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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9653704 No.9653704 [Reply] [Original]

When and why did it become cool to hate on people for having physical collections? Unironically is it because of freaks like Metal Jesus and those Pixel Squad guys?

>> No.9653707

>why would people claim to hate something they can't afford
gee, I don't know, anon, if only there were a word to describe such a phenomenon

>> No.9653709

I think that's part of it. Really it's that buying physical has gone from a thing people enjoyed doing to a thing that's become a liability because people started treating you like a mark. Metal Jesus Rocks and others have made it impossible to collect as a fun hobby thanks to prices going out of control. And Limited Run Games runs their entire business model on FOMO. It's made people cynical.

>> No.9653723

Flashcarts and ODE's for just about every console appeared.

>> No.9653739

What's the appeal of collecting? You're literally paying hundreds to own a piece of plastic with a rom burnt on that takes up space in your house. Why is that appealing when you can download it for free with better QOL? It seems more like a fetishistic pursuit of objects rather than caring about games. I fully admit that I still own my old games for sentimental reasons, but I don't call it a "collection" and I don't continue to buy old games from other adults.

Give me one reason that isn't "muh soul" or something similar.

>> No.9653746

Does jealousy include claiming to hate it or it there another word for it?

>> No.9653748

cause when i slam in a game i paid 300 bux for into my neo geo AES i get to feel superior to you and other poors and it makes my pp hard flexing on brokies

>> No.9653752

A long time ago some chick opened a box and all this nasty shit came out. One of those was envy.

>> No.9653760

>You're literally paying hundreds to own a piece of plastic
Until very recently, it was a fraction of that price. I still have a hard time accepting the reality of the retro market because it's been such an abrupt change.

>> No.9653763


>> No.9653767

Kids late to the party + adults whos mom sold their stuff + hyped up resell fags/speculators.

>> No.9653775

Yup, it wasn't that long ago that you could go into a retro game store and take a gamble on something that looked a little interesting or that you remembered from back in the day but never got around to playing. Those kinds of impulse buys can't happen now that even a loose Super Mario World is $15. Super Mario/Duck Hunt is like $8. A decade ago you couldn't give those away. It just sucked the fun out of it. There are no friendly trades anymore. Everyone checks Ebay and demands you match the highest completed auction. The issue isn't the $3000 Earthbounds. It's the $50 average price of all the common shit.

>> No.9653781
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They are just jealous they didn't get in on the ground floor cheap 20-30 years ago.
>pic related
>picked these up at a swap meet 20 years ago for $20 each, CIB along with four others that I sold and if I told you what they were you would shit a brick

>> No.9653782
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It's no different than books. You could have a library in your home, or you could read them digitally from your phone, PC, or a dedicated device like a Kindle. And yet if you talk to people who enjoy reading, most tend to prefer reading on physical paper books and dream of having a library in their home. Games are no different. A collection is just a library of games, and although you could play them on your PC, phone, or a dedicated device like a Mister, real hardware is always a better experience for various reasons. And the reality is that most readers tend to use a combo of ebooks and physical books, and may gamers do the same. I have a large collection, but I also own a Retroid that I play on in bed sometimes. I've also got flash cartridges, a few mini consoles (Egret and Astro City), and have some emulators set up on my PC. So it's not as if I don't know what emulation is like. I also strictly emulated before I was able to start building a collection.

I have some responses to some of your specific points but I'll out hem in a separate reply because this is getting long.

>> No.9653793
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>You're literally paying hundreds to own a piece of plastic with a rom burnt on that takes up space in your house
The vast majority of retro games still cost less than new games - even heavy hitters like Donkey Kong Country and Super Mario World. A lot of the "expensive" ones cost around the same as a new game, like Super Metroid. Very few games actually cost hundreds of dollars. And while you could just argue that I'm out of touch since I'm in Japan, I use an app to track what I own and it pulls data from price charting. I have to input most of my collection as the US versions because their database doesn't have the Japanese versions, and I'm able to see that many of the best games for various consoles are still extremely affordable. Most games simply don't cost hundreds of dollars. Personally I've only spent "hundreds" on a single game, and all of the other expensive games I've bought were around a hundred.

And let's be honest: if you can't afford to buy games that cost less than new games, you're probably extremely poor. At that point you should just emulate or find a new hobby. But why attack other people who do collect just because you can't afford to do so?

>download it for free with better QOL?
Emulators tend to have a lot of jank that causes a lower QOL. Lets be honest here.

>It seems more like a fetishistic pursuit of objects rather than caring about games.
Do people with home libraries not care about books? Do people with DVD/Blu-ray collections not care about movies? What a weird comment.

If anything, you holding onto your old games for sentimental reasons is a fetishistic pursuit of objects rather than caring about games. Most of these games are older than I am so there's not much sentimental attachment. I just buy them to enjoy playing them.

>Those kinds of impulse buys can't happen now that even a loose Super Mario World is $15. Super Mario/Duck Hunt is like $8.
$8 or $15 for a good game is literally nothing!

>> No.9653794

That's not why. Even in the 90s there were already ways to play games on real hardware without the original cartridges.

>> No.9653796

>$8 or $15 for a good game is literally nothing!
This is what modern retro game prices have wrought. People who think this.

$15 is basically the floor on the SNES. Those good games? They go up from there.

>> No.9653801
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Frasier was into it before it was cool, therefore it will always be cool.

>> No.9653803

Only someone too young to have been to a pre-GameStop Funcoland could have typed this post. You don't know what collecting used to look like.

>> No.9653810

I have to assume seething jealousy. I know plenty of people who just emulate who don’t act like that but there’s really no other reason for people to get as butt blasted as they do

>> No.9653813

I could emulate games that cost hundreds or thousands of dollars ever since the early 2000s at least so that’s not the reason

>> No.9653814

Let's be honest this line of thinking of is just bowing down to the "you will own nothing and be happy" mantra.

>> No.9653815
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It's not as if there aren't good games for affordable prices.
>Donkey Kong Country - $20
>Super Mario World - $18.50
>Yoshi's Island - $36.50
>Kirby's Dream Course - $27.91
>X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse - $20.28
>Dino City - $19.40
>Prince of Persia - $20.61
>Tetris Attack - $15.69
Oh no, retro gaming is so EXPENSIVE!

Even here in Japan a lot of the games I bought were $20-$30. The $3 games are usually just kusoge

Never been to a funcoland, but I remember buying SNES games with pocket money as a kid at the game store near my house back before retro gaming was cool. The games were cheap because nobody wanted them, just like a certain generation of games currently are.

>> No.9653821

It really is.

>> No.9653826
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Funcoland was crazy before GameStop bought them out. You could do a lot of damage in there with $10.

>> No.9653834

I always wanted to buy games from there but my mom said it was a scam =(

>> No.9653839

reading from a book and reading from an lcd screen isnt the same experience. playing a rom from a real cart is exactly the same experience as from an sd card.

>> No.9653842
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>Oh no, retro gaming is so EXPENSIVE!
But it is? I don't care if people can afford to pay $80 for a Gamecube game that was produced in the literal millions. I can personally afford to do that. I just think it's retarded that this is the state of the hobby. And it's doubly retarded when people come in to the conversation and act like this is all normal and everyone who thinks shit is expensive is just poor and sad. People just have eyes and know what they used to pay for retro games compared to what they go for today.

>> No.9653849

I’ll answer honestly since your post seems genuine. There are a number of reasons for me.

1. First off, I don’t pay hundreds of dollars for anything emulatable. The only game I’ve ever spent over $100 on is a PS3 game that emulates like absolute shit. I might buy Steel Battalion someday. I VERY rarely spend more than $30 even. I just have a lot of old stuff and hunt for deals, which is part of the fun for me

2. I like to browse. Buying physical games from my local shop keeps them in business so I can browse. This is actually helped by the prices of sought-after games shooting up—since those are unavailable I look over the shelf for something affordable that seems interesting. It pushes me to explore the console’s library more and I’ve found some of my favorite games of all time this way.

3. While I don’t intentionally buy games as an investment, the value of my collection is at this point far beyond what I paid for it. If I managed to sell my collection off at going rate (unlikely without years of work, I know) I could pay the down payment on a house at this point

4. If I have a big rom list I just don’t play anything. Having physical games in my shelf encourages me to play through them, and browsing what I have can remind me to start or finish a game. It creates a contact point that just doesn’t exist for a rom list.

5. Maybe the most schizo point, but I don’t trust that piracy will remain as easy at it is now forever. Just because the internet has stayed relatively unregulated for this long doesn’t mean it will be that way forever. I could write a manifesto about this but won’t here and now.

6. They’re neato and old hardware is cool. Fixing consoles and such taught me soldering skills that I’ve used to make money as a side hustle. I like being the guy with shelves of old games. My friends think its cool I have certain rare games. My ex gf was impressed that I had a certain rare game.

>> No.9653852

I bet the prices on those ads were the most accurate game rankings of the time.

>> No.9653853

I like the ritual of it. Turning on the system, opening the case and just playing it. Ontop of that, these physical objects will always be mine and they don't really take up a lot of space. People collect objects all the time, they don't need a solid reason why.

>> No.9653854

>Little Sampson $7.99
This shit makes me cry.

>> No.9653865

Those NES prices were the price i was picking up ps1 stuff at between when my local store opened around 2012 till 2019.

>> No.9653869

Ran out of characters but also wanted to say that collecting itself is also a fun hobby, seeing what you can find and trying to score a good deal, looking for stuff that’s quirky and interesting even if it’s not expensive or rare. For example, I love having the Genesis Virtua Racing because its polygons in the genesis and the whole story with the chip in it even though the game sucks and is worth like $4. Playing something like than on an emulator just isn’t as nifty as actually putting the engineering to work

>> No.9653872 [DELETED] 
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brave and stunning, no 6 year old should be forced to give birth to her father's child

>> No.9653874

Says you.

>> No.9653885

>He doesn’t walk among his shelves and draw his finger across the spines of his games looking for the perfect one like a master sommelier seeking the perfect vintage

I pity you

>> No.9653893

>Finally got a library in my new place after years of lugging books in boxes around with me just in case I got the chance
It’s small and shitty but I’ve never felt so content

>> No.9653895

GameStop was great for finding cheap PS2/GCN/Xbox stuff when they were still massively expanding and had a billion stores. There were so many that I could hit a dozen GameStops within maybe an hour's time. At one point there were a set of stores literally across the street from each other. They'd frequently have buy 2 get 1 free sales just to lighten their inventory and you could get five to ten games for a song.

>> No.9653904
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>ms pacman = 24.99
>hagane = 1.99

>> No.9653913
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The trick is getting in while the getting is good

>> No.9653916

I moved to a small town in 2009 and the local pawn shop had 2 display cabinets filled with 6th gen games, everything 3 for $10. I think i was only one buying the stuff for like atleast 2 years. Walked out one time having picked up Gitaroo Man, .hack part 4 and Phantasy Star Online Plus, all just on a whim because i was curious.

>> No.9653917

I know you picked it for this reason the the GCN is absolutely the most hyped shit right now. In addition, its a major first party Nintnedo game which famously retain market value far beyond what makes any sense.

>> No.9653924

Reading a book on an LCD screen is more like playing a game in an emulator. Flash cart is like a e-ink screen.

>> No.9653929
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Spending $60 on a video game is pretty normal.

>> No.9653935


People used to pay $50 or whatever, for new games. Then the price went way down, and now it's gone back up. It's all arbitrary and your decision to treat the lowest prices as being the correct ones is likewise arbitrary.

There are professional athletes who get paid millions to do nothing, thanks to injury or other unplanned interactions between contracts and life. There are slaves who get paid nothing to do a lot. Money is nonsensical and it jumps around chaotically. You shouldn't get uppity about how it's doing something you don't like when its nature is to CONSTANTLY do far greater and far stupider things.

>> No.9653936

Are there any PS4 games that people should look out for? I feel like all the games that are going to go up in value are Limited Run trash.

>> No.9653948

>My ex gf was impressed that I had a certain rare game.
a little too impressed... until she couldn't help but try to steal it, and then she had to go (we can assume)

>> No.9653953

Yeah, that's what I think >>9653815
doesn't understand. What isn't possible anymore for non-1%ers is just grabbing games on a lark and seeing what they're about. I bought Dual Hearts on PS2 because it was cheap and looked neat. And I like it. But I wouldn't have done that if it were $80 like it is today. Nowadays the only retro games I buy are ones I KNOW I want and likely have played already. There's no grabbing something on the cheap and finding a diamond in the rough.

>> No.9653975

GCN is an extreme case but it's representative of the problem. Even PS2 is starting to climb. The only "cheap" consoles to collect are original Xbox and Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii U. I think the only legitimate retro systems that are still cheap are Game Gear and Game Boy/GBC.

>> No.9653980

>People used to pay $50 or whatever, for new games. Then the price went way down, and now it's gone back up.
Awesome. So it should go back down again, right, and so on and so forth? Otherwise you're just talking out of your ass.

>> No.9654028

Honestly that would have been more simple than what happened but this isn’t my therapist’s office

>> No.9654037

Hard to say other than obvious stuff (horror games, earlier games by studios that landed a later hit, limited run and other small print stuff). Just grab stuff you think is interesting imo

I have a bunch of PSVR stuff I could see fetching a hire price with enthusiasts someday. If emulation of it is jank and they don’t port, say Deracine, I could see that skyrocketing

>> No.9654038

What's the appeal of outing yourself as a fool saying games are nothing but a ROM? So many of them have more parts.

>> No.9654042
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I dunno I still do that
I picked this up for $7 late last year and it’s cool

>> No.9654056

I'm not saying it's literally impossible to find a cheap game on the NES. It's just much less common. Especially now that there really aren't any hidden gems anymore on these things. One reason people pick on Metal Jesus Rocks is because if he did a video on a game it would automatically triple in price.

>> No.9654061

>Stadium Events at 40 cents
Fucking fuck

>> No.9654070

Oh and this isn’t common, but anything with no digital release or got pulled from the digital store

>> No.9654075

imo there are DEFINITELY still hidden gems. Fewer, yeah.

>> No.9654089

whats he gonna do when that thing fills up

>> No.9654093

Obviously the wall will shimmer and turn into a portal to the Nintendo universe

>> No.9654096

Bang Roz again.

>> No.9654125
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>And yet if you talk to people who enjoy reading, most tend to prefer reading on physical paper books
most people read Ready Player One and Harry Potter, who cares what "most people" think? kindle is much better than physical books
>glows in the dark (without the eye strain of LED screens)
>comfier to read in any number of bedtime positions
>can ctrl+f
>instant dictionary lookup
>ideal way to read anything not printed (e.g. web novels)
and in the same vein, emulation is better due to its innumerable features from savestates to romhacks to perspective correction and the removal of polygon jitter.

