fair amount of bad along with the good.
That's true. Kalinske wasn't perfect. He had his heart in the right place, but had bad timing and focused too much on marketing shenanigans. Marketing is vital, but there's more to the business than that.

>> No.9686123

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Sword of the Berserk
I was wrong. Dreamcast has 3 good games. And before Sega autist (you)s me, I own a Dreamcast and every US release. It was a great console, unlike Saturn, but like Saturn, had fuck all for games. The controller was comfy, too, as long as you have normal to large sized hands. Sasuga fingers gonna get stuck though and baby hands won't get a comfy grip

>> No.9686745


>> No.9686748

>GeForce 256
>October 11, 1999;
too bad so sad nvidia piss sucks

>> No.9687429

No, but whoever that is, he's got great taste and a big dick. Say hi to him for me.

>> No.9687758


Did the GD-Rom ever have problems with storage limits?
Did the Dreamcast need DVD storage?

Gamecube at least had mini-dvd.

Xbox had DVD.

PS2 had DVD

>> No.9687770

Nigga, Shenmue got shipped on THREE discs.

>> No.9687841

Soul Calibur? Power Stone 1-2? Rival Schools 2? Crazy Taxi 2? That's just 2 genres

>> No.9687918

Really? I don't remember. All my Dreamcast games I bought were just one disc.

>> No.9688432

>Elemental Gimmick Gear
If you like A Link to the Past.

>> No.9689278

Icarus Curoa.

>> No.9689598

>self-memed himself
neck yourself

>> No.9689946

Japs have no soul.

>> No.9689976

Seriously, 9/11 is so overrated. Mutts did stuff 100x worse in all countries they invaded.

>> No.9690418

It was 2 Americans, Moore and Bellfield, who decided the Dreamcast shoudl die, and also Americans that told the japs to stop making hardware. The DC was actually still doing quite well, but the Americans decided on a prediction, that it wasn't going to compete with the PS2, and that it was simply better to cut losses now.

>> No.9690695

dc was kinda boring. the console had very little real games outside of arcade ports.

>> No.9690707

Dude. Your history is wrong

Sega as a company literally ran out of money. They were broke. That's why they could continue making Dreamcast's. They were going to declare bankruptcy in Japan, but were saved at the last minute.

Sega Saturn's massive failure crippled Sega financially. They were not in a financial position to launch the Dreamcast. But Sega bet the entire company on Dreamcast and went into deep debt to make the system.

They failed. Blame Sega Saturn for killing the Sega Dreamcast.

>> No.9690818


>> No.9690821


>> No.9690825

I know all that. Non of that changes the fact that they COULD|VE continued with the Dreamcast, but CHOSE not to, incredibly stupidly early. All this was based on a bad prediction, that it wasn't going to compete with PS2 and GC, and they bailed. Now we know that was a shit prediction, it could've EASILY competed with PS2 for a few years more, as we can see it's huge library, before the PS2 was even released, easily competed with PS2.

Summed up, my point is, they should've just buckled up and stuck with it, like consoles often do have to do in the early years. They could've even removed the modem on new versions to save costs. But instead corporate conservatism dictated they cut losses instead of looking for creative ways to turn it around, because they have no soul, it's just a numbers game.

>> No.9690859

Blabbering about removing the modem they fuggan removed the online features in the gaems

>> No.9690910

>I know all that. Non of that changes the fact that they COULD|VE continued with the Dreamcast
How?? They had no money. They were broke.

>> No.9691376

there's merit to this. If production of dreamcast continue the used console market could have been stronger, pushing for the accessibility of PS1s in Afghanistan. Which could have lead to less men turning to extremists.

>> No.9691391

>Of course, Jaguar blundered badly,
Yea, people really forget the landscape at the time. Now we know Jaguar was a dud, but to act like Atari was nothing would have been foolish. It wasn't just Jaguar, but also 3DO. The real and genuine concern of not being able to compete was there. The american market generally does move on quickly to bigger better thing. They were looking at more as a technology stand point, better sound, TV and so on. They didn't really get the industry. It even got Nintendo scared and they rushed the virtual boy.

>> No.9693068

just blame sega

>> No.9693076

>shutokou battle 2
>rayman 2
>hydro thunder
>confidential mission
you gay and the saturn is great

>> No.9693245

That'd be part 2 of the youtube you learned about DC games from
>I own a Dreamcast and every US release.
Zero people were fooled by this larp

>> No.9693271

you have no idea how business works

>> No.9693313 [DELETED] 

Dude, everyone here thinks you’re a dumb, annoying child. Take the L and fuck off.