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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 571 KB, 2201x443, d7f201l-e4e0197e-cb95-47b9-97e8-910380f1cf69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9664291 No.9664291 [Reply] [Original]

>American Youtuber says Genesis.
>Ok, makes sense.
>Non-American Youtuber says Mega Drive
>Alright, cool
>American Youtuber says Mega Drive
>cringes and thinks fuck off you stupid weeb.

>> No.9664320

megadrive is the correct term because it was released first in japan under the name of megadrive, so if ur talking about the console in general use megadrive and not genesis. simple as

>> No.9664321

>"the seega mega drive, or genesis if you're in america"
Why do they always have to specify that? Just call it what you usually call it.
If someone's so new that they don't know both names then it's their problem.

>> No.9664328

Its 2023. The console has been dead for so long that its regional names have blended together and become interchangeable. I personally use both names randomly.

>> No.9664331

After careful consideration I have come to the conclusion that I do not care.

>> No.9664334

Not if you're an American, it's like an American calling the NES the Famicom it's just wrong.

>> No.9664351

Americans using non-American names for things just doesn't feel right, like a sin against nature.

>> No.9664371

I am european and I think genesis sounds cooler, so I use that.

>> No.9664381

It's less dated, Mega Drive screams 90's which is unironic giving Genesis marketing.

>> No.9664382

>Non-American Youtuber says Genesis

>> No.9664383

SEGA Genesis
Dr. Robotnik

>> No.9664390


>> No.9664409

Burgerclap here, I call it Genesis when talking about US releases, and Mega Drive when talking about EU/JP releases. I still agree with your method. People getting whiny about names need to drink bleach.

>> No.9664439 [DELETED] 

They know Americans are so fucking retarded they need everything spelled out for them. If they just said "Mega Drive", most Americans watching would just go "durr what's that?", so they might as well make sure the comment section doesn't get clogged up with "whats a megga driver????" posts.

>> No.9664449 [DELETED] 

>They know Americans are so fucking retarded they need everything spelled out for them
I don't want to make this thread about us vs the world but,


>> No.9664453

im europooran and i use american words for shit oneline because i know from extensive past experience that if i use the terms that the rest of the world uses ill be faced with, at best, confusion and often just bare ridicule lol

>> No.9664469

Do you call FF6 FF3? Or are you a weeb?

>> No.9664553
File: 20 KB, 357x360, PSX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GenXer says "the original Playstation"
>Ok, makes sense.
>Millenial says PS1
>Alright, cool
>Zoomer says PSX
>cringes and thinks fuck off you stupid zoom

>> No.9664575

Why the fuck did the japs use the English name "Mega Drive"? Don't they have their own language?

>> No.9664698

Lets just call it the mega genesis

>> No.9664702

SUPER Nintendo
MEGA drive
TURBO grafx
NEO geo

Superlative adjectives are an essential aspect of 16 bit gaming.

In fact, for games released on both systems that have the same name but are completely different, I Rename them such as: Super Shadowrun & Mega Shadowrun.

Nobody says psx anymore. That was some dumb mid 2000s thing.

>> No.9664706
File: 1.16 MB, 640x460, 1647971102952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm European and I use both interchangeably.

>> No.9664712

I say Pocket Monsters when referring specifically to the original Blue version on the Game Boy in conversation.

>> No.9664715

>tfw 3rd worlder who grew up Dendy
I think I'm allowed to say Famicom instead of NES because Dendy legitimately looked like a Famicom and almost all of the carts had Japanese versions of games

>> No.9664716
File: 2.02 MB, 2542x8631, Screenshot 2023-02-15 at 17-04-33 _vr_ - Retro Games - Search psx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody says psx anymore

>> No.9664720

>grew up with Dendy

>> No.9664721

Weebs won't tell you this and will bullshit you when pressed but Japanese is heavy and I do mean heavy on the English loanwords.

>> No.9664725
File: 117 KB, 980x653, Genesis-photo-1986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Genesis-pilled.

>> No.9664726

Ironically enough Pocket Monsters is less of a weeb title than Pokemon. You know how Japanese refer to Smash Bros as SmaBro and all that shit? SuFami instead of Super Famicom , etc

>> No.9664734

Yes, I know what an abbreviation is.

>> No.9664740

Well, when you drop two nuclear bombs onto two major cities of a xenophobic country, and then force that country to change their government to reflect western culture, they end up making adaptations to their language, to appease their oppressive overlords.
America is the reason why Japanese became weird.

>> No.9664743

And not just English, it's a mix of all sorts of languages there. Arubaito, that's a German one.