>> No.9654126

>When and why did it become cool to hate on people for having physical collections?
It's not. It's just poor fags stinking up the place. It's the same people that shit on MiSTer.

>> No.9654136

It was nothing but a hobby, but then nuts jobs started pretending to be more than that with shit like super man number one and those baseball cards being sold for millions so they started looking at vidya for the same shit.
Now day is out of control with retards going as far as to buy fake copies rated by wata or whatever is called for thousand of dollars because they see it as an investment but in reality the ones behind it use it to launder money either by comics, cards or vidya.

>> No.9654137

Congrats on figuring out what collecting is.

>> No.9654146

Money laundering?

>> No.9654149

I think that for a long time on the internet collectors were the main source of information and discussion for these older games. Most gaming publications were just talking about the newest games, but collectors would keep the discussion on retro games alive. Collectors who would dedicate entire YouTube channels to retro games put out reviews and got more people interested in them, which boosted the popularity of collecting. Of course some people saw money to be made in this growing collector's market and that's where Metal Jesus and companies like Limited Run came in, making game collecting a scummy practice. A core tenet of collecting was discovering the gems in the libraries of old game systems, but now those mines are mostly empty and the current retro market is grossly inflated.

>> No.9654151

A hobby.

>> No.9654156

Those smoke monster mines seem pretty full and affordable. Just saying...

>> No.9654173

>most people read Ready Player One and Harry Potter, who cares what "most people" think?
You have zero reading comprehension skills, and your "reasons" for why you think emulation is "better" are cheating, and things that can be used on read hardware like ROM hacks. Congrata, you're a retard.

>> No.9654174

Gravity Rush but thats already bonkers

>> No.9654175

>the current retro market is grossly inflated
I have no idea what you're talking about. In the past month I've purchased 3 heavy hitting SHMUPS for TurboGrafx 16 CIB for 60 a piece.

>> No.9654181

neither do you. you dont want your finger grease to devalue the plastic

>> No.9654186

You have anything else vapid to add to the conversation? Perhaps you'd like to call someone who collects video games childish? I mean why not, you're already on a retro games image board your self.

>> No.9654191

flashcarts aren't real hardware and you ignored the perspective correction and polygon jitter fix because you are A Small Retard

>> No.9654193

>spergs out over a joke
You should collect some bitches.

>> No.9654194

Keep replying if you're that concerned about sperging out.

>> No.9654203
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Relative to Switch and PS5 games or whatever most are still significantly cheaper or around the same if they're rare. But ya I think its more conscious choice now. I got a Switch and a few Mario games, but realistically I choose to buy and play retro. I think its a hard choice (unless you're rich or a scalper) because most normies just want to play and talk about f2p lootbox garb and the latest AAA game that was shit out. The only people I know doing it for fun are you guys. You really gotta love games (and gaming history to some extent) to be in this hobby.

>> No.9654204

>you ignored the perspective correction and polygon jitter fix because you are A Small Retard
I ignored them because I don't know what it is and it's probably something retarded that ruins the image.

>> No.9654206

>What's the appeal of collecting?
Collector is just another word for hoarder.
They likely have undiagnosed OCD, and "collecting" is how they self medicate.

>> No.9654210

Must suck being this interested in something fun but too poor to really participate. I couldn't imagine being this bitter about something I liked that I have to shit on the very foundation of the subject.

>> No.9654212

Zoomers that "grew up" hoarding roms don't belong here.

>> No.9654216

I don't hate collectors.
I dislike people who think having a big collection makes them an authority on the subject of retro gaming.

>> No.9654218

>real hardware is always a better experience for various reasons.
Hard disagree.
I am not going back to the time when I could not pause arcade games or switch between them in a matter of seconds.

>> No.9654220

>I dislike people who think having a big collection makes them an authority on the subject of retro gaming.

Of course it does.

>> No.9654223

>Amassing a huge collection of children's toys as an expression of wealth.
If anything it's an expression that you're a manchild, and possibly a pedophile.

>> No.9654228

>You don't spend money on retarded shit so you must be poor.
I thought hoarders would have come up with a new cope by now.
>inb4 "it's an investment!"
No, it isn't. It's a bubble that will inevitably burst. See also: comic books.

>> No.9654238
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I moved about 6 years ago and boxed up all my games and consoles. Friend of mine took the box and traded it in at a gamestop behind my back. Needless to say we're not friends after I found out.
So I lost every single game and console I had owned since I was a kid. I can't really get anyone around me to understand that I have a lot of memories attached to some of those games.
Like you're stuck at your grandparents on a summer day because your mom has to work. You come in late in the evening and you're playing megaman on your grandparents giant, old, woody, RCA tv... sitting in the floor- you and your grandmother take turns between lives; seeing who can get the furthest past quickman lasers and heatman disappearing blocks. The lights outside slowly start to fade making the TV's glow even more impressive. That desperate urge to beat just one more level before it's time to eat.
Maybe I'm stupid, but not having those old carts and cd jewel cases sitting on my shelf makes me feel like something is just missing.
Lately I've been trying to hunt down and buy back just some of the games I used to own as a kid.
I have been searching high and low for just a handful of titles and some of them are ridiculous. Like I'm quite attached to the megaman series... but $1-2k for Tron Bonne? That's a game I have distinct memories paying $40 from mowing lawns for at a bestbuy. I can afford it no problem, but I just can't make myself do it. It feels irresponsible.
There's emu, but damnit I just want those few good things that were attached to memories back.
Sorry about the blogpost.

>> No.9654251

Reading books on a screen is awful. Definitely not the same experience.

>> No.9654252

I would say the same thing about videogame collectors being man children.

>> No.9654302

when they brag about their collection instead playing those games.

Also you HAD to have all your games unsealed, and play most of them.

>> No.9654306

It's not that bad, but it's not as good as reading in a real book. Similarly, emulators aren't that bad but it's not as good as the real thing. Anons can cope however they want but anyone who has both and can compare will agree.

>> No.9654309

The only time I've ever seen that is with losers who go for complete libraries. Otherwise who cares? Those guys are a minority.
Open that shit.

>> No.9654315

>$1-2k for Tron Bonne?
Shit, that's what it goes for now? I thought I was being stupid for paying $120 for it 15 years ago.

>> No.9654391

>I thought I was being stupid for paying $120 for it 15 years ago.
You were.

>> No.9654397

>no boxes
>puts effort in with those little condoms

Lol, those aren't worth anything.

>> No.9654402


Nothing wrong with it at all. It's just the people that collect more than actually play the games, which is just kinda pathetic. I have a meager collection, I wish I could afford more but just don't have the cash : (

>> No.9654425
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The sleeves are to protect the labels from scuffs. It's not really a problem with this shelf, but a lot ofy games get crammed into plastic bins so it's a necessity.
>those aren't worth anything
Ok? They're video games, it's entertainment not an investment. If I wanted something that was worth anything them I would just throw more money into an index or buy some property. If you're buying video games in order to be "worth" anything beyond hours of entertainment then you're just as retard.

And I have plenty of boxes, but you can't realistically expect to collect every game boxed. That would take up a ton of space and is completely unnecessary. I already posted several of my boxed games in this thread.

>> No.9654436
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>Maybe I'm stupid, but not having those old carts and cd jewel cases sitting on my shelf makes me feel like something is just missing.
>Lately I've been trying to hunt down and buy back just some of the games I used to own as a kid.
I get it, I have the same feelings. My parents basically never bought games so if I wanted new games I was limited to birthday or Christmas if was lucky (emphasis on lucky, because there were several years where we didn't have Christmas at all), using whatever money I could round up through various means, or selling/trading what I already had. Unfortunately I lost most of my childhood game collection through selling and trading, and I don't really have much left. It's really sad actually. After I moved overseas I started my collection by picking up various games that I enjoyed as a kid. That was basically my only goal in the beginning, but after a while I started branching out and picking up games I've never played and ultimately that's where most of my collection has come from and has led to the most enjoyment. It's nice to be able to pull out a game I liked as a kid, and it's nice to be able to open the closet or look over at the shelf and see a collection that I would have been so jealous of when I was younger. Like you said, a lot of great memories get attached to this stuff and playing and bring you back to another time. A while back I was replaying Super Mario Sunshine and it reminded me of staying with my grandparents over the summer while my parents went to some Jesus camp thing.

>> No.9654445

Imagine being willing to give up all the benefits of hardware to satisfy your aspie adhd neurosis. You've never even tried original hardware, have you/

>> No.9654448

>Maybe I'm stupid, but not having those old carts and cd jewel cases sitting on my shelf makes me feel like something is just missing.
No, you're not stupid. You're just incredibly sad.
It's good to reminisce about happy childhood memories, but having this much of a need for a physical attachment to your distant past is not healthy.
I've seen people like this - they're stuck in the past, and their fixation prevents them from experiencing true fulfillment, which involves creating new memories and actually developing as a person.

>> No.9654471

>there were several years where we didn't have Christmas at all
I'm sorry to hear that, anon.

>> No.9654605

It is what it is. It's not really a big deal - it sucked in the moment, but I'm an adult now and can afford to have multiple hobbies while also paying all of my bills and put away plenty for savings. If I want a game I can just buy it now, within reason.

My parents did what they could to provide for us, and as a result we always had a roof over our head and food on the table. It definitely sucked to not get any Christmas presents those years, but it's much more preferable than if my parents were to have spent beyond their means to buy a bunch of toys and then left us in a bad situation after the holidays. A lot of families do spend beyond their means regularly in order to keep up with the Jones, and the fallout of that is really bad. It's wild how many kids are homeless today.

>> No.9654645

whew lol. At this era and on you can run backups for like $20 on all platforms. Anyone that's too fucking stupid to do this is going to pay the price

>> No.9654649

flashcarts are real hardware; I dont think you understand how data/computing works

>> No.9654654

Check this man's harddrives now.

>> No.9654659

>$8 or $15 for a good game is literally nothing!
Are you an idiot? Nobody thinks that except the zoomer collectors from the last 6 years. When I could buy Super Mario World from a mall retro game store in 2008 for $2 or an entire Genesis system for $15, those are the kind of prices you expect from 25 year old tech (now 30+ year old)

I feel like youre the kind of person who would say "wow eggs are now down to $4 a dozen thats a great price!" when they were $1.50 a few years ago

>> No.9654664

>flashcarts are real hardware
Is it still real hardware if I pop an Everdrive into my Famicom and play a game like Gimmick that uses a proprietary sound chip but that chip is being emulated by an FPGA inside of the flash cart? How about if I use an FX Pack Pro to play Star Fox or Yoshi's Island and the FPGA inside of that is emulating an FX Chip, is that still real hardware? Or how about if I use that Terra Onion shit to play PC Engine CD games and the FPGA inside of that is running most of the game and the actual game console is doing barely anything at all, is that still playing on real hardware?

>> No.9654667


>> No.9654672
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>$2 in 2008
Considering the current situation in your country, $2 in 2008 and $15 in 2023 probably aren't too far off from each other in terms of value...

>eggs are now down to $4 a dozen
Sounds like a shithole. I paid $1.66 for eggs yesterday.

>> No.9654674

It's literally emulation

>> No.9654689

Because the retro-market is a grift, and retro-collectors are manchildren with poor impulse control.
They basically changed something cool ("one day, I'll get all the games I wanted as a kid") into mindless consooming ("let's buy a lot of shit I'll never play so I can get views for my youtube channel!").

>> No.9654691

>everyone who owns video games is a manbaby who lacks impulse control and throws all of their money into filling their shelf with junk they'll never play in order to increase views of a YouTube channel
Holy schizo logic, batman!

>> No.9654698

Most of my reading is textbooks because I'm that autistic. Reading the pdfs on my tablet has saved me literal thousands of dollars and I don't have to lug around a 7lb book

>> No.9654701

Were talking about collectors here, not
>everyone who owns video games

>> No.9654723

Fetishizing real life objects is contrary to the entire point of video games. You should be fetishizing data instead. Obsessively going over game files, collecting versions with different patches, ripping models out of the game and reassembling them into 3D dioramas. Now that I can respect, that's somebody who cares about games.

>> No.9654728

You could literally say the same about books and yet everyone who likes books wants a library.

>> No.9654729

You sound like a therapist who intentionally drives their clients to suicide. The guy just opened up about some nostalgia. Can't you go torture a squirrel or something?

>> No.9654730

The core emotion in any narcissist is envy. Thats when.

>> No.9654738

no?? plenty of chads on /lit/ are all about eReading

>> No.9654745

>You could
And I would, why wouldn't I
>yet everyone
is retarded, yes. Also a lot of people are "into books" because they like the idea of being "into books" and those people need to constantly signal how "into books" they are

>> No.9654748

Not really. You don't realize how much money and space you'll save until you buy a good e-reader. Most people don't go back.

>> No.9654760
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>its cool to hate
the only thing i hate is satan and his influence on this world

nothing wrong with collecting\having a hobby
when it becomes neurotic or self-destructive
then i can see it becoming a hoarder-type issue

however its a bit more complicated than that-
there are externalities involved \\ internetHYPE + open market investment activities +bragging rights

sometimes its not even about the game but being able to blip into another self-perceived social class\level by owning a certain title CiB etc

imo, i think you should maybe own a few of the games\systems you loved from your childhood; the "gotta have it all" mentality is a path of destruction and the train never stops

>> No.9654762

I thought they turn them gay. Do they make them kill themselves too?
Ask them if they want a library. Just because someone uses an eReader doesn't mean it's their preferred method.
Yeah but I'm talking about people who actually read all the time because they love books and don't go on social media and pretend to like books. There's plenty of people out there who love books, read daily, and have a large collection. And the same is true for games.
I switched to ebooks because I had to choose between shelf space for books or shelf space for games. Obviously I chose to use the space for games and I had all of my books and comics digitized and sold the ones I don't care about to a book store. I like my e-reader, and reading digitally gives me access to lots of great tools for language learning which just wouldn't be possible with physical books, but if I had the option I would still prefer to read physical books.

