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File: 542 KB, 750x1113, 66DD05A8-718C-4194-8A16-4D83A990EB33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9658837 No.9658837 [Reply] [Original]

Even Sony is advertising PVMs now for gaming. Good luck finding one anymore after that

>> No.9658841

someone made a shitpost advert w\ someones reddit setup

uhhhh ok

>> No.9658842

I don't know anyone who owned a telly that small as a kid. Eleven inchers were the smallest I'd ever seen, normally in kitchens or maybe a kid's room.

>> No.9658846

honestly it sucks balls playing on a screen that small
unless you are replaying through an rpg its kinda unusable anonkun

i have a couple small crt for travel\camping\apocalypse scenarios

>> No.9658861

It’s an official Sony ad not a meme account

>> No.9658874

how the fuck you playing crash bash on a screen that small and no multitap

>> No.9658876

This lol.

>> No.9658882

Does this mean that Sony will start producing PMV's and reproduction discs for ps1 and ps2 games? I'd honestly like that instead of the shitty mini consoles bullshit.

>> No.9658887

They were shit too. You could get decent 14 inch CRTs although they were pretty uncommon compared to 16 inches but anything smaller than 14 inch in the consumer market was cheap shit.

>> No.9658898
File: 248 KB, 1200x1600, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Playing in tvs that tiny
>Not even using a PSOne with the extra screen which is at least more portable

>> No.9658904

>Even Sony is advertising PVMs now for gaming
Yet they couldn't even make a proper PS1 Classic Mini

>> No.9658908

I want this, even though it would be a total vanity purchase that I would most likely hardly ever use. Just cool.

>> No.9658909

>Sony will start producing PMVs
If you're asking if Sony will start to make color picture tubes again, the answer is a resounding no. Limited runs of old games are a significantly cheaper option, however.

>> No.9658910

Ah yes, who can forget all those times the bros and I gamed on our professional medical equipment.

>> No.9658914

Buy an upscaler scrub. Nobody cares about this except for collectors.

>> No.9658925


>> No.9658926

>kids: why the fuck is your TV so fucking small, you fucking gaywad?

>> No.9658928

Whoever controls that account probably has no idea what a CRT even looks like and just assumed PVMs were a normal representation.

>> No.9658983

PVMs are meme shit who cares?

>> No.9659009

Not me but I already got my BVM and PVM years ago.

>> No.9659043

>not even plugged in

>> No.9659067

It's funny, that's about the size of the PSone screen which I thought games looked kind of neat on. I like small screens though. Almost always play handhelds and after getting a Nomad was the only way I played genesis for years.

>> No.9659085

I was curious so I looked up and found that model PVM.
Sony PVM-5041Q
5-inch screen (I knew a guy who had a smaller b&w screen that he hooked up a snes and Mario World to over 30 years ago and it's almost unplayable)
A quick price search for this tiny thing is $1460.00
>clown world ensures!

>> No.9659098

>A quick price search for this tiny thing is $1460.00
That was the original retail price, you dingus.

>> No.9659102

>single player crash bash
>on an 8" display
>no controller plugged in
>no AV cable plugged in
>no power cable plugged in

yeah its gamer time

>> No.9659117

PVmemes are legit, it's just the modern prices that are bullshit. Reminder that back in the day, before like 2016 or so, PVMs were cheaper budget alternative to paying 300-400 dollars for a framemeister. And back then you could still find good deals on them from studios/hospitals/schools/etc liquidating old crap

I'm just glad I got my stuff while I could. I would never pay modern prices for these things. 2016 onward I've straight-up just recommended getting a free/cheap consumer CRT. Preferably with component inputs and then just getting a transcoder, but RGB mods are pretty straightforward as well.

>> No.9659127

>this piece of old professional display equipment should be super cheap now because I want one to play video games on so I can feel like a hipster using an old display but it doesn't look like hot trash like commercial CRTs

>> No.9659156

>Sony will start producing PMV's
Barneyfag on suicide watch

>> No.9659183

This, what the fuck am I looking at?

>> No.9659191

reminds me of this one picture of this onion boy squatting on the floor in front of a 8'' PVM on a stool staring at Melee's title screen as if he's seriously about to play it. It's like the quintessential CRT-fag image, I can't believe I never saved it when I saw it.

>> No.9659207

>single player crash bash
Look, that post is super gay, but at least read it so you can accurately shit all over it.

>> No.9659257

It’s a video I just took a still at the beginning. The whole video shows all the components being hooked up and plugged in

>> No.9659261

onions boys want tiny PVMs because they can move them from apartment to apartment easily(because they are perpetual rentoids)

real chads have a 32 inch trinitron that never moves in 20 years

>> No.9659278
File: 2.35 MB, 3264x2448, 1663131012374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not both?

>> No.9659281

>32 inch trinitron that never moves in 20 years
You mean those ones that weigh 150+ lbs.?

>> No.9659294


>> No.9659295
File: 134 KB, 1080x1331, 1649452088831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes, how could you tell?

>> No.9659324

They’re like idols of past ancient gods. Those TVs are what those old games were developed for using.

>> No.9659342

it's small so you don't realize how bad ps1 graphics are

>> No.9659610

>Even Sony is advertising PVMs now for gaming. Good luck finding one anymore after that

yeah, because everyone had a PVM. Most people I know, has their PS1's plugged into some sort of piece of shit 13-to 20 inch TV using composite or RF.

>> No.9659814

I became OBSESSED with this thing since I found out about it. I got lucky on a zenmarket bid and got one in good condition along with 10 games and lots of extra shit for less than $100. Thing was cool to have but played like 3-4 times in 2 years. The LCD screen kinda sucks, I would've been happier with a good small crt. Ended up selling it for 4 times the price I paid for tho.

tldr: you are right

>> No.9660460

13 was common where i was at.

>> No.9660682

Mostly 32"+ OLEDs when you were a kid, eh?