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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9669670 No.9669670 [Reply] [Original]

How did boomers even know what the objective is, or where to go from here?

>> No.9669680

They knew to RTFM.

>> No.9669681

The idea is to discover it for yourself. that's what the game is about.
Today people act like babies who must be held by the hand and taught to go to the bathroom.

>> No.9669683

The manual tells you what and where to go.

>> No.9669757

It's adventure game, you have adventure.

>> No.9669783

There are only so many places you can go in the game. If you hit a dead end you turn around and try something else. I know you zoomers have a hard time comprehending a game that doesn't have a neon arrow floating above your head, a bullet list of current objectives, and an annoying side character quipping about the last cutscene, but some of us actually enjoy figuring out what to do ourselves.

>> No.9669818

kek, the zoomer got caught larping. you can tell this guy is a zoomer cause he played on emulator and didnt read a manual

>> No.9669861

>There are only so many places you can go in the game.
95% of the map is accessbile immediately

>> No.9669919

We didnt.

>> No.9669963

Yeah, this.

>> No.9670026

I grew up with this game and I never beat it until I was in high school. The furthest I got as a kid was beating level 6 I think. I never found the one under the pond after that, but I did randomly find level 8 under the bush. I discovered a bunch of shit myself by dicking around the map. Lighting random bushes on fire and bombing random walls. Kids waste a lot of time in vidya doing weird things that are fun to them in the moment, and that sort of uninhibited playing leads to the accidental discovery of secrets.

>> No.9670052

There's a thing called a instructions manual that used to come with games. The manual for this one told you where the first 4 dungeons were.

>> No.9670064

Some of the hints got mistranslated, didn't work on the NES version, and the point was an adventure with secrets to uncover

>> No.9670075

The amount of people that figured out all by themselves, with no help, which exact generic tree to burn in screen of dozens of them in a row is probably in the minority of people who played this game, and you are very likely not one of them

>> No.9670084

I'm gonna tell you a secret that the glowies don't want you to know. We used psyonic powers. We could use psychic intuition to just "know" what to do. But after 9/11 the powers that be decided this ability was too dangerous and enacted a plan to phase it out. They introduced chemicals into the food supply that deactivate latent psychic growth in children, effectively lobotomizing them from a spiritual standpoint. This is why zoomers and late millennials seem so lost and helpless in the world. Now that I've told you this, the glowies are going to come for you. Hide your power level at all costs, because they have psychic weapons that would turn the average zoomer into even more of a vegetable than he already is.

>> No.9670087

39yo boomer here. We used to go outside whereas the kids today don't do that anymore. You can see in your screenshot there that link is outside. I've been outside. I've seen shit. That's how we knew what to do

>> No.9670207

>How did boomers even know what the objective is, or where to go from here?
Why do zoomers cry and curl into the fetal position at the very thought of figuring anything out for themselves? Google has ruined society.

>> No.9670230
File: 2 KB, 768x528, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you play zelda 1 all the way up to level 8, I'm sure you can figure out which bush it is in the overwold by yourself.

>> No.9670248

Pretty sure there are other bushes with hidden passages too

>> No.9670257

it's funny to me, how Zoomers are not even aware that manuals used to exist and contain vital information to play the game properly. I can't tell you how many times I've seen a zoomer doing a review of an old game on YouTube, saying" how are how am I supposed to know to do this?" When that information is clearly stated in the manual. they are legitimately
not aware that there was a time before in game tutorials.

>> No.9670262

yeah, but the others are actually kinda trial-and-error (for instance the bush with the heart piece south of the lake has nothing remarkable about it) while level 8 bush clearly stands out relative to any other bush in the game

>> No.9670271

We used to explore stuff, like kids are supposed to do. I never once used a guide or manual, sure you could be stuck at some part for quite some time while having intense discussions with a friend where to search or go - almost like youre living the game in the living room searching for the right path. You often got it wrong the some times which only made the achievement sweeter when you finally figured something out for yourself. This is a concept lost to kids today since you can look stuff up instantly.