>> No.9654774

it's because people are jealous of the collection and there are barriers to having one, which breeds contempt. it's really that simple.
There ARE horrible collectors who horde lost media or whatever, but they're really the minority. People will also bitch about collectors jacking up prices but that's inane; time is jacking up the prices. People just assume these carts and discs will be rolling around loose for them to buy for five dollars forever, but that is not the case and it damages their anuses to aknowledge this truth

>> No.9654781

here's a protip for you: they're never printing these discs again. let that sink in you mongoloid faggot. nothing lasts forever. Are people jacking up prices and hoarding games:? yes. are you being a bitch about it on the internet? yes

>> No.9654784
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>path of destruction and the train never stops

>> No.9654787

ya swiss SD adapters exist
stop whinging

>> No.9654818
File: 147 KB, 747x999, F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont understand the logic in these threads?>?

do tards really expect to pay LESS than retail MSRP for an item that is 30+ years old?
for an item that is clearly in demand?
wtf entitled faggots

>> No.9654819

the point isn't just to play the game retard, that's why it's called collecting

>> No.9654821

I don't read books or ebooks. I read 4chan posts that help me increase my physical strength by merely reading them.

>> No.9654824

this is what they actually believe, yes. and this is why they hate CRT threads and why they hate collector threads and why their anuses are chronically inflamed and leaking all kinds of fluids

>> No.9654826

i don't read and i don't play video games. i don't even finish reading most of the posts i reply to. sometimes i don't even bother to fini

>> No.9654827

>There's plenty of people
Okay, but your argument should be that it's a good thing to do not that a lot of people do it. A lot of people shart in walmart too

>> No.9654830

You keep underestimating how entitled people in their 20s and younger are. They think the world owes them shit simply because they exist.

>> No.9654832

>How dare people own things!!! They should own nothing and be happy like me!!!

>> No.9654836

that is true, I bet a lot of the whinging does come from younger people without means

>> No.9654841

Calm down dude nobody's taking your collection of boxes, you can keep looking at them, just don't touch them or they go down in value

>> No.9654850

You can throw away your passive aggressiveness, poorfaggot, it's worth nothing.

>> No.9654853 [DELETED] 
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LMAO at all the fucking neckbeard shut in retards in the responses. Because we're grown ass fucking men and you shouldn't own toys, so you get made fun of for it. Touch grass and take a shower.

>> No.9654862 [DELETED] 

guess allowing marxists into university was a mistake afterall

history will repeat itself

>> No.9654870

Partially agree, but the same kind of speculators who'd buy an NFT of a monkey also drive up the price. And the same kind of people who will make money grading and slabbing a comic that came out last week to fleece those same speculators. Actually, maybe grading companies give out NFTs of the picture of the game or comic. That would be brilliant. Basically people who don't know or care about the hobby have done it, not just time.

>> No.9654872 [DELETED] 

little slow on that one, sherlock.

>> No.9654873

its not ALL speculation\boogeymen though
a LOT of it is due to echochamber effect & FOMO

>> No.9654875 [DELETED] 

absolutely based department

>> No.9654884 [DELETED] 

Your life is worth nothing. You will spend your life buying useless trash and you will die alone.

>> No.9654890 [DELETED] 
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>not playing rare\retro vidya with your hot wife

>> No.9654893 [DELETED] 

See you in the next poorfag cope thread.

>> No.9654894 [DELETED] 

You live in a bachelor apartment alone and gamer women have no loyalty or class.

>> No.9654895 [DELETED] 

you mean every single misterfpga thread?

>> No.9654897 [DELETED] 

Name one rich person who collects this shit. You probably scrape and save for your next find.

>> No.9654902 [DELETED] 

i get warned\banned when i post 3D women here
not that you would believe me anyway
this is a mongolian image-weaving board

please lighten the absolute fuck up anonkun
you cannot attract the things that you lack
pray ceaselessly

>> No.9654901 [DELETED] 

Oh, your seething autistic screeching suddenly makes perfect sense. I almost pity you.

>> No.9654906

Having a decent collection for a system is different than shelling out your life savings for shelf fodder.

>> No.9654912 [DELETED] 

Lmao, what kind of rhetoric is that? You can't no u out of this one, I'm not the one making weekly threads frustrated that I'll never own things.

>> No.9654913

how is it any different than being into: cars, guitar amplifiers, pinball machines, rare shoe collecting, etc

most hobbies are moneypits

>> No.9654914 [DELETED] 

Nobody wants to see your fat cow anyways, you limp wristed, balding metropolitan.

>> No.9654917 [DELETED] 

I've never been here before I just want to make fun of nerds. But seriously, name one rich person who collects trash. I'll wait.

>> No.9654923 [DELETED] 

>im poor and a newfag, i want to act like im owning u, heh nothin personnel

>> No.9654924

original Metal Max Xeno

>> No.9654935 [DELETED] 

this board is for the discussion of RETRO GAMES

if im warned\banned for stating simple truths
the entire thread should be pruned then
v reddit-tier

selective moderation = orwellian

>> No.9654937

I don't hate on physical collections I just hate on the market since it sucked all the fun and joy out of "the hunt". I also might just be personally bitter since my hunting pal moved so I don't have anyone to hunt with and that was where the majority of the fun came from.

>> No.9655017

Yeah I do. That’s what the cases are for, dipshit

>> No.9655070 [DELETED] 

I don’t follow TMZ shit and collecting doesn’t exactly require a lot of money but the most famous ones are probably Macaully Culkin (no clue how to spell his name), Jason Alexander and (RIP) Robin Williams

And obviously whoever’s buying shit like Stadium Events or NWC

>> No.9655091 [DELETED] 
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>retard who thinks thing that serves a use is "useless"

>> No.9655112

The majority of that demand is due to hypeheads online that make it "trendy" to own, not because they had any actual interest. If people cared about these games as much as they claimed, they wouldn't sell their shit as soon as next gen hits.

>> No.9655151

Yeah man that bubble will burst any minute when people dump their stashes. Any minute now.

>> No.9655163

The sour grapes angle has been so misused it's become a good way to spot a retard. People have said Pat Contri has sour grapes whenever he dumps on WATA grading despite the fact that the guy owns a gold NWC cart. It's not that nobody here can afford retro games. It's that they value the $100 bill more than they do a copy of fucking Mario Kart.

>> No.9655169

Where did i say anything about that? Its a fact that many more people got interested in what was considered "trash" to the populace before during the rise of randoms online gushing on about their niche interest. Thats why it was a poor person thing to collect.

>> No.9655172

Yeah but no one here is spending $100 on Mario Kart so why the reeeeeeeing? It seems obvious that it’s the jealousy

WATA is a different story since it’s a blatant scam, and because its driving prices up and taking units off the market

>> No.9655182

>for an item that is clearly in demand?
This is artificial. It's self-dealing and price fixing that's been driving up prices after a bunch of outside speculators got in and started colluding. There are actual lawsuits against Heritage Auctions as we speak. It's not remotely organic. And I can point to examples of bubbles that were organic. FFVII at one point jumped up to $80 for a while because there was a bit of an FFVII fever happening around the time that Advent Children came out. That eventually settled down. This is not that.

>> No.9655192

I’m saying there isn’t a mass dumping if retro games at a generation shift so I dunno what you’re on about

>> No.9655207

It's connected. WATA is causing a trickle down effect because the people who are colluding with it are independently wealthy and started buying everything up to slab them. They then set up their own online "stores" where they sell non-gradable things like loose carts. It's not that ordinary collectors or gamers suddenly went crazy. It's that outside forces with money to throw around started speculating on a hobby that prior to that didn't have that kind of influx. The exact same thing happened with comic books in the 90s and it nearly bankrupted Marvel.

>> No.9655218

whats he gonna do when that thing fills up

>> No.9655220

Poking in this thread to remind people this is really just an american thing. In other countries, like japan, you can regularly buy ten playstation 2 games for what would amount to ten USD. Or twenty playstation games for ten USD. No, they aren't just sports games, either.

>> No.9655224

That’s really only relevant to shit that gets pricy enough to move into the speculation market like Snatcher or whatever. Stuff like Melee climbs because the demand can’t meet supply.

This is obviously going to happen post market because no one’s printing more, copies are destroyed or lost or kept so the available pool shrinks while other people who could not buy the games in the past either because they were kids or because they weren’t born develop an interest. Over time, supply falls and demand rises, so naturally the prices go up. Alien III for the Genesis being $25 isn’t because of any kind of racketeering its just standard supply and demand

>> No.9655230

The "reeeeing" is because they've been priced out the hobby by a fucking dentist on WATA's payroll.

>> No.9655232 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9655238

Well yeah, collecting in Japan is a rich man’s hobby, no one has any fucking space

>> No.9655241 [DELETED] 

lol at least i don't bitch about it online haha, at least my anus isn't leaking like a squashed melon

>> No.9655250 [DELETED] 

yeah you're posting on 4chan you don't have a dick to stand on

>> No.9655253

Everything HAS moved into the speculation market. Have you not been seeing those clickbait articles "check your attic for these retro games!" and it lists a bunch of common ass games? A game doesn't have to be $3000 to be speculated. Super Mario World is now speculated. Sonic 2 is now speculated. Because speculators are the real hoarders at this point. They're just buying up whatever they see because they have the money to throw around. Imagine if Jeff Bezos decided to start hitting every buy it now on Ebay for every video game. You don't think that would affect the market?

>> No.9655258

Yeah, which is a modern trend spurred on by the online culture of what i said, though now also with bits of people being unable to buy the new hardware due to shucksters buying up all stock to flip.

>> No.9655261
File: 144 KB, 888x935, coomlect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a difference between coomlectors (nerds) and wannabe-Jews. Who are we talking about in this thread?

>> No.9655269 [DELETED] 

>a copy of Xexyz in the center frame
excellent taste and he looks genuinely happy.

>> No.9655270

I’m not saying this has zero impact, but the two biggest jumps in the market, 2011~ and 2020, we’re definitely caused by actual consumer’s entering the market. 2011 because of retro game youtube channels and 2020 because of the pandemic (and that wasn’t just games, as any collector of anything, every hobby you could do in your house went fucking skyward).

Resellers gonna resell but if there’s no demand they have no one to resell to. Taking games off the market to grade them is a scummy scam but does it really happen in huge numbers? I don’t see people doing that for shit that isn’t already pricing most people out. No one’s WATA grading Bug’s Life for the PS1

…I assume

>> No.9655279 [DELETED] 

Most would be happy to live like a mortal god-king.

>> No.9655284

I just don’t believe that’s happening en masse with copies of Revenge of Shinobi and shit

>> No.9655294

Covid absolutely had a giant effect that we're probably not fully out of yet. But that's also relevant here because all the people saying "waaah just sour grapes" are failing to account for this being an actual bubble. Is this natural or not? If Covid played a part then that's hardly "natural."

>> No.9655305
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>Metal Jesus
This guy should really take off the "Jesus" part from his name.

>> No.9655308

Ebay itself is a good indicator that it's happening. How many actual auctions are there anymore? Everything is just buy it nows from people's online stores. It wasn't that long ago people would sell lots. You'd see auctions like "20 games, no reserve." Those don't exist anymore. The thrifting culture of retro gaming evaporated.

>> No.9655318

I guess that depends on how you look at it. The COVID jump seems natural to me because its an expected reaction to new people entering the market, not any kind of artificial price manipulation

>> No.9655341

I recently got a 50 something title lot of doujin pc titles from the 2000s from Japan which surprised me. Was cool trying out just essentially a big box of stuff i wasn't familiar with again.

>> No.9655346

they are sparse
but they still exist
i just got a huge lot of n64 carts $3 a game

>> No.9655351

This is true, but also due in part to ebay just mostly being like that in general now

>> No.9655425
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NES games were on the way steadily down before 2020 by the way. I think we’ll see that trend continue over the next few years and then hit 4th gen and so on

>> No.9655428

It doesn't have to be deliberate price fixing for the market to get all fucked up artificially. Mostly because it doesn't really take a large number of people, just a handful in specific positions. This happens on the macro scale whenever Elon Musk tweets something on the toilet and it causes the stock market to go insane. MetalJesusRocks is the smaller scale equivalent of that in the video game sphere. You just didn't have any one person with that kind of power back in 2010. Maybe AVGN was the first? But his reviews were openly shitting on games so it wasn't the same as if he were saying "hey, get in on this!" the way MJR does.

Funny about the CRT mention because the same kind of thing is happening there. You can still find people just looking to throw them out but every so often you'll run across a random 13" Samsung labeled "great for gaming!" and an asking price of $50.

>> No.9655446

compare this graph to USD spending power\inflation

wow they are the same (minus the retrace you mentioned of course)

>> No.9655462

The timing is suspicious, isn't it? Nobody is going to care about NES games more than people who grew up with the NES. And those people are between 35 and 45 years old. Most consoles start climbing when the kids that grew up with them are in their 20s and start making adult money. 2020 is pretty fucking late for that to be happening with the NES, which had it's natural rise a few years earlier. The Atari had one before that. Both eventually started to come down. It really makes no sense for both the NES and GCN to be on the rise at the same time and have it be "natural."

>> No.9655474

A collection is fine as long as you're actually playing the games in it.

>> No.9655498

i can swing $80 or so if it has features im looking for
but my crt collection is basically maxed out
unless they have something that can tate mode or has RGB\component input they can fuck off

>> No.9655504

I dunno about “suspicious”, it’s easy to see why the price shot up in 2020

>> No.9655515

I mean suspicious as in external forces not related to "oh, well I guess people just like games!" There are obvious tells that it's a bubble.

>> No.9655530

imo its not so easy to see. A bunch of people entered the market. Maybe its a fad and the bubble will burst. Maybe they found a new lifelong hobby.

I want to be optimistic but I’ve been waiting for the 2011 bubble to burst for a decade now

>> No.9655657
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If you got into the hobby early, more than 10 years ago, you had a great time
But now it's a nightmare of scalpers and pirates and trolls that's not worth it anymore, especially considering hiw great the alternatives have become
So both sides have their reasons to feel like they do

>> No.9655691

Probably sour grapes, especially when you consider how completely fucked the retro games market is nowadays by scalping kikes. But hating on those who own old games/consoles just seems misdirected. The majority of the games I own are ones I've had since back in the day, since I never ever sell things. And I also used to always buy games for previous-gen systems after next-gen starts, since they used to be cheap as shit this way. But this is somehow the same as retards paying thousands for sealed WATA scams or needing a complete NES collection and during their living room into a gamestop replica.

Also not all old games are expensive, even going off ebay prices. Not everything is SOTN or Silent Hill where it goes for over 100 bucks. Plenty of common staple classics are typically quite cheap. Except for N64/Gamecube, fuck those markets

>> No.9655704

Are people actually buying those consumer CRTs though? I remember years back when scalpers started cornering the PVM market and sitting on them with prices set at 2000+. And even with those I'm never sure if any suckers actually took the bait. Now I see something similar happening with consumer sets on craigslist/faceberg, and I have to assume it's just idiots conflating their shitty Zenith with a BVM and thinking its valuable. I have a hard time imagining anyone actually paying for those meme listings

>> No.9655716

I noticed this as well. I haven't really bought anything off ebay in a long time but the other day I decided to take a look. It was surprising how few vidya auctions I saw. Just a few years back there would've been like 10x the amount of stuff listed. For any relatively common game, you used to be able to search for it and find never-ending listings for grabs. Now you're lucky to find two or three
What happened?