>> No.9664746

I'm saying that only Japanese abbreviate words like that

>> No.9664761

Primarily because that's how Japanese words are written, yes. It would be different if only weeaboos used those names, but that's just how the language is.

>> No.9664767

>Super Nintendo
Which way white man?

>inb4 SuFami
I said which way WHITE man

>> No.9664772

Those people are stuck in the mid 2000s. It's not zoomies though. This is something that emerged from the emulation scene for some reason.

>> No.9664778

>Don't they have their own language?
not really anymore

>> No.9664791

>This is something that emerged from the emulation scene for some reason.
PSX was the codename for the playstation. The only other example I can think of is AGB for the GBA, but that abbreviation is far less common.

>> No.9664794

You're trying too hard to argue anon I don't even know what you're trying to have an argument about.
t. another anon

>> No.9664808


>> No.9664818

Yuropoor here, what I use depends on the person I'm talking to. Both terms are valid.

Here everyone calls it the sness so you gotta use that. If talking to an American then ess eney ess, however I don't know if it's just an American thing because I've heard Australians use both terms and also heard an Englishman use snes instead of ess eney ess.

At the end of the day, does it really matter? It's just people being pedantic and scared of things different than they're accustomed to.

>> No.9664820

I'm American and everyone just says super Nintendo.

>> No.9664825

Yes the “mega master genesis” and “saturn Dreamcast”. It’s perfect

>> No.9664832

What makes you think that anon is trying to argue? What if that anon is just making a statement?
Do you perceive every reply as an argument? Do you see this post as an argument?? What the fuck is wrong with you, anon, not every reply is an argument!

>> No.9664837


>> No.9664845

Ive had a psx since 95 and I have used the term ps1/psx interchangeably since the ps2 came out. Before that it was psx or just the PlayStation/playstation.

>> No.9664849


>> No.9664873
File: 79 KB, 527x387, Electronic Gaming Monthly Issue 077a (December 1995)_0282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9664894

What if the person just has an American accent? I'm not even ESL (more like EFL) but people in America mistake me for a local and Brits and Aussies take me due an American, as well. I'm from fucking Italy!

>> No.9664902

>take me due an American,
Take me FOR an American, rather.

>> No.9665009

>One post of those and one quote of those are mine.
Yeah, I am thinking I am a based PSX player from 25 years ago.

>> No.9665016

Literally nobody fucking said psx for the Playstation before emulation. They said Playstation, then immediately said ps1 when ps2 came along.

>> No.9665035

>>Millenial says PS1
>>Alright, cool
no its not, its playstation or psone, everything else is gay af

>> No.9665036
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>> No.9665039
File: 3.73 MB, 1861x951, 2000 a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9665041

Consider this, nigger… you’re wrong and a faggot. PSX

>> No.9665049

Genesis was most successful is us of a so that's the more well known name.

>> No.9665050
File: 3.22 MB, 1712x787, gekido psx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9665057

idc the first name was megadrive

>> No.9665061

PSone is a specific model of PS1. It's like saying PS2 slim instead of PS2, say that if you need to specify but otherwise you'd just sound like an idiot. Adding 1 to a name after a sequel comes out is perfectly normal. Final Fantasy 1 wasn't called that but we call it that because calling it the name of the series would just be confusing and annoying.
Calling PS1 PSX is like calling Wii Revolution, it's just stupid

>> No.9665072

>PSone is a specific model of PS1
I know, but its still a playstation, but that playstation is called PSone
>It's like saying PS2 slim instead of PS2
no its not because ps2 slim isn't an official name. I've got a ps2 "slim" box right here and it says PS2/playstation2, where the psone is called psone

>> No.9665079

No, psx has been a moniker since it’s inception. Maybe not in your neck of the woods but, it was definitely a thing

>> No.9665080
File: 161 KB, 798x1130, codemasters hall of fame psx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9665083
File: 153 KB, 799x1100, Electronic Gaming Monthly Issue 077a (December 1995)_0308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9665084
File: 86 KB, 720x720, psx, late 1996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9665156

nah it was named that cause sega of america wanted to pander to evangelical boomers

but the american model is better technically,was 10hz faster meaning it played games at the proper speed and used a tad less power i think?

>> No.9665159

To be fair, Europeans deserve ridicule at all times.

>> No.9666132

What does the x in psx stand for you dumb niggers? Nothing.
It's a PS1, and some dumb add changes nothing. Stop being a contrarian retard.

>> No.9666143

>Grew up calling game hardware systems.
>Now everyone says consoles.

>> No.9666145


>> No.9666148

la sega
la plei
el nintendo
simple as

>> No.9666151

I remember this faggot weeb censored themselves saying Genesis in a video of them as a kid and kept saying Mega Drive in this video I randomly click on.

