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/vr/ - Retro Games

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966372 No.966372 [Reply] [Original]

You often hear people criticize older games for not having aged well, but what about the opposite? What are games that you think are just as fun and interesting to play now as they were back then? For a frame of reference, do you think someone playing them for the first time in 2013 will get a lot of enjoyment out of them?

It's safe to say a lot of 2D games have held up well, but early 3D games are a lot trickier. In the latter category, I would say the first Metal Gear Solid is still pretty impressive - I played it for the first time in 2006 and thoroughly enjoyed it.

>> No.966375

monkey island, it depends purely on the dialogue and that shit is still funny as fuck even after 30 years

>> No.966395

every mainline mario title and many of the spinoffs

>> No.966434

Was going to say Mario 2 USA. And yes I know it's not really a Mario game. But the idea of picking up nearly everyone and throwing them still blows my mind and no one really seem to have gotten it even to this day.

>> No.966454

I played System Shock 2 for the first time about two months ago and it turned into my favourite Shock game, eventhough I really liked Bioshock 1 & 2.

>> No.966470

The Dragon Quest series.

>> No.966479

>And yes I know it's not really a Mario game

It sort of is, technically. It started development as a Mario game before they got the rights for those Japanese network characters. For America, they just reskinned it as the Mario game it was meant to be in the first place.

>> No.966496

I still think Spyro the Dragon is one of the best games of all time, set the bar so high in terms of atmosphere and perfect integration of gliding into its level design that not even the sequels can compare (they're good in their own right, though).

Another game that I think has dated particularly well is Commander Keen 4, mainly because of the versatile and deep pogo stick mechanic. That was a great western platformer that was easily on the same level as the eastern console giant franchises.

There are of course a billion other games that have dated well but those are the ones that have been on my mind lately.

>> No.966510

For me Deus Ex. Its problems are minor ie the stupid ass voice acting in parts but the gameplay was years ahead of its time and there's plenty of modding potential to update the game. The nameless mod was also a pretty sweet ass fanmade game.

>> No.966512

A lot of PS1 3D platformers (Crash, Spyro) have aged relatively well due to the simplicity of their gameplay design.

>> No.966532
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-Sonic 1,2,3

-Crash bandicoot, maybe the first one is the only that feels kinda dated.

The oracle zelda games


-Kirby 64

I personally enjoyed final fantasy 7 and i just played it a few months ago.

-Super metroid

-Most megaman games

-Castlevania SOTN and super castlevania 4

-Panzer dragoon for saturn

>> No.966559

I played Earthbound for the first time earlier this year and I enjoyed it a lot. But I grew up playing SNES.

>> No.966567

All of the platformers that were good then are still good now. I can't think of one that aged badly. The charm is in the simple but effective gameplay philosophy I guess.

>> No.966606

>the idea of picking up nearly everyone and throwing them still blows my mind and no one really seem to have gotten it even to this day.

Mischief Maker nearly perfected that.

>> No.966617
File: 1.42 MB, 1920x1200, Fallout_VaultTec_Boy_1920x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fallout 2 (and 1 to a lesser extent) definitively fits in that category.

>> No.966637

Most text adventures.

>> No.966694

crash team racing
the tracks are still exciting, plenty of modes, and still fun

>> No.966706

Most of them, honestly. Very few times have I revisited a game and found it too outdated to play, and it almost always has to do with performance issues like slowdown or framerate issues. A good game is a good game.

>> No.966715


hell yeah, still play it regulary

>> No.966740
File: 127 KB, 209x363, feels link man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, Ocarina of Time is definitely still enjoyable to this day. The only thing it really has going against it 15 years later is that so many newer games duplicated and improved on what it started.

>> No.966759

I just started playing it earlier today. I'm enjoying it, but the controls are a little sticky and the camera controls are extremely limited. It's not so bad though because the combat doesn't seem overly demanding. More annoying is how precisely you have to position yourself to speak to NPCs.

>> No.966773

I picked up mgs3 just a week ago. The game didn't lived up to the memories of mgs1 which I played like 6 years ago. Don't get me wrong, mgs3 is a good game, I enjoyed playing it.
But the game just felt outdates. A lot of game design choices were just terrible. It fealt like I was playing msx but in 3d. Controls aren't even remotely good.

Now I fear that mu beloved metal gear solid not that great as I remember it to be.

>> No.966796
File: 117 KB, 620x459, metal-gear-solid-hd-collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played the HD Collection and thought all the games were good but also it was my first time playing them. Metal Gear solid game imo don't have great replay value.

>> No.966808

I've beaten MGS2 and 3 a dozen times a piece, and I've probably beaten MGS1 about 25 times. They have plenty of replay value if you really enjoy them.

>> No.966836

Super Mario RPG though entry level was made to last. Zelda MM while having dated graphics is still great enough to be play by anyone due to all of the time spent on the little details.

Really any game that was made to be replay countless of times usually was made to age nicely. Super Mario World is simple yet have a mix of complexity that replaying it may lead to a new secret.

Sadly most 3D games like those on N64 kinda look awful no matter how you look at them even though they are quite fun. What was good graphics back in the day would be seen as cheaply done now.

I can't really think of any game that age nicely in terms of graphics that was 3D.

Dragon Warrior 1 wouldn't be something I expect a kid in our current day of age would get into. Dragon Warrior 3 and beyond though have a good chance though so the series really did age nicely as a whole as those remakes did help some.

I just got used to targeting everything personally but I don't recall using it much for NPCs.I do remember that you have to be up to their faces though.

>> No.966857

I played Chrono Trigger for the first time just a few months ago and loved it, instantly rushed to the top places of my favorite games of all times list.

>> No.966868

metal fucking slug will always be master race on this aging stuff

>> No.966872
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Good sprite work never goes bad.

>> No.966919

maybe it's because it's 2D and i haven't played that many RPG's, but last year i played and beat FFVI for the first time and it was great.

>> No.966970

I'm playing DQ4 right now (on chapter 5) and highly enjoying it. First DQ games I've played. Going to try out 1-3 (heard 2 had a lot of annoying parts) but I'll do my best.

Gradius would fall under this in my opinion. Controls were tight and had a lot of difficult moments that made it fun.

>> No.967038

Play it modded and its so fuckwin its not even funny.

That updated music is do god tier.


>> No.967041

>More annoying is how precisely you have to position yourself to speak to NPCs.

Lrn2 z target to speak fool

>> No.967048

You've got to be right on top of NPCs to Z target them anyway. It's even frustrating to do that sometimes because of the limited camera controls. It's not a huge issue, just an irritation.

>> No.967060


maybe playing console shooters has made my finger dexterity amaznig, because that's a complete non-issue for me.

>> No.967065

>limited camera controls
Press Z to line up the camera directly behind Link, and use the C-up free look to line yourself in tight spots. I don't find the camera controls limited at all.

>> No.967248


!) Super Mario Brothers I
2) THe Legend of Zelda
3) Super Mario Brothers III
4) Double Dragon II
5) Shadowgate

1) Gunstar Heroes
2) SOnic
3) Sonic III
4) Golden Axe
5) Street Fighter II

1) Grandia
2) MEtal Gear Solid
3) Twisted Metal II
4) Tomb Raider II
5) Crash BAndicoot

1) Grandia II
2) Seaman
3) Dead or Alive
4) Soul Blade
5) Worms World Party

those were the systems that I owned

>> No.967303

Ninja Gaiden. Still as incredible today as it was back then, and utterly essential for anyone who likes platformers.