>> No.9655919

Love laughing at coomlectors who pay outrageous prices for games when near perfect emulators and flash carts exist. Instead of buying the games 20 years ago when they were cheap and emulation was still janky.
Get fucked timelets.

>> No.9655923

i hate emulation

>> No.9655925

>"I bought all this Chinese plastic at the hopes of eliciting envy from those around me and what I appropriately received instead was a consensus of disdain for my existence."

>> No.9655926

I dont think anyone dislikes the hate. I think though there is hate for some people like metal jesus for a greed kinda thing. Like saying his videos dont raise game prices and they do. Then you find out hes got like 20 copies of all the "hidden gems" and makes them seem like greedy fucks.

>> No.9655932

I bought games hoping to get games and I got games + seething

>> No.9655937

Plenty of emulation is still jank and will probably stay that way, honestly.

>> No.9656098

more like 100+, people are retarded. There's a monochrome coax crt going for over 100 dollars near me, and countless other stupid examples. some retard asking 200 dollars for a 36" trinny. I got mine for 50 which is plenty fair, but yes it's sad to see

>> No.9656106

This is the reason and
is the solution. Just dont pay $200 for a flash cart, they cost $30-$50.

>> No.9656110

To be fair a 36” Trinitron was like $2,000-$3,000 new so $200 doesn’t really seem that bad

Mind you I got mine for free so I also see the other side of it

>> No.9656117

Yeah but that's not how prices work. A PC from the 90s might have been thousands new but it's still going to be basically worthless scrap now that nobody is going to be willing to pay you for. Consumer CRTs are essentially scrap and anyone paying 200 dollars for one is a fucking rube.

>> No.9656123

Theyre trying to do it with vhs now. Theres an article where a sealed back to the future “””sold””” for like $8000.

Also crts can be found for free. Just got a 32 inch for free just had to drive over and pick it up.

>> No.9656147

kek, I saw that from the red letter media video. As soon as I heard there was graded sealed VHS speculation happening, I thought "gee I wonder who could be behind this". OF COURSE it's literally the exact same kikes as with the WATA scam.

Although it's even funnier with the sealed VHS tapes because even sealed, someone can just sweep a magnet by the outside and still erase everything on it.

>> No.9656161

I think you might want to take a look at any 360/PS3 games you may have been hesitating with buying. I just saw Ratchet and Clank Collection for PS3 at a shop for $70.

>> No.9656185

even gamestop used to have huge bin full of nes games that they would sell for a few dollars each in the early 2000s

>> No.9656216
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>that takes up space in your house
Most people like keeping things they enjoy in their homes yes. Not everyone wants to live the minimalist life style and cut out or severely pare down their physical media.

>> No.9656236
File: 300 KB, 225x225, 1655592708232.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I got my copy of Super Mario RPG by stealing it from my ex after they stole it from theirs
>Been 12 years and another break-up later and I've still got it

>> No.9656239

or they just want a CRT. value is subjective at the end of the day, and a large television like that is getting harder and harder to find. in 20 years it really will be a terrible chore to find one

>> No.9656246

not paying you for your old TV, shlomo

>> No.9656274

yeah nobody asked you to retard, rent free
also please plug your anus, it's leaking fluids all over the thread and we're getting complaints from polite society

>> No.9656276

don't worry, I'm sure someone will eventually be naive enough to pay 200 dollars for your busted worn-out tube in a decade or two. Have fun sitting on it until then, I'm sure the weight will be worth it.

>> No.9656309

lol dude i never said i was selling a television. literally rent free, learn to read haha please stop spraying your rectal juices all over this thread oh my god buddy

>> No.9656310

no it's just that obvious from how you're spending so much time justifying those kind of prices for consumer boob tubes.

>> No.9656315

because i said value is subjective? retard, if you've ever made any money in your life you'd know you can dictate how you spend it. when you get a job you'll understand

>> No.9656319

Yep. I don't mind "collecting" games that I will potentially play, but I don't get the point of collecting rare stuff if it's just going to sit on a shelf. Unless you're realistically able to complete a collection (e.g. every single NES game) or you're preserving rare stuff for posterity in some semi-official capacity, it just seems like there are more fun ways to spend your time and money.
I'll still sometimes buy physical copies of games I want to play even if I can to emulate or pirate them, because this will make me more likely to actually play the game, but it's not a big deal to me.

>> No.9656323

I don’t entirely agree. The owner has to be willing to part with it at whatever price they feel is worth it. And there is a demand, though small, for these TVs and no more supply.

What’s more, a 36” Trinitron is just about the most desirable consumer TV. Personally, I would not pay $200 for one, but I don’t think its completely unreasonable. Yes, ten years ago they were put out on the curb as trash, but that supply has dwindled as they’ve been either destroyed or claimed.

>> No.9656328

Was shitposting in a Starfield thread the other day and forgot to change the name. D'oh.
t. Definitely not Todd don't ask my about the Starfield release date please.

>> No.9656330

Even as a collector that’s utter insanity. Disc rot and bit rot are memed up but magnetic media really DOES have a limited shelf life on the sheer nature of the technology. I have a VHS collection but you would have to be an utter fool to pay that much for a copy of a film with that many copies in circulation, that’s fully preserved and easily accessible and had millions of physical copies in objectively superior and more durable formats. What in god’s name?

>> No.9656332

Emotionally retarded manchildren should kill themselves.
I don't see the problem.

>> No.9656336

I really need to hurry up and buy Afrika

>> No.9656340
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Crypto/superstonk speculation culture has infected basically every collectable market.

But even if it didn't, it's a finite and ever-decreasing supply and demand isn't collapsing anytime soon, Retro games provide better returns than the stock market.

>> No.9656345

>Retro games provide better returns than the stock market.
Until the fad dies and demand disappears, never to return.

>> No.9656346

Not him but the other guy—not only am I not trying to sell a TV I have actively given away several for free in the past year (and tragically had to toss a few out) because I moved. But the fact of the matter is that a 36” Trinitron is fairly desirable. The next step up after that is going to be a PVM (unless you prefer a shadow mask) and we all know what those go for, plus they won’t be that size. eBay isn’t really an option because Jesus Fucking Christ Can You Imagine the Shipping.

If you aren’t content to scoop up what the few remaining grannies and grandpas are putting on the curb, I think you’re going to be forced to pay before much longer

>> No.9656349


The only thing PS4/Xbone games have in their favor is the decreased number of physical disks. Rarity isn't an issue, there's like 50 PS4 games and all of them sold at 10 million copies.

>> No.9656353

I’ve been waiting for it to happen for a decade
Maybe it will but I’m starting to give up hope

>> No.9656357

???? M8 are you high

>> No.9656362


Atari games collapsed in price because Atari the brand is dead. Nintendo has kept their NES-era brands perpetually relevant, even gen beta kids in 2060 are gonna want to play the first Mario and Zelda games.

>> No.9656369

The collapse won't be as swift as it was with comic books in the 90s, but it's well on its way.
The only thing propping it up is widespread use of e-commerce.
Are retro game stores even a thing anymore?

>> No.9656370 [DELETED] 


There's a reason why every new game seems to have record breaking sales: there just aren't as many games anymore. There are no "hidden gems" or anything between AAA and indieshit. Who's gonna pay $100 for a bluray of TLOU2?

>> No.9656381


Each new generation has fewer games than the last, hence why you see such eye-popping sales for games now. There are no "hidden gems" or anything between AAA and indieshit. Combine that with the trend of re-releasing games for each new generation and nobody's paying $100 for a copy of RDR2.

>> No.9656382

>Stuff like Melee climbs because the demand can’t meet supply.
And what's driving that demand? It at least makes sense with GCN because a 5 year old in 2002 is now in his mid-20s so the demand would get a boost because there's a rush on those old games. Combined with Covid making people crazy and the inherent Nintendo tax associated with their consoles, it all adds up to a bubble that can be explained as "normal." But why is the demand so great that it's happening universally across the entire hobby?

>> No.9656383

Yeah I live in a midsize western city of about 250,000 and we have three different ones. Only one is a larger chain.

A nearby larger city has about 5 I think?

>> No.9656387

I think you must exist in a different world than me. For starters, there are companies like Limited Run and Super Rare Games. And while the AA game is largely dead, that wasn’t true at the start of the gen. Shit like Deception IV is out there. Or PSVR games like Astro Bot.

>> No.9656389

>Collecting masses of expensive plastic that take up room in your house.

I just don't understand when emulation has been a thing since the late 1990s.
Also the plastic from the 90s is all this god awful yellow colour now from age (looks like they are covered in ciggie smoke)

Having a physical collection sounds like a headache when i can just boot up any game i want on my steam deck.

>> No.9656393

Because old people don’t leave the hobby at the same rate that new kids get into it. These games have a legacy that extends past nostalgia.

>> No.9656403

That may be a factor, but PCE/Turbografx games can go for a fair bit so I think there’s more to it.

I think its a fundamental limitation with the hardware. The games are not visually or mechanically as interested. Most are ports of arcade games or designed with arcade sensibilities. You are not excited to see the next stage because at best the background might be a different color. There are no compelling storylines or characters, though there were in some contemporary PC games.

The games people remember now—River Raid, Adventure, Yar’s Revenge—all have something visually unique, a good sense of progression or more modern gameplay mechanics. I wasn’t into games until after the NES’s heyday but it is easy to go back to them and enjoy what they have to present. Outside of historical curiosity, it is much more difficult to connect with an Atari 2600 game

>> No.9656409

Yeah, CRTs are a special case because it's still a local market. You're generally at the mercy of what's within driving distance. And within that distance there's going to be limited demand anyway. Not only are there really not that many people who want CRTs, most people don't want more than one or two. They get one and then they're out of the market. And the bigger tubes are such an annoyance to most folks that they're not willing to sit around and wait for the one guy who's willing to pay the most for it. They just want it gone.

>> No.9656417

>there's like 50 PS4 games
Limited Run literally just put up their 500th PS4 game for sale. 500 games just on PS4. To put that into perspective, the SNES has around 700 games in North America TOTAL.

>> No.9656431

Those kids don't care about physical though. If they want to play Zelda they'll go through a digital channel, official or not. They aren't buying an NES with a cartridge unless they're the equivalent of the oddball millennial with a vinyl fixation.

>> No.9656434

You realize that oddball millennials with a vinyl fixation are not rare and prop up entire businesses focused on the hobby?

>> No.9656437

I don't think new kids are interested in old consoles to any meaningful degree. My nephew won't give a game the time of day if he has to use the d-pad and face buttons to play it. His hands don't have the muscle memory to play a game that isn't primarily dual analog and shoulder buttons. He ends up barely able to do anything and gets bored.

>> No.9656442

It's rare enough to be niche.

>> No.9656445

Being a shopaholic doesn't make you an authority on video games.

>> No.9656449

I played on tons of real console and arcade hardware in the 90s and early 2000s. I still have eight or nine consoles + games in storage but never use them. I had a supergun I rarely used because I was more interested in advancemame in the late 2000s.

I do not regret switching to emulation.

>> No.9656559
File: 137 KB, 1040x780, PC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to make a thread for this, but what's the reason for boxed retro PC games being worth nothing while console games sell for prices over their original MSRP?

>> No.9656565

Less people with nostalgia.
Warez being a big part of PC gaming.

>> No.9656575

Also PC gamers tended to skew older. You just don't have the same nostalgia for shit when you were 16 compared to 8.

>> No.9656626

Would you pay $15,000 for a 1992 Taurus with 300,000 miles and a dick painted on the hood

>> No.9656632

this. Likewise, I always felt like there was more of a disconnect between the physical game media and the software when it came to PC. I associate a PC game with its icon on the desktop, rather than with a CD or floppy, since I'd essentially only use those once to install a game and then never touch them again until reinstalling.

Also even when playing retro games, it never really "feels" retro to me on PC because of PC being a continuous platform instead of being discreet hardware with demarcations like with new console hardware. I played Half Life on my computer, I played HL2 on my computer, I played a modern game on my computer, it's all just on my computer, idk.

And I just did a quick glance and it actually DOES seem like complete boxed PC games are pretty fucking expensive for notable PC games like the fallouts and system shocks and so on.

>> No.9656641
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I don't get this meme. If you're collecting games to play them then the value doesn't matter because they'll never be sold. Once a game enters my library it never leaves.

>> No.9656650 [DELETED] 

>You will spend your life buying useless trash and you will die alone
Pretty sure my wife and kids will be with me when I pass from this world and into the next, unless I die through some freak accident. Speak for yourself, anon.

>> No.9656657
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Shit take. My life savings are in the bank and in my investments. I buy games with the portion of my budget that I allocate for hobbies and entertainment.

>> No.9656658

First game I got for my first pc in 1996 was a pirated copy of doom 2. I probably have more nostalgia for warez than retail sold games

>> No.9656662

There used to be, but most game sales are digital now.

>> No.9656686

Nobody is dumping PS4 games regardless because they're the only thing they're playing on their PS5 and poorfags that trade in everything they own to FUCKING GAMESTOP to get a new console haven't had a chance to get a PS5 anyways.

>> No.9656709
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You used to be able to pick up last-gen games/consoles for pennies. But even now, sony still has new PS4s at way too high a price point, and used options aren't all that better either. I don't know what happened, but it's annoying.

Still can't justify paying that price just to play one (1) game , bloodborne. Not to mention even if I did buy a PS4 or Xboner, what happens in the future when the servers shut down? Even if I make sure to buy "physical only", a lot of 8th gen onward gameshave massive day-one updates with half the content not even on the disc.

>> No.9656713

When the Switch released a lot of people dumped their 3DS collections. Maybe not to GameStop, but if you browsed around online it was super easy to find 3DS systems and games for super cheap for a while. This shit happens literally all the time and if you miss out on that then it's your own fault. PS4 is an exception because Sony launched their next gen without even launching their next gen.