>> No.9670276 [DELETED] 

Heart pieces are not necessary to beat the game, they are hidden as a secret. There's tons of secrets in old games that were not easy to find, because it's fun to randomly find shit in games. Devs back then knew how hide things in games that were cool, it was wholesome fun. Not knowing exactly where things are is good, it's good for your mind, it keeps you're almonds activated. These are "games" and games are designed to make you think and interact. Why are you so dumb?

>> No.9670281

>>9670262 #
Heart pieces are not necessary to beat the game, they are hidden as a secret. There's tons of secrets in old games that were not easy to find, because it's fun to randomly find shit in games. Devs back then knew how to hide things in games that were cool, it was wholesome fun. Not knowing exactly where things are is good, it's good for your mind, it keeps your almonds activated. These are "games" and games are designed to make you think and interact. Why are you so dumb?

>> No.9670292

I'm not sure why you made the assumption that I presented it as a problem, I'm just giving context on how the other bushes are different, and that the one mandatory bush is different to the rest
If you wanna argue with yourself go ahead

>> No.9670294

The tree is obv give away that something is underneath it. This mechanic was already hinted at in the 2nd dungeon where the staircase is under the statues. You are just retarded

>> No.9670364

yeah most dungeon entrances that need to be bombed/burned are rather obvious. plus you eventually get the red candle which makes burning random shit much more bearable. i have no idea what its actually like to play this game blind (ive known where everything is for as long as i can remember) but it doesnt seem like much of a stretch to be able to complete it without much trouble

>> No.9670369

they played the game and humoured it

>> No.9670371
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The enclosed instruction book describes the objective and where to go from there.

>> No.9670520

>Devs back then knew how to hide things in games
i think that got replaced with "achievements", same with unlocking cheats

>> No.9670584

Back in those days, we just experimented and figured things out on our own. Today, there's constant hand-holding in games to make sure your kids feel like winners.

I finished LOZ when it came out without any guides or help. Took a couple months.

>> No.9670595

Yes, but it's structured so that it keeps you hovering around the easier first few dungeons and some you can't even enter at the very beginning.

>> No.9670598

I fucking hate Dodongos and Blue Wizrobes

>> No.9670752

Boomers didn't touch consoles so they wouldn't understand shit, you can still fool them with ASCII graphics.

>> No.9670813
File: 26 KB, 720x361, dd5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude you just walk around. this game is fucking awesome. its unironically so much fun playing this game blind. you don't know where shit is or what you're supposed to do. but you find fairies and monsters and caves with weird shit. then when you find a dungeon is blows your balls off. like holy dicking shit what is this where am i whats going on. then there's fucking puzzles and keys and you keep pushing. you're finding treasure and maps and shit. then a fucking boss monster jumps out and you're like HOLY SHIT WHAT! and you just start fucking fighting it like AHHH DIE YOU FUCKKK!! then you kill it and you get a heart and a fucking TRIANGLE MAN! then you're like shit man I NEED MORE FUCKING TRIANGLES BRO! and you just fucking GO SEARCH FOR MORE! you're like I don't fucking know I just want more triangles and dungeons and treasures and itemsss and you're just fucking LOST AS FUCK but you LEARN. YOU LEARN YOUR SHIT and you know shit and you probably DONT EVEN FIND THE DUNGEONS IN THE CORRECT ORDER it doesn't fucking matter. then you're going in caves and getting secrets and talking to kids like bitch you're still using the ORANGE SWORD LIKE A FUCKING FAGGOT?? GET OUTTA MY FACE IM WHITE SWORDING IT UP IN THIS BITCH but you're actually the BITCH because you don't even KNOW there's a better sword CAUSE YOURE AN IDIOT KID but you feel like a FUCKING GENIUS cause you solved the fucking PUZZLE dungeons and your friends are IDIOTS that can't even FIND the NAZI dungeon. THEN you get fucking NINTENDO POWER and now you have the FUCKING POWER. FUCK BOMB THE WHAT? BURNN THE WHICH??? GOD DAMNNN. you were just collecting rupees like a CHUMP! THERE WAS MORE SHIT TO DO FUGGG then you go back in and youre LIKE FUUUUGGGGG cause ganon and the final dungeon is HARD AS FUCKK and you can't BEAT HIS ASS LIKE WHAT DO YOU EVEN DOOO but then you remember SHIT and you try shit out AND FUCK YA GET REKTED YOU FAGG you destroy his ASS HOLE and you save SOME BITCHHH and you're like FUCK YAIMTHE BOSS

>> No.9670905

10/10 review for a 10/10 game

>> No.9670926
File: 311 KB, 407x496, 1670494769386936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of the neighborhood kids played games together back then and game info was crowd-sourced. This was how anyone knew where all the hidden blocks and what the maze sequences were in SMB1, patterns in Punch Out, etc.
I feel bad for anyone playing these games for the first time by themselves now. Game guides are basically required without the social element being there anymore. The way these games were meant to be played is lost to time and can't truly be emulated.