>> No.9666245

I own a super famicom since I think it looks nicer than the american version, and it is/was cheaper to buy a good condition jap model.

I still call it a super nintendo though

>> No.9666254 [DELETED] 

I wasn't aware people called it anything other than "The SEGA System" or "SSX" for short.

>> No.9666534

My parents thought every video game was called a nintendo. lel

>> No.9666539

Most video game youtubers are cringe anyways so yeah

>> No.9666559


>> No.9666561

that guy is so fucking cringe holly shit

>> No.9666564

>american says ff6

>> No.9666586
File: 23 KB, 332x459, Marina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice to see some friendship between Europeans and Americans in this thread! Why can't this be the norm around here?

>> No.9666593

go back to ur shitty thread

>> No.9666601
File: 662 KB, 640x480, 1660297629538.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you.

Marina's game just isn't very good.

>> No.9666605

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hi45hQvAzcs We need more of these.

>> No.9666614

thats retarded

>> No.9666747
File: 2.92 MB, 730x1080, 1675092145627578.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SUPER Nintendo
MEGA drive
TURBO grafx
NEO geo
SUPER Nintendo
MEGA drive
TURBO grafx
NEO geo

Superlative adjectives are an essential part of the 16 bit generation.

No Gaemz 64
Nintendo Gamecast
Xbox OG Phat
PS Yawn
Xbox Yawn
Xbox one series X version S Edition X Model S Configuration X Original

>> No.9666752

Don't care, Genesis sounds way better than Mega Drive and is easier to say. Any American saying Mega Drive is being a tryhard.

>> No.9666768


>> No.9666772

Anon you can’t just murder another poster like that, have some respect for the man’s family

>> No.9666774

These are excellent lol.

>> No.9666791

Who is this

>> No.9666795

FF6 vs FF3 is ambiguous. FF3 has existed outside of Japan for what, 15 years? So it makes sense to use the actual numbering. Genesis vs Mega Drive is purely marketing. They mean the same thing, so you can use one or the other and no additional context is needed.

>> No.9666798

cringe and gay, go back to /gif/ brainlet

>> No.9666801

I'm an oldfriend and I say PSX when I'm typing. When speaking I'd say "original playstation" or "playstation 1".

>> No.9666804

Calling Final Fantasy 6 3 is just confusing now. Literally fucking every FF fan calls it FFVI. Calling it FFVI is much more clear than calling it FFIII because there is only ONE FFVI but you're turning it into TWO FFIII's.

>> No.9666806

Don't you learn British English in school?

>> No.9666810
File: 819 KB, 1200x800, 648px-Nintendo-Famicom-Disk-System.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was all marketing and fears from the 1983 crash.
It ended, probably, about 1994 with the Sega Saturn, or 1993 with the 3DO.
I prefer the japanese versions, for the nintendo, super nes, and am glad it ended.

>> No.9666818

>The SEGA System
Oh fuck off already, aussie.

>> No.9667065

Turrican 3 on Sega = Mega Turrican
Turrican 3 on SNES = Super Turrican
There's other examples too.
Doesn't work unless you call it the mega drive.

Plus i want sega to make a new console named the ultra drive.

>> No.9667131

>watching video games on youtube
Seek a cliff.

>> No.9667278

>Mega Turrican is a Sega Genesis game.
See? Easy. You have failed to get me to care.

>> No.9668046


>> No.9668410

Depends on the school and teacher. Besides, while those of us who were taught by UK teachers may use Commonwealth spellings and structures, most English-language media we consume will likely be American in origin.
So while i may have /learnt/ to read and write English at school, I /learned/ to speak English from pirated movies, if that makes sense.

>> No.9669248

I'm American but Mega Drive sounds cooler, desu.

>> No.9669252

Nah it's because America's opinion matters more than the rest of the world combined. Every country in the world belongs to America.

>> No.9669265

>Mid 2000s
>Ye senpai fr fr no cap it wasnt bussin to say PSX until 2005 frfrfr no cap
It's always been PSX, and it always will be, zoomer-kun

>> No.9669281

PSX, Womxn, Latinx, Malcolm X, the list goes on

>> No.9669323

It's PS1
Stop being retarded

>> No.9669350

Zoom zoom
Fucking retard

>> No.9670498

Where is this girl from?

>> No.9670502

God damn bust sizes really are getting bigger in Japan!

>> No.9670503

You're Under Arrest probably

>> No.9670535

What? No I'm not, you are!

>> No.9670678
File: 22 KB, 403x512, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, I know you're just lonely and farming for (you)s, so I'll give you one. You can't have a one (PS1) without a two(PS2). In the time before, in the long long ago, many moons before the PS2, and even more before you were born, man lived in a golden era of peace and prosperity he called "the '90s", and in "the '90s" we said PSX.