>> No.9656742

>what happens in the future when the servers shut down? Even if I make sure to buy "physical only", a lot of 8th gen onward gameshave massive day-one updates with half the content not even on the disc.
A lot of PS4 games are literally just a download code on a disc and the entire game has to be downloaded and installed in order to play, and the disc is just a key to unlock drm to play it. And to make matters worse, Sony throttles the download speeds from PSN, So everything takes forever. I live in the same city as the Sony servers for my entire continent and have a fiber internet connection and yet the download speeds for PSN are SO SLOOOOOOOW. It's awful. I've only used it as a blu-ray player since 2016, and it's been sitting in my closet for a year or so now. Plus there's just nothing worth playing on the console that isn't available elsewhere. I've thought about selling my console and games, but then I would have nothing to watch blu-rays with, and I might as well hold onto the games until the servers get shut down because they're not worth anything if I sell them. I hate the PS4 and I hate Sony, I'm never buying a PlayStation console again.

As for Xbox, I think you don't need to worry about servers unless the brand goes out of business. You can still buy 360 and even original Xbox games digitally and play them on the newer consoles. It seems they've done a good job about backwards compatibility. But unfortunately, just like with the PS4 there's nothing on it that's worth playing.

>> No.9656828

>It seems they've done a good job about backwards compatibility.
They've never done a good job of BC. The Xbox games you can play on Series X are a subset of the ones emulated on Xbone which were a subset of the ones emulated on 360, minus the ones that have had digital distribution licensing completely expire in the meantime. Anything disk only on 360, MS published with licensed cars, otherwise in the 50% of original Xbox games they didn't care enough to let you play on 360, etc. you can permanently go fuck yourself. Games like DOAX, PGR1-2, and MechAssault 1 you will never ever be able to play on anything but an original Xbox, Chromehounds, DoA4, PGR3-4 and Otomedius Excellent will forever be stuck on 360, etc.

The Xbone versions of these games are all a separate download from the originals so the 360 downloads can be (and are) delisted separately. Many games are just going to be impossible to buy for the Xbox family of consoles entirely now like Daytona USA. In terms of servers MS hosts so much bullshit they can't even keep track of so I'm not necessarily worried about it shutting down servers as a cost saving or logistical measure necessarily but if they don't want you to have something anymore they will damn well take it away.

>> No.9656838

My brain makes dopamine when I put a little plastic guy from a video game next to a copy of the game he's from on my bookshelf.

>> No.9656867

>When and why did it become cool to hate on people for having physical collections?
Its not. I have 150 xbox360, 85 PS2, and 48 PS1 plus 100 PC including the big boxes for halflife and starcraft, I love the lightgun games and music games as well as steering wheels, microphone and kinect games, eyetoy games, dance mat, buzz controlers etc and collect those but have xbox360, PS2, PS1 memory cards etc. All I can tell you is do it anons. Right now I am playing a game called eat lead. Great fun. I have hundreds of cool games to play though because I was busy raising a family and working. I have 200 games to work though. Finished some halos, most of skyrim, aliens colonial marines, homefront, lord of the rings war in the north, medal of honour warfighter loving it. Bought it all a year ago for nothing from small ads. Could not give a fucks what sour cunts think really enjoying my games again. I do not want subscriptions, online or multiplayer. Any recommendations for cool peripheral games let me know

>> No.9656880

>What's the appeal of collecting?
Because back when I wanted these things but was paying for children's dentistry etc I would walk into the store and go one day maybe. The games were 50-70$ on release and the consoles and peripherals just as expensive. Now I walking in and have my 42" HD TV and a bookcase better than the range that was ever in any store.
>Why is that appealing when you can download it for free with better QOL?
You can't download or use the peripherals and emulation has never been the same since space invaders cabinet. PC games for PC console games on their console with their controller...

>> No.9656884

are you mentally retarded

>> No.9656887

Reminds me of Laserdisc fanatics who always tried to make it "a thing" like vinyl is to music in the DVD era, they never convinced anyone and would only finally shut up when they got unequivocally BTFO by Blu-Ray and widespread disc rot.
Something is seriously wrong with the world when people are shilling shit that's 100x worse than LD and sort of succeeding. Videotapes are junk you throw out or give away, and most of them at this point are degraded, unwatchable or something that's going to get stuck inside your VCR and make you clean your read heads. You have to be an absolute retard to pay more than a dollar on a tape, or just a regular dimwit to pay anything at all.

>> No.9656893

No I'm not but you may have damaged your brain by being to try hard sarcastic fail because to be you just seem sour stupid and joyless as well as pathetically jealous.

>> No.9656898

>collecting games to play them
I wouldn't call that collecting then, that's just buying and playing games like a normal person. Collecting is when you buy shit because you want to have a collection

>> No.9656903

Did you even read before you posted your seethe? Are you going try making emulated kinect, dj hero, or light gun games work? Fuck off and do that then while other people enjoy...playing the games.

>> No.9656913

I think spending $1000 on an old game just to put on display is retarded and insecure. That's just my opinion though. The people who actually play those games,, I think they're ok.

>> No.9656914

The VHS market pretty much grew out of Disney being cunts about DVD releases, I think. Which sort of made sense, "hey I want to watch this movie the way I remember it and not how some fucking jew decided to remaster it for a limited time only", but then led to trying to meme people into buying stuff where they could get the same content on BD.

Okay so you're either retarded or so debilitatingly ESL you may as well be

>> No.9656921

>download or use the peripherals
So collect peripherals then. Don't really need original software to use original controllers.

>> No.9656925

Oh I like collecting. I have a collection of firearms, ancient Roman and medieval coins, antique swords, first edition books, signed books. Gold and silver jewellery and tableware, Its fun. I like glancing across a couple of hundred games on a shelf and picking one out because back in the era of Xbox360s and PS2s it was physical distribution. I have no idea why anyone would bother with fucking around with emulation when its less than 100$ for an xbox360 cables controller and a stack of games. Thirdworld maybe? Is this seething poorfags?

>> No.9656930

All you can do is post ESLpost and retardpost. You're obviously wrong sure but your also inarticulate with coping and seething

>> No.9656934

I still have old VHS/betamax tapes from back in the day. Doesn't hurt that my dad was a huge A/V dork and had really high-end sony VCRs and other equipment.

I would never ever pay money for a VHS tape or anything like that, and objectively tapes are terrible quality and strictly inferior to everything that's come out since. But I still find it nostalgic to open-palm slam a beta tape into the slot and watch the original unedited star wars movies on my CRT that way, the way I watched them when I was a kid. It's just a sentimental thing. A frivolity or gimmick, really, but I find it fun.

>> No.9656936 [DELETED] 

What's his world record for?
Most haram video game collection?

Because if so I think I might have him beat

>> No.9656943

You may be able to work around it with some of them in emulation if you fuck around endlessly but what the point when you can just....use it straight away as designed? I mean I get poorfags have to use torrented isos on emulation, sure ok whatever but not everyone has to live in their fucking dungeon of pain and coping spite.

>> No.9656950

>Metal Jesus and those Pixel Squad guys
idk who tf those are
I don't hate people with physical collections. If it makes you happy and hurts no one, buy all the games you want. Money well-spent (since it ain't my money).
I'm perfectly okay with emulating and have been since 1998 or so, when I met Brad Levicoff, better known as Zophar, at a suburban Philadelphia mall and he introduced me to it. Sold off my entire collection of literally thousands of games that year.

>> No.9656953

It also has a different perception. VHS was like every other media format as a vehicle for viewing the content. The media itself was just a container. Video games, only until relatively recently, were more tied to their machine. Mario 3 was an NES game and not playable elsewhere. You had remakes and emulation but the physical cart/disc and the game itself seemed more...connected? Like a VHS copy of a movie and a Laserdisc copy of the same movie were all just ways to access the movie but an NES cart was the game, not just a way to access it. It feels different.

>> No.9656957

I bought the shit and games to play the games. no other reason games I played or wanted to paly in my 20s or 30s and never got to. Now I am playing them and having fun. The trying to be edgy jealous types screaming 'you must own nothing because I own nothing' should try having fun sometime......its fun to look in charity stores and find some more as well and its fun having a collection. Tough tit poorfags. These consoles and games are so fucking cheap that you can spend 100$ and have loads of fun. You go crouch in front of your iso downloads with your indignant onions face on.

>> No.9656959

Says him and he's right.

>> No.9656964

>everyone who likes books wants a library
Wait... There are people who "like books" and don't have a library? I have an extremely small collection, only a couple hundred books, but I have one and I haven't even read an actual book since Susanna Clarke's Piranesi was published.

>> No.9656965

>fucking around with emulation
It is in fact you who's fucking around. Emulation has been more convenient than real hardware for all /vr/ related content for years now. The fact that it's free is great too. But if you're a richfag living in a mansion full of ancient swords and piles of gold I'm sure having a separate tv for each console or even a separate room to play in, I'm sure that's super convenient and comfy too, so good for you. If you're a poorfag with 15 old consoles hooked up to 1 tv in one room I'm pretty sure emulation is still more convenient that what you're doing

>> No.9656971

>Are people actually buying those consumer CRTs though?
I had mine since 2005 and just never threw it out. Its a nice 32 inch 16:9 with stero0 speakers. Its hooked up to a PS1 and a PS2 with a GCon45 and A Guncon 2. Cracking fun. Have another PS2 on a 40 inch LCD with a controller and a wheel and the XBOx360s on a 42 inch oled, one with the speed wheel and a controller another with a controller and a wheel and pedals and another with a kinect and mics. Have all the wierd shit lie chatpads and headsets and microphones etc etc.

100% fun.

>> No.9656973


>> No.9656979

>Are people actually buying those consumer CRTs though?
Absolutely yes and some of them for high prices

>> No.9656982

>It is in fact you who's fucking around. Emulation has been more convenient than real hardware for all /vr/ related content for years now. The fact that it's free is great too. But if you're a richfag living in a mansion full of ancient swords and piles of gold I'm sure having a separate tv for each console or even a separate room to play in, I'm sure that's super convenient and comfy too, so good for you. If you're a poorfag with 15 old consoles hooked up to 1 tv in one room I'm pretty sure emulation is still more convenient that what you're doing
Okay so its poorfag cope. Fine. It sounded like it and...it is. OK. Enjoy your fucking emulations and stop patting yourself on the back for buying some poxy graphics card. I have a room just for my clothes and shoes you fucking womble and I was building PCs when you were liquid.

>> No.9656984
File: 2.88 MB, 4032x3024, C5A25E91-F20A-4376-B670-15B887F3058A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why the Rockman amiibo goes next to Rockman 7, and the Ryuka amiibo goes next to Mother 3


>> No.9656985


>> No.9656996

Oh so you do have 15 old consoles hooked up to 1 tv in one room then huh. Hey if you enjoy it that's fine dude

>> No.9657000

It's because every one of the collectors I've met with more than 300 games has been a dumbass who is shit at games and doesn't really know that much about any specific genre of gaming. They just have surface level knowledge that is often very inaccurate.

I'd much rather hear from a guy who is very good at a few games and has deep knowledge of a particular genre they enjoy.

>> No.9657001

I still find PS2 and Xbox 360 games for a a couple of bucks in charity stores. Great hobby. Sorry poorfags. You can just dream and seethe.

>> No.9657004

Bongs are a cancer upon retro vidya

>> No.9657009

No, it isn't. That's an actual retard take.

>> No.9657012

I used to hoard old games too and then I realized I'm never getting those old consoles out of boxes and my PC doesn't even have a disk drive anymore, so I stopped

>> No.9657014

Are you two actually form the third world? Here in the first world people have been collecting everything from stamps to coins to video games to antiques to weapons to teddy bears and cars and art and everything in between for profit and pleasure and interest for hundreds of years. In fact pretty much every world renowned library, art gallery or museum starts off with some private collector with an interest. What the fuck even are you coping poorfag seethers on? Its still button money to buy PS2, PS1 or XBox360s from small adds or estate auctions? How fucking poor are you? How the fuck can you afford a decent PC but not a couple of notes for your favourite old console and games.

>> No.9657020

Buy at estate auctions, thrift and charity stores and small ads anon. I got all my console stuff for less than 500 bucks and I have six consoles and over 200 games as well as all the lightguns, wheels etc. If you go to speciality shops opr dealers for anything you will get gouged and that applies to vidya, books or anything else.

>> No.9657024
File: 2.81 MB, 4032x3024, 4271A0BE-B464-4BB6-B4E9-378442BA63F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, a collection is just a group of things. To collect is to gather. And a collector is someone who collects something of a specific type.

If you have a library of games then ykh have a collection. If you add to that library, you collect. And that makes you a collector by default.

>I have an extremely small collection, only a couple hundred books
Lmao that's not small. I guess in terms of a library it's small, but that's a decent sized collection.

>> No.9657026

It's because for a collector the most important thing about a game is owning it. Not playing it. Not learning about it. Not appreciating it for anything other than the feeling of "having it" in a way that makes them feel smugly superior. There's a lot to unpack in what that means but it's probably something to do with arrested development and a desire to have ALL the games they were they dreamed they could as a kid. A lot of collectors talk about how holding a game in their hands calms them and reminds them of their childhood. They don't talk about playing the games because that is secondary, or not even a factor at all.
tl:dr big-time (hundreds of games) collectors aren't really video gamers anymore and that frustrates people who play the games that these same people somehow ended up becoming their "voice" on places like youtube

>> No.9657027

Based museum starter.

>> No.9657029

>And let's be honest: if you can't afford to buy games that cost less than new games, you're probably extremely poor. At that point you should just emulate or find a new hobby. But why attack other people who do collect just because you can't afford to do so?
Because they don't love the games, the hardware, the art or the accessories or are from teh third world where few of any of this stuff is available because 1$ a day. They are so fucking poor they don't understand collecting full stop whether its art antiques or books. To them money is for the bowl of rice and the laptop is for stealing and scamming

>> No.9657037

>Oh so you do have 15 old consoles hooked up to 1 tv in one room then huh. Hey if you enjoy it that's fine dude
NO you can't real. I have six hooked up to 3 and three of them are on one screen. yes I do and its fucking great. I also have a leather lazyboy. Go on and scream in pain.

>> No.9657038

Collectors don't love the games, hardware, or art. If they did they'd spend more time with them instead of just looking for the next big buy on ebay.

>> No.9657039

>I have six
So I have access to more consoles than you huh. Still, nice setup, good for you. Enjoy it bro

>> No.9657040
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Shut up and eat your bowl of rice.
Your obvious lying in between salty tears of poorfaggotry and cope is mixing with the seethe and becoming text

>> No.9657042

>It's because for a collector the most important thing about a game is owning it. Not playing it. Not learning about it. Not appreciating it for anything other than the feeling of "having it" in a way that makes them feel smugly superior.
You're actually projecting, that's you with your downloaded isos is it? Sitting there seething and imagining people who buy old games and consoles and play them and have fun are joyless little bitter poorfag fucks like you?