>> No.9670929 [DELETED] 


>> No.9670967

I don't think "kids these days" will ever understand the feeling of owning a game as a child and only ever beating it after years of trial and error. I had Kirby's Dream Land 2 (an easy game by any standard) as a child as one of my few video games, and it was years before I finally learned that there was an entire secret boss if I actually dug hard enough to find the crystals in each world. I just figured the "The End?" screen was some kind of funny movie reference. (maybe I also wasn't the brightest kid)

>> No.9670984

I had the same experience with Sonic 2. I didn't know that anything happened after getting all the chaos emeralds. So after getting them all for the first time, jumping and suddenly becoming super sonic, my mind literally exploded. It's still one of my favorite gaming moments ever.

>> No.9671014

I showed my little cousin Chrono Trigger a few years ago. He asked me "where's the arrow that shows you where to go" now I love my little cousin but I almost punched him.

>> No.9671617
File: 102 KB, 228x271, goldeneye_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please purchase a Square Enix Presents: Chrono Trigger Exclusive Timepass Plus+ in order to complete the warp to 600 AD and save the princess!

>> No.9671628

It's like being in love, you just know.

>> No.9671630

Yeah for optional shit

>> No.9671646

God bless alcoholics with internet access.

>> No.9671663

My little brother subscribed to Nintendo Power so I guess that's how we figured all this shit out.

>> No.9671716
File: 22 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The enclosed instruction book

>> No.9671806

Even tho I was born in 98, when I was a kid I played many hours of Zelda, and I feel it wasn't about beating the game or getting somewhere. I didn't know what the game had to offer or what I was supposed to do to get to the end of it, but I enjoyed playing it. Its about playing the game and finding out anything you can. Nowdays it seems like you either play the game optimally and always progress towards the end, or you can't have fun. Back in the day, playing the game was fun enough.

Also maybe I'm wrong and just typed some nonsense shit, but it is what comes to my mind atm

>> No.9671810 [DELETED] 

you're young and retarded and you need to stop redditspacing but your account is valuable.

>> No.9671818

Zoomers still never know what getting sucked into a game feels like. You'd be absolutely lost without waypoints and on screen objectives. Back then, people had an itch for exploration and discovery. You found everything yourself. Secrets spread via word of mouth. Games were so cool. True escapism and fantasy. Now games are predatory addictions designed to extort your wallet and spread Marxist propaganda.

>> No.9671832

>you're young and retarded
That's actually great to hear, turning 25 doesn't feel good.

>> No.9671837 [DELETED] 

the minute i turned 30 i felt like my brain became fully developed and i could finally comprehend just how gay the world was. you still have a few years of bliss left, enjoy them.

>> No.9671854

It kinda sounds like you became depressed, but I actually feel like I won't be much different. Anyway, I hope you find something that makes you feel like its worth getting old doing it. Or maybe you already have and I just don't get what you are saying at all because my brain isn't fully developed yet. Either way, I'll make sure to enjoy those final years of bliss

>> No.9671865 [DELETED] 

i'm not depressed at all. it's just that, with time, you gain an increasingly greater understanding of just how fucked up the world is. you also gain a greater appreciation of its blessings, but you see the clock ticking, you see the choices you've made unfold in front of you, and you see things happening around you that you can't control.

>> No.9671894

You don't feel the pains of the choices you didn't make, you only feel the pains of the life you have, so maybe sometimes it can feel like it would have been better if you had done differently, but we can never know... But there are also things that you can control, there are still choices to make. Even if you didn't always make the choices you feel like you should have made, there is no point ruminating these thoughts. I don't know if my english will make what I mean really hard to get or if I actually wrote what I mean... Maybe change "pain" for "sorrows", maybe that's indifferent...