>> No.9670691

It was called the Mega Drive outside of Japan everywhere except the US and Canada

>> No.9670718

Correct. In PRINT. Nobody ever said it like that, but "PS" would've been confusing. Now, "N64" works both ways, but PlayStation became "PSX" in print out of necessity and clarity.

>> No.9670748

I've always been under the impression when an american or canadian says it they mean something different from the basic genesis console.

>> No.9670820 [DELETED] 
File: 489 KB, 920x920, mario-transparent-sad-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check channel's about page
>click twitter link
>trans flag, she/her
every time

>> No.9670834

The NES and Famicom are actually somewhat distinct consoles though. Megadrive/Genesis was basically the same everywhere.
I'm American and think of it as the Genesis, one of my best friends (who actually plays retro games) calls it the Megadrive, so I flop between both names.

>> No.9670847
File: 186 KB, 2880x1118, 2880px-PSone-Console-Set-NoLCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was even called the PSX in early marketing. It was originally even going to be called "PlayStation X" but a lot of gaming mags around the time it came out used the PSX abbreviation because the name "PlayStation" tested poorly in focus groups. PS1 was later used to refer specifically to this later budget model (the "PS one") released around the same time as PS2.

>> No.9670872

Maybe it's a tranny thing?
There's another one on twitter that insists on calling Mega Man Rockman

>> No.9672090

Officially yes, but people started saying PS1 as soon as the PS2 was announced and PSOne came out a few months after the PS2 iirc

>> No.9672116
File: 343 KB, 1446x1080, 1673526626668883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But nobody ever said it like that
Idk what you called it in your area, but in California we did at the time and still do. Probably influenced by seeing PSX in game magazines so much. I was in 6th grade at the time and remember having to *gasp* go to the library and sift through books to write a report on Fernando Cortes, so the internet probably wasn't a factor in it. Global cross pollination of colloquialisms really wasn't much of a thing then, hence all the regional variations. Combine that with zoomers that have no conception of insular local community life sans the internet, spotty childhood memory for those of us who were actually there, and a perceived threat to an autists nostalgia derived dopamine addiction, and you have the perfect recipe for these retarded internet arguments.

>> No.9672142

Experimental, according to Game Players who used PSX all the time.

>> No.9672349
File: 115 KB, 500x1307, MDKII-1567095084893589505-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9672393

PSX is strictly a Gen x/Millenial who won’t let go of 90s terminology thing. They insist everyone was calling it that back then. Zoomer nerds would tell you ackshually there’s a specific model called the PSX but it’s not the standard PlayStation

>> No.9672656
File: 184 KB, 800x686, Cowabunga!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair. California (especially Southern) is known for regionalisms and quirky ways of saying things. And it's, like, tubular, dude. I don't dispute that your peer group actually said out loud "PSX" since you were there and I wasn't. But I've lived from the rust belt to the Bible belt and never heard it out loud. It was just something people wrote to describe the original Playstation (the one before revisions and new gens) everywhere I've lived. And I have only visited California. Maybe that's why I'm uptight and say the whole name. Perhaps I should catch a wave and scoop some za.

>> No.9672679

all of you are a bunch of fucking retards, why the fuck would you care what your favorite piece of plastic is called by other people, none of you faggots were there anyway

>> No.9672683

Rough morning anon? Remember, the plastic always loves you.

>> No.9672709

I guess I see what you're talking about, but we live in a global marketplace of information and anyone who isn't a total normtard about games knows what the system's really called now. This is a weird thing to be so upset about. Do you also ree about FF 2 and 3? Do you feel like this is an affront to your traditional values or something? Let's dig deeper into why this upsets you.

>> No.9672726

AU tism

Anyone with head canon and marketing-worship
this strong has to have a chrischan tier room and appearance.

>> No.9673535

I think he's stating that something done by Japanese people isn't the same as weeaboos doing something. That the original guy's assertion that 'SmaBro', 'SuFami', and 'Pokemon' are"weeb" things is silly because that's simply how you do abbreviations in Japanese.

"Weeb" would imply that its something dumb that Western fans of Japanese pop culture do because they have a crooked understanding of Japan, its culture, and it's language.

>> No.9674041

Go back to /v/, fag kid.

>> No.9674096

Is it fair to forego calling it the TurboGrafx-16 in favor of PC-Engine given it was pretty much a dud in NA but was actually relevant in nipland with most of its games only being released there?

>> No.9674117

How often did people use PS instead of PSX? I only ask because I was too young for 5th gen and used to type it interchangeably with PS1.