>> No.9657045

>You're literally paying hundreds
Maybe you or other retards.

>> No.9657049

>Collectors don't love the games, hardware, or art. If they did they'd spend more time with them instead of just looking for the next big buy on ebay.
please stop crying in public. Your imagination of what collectors do or enjoy just that. Imaginary however your obvious poorfag coping is very real.

>> No.9657054

You've broken up and stopped making sense. The seething and jelousy has rotted your brain

>> No.9657057

>It's because for a collector the most important thing about a game is owning it. Not playing it. Not learning about it. Not appreciating it for anything other than the feeling of "having it" in a way that makes them feel smugly superior.
You're projecting. When I get a new game the first thing I do (besides clean the pins) is pop that sucker in and play it. Most people tend to use the things they spent money on.

>> No.9657060

On what basis are you assuming I don't play the games I bought? You live in your own little psycho bubble of cope and seethe. It does not even make sense.
>. Finished some halos, most of skyrim, aliens colonial marines, homefront, lord of the rings war in the north, medal of honour warfighter loving it

>> No.9657062

Every PALtard that thinks they have a relevant opinion in this thread deserves to be beheaded, but especially the ones trying to LARP they aren't poor because they have a bunch of shit games that are 10% as expensive as the ones that run the right frame rate.

>> No.9657063
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The main cope of poors, especially on /vr/ is to project the cartoon stereotype of the soi manchild that doesn't actually care about videogames, and attack that instead. Because they know very well people that collect videogames on /vr/ aren't like that. It's textbook strawmanning. They're bitter and jealous.

>> No.9657070

The degree of bitterness and cope in this thread from worthless pennyless seething thrash is off the chart. Literally 'Nooooooooooooooo you can't like that and enjoy it'

>> No.9657093

The previous 10 posts all look like they were written by the same guy.

>> No.9657101

more cope based on hopium

>> No.9657104

first time?

>> No.9657105

I live in a bubble of cope and seethe because I play the games that I buy?
Anon, the only psycho here is you

>> No.9657107

And for some reason he's extremely upset and angry while saying how everyone is super jealous of him. Hey if you're a richfag I'm jealous of you, just stop being so bitter and sad bro, we're all jealous of you bro, just cheer up

>> No.9657112

>that's not small
It's literally just three bookshelves worth of books IE nothing. One bookshelf holds about 80 books or so. People overestimate the amount of space a book takes up.

>> No.9657115

Yes you do I'm guessing your underage though for a start you sound like teen looking for something to rage at. You keep repeating that people don't play the games they collect. I do. So you are wrong. You sound dumb and ragely and on the verge of tears, again typical teen. Get over yourself. Don't collect games then. No one gives a shit. Sit there and seethe but if other people enjoy it your thoughts are worth fuck all and nothing..

>> No.9657123

That's because these 'people' can only imagine having possessions like several books on a shelf. That's unimaginable to them. They don't even have running water. YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY. Yet they are not happy....

>> No.9657129
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>> No.9657140
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3 shelves is nothing to sneeze at though. I had 3 shelves of books before I cleared them out to make room for games (digitized some, sold some) and between hauling some to the book store to sell or hauling some to the post office to ship to the digitization company I and my spine know damn well that it's a lot of books.
>Yes you do I'm guessing your underage though for a start you sound like teen looking for something to rage at.
I'm 26.
>You keep repeating that people don't play the games they collect.
Anon, I'm OP - do you not recognize me if I don't include a pic of a corner of my shelf? I told you multiple times already that most people use the things that they spent money on. Please go back to /v/ if you're going to be a schizo.

>> No.9657156

>When and why did it become cool to hate on people for having physical collections?
It's just jealousy

>> No.9657157

Cope and seethe.

>> No.9657164

Of coarse he hasn't. He's a zoomer that grew up hoarding roms.

>> No.9657173

>I and my spine know damn well that it's a lot of books
True. In the hundreds, books become quite heavy.

>> No.9657190

Yes, exactly. I wish I could have held on to them but Tokyo homes aren't built with game collectors in mind so I can either collect books or I can collect games and there's no way I can collect books when my game collection is as large as it is.

>> No.9657291

>yet another zoomer larps on the 4chin

>> No.9657530

One more game, one more app...

>> No.9657591

I don't know and I don't care. My collection isn't for other people's enjoyment and if they don't like it they can eat my pubic shavings.

>What's the appeal of collecting?
Because I enjoy the simplicity and nostalgia of putting a disk or cartridge in to a console and playing an old game I love. I enjoy seeing the cases, the manuals, and the media itself.

>you're paying hundreds
Just because some of my games are worth over $100 it doesn't mean I paid anywhere close to that. I bought everything new or used and cheap.

>takes up space in your house
Let me guess, you're a yuro? I can see a collection being a problem when you're living in a 200 sq ft apartment.

>when you can download it for free with better QOL
While there are rom hacks/fan made patches that can improve the game emulation isn't always perfect. Not all games have QOL improvements when emulated either.

>I fully admit that I still own my old games for sentimental reasons
Then why the fuck did you make this post? I didn't get to play every single game I wanted as a kid. Now I have the money to do so and most games are still cheap.

I could see Signalis going up in value. It checks the boxes for "games that become stupidly expensive". Survival horror, actually good, didn't get a lot of sales, fairly unknown at time of release. I'm pretty sure most of its sales are on steam/digital so physical copies will be fairly scarce. NA physical release starts later this month. I'm contemplating getting a few copies just resell later.
>but all those Signalis threads on /v/
That's not an indicator for shit. Ask your normie friends and coworkers that play video games what they think of Signalis and they will ask you wtf is that.

>> No.9657630

>It's just jealousy
This is the weakest of copes.
The only people that are legitimately going to be envious of some OCD sperg's hoard of chink plastic are other spergs with OCD.
Few gamers are going to care, and even fewer normies. That latter crowd is more likely to be bemused than amused.

>> No.9657634

>Not all games have QOL improvements when emulated either.
I don't know of any modern emulators without any time pausing, save states, fast forward, and controller remapping

>> No.9657648

That's not QOL, that's just cheating.

>> No.9657656

>I don't care
So why the wall of text?
The words "I don't care" carry very little weight if you proceed to follow them up with a rant.
You're not just secure, you're in denial over your own insecurity.
It's quite sad, really.

>> No.9657672

You can tell that guy is fucking hollow inside, jesus christ. For having the largest game collection he sure seems enthusiastic about it

>> No.9657694

okay carl jung you're clearly too smart for the rest of us simpletons so kindly fuck off then.

>> No.9657705

So is romhacking you dumbass

>> No.9657710

This is textbook projection. Psychology 101.

>> No.9657717

I accept your concession of defeat.
Most people would take this as an opportunity for introspection and self improvement, but I know that you're going to curl up in the fetal position and cry instead.

>> No.9657723

>I'm not mad, y-y-you are!
lmao, even

>> No.9657725

Then why do you care? Are you mentally ill? Clearly you're obsessed. Perhaps you have an undiagnosed condition.

>> No.9657727

It's pathetic how bad you want prices to come down.

>> No.9657729

Idk what romhacks you're playing but I'm playing stuff that either changes the base game into a completely different game (Like Hellfire Saga), adds more levels (Grumps Dream Course), or adds color to Game Boy games (various DX hacks). If you're playing easy mode hacks then speak for yourself, cheating faggot.

>> No.9657732

It's weird how you're freaking out about him elaborating on his thoughts instead of giving you a one liner. Literally what even is that complaint. Phone posters like you are what ruined this site.

>> No.9657736

>Then why do you care?
Point to where I said I did, retard
>Are you mentally ill? Clearly you're obsessed. Perhaps you have an undiagnosed condition.
It's called trolling, you sperg.
I troll hoarders because they are easily provoked, and in some cases emotionally unstable.
Your post proves this.

>> No.9657738

Continued textbook projection, complete with insistent denial.

>> No.9657740

Oh look, another sperg falling for obvious bait.
This thread still has some life left in it.

>> No.9657754

Total overhaul isn't QoL

>> No.9657787

"Quality of life" hacks are just cheats being written directly into the code of the rom.

>> No.9657804

It's so funny that obviously mentally ill people think they have the faculties or the authority to psychoanalyse anybody.
Go on, keep telling me what's wrong with me while you cuddle your favourite NES cartridge while you wait for mummy to cook you up another batch of tendies.

>> No.9657812

Wow. This is projection that even my students would love to deconstruct.

>> No.9657865

Accusations of projection fall flat on their face if you have to resort to obvious larping, and all you have to say is "wow, just wow."
Just give up, you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.9657886
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>> No.9657912

I don't own a collection because there are so few games per console that I care to replay. I would have to own almost every single console with only like three or four games to get the most out of an authentic retro experience.
I do fantasize about owning a Dreamcast sometimes. But when I give it some thought, I know it'll just end up collecting dust and someone else who would actually love it is better off owning it.

>> No.9657926

This lack of self awareness is actually quite common among those who project their feelings and insecurities onto others.

>> No.9657935

I'm perfectly aware that I'm trolling a bunch of retards to kill time on a slow work day.
You, on the other hand, refuse to accept this reality.

>> No.9657964
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>> No.9657973

sour grapes: the thread

>> No.9658031

>buying a game you always wanted or it means a lot to you
>not playing a game before you pay hundreds of dollars for it when you could just get a flashcart, burn a disc or use ode
Congrats, you are literally retarded
>obsessively buying every single game you can even if you wouldnt ever play them just because you need to have them all
You are a mentally ill hoarder, seek professional help

>> No.9658078
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There's 94 posters in this thread and it's interesting how around 1/5 of them have made comments about spending hundreds of dollars per game when the vast majority of retro games don't cost anywhere near that much. Come up with a better argument please.

>> No.9658102

Berserk and the Band of the Hawk

>> No.9658110

There's no argument to be had.

>> No.9658202

Of course not, because most retro games don't cost hundreds of dollars. Most cost less than new games.
Imagine paying money for a DRM ticket that won't work anymore after the PSN servers get shut down. You might as well just get those games digitally and save some money.

>> No.9658247

Based professor dabbing on morons.

>> No.9658319

>larper is samefag
Who woulda ever thought

>> No.9658348

That’s not nearly as true as people claim. Most new games still sell more copies physically (or did as of like last year), and we don’t have any data on used ohysical sales

>> No.9658352

>A lot of PS4 games are literally just a download code on a disc and the entire game has to be downloaded and installed in order to play
This is also less often true than reported. Most games have a day one latch but it is more often than not small bugfixes and such

>> No.9658357 [DELETED] 

>collectors are poos confirmed

>> No.9658365

You might want to check into tbat again. Sad times we're living in.
Bullshit. I have a PS4 more often than not nearly the entire game had to be downloaded, not just bugfixes because they couldn't be played without the patch. One of the games I even repurchased on the Switch and it had none of that bullshit.

>> No.9658387

You are straight wrong on point 2 and need to check up yourself
There are groups that track these things. Not having a completable game on the disc is, as of now, rare

On point one I’ll look into updated data but it was true until recently at least. The advent of discless consoles may be changing that, but people assumed otherwise for years without actually looking at the data. I assume because they were falling for advertising.

>> No.9658394

I should clarify—point one is referring only to games that have a physical option
It is waning and is probably on the tipping point if its not already. But data is often misrepresented to make it look like fewer consumers prefer physical than is really the truth

>> No.9658470

I think it just hit a 50/50 split between physical and digital recently. So for the first time digital is poised to overtake physical in sales in the near future.

>> No.9658475


The number of Xbox games that have the Series X version on the disc instead of through Smart Delivery is hilariously small. The discs themselves are almost universally Xbox One games.

>> No.9658692

Valuing physical possessions above experiences is both morally wrong and a symptom of immaturity. Retro games are a medium in which the experience of playing them can be accessed for free, instantly, and conveniently. Those who focus the time and energy they devote to retro games on physical objects rather than on actually playing the games are immature and materialistic and therefore cringe. Collecting children's toys (which most game consoles and accessories were) as an adult is childish. Collecting eg stamps is also childish and immature, that's why it has traditionally been the domain of autistic weirdos. You all know you're manchildren, so you hide behind the double-think of
>it's not that expensive anyway
>poorfags are just jealous they can't afford it
Because pretending your ability to acquire old children's toys is proof of your success in material life distracts you from the fact that your arrested development prevents you from engaging with the experiences that make material life worthwhile in the first place.

>> No.9658703

cope and seethe

>> No.9658710

They attack that stereotype because it is accurate.

>> No.9658712

If that helps you sleep at night, anon, sure.

>> No.9658720

Also, videogames are an escape from reality. Most adults that play them acknowledge this, and treat playing them as a mildly shameful weakness in their character, a coping mechanism for some insoluble problem. Collectors, on the other hand, refuse to acknowledge that games are an escape. By buying game objects for display, they indicate that they view the objects as worth showing off, either as an accomplishment of acquisition or devotion to the medium, or as art pieces with value inherent to themselves. As art objects they are tasteless and trite, but (more significantly) as marks of achievement, of exertion to acquire and master, they're fucking pitiful. The energy, money, and willpower spent searching for old game accessories could be spent hunting, fishing, woodcarving, traveling to foreign countries, playing musical instruments, sleeping with women, raising children, exercising; each of these things would yield their own trophies, far more valuable and worthy of display than children's toys acquired in adulthood. But coomlectors suffer from a sickness of spirit which precludes their participation in any really strenuous activities, so they regress to the acquisitive fantasies of their childhood and never manage to move on to trophies which suit an adult's capabilities

>> No.9658726

Damn, all that overthinking and mental gymnastics. Who knew owning games puts me inside the heads of so many people.

>> No.9658732

>don't think, just consume product and get nostalgic for old product

>> No.9658736


>> No.9658738

I don't know anon, I'm not the one who can't stop thinking about people I consider to be below me.

>> No.9658768

The tl;dr is that collectors are faggot manchildren with OCD.

>> No.9658771


>> No.9658772

i think the word you are looking for is hobby

>> No.9658776

There are people in this thread who have said they collect purely because they like the ritual of inserting cartridges into consoles to play.
If that isn't OCD, explain to me what is.
Also, consumption isn't a hobby

>> No.9658782

Consumption isn't a hobby for people like you. Losing sleep over said people is your hobby, poornigger. Every job requires money. Tell car hobbyists that buying cars isn't a hobby because you're too poor to engage with it.

>> No.9658787

It's weird this website is so autistic about video games in particular. I think this is because game players in general are fucking morons. It also might just be because of how normalfag it has become.