>> No.9672108

Fire burns tree, and you get a limit of one per screen, it's pretty obvious something is meant to happen with it

>> No.9672109

Maybe the thing that stands out, like the MOTHERFUCKING CAVE ENTRANCE, called to us.

>> No.9672163

>beat 3 dungeons
>get blue ring
>get white sword
>drop game
I hate it... I want to finish it but it becomes too easy at this point.

>> No.9672176

It's literally for children.

>> No.9672217

Good post, I do the same. Like in FF games, (iv, vi and vii) I just level grind until I max out my players and they are so powerful I can never lose. I don't care care about beating the games. I just have fun with them. Again, that was a good post.

>> No.9672224

I didn't read this because of the gay twitter pic

>> No.9672236

I don't get the appeal
RPGs like DQ and FF actually feel like adventures, the first Zelda is just a shitty action game

>> No.9672292

>Video games are for kids!
Put a sock in it, schlub.

>> No.9672320 [DELETED] 

I didn't say that. I said Zelda is (and other nintendo products as well). If you play Nintendo games, you're a groomer.

>> No.9672329

there's some stuff in the game that's probably too cryptic for its own good, but you can figure it out mostly on your own. the expectation nintender had when they put this game out is people would share information among each other, which they did.

assuming your post is truthful at all, the rationale behind when games are vague is it adds a little something when you figure it out yourself. or feel like you figured it out yourself. if you listen to the developer commentary...i think it was portal 1, 2, or both, they talk about how they want players to feel smart and feel like they solved a given puzzle on their own. a bad scenario is when they're stuck on something and once they figure it out they feel stupid. or robbed.

so, in terms of game design, "undocumented" stuff can add a certain flavor, which i personally find appealing.

>> No.9672330

Don't buy the ring then.

>> No.9672332

this is the legendary bush I've heard so much about in Zelda? lmao

>> No.9672345
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See, nobody cares.

>> No.9672358
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Game even says so in the intro loop.
Is everyone fucking stupid these days?

>> No.9672389

I just timed it. It takes 1:12 for it to show up. That's 12 times the length of a TikTok video. Zoomers can't pay attention that long.

>> No.9672415

If you Suck in Zelda 1 you will Suck more in Zelda 2

>> No.9672420
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>> No.9672426

I started A Link to the Past a few weeks ago and was thinking the same thing. But then again I did play games like Final Fantasy 7/8/9 when I was a kid for hundreds of hours, inevitably finding all the secrets, etc. I think now people are spoiled for choice. Back in the 90s I had maybe 10 games on the PS1, and 5 games on the Gameboy, and that's all I ever played. I even remember using the internet in my high school library to look up walkthroughs when I got stuck in a game, and I'd sometimes print out cheat codes, etc. Kids now have all sorts of shit online vying for their attention, so they are much more likely to drop a game as soon as they get frustrated. People who make video games, and even movies, seem much more reluctant to alienate the audience now than back then.

>> No.9672436

>discovered a bunch of shit myself by dicking around the map
We didn't have multiple systems and game where expensive.
You played until it was bed time then you talked about it at school.
That is how we figured out the warp whistle draining the pond.

>> No.9672542

NPC tells you about it

>> No.9672548

I get the blue sword after the first dungeon kek.

>> No.9672551

>I know you zoomers
I'm in my 30's and I can say, any game that requires you to draw maps is a pain in the ass. I was playing Super Nintendo before any NES shit, and when I went back and played the NES shit I had no patience for it. So while I'm all for zoomer hate, in this particular case it's not exclusive to them, games quickly got better than what the NES offered in the 90's.

>> No.9672560

>. I was playing Super Nintendo before any NES shit,
Well there's your problem. I had an NES first, and even after I got an SNES I regularly played the older system because it had exclusives. Same thing happened when the GBA came out, I still played GB and GBC games on it.

>> No.9672570

>We didn't have multiple systems and game where expensive.
Speak for yourself kiddo. I had multiple systems and paid less than a buck for the game.

>> No.9672583

Its in the manuel. With the start of the map.