Discuss piracy on the anime board? Choose to buy physical releases? Either is fine, no big deal. Discuss pirating software or buying new computer parts on the technology board? Either is fine, no big deal. Discuss pirating or physically buying games on any video game board? FUCKING KILL YOURSELF YOU JEW POORFAG LARPER PIRATE CONSUMER etc etc etc. Boards like /vr/ and /v/ are borderline unusable because of this.

>> No.9658789

>Consumption isn't a hobby for people like you
Yes, because I matured into adulthood.
>Losing sleep over said people is your hobby, poornigger.
Trolling emotionally retarded faggots is just one of many hobbies I have.
And there's the poorfag doublethink cope, right on schedule.

>> No.9658790

You clearly don't visit /a/ or /g/.

>> No.9658792

everyone who has a dvd library is compulsive?
everyone who has a vhs collection is compulsive?
u could just download faggy yify rips instead right?

do you understand how retarded you sound???

>> No.9658801

>everyone who has a DVD library is compulsive

>> No.9658805

No one actually cares about piracy. I'm a collectorfag and I think piracy is not only a good thing but essential, and will only get more and more relevant and important as time goes on. The only people that would unironically defend corporations are some weird brainwashed loyalists, usually Nintendo fans.
The pushback against any sort of emulation is because zoomers and assorted poorfags cannot stand the fact they can't own real hardware and real games. They missed the bandwagon on the popular thing and they'll never get a chance to own most /vr/ related things. It's why threads like these exist. They're frustrated and angry and need to vent into the void, and convince themselves emulation is somehow better. It's why no one likes them, piracy as far as /vr/ goes has been permanently associated with bottom feeding scum.

>> No.9658807

lmao do you know how fucking manic and butthurt you sound?
Take a Xanax and lie down, faggot.

>> No.9658808

Nigger we hate you because you're manchildren. No none is jealous that you (an adult) are capable of purchasing children's toys from 20 years ago. It's fucking pathetic. You are pathetic.

>> No.9658810

*takes a huge shit on your face*

>> No.9658816

>You are pathetic.
you are attempting to argue on 4chan
please take a look at your life choices
stop caring what other people do
you think richfags give a fuck what others think of their neogeo collection?
you think they let their wives tell them to sell it all?

get a grip

>> No.9658820

I'm glad I'm not so insecure that I would write walls of text trying to bargain with myself that my way of thinking is correct regarding my preference on owning video games. I hope you go on boards like /ck/ and write walls of text about how owning fine china makes you a man-child with horrible priorities.

>> No.9658821

Don't worry, he'll come back with the same circular ad hominem rhetoric and how he doesn't care, while posting on threads like this everyday.

>> No.9658825

Yeah, his lack of self awareness is actually astounding. It's like the zoomers memes are actually tamer than reality.

>> No.9658830

There are literally threads dedicated to buying /a/ related shit on the board 24/7, and people ask about new torrents constantly. Don't out yourself as a newfag so blatantly unless you want people to instantly throw your posts in the garbage.

>> No.9658849

>a-actually, calling me a retarded manchild makes YOU retarded, so ha!
>a-actually, my seething about YOUR opinion means YOU are seething about MINE!
>muh fallacies
>muh zoomers
You consoomers are just completely buckbroken, and whining, huh. It's pathetic. Throwing everything in the book at it because you know it's true.

>> No.9658852

collecting vintage items make us consumers?
you think sony, nintendo, and sega make a profit somehow 50 years later?????

>> No.9658853

Brand fetishization is still brand fetishization. Lusting after eg an old Rolex isn't much better than lusting after a new one. What's the value in owning it?
>I like it
That's not where the value lies, that's just restating that you value it. The value lies either in the art of the object or in the accomplishment of owning it, as I said, and both are pathetic.

>> No.9658865

>i'm smart and impressive because i own nothing, heh

>> No.9658873

>I'm smart and impressive because I own old children's toys, heh
Nigger I never said I'm smart, I said YOU are pathetic. Trying to collapse that difference won't work.

>> No.9658878
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I think some people care too much about what others do, but yeah I can understand being bothered by retro gaming prices skyrocketing if you intend to collect yourself. However, if you're happy emulating, you shouldn't care.
What weirds me out is people getting mad at others merely owning stuff. Like, what if I just never got rid of my own stuff I got back in the day? Why does that bother you?

>> No.9658894

Motte and Bailey.
>people are jealous of my possessions
No, we're not, in fact we think they're cringe
>Jesus, why are you hating on me just for having possessions?
"collecting" isn't "owning", collecting is owning conspicuously and presenting what you own to other people as though it's an accomplishment. Like all the retards ITT seething about "poorfags" are doing.

>> No.9658901

yes owning things is pathetic
you will own nothing, and be happy
you will eat the poisoned food, you will eat the fucking bugs

please educate yourself
please allow yourself a shred of happiness

>> No.9658906

Taking pride in what you own is pathetic, yes.
>eat the bugs memes
>from collectors of corporate products
You're inverting the meme to pretend that the only way to spite corporations is to suck their cocks so hard that you buy children's toys to recapture the consooming you did in your childhood.

>> No.9658950

CD keys
Ambiguous comparability

>> No.9658956

Are you really so stupid you think a corporation gets money when you buy a game aftermarket?

>> No.9658961

i dont understand why you are so upset
buying and enjoying videogames is literally a normie-tier hobby
literal dudebros collect arcade pcb and cabs

you have done nothing in this thread besides flamewar and fail to backup your arguments


>> No.9658967

So you’re seething that people own and talk about things but you’re not jealous?
Yeah okay lol

>> No.9658969

Because everybody loves a good dumpster fire.

>> No.9658973

>Conspicuous consumption of product intended for children is the only way I, as a developmentally stunted adult, can attain something resembling joy.
Many such cases.

>> No.9659015

>I matured into adulthood
>trolling is my hobby
I would tell you to pick one but it seems like you already have.

>> No.9659019

I’m legitimately curious what your hobbies are

>> No.9659026

not all games were/are marketed to children; don't be disingenuous

>> No.9659037

Road cycling

>> No.9659049

It's not about money, it's about not sucking corporate dick
It pissed me off that niggers ITT act like owning an old toy is some kind of achievement
See above

>> No.9659053
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Only game worth keepinh physically is pic-rel.

>> No.9659073

Ah cool my dad races bikes never got into it like him but I did it for a bit. My sport of choice is rock climbing, though I’ve been down for a while due to a tendon injury.

You obviously have multiple hobbies though, and I think most people who collect old games are going to be the same.

I’m also in two bands, one modern and one traditional, plus I write and occasionally perform poetry. Most people I know who are into these things are relatively active people, and have money and time to spend on games specifically because it *is* more than an escape. Sure you get your literal autsists and youtube drones but I think in general people who just want to sit around home and passively exist aren’t bothering to fuck around with finding physical copies, soldering shit to fix their consoles, hunting auctions for PVMs and shit. They’re just gonna load up the rom.

>> No.9659075

You’re gonna have to explain to me how not giving a corporation money is “sucking corporate dick”

>> No.9659081

Collections were only respectable when they weren't just another avenue for social clout and fulfilling your corporate-mandated consoomer credit. People collected things they were passionate about, with no social reward and often the risk of social revulsion, which was a sign of genuine passion for the things being collected.

>> No.9659082

He's mad because last night anon, I went to his house, right, and I literally the underwear he was wearing, and it had like brown stains on it. He also smelled very bad as well, lol.

>> No.9659083

And where is that anger coming from, anon? I don’t get mad when other people find joy in things I don’t. What could be the source of such seething? What harm does it cause to your sense of self worth?

>> No.9659084

You're devoting space in your home and money from your wallet to the soulless, artless products of the corporate machine for basically no reason.

>> No.9659089

Stfu you piece of shit mexican trailer living beer drinking mestizo goblino de la sicilian mafia.

>> No.9659091

Only an insecure person would assume that any offense someone else takes is rooted in insecurity. Trannies don't harm my self worth, and I still call them retarded. F*rries don't harm my self worth, and I still call them retarded. And coomlectors don't harm my self worth, and I still calm them retarded.
Maybe it's just altruism. Can't stand to see faggots being cringey retards without at least being told about it.

>> No.9659092

It was always cool
Because of all the things you can collect as an adult, children's toys comes across as exceptionally sad.
>Unironically is it because of freaks like Metal Jesus and those Pixel Squad guys?
Dunno who they are, but they sound like fags.

>> No.9659096

>Soulless, artless
Oh come on now you can’t even get me to pretend you actually think this.

Also my collection takes up a couple of shelves. Maybe that’s a problem in a NYC apartment but not in a 1,500 sq ft house

>> No.9659103

The answer is obviously jealousy

You literally admitted to being mad lmao

>> No.9659114

Obviously collecting less gaming stuff, and devoting less time and money to it, is less cringe than collecting more. Picking up a GameCube at a yardsale to fuck with isn't cringe. Building a shrine to Zelda or stacking three bookshelves full of rare carts is.
"Mad" and "jealous" are two different emotions, you retarded nigger

>> No.9659126

Nothing wrong with having a physical collection. What people can't stand is hoarders and fags like Metaljesus, that won't shut up and keep making prices worse for everyone. You don't need 4 copies of Chrono Trigger and 30 CRT TVs.

Then there's the scalpers trying to sell you old shit for stupid prices. I bought my PVM 3 years ago for $128, and even back then, that was a little steep. Today, that motherfucker is $500 or more. There's absolutely no reason for CRTs to be so damn expensive, unless they've been refurbished or modded.

I'm just bitching for no reason. I have every game system and game that I could possibly want. Flashcarts for anything else. Collecting just feels like a full time job nowadays. It's not fun.

>> No.9659159

I don’t really see why. This argument just makes it seem more like jealousy. “Its fine if you do it on the level I can do it but once you’re past that it makes me angry”

>> No.9659167 [DELETED] 

You're a spic mexican with garlic bean breath, stfu you stupid brown shitskin manlet.

>> No.9659198

I rest my case. You are a troll. You admit you're nothing more than a troll.

>> No.9659214

This is why people need to start reporting these trolls. He admitted he's a troll in this thread. Get these trolls banned.

>> No.9659220

The only "giNger" in this thread is you, troll.

>> No.9659223

It's kinda because of YouTubers ruining the market but also because zoomers don't own anything and are tied to accounts. It's important for Apple that zoomers not try other platforms and especially not buy physical movies and music not on itunes.

>> No.9659228

The same POS in this thread crying about collecting plastic are the same POS that shit up every single MiSTer thread. I'm sick of these trolls. Doing what they're doing is obviously trolling. The Janitors need to do something about this. I'm sick of it.

>> No.9659251

>OP is an inflammatory thread about "why it's suddenly cool to hate on the innocent little collectorinos"
>People who hate collectors enter the thread to explain why
I understand that autism makes it difficult to empathize with people who don't agree with you, but come the fuck on anon

>> No.9659254 [DELETED] 

You're a nigger spic, go back to sicily lol

>> No.9659330

What case?
You accused me of being mentally ill.
Or are all trolls mentally ill to you?
The fact that I had to spell it out to you only proves that you're retarded and have poor impulse control.

>> No.9659381
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Nostalgia is inherently sensory. You've never walked into a random place, gotten a whiff of a familiar scent, and suddenly you're 8 years old for a split second? It's not crazy that someone enjoys a tactile experience that is long obsolete. Collector extremists who think people using emulation on LCD monitors are bastards obviously have lost the forest for the trees. But at the same time the overcorrection that all these people are nutjobs for wanting a shelf of games is equally silly. People inherently understand that the value of an object is rarely limited to dollars and cents. Is sentimentality an alien concept?

>> No.9659382

>Or are all trolls mentally ill to you?
Not him but yes, obviously

>> No.9659387

Also remember that very few collectors started gaming at 25. Most "collections" started as kids and were gifts from family, some of whom may be dead now. There's an obvious clue in for why people might collect NES games or whatever.

>> No.9659504

>Also remember that very few collectors started gaming at 25
Ok now you're literally just trolling. Most collectors are people who had limited access to games as a kid and then started buying lots of games once they became an adult because finally they have money and they want to play all of the games that they missed out on.

>> No.9659507

What? I just never stopped buying games. I didn’t start as an adult, I was spending allowance on them as soon as I got one and moved on to spending paychecks

>> No.9659521

Anon are you trying to seduce me

>> No.9659550

My comment clearly doesn't apply to you, richfag.

>> No.9659556


I couldn’t careless, flash carts are good, buying physical is a waste of time, money, space.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to beat a Zombies Ate My Neighbors romhack.

>> No.9659565

Calm down, look I've had a pretty rad childhood (Girls chasing me, smart at school, build and invented stuff, and involved in Mafia wars and online wars [Yes, online]), but ya gotta be respectful, man. You're doing not so a good job at keeping your patience in check, anon.

>> No.9659602

The people who hate it are usually poor fags who don't have the space for it. Whether or not Metal Jesus, Pixel Squad or AVGN has anything to do with that sounds nonsensical.

>> No.9659621
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While reading a book on a real book and listening to an audiobook/kindle isn't the same experience, you're consuming the same media. You both consumed the contents of the book in some way so the actual way of doing it does not matter, you read the content and it's just preference and the key point is now you can discuss that piece of media because the most important part is consuming it right. Maybe it isn't the same experience, but it's the same thing at the end of the day. You both played the game. Real hardware is not any objectively better experience. Emulation is definitely easier, faster, you're able to play the game with whatever controller you like, you can play it on any monitor you like, you can play it even better than the original console could. It if anything is the more objectively better way to play and at the very least as valid as playing the original. If you like collecting thats fine, but you should admit you just like it for the superficial collecting aspect. If it was merely about experiencing the game there'd be no problem with emulation. If at the end of the day all you care about is consuming the story the author wrote or playing the game the developers made then theres nothing wrong at all with kindles or audiobooks or emulation because they're all equally valid and just as good if not better than the originals. But the point for collectors isn't to play the games, I doubt most people who own mass and mass collections (Like scott the woz or other youtube collectors) have played even a third of their library to completion. There's nothing wrong with hoarding mass amounts of vidya you don't play but the fact you have an interest at all for collecting mass amounts of vidya you dont play shows that this isn't really about experiencing the game in any better way, it's about collecting

>> No.9659638
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To say more, this whole argument and discussion just seems stupid. Collecting retro games is not the same as playing retro games. To start the argument is a whole can of worms. Did we both play the same game, lets say Mega Man, If I used a xbox Series X controller using the same keybinds as the original on an emulator? If that isn't a valid way of playing then what makes using a third party controller with turbo buttons on original hardware any more valid. What if I emulated on a CRT monitor at 240p with scanlines, is that less valid due to the fact it's being emulated than if I had plugged my original console (with a third party controller) with an HDMI mod or upscaler into my LCD tv? At what point is something original and a false experience. And then we'd have to start talking about save states, or game shark. It's a huge argument which will probably lead no where due to our own specific ideas of what is a valid way of playing a game. Maybe if collecting was merely it's own separate hobby different from video game playing then it'd be easier.