>> No.9672585

For what it’s worth, manual snobs, my step brother who was college aged in 1980 considered reading NES instruction manuals to be cheating, and he was a boss as Zelda 1 and Super Mario.

>> No.9672590

Retarded argument as the game came bundled with a map to get you started.
The dungeons arent super complex and you still get a mini map for those, no need to draw your own.

You claim to be 30+ but behave like a 5yr old.

>> No.9672597
File: 530 KB, 1400x1400, mercatorportrait.0.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to draw maps is a pain in the ass
Mapping the unknown is an inherently masculine behavior. Check your test levels

>> No.9672598

Well maybe they lacked the foresight to see that everything needed to play a game should be contained within the game itself, as time has gone on, more and more games apply this rule of thumb and it's for the better. Not all change is good, but sometimes it actually is. If a game requires a map, there should be one programmed into the game.

>> No.9672602

You're applying modern logic to old games.
In modern times, everything is digital, so of course everything has to be in the game. So instead of a manual, for which you can pause the game at any time to look at, you have tutorials and forced helps directly on the screen.

But back then having physical objects tied to the game was seen as something that enhanced the immersion into the game, because holding the map in your hands made it tangible, real.
Manuals were also often packed with concept art to help immersion too.

Of course you can't have that in all digital game media; you think it's a "loss" because it's "not in the game", and I'm telling you the mentality was
that it was a plus precisely because it wasn't in the game.

>> No.9672606
File: 3 KB, 256x240, Dragon Warrior IV (U) [!]_035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean here is your in game map

and here is the map from the manual

>> No.9672613

4 is my favorite. Really character and story strong. Also, the Android release has good localization.

>> No.9672616

Link To The Past and Super Metroid had maps my dude. It's not that new of a concept.

I mean, I'm coming from a 90's point of view, not a modern digital era point of view. Manuals for older games kind of didn't matter because if you bought a game second hand which many of us did, you were basically guaranteed not to have the manual. So, with that you can say "well it's too bad you didn't play the game when it first came out", but I can say "it's better when games have everything you need built in". I understand the nostalgia on some level, I'm nostalgic about physical media in many ways. I remember looking through manuals for games all the time, new games, I'd spend like an hour doing that before I played any game I bought. Still, I think if a game requires a map it's better that it has one in the actual game.

>> No.9672618

The game isn't even hard until the Wizzrobes arrive.

>> No.9672635

I really don't get why people are so weird about these hypothetical retard players who can't figure out how to do anything. Like OP presumably knows what the objective is or where to go. How did YOU figure it out?

Maybe you say you looked it up online, which wasn't possible back in the day.

Here's a newsflash Zoomers: the internet is a wonderful thing, a real 'information superhighway' that enables communication like never before. And as a guy in his 30s, I saw it unfold and really remember both worlds. But it's not like the internet was the beginning of all human communication. We had manuals. We had magazines. We had other kids to talk to.

Plus, the pace of life really was slower back then. You really could spend a comfy evening trying to figure out where to go next in a video game.

>> No.9672642
File: 72 KB, 647x469, 16724356222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trail and error.

>> No.9672645

FYI: Most people didn't real the manuals. Sorry to tell you.

>> No.9672649

I am sure there are retro game glowcords and telegram groups around you just have to track them down. It wont be the same as in person, but, it will work for the purposes of mastery of the game.

>> No.9672652
File: 109 KB, 256x307, MystCover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you think that is bad. try playing this:
I just started my first run of myst and it's fucking confusing as fuck.

>> No.9672663

I read every manual for every game I owned or rented as a kid. It was part of the process

>> No.9672680

I never read anything, lol. Only 1 of my friends actually did read the manual.

>> No.9672692

I can't bring myself to play it. Random switches and dials that affect shit 300 feet away. What the hell.

>> No.9672701

I read a gaming magazine

>> No.9672879
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>> No.9673463

When I would rent games at blockbuster I'd check the box to make sure it still had the manual in it. Then I'd return it with the manual so the next kid could have it too (usually was, and in really good condition back then). Nowadays some faggot coomlector would hoard them all or the store would charge an extra $2.99 for a Premium® Manual Pass™ Plus+©. The world truly was a better place only 20 short years ago.