>> No.9659676

>heavy hitters like Donkey Kong Country and Super Mario World.
LMAO those are titles that are available in millions of produced copies. Try games that sold 40k-100k worldwide but are considered gems these days. Check the prices of games like Haunting Grounds.

>> No.9659704

Yes but also the brain dead consoomer mentality where collecting comes above all else even when something is shitty and soulless. (For example: Funko Pops,
or anything Star Wars post 2011)

>> No.9659723

nta but in my experience 99% of hidden gems are hidden because they suck dick

>> No.9659808

/vr/ would be a much better board if hardware vs emulation threads and discussion were banned.

>> No.9659817

But then people would have to talk about video games

>> No.9659827
File: 29 KB, 1336x1011, Screenshot 2023-01-31 051313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i dunno anonkun
in some cases emulation is literally BETTER than the original hardware

can fucking rewind
can save anywhere
can play the entire library for free

emulation qualms usually only appear on shitmon setups

>> No.9659848

I will dont Pay 1000 Dollars for a Game that i can Play for Free in just 2 Minutes

>> No.9659896

I don't even care anymore.
I'd rather just assume everyone has a theoretical "perfect" setup for playing games and then actually discuss playing them.

>> No.9660060

Allowance... richfag. What? What are you Brazilian?

>> No.9660065

Yes. However this thread so far proves the Jannies here have no interest in actually doing anything trolling.

>> No.9660138

It's not prices that went up, it's the value of your currency that went down, you got fucked since the beginning, visit /biz/ if you want to know more

>> No.9660236

You're not entirely wrong, but the scales of supply and demand did sway, anon.

>> No.9660278

Because of inflation, without that the supply and demand would be stable, collecting is niche and it would change hands more often if there were no financial incentives behind to attract people and speculators too, a lot of the price increases has to do with people trying to make money, collecting got more popular because of prices increasing and bringing more attention, there is a LOT of games, they are not scarce, only thing scarce is the sealed market which is a thing of its own

>> No.9660279

I paid $150 for a 32" D-series that was sitting in a climate controlled warehouse for 18 years. It was completely new, never opened, never used. It was a bit pricey for a consumer set, but I looked at it as "I just bought a brand new TV for $150" and honestly I could not be more pleased. Even if a capacitor fails, that is way easier to deal with than a worn tube.

Nigger I've been on /a/ since 2007 and everyone there pretty much openly mocks anyone who willingly pays the eternal Jap their hard-earned yen. Piracy is rampant and whenever Japan complains about gaijins pirating anime, /a/'s response is almost always "too bad yellow faggots, get back to work"

>> No.9660323
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>it's still going to be basically worthless scrap now that nobody is going to be willing to pay you for.
You are out of the loop. Pentium III and earlier PCs are now fairly valuable.
This old optiplex just sold for $299 + $48 shipping on ebay.

>> No.9660363

This sounds like something someone might say if they were paying absolutely no attention to this market at all and just glanced at a chart

>> No.9660365

Jesus Christ what kind of miserable life have you lived if you think giving a kid a few bucks every week is only a rich people thing

>> No.9660370

Please learn where your enter key is

>> No.9660372

When you got priced out, so you decide to seethe at all the people who got to actually just build up a collection in the good ol' days.
T.zillenial who will never even be able to fill one bookshelf with non-CIB vidya, and fartcarts.

>> No.9660373

This thread has been kinda good if you remove the shitflinging. Lots of in depth and valuable discussion in here

>> No.9660390

Fuck man all my nerd hobbies have had their respective items go crazy in terms of pricing, I fucking got into this shit 3 years ago, so was some how lucky to just miss the boom. I feel sick to my stomach knowing someone would even pay that much for an optiplex, considering I dropped 30 usd on mine. My fucking pvm I have just went for 500, the gameboy carts I have all went up like 10 dollars each, god this has to slow down right?

>> No.9660392

In 2011 prices shot up and people thought they’d come down

On the while they climbed steadily upward until 2020 when they shot up even higher and faster so… I dunno, maybe? I hope?

>> No.9660401

bruh I thought this covid spike was situational and done for you know we were all trapped inside, so why not indulge in nostalgic vidya, but that shit has been over for awhile, and there's like another fucking boom happening W H A T T H E F U C K

>> No.9660418

Depressing, isn't it? I don't even care that a lot of my stuff is worth big money now. I just wanted to play and collect classic comfy games.

>> No.9660427

It fucking is, but it's sad now to know it's not just others priced out of the hobby, my ass is priced out of the hobby if I ever get rid of this shit, if I knew a pc would be 200 or a pvm 500 I'd fucking never even start with any of this shit.

>> No.9660428

Maybe but it's true, money losing value has very deep and complex impacts including people's behaviours, not just prices going up

>> No.9660442

Resellers and speculators refuse to sell for $1 less than going rate

Collectors don’t want to sell anything because anything they parted with in the last ten years is now harder to get

Newbies to the hobby slurp up the first price they see on ebay without hunting for a deal

No new copies are being produced. However, many copies come to rest ina collection where they will stay for many years or are destroyed. Meanwhile, demand mostly only rises as new people get into the hobby.

All of these contribute to a steady upward climb

>> No.9660461

I get sick thinking about how many I threw away or passed up on over the last decade.
But if I and millions of others like me had not done that then they wouldn't be worth as much.

>> No.9660469

My brother back in like 2009 went and blue like 20 bucks at game crazy and came home with a shitton of n64 carts for his birhtday, we got bored of having a n64 and it either got thrown away, or my older brother hoarded the carts off to his collection, anyways he had all the games you'd want dk64, oot, sm64, other shit for like 20 bucks I swear it was like 1 or 2 bucks a game.

>> No.9660479

you are confusing jealousy with envy

>> No.9660515
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I's crazy how things were dirt cheap back then. My rental video store was clearing out their SNES games so they were selling every game for a dollar each.
I blew all my money that I had that day.

>> No.9660517

Not pictured are other games like Final Fantasy II and III, and Earthbound.

>> No.9660854


I prefer reading on my phone to reading physical books. The convenience factor of having all your books in your pocket all the time alone makes it superior, but it's also free, backlit, marks your progress for you, has an easy longpress feature to translate foreign words, search function, the list goes on and on.

>> No.9660884
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>When and why did it become cool to hate on people for having physical collections?
early 2000s when coomlectors starting having entire rooms lined with shelves filled with games they never play.

>> No.9660891

>I don't call it a "collection"
because metal jesus ruined the word

>> No.9660985

>No new copies are being produced. However, many copies come to rest ina collection where they will stay for many years or are destroyed. Meanwhile, demand mostly only rises as new people get into the hobby.
This has always been true even when prices were low. The only explanation is that more people are entering the hobby than leaving it. But that also makes no sense if its a seller's market and people are largely priced out. The $3000 Earthbounds and $1500 Panzer Dragoon Sagas have to be locked in a closed loop.

>> No.9660993

I seriously don't see the appeal of collecting but if it satisfies others then I let them be. However, some people here are delusional in thinking the reason others don't collect is because they're poor. I don't think anyone envies a neckbeard for having an expensive collection of overpriced plastic.

>> No.9661000

Bro this is 4chan. At least half of the people here are on the spectrum. Autists love surrounding themselves with carefully sorted things. If you're normal like me you will never see the appeal, but these people don't have much going for them except their collection of plastic. Let them be.

>> No.9661078


Just found these and giving my fellow anons a heads up

>> No.9661208

Yeah but those are not the only games out there

>> No.9661287

A number of SNES games with their original boxes in good condition for those who haven't clicked the link

>> No.9661294

Why do people keep saying "plastic" as if they don't understand that there's a game inside of the plastic that you can play?
Sometimes it's a really good game, too! That's what makes the hobby fun!
You guys seriously didn't know this or what?

>> No.9661301

if you are stuck with 10 years old emulators, that is
most consoles - barring n64 - is playable near perfectly that most people would not notice the imperfections

>> No.9661304

>near perfectly
So not perfect?
So jank?

>> No.9661319

because "plastic" is a euphemism for a graded game that YOU WONT OPEN AND PLAY

>> No.9661321

N64 runs perfect now too. only one that is iffy is first Xbox.

>> No.9661325

If we're just talking about collectors who don't even play the games they collect, then yeah, those guys are fags

>> No.9661339

you try to sound like you don't know the deal
if you haven't runned an emulator before, do now, compare whatever game you have with it
as >>9661321 anon says, only shoddy emulators are xbox and irrelevant third parties (game.com, watara, hyperscan etc.)

>> No.9661343

Like less than 1% of this hobby falls for the graded game meme

>> No.9661351

What about not /vr/ games?
What about N64?
Plenty of Saturn games run like shit too. Then you have stuff that uses additional hardware, like Boktai

>> No.9661363

I had no trouble emulating Saturn, but i have not tried extensively the library
which games are troubled with emulation, elaborate
already said it was a bit shoddy, but mupen64 is very good, pj64 had received a 3.0 update, which runs extremely well aswell
you probably mean DS, Wii, PSP, PS3, Xbox and a whole slew of others
DS is hit or miss on PC, but excellent on phone
Wii is the same as Gamecube, meaning it's indistinguishable
PSP, same as above
PS3 has entered development relatively recently, thus expect not good output
Xbox, i don't know, but pretty sure you can run them on windows

>> No.9661426

So we can agree with my original statement that plenty of emulation is still jank

>> No.9661437

you are mentally challenged
go boot up an emulator
roms and emus are free
here's your (You) btw

>> No.9661534

No but it's a microcosm of the larger issue. The thing that kept the market stable was that people would come into the hobby and others would leave it. You tended to see big lots getting dumped on Ebay by people who had major life changes and were looking to downsize. They turned 30 and got married. They had a kid. They moved. And while they were still gaming they no longer valued all the shit they amassed. Then it would get parted out to other people. It was maybe 15 years ago that Panzer Dragoon Saga was around $500 and that was considered one of the upper ends of expensive retail releases. Now you're not seeing that cycle anymore. So either people aren't getting out of the hobby as frequently as they used to (in a seller's market that seems unlikely) or there's a MASSIVE influx of people getting into it that's way bigger than there ever was before (odd as well since it's a fucking expensive hobby now). But if the latter is the case then doesn't that suggest that prices will crater down the line as these new people hit that wall and start unloading their shit? Unless suddenly everyone has become a hoarder and nobody ever liquidates anymore.

>> No.9661556

PCSX2 is absolutely still jank. Not even close to being able to just fire up random games and play them like native.

On the flip side PS2 piracy is incredibly cheap, easy, and convenient.

>> No.9661715

I do, regularly
Its not difficult

>> No.9661735

I hate goodwill with a passion. Those bastards had a box of sealed wax pack Nintendo trading cards. They took all the packs out of the box rubber banded three packs together tight and was trying to sell those lots of three for ten dollars a piece.

>> No.9661765

It's mostly jealous poorfags who got into the hobby too late so now they try to be elitist over the fact they're a bunch of newfags. Pay no mind to them while they're emulating my pristine collection will age like a fine wine further increasing in value.

>> No.9661805

This sentiment is so retarded and has been repeated so often ITT that I choose to believe it's a samefag.

>> No.9661827

Indeed. My collection is already increasing in value, which makes me feel good.

>> No.9661968

I have a huge collection but still emulate.

>> No.9661969

What you said has been said so many times in this thread it makes me think you're troll from up above.

>> No.9661974

I'm a hardware collector and I love my MiSTer. I prefer playing CD-Rom games on it than my real consoles.

>> No.9662032
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>> No.9662179

>even heavy hitters like Donkey Kong Country and Super Mario World.
Those are nothing.
A game doesn't become a heavy hitter until it is over $1000.

>> No.9662193

You are silly.
Your argument is silly.
The time when you could buy /vr/ era retro games for $1 and $2 at yard sales and flea markets was limited time thing that occurred when these games were about three to four generations old and there were still plenty of them laying around in people's closets, cabinets, and under their beds. When mom and pop video stores were going out of business and their old games made their way onto the used market.

When you consider the original price of these games ($30 to $75) and the amount of entertainment they can provide (many hours) it is preposterous to consider a person would be willing to sell them for less than the price of a McDouble. The absolute floor for a retro game right now is probably about $5 because the plastic shell is worth that much to be used to make repros. For good games people want to play it's going to worth more than the cost of a big mac.

If you want super cheap games they are currently out there but they are in the form of disc-only PS3, 360, and Wii games.
Those are still floating around and coming out of people's houses to the yard sale tables.

>food analogy
yeah, I went there. deal with it.

>> No.9662309

Collecting video games is retardation in my opinion. I collect select model trains that I'm sure iFunny.co users will think I'm retardation for collecting. We all have our thing. Spending a lot of money for over produced things is gay

>> No.9662329


>> No.9662354

Obsession with media is infantile and screams creepy/weird.

>> No.9662430

Thich Naht Han warns against "spiritual materialism" as well.

>> No.9662450

Surely, everyone buys three copies of every game they purchase? One is for collecting, one is for playing, and one is for reselling.

>> No.9662570
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Most people just care about playing the games, and not the physical trinkets. Why do you think even on consoles a lot of people are switching to digital only purchases?

>> No.9662786

>t. coping poorfag
Theres nothing wrong with being poor and emulating, but trying to spin it as something philosophical is really gay.

>> No.9662796
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Unironically, why live? We'll never go back to this, so what's the point?

>> No.9662838

It's basically a pyramid skeem

>> No.9662917

>Why do you think even on consoles a lot of people are switching to digital only purchases?
Because a large portion of society is retarded.
With digital downloads you have to abide by DRM, you can't resell your game, and you risk losing it if the service shuts down.

>> No.9662943

Games are literally experiences

>> No.9662985

Then you'll be shit out of luck when you can't access the patches and the DLC expansion after the servers shut down. Leaving you with an incomplete experience even with a physical copy. Best option is to just curate your own piracy collection.

>> No.9662990

I dont have a problem with physical copies, I like to buy games so I can sell overpriced to a zoomer or a fat pig later

>> No.9663002

I can smell your desperation to be respected

>> No.9663003

Because people are idiotic sheep

>> No.9663283

Retards don't spend a total of $40 that increase to over $100k in value. Try again newfag.